Hey Hey It's The Podcast

Hey Hey It's The Podcast Episode 160 w/John Blackman tribute

1h 6m
Broadcast on:
07 Jul 2024
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In this episode, we start off by paying tribute to the legendary John Blackman before getting into our usual episode episode recap.   Join Criss Fresh, Mitch and Jonesy as they recap episodes of Australian TV institution Hey Hey It's Saturday. This episode looks at the 34th Hey Hey of 1997. It features John Farnham, Gary Mcdonald, Paul Salmon and more.   Please subscribe to us on iTunes and you can find us at: X and Instagram: @heyheypodcast
live from the Fresh of our studios in Melbourne, Australia. It's the best and only podcast recapping classic episodes of the iconic Hey, hey, it's Saturday. Hey, hey, it's the podcast and here is your host, Chris. Hey, now everybody and welcome to another episode of Hey, Hey, it's the podcast. We don't bury the lead. We are a podcast that recaps classic episodes of Hey, hey, it's a day and I am your host Chris fresh. How do we get to recap classic episodes of Hey, Hey, it's a day here you ask. Well, the summers Carol group who were not affiliated with have a Netflix KO binge Stan Amazon prime and to be like service. We're for 695 a month. You can subscribe to Hey, Hey, dot TV and get access to the archives of Hey, Hey, it's Saturday. And we thought we would subscribe to Hey, Hey, dot TV and we did. And it was fun watching the episodes and we thought it would be fun to podcast about the old episodes. And here we are. I had press door originally, but they went. So I had to jump to something else and stand up. Who's we I hear you ask well, we is me Chris fresh that was Anthony Mitchell that you just heard hi and Paul Jonesy Jones. Hey, we take two weeks off and everything goes to hell. Yeah, it's all been happening. So, since we last recorded like we recorded back in May just for context. Usually the shows come out a couple of weeks after we've recorded. And before our last episode dropped, unfortunately, as everybody would have heard, we lost John Blackman. And we didn't know what to do because we had this episode and we didn't really have an opportunity where we were going to be able to catch up and perhaps record a tribute episode before that episode went out and stuff. So we just thought, look, we're going to release the episode with a disclaimer that, you know, John's past and we'll address on the next episode and sort of talk about it here. You know, I think it, it is all, well, I know it hit me pretty hard when I saw the news because you forget with John just how integral he was to hey, hey, so he was like another host because he had, apart from Daryl, open carte blanche on when he could speak. Yeah. You know, and he was so witty with one liners and so funny and so overbearing at times. And so everything, you know, he was such a big part of Hey Hey Saturday. And what I thought was nice was, you know, the media and Australian sign in general can perhaps treat Hey Hey harshly, you know, of how it's viewed, but I think for the most part, everybody really came together and had nothing but fond memories. Talking about John, you know, Daryl said a lot of nice words up on the Hey Hey Saturday Facebook page. And yeah, it's, you can't understate. But you can't overstate just how big John's influence was on Hey Hey Saturday and like Melbourne, like with Melbourne radio. I suppose, as all the footage they had was a lot of Hey Hey was with Nate show tributes and all that to him. But I suppose Australia wide he was Hey Hey, John Blackman where Melbourne, he was three at W for 20 years. Yeah, forever. So he was an iconic Melbourne particularly, but as a as a national treasure, it was through Hey Hey, you know, and obviously the voice of Dickie Nee and Dickie Nee's iconic in his own way. Yeah, and the angels of late John. Really, like, it was such a unique role to be a non visible. Sort of, you know, you had Ed Sullivan, Johnny Carson, you know, but you saw it, you know, he was right there. He was present, you know, John was this, yeah, this booming voice coming over the thing and, you know, the comradery of the car. Of Hey Hey was always so strong and it's what made the show feel safe and like home for a lot of us when we were going up. So like to lose John sort of, I guess it hits home how long ago a lot of this was, you know, because, you know, we started reviewing 1994 when Hey Hey, it's a podcast started was the year we started. And, you know, we used to go. That's when our pop culture knowledge was strong. And that's 30 years ago. Now, you know, so as, you know, celebrities, you know, age, it's almost your mortality flashes before you as you look and you go out there gone now, you know, and John, you know, had a really tough battle with cancer. A little known. Hey Hey, it's a podcast fact is when we first started recording. I had the John. You could on John's website hire him to do voice over work. And I saw this and I reached out to John about recording an intro for Hey Hey, it's the podcast. And wouldn't you know it? I reached out to John as he got the cancer diagnosis. It wasn't known. And he certainly didn't break the news to me, but you know, it came out shortly. He was sort of, you could tell he was not capable of doing a recording and it bums me up because it would have lived forever. And if we had have got John to record that, he certainly was willing to. He was just not able to. It was just bad timing. You know, John, you know, lost, had to have his jaw reconstructed and had a tough time. But you know, he still like when they did some Hey, Hey, special John still. Yeah, he came back. Yeah. And even like when you read interviews with John and stuff, you know, he still attacked life pretty well, you know, for somebody that was battling something. So it means like I couldn't imagine what it's like to go through that. But what about you guys like? Well, I think I might have discussed that on the show once, but I've had direct interaction with Blackman. He came on party show back in the day. Now, Blackman, as well as sort of a radio work, he did have a little bit of a rep for being a bit grumpy. And there was, I think it was a story that he would apparently write