Fight To Win TV with Kurt Owen

Financial Keys: Episode 4

Be a Giver! Want your life to become better? It will change drastically when you become a giver! Find out all about it on this episode of Fight To Win with Pastor Kurt Owen.

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25 Jul 2024
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Hello, I'm Kerto, and today on Fight2Win, we're going to continue to administer some things to you that will help you in these kind of tumultuous financial times that will empower you to be better than you are right now. To that end, we have this free product offer you will talk to you about that. It is absolutely free. We want to give that to you, and on our tactical tips, we're going to talk about something that you can do anywhere in the world, whether they allow weapons or not, that will keep you safe. To succeed in life, we have to fight. That's why winners train, spirit, soul, and body. We have to be ready. Not your typical minister, Kurt Owen left a successful career in private investigation and executive protection for the ministry over 20 years ago. His simple, practical application of God's Word will reveal how much Jesus loves you and give you the ability to fight2win. Hello, I'm Kurt Owen. Today on our tactical tip, I want to talk to you about establishing baselines. This is something you need to do that will help you and really can save your life. Everywhere you go, there's a regular degree of activity that takes place. There's a regular way that things sound. If I go into a Starbucks and I do not see a single person in Starbucks, not behind the counter, not anywhere in, there's probably a pretty good possibility it's being robbed or has just been robbed because that or they're just built it because that just doesn't happen. The way sounds work, right now, really low-tech assaults, that's a fancy word for run people lower with cars, but that's the technical term, low-tech assault, has become really popular. One of the things that I do is when I'm out and about, I listen to what does things normally sound like if traffic is normally, "Mmm, mmm, mmm," and all of a sudden I hear, "Mmm, mmm," then I need to be aware because that violates the baseline. With a baseline, you're establishing what is here that shouldn't be here or what isn't here, that should be because this is the way everything looks normal and this should be true of the way you're out at a gym, the way you're out at school. This is really for everyone because this will begin to tell you, there's a lot of anomalies that take place that people just blow off. They call it normal sea bias. Their brain wants to say, "Oh, this is just normal." It's like the guy at Virginia Tech when before he killed all those people, he actually chained the door so that nobody could get out, but people saw it and they were like, "Well, that's you know, I'm sure there's a reason for it," but if you had established a baseline, I'm here through here every day. These doors are never chained. I'm going to ask somebody about this, this violates the baseline. So, set your baseline in everything that you do. Hello, I'm Kurt Oen. We're in the middle of financial week here on Fight to Win and I, if you've missed any part, I spent the first three days talking about the biblical basis of tithing in the New Testament, completely devoid of the law. And I actually talked to you about the proper way to tell how to get the most out of your tithing. If you miss that, you need to do it because a lot of times people are confused that tithing, they think tithing is just writing 10 percent and actually that was just the beginning of it. A lot of it was you lifting your voice to God and honoring God. We saw in Proverbs where it's just wise to honor the Lord with your first fruits of your possessions, with your possessions, with the first fruits of all of your increase. And for those of you who are advocating against the tithe, let me just tell you, you're advocating that people be unwise. Because in Proverbs, it was not giving us the instruction on the law. It was giving the instruction on wisdom in the proper way to live wisely. In fact, I'll be honest with you. There's a lot I'm not going to be able to cover. If you want to increase here in the earth, pursue wisdom because you can have money and not have wisdom. But if you actually have true wisdom and conduct yourself the way the Bible says, there will be resources come to it. Wisdom has in its hands riches and honor. But so often people are pursuing money and they're not pursuing wisdom, which is pursuing Jesus, who was made unto us wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption. So you need to do that. That's all free. That's kind of to catch up. But if you miss that, you need to go to Not only that, this is an addition to the offer that we have this week, Financial Keys. We want to, we know that there's been a lot of financial stuff going on in the world. We want to help you with it. And so if you don't have the money, we'll be glad to give this to you. It's, people say, people think sometimes with this free gift that it's not worth anything. This is on Amazon right now