Fight To Win TV with Kurt Owen

Spirit, Soul & Body: Episode 4

Who and What You Really Are! You are a spirit; you have a soul, and you live in a body. God made us three-part beings. Your spirit is either alive or dead. Learn what this means and more on today's episode of Fight To Win with Pastor Kurt Owen.

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01 Aug 2024
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Hello, I'm Kurt Owen. Today on Fight to Win, we're going to talk about who and what you really are. I'm going to do that using these bowls. You don't want to miss that. We do have this free product offer. You're going to find out how you can receive $84 worth of teaching that will really revolutionize your spiritual walk. And then we're going to continue to talk about the draw of your firearm, getting it out and getting it into the fight. So stay tuned here on Fight to Win. To succeed in life, we have to fight. That's why winners train, spirit, soul and body. We have to be ready. Not your typical minister, Kurt Owen left a successful career in private investigation and executive protection for the ministry over 20 years ago. His simple, practical application of God's Word will reveal how much Jesus loves you and give you the ability to fight to win. Now get ready for a tactical tip from Pastor Kurt. So we've been talking about how to do your draw. We've been talking about start. Practice your draw from your hands up, not your hands down like wide earth. When you reach down, get it high in there, making sure the back strap is completely covered. Fingers along the frame. When it comes up, get it nice and high. Finger in line with the frame, your other hand comes in. Now what's going to happen is now my other hand is going to come out and meet here so that I can punch out straight out. Now I'm angling off a little bit because Jeff just moved behind the counter. The way this is going to look is when these two hands come together, my finger, this is cocked all the way forward. And this finger is going to come up around under there to keep it nice and high on that trigger guard so that I have this gun in a vice. I'm going to take my thumb. I'm going to press it into the side of the frame. Now see, I don't like how I've got a little bit of coverage, so I'm going to move that actually over. I would have done that right here in the grip. I grab up. Now this hand is rolled as far out as I possibly can because that gets, if you actually look at that, if I do this, part of my hand is off the gun. Whereas if I roll it this way, I actually have maximum coverage on the gun. More coverage on the gun, more control of the gun. Now my left thumb, because I'm a righty, is going to drive into that frame. That way if I slap that trigger like I'm mad at it, it's going to help compensate for that trigger slap. People say, "Well, just don't slap your trigger." You've obviously never been shot at. So you're going to squeeze this very nice and firm. Now when this punch out, I'm going to punch straight out. And with me with my red dot, I have to make sure that I see that red dot and ready to go. That's the best way to get your firearm into firing position, ready to go. Now, I'm going to give you some more tips to work on this tomorrow. Hello, I'm Kurt Oen. Welcome back to Fight to Win. We've been talking this week about spirit, soul, and body. We do have a free product offer for you. It's worth about $84. There's a whole lot more on here than I'm going to be able to teach you on these television broadcasts. This will give you hours upon hours of teaching on this subject. And this is vitally important. This will explain a lot. Let's go ahead and kick it off by going to First Thessalonians. And again, I think this is a key subject. If you haven't been following this, you can go to and watch these broadcasts over and over again. Take notes, get it down on the inside of you, and catch up on anything you've missed. Honestly, if you haven't seen them, you need to go there. But even if you have, you really need to take the time and get this down on the inside of you. Because this is a vitally important subject. Now, First Thessalonians 5 and verse 23 says, "Now may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely, and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ." Now again, remember this is talking about us being a three-part being. We are, again, I wrote it down. We are a spirit. We have a soul and we live in a body. Now, so here we are, spirit, soul, and body. Right? When we talked about this, the reason that you must have a savior, and I think I need to make this clear. Jeff said it would be better if I did this, and I think he's right. But the body, we understand what that is. And if you remember, again, let's go in Genesis just so we can look at it. In verse 7, he says, "And the Lord God formed man, talked about his body out of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life this. He breathed this into this." Right? Again, for those of you who are subscribed to the podcast, he breathed the spirit into the body, and now man becomes a living being. Now, this is the thing where it gets a little bit tricky to explain. Well, it's not tricky. It makes easy sense, but it's just sometimes hard to fathom because of the way we look at stuff. The Bible talks about told Adam, "On the day, do not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for on the day you eat of it, you will surely die." Remember that in Genesis chapter 2? We covered it earlier. Well, this part of you that's a spirit, there are two different types of spirits. Your spirit's really alive, or your spirit's really dead. Now, let's define that. To be spiritually dead means that you are separated from God, and that you basically conduct yourself according to the life and the nature of the devil. Let's go over here to Ephesians. And honestly, I realized recently that there was some debate over this. They would say, "Well, certain people believe in spiritual death and that you are spiritually dead." I'm like, "How is there even an argument?" Because of what the Scripture says. And I've heard people say, "And