like letters into like the newspaper. Just basically under John just complaining about stuff. And he came into the party show. And I actually asked him about it. And I said, Did you did you write like letter? And he goes, Oh, he sat me down and basically regurgitated all of the grievances he had to me as he was trying to pitch it to me to make it right. And I just found it funny that I got that weird, just sort of very hyper focused, unfiltered Blackman as he was like, but then John John owned who he was. Yeah. Yeah, there was no question. Yeah, I always talk about that. The hits FM early episode. Yeah. On Hey, hey, it's Saturday where Molly was pushing this independent station. And John starts going off about how they don't have to pay for a radio license like everything else. It's not real right here. It was like, that was John. You know, like he was unapologetically John Blackman, which was funny because like he came into Triple O, which is an independent station. Yeah. Mitch, like, what did John mean to you? I mean, he was, Hey, hey, that was, he was the voice. And that's the one you hear. And it was, like you said, you couldn't imagine the show without him. Just interrupting. And he was one person that Daryl seems to control that show. And you can control who when the camera gets off him, but he couldn't control that voice. And it was at that moment. And you can tell. And we've talked about a lot of times recently where he seems off the leash a little bit lately where he's just like he's got something he's going to go for it. And it was just, he had a lot of gags, a lot of gags, like the memories he had. And nowadays, we've watched so much and we're, we're clinically watching it. And you're realizing just how much he's reused or we can predict now thing and he's going to come up with this gag. He's going to come up with this one. But yeah, but he still gets zingers on me. I was like, I haven't heard that one. And that, but he's just got so many. And it's like great memory. But if you're doing radio and those sort of things, I guess that's what you do. It's the reparto. And I think it's like John with anything like that. Yeah, you know, I saw a couple of people talking about John Baikman being mean spirited. And what I would always argue with that is, is you have to view it through the prism of the time that it was. And that's where humor was at that point in time. That's where Australia was. And if you don't believe me, it's because that stuff went on all the time. And nobody thought twice about it. Yeah, well, we'll talk about this episode later. Yeah, I would say it did remind me one thing, because the week of with party show, keep bringing it up, but Wilbur Wilde, Headley interviewed Wilbur about the whole thing. And Wilbur had a really good point, because Headley was asking about kind of changing attitudes and coming, you know, oh, you can't do that kind of thing anymore. And Wilbur made this great thing. He's going, he's going, yeah, back in the day, people thought seat belts were like, you know, woke, but we realized it was a good thing. And he basically his point was humor evolves. And it does. And, you know, and we can go back and look and go. People were crazy for not wearing seat belts when they're driving cars, but they just didn't. You know, so people back in the day, I've seen news reports, people were cutting out seat belts when they come because it's infringing on my freedom. And, you know, you can go back and look at hey, hey, and cringe a little bit and go, oh, you know, like, you know, but it's just how it was, you know, like, I can tell you that sitting around the family table could be visions, you know, having a meal and comments is still is. And so, yeah, you know, I don't think I think it's an unfair judgment of John Blackman as a person, as his talents and everything. If that's all you're going to take from what John did, you know, John was a giant of Melbourne. And particularly of hey, hey, Saturday, and, you know, I agree with Mitch, you know, like, he's synonymous with hey, hey, there's no, like, there are pillars of hey, hey, Saturday, you know, and it's Daryl Summers. It's Ozzy Ostrich at Ernie Carroll, and John Blackman and, you know, Red and Willie, Russ, you know, JBT, Jackie McDonald. You know, later, you know, Livinny and Nixon probably is the final cohost that sort of made her stamp, you know, shame born, Murray Fields, you know, there are certain people that you're older than us. But, you know, you think of hey, hey, but Blackman's got to be like, if Daryl Summers is one, Blackman's almost one A. Oh, yeah. You know, and, you know, he was there right till the end there for the specials. John, you don't think of hey, Saturday without thinking of John Blackman. I was gonna say, in a slightly surreal thing, because the funeral, obviously, it was a big funeral. Did you see Daryl went into the funeral holding a dickie knee on us? No, his wife gave it to him. Yeah, so it was out of context. That just looks weird. Yeah, but isn't that hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, Saturday, that you'd look at something go out of context that'd be weird, but it works. It would have even got an extra layer of weird, if McGahn had shown up in the polka suit wearing a black suit and tie. I believe Willie was the celebrant at the funeral. But, I mean, that shows how much dickie knee is so much a part of the show. The fact that you watch that funeral and there's Daryl at the point at the thing, and there was dickie knee's head next to him. Well, dickie knee keeps popping up. Okay, perfect example, another podcast, little dumb, dumb club. They make dickie knee references. They did a live show. Someone made a giant dickie knee. I think it was on Instagram or TikTok that actually detailed them building this giant dickie knee to take to the live show. Yeah, and the unfortunate thing is we can't give enough time to pay tribute to John's contribution on a hey, hey, hey, Saturday. Like, really, I contemplated doing an episode and doing clips and stuff, and I still don't think we'd effectively do it justice. We're not professional editors. We're not this and that. Every tribute I wanted to do wasn't going to be enough. So I think the best way