Fight To Win TV with Kurt Owen

Spirit, Soul & Body: Episode 7

Manifest What's in Your Spirit. Pastor Kurt explores how we manifest the life of God that is in our born-again spirit man. Discover how on this episode of Fight To Win with Pastor Kurt Owen.

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06 Aug 2024
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Hello, I'm Crito, and today on Fight to Win, we're going to continue talking about Spirit, Soul, and Body, and how do you get the things that God has freely provided to show up in your life? You're not going to want to miss that. We're also going to have our free offer today, Spirit, Soul, and Body, that's 13, 14 hours of teaching that can be yours absolutely free. We'll tell you how to get that. We're also going to talk today about the value of palm strikes and how to do them. To succeed in life, we have to fight. That's why winners train Spirit, Soul, and Body. We have to be ready. Not your typical minister, Kurt Owen left a successful career in private investigation and executive protection for the ministry over 20 years ago. His simple, practical application of God's Word will reveal how much Jesus loves you and give you the ability to fight to win. Now get ready for a tactical tip from Pastor Kurt. Hello, I'm Kurt Owen. Today I want to talk about palm strikes. A lot of times people actually, they don't prefer, instead of a punch, it's a linear strike using your palm. Now there's a lot of different ways to throw the palm. The important thing is you're going to strike with this portion here. You can do it more like a leopard strike. You do need to bring the thumb in, but you can also raise the fingers up. I do suggest that you keep them tight. I can actually drive pretty hard with that. I can actually do hooks with it, uppercuts are a little tricky unless you're going to the jaw, but you want to be able to drive in. I like this really a lot better because you can only punch with your fist. You really should only punch below the eyes and in front of the ears. If you try to punch anywhere else, you're probably going to break your hand. I broke my hand a lot. I like palm strikes because in a real-life engagement, I can still hit you very, very hard. I've had people say, "Well, yeah, but I'd rather hit them with a fist because I want to be able to really hurt them." Ask the boss to root and whether palm strikes don't work. He's a professional MMA guy who, to my knowledge, really never hit anybody, but here's the thing that I, or it's punched anybody, but palm struck them. Now, I will say this, the other reason that I like palm strikes, especially professionals or for people that can see or carry, is if I punch you and I hit something I shouldn't and I break my hand, it's going to be very, very difficult for me to go a higher force option if it's necessary because just doing this, grabbing my weapon with my hand broke is going to be a problem. But where it's really going to pay the price is if I actually have to shoot and those vibrations go all the way through my broken hand. I don't know if you realize this, but they used to test to see if bones were broken by taking a tuning fork and rubbing over it. And if they screamed, it was broke. I definitely don't want to do that to my hand with my gun after my palms broke it. Hands broke it. Hello, I'm Kurt Oen. Welcome back to Fight to Win. We've been talking for the last week and starting this week on Spirit, Soul, and Body. This is such an important message in the Body of Christ and frequently people really have no concept of it. And I believe that over the next couple of days I'm going to be able to get into some things really to help you see the reality of the things of the Spirit and not only that, take what is in the Spirit and have it show up on the outside. And so both whether it's in your walk with God or really whether it's in healing finances or whatever it is, at least that's what we're going to attempt to do. Go ahead and go with me to first Thessalonians, we'll just kick off here. First Thessalonians 5, 23, and it says this, "Now, may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ." Now, notice here that you are a three part being, you are a spirit, you have a soul and you live in a body. And just so you know, I want you to, I've covered a lot and today there's some things not going to make a whole lot of sense to you if you don't go to I still think you'll get something out of this, I'm not saying turn it off. I'm saying, because I'm going to say some things that will change your life and give you a perspective switch, but I've said a lot about this up to now. This is our seventh broadcast on the subject. Finally that, we have this free product that you can either call. This is like 13 or 14 hours of teaching, it's worth at least $84 and we want to give this to you absolutely free. You can go to our website, or you can call the number at the bottom of your screening and request it. And our partners of the ministry will make sure you get this absolutely free. Now, it is for sale on the broadcast or on the website, but why in the world would you buy it when we'll give it to you for free. So thank you very much for allowing us to sow this into your life. But that all being said, there's just a lot I have to say that I'm not going to be able to say on these broadcasts. And there's a lot I've already said, like I said, go to the website and listen to it, because God defines you the way you really are, that you are a spirit, you have a soul and you live in a body, spirit, soul, and body. Now each of these is important to God because notice here how it says that He sanctifies you completely. You sanctified means to set apart, to set you apart completely, spirit, soul, and body. Now here's something that you might, and in looking at these things, again, I want to get my bowls out, this most people's perspective of life is like this. They walk around and all they can see is the body. The truth, and if I were to say how many bowls are there, you would say one. But the reality is is that there's three. Now it's just a perspective change, and that's one of the reasons we have to be able to change that