Ezekiel Yasad | Build Your Mind Then Your Kingdom

Never Allow Fear To Lead You | We'd Rather THINK!

Fear is an illusion, a barrier in front of success. Fear has the power to fool us, but not the power to conquer our life.

Broadcast on:
31 Jul 2024
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Fear is an illusion, a barrier in front of success. Fear has the power to fool us, but not the power to conquer our life.

One thing we all desire in life is to be successful, whatever that looks like because it's never the same for everyone, but we all fear the process of success because it involves hard work, not just with your hands, but with your mind and with your committed behavior. Your behavior has to follow your mindset to get to that goal and most of us fear change because success requires you to change daily. Self-discipline is the biggest key to accomplishing anything because you're disciplining yourself to not just be a part of your goals, but to accomplish them and that's the point. What you think of, I don't care if it's small, it must be accomplished. If that's the level you own at that moment, still accomplish it because you only go up from there. Once you get into that category, you're going to start seeing yourself sprout because you stay disciplined on growing and it's important to understand that we do not grow unless we're disciplined. If you don't gain what you're trying to gain by being comfortable and then saying that you can do it tomorrow or it's not that serious. This guy is fatter or this guy right here is he has a good body with minds look better. You don't gain nothing out of that. Fear looks like many other words. It looks like comfortable. It looks like humble. It resembles words that are great. We have to understand that we cannot let fear interrupt because fear is no difference than a wolf and covered up in sheep clothing. You got to be careful. Fear is in disguise, a wolf in sheep clothing. How can you identify fear if you're not familiar with what it looks like? Fear know what you like. Fear has no difference than your greatness knowing what you don't like. So fear know exactly what you like. So, okay, another hour of rest. Just eat another slice of ice cream, another slice of pizza, another scoop of ice cream. There's nothing wrong with it. Just put your feet up and watch some TV. Right. When fear starts talking like that, you'll think that your conscious is just dealing with you and trying to help you smooth, relax your day, smoothing out your day. You want everything to end well, but that's not the situation. The situation is you're deteriorating. You're you're getting further away from the goal. You're in focus. Now your competition who you don't know nothing about, you haven't even thought of them. They are 10 miles ahead of you for one simple slip that I turned into a hundred slips. One slip is leading you to a hundred slips to be exact. Your competitors who you may not see are doing something that you're not doing while you're sitting and relaxing and just unwinding from your day. They're going after their goal with gusto. And even furthermore, you are competing against yourself. So if you did your workout yesterday and you decided today, I'm just taking a break, not the normal break you would take after working out three, four, five days already for the week. And you're now giving your body time to rest. That's different, but you're just choosing. Well today, I don't feel like it. Feel like it is a symptom of fear. So if you're choosing to not do what you know you should do, that's losing to who you are yesterday. Competition only starts when someone sees you or see what you have. And then you wouldn't even know you're in a race with these individuals. And then now all of a sudden you start to see this person looking good, but you have no idea that they're inspired by you. You have no idea that you started their process. And while you're slowing down your process, they're going ahead of you. And in some cases, some people not even trying to go ahead of you. There's still competition involved, but they're addicted to the success in it. You got comfortable in a success route. So what happened now is now you had the self-motivation. You gave the others self-motivation. Now you've turned competition into number one. And then now you have to regain and restore yourself, which can take a process. Because we all know that when we're trying to heal from knowing that we broke our discipline code, what we start to do from that point is more and on ourselves. We start to treat ourselves like our whole reality just died. And you can literally feel like that and live like that for the rest of your life. And it can be the opposite way as well. You can work as hard as you can. It's hard. You could believe you put everything into it, everything. You didn't miss nothing. And someone else has reached that success point that you was looking for. And you can just quit. Not fear can own you. Because now you're seeing that someone else gained more popularity, more views, more this that or whatever they gained. Now fear can say you fear giving it another try because you believe you put everything into it. When what you basically did was put the basics into it. You haven't even reached the middle of what you're doing. You're not in a prime. You're nowhere. So now guess what? Since I'm close enough to have a conversation with you, this is how I want to guide you. I want you to wake up and I want you to feel heavy. I want you to take a shower and it doesn't do nothing for you. I want you to think about starting and pressing go and then don't do it. I want you to feel comfortable just staring at yourself, calling yourself a loser, calling yourself a failure. You don't hear it this way guys, but that's what's going on within your flesh. Your body is moving this way. People can tell you're sad. You know you sad and you know why the way that you can conquer it is by outdoing yourself. You have to outdo yourself in order for fear to have no blockage in your success path. Once you are committed to what you're doing and you're doing one more than you did yesterday, every day you are stretching the goal. You're moving further and further towards your success path and fear is being blocked completely. Your brain sends signals to your nervous system when you and fear and this is what give us the reaction to just do nothing because we feel that our nerves may send us into an anxiety fight or flight. That's right and if you don't start waking up and fighting that anxiety before the approach won't take over you because fear sends anxiety to control your actions and once you understand that anxiety comes from fear then you can stop dealing and having these relationships with fear and anxiety have no way to enter into your world because we all get anxieties when we're not used to something, we're new to something and that's okay but to have anxiety to be your master is not okay and fear will really be your master because anxiety is just a soldier for fear and once we understand this then we've got to know what weapon are we going to use against fear? What weapon are we going to use against anxiety? The weapon is simple as this, outwork yourself, test yourself, challenge yourself, outdo yourself, don't look at someone else and say you have to do it like this, you have to do it just like him, he got it this way, you have to do it just like her, she got it this way, I like how she always looking at how she doing, I got to get my stuff like, see you're out doing your imagination, you can't do that, you have to literally think, make a goal and go ahead and get it accomplished, you can't say like that, like that, I want to be like that, I want to go over, no, it's good to have inspiration but you need to follow your own path. That's not inspiration, those are comments that you're giving someone and they never heard of them. You understand what I'm saying? So yeah, you're inspired to be exact but what you're really doing is giving kudos to somebody who I never know and then now in the