Fight To Win TV with Kurt Owen

Spirit, Soul & Body: Episode 5

Your Soul is How Your Spirit and Body Interact. Why is it that there are so many Scriptures that seem not to be true to our bodies? Find out the answer to this important question and more on this episode of Fight To Win with Pastor Kurt Owen.

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02 Aug 2024
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Today on Fight2Win we're going to, this is our, not our last day, but we're going to talk about spirit, soul, and body. You can go ahead and receive this free product, I can already tell you that there's so much I'm not going to be able to say and you're going to need this, you're going to want to know how to get that. But we are going to finish up on perfecting your draw so that you can get your firearm out and protect your family. Stay tuned to Fight2Win. To succeed in life we have to fight, that's why winners train, spirit, soul, and body. We have to be ready. Not your typical minister, Kurt Owen left a successful career in private investigation and executive protection for the ministry over 20 years ago. His simple practical application of God's word will reveal how much Jesus loves you and give you the ability to fight 2Win. Now get ready for a tactical tip from Pastor Kurt. Hello I'm Kurt Owen, today on tactical tips I'm going to talk about, we've been talking about the draw all week and about how to go through it but I'm going to show you something to speed it up. Everything that I showed you from here to here to here to punch out, I practice every single piece of that on a timer. Now this is a practical time or a pocket time or a shoot timer. I'm going to lower this down to, normally we start at two minutes, I'm going to start at, let's go half a second for this first part. What I'll do is, I'm going to ask Jeff to work this timer, he's going to press the button. So the first part I'm going to do is, my hand is going to go to my gun and I've got to do that in half a second. So he's going to press the button on the side, let's do it one more time. So I need to be able to do that in half a second. Now I start with my hand on the gun and so in a half a second I've got to bring it up to here. Go ahead. So I've got that. Now what I will do is I put those two pieces together so I'm going to go to the gun hand up in half a second. Alright very good. Now the next part of it is, I've got it here, I'm going to punch it out in half a second. And for this I'm going to have Jeff move over a little bit so I can punch directly into the camera. So now from here, because this is where it is, my hands are going to come out and punch out in half a second. Alright, awesome, right? Now let's see something, half a second, you think I can do it all together, all at the same time, half a second do the entire repetition. See each of those things what I'm doing is I'm building, I'm making myself faster competing against that time. Let's see what happens at half a second off the draw. Hello I'm Kurto and welcome back to fight to win. All this week we've been talking about spirit, soul and body. I think this is an extremely, extremely important subject that we need to understand. So important that we're giving away this product, spirit, soul and body, it's worth about $84. If you would contact, now this is at least, I think it's honestly, it could be as many as 18 messages, but I think it's like 13 or 14. So it's worth at least $84. It is for sale on the website, there's probably more information there, but this week if you would like it, we'll give it to you absolutely free. Our partners make that possible. In fact, I'm going to talk to you about partnership with this ministry a little bit later on in the broadcast, but this is for you, absolutely for you need this, you need to hear these things over and over and potentially this is the last day I want to be teaching on this. I want to teach you a little bit again at a later date, but for right now, there's so much in this you need to get, so please avail yourself of it. We've been talking about, and if you're wondering like, what do you mean, what do you mean spirit, soul and body, glad you asked. Here's the thing, if you missed any of the first four days of this, you need to go to and watch them, even if you didn't miss it, you need to go back and go over and over those things so that you get it down on the inside of you. Now, we're going to start off, because actually this week, if you think about it, I've explained why you actually need a savior, why you just can't be good enough. We've talked about why people have trouble hearing from God, because they're going at it wrong. Man, there's just been so much in this, but here in 1 Thessalonians in verse 23, this is where it starts, it says, "And now may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely and may your whole spirit, soul and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ." Right? So we are a three part being. Now, we're going to get into this today. The spirit and the soul are extremely similar. They are not similar, it's a wrong word. They are connected. The spirit mean is the real you, you are a spirit, you have a soul, you live in a body here to put it this way. This is the real you. Remember with that, we covered that earlier this week, I give you scripture after scripture about that. This is what you walk around in the body. Now your soul, and we're going to get into some of this today, because you need to get a grasp on this, your soul is how these two interact, and a lot of what's going on in your life, God, when you were recreated, everything you would ever have near need of, really spirit soul body, financial or socially, all of your provision was really placed on the inside of you. But I don't know if you've noticed, but sometimes we have trouble getting into show up out here. And why is that? And not only that, why is it that when people, the scripture makes statements, why is it that, man, there's so much I want to teach you. If I could