Fight To Win TV with Kurt Owen

Financial Keys: Episode 2

Are We Supposed to Tithe? Pastor Kurt tackles this question, and you’ll learn from Scripture where tithing originated and whether or not we, as New Testament believers, are supposed to tithe. Don’t miss this episode of Fight To Win with Pastor Kurt Owen.

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23 Jul 2024
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Hello, I'm Kurt On on fight to win today. I'm going to continue talking about financial keys, which is imperative during this hour. We're also going to be giving away this book absolutely free for you contacting the ministry. And as our tactical tip, this is for all you church security teams out there. If you begin to have protesters or somebody trying to disrupt your service, I'm going to give you a tip that can help you keep them from putting that on YouTube. To succeed in life, we have to fight. That's why winners train spirit soul and body. We have to be ready. Not your typical minister, Kurt On, left a successful career in private investigation and executive protection for the ministry over 20 years ago. His simple, practical application of God's Word will reveal how much Jesus loves you and give you the ability to fight to win. Now, get ready for a tactical tip from pastor Kurt. Hello, I'm Kurt On. Today's tactical tip has to do with you involved in church security. You know, I don't know if you've noticed, but then there's been a lot of people, especially after the abortion ruling came down where it was sent back to the states. There were a lot of protesters and things at different churches. And one of the things to help you, a lot of times these guys are actually trying to call homosexuals. They'll show up and try to get you to put hands on them or get you to throw them out. And they want to take that video and they want to put it on YouTube and monetize it, plus tell the whole world. Here's something you can do. If a disruption begins to break out in your service, have your sound booth immediately cue a worship song. Not something that somebody in your congregation wrote, but one that is a commercially available song. Not only does it begin to change the atmosphere, but what it does is they cannot monetize that video because that song is copyrighted. And so it's not to their benefit. They can't put it on there. And even if they get millions of hits, they get absolutely nothing for it. You know, I've been to church security for a long time. It's little tips like that that can help us. But regardless of what you're dealing with, make sure you do not lose your cool, make sure you keep a Christ-like attitude even when you're dealing with chumps like that. And, but when it's time to go, go ahead and protect that congregation. But again, if somebody starts to disrupt Q, the sound board needs to immediately cue that song and as that song begins to play, you begin to deal with it knowing that they're not really going to be able to use that video because you've sabotaged it by putting a copyrighted song plus. You get the entire congregation praying and worshiping God. Nobody wants to stay in there and be a chump like that. So this is your tactical tip. This is Curt Owen. I'll see you next time. Hello, I'm Curt Owen. Welcome back to Fight2Win. We've begun financial keys this week and it's not just the name of our free offer that we're going to give you. Remember, we'll talk about this a little bit later, but this is absolutely free to you because we want, we want you to have a better financial future than maybe that what you're looking at right now. So we'll talk about it later, but it's not just because it's named after the book, but these really are over the next few days. We're going to be talking about some keys to making sure that this inflation business and all this stuff that's going on doesn't eat your lunch. And these are things that my wife and I are putting together ourselves and that we're working on. We'll be working on them with you, but we believe that this is going to be instead of you experiencing decrease, at very least, you'll mean to be even and possibly even increase and be able to, many of you actually will actually increase. So we've been talking about different things and also we've begun to talk about kind of a controversial subject of late about tithing, that whether it's actually in the New Testament or not or whether now that Jesus has come and we're in the New Covenant, are we supposed to tithe? And so we began, if you've missed this, I believe you can go to and you can actually watch yesterday's episode because I'm not going to be able to go back and chew some of that same dirt again. We're going to have to kind of go through this. We've been talking about, we already talked about how in the very beginning that there was a principle in the garden that you would have a tree that you would work and you would take care of, but you would need of. Now, we began to see the first time tithing is actually mentioned in the scripture is when Abram does it. Now remember, Abram is