again, this gets into, without a revelation of soul and body, the Bible appears to contradict itself." Because when God told Adam, he says, "Do not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for on the day you eat of it, you will surely die." And the day you eat of it, you will surely die. He eats of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and he lives like another 900 years. Right? Or at least a while. And people say, "See there, the Bible contradicts itself." No. It's because you lack perspective. All right. Let me do it like this. Okay. I got some bowls here. All right? And so here's these bowls. Now most of us walk around in life staring at the bowls like this. This is the way we walk around in life. And so this is all we know. So if we said, if I said to you, how many bowls are sitting there? And you said one. Because from your perspective, there is only one bowl. That's it. But see, there's actually three bowls. Now I could see that there were three bowls. Because just because you can only see one bowl doesn't mean I can only see one bowl. I can see all three bowls. Are you with me? So this is what people do. And since they're used to staring at this, right, and this was black, so I even got it on there. Thank God for the confidence monitor, right? Spirit, spiritually, if you've missed that, Jeff brought in this huge thing so I can watch myself on TV and I can figure out why to do it. So this is the spiritually dead man, right? So here, this is us. When we first get created. So, man, this is the body. I formed this body, right? The dust of the air. Now at some point, at the end, I breathe, if I'm God, I breathe into him the breath of life. Now, so I'm putting the soul and the spirit in there. But ultimately, this is the part that really makes him alive. This is basically just a tool he has, a computer he has to help him interact with this. And I'll explain all that later. Just bear with me right now. So, most of us, when we read the Bible, we look at the Bible in relation to this, the part we can see feel and touch the body. Now, all the while we're talking about the body, God is looking at it like this. He can see all three parts. We rock around looking at this part. And so, when people say the Bible contradicts itself, no, it's all a matter of perspective. Because Adam, do not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. For the day you eat of it, you will surely die. Adam eats of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. But what happens is, nothing out here looks different. But the part of you that is in the life and the nature of God, the part of you that is connected to God, that part dies. And what happens is, you don't actually get a new spirit, it's just that that one actually dies. But from the outside it looks the same, right? It's kind of like a tree limb, right? If you take a tree limb that is in, it's a beautiful tree, right? Absolutely gorgeous, lush and green. It is so beautiful. But if I say, I really like this tree, Jeff, so I want to take a piece of it with me, because it's so lush and green and live and vibrant, and so I pull out a machete, right? Or I get my tomahawk, because I like tomahawks, and I cut my tomahawk or my hatchet, and I cut off. Do you know that once I separate that limb from that tree, right now it still appears lush and green, but it is actually dead. It has been separated from its life source. And so what happens is, is even though this was in here and it still looks lush and green, what has happened is, is this has been cut off from its life source. And now, no matter how good it looks on the outside, it is dead on the inside. And eventually, what is in here will make its way out here. Now, I'm trying to make this as clear as I possibly can. So when you say the Bible contradicts itself, no it doesn't. It's all a matter of perspective, whether you're looking at life like this or looking at life like this. If you look at life actuality from God's perspective, it happened exactly what he said. The day he ate of this, the tree got separated, and even though it still appeared lush and green on the outside, it is actually dead. That's what happened to Adam. And so, and again, I'm kind of surprised there's some argument about this, because if you go over here to Ephesians, he says, in Ephesians 2-1, he says, "And you, he made alive who were dead in trespasses and sins, and once you once walked according to this world, according to the prince of the power of the heir, the spirit who now works in the sins of disobedience among whom also, we also once conducted ourselves in the lust of the flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature the children of wrath just as others." Okay, what does all that say? It says, "There was a day you were walking around, but you were dead." So, you're walking around, we can see you, or at least the body you're in, but on the inside of you is death. Now, again, people say, "Well, I thought you said that the body without the spirit is dead." Well, it's got a spirit. The spirit's just separated from God. It's still death. There is death in here. That's all that's in there. There is no life. This part of you is disconnected from God. So, just because this thing can walk around does not mean that you are, okay, this is going to sound even worse. You're actually dead. If you are unborn again, the truth of the matter is, if you're not born again, the truth of the matter is you are dead. You are just walking around. You are, lack of a better term, a zombie because you might have some functionality, but you are dead and your trespasses and sins. That's it. Now, because the very center of you is dead. People say, "Well, I don't agree. I'm not dead. I can see I'm not dead, only from your perspective." But if you had a perspective like God, you would look and say, "Yeah, they're dead." They might look lush and green, but they've been separated from their life source. They're dead. Are you, are you with me? Okay. So, here, let me, I tell you what, maybe I can see if I can pull it up right quick, because Paul makes this statement. He says, he talked about spirit, soul