get permission from the Lord, I'd go another, at least another week on this. Why is it that we see things in the word that to this part of us, our body appear not to be true? Okay, let me say it like this, okay, I'm going to use the bowls, all right. We're talking about perspective. If I were to ask you how many bowls do I have, you would say one, but from my perspective, I would say three. And because I'm looking at the whole picture, you're just looking at this picture. Now one of the reasons people don't really like this is because, okay, the spirit that the soul, excuse me, soul, the soul and the body, each of these are basically, they provide their own diagnostics, right? We talked a little bit about this yesterday. I don't need to take time to pray about how my body feels. My body will just tell me, hey dude, that was a little much last night when you were fighting and you did all those push-ups. I don't have to ask it, it volunteers the information, right? Hey, hey, I'm hungry. Right now, this is our fifth broadcast this morning. I can tell you, my body, I wish it wasn't talking, but it is. And it's saying, Kurt, Kurt, I'm hungry, I'm hungry. And from time to time, I can hear Jeff's body telling him, he's hungry, and Jeff did not say, hey body, are you hungry? No, it spoke of, I'm hungry, feed me soon, yeah, about a feed me soon, because it's self-diagnosing, right? The soul is the same, and with the soul, we define the soul as your mind, our will and our emotions. Your soul will communicate with you. I don't like this person. I feel sad. I feel happy. I feel, you're on my last nerve. You're aggravating me. This is aggravating. The soul communicates that to you right away, and yet the spirit man doesn't do that. But most of us try to spend our life getting our spirit man to act like our soul and body. Now, I want to be, I want to be watch, you know, I kind of harped on this the other day, but I need to apply it to the soul as well. You cannot live your life concentrating on this. For those of you listening on the podcast, you cannot live your life concentrating on this body, because this isn't you, it's what you walk around in, and this will turn to dust. We've already covered that, right? If you haven't heard that, that is an extremely important that you get a hold of, because the majority of us spend our every waking moment trying to take care of our bodies, providing you the better place to live, better food to eat, better thing to ride around in, all of that. But yet this is going to turn to dust, okay? And you literally could be living your life, and at the end of your life, be giving your life for something that has no meaning and turns to dust. But I want to talk about the soul for a minute. Well, I'm going to talk about the soul quite a bit. Your soul does a couple things, and let me kind of illustrate it like this, okay, so here in this high tech world of, we missed this, I kind of missed it up a little bit. So this is kind of a bad drawing, and I got this part of this from Andrew Womack. And when I say that, I mean, I thought this illustration, okay? Because I used to define this difference, I used to say that your soul was a filter, and he turns to talking about it being a valve, and I think that works. This is your spirit, you can't read it, but it is, that's you, right? And I probably should have looked at this before we went on the air, but hey, we are me, okay? I am me. So this is your spirit, this is your soul, and this is your body. Now, one of the things, even with the bowls, the soul and the body don't really interact, okay? And a lot of times people are trying to get their body, and even their soul, to behave like the spirit, or excuse me, excuse me. They're trying to get their spirit to act like their body and their soul, and there's a problem with that. But real quick, go with me to John, chapter, I look like I'm having a cooking show, don't I? So John chapter, I don't even want to think about food right now because, again, my body is talking to me. This is in John chapter three, and this is when Jesus is talking, man, there's so much I want to teach you about this, you've got to get the product. This is when he's talking to Nick Nicodemus, he said there was a man, verse one, there was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews, the man came to Jesus by night and said to him, Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher come from God, for no one can do these signs that you do unless God is with it. Jesus answered and said, most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, you cannot see the kingdom of God. So now, again, this is talking about that your spirit man needs to be passed from death on the line. Nick Nicodemus said to him, how can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother's womb and be born? Okay, think about how this is a man, because this is all he knows, his soul and body. He really doesn't know about the spirit, and always thinking about the body. I mean, it's almost like if he had a cell phone, he's going, mama, bad news, I'm coming back, I'm coming home, and not just in the house, I'm going to have to climb back up in there, because I got to do this again. Because all he's thinking about, people say, that sounds weird, why would anybody think that? Because when people, all they are is body conscious, that's the way they see everything. And then Jesus explains this to him, and he says, most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water, that's the water of the mother's womb and of the spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. So, but then notice what he goes on here, and he says this, that which of born is flesh is flesh, that which is born of spirit is spirit. Listen, guys, you cannot demand out of the Lord and out of the spirit of God that he interact with you like your body, because that which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the spirit is spirit. You can't do that. You can't, you can't sit here and say, hey spirit man, hey spirit man, I