Ezekiel Yasad | Build Your Mind Then Your Kingdom

If They Hate Then Let Them Hate | We'd Rather THINK!

Never join the thoughts of your haters. Keep them entertained by your actions and never reply to their jealousy.

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31 Jul 2024
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Never join the thoughts of your haters. Keep them entertained by your actions and never reply to their jealousy.

(speaking in foreign language) Let people believe what they want to believe about you. You know, fantasies is what makes people jealous and envious of the people that they talk about. When they disrespect you to the point where they want you to really react, it's not worth the guys. The only thing that you need to be doing is staying focused on your journey because you have fans, they're just giving negative effects now, but you have fans. These people want you to react to their favor. You need to stay away from them guys because what you are doing is bright. And we also know this one. You can look lame, you know, 'cause there's something about the people that they think that's lame, that gets all of this attention from the people who just can't stand you. Who are those people who just can't stand you that calls you lame? They want to know why you keep smiling like this, why are you so happy? You got neighbors, neighbors who can't cut their yard, but they can't, they don't cut their yard, but they can't, but you can cut your yard and there's a problem now. You can cut around on your trees, it's a problem now. You got neighbors who got nice cars, but don't keep them clean. You can have a ragtime, keep it clean. That's a problem guys, that's a problem. Don't care and don't worry about what people think of you. But I do want to mention this, keep this in your mind. Know that they are rooting for you. They just never tell you. They'll never tell you because again, you are the lame. You are the watered down according to them, but they know that you are fresh. You are the freshwater. They thinking you watered down. No, they got the oil in them. They don't know how to achieve it. So they're trying to figure out, how are you doing that when I can't do it? So it goes back to one of our prior conversations where they're in competition with something that you're not in competition with. So you are living your life being who you are, but other people are looking at you that you must have something special about you because they can't do what you're currently doing. Who do you think you are? That's what they really be saying a lot. Who do you think you are? You know, you can walk into a business for something that you came for the purpose, right? And then now you got to deal with the front desk or you can even make a call and got to deal with the customer service. And these people can hear it's something great about you. You walk in, they can see it's something great about you. And these people will quickly test you. You will think that they'll be disrespectful. You will think that they're rooting. No, no, no, no, they're testing you because they want to know how great you are. They already know what it's great. Yeah, exactly. You funny, like what's going on? Like, are you really this, you're really this good? You're really this happy. You are really this happy, you're really this free? Okay, let me go ahead right now and let me pull out this card and place it on the table so you can give some negative effects. I want to see you out of control. - What other people think of you is none of your business. Live the life that you were given. - We're going to praise the most half of that one. Soon as you do know what's going on, you talk about it. - Yes. - You start wrestling inside your mind, like, hold on, why they feel like that? You may not show it, but you do act yourself like, why they feel like that? Like, especially if they know people that you know, you can even speak to people like, hold on, what did I do to that person? And that's not good. You should be silent the entire time throughout the entire war because they're starting a war with you. Garbage propaganda. This is garbage propaganda. And it doesn't make sense to give any attention to something that is garbage, guys. People love you. People want you to be around. - They can't compete with what is naturally. They have to put on a costume to even try to be in competition or on the same wavelength. So when you understand that there's different caliber of quality, it's just different levels, but you have to know the level you're on and execute that level with perfection. So for example, let's go back. You have the dollar store. Then you have family dollar. Then you have the corner store. Then you have Walmart. Then you have Target. Then you have Nordstrom. Whatever level you're on, execute that level because not everybody was made on the same level. - Like, when you hate something immediately, that's just 100% ego. The ego has took advantage of you and the ego has put fear in you. Now you fear. - There goes the magnet word fear. - Now you fear what everyone likes rather than fearing. I mean, rather than collaborating with what everyone likes because you can be an affiliate and not everyone likes y'all instead of them or just you. And becoming a group is better than being an individual. And this is challenging for people to understand because hate just feels so better for them. I don't understand that. But like you say, we are not even supposed to reply. It's better to not even know that someone is hating on you or talking about you or just thinking about you. It's better to not even know. - Because honestly, what benefit is it going to give you if you know that Sally down the street doesn't like you? Does it cost or stop you from living your life? Does it stop you from achieving your goals? The sad part is is when someone wants to do something to you. That's really sad. You know, words is one thing. You know, somebody could say something slick, make a crazy joke. You know, get goofy behind somebody back. Get cocky and say what they will do to you and this, that and a third. When someone just can't handle it anymore and now they want to physically hurt you, that's a sad situation. That's just sad because some people do hate to the point to where they know they lost because they just, they accept that you as a competitor are ripped. They would never see you as a partner. Some people just hate you so bad because you took something from them and that's the spotlight. - And that's crazy where everybody, if you think about it, has their own spotlight. They've just chosen to turn it off. Everyone has their own spotlight in every situation that we're all placed in. There is a moment within that situation where each person has the time to shine. And you know, that's great because with that spotlight, they also have the opportunity when the spotlight is not