Daniel Harlley

Benefits Of The Word Of God

Preached At Christ Our Hope Cathedral, Pietermaritzburg - South Africa.

1h 15m
Broadcast on:
31 Jul 2024
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Welcome to the teaching ministry of Bishop Daniel Harley, the resident pastor of Christ our hope cathedral cameraman's friend and overseer of the Caesarean Council of Churches. Bishop Daniel Harley is the son of Bishop Daggie Woodman, the founder and Bishop of the United Denominations originating from the Lighthouse people's churches. Bishop Daniel Harley has a strong passion for missions and evangelism and has preached the gospel of many years. Join us now for a life changing experience. Well, DTW has begun. We are powerfully this morning or this afternoon. So we won't be here for long, just a quick Bible study and then we read some scriptures and then we go and catch the next session. Alright, see you man. Good, so we read the word of God then. We go and catch the next session of GTWA, the Prophet Daggie Woodmills. Alright, so I want to just lay a foundation from Luke chapter 5, Luke chapter 5. I'm reading verse 1, it says, "And it came to pass that as many people pressed upon him to hear the word of God, he stood by the lake Ganesare, and saw two ships standing by the lake, but the fish are men were gone out of them and were washing their nets. He entered into one of the ships which was Simon's and prayed him that he would trust out a little from the land. And he sat down and taught the people out of the ship, Hallelujah. Now when he had done speaking, he said to Simon, "Lunch out into the deep and let down your nets for a drought." And Simon answering said, "Until he master, we've told all night and have taken nothing. Nevertheless, I die wed. I will let down the net. And when he had let down, he had let the done this, they enclosed a great multitude of fishes and their nets break. And they beckoned unto their partners which were in the other ship that they should come and help them. And they came and filled both ships so that they began to sink." When Simon Pita saw this, he fell down at Jesus' knees, saying, "Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord." Amen. Wonderful. And he was astonished and all day away with him, all that way with him are the drought of fishes that they are taken in. Amen. Now in this beautiful piece of scripture from Luke chapter 5, which I believe we've all seen before, we've all had before. If you've been to Sunday school, you have, there are some things you should know if you have been to crash. Do you get it? Yeah, some stories you should know if you have been to Sunday school. This is one of the stories, okay? But what I want to show us here, bring our attention to here is that the Bible says that from verse 1, that many people pressed Jesus to hear the word of God says, and it came to pass that ask the people who pressed Jesus to hear the word of God. So something falls Jesus to share the word of God on that day. What falls Jesus, the people, they pressed Jesus for the word of God. Now, many a time, this is the same Jesus that fed 5,000. This is the same Jesus that healed the sick. This is the same Jesus that brought sight to the blind. This is the same Jesus that raised the dead. This is the same Jesus that tanned water into one. He tanned water into one. This is the same Jesus. Why have you guys started laughing? Saa, saa, saa, saa, saa, saa, saa, saa, saa, saa, saa, saa, saa, saa, saa, saa, saa, saa, saa, saa, saa, saa, saa, saa, saa, saa, saa, saa, saa, saa, saa, saa, saa, saa, saa, saa, saa, saa, saa, saa, saa, saa. Why are they laughing so aggressively? No, but these people were more frantic. Anyway, back to what I was saying. The same Jesus that did all these things. So, if you have Jesus, somebody who can feed 5,000, raise the dead, open the eyes of blind, heal, sick people, heal a madman, walk on water, 10 water into one, all these things. You know, because he has the ability to do these things, you'd have expected that people will press him for something, because some people came to him looking for a miracle. Some people came to him looking for other things. One day, the day he fed the 5,000, the next day, the people came, when they came, he asked them, why have you come? Is he because you had that I fed 5,000 people that you have come? Today, there's no food. If you want to eat, come and take me, myself, and eat me. And the people got angry, and they all left. They all left, because they had come for food. But these people in Luke 5 had come to hear the word of God. They have come to hear the word of God. And you see, the Bible says they pressed him. Jesus was not ready to teach anybody he needed. He was minding his own business. Do you guys, sometimes when people see you as a pastor, because you preach all the time, they feel that any time they see you be preaching, I've seen people as strange places ask me to pray for them. And it's like, look, right now, prayer is the last thing on my mind. I don't say it like that, but I say to him, right now, I'm about to hit a ball into the hole. You say, I should pray, me, myself, I need prayers for my ball to go into the hole, but I should pray for you, but I'll pray anyway. So here I can relate to Jesus that. I don't think that day he was moving around with a message to share with people, but because the people pressed him, they were so hungry and tested for the word of God that they pressed him for it. The Bible says that he looked for a place to preach to them. So he saw a guy called Peter who had a ship, a boat, and he needed a platform. So he said, you move the boat a little into the water so that the boat is like the stage and the people stand on the shore. And then I preached to them. Do you get it? And Peter allowed Jesus to use his boat to preach. Now remember, this time Peter was not a disciple of Jesus. After this, the Jesus recruited Peter. He was just a normal guy around, but he allowed God to use him. My prayer is that you allow God to use you and to use your vessel. God brought you onto this head for a purpose and allow him to use you for that. Look, you don't lose it. Peter's business was getting support until Jesus used his business tools or whatever it is. Jesus used his tools of trade. Yeah, his boat to preach. And then from that day, Peter's business changed so much that he went to retirement. Because Bible says that Jesus said to him, after he finished using him, Jesus said to him, let's drop the net to the side for a massive catch. And Peter said to Jesus, look, we have been doing