process of you trying to develop it, you're going to still be imagining that person on how they look this that in the third but you can't really see how you're going to do so all better, it's not registering that I need to go get it together, I need to make sure let me, let me get this together. That type of stuff is challenging when you get soaked in and then making someone your idol and you didn't realize because some people take inspiration the wrong way and then they start idolizing and don't have an understanding that those are two different things because you can be inspired by somebody and then now their journey has led you to reach your journey and then you can idolize someone and then now their path is just being viewed day by day and your path is just being ignored day by day. So you have to understand each person's journey is their own yes you can be inspired but you should not copy and paste everything you have to use the tools that you have within you be consistent exercise discipline and eliminate fear. Fear is on all levels in life fear approaches every single human being in the world and fear really wants to take over the world it wants to take over our minds it want to take over our children communities even the pastors they want to take over everybody and we cannot allow fear to do so because some people allow fear to make deals with them and some people may be in such fear that they are settled for halfway of their journey let's just go to a pastor like I said some pastors will teach what they know they shouldn't teach but this is the only way that the church can stay open you can't allow these type of people to be in the church due to the scriptures but you know do also due to the government you have to they have to come in there so it's like are you going to stand up for what you believe which is the truth or are you going to do what they tell you to do which is the renege on what you have confidence in and we have to understand that if it's right and you know there's no flaw in it you have to do the right thing but fear can approach you and you do not know how it's going to retaliate so we have to understand fear will try to blackmail you fear can come with a game fear can try to frame you in any sort of way to make you go lower than fear so fear uses the tactical compromise so in the situation of the past that you are discussing they are forced to compromise their beliefs or standings just to keep an audience in the seats right right fear wants everybody to be able to depend on it so if you depend on fear then fear can have power over the world because everybody can do what they want to do which is wrong or what they feel or what it is and it'll be no truth involved it'll be nothing real involved you can do bad you can be a bad person you could be a good person fear attacks either one fear don't have no type of standards fear is going to approach everyone okay if you if you have a walk well you're doing bad things well you've done bad things and now you're trying to do good you may fear doing good because you may fear how people going to see you in your reputation all you want to solve right so that you use that as your measuring stick mm-hmm you went soft y'all you starting to read books and you're going to be a government official now you want to do all these great things and now you fear that people are going to be screaming this out versus you know you accomplishing your goal and it's important to block fear by staying focused and out doing your goal when fear starts to speak you have to realize that fear wants you to stop again like we said earlier it's going to disguise itself and say get comfortable here goes a temptation go have fun go do what you want to do you don't drink but try it tonight you don't do this but try tonight it's not going to hurt you young but when it's time to do the opposite of what that individual is then now they're oh no why you want to do that any we all go throughout how old you are you doing the opposite of who people believe you are you're crazy and they are in fear and fear of you doing good and fear of you changing your life and now that they're in fear you should see something good in yourself but a lot of people they they're trying to exercise the strength of fear to make you fear and you got to be careful people are trying to wiggle you out of greatness that's why you have to outdo yourself not live what people think of you so once you are a short of what you are and who you are and the goal you've set then you know with consistency discipline and having a clear understanding of what it is that you're trying to achieve somebody laugh at you someone says something behind your back and they know you wouldn't like it if you found out about it you know they really hope you find out about it and hope you fear what their comments are behind your back this is why when people speak about you or someone hating jealous and envy you should definitely be proud of yourself you know made it into someone mind and they're not in yours you done made it to having someone to worry about your your outcome your success if they can see you can make it you better see you can make it one thing about a hater or someone that's jealous and envy they watch you because you're close no one watch you because they like what you're doing they only watch to see how close or you're getting every day and you must understand that anything you're trying to accomplish your haters are your first fans they're your true cheerleaders they're the ones that's going to be inspired and they should be the ones inspiring you right now without your haters without the envy and jealous you have no reputation because the first people that's going to talk about you is the people who's watching and normally the people who's watching and you don't know about are envious it don't matter what feel you and how much money you got it works like this so if you're doing something great you can be fat and then you say hey i want to start losing weight you say that to the wrong person they're going to tell everybody it doesn't matter though because you can say you want to lose weight and then you can just start going around the block and chocking around your community people say oh man he finally finally getting off the couch he's finally losing that weight a year ago by they see a lot of weight done went off so guess what happens they start changing the conversation because they have to give updates the conversations change the updates change and now they're being inspired but at first of course they're going to hate and be jealous because you're doing something great now that you have seceded it or you're close to seceding guess what they're inspired that's why you have to appreciate your haters because they are inspired by you they don't hate you and want to execute you and do all no they're inspired you're thinking further for yourself and then whatever you can do something for them and you never knew they was one of your haters that's how it works we have to embrace who we are and we have to respect our goals because everything we write down on the paper someone needs your inspiration by your actions they don't need your inspiration by you telling them your goals and you bragging on your goals they need your inspiration by your actions and if someone speaks out loud and say you can't do it you need to be thankful for that you need to be very thankful for that because that shall motivate you to do it 10 times harder that shouldn't even motivate you to go home or even like say something very disrespectful to that person you should be very inspired by that because he's telling you in advance what she that they're inspired by you and inspiration is key and we got to understand that self-motivation is real because self-motivation means you have the stronger self-discipline that means you're waking up organizing plan and no one can interrupt this so now where is fear at this point where is fear at this point where is fear at this point where is fear at this point where is fear at this point