Fight To Win TV with Kurt Owen

Spirit, Soul & Body: Episode 2

The Spirit and Soul Are Not the Same. Many people believe the spirit and the soul are the same thing, but they definitely are not. Learn the difference between the two on this episode of Fight To Win with Pastor Kurt Owen.

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30 Jul 2024
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Today on Fight to Win, we're going to continue talking about an extremely important message, Spirit, Soul and Body. We also have this free product offer. It's worth about 84 bucks. A message that we'll explain a lot exactly as the title says, so we'll tell you how to get that. We're also going to continue talking about the best way to draw your firearm that I know of. So stay tuned and enjoy the show. To succeed in life, we have to fight, that's why winners train Spirit, Soul and Body. We have to be ready. Not your typical minister, Kurt Owen left a successful career in private investigation and executive protection for the ministry over 20 years ago. His simple, practical application of God's Word will reveal how much Jesus loves you and give you the ability to fight to win. Now get ready for a tactical tip from Pastor Kurt. Hello I'm Kurt Owen. Today's tactical tip, we're actually going to pick up where we left off yesterday, where we talked about having our hand, practicing our draw from our hands high, not low. A lot of people don't realize that years ago, a lot of officers actually killed when they were shooting 1911's because in 1911 would normally have a holster that the strap comes over the top and actually we clear it cocked and locked, the hammer would be back, there'd be a strap between the hammer and the firing pin and you'd bust it like this and do it. Here is the problem, most of the officers when they trained would train down here, they'd come up, bust that strap and draw the gun. What ended up happening was that when they got startled they did this and instead of that strap disengaging they actually locked it in and couldn't get their guns out of the holster. I don't want that to happen to you, so keep your hands up. Now we talked about when my hand goes down I'm going to get it nice and high on this. My other hand is going to pull into my body unless I'm using it to defend myself, that's going to be pulled in here. So now this is nice and high, I'm going to go ahead, everything's going to be in line, my fingers are going to be in line here, I'm going to turn this around, my thumb is going to be up nice and high on that gun and I'm going to do that actually right in the holster. Now once my hand goes down I'm going to go ahead and set the tension on my grip. So again we're starting here, I'm going to go down and I'm going to get it nice and high, I'm going to set the tension on my grip and from this point forward this hand is never going to change tension. This is going to be the same amount of tension the whole time. Another important tip is this is some people grab their gun and you'll see it's off to the side like that. You want the fullness of your palm covering that and make sure that this, your back plate is in line with your forearm. We'll pick up here, come on. Hello I'm Kurt Owen and welcome back to fight to win. We're continuing on the subject that I find vitally important in spirit, soul and body. This is your first opportunity listening today. You're going to want to go back and listen to yesterday. But I've got a lot of things to say and I have to be honest today might be a particularly difficult broadcast for you and I want you to know that I love you. I want you to know that I'm for you but I also need you to know that you need to understand this and get some, get some things underneath you. We are, we do have a new free product offer. It is a spirit, soul and body like it says, a message that will explain a lot. I think this is one of those messages that you've got to get a hold up. By the way this is free. I don't know how we're sending it to you but if you'll either call in or write the minute or go to website this is our, this is for you okay and this is like 14 or 18 episodes. So normally it's six bucks a message I think is what our average is. And we do sell this. I mean it is for sale. So that's more than I'll let Jeff figure out the math. When we start, go with me first to first Thessalonians and we're going to be in five. And this is what it says in verse 23, it says, "Now may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely and may your whole spirit, soul and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ." So I've got my handy dandy expensive graphic here that kind of explain these things. Just so everybody knows I did draw this myself that's why they're so poor. This is, this is the way the Lord defines us. Spirit, soul, body. Now again, most people think these two are the same thing. They're not the same thing. They're extremely closely intertwined. In fact, as we read in Hebrews yesterday, it takes the word of God to divide these two, but they are not the same. You are a three part being spirit, soul and body. Now, most people only recognize the soul and body. That's what most people identify. And I want to go back to this, go with me to again to Genesis chapter 2, because I want to kind of break this down for you. In Genesis chapter 2, and this is verse 7, it says, "The Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground." So he forms the body of the dust of the ground. But notice here, and he, and it's not alive yet. The body isn't alive yet because he breathed into his nostrils the spirit right here. The man becomes a living being. Now, kind of let me, if I can, can I try to make