and body. He says this, he says, "There was once a day I was alive unto God, and sin revived and I died, Romans 7-9." Let's look at this. People say, "You don't have this memorized?" No, do you have a little Bible memorized? I didn't get a download when I became a preacher. It's not the matrix, right? So, anywhere. Here is 7-9. This is what he said. "I was alive once without the law, but when the commandment came, sin revived and I died." Now, did he physically die? No. Again, this goes back to whether you're looking at reality or whether you're just looking at surface. This is actually reality, folks. You can stare at this all day long, but you are not getting a full picture of what's going on. This is the full picture of what's going on. And if this is all you're doing, you're missing out on two-thirds of what existence is really about. And again, guys, there is so much I have to say in this, you need to go, you need to get your free product. You need to get your free product because, again, there's hours upon hours of me giving examples and things I'm not going to be able to see here. So, please go to the website or call us so that we can give this to you. Our partners empower us to do this for you absolutely free. Now, if you want to buy it, you're welcome to go to the website and buy it. But right now, you can request it absolutely free. So, Paul is saying this, and this is important because people have this idea that if a child dies, that he goes to hell. No, he doesn't. He doesn't go to hell because Paul's very clear. I was once alive without the law, but when the commandment came, sin revived and I died. How is that possible? Because when he was born, he was alive unto God. He didn't understand, as a child, even though they might do some things wrong, it's not imputed to them. The Scripture is very clear on this. Without the law, sin is not imputed. And so, what happens is, as a child goes around through life, until they truly understand right from wrong, they are alive unto God, but there will come a day that a child understands right from wrong, and in that day, the sin will revive and that child will die, not here, here. And this is the important part. Again, the reason, by the way, the reason we need salvation is because you can't change this out. Only God can change this out. This has to be recreated because right now, as Ephesians says, you are walking around in life. And again, I don't understand why there's controversy over this about spiritual death. Paul's talking about these dudes are walking around dead. It says they are conducting themselves. This is the way they're living life. Let's go right back over here to Ephesians. He says this, you once walked around, according to the courts of this world, you once conducted yourselves, verse 3. How did that happen? Their bodies were walking around, but they were spiritually on the inside separated from God. This is reality. Guys, you've got to quit looking at life like this. And listen, this is so important because when I start talking to you about healing, and the Scripture says, "By His stripes I'm healed." Most of you are going to look at me and say, "No, I'm not. See there? No, I'm not. No, I'm not." And I'm saying, "No. Yes, you are. Yes, you are. Yes, you are." And you're going, "No, I'm not. No, I'm not. No, I'm not. Yes, you are. Yes, you are. Yes, you are. Yes, you are." Who's right? I'm right. How do you know that? Because I've got the full picture. You're just looking at this. You are looking at your body as the final authority, as though that's all there is to you. And yet, there is something fundamentally right here. And we're going to, is this day four? Yeah, we're, I'm going to have to, this is going to take some, I'm going to help you with this, but I need you to understand that you are not just your body. And you need to understand that you have need of salvation. You, you're not going to be good enough to change this out. Are you with me? This is why you need of a Savior, because you were spiritually dead and you need to be spiritually alive. Okay. Well, you know what? Let me get into some things today to help you with this. Okay? Here's one of our biggest problems understanding this message. Is this, is what I call the university of the mind. Now, I didn't come up with that. I think I got it from somebody else, maybe E.W. Canyon, the university of the mind. Really, that is the way the majority of us have received our education through what we can see, feel, and touch. And so, from the very day that we're born, oh yeah, the Lord told me to bring this up to you. Some of you are like, well, no, no, no. If a child, a child, you know, they do go to hell because they have original sin. It's not imputed to them. It's not imputed to them until the commandment comes. None of that I'll point you to this. When David's child dies after childbirth, right? This is what David said. He says, I will go to him. He will not come to be with me. Are you telling me that David was planning on going to hell? The man after God's own heart, he's thinking I'm going to hell? No. No. That child, even though Jesus hasn't even come yet, sin has not imputed to that child because that child doesn't. He is still spiritually alive in here. Now, again, and listen, and I want to speak to people that have had an abortion. If you made the choice, and I don't want to condemn you, but I want to be direct, if you made a choice to kill your child, and now you've gotten born again, you need to let that condemnation go. And I wasn't condemning you by saying that. But there's other people on here that don't think that abortion is killing a child. Listen, the minute this gets deposited, that child is alive. Even if this is not fully formed yet, he's still alive. The child is still alive. But so let's say you've had an abortion. Do you realize that that child went into the presence of gone and that when you go to heaven, that child will be there? And that child is not going to sit there and say, "Why did you do this to me?" You're going to have a relationship with that child. Now, let's take a step further. If you have a miscarriage, if your