perspective, and we're going to talk about how to do that. But there's one thing that happens with people is that, so you're saying it's a mind game. You're saying that these things really don't exist, but, and this happens with healing, this happens with finances, this happens with peace. It's like, I know I'm looking at the situation, these things really don't exist, but if I walk by faith and I'll do what the word says, that all of a sudden those things will exist. Healing will exist for me. Peace will exist for me, no, that's actually not what I'm saying at all. I'm saying that right now from your perspective, it looks as though they don't exist, but they are actually there the whole time. And that's what a lot of people don't get. When they start believing for healing, they're trying to get healing, because they're looking at their body and they're saying, "I'm not healed," and yet God is saying, "Yes, you are healing right there," and you're saying, "No, I'm not, yes, you are, yes, yes, you are, no, I'm not." And even when people receive their healing and their body changes, a lot of people get the impression that healing like showed up. That's really not what happens, not in reality. Healing was there the entire time. Since Jesus took stripes upon him and paid for your sin on the cross, healing has been available to you the entire time. Now, receiving it is a different matter than trying to bring it someplace. I think the best way to illustrate this is go with me to Second Kings and we'll look at a story that kind of illustrates this really. You know what? I realize I don't use my paper Bible as often as I need to. Most of the time today you just click things digitally, you know what I'm saying? But it's important to know where to find things in the Scriptures. Here we're in Second Kings and we're going to be looking at chapter 6 and we're going to start in verse 8, says, "Now the king of Syria was making war against Israel and he consulted with his servants saying, 'My camp will be in such and such a place and the man of God sent to the king of Israel saying, 'Beware that you do not pass this place for the Syrians are coming down there.' Then the king of Israel sent someone to that place of which the man of God had told him and thus he warned him and he was watchful there not just once or twice. Therefore the heart of the king of Syria was gratefully troubled by this thing and he called his servants and said to them, 'Will you not show me which of you is for the king of Israel?' And one of his servants said, 'None, my Lord, O king, but Elisha the prophet who is in the Israel tells the king of Israel the words you speak in your bedroom.' Now let me tell you what's happening here just in case you're having trouble following this. The kingdoms are at war. And so when the king of Syria makes a plan, God tells Elisha what the plan is, says, 'Hey, we're going to try to ambush them down there, hey tell them not to go down there.' This is the reason for all you people who are things that like serving God as a crutch and that it's for weak people and that there's really no benefit to serving God, are you out of your tree? Think about this. I'm a tactical guy. You can't get any better intelligence than this. Not only that, if you've ever dealt with the intelligence community, sometimes good intelligence is a misnomer, sometimes good intelligence can be hard to come by. I'm a firm believer in the intel world, so please don't take that as a slam. But I've many a time, whether it's law enforcement or something else, I've seen where they tell you one thing and then you show up, it's completely different. And here is completely accurate, 100% spot on intelligence that is given by the Spirit of God to a man and it is relevant in their everyday life. Now think about that, when all these people say, 'Well, what relevance is Jesus today?' If you could do this, think about in business, if you could hear from God enough to hear what was coming. See, this is the reality of Jesus. This is the reality of God, that it is a supreme advantage to be able to know him and hear from him and receive from him. It is imperative in this day and this hour. This is the reason you got to quit living by this and start living by this. Now for those of you who missed the other broadcast, we've got spirit, soul and body. Now the king of Syria thinks it's this, because what is his response? Which one of you bows those for the other team? Which one of you guys is for the opposition? They're like, 'Boss, it's not us.' Literally, whatever you speak in your bedchamber, God tells to Elisha and then he tells it. This is why, if you think, you call this a crutch, I call this an advantage. Come on. Come on. Especially all you men out there. Especially you guys that are soldiers, all you guys that are police officers and stuff. Listen, wouldn't you like to know what's on the other side of the door before you go through the door? Wouldn't you like to know what they haven't told you? There's somebody that can give you that information. Now he's not going to give it here, he's going to give it here, and so you have to learn to live in the reality of your spirit. Let me kind of get going with this, so we can get back to this. He says this, he said, verse 13, he says, "Go and see where he is, that I may sin and get him." And it was told to him, "Surely he is in Dothan, therefore he sent horses and chariots and a great army, and they came by night and surrounded the city. And when the servant of the man of God arose early and went out and there was an army surrounding the city with horses and chariots. The servant said to him, "Alas my master, what shall we do?" Now here the servant of Elisha is caught up in this. He's staring at the outward, that's what he's looking at, and he thinks that this is reality. He's not realizing that this created all of this, not yours morning in spirit, but spirit God, a spirit created all matter. So he says, "Alas my master, what shall we do?" So he answered and said, "Do not fear for those who are with us are more than those who are with them." Now he does not say those who are coming are more than those who are already here. He says, "Those