Fight To Win TV with Kurt Owen

Financial Keys: Episode 1

Trust God in Faith! Did you know you can trust God in faith when it comes to finances instead of living in fear? Discover more on this episode of Fight To Win with Pastor Kurt Owen.

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22 Jul 2024
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Today on Fight To Win I've got some exciting things for you. We're beginning financial keys week and we're going to be talking about is it Bible to tithe in the New Testament. You're not going to want to miss this. Also we've got a free offer this week, our financial keys book that we want to give to you absolutely free and also in our tactical tip we're going to start doing gear reviews and I want to talk to you about a knife that will help you even if you've never had any knife training at all. To succeed in life we have to fight. That's why winners train, spirit, soul and body. We have to be ready. Not your typical minister Kurt Owen left a successful career in private investigation and executive protection for the ministry over 20 years ago. His simple practical application of God's Word will reveal how much Jesus loves you and give you the ability to fight to win. Now get ready for a tactical tip from Pastor Kurt. Hello I'm Kurt Owen. Today on tactical tips we're going to be doing a gear review just so it's clear on any of our gear reviews. None of the ones I'm going to be showing you lately are going to nobody's provided me anything right. Nobody's given it to me to review. I've purchased everything and if you're watching this show and say hey I'd like to have him review my stuff you're welcome to send it but understand if your stuff sucks I'm going to tell it okay because I'm not going to lie to people just because you send me something for free. This is a palm knife. I'm a firm believer in palm knives for people that especially if you don't know how to use knives. My wife has a palm knife. My babysitter has a palm knife for my daughter but this is probably one of my favorite and when I first got it I actually hated it. It's by TKEL knives and it was designed by a buddy of mine named Steve Tarani. You can see his name right there Tarani and you can see over here the TKEL right. Now this is the Yori Doshi I think. It's a tri-point. It's basically a Tanto, a thick Tanto bladed palm knife. The reason that I hated it was when I first got it I was used to just a regular palm knife where I would punch with it. Here's the thing about palm knives right. So if you do not have if you don't have any knife skill you can put it together. I normally recommend people put it in their offhand right as a force multiplier because you're used to using this and you can use it. I like them because you can punch but when Steve designed this knife something that was brilliant because that's normally how you would hold a palm knife. He made it so that you could actually turn this put your thumb in and now if I actually have some expertise with knives I can actually use it for cutting and for slashing whereas this would be awkward right. This is very in line with what I do. So it's a very cleverly designed knife. I really really like it. It's not cheap but it is good. Comes with an angular scabbard fits right on your belt. That's the TKEL Tarani Tanto palm knife. Hello I'm Kurt Owen. Welcome back to fight to win. There are some really exciting things I'm going to share with you this week. Listen I've been traveling around everybody's dealing with something financially. Let's just be honest when you go to the gas pump and thank God it's crazy when we're sitting there saying yeah gas is only 343 a gallon. I mean that's wild right but I don't know about you but I think at one point we're paying five maybe I think close to it so every time you go into the gas pump you have right in your face some of the stuff that's going on in the United States and truly around the world and I want to begin to put some word into you so that you are conducting yourself in faith and not in fear that you are actually trusting God in these things that you are releasing your faith in really giving you something to hold on to. Now I also have to be honest we're going to be covering some things that lately for whatever reason has become almost controversial and that's about tithing and I want to start from the jump just to say this unless you're a minister unless you're a church or a corporation I do not want you sending your tithes into Kurt Owen ministries. Now those other things what do you say how do those others differ? Well if you're a minister and this is the way you received your feeding we do you know my wife and I do tie it to our local church where she passed her but on the other side of it we also make sure there's the larger portion of our tithe goes into other ministries why because we have to bless those who are feeding us and feeding our minister gifts and so if you're a minister and this is feeding you and you're sending we'll accept a portion of your tithes or your tithes if you're a corporation and you're the head of the corporation and your personal tithes are going to your local church but your company should tithe we'll receive that if what was the other one tithes corporations ministers churches you know a lot of times when we're feeding the pastor of the church the tithe the churches themselves will tithe and send it in here in those instances but listen the majority of your tithes should be going to where you're fed most and that should be your local church and so we're here at KOM we're a friend to the local church we're a friend to pastors but tithing is kind of underneath an attack because people are now saying you don't have to tie because we're not under the law we're under grace and and now it's and honestly this has gone around for years it kind of cycles I don't know every 10 or 15 years I guess but we need to deal with this we need to actually look at what the word says and not allow any doctrine to determine what we're doing but let the word do it and now I'm I'm in a kind of a interesting position as far as my own spiritual walk right I got saved under watching