for at least 10 bucks. This is, we mail out our partners and power us. We mail out at least a thousand dollars or more of product a week and things. And that's the reason tomorrow. I'm going to talk to you about partnership. And sometimes people, when they give to a ministry, I don't know where the money's going. Everybody that watches this program should know where our money's going, because one, it's in the broadcast to help teach you, but then it's also in what we're giving away. We're providing all these things. But anyway, in addition to the free offer, I did teach two messages on tithing that isn't from our local church. And we'll send those to you absolutely free. I don't know how we'll send them to you, but we'll be glad to do that. So now I want to, I want to shift gears a little bit from tithing. And now tomorrow, just plainly, I'll just tell you, we're going to talk about partnerships with ministries. And in particular, I want to talk to you about partnering with this ministry, at least unless the Lord checks me on it. That's what I'm going to do. And just simply because it costs money to do what we do, it costs money to be able to look at people and say, the partners provide this absolutely free. And you could be a part of that. But I want to talk to you today about being a giver. And this doesn't necessarily have to do with, it does have to do with partnership, but there's a lot more to it. And I want your life to be better. And because of that, I want you to become a true giver. And don't turn me off because I'm, we're going to talk about a lot of things that have nothing to do with money. But I want to show you some things that will help you. Not only that, listen, and now giving is anything above the tithe. The tithe, this is, and again, the tithe is a sound mount, it's the tenth. But this is above that. This is you taking out of your resources, taking out of your life, taking out of your time, taking out of your focus on you, really, and you begin to become a giver. Now, I want you to see a couple of things here. Go with me first to, excuse me, 2 Corinthians chapter 6. And excuse me. We're going to talk about how God feels about givers. And now I said 1 Corinthians and there I'm at. Okay, we're here in 2 Corinthians, and this is what it says. We're going to be in verse 6. It says, "But I say this, he who so sparingly will also reap sparingly, he who sos bountifully will also reap bountifully." I'm amazed at how often people they want to, they call it the prosperity gospel, but they're not, they have prosperity that benefits no one. The same people, they believe, everybody, listen, everybody believes in increase. It's just when you start talking about God blessing you that people start getting antsy. I guarantee you at your job, if they come to you tomorrow and say, "Hey, how'd you like to increase?" You're not going to say, "Oh, no. Oh, no. Just keep it. Just keep it." If your stocks all of a sudden go up, I don't even know why you have stocks if you don't believe in increase. I think that's absolutely pointless and stuff. So, everybody believes in increase. It's just a matter of how you're going to do it. For me, I would rather rely on the Lord and my focus be on the Lord for my increase than on me focusing, reading my stocks every day and brow beating my boss so that I prosper. I'd rather know that my prosperity is not in the hands of anyone else, not in the hands of my boss, not in the hands of the economy, not in the hands of the stock market. And then I get these other people who say, "Well, you shouldn't give to get," which I kind of understand that. You shouldn't give to receive. You shouldn't. You're just giving to receive. Now, here's the problem and forgive me for this. And I do love you, but you think you're more spiritual than Jesus. Oh, I would never give to get. I would never give. That's wrong motivation to give to get. You think you're more spiritual than God himself. He said, "Well, that's not true." Yeah, because nearly 100% of the time, when God talks about giving, He talks about receiving. Look at this, "He who sows so sparingly will also reap sparingly, who who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully." What are you supposed to get out of that? He tells you specifically, "If you sow bountifully, you're going to reap bountifully." Well, if you sow sparingly, you're going to reap sparingly. I don't know about you, but if you offer me sparingly and you offer me bountifully, I'm going to choose bountiful. Jeff, what about you? You're in for sparing or in for bountiful. He says bountifully. He mowed that because he doesn't want to disrupt the sound. But here's the thing. Give and it will be given unto you again. Good measure, press down, shake it together, running over. Honor the Lord with your possessions with the first fruits of all of your increase, so that your barns might be filled with plenty and your vats overflow with new wine. You think you're more spiritual than God himself and God says, "Yes, give, expect to receive." Come on now. Listen, quit being religious and just go ahead and if God says, "When we talk about giving, we need to talk about