child died at a young age, you are still going to have a relationship with that child. And instead of grieving over all the time you've lost, you need to start stirring yourself up and hope and enjoy that there's going to come a day that I'm going to be able to spend time with my child to get to know my child and to do things with my child. If you're a father and you've lost the son and your child was young and you never got to throw the ball with your son, guess what? There's going to be a day you can throw a ball. If you never got to go shooting with your son, there's going to be a day you're going to be able to go shooting with your child. People say, "Are you really thinking there's guns in heaven?" I'm not sure it would be heaven without them. I'm just, you know, anyway. I'm making a lot. But you were talking about this now, this spirit, soul, and body. Now, let me go, let me go into the University of the Mind. Nearly everything that we interact with that we have knowledge about was brought to us through our five physical senses. Let me say sight, hearing, taste, sight, hearing, taste, feel, smell. So that's how we received our education. That's how we received our knowledge. That's the way we learn things. And the interesting thing about, and this is true of the soul as well, the body and the soul are self-diagnosing. They are constantly giving you information, right? Like, do you know that even in the middle of the night, while you're asleep, your body can nudge you and wake you up and say, "Hey, hey!" I'm not feeling too great. "Hey, hey!" Something's wrong with me. "Hey, hey!" I'm not happy with that Mexican food you had for dinner, right? You don't even have to ask it, right? If I walk up to you and I say, "Jeff, how are you feeling today?" Well, my toe hurts. Or this hurts, or that hurts. And you didn't have to stop and say, "You know what, Kurt? I'm not sure. I'm going to go pray about it and I'll come back to you." You were able to tell me, because your body is constantly updating you with information. This hurts. I don't like this. I do want that. It's hot in here. It's too cold. Your body is constantly providing for you input to your senses. Your soul is fairly similar. Like, if I ask how you're doing, if you were on my last nerve, well, you didn't have to stop and say, "I'm going to take a moment and see whether Kurt is on my last nerve." No, you were able to do it because your soul is staying. I can't take this anymore. I wish they just shut up. I wish they weren't around here. Those are both self-diagnosing. But your spirit's not. Your spirit needs to have something else to tell you what's going on with it. Now, see, we don't need that for the soul and the body because the soul and the body will automatically begin to relate that information. It will automatically, it'll just tell you freely. And this is where people get confused. Because people, they grow up the most of their lives staring at this. And this is constantly talking back to them. Yeah, I'm cold. I'm hot. I'm hungry. I don't feel so good. So, it doesn't really take anything on your part to interact with this or to get information about this. Your soul, again, is similar. Do you really have to take time to pray about whether or not your mother-in-law is aggravating you? Really? Or can't you just tell that because your soul is like, yeah, they are irritating me. My mind, my will, and my emotions are just irritating me. But your spirit man, that doesn't do that. There's another means by you finding out what's going on in your spirit man. And we're going to talk about that tomorrow. But before you go, go, I want you to do, I'm going to, when you come back, I want to pray with you that you begin to get a revelation of these things. Not only that, to help you with that relation. Remember, we do have our free product that I put somewhere about spirit, soul, and body. Trust me, it's good even though I don't no longer know where it's at. Somebody, Jeff probably took it. It is so good. But contact us about our free product. But come right back, I want to pray with you. To receive your free copy of this new teaching entitled Spirit, Soul, and Body Order online at or call us at 1-800-215-0428. Father, in the name of Jesus, I ask you right now, as we've talked about, and as we talk about every day Lord, that the eyes of their understanding will be enlightened. Lord, that you will open their eyes so that they can see clearly the reality of who you are, the reality of what you've done. And Lord, if right now they are spiritually dead, you will reveal that to them so that they can become spiritually alive. And Lord, I thank you that you will begin to give them knowledge of what you have done on the inside of all those that are born again, so that it begins to show up on the outside. In Jesus' name, Amen. I'm Kirtle and this is Bite To Win. And remember, Jesus' risen victory is assured. Hello, I'm Kirtle and first let me apologize if you see this message a lot on a lot of different broadcasts. I'm doing something in obedience to the Lord. He told me that I wasn't receiving offerings correctly because, to be honest with you, I've sucked at it. Because I, I don't know, I'm not in this for the money, but it does take money to run this ministry. It does take money for us to reach you and to reach people like you all over the world. And that's why today I'm going to ask you to become a partner. If you believe I'm teaching the Word, if you believe that you are receiving something from this, I'm going to ask you to share in all good things with us that's teaching so that we can become, in a sense, arms dealers together and provide swords and put swords in the people's hand to defeat the wiles of the devil. Would you do this with me? If you would, I'm going to ask you to take out your phone right now and text "giveKOM" to 45777. You can also call the number on your screen, but we need your help and more importantly, you need to help so that you will have fruit not only in this life but in the life to come, and so that we can continue to help you. We'll see you soon. Remember Jesus' risen victory is assured. (upbeat music)