this real to you? So God shows up, and he's standing there on the earth, or I don't think he's hovering. I would be hovering. I mean, once we're able to fly, I'm never walking again, okay, ever. If you see me during the millennium, I'm going to be just hovering over the ground. Other people might be walking, I'm literally going to be at least, probably at least to put off the ground. So because I've always wanted to fly, and I don't think it'll ever get old. So the way this works is, is God has this planet that he's created. Now again, it would, God a spirit created all matter. He did it with his words, but he created everything. Now he reaches down on the dirt, so evidently spiritual things can interact with material things and bring change. So he reaches down and he forms man out of the dust to the earth. So he takes the body and he builds it, basically, right? He forms it. He makes this kind of mold. Now, it says he breathes into his nostrils the breath of life. This to me, Jeff and I were about the same size, right? How tall are you? Six. Okay, I'm shorter. He sees six, I'm five, I'm five nine. If I were to make another, like a silhouette that was five nine, not a silhouette, but a, yeah, silhouette, like a shooting silhouette, and I was to hold it, you know, if I breathe automatically my breath would go into the knot where the nostrils will be of whatever I was holding up. And so in a very real sense, this is exactly what God is doing. He's forming someone and it looks like him. In a lot of ways, people say, well, how do you know that? Because we were in his likeness and in his image. And so one is a spiritual being, but now one is a, is a, is material substance, but it looks like him, okay? Now, people say that, that, that's, that sounds a little weird, not, not really because when Jesus is talking about the rich man in Lazarus, even though they're, you know, they're, they're in hell, right? And Abraham is in what we commonly call Abraham's bosom. And he sees, you know, the rich man's in hell, Lazarus is with Abraham. When he sees him, he recognizes him. People always have this weird idea. It's like, well, do you think we'll recognize each other in heaven? Well, if I recognize you here, I'll recognize you in heaven because you're not going to look that different. Paul, when he stepped out of the body, said there whether in the body or out of the body, I don't know. So if all of a sudden he, to step out of the body were to be some weird, strange experience and you were to look completely different, Paul would have said, yeah, I stepped out of my body and man, it was weird. I looked completely different. I looked at him and my, you know, my hands were glowing or whatever, but that's not the way that it is, okay? So God lifts this up. Now, now, notice here the body exists, but man doesn't. Man doesn't exist. All that exists is the Earth's suit that man will eventually walk around in. It is the suit that God is creating for him, for him to interact with the material world. Are you with me? And you need to, you need to understand about reality because as we go on with these things and we say, and listen, any, really anything that I teach, if whether I'm teaching healing, people say, well, we have to have reality. What is reality? Is it your suit, this Earth suit, that, you know, going back to my shirt, is this me? Is this reality or the man that gets in the suit, the shirt, the reality? Because I will exist after I drop this shirt, but this shirt will not, I mean, physically it would be here, but really it's no longer alive, I'm not in it. And I'm going to go along with that, but I want you to see this, let me show you where another part here. Go with me to James, the book of James, New Testament, and this is what James says about all of this. In James chapter two, last verse, it says, "For as the body without the Spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead." So again, the body is basically just a suit, that's all it is. What is holding up the suit the man will eventually walk around in, and then he breathes into his nostrils the breath of life, which makes sense, because they would be about the same height, because whatever he's holding was made in his image and in his likeness, right? So now all of a sudden this dust is now animated, because actually now the man has been created and steps into this body, again, Spirit, Soul, Body. Now, and again, if you're listening by podcast, I apologize, I'm going to try to make this clear, and if you haven't subscribed to our podcast, you should, but this Spirit exists without this body, but this body, okay, let me say it a different way, because they both kind of exist. The Spirit is alive without the body, but the body is not alive without the Spirit. So let me ask you this, which one is actually real? Think about it. When God is sitting there holding this dust that he's formed in the form of a body, really what is reality? Is it the Spirit that's holding it and creating it, or is it the physical part of it? It's going to be the Spirit, because the creation never becomes more real than the Creator. Is it? Not only that, according to what James says, this body dies. It has no life in it without this, so which is the more real, this Spirit or this body? It's got to be the Spirit, because this dies without this, but this continues to live on even after this is dead and decaying. Now, okay, now this is where, again, it gets harsh, okay, and you're going to need to forgive me for some of this, because I'm not trying to guilt you, I'm not trying to condemn you at all, I'm just trying to get you to see a reality. The majority of us will spend our lives trying to please these two, the soul and the