receiving," then yield to him. Now, do I think you ought to treat it like it's an investment plan? Like, "Oh, well, I've got this guy who says he's going to bless me." And so, yeah, I'm just going to... The only reason I'm giving it, I don't care about anything about him or not, or whatever, but as long as he keeps up these rates of return, I'm going to go for it. If you're treating God that way, you're wrong. But if you're truly honoring God and looking to him as your source of supply, you should lay hold of the increase that comes with it. Now, ultimately, at the end of the day, honestly, if God did not multiply me at all, would I still tie to give? Yes. Why? Well, because he's God and I'm not, and because I am grateful for everything he's done for me. Now, so he says, "He who's so sparingly will also reap sparingly. He who who's soast boundfully will also reap boundfully. Let each one gives as a purpose in his heart not grudgingly or of necessity for God loves a cheerful giver." Now, think about that. Purpose in his heart, therefore, and hear me, I will never be on here trying to coax money out of your pocket. That will never be my motivation because it doesn't benefit you to give grudgingly or of necessity. And I just say this because, listen, maybe tomorrow on partnership, we're going to talk about some things we did in Uganda, but I'm not going to show you a bunch of fat babies with flies and stuff trying to grudgingly steal, get something out of your hands. Steel, I apologize. I think it's wrong. I think it's wrong to motivate people solely by need. I think it's wrong to basically con people or show them a pic. It's like one guy says, "Never let a good crisis go to waste." Here's the thing. I don't want to give grudgingly or just of necessity. I want to be a cheerful giver. God loves a cheerful giver. Are you cheerful and you're giving? You should be cheerful if you believe you're going to receive off of it. You should be cheerful because you're honoring God with what He's done for you, but there is this important thing about you being a giver. Now, this is specifically talking about finances. And I know some of you are like, "No, this is spiritual. That's bull." The eighth and ninth chapters all talk about receiving and offering. And that's bull because even here, he goes on here and he says, "God is able to make all grace abound towards you that you always have all sufficiency and all things and have an abundance for every good work." He is disbursed abroad. Not by the way, you actually qualify. We pray this over you every day in this ministry. You actually qualify in this verse in curtain ministries because we do, through curtain ministries, we take your giving. We tithe off of it and give offerings off of it. And so we disperse abroad, we give to the poor. So your righteousness will endure forever because we actually do do that for you. Now, notice this again. It is financial. Now, may you supply seed to the sower, bread for food, supply and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness. While you are enriched in everything for all liberality, which causes thanksgiving through us to God, that's not talking about spiritually. That's talking about material things. He's talking about bread. He's talking about eating. He's talking about you being able to give to every good work. Here's the thing, if you will lay hold of your increase, you will be able to give to every good work. All right? So, but let's talk about this being a giver because this has been lost on this. This is one of the things we want to help you with. In this book, it's kind of interesting, when I wrote this, there's things in here to keep your heart right where finances are concerned, to keep God first. And that's the reason, one of the reasons we want to give this to you. Now, we want to, if you're going to take it for free, I want you to do, I want you to, I want you to read it every day. I want you to do what it says. And I want you to read it at least the whole book, at least seven times. But the professions in here, the things that you are to say over your finances, want you to do it every day. But write or contact this ministry for this. Okay? So, let's talk about actually being a giver. God supplies seed to the sower. Are you a giver? Let's look at it a different way. Go with me to Matthew chapter six. It's actually dangerous not to be a giver. We're going to be looking, let's look in verse 21, it says, "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Let's look at your checkbook and find out where your treasure is going. Okay? And listen, I've been there where it wouldn't have been a good report. But look at your checkbook. The more you give, the more people say, "I want to love God more." Begin to give more because where your treasure goes, there your heart will be also. But then he goes on here and he says this, "Now get this." And it's kind of foreign in the way we hear it as English speakers, but so I'm going to read it out of the Jewish New Testament. Verse 22, it says, "The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is good, your whole body will be filled with light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be