to do it was just to free flow talk about John before an episode. You know, I look back at John Blackman and he made me laugh. He made me angry. He made me cringe. And more so, he was a dominant voice in my upbringing, which is what hey, hey, Saturday is. You know, it's a major part of as Australians. I was growing up and it's fitting that the episode we're about to get to was so uniquely Australian and uniquely hey, hey, Saturday. Like, this was the most hey, hey, Saturday, hey, Saturday in a good way. Because the episode we did a few weeks ago was the worst. I loved this episode. We're about to review so much because it felt so comforting. And yet chaotic. And, you know, we'll get to a feature, John Farnham, who is having his own battles. A photo just recently came out of John with his son's wedding. I'm not too sure what the thing was, but, you know, John's showing his own battle with cancer and issues with these jaw and stuff. And, you know, it was hard to see, you know, with John. Yeah, Farnham and Blackman, you know, because it's not how you want to remember. The hard thing for me, because we've been watching these shows from 25 years ago, and then you see them on now. And it's shocking because I forget because I'm watching this fresh face and then you see them and they're 25 years older. And I'm like, oh, that's right. Sorry. I keep forgetting. Like, every time I see Molly, I'm shocked. I'm like, oh, that's right. He's not the rig that we remember that I remember because I've seen him more recently on the show. So, yeah, it is hard to see that. And it has reminded me of the mortality that we are going to lose. And we're at that point now, where people are going to start passing. No, we've lost Ernie Carroll. You know, like, feel, like you feel, you know, like, so many, I'm going to end up forgetting people. You know, I don't know, you miss people. It's hard to see these people go because you don't, unless you truly reflect on it, you don't realize the impact this stuff had on you. You know, I think about the speed of consumption of entertainment now and like TikTok as an example. I don't know. I'm too old for TikTok. You know, Instagram was my limit. But, you know, everybody, and yeah, I think if people in our age get on TikTok, we immediately get put on a register. Yeah. You consume in such short bursts, you know, like reels and posts in your scroll. It's like, what's my entertainment bang? What's my entertainment bang? What's my entertainment bang? Nothing sits, nothing resonates. Things don't connect in a similar way. And maybe I'm just old, you know, and I'm talking like an old far. But I'm not sure if my children, who they're going to refer to as the icons that they grew up with, because there's a million different people that have floated through their lives. And they move. And they go, you know, entertainment has become a meme, you know. And it's moment in the sun is fleeting. And then it goes, you know. And, yeah, I'll address this more when we get to John Farnham in the episode. But, you know, I couldn't imagine television inverted commas. Anybody in television resonating with my children in the way that anybody on Ohio said they resonated with us. Or that aggravation resonated. And ROP Gibo from Agro, you know, like how Agro, like... Give me Giggle would be the closest thing. Yeah, yeah, you're right. And that's it. And that's it. And that's fleeting because it is a children's show. Yeah. Yeah. No one's continues on. You know, like Mitch still carries on about Mike Meade, you know, like letter, letter, and another letter. I actually saw a photo of him recently. It was there. He was just a bit and happy and everything. But, you know, like these, because it's just the way we consumed, you know. And I keep saying where the generation that didn't let go. We, you know, a bit older, like sort of late gen X where the ones that sort of went, you know, the stuff we liked when we were young. Why not let that go? We're bringing it with us. You know, because nostalgia was slightly a thing for my dad and mum. But it was really, no, you just grow up, grow up, you know, grow up. Like you used to hear that all the time. But what are you still a kid? You know, it was an insult. Yeah. You know, and here's me seeing a room surrounded by action figures from my childhood. Talking about a TV show from my childhood. We didn't let go. And I guess that's what makes this sort of stuff hard. You know, when people pass away and John Blackman, you know, when I do my intro to, hey, hey, it's a nod to how John would do it. And I'm not, it's the talent that John Blackman was. But, you know, I think it's safe to say, John, you know, you're a huge influence on all of us growing up. And, you know, I think I like to think that the outpouring of love that people did show for John is what people remember John Blackman for. You know, not that they were mean to Kamal or this kind of that comment, you know, no, he provided us laughs for decades. You know, and you can't take that away. But speaking of the episode we're about to get into, for those playing along at home, it's the 34th episode of 1997. And I tell you what, I'm just about ready to quit DAGS watch. So boring. So conservative now. Like, that's the thing, like we were talking about John's been a bit more cutting and biting. I think since Ernie left, Hey, Hey grew up, you know, and became even more of an adult variety show. Yeah, like, and it became a bit more biting and a bit more adult. Just in nature, like it grew up, you know, we were growing up. The kids were growing up. Like everybody was, everybody was growing up. And even though they had pluck a place and stuff, you know, grab a hold of it and pluck a throw in his arms up in the air. Like, you know, that was very much in play. But Daryl's just wearing a big 18 plus it. But I, the watch we should do. Yeah, more importantly, yes, is JBT watch. And she's in a leopard tank and roll. Yeah, of course. That's just something. Yeah, he got missed to go roll. Like, she gets out. She does a little twirl, refers to herself as we were talking about the Spice Girls. Mm hmm. Yeah, I'm going blank about Spice Girls. She called herself, but it was, it was like out of spice or something. Yeah, she's