Fight To Win TV with Kurt Owen

Financial Keys: Episode 5

Partnership. Everyone needs to understand the principles of partnership so you'll know what to expect to receive when you partner with not only this ministry but any ministry. Learn more on this episode of Fight To Win with Pastor Kurt Owen.

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26 Jul 2024
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Hello, I'm Kurt on today. I'm going to talk to you about how you can receive the most from your partnership and what you should expect when you're a partner with the ministry. I'm going to give you away. Once again, this is our last day to give away our free book, and you're going to want to take advantage of that. Not only that, we're going to talk in the partner offering. We're going to talk about how you can get $700 worth of materials absolutely free. In our tactical tip, we're going to talk about how you can verify the status of your weapon, whether it's loaded or unloaded with a press check. To succeed in life, we have to fight. That's why winners train, spirit, soul, and body. We have to be ready. Not your typical minister, Kurt Owen left a successful career in private investigation and executive protection for the ministry over 20 years ago. His simple practical application of God's Word will reveal how much Jesus loves you and give you the ability to fight to win. Now, get ready for a tactical tip from Pastor Kurt. Today I want to talk to you about press checks. Now, this has become the tactical thing to do. You see people really kind of going overboard with it, but there is a legitimate function for you to know the status of your weapon because you need to know that. Now, a press check is when I actually draw my weapon, and I don't do it honestly. I don't do it every time I draw my weapon. I do do it first thing in the morning, last thing at night, because I'm going to use the bed. Basically, what I want to do, and before we get started, I have rubber rounds in here. What I want to do is I want to just pull this weapon back just a little bit, see just enough of the round, and then I'm going to put it forward. Now, in the event like right now because of these rubber rounds, I had to give it a little bit of an assist. If you pull it back too far, you're definitely going to get this gun taken out of battery. It means it's not ready to fire. Now, so you can do it over the top. Sometimes I'll do it underneath. I really like over the top better, but you can do that. You can kind of see how it works like this. The other, you can do the really cool guy one, which is this one-handed light, and then now we're back into it. It looks cool, but honestly, I'd rather have both of my hands on the gun because I want to be able to press check and immediately go back to my grip. Now, there is one thing that I do normally is I'll actually do what's called a low light press check because I've been known to operate in the dark, and that's actually where I won't even look at the gun. I'll pull it back just enough that I can reach in and touch the round just like that, and then I'll put it back into battery and go. That way, even if I can't see it, I can go ahead and have that tactile function. Now, so some of the weapons like this one's based on a Glock. This is a shadow systems, by the way. It's my favorite gun right now. There is a loaded chamber indicator right there that's supposed to tell me that there's a round. Springfield armories, they'll actually have a ridge up there. Glock, this is modeled after a Glock. They have one of these. I don't always trust those things. So, that's today's tactical tip, your press check. Hello, I'm Curt Owen. Welcome back to fight to win. We're finishing out this week. We've been talking about finances all week because of what we see at the gas pump because of what we're seeing at the cost of food and things like that, you need to know that your financial future is secure based on something else other than the economy of this nation or whatever nation you happen to be watching this broadcast in. Now, we talked about tithing for the first three days because there's a lot of tithing has become under attack and people are saying it is not of the New Testament. Well, I gave you scripture after scripture to prove to you that it was in the New Testament. Not only that, but it is the right thing to do. It's just the wisest thing to do to honor God with your possessions with the first fruits of all of your increase. It's not the law. That's actually freedom and it takes you to freedom. It causes your barns to be filled with plenty and your vats to flow a new wine. Now again, where tithing is concerned, unless you are a minister, unless you are a corporation or a church, we don't want you sending those ties into us. That needs to go at your local body. It needs to go at the place that's going to show up if you have a challenge with your family, if you end up in a hospital or something goes wrong or somebody you can talk to. You need to honor that gifting that Jesus placed in your local church. Here at Cradle of Ministries, we are the friend of a local church. Now, if you're those other three, absolutely we will receive your ties and things, but we're not really in it for the money. We're in it to be a blessing to people. Now, then we talked about having a heart to give, becoming a giver and not just in giving money, but really, truly becoming a giver. That's something that shows up in everything that