brother Copeland on television right I was now up to that point I guess I'd had some other people witness to me but really it was listening to him on television and him talent making the statement the Bible is God speaking to you if you believe it it'll work for you if you don't it won't it was those words that resonated in my heart that listening to him on television well one of the things that brother Copeland has been teaching for years if you know the story about brother Copeland he was walking on the Arkansas Riverbank and the Lord spoke to him and said I will hold you responsible for teaching the body of Christ the laws of prosperity and so that was his mission and honestly having been around brother Copeland I have never now do he and I agree on everything no we don't agree on everything but be honest I don't agree with me on everything I mean it'll be it'll be a couple years from now I might watch one of these broadcasts and say well you know I don't actually see it that way anymore because I'm still growing so I'm not slamming him by saying that he is still my spiritual father I still honor his feet and he is still I believe he's going to receive fruit from everything this ministry is accomplishing all over the world he's going to receive fruit off of this broadcast even but here's the thing I've never met anybody that was more giving than him nobody I've never seen I mean he literally paid every budget on a ministry that was getting millions of people saved a year and he single handedly paid their budgets I mean it was an amazing thing he's given he and Gloria have given to me personally and to my wife and it's phenomenal but when I came up under brother Copeland I was in what is commonly called the word of faith camp and so I was learning a lot about faith and I thank God I did that's how I got healed of of sickness and disease and ciliatic spru it's how I came out of some situations I thank God for that training and I was there for I guess almost 17 years until the Lord started stirring something in me that he wanted to do some things in my life that I wasn't receiving there at that ministry and that's not a slam it'd be no different than if Jesus told you listen I let you you you've talked to Matthew you spent some time with Matthew now now I want you to go talk to John and then and then now I want you to go talk to Mark and I want you to go talk to Luke listen there's we shouldn't be unstable but we should get different there's different things that can be invested in us and so for years I was in the word of faith camp and so but then something changed I the Lord started dealing with me about miracles and he started dealing with me about some of those things but then he also started dealing with me about love his love and his grace now see shortly thereafter probably in 2003 maybe I began on a journey studying about the grace of God and finding out the grace of God and for me at first was formulated in the love of God and that's the reason that I mean we spent 30 something episodes 35 episodes teaching about the love of God but then I began to understand the grace of God and now it's when I'm shooting this it's 2022 so I've spent nearly 20 years now will really probably 17 18 years studying the grace of God and for the last two years I've been learning how to walk in them together because to be honest as I got into grace I was never one of those you know those knuckleheads that were bitter at word of faith I'm very very grateful I still walk by faith I still utilize those principles and things I see them differently now that I understand grace but then I got over here and began to study about the grace of God and then it was not on the basis of performance not at least not my performance it was based on the performance of the Lord Jesus and so now for nearly the exact same amount of time I studied grace and then the Lord's began to deal with me about when I got into grace that I began to become passive and this has just been in the last two years he I mean he had to correct me he said you've become too passive you've become too laid back you you're not really walking in faith as much as you were in the beginning in sun you got to put them both together and you know obviously it says that in the word so now as I'm beginning to teach to talk to you about tithing I'm not I'm really going to come out it as best as I can right down the middle of the road to understanding some things and and and kind of maybe sharing these things with you but you need to know whether tithing is in the New Testament and whether we should be doing it today and you need to know that because it is a pretty foundational thing and the way I want to start with this if I could I want to go to in let me also make this clear just because it's in the Old Testament does not make it under the law because I have people all the time said well that's that's under the law it will know it's it's before the law and we're going to talk about some things that were before the law just because it sits in the Old Testament does not mean it is the law you have to be very very clear about that so I want to look at first when talk about tithing I want to look at at some principles and listen I'm not attacking anybody but there are people out of right there right now trying to talk you out of tithing and again I'm trying to let's be clear about this this is not to get money into this ministry because I don't want your tithes anyway unless you're one of those three groups okay so this is not this is not about me this is not about turtle and ministries paying its bills this isn't even really about partnership this is about you so that you don't do something that's going to hurt you and that you are able to receive from God and tithing is a part of that and I'm going to prove it to you over the next couple days now this week we're going to we're going to call this week financial keys week now part of that is is because I'm going to be giving away this book financial keys okay so this is absolutely free you can contact us I'll kind of be explaining a little bit later on how to best utilize this book our partners make this possible if you now