want you to, I want you to diagnose me, I want you to speak up, I want it this way, no, because that which is of the flesh is flesh, and not which of the spirit is spirit. And so, how do you get these two to cooperate with each other? You got a soul. Now the soul, again, acts as, again, I used to call it a filter, right? And we're going to use this valve, because I think it works a whole lot better, really. Here all this good stuff is in your spirit, and you need to get it to show up out here. And this is, let me just say this, because for all you super spiritual people, who always, like when we talk about prosperity, well, when it says that Jesus was made poor, that you through his poverty might be made rich, that's all spiritual. You shouldn't expect to be blessed in this life, even though the scripture says you've been blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus. That is all spiritual blessing that is not in this natural world. Folks, from the very beginning, the moment spirit interacted with matter, matter began to change. The moment that spirit interacted with the body of a man, that body began to change. The minute, if you got it in the spirit, it will change everything in the material realm. Everything here was created by a spirit. How in the world can you be so dense? And I love you, but how can you be so dense is to think that if it's in the spirit, it doesn't, that's in the spirit, that's in the spirit. Yes, it is, but the minute the spirit interacts with this natural world, it brings life, it brings health, it brings strength. If you have it in the spirit, all that means is the devil cannot touch it, that it is sealed and separated unto God. Man, there is so much I want to teach you. Listen, please, please, please let my partners and I give this to you. Please let us do this because there's so much in here you need to get that I'm not going to be able to cover. Let us give this to you absolutely free. Please contact the ministry, call us, go online, and get this because there's so much about it, but when you have it in the spirit, it's there, it's there. Oh, man, so much. The problem is, is your soul, your soul, your soul is a valve in the degree that you can turn this valve open. Now, John Baskwin and our, in our Cluistan church, John and Becky are dear friends of ours. They do a lot for this ministry and stuff. But one of the things he did a lot for me is he explained this is called a gate valve. I think it's what it was called. And if I'm wrong, he's not wrong, I just said it wrong. But this valve right here, if you only open it a little bit, which is most people do, most people do, the scripture says it's the renewing of the mind that the more you open this valve, the more that's what's in here, the spirit shows up out here, the body. But if you don't, and let me just be clear, you can't live by what the soul tries to tell you with its diagnostics. You can't. You, listen, your mind, your soul is your mind, your will, your emotions, your feelings. You can't live by that. Most of you, most people I know live by their feelings, honestly, since they don't even know this exists half the time, they spend most of their time catering to these two. And they're like, "Well, I feel this way." And now they've got this garbage about, "Well, this is my truth. This is my truth. Because this is the way I feel." That's bull. Your truth is true. Right? And let me just say this, because people get this really, really, really, really wrong. I had one of our family members the other day make this statement. They have a daughter that's involved in a homosexual lifestyle. And they were like, "I know you're living contrary to what we believe." Honey, it's not about what you believe. It's not about, "Well, this is what we believe, and that's what you believe." That's bull. The king has said that homosexuality is wrong. It doesn't matter whether you believe it or you don't. It doesn't matter. It's still true. You understand that homosexuality is wrong whether you believe that or not. Not because I believe it. Not because you believe something differently, but the king said this is wrong. This is destructive, and this will destroy you. There's a reason that domestic violence is through the roof in homosexual relationships. Folks, it's not a matter whether I believe it's wrong and you believe it's right. None of what we believe matters. What matters is is what the king said. And understand it's like God. God, do you realize just because you don't believe in God doesn't mean He doesn't exist? You know, you could believe that if you drink, if you're pregnant and you drink a cola with ice in it, the baby could catch it cold. You could believe that. There are people on the earth that believe that that doesn't make it so. People think just because I believe something, that's the way that's bull because you are obsessed with your soul. You're obsessed with the way you feel. Now here's the danger of this, and let me just prove this to you. Feelings are real, but they are not reality. They're not. Do you know that Jeff and Autumn are phenomenal with TV and video and stuff? Do you know that right now they could play some ominous music? Okay, let me do it this way. Have you ever seen Jaws, the movie? Right. Okay, do you know that when Jaws first came out, I know I'm sure there were people sitting in Arizona, okay, sitting in Arizona in the movie theater, and the music started playing. Dum, dum, dum, dum, dum, and their hands tightened either on somebody else's hand or the arm rest, and they felt fear because any minute now, any minute now, Jaws is going to get me. Oh, and then Jaws leaked up out of the water. You are sitting in Arizona. You are nowhere near an ocean. You might not have ever seen an ocean, and you're afraid of a shark. Right now, you can feel the fear. You jumped because you're afraid of a shark that cannot possibly catch you in Arizona. But people want to live by these things. Oh, what about this? What about you go to a movie and then, you know, three quarters of