you do is to be a giver. It is important to you. It's important to others around you. It's important to your relationships. Listen, the quickest way to destroy a marriage is to allow giving to leave the marriage, and I'm not talking about money. I'm talking about that freedom that comes, that strength that comes from each of you giving to the other, for each of you preferring the other. The quickest way of killing friendship is to become a taker rather than a giver. The quickest way to become miserable is to quit being a giver. It will fill you with darkness. Now, we've talked about all of this and if you missed any of those, go to Now, this is the last day that we're going to be offering this. This is a free book. This is in addition to what we're going to talk about today. This is a free book. It's not worth anything. It's on Amazon right now for $10, but we want to give this to you because we understand that times are difficult and we want to sow this into your life. Now, we do want you to read it at least 7 times and in the financial, the professions and things, we want you to do those every day because we believe if you do, it'll change your life. Again, because we're going to be talking about partnership today, we believe that if you'll do it every day, seeing you will be one of our largest partners and that we will change lives all over the world. Now, but this is absolutely free, either a call or contact the ministry via the website and this is our last day to offer that. Now, today, we're going to talk about, we talked about tithing. We talked about becoming a giver, having a heart to give, but today we're going to talk about partnership and I know this seems self-serving and I get it, but if I don't talk to you about this, I'm going to rob you not of an opportunity just to give to this ministry, but really, you're not going to understand what's available to you if you're given to other ministries. Now, listen, even if you're not a partner with this ministry and you're a partner with other ministries, I want you to get these down on the inside of you so that you can have an expectation over what to receive from this ministry. So, even if you're not a partner with me, you need to pay close attention if you're a partner with another ministry. Maybe you're bootlegging this thing. You watch every day, but yet you don't give, but you give to this other fellow or woman or whatever. Well, then you need to know how to receive, okay? And I'll believe somebody else will give to us. Now, as we get into partnership, a couple of things, if you think first off that I'm in this for the money, I have a question for you. Why is it that we give everything away? Why is it that I mean, you understand when I say to people like you and other people like you, "Hey, this is free. Our partners make this possible." You realize there is somebody that is paying for this. There is somebody who's making it possible to sow this into somebody's life, to make somebody's life better that couldn't necessarily afford it. You know, when we go to churches, because we still go to local churches when we get invited, when we have time, you do know when we go to local churches, we actually tell people if you do not have the money to purchase anything out on our tables. Now, we have these water bottles and we have t-shirts and all that other mess. Okay, here's the thing. You don't get that for free. Why? Because that's not going to change your life. The water bottle from Colonel and Ministries is not going to change your life, but we do believe that our teachings will. And if there are any teachings, any books and materials that we have that you need, we do not want money to be an obstacle for you to receiving it. And so even in a local church, we tell them, "Listen, you can have this for free. We want you to listen to it or read it seven times." And then, because we believe, if you do, if you'll apply what's in the teaching, that it will change your life forever, and soon you will be providing that free materials to others. And that's really what we're talking about today. Partnerships with ministries, traveling ministries, is an important part of Scripture. And it's an important part of your financial well-being. Now, before you turn me off, listen to what I have to say in the Scriptures that we read. Not only that, let me just address this with me personally, because you know, we're still getting to know each other, right? Me and you, those of you. And even with my partners, we're still getting to know each other. I'm not in this for the money. I was in executive protection for years. Just, I think it was last year or a couple of years ago now, maybe. I got a phone call, and a buddy of mine says, "Hey, there's a job available. They'd like to know if you'd like this job. It's protecting people." And I don't work for celebrities, but normally, unless somebody's actually trying to kill them. And I still do EP to this day. Some of you don't know that. I do it sometimes because it's interesting, right? I like it as a change of place. My primary job is this ministry. But finally, I said, "I don't think I'm interested in a permanent job because I'd have to leave the ministry," and things like that. And then, so then I end up in Australia, I think that's where I was at. And I got a phone call and says, "Listen, they really would like you." He says, "I don't know if I told you, but I think they're offering you $500,000 a year." And you move out there was in California. I