body. We will spend years, decades, trying to please the soul and the body, and here's the problem with that. At some point, everything, you know, we're going to try to make the soul and the body comfortable. We're trying to make the soul and the body, and it really, in particular, if you think about it, it's the body. We're trying to, we want to buy better shoes, better looking clothes, better houses to put this in, right, this body, right? But the problem is, this Spirit man exists forever, and this doesn't. People say, "Well, we're going to get a recreated body," yeah, but it's going to be profoundly different. I mean, if I could walk through walls right now, I probably wouldn't be shooting this broadcast. I'd probably be doing that because that would be cool too. In fact, we would start the show with me like coming through a wall because that would be cool. Anyway, but here's the thing, and listen, there is so much of this I'm not going to be able to get into, and so we have this free product, Spirit, Soul and Body, a message that explains a lot, please, please take advantage of this free offer and get this. Again, our partners are making this possible. This is, did you do the math on that, 14 times 6, whatever that is, that's what the value of this is, and we want to send it to you absolutely free. Our partners are making it possible because this is an important message for you to get. So I want to go back to this, okay? What all do we do on a daily basis to take care of this body? What all do we do on a daily basis to provide for this body, or really even for the soul? And even your soul is going to be dramatically different. I was talking about the rich man in Lazarus, did you notice that after the man is in hell, he's still able, his soul is still alive, he's still in torment, he can still evidently feel things, he still has that all that going on, that's still there, and it's not that he has lost mental capacity, he's actually gained it because he sees Abraham, Abraham, a man he's never met before and instantly recognizes him. So this will be changed, but let me ask you a question. People say I want to provide for my children, that's an admirable goal, but how are you providing for your children, when your mind, are you providing for them spiritually? Are you providing for their bodies? What is it that you're providing for? Okay, let me, again, you probably have a job, and you probably have a job for the most part to take care of this part of you, your body. You want to make sure this thing's got some food, right? You want to make sure this thing's got some clothes, right? I want you to make sure this thing has some clothes, right here, right? You want to make sure that this is comfortable, I mean, I'm in Florida, I like air conditioning, I want to make sure this thing is comfortable, but here's the thing, there's going to become a day that this part of you, that most of us spend our entire lives trying to take care of, to feed and to care for, won't even exist. We will have spent literally decades caring for something, taking care of something that won't even matter, that will not continue on, that this, this literally becomes dust if you give it long enough time, but yet the majority of us live only, only in relation to this. This is why life becomes empty, because you're living your life to take care of this suit. Again, I'm not trying to hurt you, and see, this is the reason that a lot of times you'll see people as they become wealthy, see a poor man has the benefit of being able to deceive himself into thinking that if he had money, he would be happy, if he had money, he would have joy, if he had money, it would solve all of life's problems, a rich man does not have that luxury, a rich man can actually end up with money and be able to care for this part of them very, very well, but yet if this part of you, your spirit man, is devoid, if you have completely ignored him, then you begin to realize I've been, there's something empty in me, something's wrong, that's because you've been catering to a suit. Okay, all right, what if, here's my shirt, right? By the way, I think we're going to be selling shirts like this, I think this might be a demo shirt, I don't, no, no, this is one I got to prove, but it says we bow our knees to number one, we fight to win, it's kind of cool, but for this, for this part, here I have this shirt, how fulfilled would I be in life if everything that I did was in relation to making sure this shirt was taken care of? It's a shirt, but I could get up every morning and go to work to make sure I could take care of this shirt, to make sure this shirt had a hanger, even the best hanger, to make sure this shirt was clean, to make sure this shirt had no holes, I could do, I could do all of that. Let me ask you something, how empty in the end would my life be if my, all my life was about was taking care of this shirt? Do you see, do you see the problem? This isn't me, this is something I travel around in, that I could lay this down and I still exist, I could lay this down and I can still go on, this will not go on without me, but I will go on without it, but if I spend every waking hour trying to care for this, majoring on this, I am going to be empty because at some level I'm realizing I'm serving something that turns to dust. I'm giving my life to something that turns to dust and that will make you miserable, but how many of us do that? How many of us, if anything goes wrong with this, it just upends our apple cart, right? If this gets a hole in it, oh my God, it's got a hole in it, it's got a hole in it. I don't know what I'm going to do, or a doctor says we found a growth in your shirt. Oh no, oh no. Do you know that