the father of our faith. And the interesting thing about Abram is, what a lot of people don't realize is I think it's, I can't remember exactly where it's at. It says that God, it's in the New Testament obviously. It says God preached the gospel to him, literally that's what it says. And now there's only one gospel that Jesus Christ paid the penalty for all mankind sin and if you would receive it, that you would, and receive that penalty, that you can become a child of God passed from death unto life and live forever with him, not only not live forever, but you can, he came to deliver you from this evil present world is what it says. Now, but that was actually preached to Abram. So that was one of the things he believed about God because it says he believed God and it was accounted unto him for righteousness. That was one of the things he believed. Now, we, watching now, we're here in Genesis 14 and we've watched the father of our faith quit these five, these four kings that had already quit five other kings and he's on his way back with all of the spoils and he meets a man named Melchizedek, the king of Salem. And again, people try to say that this is Jesus. Folks, I don't know. I just don't. I don't know whether it was or not. Honestly, I don't, I don't think it really matters. When we get to heaven, we'll ask Jesus. But this, it starts off and now this is where in verse 18, it says, then Melchizedek, the king of Salem brought out the bread and wine and he was priest of God most high. Now, so here's a priest of God most high that is completely unaffiliated with the law. The law hadn't started yet. And so he, he brings out the bread and the wine and he blesses him and he says, blessed be Abram of God most high, a possessor of heaven and earth, and blessed be God most high who has delivered your enemies into his hands and he gave him a tie of all. So this is something that Abram's going to give away. He's going to give away 100% of it and yet he still ties off of it before he even gives it away. Now, here's something, let's, let's talk about definition of terms, right? A lot of times when I'm having to train like military guys or, or certain groups, they'll say, you got to define terms, right? My wife is real big on this is definition of terms. The word tithe means tenth. It is 10%. Because I hear people all the time and they'll say, well, I tithe 20% or I tithe 7% or I tithe 30%. No, you don't. If you tithe, it's the tenth. That's it because it means tenth. Now, you can give offerings. After that, like my wife and I, we give a, we give a, we tithe and give a minimum of 10 or 15% away, minimum of what he does. But that, that extra 15% is not a tithe. That's an offering because the tithe is tenth. I won't have time to get into this today. But it's, I was talking to a Hebrew scholar or listening to a Hebrew scholar. I don't know if I was talking to him or not. And he made this statement about the word tithe in the word tithe. And I don't remember what the Hebrew word is. There is the word riches. And I think it's tithe has two letters added to the word riches. In other words, riches are found in the tithe. And I thought that was kind of interesting and stuff. But again, here's Abram. Now, I want you also, let's look at the basis of this tithe. Melchizedek does not say, hey, listen, give God a tenth and God will bless you. At least that's not the way it's laid out here. The way it's laid out here is, is that Melchizedek shows up with the bread in the wine and says, blessed be God most, blessed be Abram of God most, possessor of heaven and earth and blessed be God who has delivered your enemies into his hand, into your hands. In other words, you are blessed of God that God has done this for you. This is the reason you are at the place that you are at today. And Abram's response is, it is God that has blessed me. It is God is the reason I am here today. And I believe, I believe that God has truly blessed me. Therefore, what does he do? He takes 10% and honors God with it. He gives it till Melchizedek and honors the Lord. Now, this goes into something else and I don't want to be too hard on you. I had a friend of mine tell me the other day, he says, sometimes you say stuff that's so hard. I'm just trying to get it over to you. I mean, I talk to you like somebody talked to me sometimes. But understand, I love you. And even if I call you a knucklehead, I love you. And even if I call you a yo-yo or a yahoo, I still love you. Because there's times I'm not knucklehead. There's times that I'm that yo-yo, and I hope you still love me. Because we both love Jesus, at least I hope so. So, this is something I can't figure out about this, about all you yo-yo's that are arguing against the tithe in the New Testament. My question is, what is wrong with your heart that you don't want to honor God this way? Honestly, if I found a scripture that says, "Tithing is no longer for today," you have no reason to tithe. You don't have to tithe. You don't want to know what? I tithe anyway. Because I understand the reason that I'm sitting here today, the