Warfare Prayers Podcast-The Morning Prayer

Prayer for God's Power in Weakness ( Devotion)

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05 Aug 2024
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Again, don't be discouraged by Satan wanting to use your weaknesses to limit what you can do. God is using it for his glory and he's going to use it to promote you. Why do I say that? Let's go to the Bible. 2 Corinthians 12 7 through 10. It says this. "Unless I should be exalted above measure by the abundance of the revelations, a thorn in the flesh was given to me, a messenger of Satan to buffet me. Let's I be exalted above measure. Concerning this thing, I pleaded with the Lord three times that it might depart from me. And he said to me, my grace is sufficient for you. For my strength is made perfect in your weaknesses. So your weaknesses and your inadequacies are your thorns. But according to our texts, God uses thorns for three reasons. The first reason that God uses thorns is to prevent pride. It is to prevent you from worshiping your success. See, Paul experienced the spiritual power of Christ. God gave him a deep and intimate spiritual experiences. But that was a danger that he might begin to think too highly of himself. It is when you get the promotion on the job. It is when you get the answered prayer that you've been longing for. It is when you get another degree on the wall. It is when God gives you a bigger house and a bigger bank account. Sometimes it can create pride. And so God will not allow pride to elevate. And so he allows a thorn. So your thorns are there to prevent you from developing pride. Your thorns are also there to produce power. See, his grace wants to breathe for you. And God's grace breathes for you through your suffering. It is through your weaknesses that the glory of God is revealed. His power works best in our weaknesses. He breathes through our suffering. Think about it like this. Respirators are machines that do the breathing for you. If you're laid down on the hospital bed and there is a problem with your breathing, they put you on the respirator. If you insist on breathing on your own, the respirator does you no good. There's only one thing you can do with the respirator, cooperate. Now you are involved because it is your lungs going up and down. It's your mouth and nose that are taken in and expelling oxygen. The two of you are working together, but the respirator is doing the work. You are just cooperating with it rather than resisting it. Listen brothers and sisters, Christ wants to express his life through you and be your respirator. He does not want you being your own respirator because then you don't need him. He doesn't want to do it apart from you, so you must cooperate. You must yield yourself to the person of Jesus Christ and he does these things through suffering. It is through your weakness. This is what Christ says. My power, my respirator, my breathing, my power works best in your weaknesses. See, we have too many believers today. They are hyperventilating in spiritual life because they are trying to breathe on their own instead of allowing the presence of God, the Spirit of God, the power of God. Breathe healing in their life. Breathe peace in their life. Breathe his goodness and his grace in their life. They are hyperventilating because they are resisting God. Don't resist by faith believe that your thorns, your weaknesses produce power because God allows you to suffer sometimes through your thorns. And when you suffer, then his power works best in your weaknesses. So your thorns prevent pride. Your thorns produce power. The last thing that we read from the text that your thorns do is your thorns promote purpose. Yes, your thorns, they promote God's purpose in your life. We know this from verse nine and ten. Verse eight says concerning this, Paul pleaded with the lower three times that it might depart from him. And here it is verse nine and ten, your thorns promote purpose. Paul said, and he said to me, my grace is sufficient for you. God's grace, for my strength is made perfect in weakness. That is God's aim is for his power to be made perfect in you. Therefore, Paul says, most gladly, I would rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest, breathe, have its way upon me. Therefore, I take pleasure in my infirmities and reproaches and needs and persecutions and distress for Christ's sake, for when I am weak, then I am strong. See, Paul speaks with joy and passion. He sees how power is birth. It is the same way a woman can passionately endure the pain of childbirth. She can endure that pain because something good is coming down the pipe. She can endure with passion because she knows the pain will be worth it in the end when she birthed new life purpose. She bears the suffering because of the joy that awaits her when she looks at her child's face. She endures the pain because of purpose. Your thorns promote purpose. It is in weakness that God does his greatest birthing. So regardless of the reproaches, the ridicules, and insults, the necessities, the hardship, the hunger, the lack, the persecutions, and physical attacks, the distress, disturbances, and inescapable problems, just know that these things promote purpose because his power is made perfect in your weakness. Remember, brothers and sisters, that God uses your thorns to promote you, to give you a purpose. So be encouraged and take heart today that in this life you will have trouble, but God has overcome the world. And he specializes in using weakness to produce his power. God uses your thorns to promote you. Let us pray. Dear gracious and heavenly Father, I thank you for another good day. I thank you, Father, that in you, I have every spiritual blessing that I need in the heavenlies. In you, I am anointed. I am appointed. In you, I am gifted. I am equipped. In you, Father, I have all that I need according to your riches and glory. Father, I pray that you would empower me today to cast down every thought that exalts itself up against you. Help me, Father, to realize and be aware that my life is full of purpose every day. I'm full of purpose because you are living only inside of me and you are ordering my steps. You are making my thoughts true and you are leading and guiding me into all truth. Help me, Father, to receive your joy and to walk in your joy today knowing that I may have weaknesses. I may be persecuted and sometimes I may feel like I'm distressed, but you've overcome the world. You're the God that gives me power to overcome all things. I thank you, Father, today because I am not fighting for victory. I am fighting from a position of victory because greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world. I am victorious today because Jesus Christ is victorious in my life and I expect and I receive your promotion in spite of my pain and weaknesses. In Jesus name, I declare this by faith. Amen. 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