Warfare Prayers Podcast-The Morning Prayer

Prayer Devotion not to Worry

Broadcast on:
02 Aug 2024
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- Welcome to daily warfare prayers. This is a simple prayer to have victory over worry. Repeat this prayer and make it your prayer by faith. But before we pray, let's go into a devotion of truth. And in this devotion of truth, I want to reveal the scriptures to you that is in Matthew 6, 27 through 45. This is about activating God's peace. And his peace gives you victory over worry. Understand brothers and sisters that the enemy wants to attack your mind. He wants you to believe his lies, to believe that God is not able to answer your prayers, to believe that things will always be like they are. He wants you to worry about the worst possible outcome. These are the attacks of the enemy. The enemy's aim is to get you to believe a lie. So we're going to expose his lies with the truth of God's word. This is activating God's peace to give you victory. There's a story of a man who one day worried whether he would die of cancer. Because it was so prevalent in society, he worried about it for 42 years and died of a heart attack as a result of worrying about cancer. Worrying is to be in fear or anxiety about future potential problems. Fearing whether you would get the right job, or get the bill, whether I have enough money to make ends meet. Fearing about my health, worried about family matters, my business, understand this brothers and sisters, that stress causes heart disease, it causes asthma, obesity, diabetes, headaches, high blood pressure. Worrying will steal your joy. Worrying will rob your life. Jesus says, "In this life, you will have trouble." But he says, "Take heart. "Be encouraged because he has overcome the world." The word says be anxious for nothing. But in all things, by prayer and supplication, let your request be made known to God. And the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will God your hearts and your mind. We have to learn to activate God's peace in order to get victory over worrying. Well, in our text today, Jesus is speaking to a multitude of people that was burdened by life's worries. And here's what he said to them. In Matthew 6, 27 through 34, he says, "Can any one of you, by worrying, "add a single hour to your life? "And why do you worry about clothes? "See how the flowers of the field grow? "They do not labor or spin. "Yet I tell you that not even Solomon "in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. "If that is how God clothed the grass of the field, "which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, "will he not much more clothe you? "You of little faith. "So do not worry, saying what shall we eat, "what shall we drink, or what shall we wear? "For the pagans run after these things, "and your heavenly father knows that you need them. "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, "and all these things will be given to you as well. "For do not worry about tomorrow. "For tomorrow will worry about itself. "Each day has enough trouble of its own." So Jesus teaches us how not to worry, but he also teaches us how to activate God's peace. And you activate God's peace by looking at verse 30. It's having faith in God's provisions. God's provisions, verse 30 tells us this. "If that is how God clothed the grass of the field, "which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, "will he not much more clothe you? "Okay, if God clothed the grass of the field, "will he not provide for you? "This is called provision. "Provision is the action of providing or supplying need. "And we serve the God who supplies. "All of our needs," the Bible says, according to his riches and glory. See, you don't have to worry because God has a built-in goodness about his nature. See, mankind has been breathing oxygen. Since the beginning of creation, 117 billion people, no one has ever run out of oxygen. Air is still here because God has a built-in goodness. Fish have swam since creation. And even though man have caught fish since creation, there is still more than enough fish today because God has a built-in goodness. Animals have been eating plants and leaves in the jungle since forever. While after they eat, plants just still pop back up because God has a built-in goodness that naturally replicates itself. God is a God of provision. He's going to provide your needs and we can have faith in his provisions. So you gotta have faith in God's provision, not in your own provision. The Bible says, "Trust in the Lord with all of your heart "and lean not on your own understanding." In all of your ways, acknowledge him and he will direct your path. So you gotta have faith in God's provision. If he clothe the grass, he can clothe you and provide everything that you need. But then you have to also prioritize finding God's purpose. Jesus tells them, "But seek first the kingdom of heaven "and its righteousness and all of these things "shall be added onto you." So you have to prioritize finding God's purpose. And after that, you have to denounce negative outlooks. For tomorrow, Jesus says, "We'll have trouble of its own." That simply means don't worry about the negative things of tomorrow. Denounce them, why? Because God's grace is sufficient for you today. His grace is not sufficient for you a week from now or a month from now or a year from now. When that day comes, his grace will be sufficient for that day. But God's grace is sufficient for you today. So whatever is in front of you today, trust in the Lord with all of your heart. Seek his kingdom and denounce negative thoughts and negative outlooks over your life. I wanna say a simple prayer over you, just in case you're worried about some things. Repeat this prayer and you can make it your prayer by faith and remember that the prayers of the righteous are powerful and they are effective. Let us pray. Father in the name of Jesus, I pray for your peace today against all forms of hostility, anonymity, contention, any type of hatred, anger, strife, any form of resentment, revenge, any spirit of retaliation, spite, or goal. I come against it in the name of Jesus and I cast these spirits in outer darkness, never to return to my mind, soul, and spirit again. I speak the peace of God, the life of God, and the favor of God over my life. I come against all works of destruction that tries to come against my family, my children, my spouse, and all of my brothers and sisters in Christ. I decree and declare today that no weapon formed against us will be able to prosper. I rebuke the devour, the accuser. I rebuke every diabolical assignment over my life, over my family's life, my children, and everyone that is connected to me in the name of Jesus. I declare over them that we shall walk in your favor and victory, and we will not worry about the eventualities of tomorrow, but we will walk in your promises today. For all of the promises of God are yes and amen. We receive your promises, we believe your promises, and we will walk in profit by your promises. For today, I rebuke anything that is not like you, and I pray that you would create enemy a clean heart, renew a right spirit to love and to seek you with my whole heart, with my mind, and with my soul. Father, I want your perfect peace over my life that my focus is not on the things of the world, but on the things of God. In Jesus' name, I declare peace, amen. (gentle piano music) (gentle piano music) (gentle piano music) (gentle piano music) (gentle piano music)