reason I'm still alive, listen, I was healed of celiatic sprue. We're in, Jeff, what month is it, September of 2022? We're September of 2022. In February of this year, this year, just a few months ago, they told me that my back was broken, and they literally, this is what happens. They call me, I start having this pain in my back, they bring me in, they say, "We believe you've broken your L4 and L5 in your back. We're going to run these three MRIs. It's going to take three weeks to do it. You're going to be laid up for a minimum. We want limited activity. I think it was six or eight months." I'm like, this seems like hell laying in bed. I go to my first thing. I go to my first ... Well, first, I had to realize I'm not living with a broken bag. Jesus paid a price. I don't have to have a broken bag. I began to believe God. I began to put the word on the inside of me. I went there for the first MRI because they had to do them three weeks apart because I don't know why, but they wouldn't do them all at the same time. I went to the first one, went to the second one. By the time I got to the third one, my back was completely and absolutely healed. Didn't have a single problem at all. And that's not because there's anything special about me. I just believe what he said. And so, why would I? I'm sitting here today completely pain-free. You would have to talk me out of tithing, not talk me into it. I remember what it was like when everybody else walked away from me, but he didn't. I remember when people tried to destroy me and he protected me. I'm not tithing today in order to get anything from him. I'm tithing today because I honor the one that is already given. I honor the one that loved me, that protected me, and preserved me. And so, all of those of you that are arguing, not that tithing is into the New Testament, what is wrong with you in your heart that you are against this? What is wrong with you that in the very depths of your being, it doesn't try out. I owe God everything. And Lord, I want to honor you. I want to glorify you. I want to remember. It is not money that puts me over. It is not things that put me over. It is not an economy that puts me over. Lord, it is you. It is you, Lord. And I refuse to give this money my attention. I'm giving you my attention. And I'm honoring you with my resources. People say, "Well, I can do it some other way." The Bible says where the treasure is, the heart will be also. By the way, that's a New Testament scripture. Where is your treasure? Why doesn't your treasure why don't you want to release your treasure towards the Lord? I'm just asking. You settle it in your own heart. I will say this, I have never found a way to not tithe and remain in faith. For me to withhold from God while I'm withholding from him, be truly be trusting him. I don't think it can be done. All right, so this is what goes on. He gives him a tithe of all. Why? Because he believes him. He believes that he has been blessed. He believes that God is on his side. He believes that God has done this for him. He believes it. And so he honors him with a tithe of all. Now, notice there was evidently some more stuff took place during this because he gets down to, I always think, King of Sodom. He's one of the funniest guys in the Bible. He really is. Because when he runs into to Abram, he says, "The King of Sodom said to Abram, "Give me the persons and take the goods for yourself." I looked at him and says, "Hey, you numb skull. I beat the guys that you couldn't beat. All this stuff's mine anyway. Don't be show up here being magnanimous. Oh, I'll let you have this if you'll let me have this." I just said, "Step back, Jack. This is all mine anyway." But he doesn't because he was a better man than me. What he says is, is he says this, "I just think that's funny. You had been beaten. You lost everything. The man who got it all back, you act like you're doing something great." That just doesn't. Now, notice what Abram says, "Abraham said to the King of Sodom, 'I have raised my hand to the Lord, God most high, possessor of heaven and earth, and I will take nothing from a thread to a sandal strap, and that I will not take anything that is yours, lest you say I have made Abram rich.'" Okay. A couple of things about this is kind of wild. Abraham already has 318 trained servants. The boy's doing all right. The boy's doing okay. Okay? He's got kings that are afraid of him. Boy's doing all right. But Abram understands, "I have just honored God with my time. God has just told me I'm blessed." So whatever my financial status is today, it's about to massively increase. How do we know that? Because he's making clear after today what happens in my life, I want to make sure you bozos don't say you're responsible. It was only Almighty God. So evidently, when they brought out when Melchizedek brought out the bread and the wine, and when he gave him a tie of the ball, there was also this acknowledgement, "I'm not taking anything. I don't have to. These things do not put me over. It is Almighty God that has put me over. And I've raised my