tracky flatty. Still is. Then Arnold Schwarzenegger, they're talking about how he might be in the King and I want to be in the King. Yeah, a man in his movies. And then they did a bit of a comedy sketch where it's Arnold in different musicals. We also got three random women in the crowd wearing green outfits that will come into play. Yeah, we'll get an explanation on that later. So they're celebrating here in 1997, 30 years of John Farnham. And he's releasing his anthology CDs. I don't remember these CDs. I don't remember it. Oh, really? Yeah, my sister loved John Farnham. I was fortunate, like, it should go see John Farnham. She'd take me to a concert. I've seen John Farnham in concert many times. I swear I'm a couple of times with Mum. Yeah, and I was watching this. And it was just like, he is so, like, he's almost a comfort personality for me. Like, I see John Farnham and I'm smiling instantly. I'm entertained and transfixed by him because he's an amazing singer. He's funny, funny, he's charming. You want to be like, you wish, I wish I was a handsome man like John, I wish I had his hair. Probably did at that point. But, you know, you just saw him and knowing that John Farnham is going to be on for the whole episode, you just go to yourself. It's going to be a good episode. You need to get all the Farnham you can handle. And it's always good because he fit in with the show seamlessly. He was a friend of the show. Well, because he was going honestly. He was. Yeah. And he understood the show. His humor was in line with the show. The show never rattled him. They just embraced him and accepted him. He got along with everyone. And he was given free, right? And you watch it and it just felt like, and this is what Hay Hay said they did well for a generation of these are our people. You know, and that's why I always say about Hay Hay Hay said in late, who is the Australian celebrity? Like John Farnham. Now. Now. Like the tones and I know, you know, like, you know what I mean? Like, because you can't get to know anyone. I just say you have a hit song or a hit album, but a couple of albums. Where's the variety show that everybody knows and likes? And you go on there and you're like, they're blending in with my weekly watch and I'm getting to know this person and geez, they're funny. And I feel like I know him. I can't wait to go see him on stage and the banter and everything. There's no platform to do that. TV is wretched humans on reality TV shows. And I know I'm going to sound like an old fart going on, but they're not engaging people. You don't connect with these people. Like the last people that you sort of felt probably connected to, right? In a, you know, Hamish Nandy, you know, at the time, Andrew G and James Matheson, you know, like people like that. They're the sort of similar vibe of connection. I think Hamish Nandy is probably the closest to it now. When you're talking cross-generational people, like you were going to have targeted for the 15s to 21s. You can have your 30 year old ones and you have your plus 50s. But John Farnham was cross-generational. Hey, hey was cross-generational. So you don't get that. Hamish would be the closest thing now, I'd say. But he doesn't have a home. So Rove bridged the gun for a little bit. Right. And my quiz partner, Rove. Even though I was very much team, hey, hey, don't tell Rove. But, you know, it's, like, and I'll use tones and I as the example because dance monkey was huge. Mm-hmm. Right. There was no platform for tones and I, like, I guess the panel is the closest thing to work. The project is the closest thing. Like G flipping that off scene on there and they're quite entertaining. I know, but maybe pop up on have you been paying attention? Yeah, but it's not the same. It's guest spots, but nothing is elaborate. Yeah. And it's also, you know, then, like his Taylor Swift going to go on there when she's in the country. No. You know, but Taylor Swift back in the day would have gone on. Oh, you know, Sally. No, she, she would have opened it up and been a big thing or just done an interview or just been at high point. And hey, hey, would have done a cross. I mean, the thing is with hey, hey, as well, with two hours, the head time with the project you don't. You've got one break to do everything and get that across. And with hey, hey, it's Saturday, let's just say it was running now. I have no doubt in my mind that Chris Hemsworth could appear and be a judge on Red Faces. And know exactly what's going to happen. Play long because he grew up on it. Russell Crowe's going to sit on Celebrity Head and you can, like... Margot Robbie, even maybe. Yeah, maybe like, you know, they're going to, but they would have got it, you know, because they would have grown up with it. They would have said Margot's too young, I think, probably for hey, hey, but you know, there's not that hometown home field sort of thing anymore. And that's what I loved about this episode so, so much. Like, if you're going to go and watch her episode of Hey, Hey, I recommend watching this one. It's everything that feels warm about Hey, Hey, it's LA. And it's, you know, I just loved it, you know, and it opens with John. He's doing a medally of his hits and he starts off with Take the Pressure Down. See, you even hear this and you're like, yeah. That was an amazing album. Like, he was like, I don't know what brought it up on my algorithm on YouTube the other day. I played a song from his from about 82. It was the most generic 80s nothing song. But this album, Pressure Down, you know, Whispering Jack was amazing. Like, and they hold up because they're good songs. Not generic. Was they not specific to Whispering Jack, but once again, just talking about cultural impact. A couple of weeks ago, I went and saw... I went to a metal show. We're leaning a little bit more into the power metal side of thing, which is for those uninitiated, these are people who felt wear metal and sing about dragons. But one of the opening bands, Local Australian Band, probably judging by their look, I'd maybe say they were late 20s early 30s, they did a cover of Playing to Win as a power metal song. Yeah, but exactly. The fact that it's a song that's early John Funner, but still resonated to