had to move out there. I could live on a compound. I really wouldn't have any expenses. They were going to pay all my expenses and everything. My wife could have moved out there, couldn't have lived with me on the compound, but we could have had a house off to the side. Just so you know, $500,000 is a lot more than what I make right now. I think actually, in ministry income, I don't think I make more than $500 or $600 a week. I'm not sure I'd have to ask my wife. This isn't about money for me. If I wanted money, I'd have taken the job. This is about that the Lord has changed my life. And one I want to honor Him. And two, I just had this conversation. We just hired somebody to help us go on more stations and help us with these things because we don't know anything about this. We're trying. One of the things they said, "Well, we want you to, instead of giving away your books, we want you to do a suggested donation." And they wanted to shoot a couple commercials during the broadcast and all this other stuff. And they said, "Because this way, we believe that you'll sell more materials, basically, that people will respond, they'll buy more materials." Here's the thing. I didn't write this book to sell to you. I wrote this book because the Lord showed me something that I believe will help you. I didn't buy this to sell it to you. I didn't write this to sell it to you. I wrote this because I want you to receive what I've received from the Lord, and I want to help you with what the Lord has taught me. It's the reason that our partners, and we'll talk about this later, for our partners, we're still doing this. We're going to do it through the end of 2022, and then I think we're going to change this. But there's $700 worth of material on this. It's a USB drive. There's 400 and something messages, I think. Okay? I didn't preach this to sell to you. I preached this because I truly want to help people the way the Lord has helped me. I'd like to help explain some things practically to you so that you could live them. And so I told this to the media buyers. I said, "I'm not a book salesman. I don't have material so that I can sell it. I have material books to help people." I said, "I don't want anything to stop anybody from receiving the answers they need." I said, "I want them to realize that we really are in it, for they're good, for your good, that I'm in this because one, because I want to be obedient to the Lord who has given me everything." And two, I truly, we the family of Cardone Ministries, we truly want to help you. And so that's the reason we give all these materials away. But folks, I don't know how much this, right off, I don't know how much this cost to make. I don't know how much this book is to make. It does cost money. Do you realize that even a $5 monthly gift pays, because just the postage on a book is $5. I'm pretty sure. It's $4.90 something. Even that affects somebody's life. Even that puts a book in somebody's hand. But the reason I'm asking you to partner today and I'm teaching, one, I'm teaching you about these things so you can get the most about a partnership. But the reason that I'm asking you to partner today is because I want to continue to be able to provide these materials absolutely free. I don't want to be a book salesman. I don't want to be a product salesman. I want to teach people the Word of God and see their lives change. And I believe you want to help me do that. I believe the same way that you have been helped. I think you want to help someone else. Now, let me talk to you about the benefits of partnership that this wasn't come up with the Fund Ministries. This is actually in the Scriptures, okay? We're here in Philippians. This is chapter 1 and we're in verse 3 it says, "I thank my God upon every remembrance of you always in every prayer of mine, making requests for you, for you all with joy, for your fellowship." That word, their fellowship literally means partnership. Partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. You know, this ministry is still young. There are some of you that are in 30 years from now. We're still going to be partners. 30 years from now, we're still going. And I say young, this television ministry, we've been in ministry for 30 years. But I'm going to be going 30 more. And there's some of you that will begin to become partners today that we will be partners for another 30 years. We are going to be in this together for the long haul. But these people, when they first heard Paul, they said, "I want to make it possible for this man to take these truths all over the world, and I want to make sure that he's taken care of." And what we'll talk about that is we go along. He says this, "Now every prayer of mine, now this is something we're going to be doing. I don't have the date on it yet. But we pray for you every day." That's not just me. I pray for you every day, definitely. But we also have people on staff that part of their responsibility is to pray for you every day. And when we receive your prayer requests, those are part of what we pray. When, you know, we, you're going to be getting phone calls. Whether you're a partner or not, you're going to be getting a phone call from somebody from this ministry. And when you receive that phone call, they are not allowed. Hear me. They are not allowed to receive an offering. That call is 100% the reason for this broadcast. The reason for these materials is to bless you, to hear what's going on with you, and to be able to pray