Fight To Win TV with Kurt Owen

Spirit, Soul & Body: Episode 1

A Message that Explains a Lot! This teaching is fundamental to the body of Christ. Not understanding this is probably the reason for a lot of false doctrine out there. Discover more on this episode of Fight To Win with Pastor Kurt Owen.

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29 Jul 2024
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Hello, I'm Kurt Owen. This week on Fight to Win and starting today we have some exciting things to share with you. We're going to be talking about Spirit Soul and Body. It's a brand new product offer and like the subtitle says a message that explains a lot. I think this is a fundamental key message you are not going to want to miss today. Also in our tactical tip we're going to be talking about we're going to begin to talk about how to draw your firearm the best way to do it. Stay tuned. To succeed in life we have to fight. That's why winners train Spirit Soul and Body. We have to be ready. Not your typical minister Kurt Owen left a successful career in private investigation and executive protection for the ministry over 20 years ago. His simple practical application of God's word will reveal how much Jesus loves you and give you the ability to fight to win. Now get ready for a tactical tip from Pastor Kurt. Hello I'm Kurt Owen and today we're going to begin to talk about the draw here on tactical tips. First thing I'm going to do and this is a tactical tip is I'm going to have Jeff verify that my firearm is unloaded. Jeff if you will step in here do I have any magazine in there? All right also stick your pinky down in there verify that there is no round. There we go. Thank you very much. All right so now that we've verified that the firearm is unloaded I'm going to go ahead and drop the slide on it. We're going to talk about the draw. One of the things that people make a mistake in doing the draw is is they start their draw from like here. This is the way most people practice their draw. Problem is is that that's not realistic because in real life you're going to be probably drawing off of a startled response which means that you're going to have your hands up rather than down. You're not going to be here like wider you're going to be you're going to be walking around you're going to be in a mall and we'll talk about concealment garment at another time but what's going to happen is is that I normally will start my draw from my hands somewhere being up in here. Now there's a couple reasons for me. In EP I actually have my hands more here so that my coat comes down and I can go down on my gun but I also realized that if I'm not prepared to shoot and I get startled this is the way it's going to go. So I'm going to start with my hands up here. That will actually make you more in line with real life. The next thing is when my hand goes down I'm going to get as high up on the gun as absolutely possible. I'm going to wrap my fingers around so that I'm getting this dominant grip on my fire control hand. My finger is going to go in line with the slide but I'm going to get that up as high as I possibly can on the tang of that weapon and I'm going to do that from the very start. We're going to pick up right here tomorrow. Hello I'm Kurt Owen welcome to fight to win. I've got something this week that's probably one of those messages that I wish somebody could have explained to me a long time ago. I think it's a fundamental message in the body of Christ and honestly I think that there's a lot of reasons. There's a lot of things that people do not understand because they don't understand this message and I'm not saying that I understand it fully. I mean honestly I don't know that I understand anything fully. I'd hate to die as ignorant as I am today but this message is an integral part. In fact because of and the message is on spirit soul and body. I'm going to go through this thing even if you've heard about spirit soul and body before please pay close attention tuning in every day because I'm probably going to say some things different than what other people are saying them because I'm different but we do have this new free product it's called spirit soul and body. Now I actually had them put on here a message that explains a lot. The thing of it is is that it really does when you start understanding this this helps you in dealing with death. It helps you understand the need for Jesus and a Savior for salvation. It helps you understand what seems to be discrepancies in the Bible. This this message really it will change your life. Now me personally I think that not understanding spirit soul and body is probably the reason for a lot of the false doctrine that comes out or a misunderstanding of doctrine. Okay and I really do think it's one of the fundamental messages. I think that in spiritual authority if you could understand those two things it will explain a lot about life and so this week with the Lord's help I'm hoping to explain this to you in a pretty simple way. I've got some props I've got some pretty ugly drawings that I drew to maybe help you but go ahead and open up with you me to first Thessalonians chapter five and listen I might have already lost some of you simply by talking about spirit soul and body and I understand that because most people some people only relate to soul and body. Some people okay let's read this scripture and then we'll kick off. How's that sound? Here in 2 Thessalonians 5 and verse 23 it says now may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely and may your whole spirit soul and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. So all of a sudden now we see God talking to us as though we are a three-part being. Now you're a three-part being the same way the Father is a three-part being. Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He's a trinity, you're a trinity, just a different sort of trinity right? It's all you right but there's different facets of you and then we're going to talk about this is also I want to get into what is actual reality. Hopefully I'll get in on this broadcast if not I will get into it this week but this God begins to identify that we are a three-part being we are spirit we are we have a soul and we live it a body and I'm saying that specifically because you really are a spirit your soul is something that you possess it's yours and then you have a body now again most people and I'm very specific when I say this because a lot of times people will start with body soul and spirit you don't know how often I hear that well we're body soul and spirit well you're putting the emphasis on the wrong thing you're you're putting the body first and actually the body was last well I guess it was created first but really in order of importance it is last of importance and there's reason for that we're going to talk about it now there's also some confusion probably with some of you right now because I get this with ministers all the time is they'll say well you spirit I asked them what's the difference between the soul and the spirit and they say well I thought they were the same thing and well right here it says that it's not the same thing it says that it lists it separately so in here this isn't the only place let's just so that you understand what we're talking about go with me to Hebrews and we are in chapter we'll look in chapter I think it's 4 and it's verse 11 it says well we'll start verse 11 there let us therefore be diligent to enter into the rest lest anyone fall according to the same example of disobedience for the word of God now notice this is living in powerful sharper than any two-edged sword piercing even the division of the soul and spirit of the joints and the moral and is a discerner of the thoughts and the intents of the heart so they've got to be different because the word of God can divide them you see that now I don't I just don't get it in in listen we as preachers have helped people misunderstand this because invariably you know Jeff and I've been talking about an honoring Reinhardt Bonke right he he's probably one of the most prolific evangelists that the world has ever seen potentially the most prolific I'm not sure most people think of Billy Graham but that's only because Billy Graham was over here in the United States but Reinhardt actually saw more than a million people get saved in a single service and I don't when it when I mean saved I mean not that they just raised their hand but they actually had cards where people they met with counselors and committed their lives to the Lord I mean that that is an amazing thing but invariably when we start talking about people getting saved and you start talking about a true evangelist the way Reinhardt was and one of the things that people say is is well how many souls got saved at that meeting and the the actual answer is none no souls got saved at that meeting when the Bible talks about the saving of the soul it's actually referring to the renewal of the mind but no souls got saved because your soul is not the part of you when you're born again that gets recreated it's your spirit now again if you think they're the same thing I understand the confusion but they're not the same thing because the Word of God can actually divide them now again if I've lost you just hang with me I'm gonna do my best by the Spirit of God to explain this to you all right now let's hear I got I got my fancy drawing you can tell we're you know a large prosperous ministry by our graphics and so I'm just kidding even if we could afford to do a fancy graphic I'd probably still stick with something like this because this is more in line with me you know so it's like being on a gun range and you're teaching stuff right a lot of times people they have power points and stuff for shooting classes and stuff it's like evidently you've never been in the you know middle of nowhere on a on a facility that doesn't it's not supposed to exist and you're having to explain these things and you got to draw them in the dirt or something like that all right so here we go this is what the Scripture says and and Jeff has brought a confidence monitor for me to do this now this is I don't know 55 inch television that I have to watch now myself on TV every time I shoot TV and I thought Jeff don't don't you think I have enough confidence and and I was like I don't want to watch myself on TV but now that we've started this I kind of see the I kind of see the need for it because now I can look at this with you so kudos to Jeff and anyway so here it is spirit soul and body this is the way this Scripture in 523 the first thessalonians 523 lists us may your whole spirit soul and body now if I was to ask you what is your body that's pretty easy for you to define right it's your it's this that you see every day now again hopefully we'll get into it today this is not the real you ultimately I think of your body is more like you know how you ever watched the guys do spacewalks or you've seen the guys that were walking on the moon and at this point some of you flat earthers are gonna want to contact me and try to explain to me there was no moon landing the earth is flat did you've never been up in an airplane I guess because you've never had to shoot long distance because when you have to fire shoot more than a mile or over a mile like with a 50 cal or a 338 lapua you have to take into effect into account the Coriolis effect which is about the curvature of the earth and I understand maybe you've never done that dude at least get up in a hot air balloon you can see that the thing is round okay not only that every other luminary we have out there that we can see is round are we the only one that's flat or is this like a diorama that