you could have peace, you could realize, you know what Doc, let's say you don't believe in healing, I don't know why you wouldn't believe in him, but let's say you don't, but if you got a revelation of this that I am not my suit, then even if they told you shortly you're going to step out of your suit, you would still be able to continue on with joy because you would realize I am not my suit, and just because something has gone wrong in my suit, I'm not going to lose my joy, I'm not going to lose my peace because after all, this suit isn't me anyway. I'm going to expand on this, but I want to give you how this helped me as far as me personally. So I'm a stickler for some of this, and people say where you're splitting hairs, and I'll gladly split these hairs because not enough people understand it, because I'm continually renewing my mind to it, so bear with me. So my mother prayed for me, she was one of the main reasons that I ended up getting saved because honestly one of the main reasons I'm still alive, and I honor her. We had some difficulties, that's absolutely true, but that doesn't change the honor that I have for her and for what she did in my life. So my mother, I was out in the Bermuda Triangle on a cruise with my wife, I don't think it was actually a vacation. I think we were taking a week off to pray, and sometimes it's a lot easier for us to go on a cruise and pray because you already know where you're going to eat, so that eliminates that discussion, and the phone's cell phones normally don't work, and so you can be there. So in the middle of, we're out in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle, and my phone does ring, well I don't even know if it rang, all of a sudden I get notification of messages. One is from my brother saying, "Hey Kurt, you need to call me right away," and the other is from my aunt saying, "I want you to know your mother loved you," and all this other stuff, so I knew that something was wrong. Now two things where this helped me, first, when I returned home, my father-in-law is a funeral director, and they had gone and gotten my mother's body and brought it to the funeral home, and he said, "Hey, we've kept your mother standing up, they had the body standing up so that the blood didn't pull, and she didn't disfigure in case she wanted to see her one last time." I said, "But we've got your mother over at the funeral home." I said, "No, no you don't, yeah we do, we got her standing up, no you know, yeah we do, we've done this for you, no you don't have my mother, you have my mother's suit, my mother is gone, my mother is in the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ right now, I know where my mother is." And see I had peace because I understood just because the dust has laid down, just because the body is without the Spirit does not mean that my mother is dead, I didn't lose my mother, I know where she's at. Now again, then there became this part, now that helped me, that helped me not give over in grief and sorrow, did I miss calling my mother, did I miss talking to her, yes I did. But that didn't mean, that's only because she's changed locations, not because she is gone, she still exists, because just because the body's quit doesn't mean she has, but then there was this other part. My mother had been terrified her entire life of dying alone, and unfortunately when she died, she died without another physical person being present, I say it that way because I know Jesus was present, because He precious in the sight of the Lord as the death of the saints. But as she was leaving, and so a part of me when I was thinking about this, I began to tear up in the crime, my wife says to me, she says, "Kurt, what's going on?" And I said, I was just, you know, my mother didn't want to die, and she died alone, and she said, "Kurt, she's in heaven. It doesn't matter how she got there now, she doesn't care that she died alone. She is right now in the presence of Jesus, and that all that matters to her, it doesn't matter how she left right now that is immaterial to her, but compared to the glory that she's walking in." That helped me, but how did it help me? Because I realized the suit was just dust. Hey, I want you to come back because I want to pray for you, but please don't forget, we've got this product, it's worth $84, we want to give it to you absolutely free, so contact us. But I'll be right back to pray with you. To receive your free copy of this new teaching entitled Spirit, Soul and Body, order online at or call us at 1-800-215-0428. Maybe you're out there today, and you've been having some grief and sorrow working on the inside of you because a loved one is left. Listen, your loved one is still alive if they knew Jesus they are in heaven today. And I'm going to pray with you right now, Father in the name of Jesus, I thank you that each one of us, me and them, that we receive a greater revelation of Spirit, Soul and Body. Lord, I thank you right now that those that have been tore up by grief and sorrow, Lord that you would begin to stir their up with their loved ones in heaven. I thank you, if their loved ones are in heaven, I ask you, Lord, to help them to see the reality of this, that all that was laid down was their dust, but they remain, and that they will see them again. And Lord, we rejoice in this hope. And Lord, I thank you that we will begin to see ourselves in light of not our dust and not live for our dust, but for your You, in Jesus' name, Amen. I'm Curt Owen. This is Fight To Win. Remember, Jesus is risen and victory is assured. Catch Pastor Curt next time on Fight To Win. Special thanks go to the Port St. Lucie Police Athletic League for the use of their facility. (upbeat music)