the way through it. Somebody's dying, and you have to go, "Oh, you're going to have to catch you, go, go, go, go, say die." You don't know these people. You've only known them for an hour and a half at the most. Why are you crying? You know they're not dead. You saw a trailer for their next movie at the beginning of the swim. But why are you crying? Why is it real? Is the sadness real? Do you feel grief at the passing? Yes. And it's been 100% manipulated by Hollywood. You're sitting there crying over somebody you don't really know. You're afraid of a shark that can't really get you. You know, I remember when I was a kid, right? And I'm sitting in there, a nightmare on Elm Street, the first one. Right? And there was a lady down front, and you know, when you go to a movie, I mean, you have to get a mortgage on your house to get popcorn and coke's now, you know, and even then, right? Because it's expensive. There's a woman sitting down towards the front. And the moment Freddy pops out with those claws, she goes, "Ah!" and throws her popcorn and drinks up in the air. I mean, this is big money that she just threw up in there. Goes up in the air, jumps up and runs up the aisle and out of the theater, because she is convinced that a being that does not exist that is on a screen is going to get her. And that's all how this gets manipulated by Hollywood. Do you really want to live by this? Do you not realize that if Hollywood can manipulate this, how much more the devil, other people can manipulate this? Do you really want to live by feelings that are that fickle? You've got to get this thing saved and the only way to do that is through the Word of God. That's it. See, I've got to get this thinking in line with this so that what's in here can flow out of here. By the way, this is not a mind game. This is not, well, if I believe this is real, this is real. No. The thing on the inside here is real. He deliver a piece on the inside of here is real. Now, the problem is to say, "Well, I don't have piece." Yes, you do. No, I don't. How do you know you don't? Because I don't feel peaceful. Okay. You're paying attention to this. Now, here's the thing, man, there's so much I need to explain this. These, this is the real us on the inside. These two are self-diagnosing, right? They'll constantly communicate with you. And so people begin to live by these and they get this idea that if I begin to say to you, you are the righteousness of God in Christ and they're looking at life like this. No, I'm not. And then I'm looking at this, the reality and you're, I'm going, yes, you are. No, I'm not. Yes, you are. No, I'm not. Yes, you are. No, I'm not. You're healed. No, I'm not. Yes, you are. No, I'm not. Yes, you are. That's the way most people live life. Okay. Go with me to James, chapter one. And you really need to get the product because I cover, there's at least four hours on what I'm about to show you. And unless I get permission from the Lord, I've got to switch subjects. But I want you to see something here. I will come back to this because there's a lot more I have to say about it. But I want you to see this here in James, you know, today supposed to be offering down the broadcast. I don't think I'm going to make it. Listen, do you know how we have a tool that will help us with this? It's called a mirror. You have never combed your hair, you have never seen whether you, you know, whether you have the right amount of makeup on if you're a woman, but you have a tool by which you can look into this mirror and tell, okay, this needs to be straightened out. Jeff gave me a TV to do it. So you look at this, but there is a tool that God has given you. There is a tool that God's given you that you can see the reality of this, that you can begin to look at life, not like this, but like this. How do you do that? Here in James, chapter one, it says this. It says, but he talking about the Word of God, but he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it is not a forgetful here, but a doer of the word will be blessed in what he does. It says, but the doers of the word and not here is only deceiving yourselves. For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he's like a natural man observing his natural face in a mirror. You know what? I'm going to have to go back to this next week. There's too much in here for not, I'm going to just get permission from the Lord. Come right back. I want to pray with you. To receive your free copy of this new teaching entitled Spirit, Soul and Body, order online at or call us at 1-800-215-0428. I'm going to ask you to become a partner today. If you become a partner, we're going to send you not only today's message, but $700 worth of material just to bless you. Every day you hear me talk about how you can receive this absolutely free. It is our partners, people who give either a one-time gift or give on a monthly basis that make that possible. I'm going to ask you to join with us today and to become a partner. When your monthly gift changes lives all over the world, every single person that requests product from this broadcast, you are the one that will put that into their hands. You will put into their hands of tool which they can deal with everything that is going wrong in their life. You will put into their hands of tool which Jesus can explain to them who they are in Christ Jesus. I'm asking you to become a partner today. Please go to and sign up or you can text to give the number at the bottom of your screen and I welcome you into partnership. Let me go ahead and pray with you. Father in the name of Jesus, I thank you for not only our current partners but those that are becoming partners today. Father, I thank you that in their lives you will change things and the Lord, the same grace that's upon me will be on them. I command every bill of theirs to be paid and Lord, I thank you that what they sow will increase in their hands in the name of Jesus, amen. I'll see you next week. I've heard on reminding you that Jesus' risen victory is assured. (upbeat music)