this thing for years. The economy is not good. Things are very bad nowadays. The fishes have become very smart. They know how to avoid us. The fishes have set a detector. They can't tell where we are at any giving time. So we have been doing the whole night. We have done the things from beginning to end. We have nothing. But because you are saying what you are saying, I will let you that. And when he obeyed, the word of God and obeyed what Jesus asked the instructions Jesus gave to him. The Bible says he caught so much and closed a great multitude of fishes such that even the container, the next that they were using to cut their fish, it was breaking. The net couldn't hold it anymore. So they caught another partner around the coming hell because the amount of fish we are catching, you don't catch fish like that. The amount of fish they filled both ships to the opponent, the ship started to taste like too much to carry. After this, Peter said, I don't do fishing against you. I am going on retirement. I have made enough. I am going, God will you see in a way your hustle will come to an end. Just allow him to use you. What do you have? A talent, a gift. If you don't have anything at all, you have yourself, yourself, you, yourself. Now God to use you. Amen. Now I am on pressing Jesus for the word of God. Today's Christian doesn't have time for the word of God. Amen. Today's Christian has time for miracles, has time for breakthroughs, has time for prophecies, has time for healing, has time for everything else except the word of God. Except making time for the word of God. Like being hungry, like I am coming to change this Tuesday because I want to hear the word of God. I am coming to church on Sunday to hear the word of God. Let's hurry up and go home so that we can hear, perfect preach for this evening session. Like pressing for the word of God. But other versions say they have thought him. They fought him for the word. Why will you force for the word of God? Why will you force to hear the word of God? Sometimes we don't know the benefits of the word of God. That's why we don't even take the word and we are okay. I mean recently I was reading some verses in the Bible and they were so excited. And I wanted to put it on a group. But I realized that if I put the words, if I put the whole chapters, I read five chapters. Now two chapters, the first two chapters were excited and they were connected. I realized that if I put the whole thing, why people see that as long as we read at all? I mean I'm not talking about Kaiser chips was a group or Orlando Paris. I mean the church works at this church, what's a group with Christians on it. Christians, I wanted to put it on the Jubilee Council groups. But it's like how do I put it? When they see their scripture, what is it a joke that perfect bishop has put there? What does it, and it came to pass, it has come to pass. And it came to pass, it has come to pass. Does it just keep? Do Christians, and the reason why we do this, we don't know the benefits that we get from the word of God. Today I want to just show you a few, just a quick Bible study. I want to show you something, Psalm 19. Let's just look at benefits, some benefits we get from the word of God. What the word of God is supposed to do, Psalm 19. The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament show it his handiweight. Verse 2. There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard. Their line is going out through all the air, and their words to the ends of the world. In them had he set the tab, set a tab nacle for the sun, which is as a bright groom coming out of his chamber, and rejoices as a strong man to run a race. His going forth is from the end of heaven, and his second unto the ends of it, and there is nothing hit from the heat thereof. Now he's coming to talk about the word. The law of the Lord is perfect, conveting the soul. Here David says that the word of God, he calls the word of God the law of the Lord, and he says that it's perfect, it's right, it's accurate. Said that it brings conversion to a passing soul. The more you take in the word of God and apply it to yourself, your soul gets converted. Your soul becomes reformed. Your soul is made up of your mind, your will, your intellect, your emotions. Those things receive changes. Convection to convert is to change. Let's say you have runs, you want it to become dollars. You convert runs to dollars, so you change it from runs into dollars. So your mind is converted by the word of God. In Romans 12 Paul says that your be transformed, be changed, be advanced, be improved by the renewing of your mind. So it's like your mind, when your mind changes, it brings transformation, it brings an improvement to you. When you go to school, improvement comes. Just picture yourself five years ago when you were at Tofi Vaba. And now that you've come to UK's attend for two years, you can see that you are more polished. It's not like when you came to UK and they gave you uniforms. But the mind has received some teaching. So even the way your outlook is even different. You used to walk out on Tata Gugundlu, what's the name? Boom Blast. I said girl. A 16 year old girl. You say look, you are busy fetching water. So you are busy batch. You are coming like a thousand. A 19 year old girl ripe for life. You are busy fetching water. So the water is, and because of the things that children eat nowadays, by 10, 11, I mean you are blossomed. Like it's almost half-assed time, 12, 30. I mean you've blossomed already. So you have blossomed, but you are going to the river to fetch water, back-chested. And then you are coming with the water, and then you meet some guy, then you start to chop with the hand. You know the other thing that happened yesterday, and they are also busy chatting with you. You want to add words to, yeah, it's a good idea. Now that transformation, why? If in the way you talk, the way you carry yourself about has changed, just by exposing your mind to being taught in school. So reformition is coming to the mind. The same way, when you expose yourself to the word of God, your mind is, there's convection of your mind, there's convection of your will. You have to desire that thinks you choose this to change. He died to you, they have chosen something very horrible, but it's like now your will is exerted in the right direction. It's convecting your school. Your emotions are getting convected. If instead of having wicked and evil sentiments, you see that now your sentiments are different. You see somebody being beaten on the streets, they are taught, they will be them. Yeah, they will be them. But now when you see it, it's like, oh, what's happening? Although you may not be able to do anything, the way you feel about yourself, and let them beat all the foreigners, let them chase all the foreigners away. Look, you didn't have had a pasta by now, by now you be a little pregnant with three children, we don't know their parents. You have no pasta. Yeah, you have no pasta. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, you'll be surprised. All you wanted was one bottle of savanna, then it has come as a full pack. You weren't looking for a match. Just one bottle, one bottle, not even a full bottle, just half a glass. So as you expose yourself to the word of God, God convex your soul. He's working on your soul. If you have a wife in this state, the way I preach in this state, if your wife you will be changed. If your husband doesn't deal with you, I'll deal with you. Oh, yes. One hour of preaching, I'll deal with you myself. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, husband's life matters. Yeah. Yeah. Justice for husbands. Amandla. Yeah. So your soul is being converted. As a young man, your soul, the word of God is reforming you. So if you don't expose yourself to the word that is being preached or by reading, if you don't expose yourself to it, there will be no change. This is the reason why people can't be in the chat for years, and there's no change. When you came as a thief, you are still a thief, you are just older. You came to touch as a thief. Four years later, you are just four years older, but you are still a thief. Meanwhile, officials for tells us 28 that let him die still no more than one who used to steal. We understand you used to steal, but don't steal anymore. Stop stealing. Now, where will you get such instruction? When your mothers and your grandmothers and your uncle's and things have told you that God blesses with both the right and the left. God is a left-handed God. kulu kulu kulu cesar faeciza. Ezzalim! Ezzalim, whatever it means but that's what I'm telling you. God helps those who help themselves. Do you see it? So unless you expose yourself to the word of God, your soul would not be reformed and your soul is the foundation of your character, the way you behave. Some of you came with yes. Afraid of everything. In fact, I know some people who if you win that speech they are afraid of is too quiet. I'm too happy something must be wrong. It's like raising a baby like when you have a baby caring for a baby. If the baby is in the room and it's too quiet. Something is wrong. Yeah, you have to go and check because it's too quiet. Too quiet. You understand what I'm saying? So God, through his word, is reviving and convecting his conveting souls. Conveting your soul. Your soul is like your innermost being where your heart where your character is formed from. So God is working on it. How is he working on it? Through his word. So expose yourself to him. Look, this type of place that when you are preaching now people are going outside, going to, you don't know what you are missing out. That moment that you go and pee, that could be when your word is coming. And I'm wondering how long do we preach? You can sit down, you can't hold it in for one hour. Then you have an infection. You need to see a doctor. You will now attract infection. UTI, that's what you have. I've already diagnosed it for you. You can go to the pharmacy and just buy medication. It's just that you need a prescription for it that I can't do for you. Can I get an amen from you? Let's go, let's go. There are about nine of them, but I don't know if we have time to play all the nine. So it's as the commandment of, so mostly to be touch and go, touch and go, the commandment of the Lord, they are pure. Hey, no, I think we've, no, hey, go to the verse seven. That one is even the wicked one. It says the testimony of the Lord is sure, is setting, making wise the simple. It's a God's way, it's sure, it's setting. It's, it's comp. It cannot, you cannot meet it. There's, there's no uncertainty about it. It's definite, it's sure. The effect of having it is that it makes a simple person, which is a Bible way of saying a fool, wife. I know it doesn't apply to you because you are not simple. It makes that simple. So wisdom, wisdom is the cure for foolishness. I say it again, wisdom is the cure for foolishness. And many people are simple. Some people are simple in totality. I want to stay with the Bible because I don't want anybody to go on the, we can be trouble synchronous. But I've already told you in the beginning, anyway, you say, you see simple, put fool. Anyway, you see simpleness, put foolishness. You guys, it's an old, the Bible is an old book. It's just relevant, it's alive. So it's still relevant. Do you get it? I have fools moving the simplicity of their mind. That's actually what the Bible says. Do you get it? So it's the simple, which is a fool, but I go on to you. It's not nice, especially on Tuesday, if it was Wednesday fine, but Tuesday is not nice. So it's like, look, wisdom is the solution to simplicity or foolishness. And I'm saying that some people are generally, the simplicity spreads everywhere. It's widespread in totality and fullness. So the hand is simple, the leg is simple, the head is every part is simple. So they are simple in everything. Now that's the reason why I'm saying this, because I know you are saying it doesn't apply to you. Do you get it? Now, after you've been in church for something, at least some of the simplicity has been cured. So you are not culturally simple. I mean, like you're not simple in totality, like your whole body is simple. So when we start to talk about samples, you immediately eliminate yourself that he's not talking to me. You see, by you express your simplicity in different areas, sometimes in your finances, you are simple. Look, I know a guy, when you talk to him about academic things, you say we should make him the president of the nation. Until you see him eating, then you understand the simplicity of a man. He doesn't have an income. When you see the type of ice cream he eats, when we are buying farmhouse, you know, you know farmhouse. You know farmhouse. It's fun, fun, fun. Yeah. Utla. Ola. Ola is which one? Aha. Ola and that one. You see he has gone to buy anybody who buys ice cream in a round. You see those, I don't even know their names. It's like the ice cream, you have a picture. Please, if you have a, you see the ice cream that comes in the round, you don't even know how many kilos it