The Todd Herman Show

Kammi Harris- Woman-Beater Has Never Made A Hard Decision Ep-1765

It’s a heck of a thing to go through life and never really having to make a hard decision. How would you do that? You would have no morality. If you have no concrete morality based upon, oh, I don't know, perhaps the word of God, then you don't have to make hard decisions. You can pander to people saying you're an Indian American Senator so you can be the first Indian American Senator from the state of California at the same time as saying you're a black woman, therefore you can be black. You can live the full black experience of being down with the struggle and pretending to be put through civil rights campaigns that you didn't go through. It’s not  a hard decision for Kammi. It's not a hard decision for her to embrace all sorts of positions at once. For instance, she's not  for open borders. She's not for that. She was not the border czar. But, she does support universal healthcare for immigrants? What does God’s Word say? 

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06 Aug 2024
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In every other instance, there are a series of choices that lead up to the consequence of abortion. And at no point should those choices be taken from women, rape is a tough issue. And you can say that it's not, but it is, it is. To tell a woman you must carry this baby to term as a tough issue. I can look at that and say the little baby didn't do anything. The little baby's an innocent life. God can use everything for good. And that's a conversation I would have, absolutely, with a woman who had been sexually assaulted if I had licensed to speak into that. Would that be a tough talk? Let's not pretend it wouldn't be a tough talk. We can have our beliefs and we need to hold by those beliefs and we need to be inspired by the Bible and God's word. But those are tough things, but not for Cammy. Not for Cammy. There's very few tough things for Cammy. Because when the ends justify the means, how can there possibly be any tough things? There's no tough things for this woman, Peter. We'll talk about this with the help of, a disappearing website and the only place you can get that offer for a free bottle of magnesium breakthrough and with the entity, our beloved God, who said thou shalt not murder and who made us man and woman. The Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. Now, from the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City Exile. Todd Herman. (upbeat music) Today is a day the Lord has made in these of the times to which God has decided we shall live. If you never need to make a tough choice in your life, it's because you're probably not operating on a moral standard. And if you've never had a wrestling match with God, I would assure you that you're not really, really listening to the Lord. This is a meme that's perfect. It's perfect for the time. It's a picture of the mailboxer who nearly broke the nose of the Italian woman in the Olympics winning dudes for Harris. And obviously it's that a man beating up a woman. In this way, Kami Harris sponsors all this. I mean, if she doesn't, she could come out and say it, but she won't. Because for Kami, the ends justify the means. The ends are her getting more power and more money. The means don't matter. If I have to stand by and pretend that that man who just beat the garbage out of that woman in 46 seconds is a female, I will do that. If it involves being a hired legal thug on behalf of Planned Parenthood, I'll do that. That's Kami Harris. Kami Harris, as you know, went after the Center for Medical Progress and David Aladdin. You know that she sent investigators to his home. You know that they came armed, took his computers, his belongings, searched through his house. She did this partly as process for punishment, process as punishment. Delighted in the Center for Medical Progress made the mistake of doing journalism to show that Planned Parenthood was, in fact, selling body parts. Due to what Kami Harris was able to use the law to affect, this video about what you're about to see parts of was offline for a long time. She succeeded in, quote, chilling that speech. The ends justify the means. The abortion industry, as you know, consistently hides the harm that abortion does to women, both physical and mental. They have to hide it. They also hide it as just an act of good. It's not anything to do with money because money is evil and wicked. That's only for hardcore conservative Republicans who go after the money. Certainly not the kind-hearted people that Planned Parenthood. And true, true, our economy runs on money. Sometimes there's chances to save huge amounts of money on important devices like this. If you have a loved one headed to college, a kid, grandkids, and they're gonna go live in the dorms, do you remember what dirty underwear and pizza boxes smell like? And dirty socks, do you remember that? I remember being in a frat house where I was sort of an honorary member, and it was perhaps the single most disgusting building in which I've ever spent time because it was a bunch of young guys doing what young guys do and puking what young guys puke onto bed covers that young guys don't always clean. It was flat gross. Here's a gift you can give to the people going away right now and maybe keep a couple for yourself. The Eden Pure Oxi Leaf 2, if you put one in rooms, the smells, the odors are gone. I don't care if it's a cat litter box. I don't care if you have a loved one who's living in your out apartment and they still smoke. I wish they'd stop too. It will destroy cigarette smoke. It will destroy the odor of vomit. I'm not trying to be gross. I'm telling you what it is done. I mean, yes, clean the place. This isn't an excuse to live like a pig. Clean the place. This thing works in minutes. You plug it into the wall and it goes to work. It produces ozone and destroys the bad odors by destroying the molecules. That's 03 ozone. It also destroys viruses. Plug it into the wall and you're good to go. Act now and transform the environment of your loved ones. Head it down to college so they can actually get some study and hopefully even some sleep. And maybe save one for yourself. Here's how. Go to use discount code TODBOGO. That's TODBOGO. You buy one, you get one. It's that easy. Give one to the dorm door. Have one for your own home. Buy one, get