filled with darkness. If therefore the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness?" That's actually a Hebrew expression. And if a Hebrew had heard that, he doesn't think of like evil eye, like we think of a stink eye or something like that. And I'm going to read it out of the Jewish New Testament. This is where he says, "Where your wealth is, there your heart will be also." Now listen to this, the eye is the lamp of the body. So if you have a good eye, that is you are generous. Your whole body will be filled full of light. If you have an evil eye, if you are stingy, then your whole body will be filled with darkness. And if the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness? And he goes on here, "No one can be a slave to two masters." He will either hate the one, hate the first, and love the second, or scorn the second, and be loyal to the first. You cannot be a slave to both God and money. Now, and that's important wisdom. This is talking about being a giver. If you're not a giver, then if you are stingy, you are going to be filled with darkness. Now, this isn't rocket science, because how many of you have met people who are so consumed with themselves, they don't give? And they're darkness. They're filled with darkness. And I'm not talking about they're going to hell. I'm talking about they're never happy. They're always thinking about what they don't have. They're always miserable. They don't have any joy. You know, I was thinking about this today, when we pulled in today, I really like those new Corvette. And I'd really like to have one. And so I thought there was one here when we pulled in. And there's a sharp look. I'm talking about the ones that look like an S8, did you say it was? C8. Excuse me, a C8. They're really sharp rights. And I believe one day I'll be able to have one. But I'm not consumed by it. I didn't walk in here today thinking, "Oh, my God, my life is over. I don't have a C8. I don't have one." And I didn't spend all this time thinking about how I could get a C8. Actually, I've sewn seeds towards a C8. I've actually, but my joy is not found in that. My joy is actually found in my giving. And so, but a lot of, I know a lot of people that are stingy, who if they saw that car, they would be so upset, they'd be thinking about, "What can I do? Could I get another job? Could I get a side hustle? Could I do this? Could I do that?" Rather than giving, they're just consumed with themselves. Now, there's a lot more about this in giving. I want to, I want you to look at a couple of other scriptures. Go with me to Proverbs and let's see. I want to look at Proverbs 11, 24. "There is one who scatters, yet increases more," talking about a giver. "But there is one who withholds more than is right, but it leads to poverty." Now, there's another part I want to, we're going to read, but I want you to think about it. There's nothing wrong with withholding what is right. You've got to pay your bills. You've got to take care of your family. Man, cash, not for its own family, it's worse than an infidelance to mind the faith. Nothing wrong with withholding something, but you've got to learn to become generous. Then it goes on here, it says, "The generous soul will be made rich, and he who waters will also be watered himself." I'm going to read these other scriptures just so that we can jump into this, okay, because I've got a short period of time and there's some things I want to tell you. And then verse Isaiah 32, "I love this, but a generous man devises generous things, and by generosity he shall stand." See, it's important to be a giver, but let's talk about this, okay, for just a second. Are you a giver? Let's forget about money for just a second. Do you devise generous things? You know, before I got married, I made up my mind that somewhere another, I wanted to bless my wife every day. I wanted to find some way to bless her every day. To the point that I actually put a reminder that to remind me every day, how can you bless Terry today? People say, "Well, that's very mechanical, and it's legalistic, and it should come from the heart." It was coming from the heart, and I knew I could forget. You ever forgot something that your heart was motivating you to do? My heart was already there. That's the reason I was setting the time aside. But I also understand I hadn't been married in a while, and so I needed a way to remember, because I wanted to change my behavior pattern, because now she's in my life, and I want to be a blessing to her. So I had a reminder. Now today, you don't have to remind me to bless my wife. I enjoy blessing my wife. But at first, it started somewhat mechanical, but based upon my heart. But I was devising generous things. Do you? Are you a giver? Do you think about what you can do for other people? I'm talking about separating yourself from darkness. I'm talking about separating yourself from depression. I'm talking about separating yourself from anxiety, through becoming a giver. Is it always all about you? Is it always about what you can receive? Is it always about what can be done for you? Do you ever hear of people's needs and immediately think, "I