Ezekiel Yasad | Build Your Mind Then Your Kingdom

Anger has NO VALUE | We'd Rather THINK!

Let’s be honest together, anger try it’s best to fit into our lives through the people we love, don’t know and the ones who envy. Anger is normal, but as we get older, it must be replace with understanding to help the ones who we now can relate to. Some will change instantly, Some will change later, some will never change, but you should.

Broadcast on:
13 Jul 2024
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Let’s be honest together, anger try it’s best to fit into our lives through the people we love, don’t know and the ones who envy. Anger is normal, but as we get older, it must be replace with understanding to help the ones who we now can relate to. Some will change instantly, Some will change later, some will never change, but you should.

which has more control over you, anger or understanding. See, when you understand things, you can see things not just clearer, but you could respond to it with a better understanding. Your fortitude will be at its highest ability to give the people who needs the proper understanding about a miscommunication, the proper guidance. See, if you are angry and you get into a conflict with anyone, you're not going to reply at your highest ability. You're automatically going to reply with emotions. And once you understand that your heart carries weapons and treasure that you're not supposed to release with your mouth, then you'll understand to give your brain the power to have control over the situation. Our minds are designed for us to be the best representative of our character. Our image relies on our mindset. Our character relies on our mindset. Everything that you around only understand you from your mindset. Your mindset releases the actions of experience and education you already have. It is best to be silent and be willing to learn so that you can grow and represent a higher character, not today, not tomorrow, but the time shall come for you to express the things you've learned years ago. We must understand to never give anger the power to deteriorate your character. Your character is what you need daily in order to keep a reputation that is necessary and valuable. If you're invaluable to somebody, it's because you are angry. We just fail to realize this. We see our anger leads us to losing people that are good in our life or bad in our life, but a positive action and a positive response coming from understanding. We'll always have people to reconsider, forgive, and to take you serious in a dangerous situation or an offensive situation. We must understand that once you unlock the key to your mindset to think twice and three times about a situation, you won't ever have to give a reply off anger. Anger don't have a one, two, three. It's just on zero. And most importantly, you will become an intolerant mindset, which gives you the power to believe what you want to believe and will not ever lead you to listen and understanding what's going on in someone else's mind. It is important to understand what you're communicating with somebody. You're dealing with a mindset. You're dealing with somebody that may be using emotions. And if they are using emotions, you need to set your highest ability to teach. You're not done to laugh and take it back to the gossip table and give somebody a laugh because you felt to be a helper in the situation. So you rather say, hey, this happened and look what's going to happen to him now. Now I'm not going to help him anymore. I'm not going to support all that stuff. We was talking about not doing any of that no more. See, you don't want to put people in that position because once you are angry, you are going to go tell others and others about it. And then it's going to come right back to the person that you was angry with. If you need that person tomorrow or another day, you don't know exactly if you're going to be able to have that assistance because now you have said something out of anger. We all can agree that anger releases words that turns into action. Understand the release words that makes a better person. Our mindset relies on us to reach the stars. It's a lot of people that don't want to deal with people, never got into a conflict, never was angry at all and they're living a private life. But then you have the individual who's angry and everyone is returning anger back and they isolate themselves from that person. And now that person is trying to reach out in the future and really don't have no friends or family no more. No one wants to socialize with someone that's going to be angry, talk down about you, make you feel a certain way. And then this is the real part. What if everybody broke? We've got time to stand around and listen to anger all day. We broke. That don't make no sense. If you in a circle where you know you guys want to come up, the first angry person you need to get away from, everybody need to get straight away. Everybody needs to get away from that person. That person right there is not bringing the excitement that the team need. That person is not bringing the power that the family need. That person has a personal issue that they're going to create into a family issue, team issue, business issue. Anger could lead to a total negative understanding and an unappreciation relationship, what you will have with somebody. Anger do not give you the power to run the world. See, we see a lot of people who use the word dominance and put the word into action, but a lot of people see it as anger. Then we watch people who's angry and then not telling you that it's just dominance and you got to respect him if he's alpha and you got to respect him because he's chosen. You'll hear a lot of things when people release an anger and telling you that you need to have a better understanding. That all that doubles, all of them demons. You got all these demons trying to tell you how they feel and who they