on them, they have the opportunity to learn with who the spotlight is on at the moment. But instead of learning, they'd rather be competitive and put their image and reputation out there as a hater or an enemy. And that just doesn't make sense. You're losing money, you're losing opportunity. You're losing a lot of things by hating on somebody. - And as you said, the culprit is ego because everyone wants to feel that they are the top dog in the fight or in the situation. When you really think about it, it's a situation that ebbs and flows. You will never be the top dog every day or in every moment. It changes from time to time. Yes, you may be the top dog in majority of the situations, but you're not always the top dog in every situation. And in situations where you are not, it's an opportunity for you to learn and grow. - When they call you lame, they consider you not dirty enough. - They're not like them. - Like they feel that they went down roads, they seen things and done things that you don't qualify to get this power that they're also reaching for. So now that they see you as maybe inexperienced in what they know, they feel that they can bring that aggression and ego towards your way to put fear in you. The best thing you can do is stay silent, remove yourself from a situation, and have nothing to do with it. Also do not affiliate yourself too much with the people that they know or that they speak to on a regular. If you already are affiliated with them, say nothing about them, and then really keep your conversation short because what you say can be turned into five different things. And then now they can say that you said this, and now this person have a right to come to you right now and defend themselves where they lie. You said something like that, but you didn't exactly say that. You was positive about the situation, but now that it went into five different mouths, it came out so negative and now it finally went to your hater. - It came off Chinese telephone. - Mm-hmm, and your hater on the way. They on the way right now. You done gave them a reason to destroy you, put a mark on your face, do something to you so that they can say, "Ah, how do you?" So that they can say you are the lower. You need to stay right there. It's amazing how we all, we all have haters. Ready or good or bad, we all have haters. And it's amazing how no one can figure out just to be quiet and let this person journey. Just relax because you're gonna have a time. - And this is why you need to be silent and keeping a high PCA when you live above the fray. You can never be solid by it if people do throw stones or dirt. - And you gotta embrace when somebody sees you so low because they really see you so high. Their actions and words is just representing you so low. But to be seen high is to be spoken of low. And we have to understand that. We have to accept that as well to as hard because we don't like people to be so negative. And so they send negative forces your way to try to bring you down. But I'm telling you guys, this is automatically gonna happen, no matter who you are, no matter who you are, especially you young adults. 18 to 25, you are under attack and you gotta remain calm, silent. See what's really going on, detected. And you gotta start moving quietly around your own team because a lot of people are just waiting on one to blow. And if you are that one, when you find out you are that one, you're gonna find out who are your enemies. And you have to know this in advance by just being silent. Don't be talking about your friends behind the bag. I don't care what they did and how funny it was. You gotta be quiet because you can turn yourself into a victim. Now you can look like a hater, but you really love this person, it's your friend. You really love him. So just be careful because the person you're talking to can be the true hater and trying to recruit you and you don't know. So we gotta understand that we don't know no one. Results of how someone really feels about you is when you become successful and you have to be careful on your way to success. Your journey to success requires you to be self-discipline, self-motivated, mark off all your duties for the day. You gotta have your sheet. You gotta be organized. And if you're not, guess what? Someone is watching what you're not doing so that they can do it. If you started it, someone will start after you when you stop. - You have to check your blind side and also eliminate all your distractions. - All of your distractions is only there to slow the process down. It's not there to make you quit. It's not there to hurt you. It's there to make sure your future is hurt. It's there to make sure your goals is not accomplished. You gotta make sure that those distractions is out of the way. A lot of men got a problem with this because they just have some problem with leaving women alone and getting their goal accomplished. They also got a problem with trying to impress other men. Like, you gotta cut all that out so you can get to where you gotta go because you already building haters and you already are hating yourself. How I understand the game. You already a hater. So you trying to get an image without even having a goal accomplished and you're trying to do things to impress people to have a specific status. But you're not realizing that you have to rebuke all of that so that you can really get where you're going. So you not self-discipline and you gotta organize that right now if you're listening to this, organize yourself. You don't have to impress nobody. You don't have to put on new clothes and new jewelry and all this stuff. You don't have to wear fake jewelry. You don't have to do none of that stuff to be cool or to be accepted. You have to accomplish your goals to be accepted because once your goals are accomplished who's gonna turn you down? And I'm not saying that you're gonna be the man and everyone's gonna respect you. But when you want something, how can it say no? You are you at that point. You built that you at that point. It must be respected 'cause who else could do it so simple as you did it. But when you was faking, anyone could do that. So if anyone could do that, you're nobody. - Just to go back to a point that you mentioned, if you're doing something for other people's validation, it's not worth it. - Anything that you do, it must be coming from within. Something that you needed to do, you were compelled to do, you were given the thought to think about, to do, to put into action, put into motion. If that is a genuine thought, great. But if you are doing something to get the impact from someone else, whether it be congratulations, whether it be a high five, whether you just wanna be involved in certain circles, it's never worth it. - Judging someone past represents fear of the future. Anyone who dwells in the past cannot enjoy the future. A war is prolonged when your enemy knows less.