Fight To Win TV with Kurt Owen

How to Keep From Loving Money | JULY 2024 Teaching Letter Reading with Pastor Kurt Owen

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Broadcast on:
31 Jul 2024
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I'm Kurt Owen, thank you so much for taking time to listen or watch this month's newsletter. I believe you're going to get a lot out of it, especially the supplemental teaching. Sorry for the delay, we've had some challenges, and I'll speak to a little bit about it in the newsletter, but I am excited about what God is doing through Kurt Owen Ministries, and I want to thank each of you that are monthly partners for making it possible. Now let's get into the newsletter. First I want to apologize to you for the lateness of this letter, it is a combination of lack of time and budget that calls the delay. Speaking of budget, this month I want to talk to you about finances. Most prayer requests we receive involve a financial need, I get it. We have had some setbacks here at Kurt Owen Ministries, KOM, and even my wife, Terry and I, have dealt with some difficult financial situations. Maybe you too have a financial need. Or maybe you have plenty of resources, but money still occupies your attention and you are not handling your prosperity correctly. After all, money can be dangerous. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness and pierced them through with many sorrows. First Timothy, six ten New King James Version. Yes, money can be dangerous, but it doesn't have to be. Because you are important to me, I want to share some things with you that should help you. First, you need to know that God is not opposed to you having finances and resources. You have to settle this in your heart, or no matter what you give, your increase will be limited. After these things, the Word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision saying, "Do not be afraid, Abram, I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward." Genesis 15-1, "Technically, exceedingly great reward means rapidly multiplying financial supply. And you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you power to get well, that He may establish His covenant which He swore to your fathers is this day, Deuteronomy 8-18. The blessing of the Lord makes one rich and he adds no sorrow with it, Proverbs 10-22. For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sake He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich, 2 Corinthians 8-9. I know that people say 2 Corinthians 8-9 is speaking only about spiritual things, but in the context of the chapters of 8-9, that is religious malarkey, especially since the Greek word rich here is rooted in material goods. Now as you settle in your heart and mind that God wants to provide for you, now as you settle in your heart and mind God wants to provide for you His beloved child, you also have to settle your relationship with Him and with money. Notice in each of the verses above, it settles two things, one, God is fine with you being materially blessed, and two, He is the source of all that you have. If money is not the source of your provision, and Jesus is the source of your provision, what relationship should be prioritized, money or hymn? Not to be crude, but what do you value more, the golden egg or the goose that laid it? When you chase money, all you can possibly possess is only what the money can provide. When you pursue a relationship with Jesus, you access not only His provision, but all that Jesus is and has, starting with the most important thing, being able to spend time with Him and receive His limitless love for you. Keeping this mindset as Jesus is my source and not money, I pursue Jesus first, not money, and turn this mindset protects you from the love of money. It will make money a tool for you to use rather than a weapon to be used against you. I have more to say about this in the supplemental teaching, including some key and vital things you can do to receive His provision in your life, especially if you have already been giving. That's going to be immediately after this. Also, I know that some of you are not computer savvy and aren't comfortable using QR codes, so if you email us, we can do two things for you. One, we can text the link to your mobile device. You can simply click the link and listen or watch. Two, we can email you a transcript of the supplemental teaching. If you would like to take advantage of either or both options, send an email to connect at In the subject line, type 1, text me. Include your mobile number in the body of the email and from now on, we will send you a clickable link to listen to and watch the newsletter plus any supplemental materials. Two, transcript. If you put that in, if you put in the subject line transcript, we will email you the transcript to you. Three, if you put in text/transcript and include your mobile number in the body of the email, from now on, we will send you a clickable link to listen and watch the newsletter plus any supplemental materials. You will also email you a transcript of the supplemental materials. I assure you, these are the same principles I am personally exercising as we come out of some financial setbacks both in my home and here at KOM. You and I both will see the goodness of God in the land of the