is. What? Adidas. Hagen das. Wow. Wow. Please, anybody who the Lord has blessed, bring one and let me taste it. Unachi, let the Lord speak to you. Adidas. Wow. Hagen das. You see him eating this type of ice cream. He doesn't have a salary. He doesn't have an income. I don't even, oh, it's gone off. It's so expensive that the attacker even keeps it on. Yeah. You see, he's, he's going to, one guy sent a guy to buy me eggs. We were in the house, we were making food to eat and we are trying to pull food from every ingredients, from every corner. So he was, he said he was going to the shop. So I said, oh, yes, I think 100 runs or something. Buy some eggs. 50 runs. Yes. I gave me 50 runs. And I'm talking about tabo and backies, tabo and backies 50 runs. Not this guy, not this guy's 50 runs. No, no, no. Solid 50 runs. He went with the 50 runs and he came with the eggs. Six eggs. Half a dozen. I know a guy who used to say six dozen, six dozen, they had six eggs. It's the same guy who used to eat the ice cream. The Hagen das guy. He didn't have an income. So this guy, he came with six eggs and we were three and two little children. So we, we, we all had one egg each. So maybe I was waiting for my change because those days, six eggs should be about three runs something. Do you guys, six dozen should be about three runs something. So I was waiting for my change. But because we are come from Chachu, but because we're hungry, you less eat the food. We'll come. The guy is going nowhere. He lives in the house. So he's not. I was there. I was there. They changed. Then later on, the change came. It was 12 runs. So I thought maybe I made a mistake some way. You know, something doesn't add up. There's a tattoo runs missing some way. So I caught him. Oh, brother. I said, what, brother, not brother, brother, not brother, brother. I said, brother, the change is not changing. They said, Oh, I'm coming. Then he went to his room. Then he came back with a slip. So I was wondering what the slip is for. I thought maybe he bought other things. So he's now trying to calculate and see when he brought when I saw the slip, the slip was from Woolies. Uh-huh. This is Adidaz Haggindaz ice cream. The slip is from Woolies. That's the first problem. Me. I don't buy food from Woolies. I mean Woolies. Look, food that went to private school. It's like, if you buy Millies, then Millies went to private school before, and then they finally got them into whichever product, bread. Everything's from private school. I said, hey, so Woolies. I said, why? Then, secondly, I saw that my egg was 38 runs or something like that. I said, ah, 6,000. Oh, it was 12 or 18. Something. It's been 20 years, so you know the way it is. But to my surprise, he had to buy the eggs at Woolies. I said, brother, me. When I go out, I have a place where I buy the eggs. It has two yolks. All the eggs have two yolks. That's how much I have to manage their money. I go out, like, what the money you have spent on 6 eggs. I can use it by 60 eggs. And in the 60 eggs, each egg will have two yolks. When you see the egg, pick like a mango. Hey, what did my wife ask me? Are you sure we are eating? Maybe it's another animal egg boo. But, Charlie, I said, look, we have bread over it. God is with us. So you can see, you can see the foolishness when it comes to money. And some of us display it when it comes to money. And what can cure it is the wisdom from the Word of God. That's actually why I'm saying what I'm saying. The wisdom from the Word of God. So if you want to look, look, look, you have a... You have a... Yes, that's what I want you to do. You have a Coca-Cola budget. But you have some pink taste. Yeah, or caviar taste. Appetite. Buy your budget. Look, you have a hundred dollar budget on a ten dollar income. Yeah, when it comes to money, that's where you display your simplicity. Yeah, you display. You've gone to buy this. You've gone to buy this. This one account, that one account. This one account. You have account everywhere. You've gone to take this one. The same salary. It's paying all these accounts. You are going to take this from Fostini. You have seen this new quote. You just bought a winter coat. $7.99. Then as you are getting out of from Truett, as you are getting out of the shop, you have just seen another nice one at which other lady shop is there. We're already there by two. So, Fostini. So, this one will look nice with my blue shoe. Then you've gone to take it also. How many times do you wear that blue shoe? Yeah, one day I went to buy a pair of shoes for my wife. I thought to my children, my children convinced me, buy it for mums. I said, "Okay, I'll buy it." I said it, and then they convinced me. They told her why he convinced me to buy it. I said, "No, no problem." When I put the shoe I came out, I said, "If this is the shoe, then she needs a green bag. Is it green bag?" You said, "I wanted to send the shoe back." I wanted to send the shoe back. Because me in my mind, the shoe can work by itself. That's if I knew that I needed to buy a bag. Nobody has sent me. Yeah, we didn't even bought the shoe. So, I told my son, "You see, the problem you have brought to this house? After today, I've not bought the bag." Yeah, after today, when I get money, I'll buy the bag. You see, now the problem is getting worse. So, some of you display your simplicity when it comes to your schoolwork. So, when I say mix that simple, I mean, "Nah, nah, it's not me." Some display their simplicity in their marriage. Some display their simplicity when it comes to relationships. That's why I don't want to say it loud. It comes to relationships. I'm saying, "Oh, yeah, you guys, you have graduated out of relationships." Yeah, if I'm here, I'm safe. It's a relationship. And yeah, I want to be in the relationship. I want to be like, "Look, you are in the final phase of your relationship. Try an arrow." You really don't have much room for making the mistake. You are a smart licensed, all right? I'm telling you, I'm talking to you. Just in case you think you are not the one. You are the one I'm talking to. Yeah, you are in the final stages of try an arrow. Yeah, no, you are in the middle stage if you lose your away room. If you lose you out of the tournament. Look, right now you can't just choose somebody for vibes. For vibes. We want the person who will marry you, maybe it's in final year now, and he has to see you by the end of this year. But here you are, the day he will see you. Here you are walking with this, your cosmic, and the way he has hooked you. I mean, the way he has hooked you. He has hooked you like he has paid the Ebola. I mean, it's not just walking with you and vibing with you. He has hooked you like he has paid like he owes you. He doesn't care what your father sees. Then does the day this final year guy who has to spot you and notice you sees you. And then that door is closed. Remember, you are not the only beautiful girl on campus. If you're on campus, you don't feel beautiful because when you see the exotic ones moving around, you begin to ask me. I go to Department of Arts. There you see, you see, if you are in chemistry and you think you are beautiful, just go to Department of Arts. You see variety over there. If you will become scared. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You are a lady, but when the lady passes, you can your head and say what? But that's that's why we display our simplicity. Tabiso say, man, you have to put the phone in, hideouts. That way it's going. That way it's going. You have to hide the phone. Oh, God, look, how do you allow the wisdom of the word of God to cure your simplicity? Just believe is that the testimony is sure. There's no argument about it. If the Bible says it's right, it's right. If the Bible says it's wrong, there's no debate. You can't argue the Bible. The reality and the certainty of the word of God. You can't say, the Bible says, someone says, the word is setting in heaven. Forever, O Lord, the word is setting. It's settled. There's no argument. We can't argue, go by. No, you can't debate. You can't debate. That's why the word is settled in heaven. It's like, you can't give, argue that through and through and through and through and through, it's settled. There's nothing to act with, nothing to take from it. So when you see the Bible's opinion on something, you take it to replace your simple opinion. And me and my case is different. Your case will not be different. Your case will not, I wish I had more time for this, your case will not be different. Replace these ideas you got from colonial days, from cartoons, from chilling with your voice and your friends, cartoon acquired wisdom ideas and philosophies. Give it up for the word of God, the setting, the surety, the sector-ness of the word of God. Give it up for it. Which area are you simple in? Is it as a wife? Is it as a husband? Is it as a young man? Is it as a young lady? Take the wisdom of the word of God, accept it, believe it, and let it replace that old thinking. Take it out and accept the word of God. Suddenly you'll see that all your moves are wisdom moves. All your moves will become wisdom. Allow the word of God to echo new. It makes wise the simple. Yeah, it makes wise the simple. Next one, I don't know how maybe we are going to vessel. I don't know how many vessels we can do, but read it on you. It's your homework. The statues of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart. The word of God brings joy to the heart. It brings happiness, excitement. Anybody who follows the word of God, you will see that there's natural excitement in the word of God. Natural, if you give yourself to the word of God, I always say that anybody who says the Bible is not nice. Either has no read the Bible or cannot read. But if you can't read, oh, take a Bible that the English is natural. The reason why you read King James, you know, the English is not at your level. Somebody has to explain it to you. Take an easy Bible. Simple, maybe you lose your 40. Take a Zulu Bible and read it, maybe cross-ice your strong code. Take it and read it in that language or read an easy version of the Bible so they can understand what the Bible is saying. You see, you become happy. Is it to read Bible? One Bible I recommend to you. Is it to read Bible? It's so easy to read that. When you are reading it, you see, you're just going like that. They use words that you and I can't understand. You don't need calculus to understand those words. It brings joy. And one of the things Setan tries to do is to steal your joy. Because Setan knows that when you are happy, you can save God better. The Bible says the joy of the Lord is our strength. So read the Bible so you can be happy. Give yourself to the Word of God. So it brings joy. It brings reassurance and encouragement. So your soul cannot easily be cast down. One broken heart you had 2021 after COVID. Every day you are crying. Every day you are cast down. Why don't you read the Bible to lift up your soul? Why don't you take encouragement from the Bible and bring out people who complain about everything. Like life is so unfair to them. God is so unfair to only them. And sometimes when I listen to their problems, sometimes they let exchange problems. If I don't give you all my problems, I just give you one portion. That's all. My problems from church and loom. Take you, forget about my problems from marriage, my problems from my children, my problems. So just check. If we check, I won't give you all of it. My son is asking, "What problems do they give me?" Just give you half of my problems. I mean, like, look, you are in school, you are doing well, you have graduated, you are continuous, but you think God has been so unfair to you. Life is beating you. You are the only one who's hustling. Look, there are people who are hustling, hustling, but they are moving on. You don't see them. They sweat like goods. When they go to sweat, you never see it by sweating. My father used to say, "When you are hot, say you are sweating like a pregnant fish." I used to wonder, "How do pregnant fish sweat?" Yeah, you don't know other people's issues. Every day is about how you think the whole world is about you. God must stop the act from spinning because of you. Read the Bible and bring joy into your life and stop being someone who's just complete. Every day complete. Such people, you see, and unfortunately, such people, somebody's poor son who went marry such a girl. And you will be deceived by the beauty and the beauty is assisted by makeup. I mean, one of the fears I have for today's children is that many of them will not marry a beautiful girl. Yeah, why do I say so? Because when they come out, look, what you are seeing is all makeup associated. I mean, if you come on a Sunday, look, if your brother doesn't want you to come on, choose this. Because choose this where you see the real product. Sunday is all makeup assisted. So, you say, "Her skin is smooth. Who told you?" It's all makeup. Makeup has made it. I mean, they've been put there, put there, put there. Yeah, it's when you go and she buys them everything, you see the face. You see that there. I thought you were