Warfare Prayers Podcast-The Morning Prayer

Prayer for a child with reprobate mind
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Broadcast on:
12 Jul 2024
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Thank you for listening to daily warfare prayers. This is a prayer for a child with a reprobate mind If you would like these prayers sent to you in a prayer book every month go to warfare and subscribe to our prayer book monthly subscription and I will send you these prayer books every single month upon new release go to warfare to get you a prayer book. Father, I lift up my child before you in the name of Jesus and by the power of your resurrecting saving blood. I believe today that with man it is impossible, but with you all things are possible and today I decree and declare the blessings of God over every plan and every gold for my child in the name of Jesus I pray right now that you would remove a heart of stone and give my child a heart of flesh today That will obey you. I pray father that you would remove every demonic obstacle hindrance every blockage every barrier every place of resistance in their life every form of difficulty every spirit of blockage and obstruction in the name of Jesus and I pray that you would feel my child with a new mind a new spirit and a new heart in the name of Jesus create in my child a clean heart today and Renew a right spirit that is full of love joy peace patience goodness kindness gentleness and self-control I pray that the fruits of the spirit would manifest in my child's life And I pray that the spirit of the living God would overpower all demonic plots and demonic schemes over my child's life in the name of Jesus Father renew my child's mind to think those things that are true and give my child the discernment to decode and expose every lie that is secretive that is hidden that is mysterious that is witchcraft and sorcery that is of hypnosis and fortune telling crystal ball activities anything of magic and mediums and psychics and readers and advisors in the name of Jesus I Rebuked them and I cast them into out of darkness never to return in my child's life I rebuke all spirits that are rooted in occult activities and programs occult games and books any form of new age movement and every type of familiar spirit in the name of Jesus I rebuke heavy yolks and bondage over my child's life in the name of Jesus and I decree in declare that my child Shall be free of every form of hurt harm or danger that is rooted in demonic activities in the name of Jesus I decree in declare a free mind a free spirit and a free heart I decree in declare a new attitude a new outlook and faith in Jesus Christ I decree in declare that my child would lift up holy hands before your sanctuary That you would restore and make my child over again in the name of Jesus Father I pray that you would remove every friend every relationship every Demonic network that is rooted in the works of darkness out of my child's life in the name of Jesus And I pray that you would surround my child with people that are of light and not of darkness that are of your word and Not of the world in the name of Jesus. Oh Father Have your way. I decree in declare total victory in my child's life Empower my faith to believe in Jesus name. I prayed for total deliverance. Amen Don't forget to subscribe to daily warfare prayers also don't forget if you would like these prayer books sent to you every month Upon new release go to warfare join my subscription and I will send you The newest prayer book every single month. God bless you You you (soft piano music) (soft piano music) (soft piano music) (soft piano music) (upbeat music) [BLANK_AUDIO]