want to be a part. I want to see if I can help with that. I want to see what I can do with that's concern." Or do you listen when somebody says, "I like something?" You know, I remember Jeff's here. I remember Autumn, his wife, she's actually the other side of the art television team. She actually edit. Well, she's responsible for editing, talks to the TV stations and all that, and with our new media buyer and all that mess. But the kids were there, and one of the kids, his son, made a statement that he was believing in God for a lawn mower. And I thought that was, I thought that was really neat. So, I want to be a giver. So guess what? I seek to devise generous things. So, I think I reached out to Jeff and said, "Hey, was it okay if I give this to your son?" And so, I went ahead and had this thing shipped to his house. It was a, there's a die-cast model of the lawn mower that he said he wanted. He wanted a zero-turn lawn mower. Right now, I'm not in a financial position to actually buy him a full-size one, but do you want to know what? I believe in God there will be a day that if he ever says, "You know, I'd like to have a zero-turn mower that I could just buy it and have it show up at his house." I want to give like that. Why? Because when you are a giver, you are filled with light. And God loves a cheerful giver. Are you, listen, yes, you need to give above your ties and offerings. And yes, if you watch this ministry every day, it would be good to give on a monthly basis. But here's the thing, all that aside, what about in a restaurant? Are you thinking about how you can be a blessing to the waitress rather than them being a blessing to you or a waiter? Are you thinking about how you can give and how you can be a source of supply to somebody else? Cultivate within you a heart of generosity. What about your spouse? I brought up my spouse and listen, I'm going to meddle. But when is the last time you purposed in your heart to be a blessing even if they did absolutely nothing? People say, "Well, I was a blessing. They didn't appreciate it. You know, if I'm trying to bless my wife, it's not about her appreciating it. It's about me having a heart to bless. This is not about her thanking me. I'm not a hireling. I came to be a servant. And if she has to pay for her thing, it's not a blessing." You understand what I mean? If I do something for my wife and she has to say thank you, she has to just gush and talk about how big and how grateful she is and all this stuff, you're making them pay for it. You're not generous. All you're doing is trying to purchase a compliment, purchase something. Don't be that way. You need to purpose, purchase a little purpose in your heart. I'm going to be a giver. When you come back, I'm going to pray that if this isn't you, that you have a heart change. And if it is you, that you be even greater strengthened in this grace in your life and that you can receive from Him. Come right back. I want to pray with you. Are you tired of your financial miracle never showing up? In this life-transforming devotional, you will discover practical help to see your God-given increase. Order online at Hello, I'm Curt Owen. Nearly every day on this broadcast, we give something away for free. The people that empower us to do that are our partners. If you're wondering where the money that you do when you support this ministry goes, it goes into blessing people. Either through this broadcast, through free materials, or for us in our countless mission things around the world, would you consider becoming a partner today? Come to and become a partner. Thank you so much. Now we're in this together. If you've been blessed by this program, we invite you to donate and partner with Curt Owen Ministries. Visit our website, Curt, and become a partner today. You know, and for 2 Corinthians 8, the Lord was telling them, he says, he was talking about this one group was tremendous givers, and he was telling the Corinthians, "See that you abound in this grace also." He was encouraging them to become a giver because it really helps you in every area of your life. And I'm going to believe with you today that this grace abounds in your life. Father, in the name of Jesus, I thank you for my brother and sister sitting there listening. I thank you, Lord, that they will no longer be controlled by money, but they will begin to be generous people and devise generous things, and Lord, as they sow bountifully, they will reek bountifully in every area of their life, and that they are able to give to every good work. In Jesus' name, amen. Now let me give you a tip. If you want to be a giver, sit down every day and devise generous things to do for others that can do absolutely nothing for you. This is Curt Owen reminding you that Jesus' risen victory is assured. Not your typical minister. Curt Owen left a successful career in private investigation and executive protection for the ministry over 20 years ago. His simple, practical application of God's Word will reveal how much God loves you and give you the ability to walk in victory with Jesus. Special thanks go to the Port St. Lucie Police Athletic League for the use of their facility.