are, but that's just some insecurity looking for security, hoping that you foolish enough to believe them to get them the past, that they can be angry all day. Some people want to be angry all day because it just makes them feel good. If you want to be around somebody angry all day, good for you. But the people with some serious sense and want to protect and guard their mindset, going to know, right now I got to get away from you and I'm going to ease out of your lying mouth. I'm going to ease out of him. It's important for us to ease out of their lifestyle because if you move out so fast, what's going to happen is they're going to start to attack you because they need somebody to bark at. If you became one of their pedestals to bark at, you need to get out of their life as soon as possible. Every time they talking, they're not you trying to give a reply. What happens is they cut you out like, no, no, no, no. Like I said, and you ain't even saying nothing. See, what's really happening is they found someone who's willing to let them be angry. You cannot help someone be angry. It's better to give them understanding if you can't give them understanding. You must understand that this person is angry and that's who they are. This person chose to be this character. This person chose to live this lifestyle. This person may have got their woman like that. She may have got her man like that. Everyone has power over people by pretending to be angry, taking some people kindness for weakness. And I guess the world is just going to evolve into a whole bunch of people being so angry and then that's the new understanding. So now you telling me we should live in a world where we let people take advantage of being foolish because we're willing to come back and say, hey, how you doing tomorrow? We want tomorrow to be just as foolish as yesterday was. It's best to help these people understand that with our respect, you don't have my friendship or support and silence. Get away as soon as possible. To build your character and to build your mindset, you must be a positive thinker in order to build your mind and then your kingdom. You must know who should be affiliated while you're in the process of building your mind. A lot of thoughts that you have are not already respected because it's being challenged. If you are individual that understands that your time is valuable, then get the invaluable way. It doesn't make sense to try to help somebody be something and bring them a part of your role because you respect them and then they can just easily disrespect you and it's okay. And then you use the car saying that no, they they had a different situation growing up. They was raised different and abusive and and all I mean, they was abused and all of this. No, no, there's no excuses. That person is grown. That person don't have no time to be telling your life what to do with that anger. If you choose to accept that in your life, fine. But the fact of the matter is is that everyone is grown and everyone shouldn't let no one disrespect them. We should all have an understanding to be great. You must be understanding. You must understand majority of everything coming your way. And if it's not the first time, most certainly the second time you should be prepared and ready. How you going to build your mind with a fool around you is impossible. It's impossible if you got goals, someone ready to destroy. It's a race. It's a daily war. You got to let anger never have no assistance. Don't let anger give you any assistance because some people can be angry and silenced and angry in a peaceful format and you got to be careful. No, I don't like how you did that. Stop asking too many people for advice. No, that's not you should change that. Cut it out. You never know the way anger is going to approach you. Anger have different ways of approaching people. It could be peaceful. It could be loud. It could be aggressive. It could be abusive. Anger can come in all sorts of ways. You got people that's quiet with it and then you ask one opinion and they'll give you what some hater type of comment. Oh, no, I think you should change that this that the third and you respect the person so much you think that they really care for the situation. They're looking out for you. That's not the fact of the matter. The fact of the matter is is you never know what's going on in your mind and you should already have your answer. Even when you ask somebody what their opinion is, you should know your answer and stand by it because you don't know how anger hate or jealousy don't come. You don't know who envies of you. So you got to be careful because anger could hide itself and disguise itself under different words like that. So you got to be careful. Being successful comes from being a positive thinker. A positive energy and atmosphere is included. So your atmosphere got to have positive thinkers around you, positive doors, action takers, purpose addicts. If you got these type of people around you, you need to recognize that there's a positive team that is ready to grow. It's very hard to get groups and come together and become one because everybody want to be in first place. But isn't it powerful that so many people are willing to come along with you and wait for you to get in first place so that they can find some way so that they can slide in first place. No one wants to be two, three or four anymore. When we understand that a team takes everyone to become number one, then everybody will be number one, everyone. When you name a basketball team, a football team, and they won the championship, you say the team name, not everyone in the team. The team is important. And if you got anger inside of your team, anger inside of your family, anger inside of your job, you got to get subtracted from this immediately. Take yourself away as soon as possible. Build your kingdom with peace, love, and the most high. Ziggy, are you sad? Come back for more.