the point where the bands are still covering it. Yeah, I think it, um, it crosses the thing. And then, can we get a bit of two strong hearts, Jonesy? Like, who doesn't like, do you hear this? Mitch would have been by and off Lisa Edwards. No, no, that's right. What do you hear the dark hair? Mmm, it's all right. What do you think about Lindsey? Did you prefer her poodle hair face? Oh, when you had the tees. The cream. The cream. The cream. Well, that's in two strong hearts. I think she's a cream going. Such a dodgy feel clip, if you look at it now. It's got like all those filters that they had. It was just like, oh, this is a special effect. We'll put a filter on it. And then he bought it home with Australia. Forget horses. The real anthem of Australia. Which is interesting when you think about it. Who farted by the Vorns? I don't know. It's interesting the fact that this was in the montage, not the montage, but the medley. Mm-hmm. I mean, Makari, I'm with the arrangement and stuff on it too. Oh, it goes into like a swing jazzy arrangement as well, probably. I've talked him out that he's sick, right? No, I don't think they mention this. They do after this. Yeah, because this is what I found interesting because, like I said, I was surprised that your the voice got the medley treatment. And then it became quite apparent as the show wore on, he was hanging on by a thread vocal wise. Yeah, I think he did a medley because he didn't feel he could belt out one song. True. And you listen to the way he does it, he's getting the backing singers to do a lot of the heavy lifting on this one. Yeah, John, you'd find out, was sick and it was really struggling. Now you've got it. I caught it off him. But yeah, there is a mystery of Mitch's now 10-year cough. That's my podcast. Oh, my wife is at home in pneumonia at the moment, so I would talk to her. I remember almost having pneumonia once, that was fun. Yeah. But yeah, fun, he can just roll out a bevy of hits and everyone's just going to be happy to hear them. I was thinking his anthology album is two albums. Three? Three, was it? Yeah. That's pretty amazing. Yeah. And it's a shame, like we obviously don't know vocally where John's at after he's battle with cancer, but it's probably... Probably not to this level. He's probably not going to return. I don't know. Oh, here we go. Yeah. Not pushing his voice to her list. Yeah, exactly. Let's bring it down at time. But still sounds amazing. It's fine. We've all heard your voice. We don't need to hear it exactly the same every time. But, you know, I still would like to think he could sell out rugby. One more time. Just one more time. Another retirement tour. I'd be up for it, you know? Yeah. Hey, hey, Saturday. John Fahn, I'm just going together perfectly. So I very much enjoyed this episode. A rigorous episode that I very much enjoyed. You enjoyed a rigorous episode. And we get a bit of a desk interview and John's having trouble talking and they bring out somebody I haven't thought about forever. Darren James from 3OW. And he did sort of have a bit of a John Fahn. Look at me. He did an impersonation of John. And you're hearing it. Yeah, it's not bad. I mean, he just did the Fahn and laugh. And that's it. That's all you need. And it got you. It was like he does do that. He does in the affect. That's the thing with all the people who do impersonations. It's when one person cracks it. And what it is, that's your impersonation. That's what everyone goes to. And if you had the key to impersonation John Fahn is his laugh, I wouldn't have thought. And I was like, oh, no, it is. That's it. He did such a good Fahn. And it was killing me every time he hit the laugh. I'd chuckle. Me too. And go, no, no. That is bang on. And then they come back from the break. They're showing him outside signing autographs as John and he's doing the laugh. Doing the laugh. And he's got the green shirt girls, which was interesting because Darrell said, oh, these are people that couldn't get in. There. Do we know how Darren's going? I did have a quick look. Simon Owens. Could you please get a recording of Darren just doing a bit of John Fahn and for us and we'll play it on the show. I don't think he's on 3AW currently. I think he's doing more corporate work. Because I, one more time, don't break out the Fahnzi. Although he is currently, I do remember Simon saying he's doing a whole ton of archiving. He's kind of the unofficial 3AW digital archiving. I'm willing to bet there's probably some of that somewhere on a DAT type somewhere. And you know I'm loving an episode when, what's the game called with? Private parts. Private parts. When Paul Salmon comes out and I leave, I'm like, yes! The horse won the fish. No, he was ascending. Oh, he might have been hawks by 97. No, he's in it. What premises do you win with Hawthorne to? None. None. And he came back and played for us and then, no. I love the fish as a kid growing up. One of my favourite players. Number three for the Don's. Hall Ford. He was Essendon until 95. Hawthorne 96 to 2000 and then Essendon in 2002. He was still playing in the 2000s. Yeah. Well, she's brought him back. I remember watching Gayway. He ran back in the form and he was running and he kicks the goal. And he's laughing at it. It was just like, he's done, but it was great to see. And the commentators were laughing at everything and it was like, poor fish. And also, legendary for being part of the Super Soaker 50 advertising campaign. Like, there's a shot of him and his Essendon by holding up a Super Soaker 50. For most iconic water pistol of all time. That's not even a Super Soaker one. Yeah. Dingdong. Yeah. There was always talk that Dingdong and Daggson get along, but Dingdong is here. Yeah. Because she was the co-host like Jackie before our period of watching. Yes. Yeah. And then John Adams back out. Making him work. Yeah. Making him work. They told fish to cross his legs. Bit of man spread. Bit of man spread. Big legs. He said they were big legs. But I thought Paulson was actually, he was very articulate. Yeah. Yeah. He had his footy show experience. He would have been doing the footy show at that point. Yeah. He was one of those kids footy shows. Was that him? Yeah. Squadron. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know if he hosted it. He would have been a regular one. He would have been a regular one. Hosting Squadron. You'd get your five free games if you rode in. Oh, really? Um, for a Squadron membership. Um, everybody in New South Wales and the Queen's ain't going. What are they talking about? They just know Sturlo was dressed up as a Smith. I remember my brother Martin. He's 14 years older than me. Yeah. He's got wespeople on here and everything. He was very insulted once he got up. Somebody called me Sturlo at the bar. I was like, you don't want to be called Peter Sturlo. Like, it's nobody else who calls Sturlo. Um... I could test him as Rosanna who spent a lot of time fiddling with her belt. No, it's not. I know. You just say the odd? Not I, sir. Um, yeah. It's a segment. Doesn't really... Yeah. Um, John rigged it. Like, before she could even pick, he would immediately stand up and go, "Me? It was me." Um, and once again, you know, I talk about the seamlessness of John Farrn. I'm Harry just... He was an entertainer. They could plug him into any scene. Yeah. And on that show, they could have dressed him as plucker and it would have... No, it would have been fine. It would have worked out well. It would have worked out well. Just once that would have been good to have it and have him take the mask off on it's him. Then Darryl brings on the first cooking segment he says since Jackie McDonald used to host a cooking segment. Nah, we've seen. Cooking segment. Yeah. Noodle. And they bring out Wolfgang Puck. Wolfgang Puck. Mmm. It was combative. It was chaotic with Wolfgang. Wolfgang did not appreciate Dickie. No. Takes me to the hatchet. And what do you call those things? I don't think John... I don't think blackers liked Wolfgang messing with the puppet. Yeah, well... Well, 'cause... The first time Dickie pops up, Wolfgang wacks him with a meat cleaver. Then the second time he pops up, he takes a pair of tongs, grabs Dickie and wrenches him out of the hand. It just starts waving around the decapitated bit of Dickie. And he's constantly throwing food at the Dick handler. He just starts throwing it and then it just starts throwing it. Well, I don't know if he was worded up, but you know... Yeah, it turned into a food fight. And then... You've, like, victimized. The red comes out later and says, oh, so you cook the steak on one side. Yeah. And then you turn it over and cook it on the other. Genius. That's genius. And you can hit your butt and go, yes! Oh... And poor Joe Beth. He got a bit touchy. Oh, he got a bit handy. He was very enamined with Joe Beth. But she was not keen on it. 'Cause he went to grab her belly. 'Cause food got on her. Yeah. And he went to clean it off and she had, like, the tight little crop top sort of thing. Yeah. And she stepped away very quickly and was like, no, no, no, no, no, no. Then, like, we get, like, I could only imagine in the Mitchell household this would have caused a frenzy in my lounge room. You get human nature. And John Farnham. Oh, for me? Yeah. He was named in your whole household like him. Mum would have been going wild. Was it young to you like human nature? No, Mum. Mum. Mum. Both of them went to Vegas and so on. But, yeah. I got it. I don't like human nature. I've talked about this. But I do like this. And once again, it was another example. Hey, Bruce Mansfield in the video clip. Yeah. Once again, allowed someone else other than John to do the heavy lifting. Mm-hmm. Although, I will say, because with the first performance of John, his human, his band, had a very unified look. It was all black kind of business casual. Only one member of human nature must have got that memo. Because he was the only one dressed in the color scheme and theme. But this is a good song. Yep. But John looked funny. Because they had their synchronised dance moves. And he's just sort of the side doing his mic thing that he does. Mm-hmm. And it was just like, one of these things is not like the other. Well, he's not a boy band. No. But they should have, they should have gone his way. Um, we get a look at Glenn Wheatley before. Flat, flat, flat. They, it was a... Oh. Had to do it too soon. Dude. Well, Glenn went to prison. You do? Tax. Some tax issues. His daughter used to turn it, won't you? Oh, really? Um, but I, I keep meaning to watch the John Farnham documentary. I hear it's excellent. Um, have you seen it, Jonesy? I think I've seen most of it. Mm-hmm. Um, but the story of Glenn Wheatley, mortgaging everything on Whispering Jack, it's crazy. Yeah. Um, he really did believe in John. Um... [Laughs] Something that was a little bit awkward in hindsight. There's a promotion that grabbed me and I said, "Jonesy, can you just get the clip and play it?" Hi, Australia. We're in excess. Really? Um, yeah. We're coming down to see you. Gonna finish our world tour. You're in Australia. Only. Lose your head tour. See you there. Bye. [Applause] You sort of close his legs, too. Flat, flat, flat. That year, yeah. Was it that year? Did Michael Hutchins pass away in '97? Uh, maybe you give me one second, I'll catch it. You'd be close. [Laughs] He said it was like just type stuffing that we could make. I was just trying to think of the girl's name, but I couldn't remember. I was saying I'll give her a call, but no. Um... Alrighty. Here we go. Michael Hutchins. November '97. Oof. That year. We're getting to that year. Like, but we're already in that year, boy, getting to that time. They didn't make that concert. They probably didn't actually. No, they probably didn't. Mm-hmm. Um... Then they'd go on to be fronted by Terrence Trent Darby. Mm-hmm. Si. And CJ Fortuna. No, JD Fortuna. JD Fortuna. Early in the year, Hutchins in an excess started World Tour to support, elegantly wasted. The final 20th anniversary was to occur in Australia in November and December of that year. He never made the tour. Well, I've got all thoughts and opinion, but I'm not going to throw it out. I'll say it without the show. I'll say it without the show. Don't worry about that. Um... Um... Um... Every member in the audience gets the CD single of every time you cry. Is that why they're in Cassie's all the time? I don't know. Say a lot of drink coasters being used. Oh, how dare