who are with us right now are more than those with them." All right, now notice what happens next. Then Elisha prayed and said, "Lord, I pray open his eyes that he may see." Then the Lord opened his eyes to the young man and he saw and behold the mountain was full of horses and chariots and fire all around Elisha. Now there are many people that might believe that when Elisha prayed that all of a sudden these guys just showed up, that's not what happened. He didn't say, "Lord, send an army," he said, "open his eyes that he may see." See most people are staring at this, Elisha was staring at this. See, this is the thing, I'm not asking you to play a mind game with yourself. That's not what I'm doing at all. What I'm asking you to begin to do is see what is already there. The healing that you have need of is actually already there. The same way those angels, those chariots were already there. You see what I'm saying? God didn't send those chariots and those angels when Elisha prayed. They were already there. They just could not be perceived by this. You needed to be in tune with this in order to see them. But just because they weren't visible to the flesh did not mean that these spiritual beings, these spiritual chariots were not there. Now again, I think it's important to realize these guys were there to deal with Syria. So if you think, again, this goes back to the whole deal about, well, that's in the spirit. That's in the spirit. Let me ask you a question. What do you think is going to happen if these spiritual angels and these spiritual horses and these spiritual chariots, what do you think is going to happen if they roll down into that valley over those Syrians? Do you think that the Syrians are going to go, "Don't worry about it. It's just spiritual. Don't worry about it. It's just spiritual." Are they going to go, "Ah! Right! They're going to get us. They're going to get us." Right? Why? A spiritual being an angel can kill 180,000 people in one night. That's a pretty effective soldier. But these things are real, folks. They're not imaginary. They're not mind games. You know, as I'm talking about this, there is so much I'm not going to be able to cover. And you've got to get this. This is free. Why wouldn't you listen to these things over and over again? Because you need to begin to understand that the things that you have need of are you're not trying to pull them out of heaven just like this army, God's army that showed up to preserve Elisha. It's already there. It's already yours, but you need to learn to begin to see it. Now I'm going to talk to you about some of this stuff over this next little while, the next couple of days, but you're going to need to hear it more often than that. Because you could end up being like the servant here of the man of God who is sit there and he's just caught up in staring at that natural army all the while. His answer is already present. Do you know how many people? Okay. Right now I'm in Port St. Lucie, Florida. How frustrated are you going to get if you walk in here and you say, "Hey, Kurt, can you tell me how to get to Port St. Lucie?" Yeah, you're in Port St. Lucie. That's awesome. Can you tell me how to get to Port St. Lucie? You're here. You're here. No, but tell me. Tell me, how do I get to Port St. Lucie? I got to, you don't understand, I'm desperate. I've got to get to Port St. Lucie. You're in Port St. Lucie. Not only will you get frustrated, pretty quick, I'm going to get frustrated, but the problem is is that you're having trouble seeing where you already are. See when healing manifests in your body is not when God sends healing. It's when you begin to, here, let me just begin to illustrate like this, okay? This goes back to my illustration, right? This is a pipe, like a water pipe, and this is a gate valve. Thank you, John and Becky Baskman for making me aware of that. This is a gate valve. See, there are things, there's water already for illustration purposes. There's water already here in the spirit. It's already there. Now, again, just like these angels, it's there. It's not going to get there. You're not going to have to beg God to bring the army. No, it's already there. But see, this part of you, the body does not, again, for those of you subscribed to the podcast, I've got an illustration here. For those of you who are body obsessed, that's all you can see, that you're like the servant. There's, you're like, "Oh, Mass, you know, they got us." And then yet, even though the body doesn't see it, doesn't change when Elisha says there's more with us than there is with them. They were already there. The body didn't see it, but the spirit could did. Now, how do you get it to where the things that are of the spirit show up on the things of the body? Well, that's going to be controlled by this middle part, your soul. Your soul is acting like a gate valve. And to do the degree, you open your soul up or renew your mind is to do the degree that the things of the spirit are going to flow in your life and show up in the body. Now, unfortunately, the majority of people are not going to, they're going to get frustrated with opening this valve, and they're like, "I don't have time to open that valve. I don't have time to open that valve." Even though their answer is already present, that army, let me see it, I've got to lift the monitor. Even though this, thank you for the confidence monitor, Jeff, even though those answers were already there, they just couldn't be perceived by this. Something had to change in the soul. Now, most people, they're not going to bother to do this. Well, I don't have time to get in the word. I don't think it takes all of that. I love it when grace people say that, "Listen, you just need to just trust God. It's already there." Yeah, darling, it is already there. But this valve has to be turned to get it to show up out here. No, that's works. It is not works. Works as if you had to do it to earn it, to have something put in this pipe, to show up out there. Works is defined as anything you get to do, to get God to love you, to get God to bless you, and to get God to accept you. But turning this valve isn't works. It is you laboring to enter into rest, but