Warfare Prayers Podcast-The Morning Prayer

Prayer against Satanic Attacks
Prayer Books

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Broadcast on:
18 Jul 2024
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I thank you for listening to daily warfare prayers, don't forget to subscribe to my prayer book of the month, go to warfare, subscribe to the prayer book of the month and I will mail you these prayer books every month upon new release, God bless you. This is a simple prayer to block the enemy from planting bitterness within your heart. Leave this prayer and make it your prayer by faith. Remember that the prayers of the righteous are powerful and they are effective. Let us pray. Dear gracious and heavenly Father, I come before your throne in the name of Jesus today and by the power of your resurrecting, saving, blood, Lord forgive me and cleanse me of anything in my heart that is not like you. I pray that you would take every crooked place and make it straight within my spirit in the name of Jesus so that I may honor, praise and worship you all day, every day. O Father, I pray that you would root out the spirit of resentment in my soul in the name of Jesus. O Father, help me to forgive those who have persecuted me and those who have wronged me. O Father, empower me to release people that have done me harm in the name of Jesus. For your word declares that vengeance belongs to you. So Father, I leave it in your hands and I cast out the spirit of unforgiveness and revenge in the name of Jesus. I decree and declare that I will not retaliate, but I will trust in the Lord with all of my heart and lean not on my own understanding, but in all of my ways I will acknowledge you Father. You will direct my pain. I come against every root of bitterness within my spirit. Hidden bitterness, gall, the spirit of warm wood within me, the poisonous root, heart bondage, complaining, murmuring, backbiting, the spirit of envy and strife, wrath and anger, cursing, jealousy. I bind them and I rebuke them and I cast them out of my spirit today in the name of Jesus. I decree and declare to walk in your freedom and deliverance. I close every door of sickness and infirmity through these spirits and I declare today that I am healed from the crown of my head to the soul of my feet. I will not walk in blindness, whether it be natural or spiritual darkness, but I plead the blood of Jesus over my eyes, that I may have spiritual discernment, that I may decode the deceptions and manipulations of Satan, and that I may know the truth, and the truth may set me free from anything poisonous that may have already bit me. Father, I thank You. I release everything into Your hands. I trust You with my mind, soul and spirit, that You will work all things together for my good and for Your Lord. I thank You, Father, and in sin Jesus' name I pray. Amen. [Music]