hand. I'm not taking any of this stuff lest you say, "I have made Abram rich." That's awesome. And this is all around because God sent a man out of nowhere. I still think it's hilarious. Can you imagine this? You're just marching back with your guys. You're pretty happy because we whip these guys, right? And it's like, "Yeah, that's right. That's right. Two in the box ready to go. We be fast and they be slow." That's awesome. I mean, you're just going, that's from Ghostbusters. And so anyway, he goes along and then all of a sudden this guy walks up and says, "Hey, hey, how you doing? How you doing? I'm priest of God most high, possessor of heaven and earth." God thought enough of this tithing, enough of the bread and the wine, enough to pronounce this blessing that he had this man walk up to him in the middle of nowhere to receive this tithe. And you think this is an important? You think that we should just blow this off that this is not new covenant? By the way, again, we're not under the law yet. Now, I did have one guy say because, and this is something else. If you contact the ministry, I preached on this for two, I'm not going to be able to cover all that I covered. But in our Port St. Lucie church, I covered two full services on this plus some other stuff that I hope to be able to share before this week is out. But they're going to be more extensive than I'm going to be able to teach here on television. And if you contact us, we'll go ahead and send you those messages absolutely free. I don't know how we'll send them to you, but we will, okay? We'll need your name address and stuff, but we'll get them to you. But one of the things this guy made this statement, he says, well, yes, Abraham tithes, but that was because God taught Adam the law. And Adam taught all his kids the law. And so the law was already in the earth. This is actually still under the law because Adam had given the law all the way down through. So even though this wasn't Moses and all that, this is still the law. Nope, that's not true. You're lying about it. How do I know that? People say, you don't know that. Oh, I know for a fact it is because of John chapter 1. Because the John chapter 1 specifically says this, the law came through Moses. But grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. So nope, until Moses shows up and he really talks about the law, the law is not in effect. None of this this is happening is the law. This is all about our father of our faith having this relationship with God. That's what this is about. Now, just so you know, Abraham was kind of, Abraham was kind of in the same position. Maybe you're in and me from time to time. I don't know if you've ever been here. So he gives this huge offering. He's not only tied, now he's given this huge offering. He's given all this stuff back to King of Sodom. But notice what happens next in verse 15 1. He says, "After these things, the word of the Lord came to Abraham in a vision saying, 'Do not be afraid, Abraham. I am your shield. You're exceedingly great reward. Do not be afraid.' What's he scared of? Okay, I'll just tell you about me. I think we're probably similar, but there's times I've written checks in offerings and tithe checks that after it was gone and was like, 'Oh Jesus, I hope this works. I hope this is true because it's a lot of money, Jesus. That's a lot of money and it's gone.' You've never done that? Big full of faith on Sunday morning. Praise God. I get to honor God. Praise God. I get to give him. Monday morning. What did I do? Oh Jesus help me. So how does God respond to this fear evidently he's experiencing? Abraham, relax. Relax man. Do not be afraid. And then he makes this promise to him, 'I am your shield. I am the one who protects you. I am the one that looks after you.' And then he adds to this statement, 'I am your exceedingly great reward.' If you look this up in the Hebrew, what it says is, 'I am your exceedingly great financial supply.' What's God explained to him? Listen, when you raised your hand, when you brought that tithe, when you received the bread and the wine, when I said you were blessed, Abraham don't be afraid of money anymore. Now taking care of you is my responsibility. And I am your shield. I am your exceedingly great reward. Man, that is powerful. That is awesome. That God would reach me, eat, meet Abraham where he was at. Now notice this, God was evidently wants to reassure Abraham in the area of finances. Don't you believe God wants to reassure you in the area of finances? I believe He does. Now, because remember, Abraham, for as good as he got, he was still the servant of God. He was the friend of God. But if you have received Jesus, you are the child of God. That is awesome. And listen, I love you and I'd love to help you. But if I ever had to choose between helping you and helping my daughter, you ain't making it. I'm going to take care of my kid. God loves you. You're his child. He wants to take care of you. Now, let's look at this now. So we've got this Melchizedek, the king of Salem. And we're going to be going over here to