you? There's a tremendous song. Um... Then somebody in the audience has a vintage Darryl and Aussie with an elephant puzzle. Mm-hmm. Jigsaw puzzle. It's a real collectible. I'm Josie. Have you looked on eBay to see if there's any Darryl and Aussie elephant? I've never seen in all my Ohio Saturday searches. I have not seen... Yeah, I've never seen it. It's usually very limited to like the DVD releases and maybe a signed plucker.card. Now Mitch, as David Damage of Dave's Goodyear video graveyard fame points out, you are an unashamed earring wearer. Yes. In the modern age. You were complimented on my earring the other day. Goodbye. A friend's daughter. I was saying hello. Happy birthday to my friend. Haven't seen for a while. And the daughter who's about 14 goes, "Great earring." And it wasn't ironic. I'm sure. I'm sure. Yeah, yeah. Great earring sounds a little sus. Um... But did you feel a kidmanship with comedian Peter Gross? I did write a little. I did write a little. Because I saw that gold shiny thing dangling from one ear. I go look at him. He's a real Mitch like. So have you got a hundred bucks? You can buy a Hey Hey, it's Saturday jumper. No. Um... No, I don't think I will. Um... What did you guys know Peter Gross? You know, I looked him up. He was very funny. I was very impressed. But no, never heard of him. Jonesy? Ah, I was not familiar with him. But he definitely won this audience over. Um... And had a shiny earring. Great earring. One may have a straight away. What year did your earring go in Mitch? I went in in 1992. Hasn't come out since. I'll throw it out to the two female listeners. That may respond. Lindel and Danny Trigonning. Do you like Mitch's earring? Do you think an earring is a good look in the modern age? Should he persist with the earring? Does it make you go young? So I double down. And get two earrings. Go bigger. You'll end up like Mr. T. Oh, go the feather. Yeah. Now that... If you turn up with a feather, I would be very impressed. I'll put rubber bands for my chicks. Captain Looster. Um... No, we shouldn't pick on him about this. So, we talk about a level of Australian celebrity where they turn up and you just feel you know them. Well, I'm going to get to that in a minute. Naked plucker? No. No, I'm eBay. Oh, I'm looking for you. No, I was going to say. Um, I thought you were going to hang a Naked plucker for a year. First, well, we get to the segment they loathe, but we love. This is a whole thing. Yeah. When the segment we loathe for you, the... What's the name you call the sign again? What's the name you call the sign again? 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It's always the most random people. Yeah. Oh I was on Plucka Duck for that one episode. And then Jonesy sheepishly has to send him a link when I'm going. Oh that person had a rude haircut. Um, Fonzie's back out again for a bit of burn for you. Sort of Fonzie. Kind of. There's nothing else. Because we've gone to the point now because it must have been horrible that they've planned this whole show. And he's doing all the music. He's in all the segments and then probably the weekend I, by the way, John's voice is shot. So I was like we now have to work around space. He was from red faces. He was. John Farmhand. I don't remember. He came out in a farm outfit and I think he was inflating a rubber chicken. He was inflating something and singing John Farnham songs as he did. He sang well. He sang well. He sounded like John. That was his gimmick is that he did a pitch perfect John Farnham impression. But that's the thing John couldn't do what John normally does. Yeah. But it didn't matter. There had so many workarounds that you could work. You bring out Darren James and just get him to laugh for a bit. That was fine. It added to the show. We could have easily had him sing all his songs properly. He had a coughing fit in the middle of this. It shows us life. It was almost like the time meet low. I think the part we wanted is whether that was sort of planned. I thought it was sort of work. Like getting to do the cough and then we bring in the, we bring in the feeling. Yeah. Um, definite work. Um, and then they bring John over and they start showing old John Farnham clips. From like way back in 1969 it started with him doing raindrops at Moomba. Um, Moomba, Moomba, Moomba Magic. They showed a lot of clips and then they bought out the clip of all clips when you think of John Farnham on Hay Act Saturday. And it's him and Tom Jones, singing a uni-shamama. Ah, but he's in awe. Tom Jones's voice is just the incredible. Wasn't in the similar tone. I'm looking for the old. He wasn't quite at the lid and how to swing it. Off you were. No, I'm not, I'm just kidding. You don't know. Oh, you don't know. How few were her pleasures? She never cared for fashion style. Her jewels and her treasures. She found them in her baby smile. Bit no, just a legendary, um, Hay Hay moment. I didn't realize it was 1990. No, they're John Farnham and Tom Jones. Like we will when we get to 1999. We're not going to go into the reunions. I think we jump back and probably land at 87, 88 and start. Sometimes like 10 years time. Digging through, yeah, yeah. It's going to be a long time ago. But we are going to go, but I think going back to the 80s is probably where we're going to go. Well, this is like, okay, I'm slightly morbid here. When John eventually does pass on because it will happen. I want to talk about it. I get the feeling this will be the clip. Oh, there's a million. This will be a feature. Definitely. Like two of my favorite singers is Tom Jones and John Farnham. It was funny with Tom Jones. I've added, if I only knew to play this. Yeah. My kids, Jesse, they will go, don't know this song, but it's really good. I was like, yeah, Tom Jones had a comeback, baby. Well, I actually looked up that Peter Gross, the comedian who was on earlier. I looked at your website and there's a spiel. You know, you can hire him still. One paragraph was devoted that he was on "Hey, Hey, It's That Day" on the John Farnham 30th anniversary special. That was part of his view. If you're going to be on an episode of "Hey, Hey, It's That Day", it's a pretty good episode to be on. After that, we get the duck. Here it will