God created somehow anyway I don't want to get into it don't bother to contact me don't bother to tell me how ignorant I am because I'm not going to and just trying to tell me it's flat it's flat so yeah anyway here's the thing if it's flat why has not somebody ever fallen off of it people say well we would never hear from again well now we have aircraft and satellites well how do you know that because I have a cell phone anyway okay here we go I apologize I I sometimes that gets all over me so anyway so this body when you when we see when we see the guys out in space right on the round places out there like the moon and when we see them walking around people say did you see those astronauts today technically we didn't we saw the suit that they were walking around in the moon on when they do the spacewalks right and that well I don't think they're doing right now but when they used to like get up in the the shuttle right and they get out and they grab a satellite or do whatever you know people say did you see the exercise well technically no we did not we saw the suit that the astronaut was in you understand what I'm saying and I understand I'm split in hers but I'm trying to make something clear to you the same way this thing that we have here is what I like to refer to as our Earth suit it's actually the thing that we wander around the earth in because the same way with a spacesuit you had to have a separate suit for the environment so that you could interact with the environment the same way we had to have a suit to interact with this environment and hopefully by the end of this will make more clear now listen I got to be honest with you I'm gonna this this a product that we're offering today free and I don't know how we're gonna send it to you I don't know whether it's USB I don't think it's CDs or maybe it's a digital however it is right there's there's like it 14 of them I guess or more I'm not going to cover 14 hours of material on these broadcasts so make sure you get this because I go into a lot more in depth in fact I was listening to some of this as I was preparing for this set of broadcasts and things this is really good stuff I think people really ought to get I was getting a lot out of it and but I really suggest that you get that and we'll tell you how it ends so so here we go we you have an or suit everybody knows what this is right we spend a lot of money on this went by the way we have a podcast now that you can go on it's on every podcast episode it's on Google Play it's on I heart radio I don't know Spotify whatever the Apple people use and the reason I'm bringing that up right now is is if you're on the podcast listening to me right now because we do offer the show as a is a podcast if you're listening to me right now on there if what if I I'll try to remember to say this but you might have to watch a video of it but we're very familiar with this body part we see this every day we spend a lot of money on this we deal with this we're constantly staring at this now the spirit man ultimately this is the real you and we're going to get into this hopefully a little bit more today this is actually the real part of you this is the part of you that is gets born again this is the part of you that is in the light to make nature of God this is the part of you that is eternal because even your body even when Jesus returns even though it's changed in its death puts on immortality you do get changed in the twinkling and I it doesn't remain the same but once this part of you once you get born again is the way it always shall be but I'll explain that as we go so the question becomes now is the soul what is the soul the soul is your mind your will and your emotions okay and this is all of those different things this in really in a very real way your soul is more like a computer okay it can be programmed it can be reprogrammed it can right now your soul is going in one direction you spend enough time with it you can get it to go in another direction now the reason this becomes important is is is because you're not just most of the world even psychologists refer to you as a two-part being your soul and body they know there's something there right because your personality by the way personally I think your personality or what the Bible calls your heart I think it's an intersection between your spirit and your soul I think that the more you'll see a person's personality change the more they time they spend with Jesus and that's because what's in their spirit begins to alter their soul they begin to see things differently feel things differently relate to things differently and then eventually it shows up on the body now if I've lost you and you can't really picture what I'm talking about look let me help you now I will say this before we go because I mentioned Hebrews these two the spirit and the soul are very very very very very very closely connected and we know that because it takes the word of God to divide the two you know if you've ever wondered is this God or is this me one of the ways you can tell is the word of God it will divide your soul from your spirit it'll divide the two now again if you can divide them they're not the same are you following me so but this that they are so closely intertwined that sometimes that they are always functioning together now okay here's something else that's important this spirit everybody's got one lost people and say people but lost people this part of them is functionally dead it has no interaction with God it's separated from God when you are born again this is the part of you that changes and we'll get into this as we go it's also the reason that you actually need a Savior it's the the purpose of salvation but again let's get into this I'm saying a lot in a short period of time go with me to Genesis here Genesis chapter 2 now in verse in Genesis 2 7 it says in the