with you directly, whether you ever give or not. But it's the partners that make that possible. And it's our partners that we specifically pray for every day. But we're going to be having that. We're going to be shooting a video. I think it's going to be live. We're going to live stream it and stuff. And where you can, I'm going to be teaching some new people how to pray for you. So you can hear what we pray for you every day. You can have that. And so we'll be talking about that. So, but I remember you always. That's the reason every broadcast, thank you for our partners. It is our partners that make this possible. Because we're in this together. We're, it's not maybe it's changing lives all over the world. This is you and I changing lives all over the world. You know, we, I don't have time to get in this because it's some things I want to share. Recently, we just put shoes, leather shoes on a hundred children in Uganda. Maybe they'll cut some pictures in here or something to show this. But these kids were sick and diseased evidently. They get a lot of diseases through their feet and they had like rubber shoes and things like this. We paid to put brand new shoes. They'd come from like war-torn countries and stuff. We paid to put leather shoes on their feet. When I say we, that was you and I. You partners, we did that together. Those kids lives, not only are they hearing about Jesus, they're seeing Jesus change their life because of you. Now, notice here going on here and he says, for your fellow, and people say, well, you're just, you're just trying to motivate me to give no. I'm explaining to my partners right now. I'm explaining to my partners what they're giving is already done. What I'm trying to motivate you to do is see what partnership can do and about how, even while you're sleeping, you can change lives. Do I want you to become a partner? Yes, I do because I'm not, I'm not in this to sell books. I'm in this to change lives and I'd like you to have part of that fruit and that's part of what Paul's going to say here in something in just a minute. He says this, he says, being confident of this very thing that he who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Christ. Just it is right for me to think these things of you all because I have you in my heart in as much as both in my change in the defense and the confirmation of the gospel. This is his ministry. And if you hadn't figured it out yet, my partners are in my heart. But notice this, it says you are all partakers with me of grace. The graces that are operating on this ministry, the graces that operate through me, the teaching meant grace that I have. All these things that we do, you partners, you that give on a monthly basis, we're partakers of this together. Everything that you see in me, you can lay hold of you because you're a partaker of the grace of God that is on my life, just simply by being a partner. That's awesome. That's awesome. Now, he says, for God is my witness, how I greatly long for you all with affection of the, with the affection of Jesus Christ. Now notice this, I long for you all too. Right now, it's late in the evening. We were kind of rushed. It's hot, Miss Jim. And the reason I'm sitting here right now in this heat later in the evening is because you are in my heart and I want you, I want you to see the benefits for this broadcast of partnerships, the fifth broadcast today. I want you to see the benefits of your partnership. Now, jump with me for the sake of time. Jump with me over here to Philippians. Now, 19 is an extremely familiar scripture and it's my God shall supply all your need according to his riches and glory by Christ Jesus. But folks, that wasn't promised to everybody in the body of Christ because it wasn't written to everybody in the body of Christ. It was written to a specific group of people that were doing something. Now notice this, he says, for I have great, I have rejoiced in the Lord greatly. Now at last your care for me has flourished again, though you sure, you surely did care, but you lacked opportunity. I think historically they didn't exactly know where he was at. Notice here, as soon as they found a way to give, they did. They were generous. They were devising generous things. Now, he says this, not that I speak in regards to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am in to be content. Me too. He says, I can do all things through Christ with strength and there's a lot in this, but for the sake of time, I need to get down through this. Nevertheless, you have done well that you have shared in my distress. Those of you that have become partners, those of you that are becoming partners today, you have done well to share in my distress. People say distress, are you in distress? Listen, if you've got a $10,000 a month television bill, it has a tendency to, I don't want to call some stress. I can just tell you. We even actually, we got behind a little bit, I think about $20,000, we're catching up now praise God, but it was distressing, but God is faithful because I'm going to live by the same truth I teach you and we're going to come out of it. Now in verse 15, it says this, "Now you Philippians also know that in the beginning of the gospel, when I departed from Macedonia." Now notice this, "No church shared with me concerning giving and receiving, but you only." Now again, this is a church giving to this, this traveling minister. Now notice what it says next, "For even in Thessalonica, you sent aid once