be. (Music) And Carolyn Jackson is our contestant. Sorry, Ms. Jackson. She's um... You're not for real? No. A lady? She's a lady! Whoa, whoa, whoa! She's a lady! A lady, a top good number. That's a song that you see on the CD that would play at Jules. She's a lady, too! As on stacking sanitary napkins next to the paper plates and plastic forks and stuff. They had to go to me wrong napkins in my slacks. Stacks of slacks. Yeah, my Star Wars tie. Oh. Yeah, at a Star Wars tie. Do you think novelty ties will make you come back? No. Silky, silky, novelty ties and face. I made it! Okay, can be a cesspool at times. It was actually an article that popped up. At times. It was this one photo that proves everything that's wrong with masculinity in Australian society. The whole article was lamenting the fact that men don't wear ties anymore. Mmm. But they do. Just not all the time. No. I am in. Oh no, this article was written by a guy that practically lives in ties and has a corner square. And he looks like a Harry Potter villain. There's plenty of Australians that live in tie land. For nefarious reasons. Carol gets asked to grab a hold of it. And Plucker sort of thrusts forward and throws his arms up. Just like it's okay. Get to the old crane kick position? Kids watch Plucker's play songs. Well, she's wholesome family viewing. No, very funny. It never fails to listen to laugh or be every time he does it. Oh, so cheap and so good. I think she was from Queensland. She spun number 11, which was the magnetic resort in Queensland. Yep. So any guy on resorts. Yeah. She chooses to pluck it up. And Plucker is riding backwards. Yeah. Her first cow pluck. She's not what they call it. Yeah. I have to lift that up when you incognito note. Pluck number 17 and she wins three silly beds and she was happy with it because I tell you what. Beds are expensive. We needed a new mattress. No, I was like, I don't know. I've waken up with a saw back and everything. Got a memory foam number. Yeah. And I wasn't sure about this. It's the best thing. Took a -- I can't believe how well I'm sleeping. It's just as new. No, but you don't move. You don't feel the other person. It will remind you of things you want to forget. It's memory mattress. It stores your shame. A bit of shame has happened to me. It's happened to me. We then get the green shirts. Turn it off to 90 days. Michelle, as long as they don't own one of those special lights. Lightly soil. Michelle Neil, she's over green shirts. Stalkers. Three ladies that go to every Jon Farnham concert. And Michelle's there to take on Jon and a quiz about Jon to see if she can beat him. And do you know what the answer is? Yes. She was quicker on the buzzer and knew more about Jon than Jon. And what a prize. The Cadbury basket. It's not a bad prize. Not a bad prize. That being said, for this sort of competition, they got gypped because you can get a trip. You usually get this. They got to meet Jon. Yeah. That's all they want. I get the feeling they've met Jon. Yeah, they've met Jon a few times. It sounds like they just know them. It's like, oh, there's the green shirts again. Then Jon says, well, men to close with that freedom. Great song. But I haven't trouble with the voice. Gonna get my band to sing, which is Lindsay, Lisa Edwards, and the other guy. That's a good feeling. And many goes, "Darryl, do you want to jump on Jon?" So you, Blackus, go, oh. No. And Darryl, of course, takes up. And they get on, they do that freedom. I tell you what, they were great singing that freedom. And I love how Jon has the freedom to be a bit blue on the show. And they gave out the cabry basket. And he goes, I'll give her a half a bow of chocolate. Now, you may get on me for not knowing the guitarist that was also on vocals. But Jon Blackman said, right, Lisa, Lindsay. The other one. Yeah. I was like, oh, the guy. Um, let's get into it. Pump it, Jon. What a... He's got fun, I was on fire, wasn't he? Like, about late '80s, early '90s, like... What a run. He's pretty good. ♪ There's nothing there I can't ♪ ♪ There's a song of your heart ♪ But he didn't even touch on the age of reason. Hmm. ♪ The guy that's way ♪ Oh. ♪ There's a reason to live ♪ Let's give him all the arias. I think he has them. Hmm. No, it's... Like, does Mix FM play that's freedom? Or is that too old for that? Oh. I'd be excited to see that. Gold FM plays modern stuff, which I would call modern stuff. They play plays, don't they? Yeah. Like, it's... Do they play Britney? No one plays Britney. I never forget Listen to Gold 104 and they were playing Nirvana once and that's when I was like, all right, I'm done with this. It's when the supermarket plays. Yeah, it's a classic one and you know you're old when it's like, "Hey, the supermarket's playing my jam." And then they show a fan with a John Farnham Tat. The lady with the Farnham Tatoo. Now, I did once again the ongoing saga of the prop master credit in these shows. Unfortunately for this episode, the prop master is Annie Rexia. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Yeah. And they can all be winners. Yeah. Can't all be comedy gold. Can I get some sweet, sweet Ricky Man? Yes, you may. Thank you for listening to another episode of Hey, Hey, It's the podcast. Yeah, obviously we dedicate that one to John Blackman. John is obviously going to be sorely missed, but forever remembered. Because the archives of Hey, Hey, It's Hey, available and that's the thing I love about this is just going back in time and taking the time and watching this stuff. It really is a time capsule and John will live forever because of his work on Hey, Hey, It's Halle. You can find us on social media at x and Instagram at hey, hey, podcast and, Hey, It's the podcast. I am Chris Fresh. Good night, Mitch. Good night. Good night, Jonesy. Good night. And rest in peace, John Blackman. Hey, I just wait the far line and get some crazy mixed up. Hey, Hey, Hey. We'll be fine. I've seen him all around the world and I can tell you. It is different and I'm not so real. Why? I see what I mean and I thought I was there but I'm here only on Hey, Hey, This had happened. John Blackman, give me a try. Yeah, I see pictures and papers, comedy capers, words that are so candid. ♪ In the night, you'll go out ♪