Lord God formed the man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living being alright let's think about this the Lord God let me sit this over here the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground formed man from the dust of the ground so he he takes the dust of the ground and he lifts it up and he basically creates a body right he bit he takes the earth and and he molds it and he basically makes a body for the man now here's the thing the man isn't there yet this is not the man this is the body because notice how it says this he breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living being so this isn't this isn't he's not alive this is just a body it's like you know here I got a shirt here if I were to make this shirt right if and I didn't but if I were to if I were to make this shirt I could hold it up and I could fashion the suit but it's right now there's no life in it because there's nobody in it I'm not in this shirt now the shirts here and for to a degree this shirt is real in the fact that I've made it but it's it's really not functioning because there's no man in it there's no living being now this this is important because as we go along and we're in our Christian walk they're always becomes this question of what is reality well let me ask you something I want you to picture this okay let's take all the religion out of it and get real with it here's God who is a spirit we know that right he takes dirt from the ground a material world and he forms a body now there's a physical body being formed by a spirit being a spirit now God's real because he's the one forming the body so which one is more real the physical body or the spirit that's forming the body what is actual reality it's got to be the spirit because the spirit is creating the matter not the matter of the spirit and see this is where a lot of people get lost is because they're like well you know you're talking about we need to deal with reality okay but define reality because God the spirit existed completely apart from the material realm before the material realm ever existed before it was ever created so what is reality you know it's like an old joke okay here's God in the garden he's forming a body and he's taking the dust and he's forming all this stuff and the angel looks over at another angel and says you know I just don't get it he says how can something you see feel and touch be real how is that possible see it's completely different because up to this point the reality was God it was the spirit realm and now this interact now also notice this whatever is happening in the spirit can completely alter the material world because a lot of times people get over spiritualized stuff and I'm gonna harp on this a little bit as we go along in the series people say well that's just in the spirit that's just in this spirit that's just in the spirit honey when it was in the spirit that's how we got the matter matter was fundamentally changed this physical realm was fundamentally changed by something that happened in the spirit now notice here man is not really man yet he it's just a body man does not become man until God breathes into his nostrils to breeze into him the breath of life it's only then that man actually exists now again the body existed but was dead without the breath of life and literally here in the Hebrew this is talking about the spirit God placed within him a spirit he breathed into himself now when it says God created man in his own image you know you got to remember for he is first spirit right and so now you have to ask yourself this question all this time you've been living all this and for all the decisions you've made have you been making them all in light of this part of you the body while all the while there was the reality of who you really were and how do you change that we're gonna talk about this that this week but I want you to I'm gonna be right back I want to pray with you to receive your free copy of this new teaching entitled Spirit Soul and Body order online at or call us at 1-800-215-0428 hello everyone have you heard about our podcast they are now available on every podcast platform this gives you the opportunity you can take the television broadcast with you wherever you go listening to these things over and over in addition we also from time to time put services on there for you to hear please take advantage of this and even if you're watching every day please like and subscribe it would help us a lot please do that today I know a lot of the things that I've been saying are different than maybe you've heard before I believe over the next couple broadcasts we're gonna get this into you but we need to open our hearts to the Lord to speak these things to us and that's what I want to pray with you about today Father in the name of Jesus I thank you right now just as we talk about everyday Lord that the eyes of their understanding are being enlightened Lord I ask you to quicken these scriptures and these truths to them that they can understand them Lord that they begin to that you renew their mind that they begin to see themselves and their lives in light of the Spirit who they really are and not in line with their body Lord I also thank you that whatever you've done in their spirit and made them alive together in Christ Jesus that life flows out of their spirit changing their body their finances in every area of their life in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth amen I love you very very much I'll see you tomorrow this is Kurt Owen reminding you Jesus is risen and victory is assured not your typical minister Kurt Owen left a successful career in private investigation and executive protection for the ministry over 20 years ago his simple practical application of God's word will reveal how much God loves you and give you the ability to walk in victory with Jesus