and again to my necessity." Now this is interesting, I was meditating on this one day and I read, I blew through that verse just to be honest. The Lord says, "You're not getting what that says." And I said, because I didn't have an open study Bible at the time, I said, "Well it says when he's even in Thessalonica, they sent him some stuff." Okay, so, and the Lord said on the inside of me, he said, "You don't understand Thessalonica was one of the major prophet, it was one of the most prosperous cities of the day." And so when the Philippians realized he was in Thessalonica, see what a lot of times people do is, if they think if you're a prosperous place, they don't give to you, because they're used to everybody, you know, crying, balling and squalling and stuff, but if they think you're doing okay, they don't have a tendency to give. Do you know how often I've had people try to sit here and, like when we were behind, do you know how often people try to get me to write like this appeal letter and grovel and tell you how we were in under stress and pressure? I can't motivate you by grudgingly or a necessity, I'd be wrong to do it. Can I motivate you to give by becoming a partner? Can I motivate, talk to you about projects? Absolutely, but if I try to make you feel sorry for me to give, that's wrong. Besides that, I need to live by what I preach. And he says this, but here, what this is, what the thought process is, the Philippians could have said, well, you know, he's in that very prosperous city. He probably doesn't need anything. They're probably taking really good care of him. They weren't motivated by the perceived need or lack thereof. They were motivated by we want to give to this man and we honor the message in the word that he's preaching. We want to make sure that message can go all over the world and we want to show gratitude to God and to him for receiving it. And so he says this, he said, now notice this, even in Thessalonica, when they could have thought he was well taken care of, he said, you sent aid once and again for my necessities. So this wasn't just to provide for him to get around the world. This is whatever the ministry needed at the time. Now notice this, and this is true of me, not that I seek a gift, but I seek the fruit that abounds to your account. Listen, do I want you to become a partner? Yes, yes I do. I want for you today to go to our website at or our address or call in. I want you to become a partner. Yes, I do. And I'm asking you, will you do this? But it is not, is it to pay for the bills? Yeah, I have to be honest, it's great. And if we end up paying off, well, we will pay off our television bill. We're going on more stations. I want every day we're having people saved. Every day we're having people receive miracles. Every day we're, not every day we're mailing out books. We only mail them out once a week. But every day we're having people call and request free materials. And you want to know what? I want you to receive that fruit. I don't want it just to be me. I want us in this, we are in this together. I want when you get to heaven, the Lord to say, thank you for mailing out those 1 million books. Thank you. And then 1 million people walk up to you and say, thank you so much that you provided that free book. It changed my life forever. I want those kids in Uganda to walk up to you. I want the pastors that were going to lose their homes during the COVID pandemic for to walk up to you and say, you made it possible for my church to stay open and for me to be able to feed my family. Some of them will say, thank you so much for providing that oxygen. I want the fruit that abounds to your account. And it's these people and I got to skip down here in verse 19. It's these people that God said to them, my God shall supply all of your need according to his riches and glory by Christ Jesus. It was these people that had given that on a regular basis every time they have opportunity, they purposed in their heart, they weren't waiting to be motivated to give, they were motivated to give for, they were grateful. Listen, if you're grateful for this broadcast and you're grateful for what you're learning, if you're grateful that my ugly mugs in front of you all this time, take the time and become a partner today. We can change this world together. Please join me. I'm going to give you some information but I want you to come back because I want to pray over my new partners today. If you've been blessed by this program, we invite you to donate and partner with Curt Owen Ministries. Visit our website and become a partner today. I first want to thank you for becoming a partner. I don't take it lightly like you heard earlier this week. If you did, I understand that when you give of finances, that you lay down your life to acquire those finances and I'm grateful to you. Father in the name of Jesus, I thank you for my new partner today. I thank you Lord that exactly as your Word says, they are partakers of the same grace I am, that those graces show up in their life. I thank you Father that in the name of Jesus, exactly like your Word says, that fruit abounds to their account both here and in heaven. And I thank you Father today. There every need is supplied, whether it's financial, physical, whatever it happens to be. Right now, there every need is supplied according to your riches and glory by Christ Jesus. Amen. Thank you for becoming a partner. This is Curt Owen and I remind you, Jesus has risen. Victory is assured.