it's not the works of the flesh or the works of the law, this is you turning the valve so that what God has already provided can show up out in the body. Now, again, people say, "Well, how long does that take?" It depends on what you, I mean, it really does, depends on where you're out for thinking. You know, it's kind of like training and firearms and stuff. When I first started training in firearms, I didn't get some things right off now because I've had so much experience and been renewing my mind to training and things like this. I pick up on what people are saying quicker. It's the same thing with the things of the spirit. People say, "Well, how do you know, how do you start this process? How do you get this working?" I'm glad you asked. That's exactly what we're going to do. First, let me just say this. Go with me to Joshua chapter one, this is what, this will tell you how long you have to do it. It says this, "The book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night." All of that is, we're going to deal with this over the next couple of days. You shall meditate in it day and night that you may observe to do all that is written therein, for then you will make your way prosperous and then you will have good success. So whatever you're meditating on, you spend time in it until it shows up on the outside, prosperous and have good success. But how long it tells you right here, to you observe to do? Now notice there, it does not say meditate in the word day and night and just do it. You should, I'm not saying don't do the word, but it adds a key point, it says observe. Now he could have said meditate in the word day and night and do it, but that's not what it says. It says that you may observe to do. You have to keep turning this valve or meditating on the word until you can see it. And I don't mean with these natural eyes out here. It's exactly the way Elisha did, that you begin to meditate on the, you begin to meditate on the word until such time as you can see it on the inside of yourself, that you become convinced that you can see that there is more with us than there is with them, that you can see it. Now one of the reasons, and I'll open this up today and we'll get into it tomorrow, one of the reasons people have such a difficult time with this, and I've already touched on it, but I'm going to elaborate on it. The reason that they have such a big time with this is their entire life, they have lived the life of being, having a part of them, their body that tells them everything without even looking, right? Right now I can tell you, I'm sleeping, right? I did not, I did not ask my body if I was sleeping, I did not say, you know what, are you sleeping? Yeah, yeah, I'm sleeping, I'm sleeping. I didn't do that. I didn't have to, you know what, my body automatically says, "Excuse me, Kurt, hey, hey, I know you're shooting TV, but I just want you to know I'm sleeping." Hey Kurt, I'm hot, I'm hot, my soul was like, you think Jeff would let us take a nap, you know, they're together in this. I didn't even have to ask that question, and see people want the spirit to do the exact same thing, but it doesn't work that way, and a lot of times people try to force God to deal with their flesh, but yet Jesus says that which is a flesh is flesh, that which is spirit is spirit, God's not going to do that. Now tomorrow we're going to get into some things and begin to talk about some tools, both natural tools that we use with our body, but spiritual tools that will help us, and we can begin to understand some things. You're not going to want to miss that, but in the meantime you need to be, to realize and make a decision that I'm going to begin this process to meditate on the Word of God day and night until I see it, and I'm not going to quit until I see it, and I'm not trying to get God to do something, I'm not trying to get God to send an army, I'm laying hold of the fact that the army is already here. It already belongs to me, God has already sent provision, God has already done everything that I need done, but now I need to see it, not with this, but with this. I need to change perspectives and realize this is no longer my reality, this is my reality. Man, this is exciting stuff, sleepier note, this is awesome, and tomorrow as we get into this, there's some things in this that are going to, you're going to want to get a hold of and begin to implement, but I need you to make up your mind today that you are going to meditate in the Word until you can see it. Now to that end I want to help you with that, so I'll be right back to pray with you about making these things real to you. To receive your free copy of this new teaching entitled "Spirit, Soul and Body," order online at or call us at 1-800-215-0428. It is my sincere hope that you're getting a lot out of these broadcasts. It is also my hope that you watch these every day, that you take advantage of our resources, our YouTube channel, Facebook, and all these other things, and that you become a partner, but I'll tell you something else that's extremely important to me, I'd like you to attend the local church. I want you to find a place that's teaching these same things to you just as bold as what I'm teaching you and have a place you can go every week and hear these things. Alright, the army is already there, but you need to begin to see it. Let me go ahead and pray with you, Father, in the name of Jesus, Lord, we are so grateful that you have already freely provided everything that we have need of in the Lord Jesus Christ. Lord, we need to begin to turn the vowels. Lord, I'm asking you to strengthen my brothers and sisters, that they begin this process, but also that they do not quit. Lord, I thank you. By revelation and knowledge, you speed up their seeing speedily, that they see it. They see it quicker and quicker and quicker, and that it shows up in every aspect of their life, because Lord, you love us and have so freely given this to us. Thank you, Lord, for helping them and me, in Jesus' name, amen. This is Curt Owen. This is Fight to Win. I'll see you tomorrow. Remember, Jesus' risen victory is assured. Catch Pastor Curt next time on Fight to Win. (upbeat music)