a yellow boot. Look, a couple of years ago, I read a article where a man was suing his wife for deceiving him, for suing the wife. They are just married. And every time she sees a yellow boot makeup, I mean, she's moving until they married, went on honeymoon or whatever, married night, and then she finally became herself. He said, "You have backed the wrong horse." So, she was taking him to court. And while he had taken her to court, to sue her for deception. What was I saying before I came to this one? Yes, but what he brought us here? Yeah, somebody will marry this one because beauty, the beauty is the one staring you up, but emotionally she's damaged, damaged. So, for all them, every dish is complaining about this. You come home and you say, "You are home too many times." And you don't kind of say, "Where were you? Don't you have friends to go to? Or why have you come there?" Like, completely. Every day, a man doesn't want to hear whining. Men are not built like that. Men are built that. Everything they solve it. So, sometimes you are just even having a conversation with them. Actually, I'm talking, he's thinking of the solution to what you are saying. But you just want somebody to listen to you. But as he's listening, he's looking for a solution. So, "Wait, he keeps hearing things he cannot solve. He becomes unhappy. He begins to feel useless." Because, like, you told me that thing. I can't because I'm not that my wife can't be telling me that, "All right, but just put it here and then that's it." But she's not talking to you to give that solution. She's just talking to you because you are the one. I mean, she's just talking to me because I'm the one she has to talk to. But me, in my mind, it's all this long conversation. This is the solution. Why? We haven't done this conversation. The solution is simple. Leave it behind. And let's go home. Leave it behind. And let's go home. So, you are not fun. You are not nice to be with. That's a whole lot of problems. But that's how a man is wired up. What's the solution? Simple. So, here you are. Every day you are complaining. You complain about your boss. You complain about this. He's there. He can't solve the problem at your wake, please. So, then you are becoming a boring person for him to be with. Because when you appear, you expose him in other places. You be complaining. Why? Why? Ask him taking 10 of the power. He can't go to ask him and go and turn on his load setting. Don't you know that his load setting? When you have 14, did you think of the load setting and you voted? Let's go on so that we can't close up one minute. So, allow the word of God to shoot your heart so that they can be joy. Take on 14, though, so that you can't be a happy person. Because you complain and become a madman. It says the commandment of the load is pure and lightning the ice. God's commandment is pure and it brings light to the witness. God's commandment brings direction. It brings light to you. Thus, I say, "Your word is a light unto my power and lump unto my feet and light to my power." So, God's word brings direction in everything you are doing. In this case, do this. In this case, dude, it brings direction. Where is your life going? It's based on how much word you have allowed to influence you. Maybe you are at the stage. You have to marry. Marry quickly. Stop playing games around. I don't realize he has made you pregnant. The marriage idea is gone. No, he has made you pregnant right now, 485. You are pregnant. Now, we have to wait for you to have the baby and then after the baby, we can't say, "After you have had the baby, you see, your figure is not the same like it was before." Because the body has stretched in places that he wasn't experiencing. He wasn't experiencing it to stretch like that. Now, here it is. It does stretch. Now, he is thinking of his options. And, points number two, what happens to her wife when she gets pregnant? I said, "Look, there's a beauty of her wife." I always tell the people, there's a beauty of her teenager, there's a beauty of her girl, then there's a beauty of her wife. A certain look, when you have it and you are not a wife, game over for you. But when you are a wife, it's beautiful. Yeah, when you are a wife, it's beautiful. I don't have time, so I can't talk more, because my time is up. When there's a certain look, you see, there's a certain look that when you have, It's for, it's you are young and you that's what you must have if you have a setting look At a setting point and you are not misses. Oh No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no and the way you take accused when the teenagers are calling you anti You should just know that you are getting into you are getting into I mean look at small and this was she has to call you as a Antidist anti that you must be somebody's wife by then Because if you take like and this one they are the teenage it's like she's teenage just about to tip into No, she's this girl. She's macho. She's not that child. Ah, I you know the same age as shown. Oh You should stop being rent Please please. She's not a child. She's your child, but she's not it and it's not only you your child Don't let me bring up other issues. Ah stop disturbing me. I'm preaching is he? So I say when you see this 19 year olds 18 year they are calling you auntie Should I move forward next verse we are going to love is far verse 11 the fear of the Lord is clean and during forever God's word brings holiness Do you get it brings it's clean. There's no death in it. There's no sin in it. It's clean If you want to live a holy life give yourself to the word of God if you want to live a clean life Lead a clean life give yourself to the word of God, but I was a how can a young man keep his way pure? By taking heed to the word of God the only way a young man can live a pure life a clean life Non-live a reckless life is right and reckless life and it's one of the fastest ways to poverty The prodigal son he was rich by just being a son He took I was a he asked me said to a star given to me the portion of good of and he the father divided is Living to them that he took it and went to a far country and lived a reckless life Sin is expensive Sin it says it cost you money He lived a reckless life and because of the reckless life He destroyed every to his person and when he asked for a rich volume and when he spent all There I was a farming in the land and he began to be in want Your small money that you have you see you have taken it to a trip to debon and back We are is the same man that you are supposed to use from now to