Grace for All

Speaking Up Is Hard To Do

Broadcast on:
24 Jun 2024
Audio Format:

Do Not Fear

(Our Theme for June)

The scripture for today comes from Acts 18:9.

One night the Lord said to Paul in a vision, "Do not be afraid, but speak and do not keep silent."

In this passage of scripture, Paul has been proclaiming the gospel, and in many cases, it was not well received.

Earlier in Chapter 18, we were told Paul was threatened and often turned away when he tried to share his message. Many were less than thrilled to hear about this new Messiah. They looked at Paul much like we do at fly joining our picnic, a pest ruining their current version of existence.

For most of us, Paul's experience is relatable. We know what it is like to have information that others need, but that they may not wish to hear, much less believe. In my line of work, I often have to face this task.

As a therapist (the mental health variety), confronting others with the truth is sometimes the part of my job that I enjoy the least. It is difficult to point out to someone that they have been living in a way that is no longer serving them well. There are times when I create scenarios in my head of what the person's reaction will be, and I am often tempted to stay silent. I don't want the backlash. Silence feels safer.

I'm sure Paul felt this way at times. Day after grueling day of intimidation can wear a body down. We feel isolated and sometimes fearful. In those moments, silence can feel like the best route.

Maybe this was Paul's headspace. I imagine his vision coming to him just in the nick of time. Paul, ready to throw in the towel and God comes in, cheering him on and reminding him that he is not alone, "I've got your back Paul, keep going." This type of support gave Paul the courage to speak up despite the potential outcome. 

I believe that God continues to do for us what he did for Paul. He may not come to us in a vision, but when we quiet ourselves and open our hearts, God allows us to have a sense of peace in the face of fear, ridicule, or intimidation. He's there to push us forward in the face of fear and give us courage so that we do not fall silent. 

God of grace of courage, help us to remember that you are with us always. When we are afraid to speak, give us your words. When we are frozen in fear, ignite the fire of courage within us. Help us to remember that when you are with us, there is no need to be afraid. 

This devotion was written and recorded by Edha Brown. 

Grace for All is a daily devotional podcast produced by the members of the congregation of First United Methodist Church in Maryville, Tennessee. With these devotionals, we want to remind listeners on a daily basis of the love and grace that God extends to all human beings, no matter their location, status, or condition in life.

If you would like to respond to these devotionals in any way, we would enjoy hearing from you. Our email address is:

First United Methodist Church is a lively, spirit-filled congregation whose goal is to spread the message of love and grace into our community and throughout the world. We are located on the web at

[MUSIC PLAYING] Welcome to Grace For All, a daily devotional podcast produced by the congregation of First United Methodist Church in Maryville, Tennessee. Thank you for joining us today. The scripture for today comes from Acts chapter 18, verse 9. One night, the Lord said to Paul in a vision, do not be afraid, but speak and do not be silent. In this passage of scripture, Paul has been proclaiming the gospel, and in many cases, it was not well received. Earlier in chapter 18, we are told Paul was threatened and often turned away when he tried to share his message. Many were less than thrilled to hear about this new Messiah. They looked at Paul, much like we do, to fly, joining our picnic, a pest, ruining their current version of existence. For most of us, Paul's experience is relatable. We know what it is like to have information that others need, but that they may not wish to hear much less believe. In my line of work, I often have to face this task. As a therapist, the mental health variety, confronting others with the truth is sometimes a part of my job that I enjoy the least. It's difficult to point out to someone that they have been living in a way that is no longer serving them well. There are times when I create scenarios in my head of what the person's reaction will be. And I'm often tempted to stay silent. I don't want the backlash. Silence feels safer. I'm sure Paul felt this way at times. Day after grueling day of intimidation can wear a body down. We feel isolated and sometimes fearful. In those moments, silence can feel like the best route. Maybe this was Paul's headspace. I imagine his vision coming to him just in the nick of time. Paul ready to throw in the towel and God comes to him, cheering him on and reminding him that he is not alone. I've got your back, Paul. Keep going. This type of support gave Paul courage to speak despite the potential outcome. I believe that God continues to do for us what he did for Paul. He may not come to us in a vision, but when we quiet ourselves and open our hearts, God allows us to have a sense of peace in the face of fear, ridicule, or intimidation. He's there to push us forward in the face of fear and hold us in courage so that we do not fall silent. (gentle music) - God of grace and courage, help us to remember that you are with us always. When we are afraid to speak, give us your words. When we are frozen in fear, ignite the fire of courage within us. Help us to remember that when you are with us, there is no need to be afraid. (gentle music) (gentle music) - This devotion was written and recorded by Eda Brown. - Thank you for joining us for today's podcast. I'm Reverend Sarah Slack, associate pastor at First United Methodist Church in Maryville, Tennessee. Our church is a vital, vibrant congregation, sharing the love of Jesus Christ to our community and to God's world. This podcast was written and produced by the people of our congregation. To know more about this ministry or other ministries of our church, please visit our website at That's the number one, Join us again for the next episode. And until then, bear witness to the love of God in this world so that those to whom love is a stranger will find in you most generous friends. (gentle music)