living, Psalm 2713. Make plans to attend our upcoming KOM Men's Advance September 5th through the 7th in Port St. Lucie, Florida and our Love of God conference in Tarpon Springs, Florida, September 15th through the 17th. I look forward to meeting you. Please call or write or email and if we can help you in any way, we will. Until next month, Jesus has risen. Victory is assured. Kurt Owen in the family of Kurt Owen Ministries. Thank you very much. Now let's get into the supplemental teaching. Hello everybody. Hopefully you're getting something out of this month's newsletter. I want to go over a couple things, especially those that are of youth that are giving in particular, tithing, and it doesn't seem to be working for you. One of the reasons that we're told that God instituted tithing was to teach us to always put God first, but a lot of times people lose sight of that because even when they're bringing the money, they're really not thinking about God. They're just thinking about writing the check. Proverbs 3, 9 and 10 says, "Honor the Lord with your possessions, with the first fruits of all your increase, so that your barns could be filled with plenty and your vats could overflow with new wine." You need to take time to honor the Lord with your possessions. Now first fruits means that it is the first and the best. Specifically, see a tithe is an amount, but first fruits deals with the heart. First fruit says that I'm putting God first in this. And so I'm encouraging you to, when you're tithing or when you're giving, take a moment when you're praying and actually talk to the Lord and honor Him, Lord, you're the reason that I have this, you're the reason that I'm able to give this, Lord, all that I have is yours. Lord, I remember what I was like without you and without your blessing, and Lord, it is because of your blessing that I'm able to return this to you. And Lord, I'm honoring you in this. Lord, I freely acknowledge that all that I have you gave to me, and that money, my job, my bank accounts, none of that is my source of supply. You and you alone are my source of supply, Lord. You and you alone are the one that gave me the power to get wealth, to establish your covenant in the earth. Lord, it was you, Lord Jesus, that though you were rich, from my sake you were made poor, that I through your poverty might be being rich. Lord, it is your blessing that makes me rich and adds no sorrow with it. Not my ability, not my mind, not my context, but you Lord, you are the one. And if you would do this on a regular basis, one, the love of money would never get a hold of you because you would always be constantly reaffirming that it is God that is your source, it is God that is your source of supply, that money is not your God, money is not your Lord, he is, and you would see more of the benefits of your tithing and of your giving. The other thing is, and if you didn't, I'm going to teach this for you guys, it's a Thursday night live, it's already happened because I was late getting the newsletter out. But if you go back and you look at our Thursday night live from July, you'll see where I'm teaching on financial keys, and actually I think it's probably going to end up being in August, but I'm talking about the fact that your mouth has to be in operation. And I strongly, strongly encourage you to begin to speak over our finances. That's the reason we give away the financial keys book to all of our new partners because we want to help them. And if you don't have the book, let us know, we'll get it to you. But it's after you've given, after you've done everything we've talked about so far and honor the Lord, then with your mouth, begin to speak over your harvest, begin to call those things. The Bible says that from the, how does it say it? I mean, I wrote the book on it, it says, "A man's stomach shall be satisfied with the, this is from Proverbs 18, a man's stomach shall be satisfied with the fruit of his lips and from the increase of his lips he shall be filled. Your stomach, that's what your, that's your daily needs. That's in order to sustain life. How is that, how does that come to being? From the fruit of your lips, from the fruit of your lips, that means that you can't not speak. You actually have to speak. Your lips have to produce fruit. And from the increase, that means if you're steady, that you're consistent in it, that you're increasing it from the increase of your lips shall be, yeah, that's right. That's right. Yeah. The Lord just spoke something in my heart about the situation I'm dealing with. From the increase of your lips, you shall be filled. So you start speaking to just to get your belly satisfied, but then to experience the increase, you continue to speak, just like when you're eating, right? You can eat through, you can eat a little bit of food and you can have your belly satisfied, but if you want to be full, you have to keep doing what you started, which is eating. So anyway, we're going to talk more about this. If you're going to hear Thursday nights, all Thursday night life is already going to be, or Thursday night life is already going to be passed by the time you get this. So go back and listen to it or record it and know that we love you, know that we're praying for you. And remember, Jesus is risen, victory is assured. [BLANK_AUDIO]