the end of August You said I'm going with my girls on a trip to debon and come star white. So already you are going to buy white white Like millie millie millie you have gone to buy then you are wearing it Star white already from the small money you have received though. You've gone to buy star white Then the cost of transporting yourself to debon and back What you are eating in debon what you are drinking in debon where you are going to in debon by the time We read the fit of the month. You are dry as bright Yeah, we see you are like built on dry like built on And that's when you start getting angry with everybody in the chat There's no love in the chat when I saw them They didn't want to give to our people in the chat. They are only definition of love is we giving to them Yeah, and I'm wondering How about the other why don't you also give to us so that there will be the chat should be filled with love Love us back love us in return It's like it's a one-directional love if it got who is love when he loved us. He expects us to love him back That's the only time they understand love when you give something to them When they ask you for something you don't have they say you don't love them The day you don't have you don't have love So when you live recklessly you see the small you have a can't do anything Then now you begin to get angry with your colleagues in the chat Because look it's after church and somebody else had ordered something from mr. D food and You just happened to be around when the motorbike came then you are angry We could you know we could have gone to check us to buy chips and then food chicken for the money That you are friends with are all of us and they're full of bread sasco bread for all of us to share But you are going to blow yours in there, but alone You've gone to blow yours in there. You can't even remember the things that happened in there, but And now you are broke and the other people I have ordered mr. D food They've ordered something for 40 runs on mr. D food Yes, the transport is the same as the cost of the meal, but it's their money. Why are you not angry? Then you be calculated this 80 runs we could have bought drumsticks six drumsticks two loaves of bread one twizzah And poloni it to the fed 5,000 is the best is not Jesus You all I live a clean life Give yourself the next one next I think I'll do one more and I'll close please because it's not late We have to go in the link will come very soon. I see something you to be on my phone. It means we are live mm-hmm Go back to yeah, the fear of the Lord is clean and during forever the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous all together Let's go to the next one more to be desired done hand verse 11 verse 11 more over by them is I want to warn and in keeping them Great, there's a great reward The word of God comes to warn us are Skipped about three of them. Don't worry the word of God comes to warn us is as more of a by the word Which he names he calls him different thing different ways. He said by the way We are warned The Bible is full of warnings What is a warning warning is an alert of danger? And why is God warning us warning elects you of impending and possible danger? So when you see someplace they are written in goes In goes these were danger in it and What far What far But why you suddenly be a me like you speak africans Why you are behaving suddenly like every day you wake up speaking africans No, no, no stop pretending stop pretending stop all is the only africans you know, which is what What far How far? The Bible wants you of danger. The Bible says can a man take what call into his bosom and not be bent So he says you can you bring danger so close to you and not get bent It's a warning to tell you that when you bring danger close to you, you will be bent. So don't bring danger close to you It's as simple as that You say you have quit drinking you have four friends all of them drink and you are only with them I mean, it's a dead. It's a loss case loss course I mean means you are simple is that Quit smoking the people you move with Your roommate is the owner of the happily and It's on the table every day on the table When he sets it up he double So test it unless he's equal right is the other right level you are the tester then you soup Okay, it's right, but I'll stop smooth. It's just a matter of time. You'll be back. Is it a right flavor? It's a can a man take fire in his buzzer which means so close your bosom is close to you and His clothes not be bent by all means you're close to catch fire and you also catch fire Is that so come come and let's watch a movie in my room And this one you go to first year be careful of these boys. I'm warning you in advance. Oh I have the latest episode of this this series come let's watch it together It's too close it's too close in goozy Have found something like that how far it's too close If you were to ask your friends, they will show you that that's how they all fail the in that same room Yeah in that same room Same same series same episode When you get to the room, there's no chair There's only the bed and the laptop then you ask them. Why is there no chain? So it's a bedroom not a chair room Wob wob you look as I'm talking to you. You are I'm not less is that I'm talking to you You have to be warned the way of God brings warnings One means it's full of warnings. What what why is it for God is trying to save us from danger from getting into trouble? One guy met a guy said the way you are behaving your boss is going to suck you if you don't make a you It's a warning and Bishop wants my boss to suck me if I wanted your boss to suck you I don't have to warn you I Just leave you because by your own that you can't do by yourself One day we're reading the last prayer the place that says lead us not into temptation Then the pastor added for we know that we're there ourselves It's like you know that way to decide by yourself You don't need anybody's help give it your behavior alone. It's enough But it's a warning It's a warning and why do they talk about from the kitchen when we cut it's a warning because look the way you are going rapidly hurriedly rationally tumbling into it four thirty five. That's it boom And as soon as he sees that you are pregnant, he just a Hakuna Matata he continues No, you will see everything would take you be so short like night and day He said he was spending the rest of his life with me. Yes with you not with you and him That you are singular not wrong You see how you think it's my like a switch on and off Hmm it's a warning I said