you can go on Amazon and buy it I don't remember how much it is but if you have needed this we'll give it to you absolutely free that's our partners make that possible now let me just say this if you are a partner you do not have to request this you should honestly have gotten one of these already I try to sign one of these for every partner because when somebody becomes a partner I look at it as we're now in this ministry together and I want you to have something for me personally that says I value you okay and so I have to spend time every week signing books but the thing of it is is that if you're a partner and you don't have your copy yet go ahead and call in because I think it's important you get started on this right away and just say hey I'm a partner but I haven't received my book yet would it be possible for you to get it out to me right away so but if you're not a partner it doesn't matter contact the ministry either on the number on your screen or go to our website at fight to win dot TV and we'll give this to you absolutely free alright so this is so we're going to be talking about financial keys and that's going to be our offer and I'm going to be talking about several different subjects this week but we got to start with I think okay now I want you to look at this here in Genesis chapter two and I want you to see something here this is after man has been created and we're going to be down in verse 15 then the Lord God took the man and put him in a garden in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it now notice here that man's got a job one of the things I find interesting that people don't seem to understand sometimes on the grace well you know people that actually understand grace understand this but the people who think they understand grace don't and listen I get it because there's still stuff I think I understand that give me a little bit of time and I'm going to come back to you and say I didn't didn't quite understand it okay so I'm not slamming you but we need to be honest with ourselves where we're at there are people that think they understand grace who think that there is absolutely no work involved in the Christian Christian life at all and listen I agree with you if any work you're taking is to get God to love you to get God to accept you to get God to bless you those those are works of the flesh and you need to cut that stuff out because what you're trying to do is build self righteousness and you need to stop you need to stop now but that doesn't mean work stop period because how do we know that because Adam had a job grace had provided everything for him the day he was born completely devoid of his own efforts God had given him everything absolutely freely he did nothing to earn it it was all on the basis of God's love and grace and he was created on the sixth day they both rested on the seventh day but they went back to work on the eighth day okay because he wasn't supposed to just sit under a tree and eat bond bonds and watch stuff grow he was supposed to there was a there was a job for him to do he was supposed to tend and keep the garden are you with me so listen I believe in the grace of God but I'm still living in that eighth day where everything has been provided I have entered into rest but I still have something that God is entrusting me I must tend and keep okay so again it goes on here and he says this he said then the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it and the Lord God commanded the man saying of every tree of the garden you may freely eat but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat in the day you eat for in the day you eat of it you shall surely die now okay here's something else that maybe some grace folks aren't going to like too much notice in this life of grace that Adam entered into there was still some commandments he had to follow there was still some instruction from the Lord that he should heed you feel me okay we'll talk about that later but now I want you to see this here because I want you to understand this principle Adam listen you have a job you must work the job but I'm going to set this tree over there now that tree he never said he didn't have to tend and keep the tree he said he could never eat of the tree in fact it seems pretty clear in context he was supposed to take care of the trees including this tree but of that tree he would tend and keep but he would not eat in other words in this in this walk of grace he must release his faith by saying I'm going to work that tree but as an honor and and a joy towards the Lord the one who is giving me all things I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to work that tree but I'm not going to eat of that tree now you might be sitting there saying I don't understand what you're saying how does this have to do with tithing real simple if you are fortunate enough to only work a forty hour a week okay there will be four hours of that week that you will work but it should be set aside for God as an honor to him I honor the God who gave me this garden I trust the God who gave me this garden and therefore I'm going to set aside this work I will work it I will tend and keep it but I will not eat of it see this principle has been around from the beginning that there would be something that you would be set aside just for God and you would do it simply because you loved and honored the one that gave you all things and you would release your trust in him by taking this action okay see it's literally in the very beginning of the book so this concept of working but not eating of that work has been from basically day one well technically it's been day eight but yeah you see what I'm saying now again let's let's go on here now we're going to go over to Genesis and we're going to be in chapter 14 now in this story Abraham had okay let me give you a little bit back a little bit of history okay Abraham and Lot split up okay because they were too blessed so Lot basically he does not trust the blessing of God he sees the well watered ground and he says you know what I'll take the good land well I like what Abraham said listen Lot I'm blessed pick whatever ground