Hebrews. And I don't know if you realize this, but Hebrews is a New Testament book. It's in the second half of the book. Remember, realize that, right? So now I don't want to kind of go through these, but starting in verse four, he starts talking about this high priest we have, the Lord Jesus. Then in chapter five, he starts talking about the qualifications of this priesthood. And then in the middle of chapter five, he starts talking about Jesus. He said, verse five, he says, "So also Christ who did not glorify himself became high priest, but it was he who said to him, 'You are my son today, I have begotten you.' And as he says in another place, you are a priest forever." Talking about the Lord Jesus, you are a priest forever, that means today, according to the order of Melchizedek. Now, and if you go through here, I think there's like six times he says he's a priest for order according to the order of Melchizedek. Now, here's the thing that's interesting about that. To our knowledge, Melchizedek only did three things. He brought out the bread and the wine, he pronounced the blessing, and he did what? He received the tithes. So you're tapping out, we know Jesus brought out the bread and the wine. We know that he purchased our blessing, right? He got the blessing we have on us. It's not on the basis of us, nor our merit. It's on the basis of his merit, right? He provided that, and it says right here that he's a priest for order to the Melchizedek. So he's done too. You think he's not going to do the third one? You think somehow or another, that just doesn't apply this, this Jesus who is a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek and Melchizedek only did three things, one of which was received the tithe. And somehow, tithing is not of today, even though that's one of the only things that the priesthood that Jesus is after did. Come on, you're not that stupid, are you? Come on, and I mean that in love. I mean that in love. I really do. I don't want you to be that foolish anymore. Now he goes on here and he starts talking about him being a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek, and he said he talks about the works, he talks about these things, and starting in verse chapter 7. Now there's three chapters talking about him being a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek. In chapter 6 ends with where the forerunner has entered for us, Jesus having become a high priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek. You think he's trying to get a point across? Listen, we're about out of time for today, and I want you to come back because I want to pray with you over your finances again today, and I want you to lay hold of this, but listen, you need to begin, and again, where tithing is concerned, I don't want to receive your tithes unless you're a minister, unless you're a corporation or church. We don't want you sending your tithes to us. We want you put them in the local church, but you need to begin to consider these things from the Word. Let me ask you a question. What are you trusting to put you over? Don't you want to raise your hand to the God, the Lord most high possessor of heaven and earth, and say I'm not trusting anyone or anything else to put me over, but you God, and Lord I bring you a tithe of all not to get blessed, but because I believe I am blessed, I want to pray for you. Come back right after this. Are you tired of your financial miracle, never showing up? In this life transforming devotional, you will discover practical help to see your God given increase. Order online at Our offer all this week is yours absolutely free. It's our book Financial Keys. It's kind of what we named this week after, right? This book will help you begin to reap off of the seed you've already sown. There's even a portion in here. I was talking about tithing today. There's even a portion in here to help you because a lot of times even when you're bringing your tithes, you're not doing some other things scripturally, and this will help you with that. Let us send this to you absolutely free. Contact us at our website for this free offer. But as much of a blessing this will be, I believe that as I pray for you today that things are going to change. Father, in the name of Jesus, I thank you right now that my brothers and sisters are facing some difficulties in particular. And there's somebody out there you're not facing financial difficulty. You actually are a very wealthy person. The problem is the wealth is controlled. You, you haven't controlled the wealth. It keeps you up at night. Yeah, I pray for them too. Father, I thank you that each one of these has a revelation that you love them and you desire to be their shield and their exceedingly great reward. Lord, that they would begin to release their finances to you, to be obedient to you. And Lord, I thank you that you will protect them, that you will preserve them. And even now, I call their bills paid in Jesus' name. Amen. I'll see you tomorrow reminding you Jesus has risen. Victory is assured. Catch Pastor Kurt next time on fight to win.