tabizo it's a warning for thirty five boom God is warning us God through his wet brings warnings different warnings Different warnings if you do this this will happen. Don't do this. He leads to this. Don't do look solo man God gave Solomon a warning Bible says and can Solomon love many strange wife finish with this and Can Solomon love many strange women including the daughter of Pharaoh the Edomide the Zidonia's a he tied They give up all of them Concenting that they live the tribe that the Lord has said to the children Those are not going to fast cancel. That's are not going on to them neither So you let them come in on to you for the whole ten your heart your hearts after they are gods That's it go to verse one. They think I made up my own scriptures Set back in Solomon love many strange women together with the daughter of Pharaoh Pharaoh was God's number one enemy you Solomon was in love with Pharaoh's daughter Including the daughter of Pharaoh the women of the Moabites the Ammonites the Edomide the Zidonians and the he ties What was wrong with these women where they're not beautiful where they're not proper women look at verse two He says of The nations Concenting with the Lord said unto the children of either you shall not go into them Night that's how you let so don't go and change them. Don't let them come and change you either Night that's how you let them come in on to you For surely they will take away your hearts after they are gods but Solomon Cleave and to these in love Solomon said God Stop what you are saying. I mean love Only you solo you are you I love with Pharaoh's daughter the Moabites the Edomide the Zidonians the he ties You I know you are in love with all these people Yeah God said look there. It's not like they are not beautiful But they really it is the ones you go after them. They would turn your heart away from me and turn your hearts to They are gods God appeared to solo mount two times to give solo mount a warning on this Solomon said no God stop what you are saying you don't understand the world has changed the world that you made it has changed Now I am in love This was the beginning of the destruction of Solomon Solomon you know Solomon as a wise kid. This is where his destruction started these women These colorful exotic and exactly what God said is exactly the warning God gave him That's what Solomon started to be the guy who built the temple Solomon is the big temple We know about that Solomon's temple Solomon is the one who built the temple He built the temple dedicated in everything the temple that God originally asked David to build Then Solomon is the one who came to build it after that he started to build temples for astral Molech all these God even look Solomon. I think Solomon was a good blesser Yes, all these people he built Temples for the Agor who trying to show God Molech then he built a town just as he built a temple for God He built a temple that was your asteroid then be built a temple for all of them. He was into building Built for all of them the guy was building a chat now he was building temples for idols By the same thing God warned him about this girl look there are not girls in Israel stay in the Israeli girls. There are 12 tribes in music of 12 variety Variety He said no, I want Zidonians. I want to see you see look Be sure you don't understand until you meet a girl from Congo. You won't understand what I'm saying You look when they start to speak the French like that look not everybody from Congo speaks In fact majority of the people from Congo can speak French Although it's a French speaking country the reason is that they are local language is very strong. That's Lingala It's just like people from Kenya and Tanzania Swahili is a very strong They write it they speak it. So you see I've met so many people from I speak French with them They can't speak French with even my small friend. They can't speak French. Oh, the conflict is Lingala But we generally feel oh It's when it brings the French like that. It's very exotic. It's very romantic It is a citizen. It's a qua about it. That means Lingala is using to confuse you. You don't know what it is And they've been in war for a long time. So even when they speak French is like cross eyes like they are fighting Oh My prayer is that you allow the word of God to be a warning When the Bible says stay away from something stay away from it. And the Bible says don't do this. Don't do it It's dear. It's it's saving us from danger It's always a buy it Your servant is won't and Keeping it there is great reward. But you get the reward that you deserve from keeping the word of God in the name of Jesus Stand your feet. Let's share a word of prayer Just for a quick second I want you to pray for yourself and say Lord help me to have a desire For your word a strong desire for your word in the name of Jesus Lift your voice just begin to talk to God quickly help me to have a desire For your way for your way for your way For your way for your way for your way Strong desire for your way for your way for your way for your way to God in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus La doba cata yala lame palu ba ba blah blah blah blah as people press Jesus for the way Let me also be pressing for the way in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus In the name of Jesus in the name. Let me have a hand kind of fast For your way in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus In the name of Jesus lift your hands. Let's pray father Thank you for every hand that is lifted here. Yes, Lord Give us a hunger and a fist For your word. Let us be burning and yaining for your way daily Continuously in the name of Jesus your way declares that day that hunger and first after righteousness Shall be filled as we hunger we test for your word we believe that we will be filled We'll give you glory. We'll give you praise in Jesus name Amen Pray this prayer with me say dear Lord Jesus. I Come to you today Just as I am. I am a sinner Please forgive me of all my sins. I believe you died for me and you rose again I confess that Jesus is the Lord of my life coming to my heart today Be my Savior right my name in the book of life Thank you, Jesus for dying to save me a man Why don't you put your hands together for the law? Thank you for joining us who believe you've been blessed by this live transforming message by Bishop Daniel Halle For more information contact us at 204 Peter Kirchhoff's feet Peter Macburd or call 083 773 1 6 0 5 God richly bless you You ♪ Give up on the Lord ♪ ♪ He's our Lord ♪ ♪ He's our Lord ♪