Warfare Prayers Podcast-The Morning Prayer

A Prayer Against Demonic Assignments. (Devotion & Prayer)

Broadcast on:
08 Jul 2024
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If you want to be ready for every demonic assignment on your life, that is every demonic plot, every demonic scheme, every type of manipulation, every type of deception, we're talking about the attacks of the enemy against your life, against your dreams, against your visions, if you want to be ready for demonic assignments. Then you must neglect demons of the very thing that attracts them. This is a simple prayer against demonic assignments, but first the question is what attracts demons? Well, the Bible tells us in Matthew 12, 43 through 45 that demons gravitate towards three types of places in our hearts. Let's read the scriptures first before we go over these three types of conditions. The Bible says, "When an unclean spirit goes out of a man, it goes through dry places seeking rest and finds none." Then he says, "I will return to my house from which I came, and when he calms, he finds an empty, swept, and put in order." Then he goes and takes with him seven other spirits, more wicked than himself, and they enter and dwell there, and the last state of that man is worse than the first. So shall it also be with this wicked generation. So according to what Jesus is saying here, demons gravitate towards three types of places. And I'll name them to you and explain them. Number one, we read from the text that they gravitate towards artificial places. They gravitate towards dry places, and they gravitate towards empty places. According to the word, this is what attracts demons. And if your heart is in one of these types of conditions, then you are attracting demons. Just like we can do things around our house or our living quarters to attract rodents. There is a way to attract demons. So let's go over number one. Demons gravitate towards artificial places. An artificial place simply means artificial repentance. It is when a person doesn't genuinely give their life to the Lord. It is artificial repentance. For an example, it is not being sorry for the sin, but you're sorry that you got caught. It is when you are more concerned about people judging you than you are about changing. Artificial repentance will cause a demon to say that your spirit, your house is still theirs. That's why in verse 44, Jesus says, then he says, I will return to my house. If you could circle my house from the word, I will tell you to do that because when that demon says my house, that simply means that the demon steel has ownership of you. The reason why the demon steel has ownership is because you have not truly repented. The Bible says, if ye be in Christ, ye are a new creature. Old things have passed away and behold, God has made all things new. That's to the born-again believer. That's to the person that have truly repented of their sins. But if you hadn't truly repented of your sins, the demon is going to say that is steel my house. That is steel my soul. That is steel my spirit. That is still the place I have under possession when you have not truly repented. So this is one thing. It's artificial repentance is what attracts demons. Again, when an unclean spirit goes out of a man, he goes through dry places seeking rest and finding none. Then he says, I will return to my house from which I came. And remember, the only reason the demon can call it my house, because it doesn't belong to the Lord yet, because the person has not truly repented. And demons gravitate towards artificial places. The second thing that demons gravitate towards is dry places. Eibel says here, when an unclean spirit goes out of a man, he goes through dry places seeking rest and finding none. What do we mean by dry places? By dry places, we mean artificial worship. It is when your worship is not for real. Or it's when you have no worship for God. It is a dry place. And demons gravitate towards dry places. Now, the essence of false religion is a Christian being involved in religious activities while being void of spiritual intimacy. It is exemplified by a person having a ritual of religion without a relationship with God. And religion void of relationship will leave you spiritually thirsty like drinking salt water. We're simply talking about your fellowship with God, your prayer life, your worship life. Do you long for God, as David says, as a dear thirst for the water brooks, so my soul thirst after you, O Lord. In John 4 and 14, Jesus tailed the woman at the whale. He said to her, "Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again. But whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst again. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life." This is a life that is flowing full of the Holy Spirit, full of worship, full of praise, full of adoration for God, full of the fear of God. This is definitely not a dry place. A dry place is when you have all religion and no relationship. It is such a thing for a person to be in church, but not have an intimate, real relationship with God. You know the rituals, you know the routine, but do you have a real, deep, genuine relationship with God? Understand that people who operate in this manner, they attract demons. They are dry places. So they gravitate towards artificial places. That's artificial repentance. They gravitate towards dry places. This has to do with dry and artificial worship. And the last thing that unclean spirits gravitate towards, and then we're going to pray, is that they gravitate towards empty places. The Bible says here in verse 44, then he says, "I will return to my house from which I came." And when he comes, he finds it empty, swept, and put in order. Then he goes and takes with him seven other spirits more wicked than himself. And they enter and dwell there, and the last state of that man is worse than the first. So when the demons come back to the house, and they find it empty, clean, swept, and put in order, they go and find seven other spirits. And make the person worse than they was before. Demons gravitate towards empty places. It was swept, it was clean, it was put in order. So what is an empty place? This is artificial holiness and righteousness. In the Bible, guess who was swept, clean, and put in order? It was the Pharisees and the Sadducees. They knew all of the laws of the Old Testament. They were very intelligent in the things of God. They knew the Word of God. But they were empty of the very presence of God, His real holiness and righteousness. See, they had righteousness, but they had what is called self-righteousness. It is when your confidence is in yourself, or in your achievements, or in what you know, or in your social status, or in your educational status, but not in God. They declared themselves holy because they knew the law, but holiness comes from obedience to the Word of God. Holiness comes from the presence of God living on the inside of you. They were clean. They were in order, but they did not have a tenant to run the house. They did not have Jesus. And demons gravitate towards empty places. When we say an empty place, we mean a place that does not have Jesus occupying that house. It's like criminals look for abandoned homes where the family is gone. Demons look for self-righteousness in a person who doesn't have Jesus, but they're confident in their flesh. That's an empty place because it is void of Jesus. They trample upon this type of person. When demons knock on the doors of your soul, Jesus has to be the one to answer. Not yourself, not your achievements, not your strengths, but Jesus Christ. He says, "In this life you will have trouble, but take heart because I have overcome the world." That simply means that he has the blueprint to victory. And greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world. When demons see Jesus living on the inside of you, when they see the home of your spirit is occupied with his presence. When Jesus is the center of your life, this is what make demons tremble. They gravitate towards empty places. If you want to be ready for demonic assignments, you must neglect demons of the very thing that attracts them. They gravitate towards artificial places. Make sure when you're repenting that you're turning from sin. They gravitate towards dry places. Make sure that your worship is for real. They gravitate towards empty places. Make sure that Jesus is in the center of your heart. Let us pray. Father, in the precious and powerful name of Jesus, who is the Christ, the Son of the living God, I humble myself before your presence. And I ask right now that you would forgive me for all of my sins, known and unknown. Every word that I've spoken that hasn't been pleasing in your sight, every thought, every action, every deed. Father, I pray right now that you would forgive me for my sins and cleanse me with your blood of any unrighteousness. Lord, create enemy a clean heart and renew a right spirit of faith, a spirit that will believe, a spirit that will obey you, a spirit that will crave your word, and that will worship you. I come against every demonic assignment against my life, and I counsel it right now in the name of Jesus. I pray and declare that no weapon formed against me will prosper, but you will condemn every tongue that rises up against me. You will defeat every demon that comes to attack me. Because you are my shield, you are my rock, you are my great redeemer. I can rest at night and be at peace because you know the number of hairs on my head. You know the details of my life. I can be steel and know that you are God. You are a fence of protection. You are a stable rock that will never move. You are the one I cling to. You are the one I trust in. I put my hope in you, and I declare today that I have the victory over every demonic principality, every power, every ruler of darkness, every wickedness that's in high places. In Jesus name, I declare this by faith. Amen. [Music] (gentle music)