you want because my future is secure because I'm blessed of God and what trust is that that is so awesome and so Lot being self-centered looking after his own end says I want to take the well watered ground which is interesting as the story goes long because it's Abraham that stays it continues to prosper even with the rocky land even where the land that was not well watered he continued on because he trusted something other than the land to put him over but maybe we'll cover that at a later time but in the midst of this Lot ends up living in downtown Sodom okay this fort gets toasted alright and there's these four kings who've been whipping everybody and they've just been whipping everybody in fact they'd already quit these other five kings and so what happens is is one day though they showed up in Sodom and when they whip Sodom they took Lot Abraham's nephew with them well you really shouldn't mess with people who have a covenant with God especially people who know how to operate in it so Abram this old boy wasn't doing too bad he takes 318 of his trained servants not all of his servants of his trained servants people who've been trained to fight and he goes and finds these four kings and what five other kings couldn't do Abram whoops him right he just it's over for him and he gets all of their stuff right he takes everything back freeze Lot all that there's so much more I could say about that story but we're running short on time so he goes on here and now he's on his way back he's just whipped these four guys he's got all this stuff and now they're he's headed back to take Lot home now while he's headed back verse 18 then Melchizedek king of Salem brought out the bread and the wine he was priest of God most high now as we go along people there's a lot of people who think this was Jesus this is the pre-incarnate Christ there honestly it doesn't say it I don't know I don't know everything so I don't know and honestly I don't care because it doesn't really change anything from what the word is teaching here says them Melchizedek the kingdom Salem brought out the bread and the wine now that's him should seem familiar to if you've been going to church for any length of time the bread and the wine the body and blood of the Lord Jesus Christ right and he says or the communion meal he was priest of God most high now this is a little weird of a bit of a story if you think about it because Abram's headed back to Sodom and this guy just shows up he's like he went hi how you doing Abe the Lord told me about you and my name is Melchizedek you can call me Mel and I'm priest of God most high okay I don't know that he really say call him Mel but I would have asked to call him Mel I would say hey can we cut this short because Melchizedek it's kind of a long name but moving around so this this priest of God most high goes out to this man who had been promised blessing to be blessed and it says and he blessed him saying blessed be Abram of God most high possessor of heaven and earth and blessed be God most high who has delivered your enemies into your hands now here's something interesting about this Abram up to this point had been told you will be blessed you will be blessed you will be blessed you will be blessed there's a change here Melchizedek does not say God will bless you he says you are blessed blessed be Abram of God most high possessor of heaven and earth now he goes on here and he says this if he gave him a tithe of all so okay and just to kind of I've only got a few more minutes here to kind of tell you what happens Abram is about to give all this stuff away he's about to this he is giving a tithe off of some off of something he's not even going to keep he when this priest of God most high shows up and brings the bread and the wine now I want you to think about this from God's side God thought it was important enough to receive this tithe that he sent a man out there specifically to get it this is evidently important to God this receiving of the bread and the wine the receiving of the tithes and the pronouncing of the blessing evidently this is important enough to God that this guy just shows up out of nowhere to receive it that that to me tells God's intention in this and his desire in this but Abraham a man not under the law even though it's Old Testament he is under absolutely no law at all he gives him a tithe of all he takes 10% of this and honors God with it he believes when Melchizedek says you are blessed Abram believes him and see this tithe is not coming out of I want to be blessed this tithe is coming out of the fact I actually believe God has blessed me now we're going to get more into this tomorrow there is so much in here now I want you to remember everything we've talked about so far not a single bit of it is is the law it is Old Testament but it is not the law this in Abraham you got to remember is the father of our faith now in just a few minutes I have a couple things I want to share with you and I will cut to that in just a second but when I come back I want to pray with you over your finances I want to pray with you over your revelation and I want to pray with you over your opportunities this year because I believe regardless of what's going on in the economy if you live according to your trust in God remember how Abraham did not trust the land to put him over he trusted God I believe you can be the same way come right back I want to pray with you are you tired of your financial miracle never showing up in this life transforming devotional you will discover practical help to see your God given increase order online at Lord I thank you that you are giving them revelation knowledge of your word and revelation knowledge of tithing Lord not because I said it but because your word says it Lord I thank you that exactly as I say it says that you are the Lord that is teaching them to profit leading them in the way that they should go and Lord I thank you that this year they will experience profit and not loss in the name of Jesus Christ to measure praise God well come back tomorrow we got some exciting things this is kurdo and reminding you to fight to win and Jesus is risen victory is assured