Grace for All

The Gift

Broadcast on:
20 Feb 2024


But the gift is not like the trespass. For if the many died by the trespass of the one man, how much more did God’s grace and the gift that came by the grace of the one man, Jesus Christ, overflow to the many! - Romans 5:15



Jesus Christ

Dust and breathe to dust

The Word incarnate eternal





Selfish sin

Grace-filled sacrifice and forgiveness

Take and take and take

Freely given in boundless measure


The gift given through Jesus Christ is so fundamentally different from any sin committed by Adam or any other person that there is no comparison to be made. No strength I have, no love I share, no forgiveness I offer, no sin I commit, no anger I feel compares with God’s act of love, sacrifice, and forgiveness.


Nothing I do—absolutely nothing—good or bad will ever be greater than the love and forgiveness shared through the gift of Jesus Christ.

Friend, if you take one thing today, let it be the grace of God. Take it humbly. Take it with thanksgiving. Take it to share with all you encounter today and become one in the body of Christ.

Let us pray:

Merciful God, whose immeasurable grace always exceeds our greatest trespass, may we receive your gift of grace with joy, that it may, indeed, overflow to many. Amen.

Today’s devotional was written by Jill Pope, and read by Greta Smith.

Grace for All is a daily devotional podcast produced by the members of the congregation of First United Methodist Church in Maryville, Tennessee. With these devotionals, we want to remind listeners on a daily basis of the love and grace that God extends to all human beings, no matter their location, status, or condition in life.

If you would like to respond to these devotionals in any way, we would enjoy hearing from you. Our email address is:

First United Methodist Church is a lively, spirit-filled congregation whose goal is to spread the message of love and grace into our community and throughout the world. We are located on the web at