one free at discount code TODB3. This is a video that the Center for Medical Progress had put online. And Kami Harris, using the power granted to her through her service to Willy Brown. Eventually, let me go back to that. Was able to get this thing removed for a long period of time. It's an undercover video of a woman pretending to buy body parts. She approaches a Planned Parenthood booth and is introduced to one of the workers at Planned Parenthood. I'm not a commercial service at Planned Parenthood in New York City. So she makes the introduction just as normal as can be. And there are people who work in that industry into them. It's as normal as can be. And then they get into talking business. Are we open to this is main thing. Some people are not yet. I just kind of sense a little fear in some people. They don't understand that the layers are there. A provider may be being a little creative in their-- making sure that there's in-tax specimen. Because that's what really the high dollar amount we can pay incredible amounts for in-tax specimen. Yeah. So like can be completely intact, do you need? Not all. But yes, but some. I mean, that's just like a case-by-case basis. Exactly. Just whatever safe that's the best. Right. All right, of course. Yeah, so if we can do an intact DNA, it's usually less dramatic for the patient, but-- Right. And I think amongst our providers to like encourage more in-tax for this purpose, I think, would be challenging. But we so do in-tax DNA, so. You do. OK. You mean completely intact DNA? We so do in-tax DNA, so. You do. It's important that phrase completely intact DNA. It's a felony. It's a federal felony. We're allowed to do that. But here she is, normal is B. Yeah, we do that. Federal felony. Cammy Harris, whose ends justify the means, whose OK with women getting beaten by men, if it puts Cammy in power, is OK with federal felities, if it keeps Cammy in power. So Planned Parenthood effectively pays her to go after journalists for doing this. Now, you can even be in favor of abortion. And I'm not. But you can be and understand the issue with building an economy around it, building a demand economy, a cash-based economy, a population willing to kill babies to live longer themselves is a population that cannot be blessed by God. I know it's a very controversial thing. I understand this to have the point of view that you can lose your salvation. It is my point of view. I do believe that having been saved, you can say, you know what? Thank you for saving me. I prefer to go back to how I was living. I prefer to go back and be my own God. And by the way, in the Bible, we're born multiple times, do not fall away. Do not fall away. Yes, no one can snatch us from the hand of the Lord Jesus. That is to take us away from him. But the same Bible that makes that point warns us time and again, do not fall away. So I believe you can lose salvation. So a society that sells body parts of murdered babies for profit is a society that cannot have the full blessing of God. How could it? Cami Harris being a woman defined by her Christian faith, which is what we're being told, is a woman OK with that economy to the point of becoming a hired legal gun on behalf of Planned Parenthood. This is who the left is electing, or they want to, or do they. Is she still being shoved down their throats? Is it astonishing to you that there are no Democrats of note saying, wait, so we're not going to have a vote? Just a little bit more of this video, the undercover video Center for Medical Progress did, showing that Planned Parenthood even talks price. Just as livers are, and we could pay you 1,000 up to 1,500 for a lither, because that's such high demand from our-- How interesting. Yeah. OK, yeah, it's just great. And I think the fact that for me, it's just like somebody to take it would be great. But I think it's quite an essential incentive from you guys. It's going to be like, to the people we have to get this approval being very happy about it. Right, the financial incentive would make people happy. Yeah, exactly. Is that what I'm hearing you say? Yeah, absolutely. The financial incentive would make people happy. Is that what I'm hearing you say? Yeah, absolutely. Building an economy around a federal felony is something with which Kamie Harris is fine, because it brings her money. Incidentally, when I was researching this and trying to find this video, I did, in fact, find it. And YouTube very helpfully puts down below the video, as you see on screen, if you're watching the video service, some helpful facts about abortion. Because they can't possibly just have you watch this without having their own point of view put a cross on it. And that is the almost unanimous point of view at places like Google that owns YouTube eventually through Alphabet. So Kamie Harris is a woman beater. She's a woman beater, allowing and sponsoring and cheering for the beating of women through the pretense that men are women if they say they are. She's also someone who has directly tied herself to consequence-free sex, abortion at all times, at all costs, and circumspection-free sex. That is, what is the purpose of sex? Who cares? Hey, if you're a materialist, yeah, it feels good, so go do it. What are the consequences of that? Psychologically and otherwise, doesn't matter, because it feels good. Kamie Harris was, in fact, in the White House, welcomed in during a queer eye for the-- is it still called queer eye for the straight guy, or is it just queer eye now? They were welcomed into the White House. [MUSIC PLAYING] Hey, that's the guy who wore the dress. Oh, that's what that was. OK, so that's where that came from, the big tall guy with the dress pretending to be a woman. [KNOCKING] Hi! Hi! Hey! We talk. I'm it. [LAUGHTER] [MUSIC PLAYING] Just so you know, we're going to fight every urge not to open doors, and it's in our DNA. So see, there's John Lewis, so there we are on the M&S for example. Oh, wow. Honey, I'm not in my present. [LAUGHTER] Yes. [MUSIC PLAYING] TV shows go into the White House from time to time, and there are people who are same-sex attracted. There are same-sex-attracted conservatives. There are same-sex-attracted Christians who struggle with that. There are Christians who struggle with sexuality of all sorts, porn use, adultery, fornication. It is a common human failing. If you follow the Lord Jesus, you recognize it as a sin issue. If you don't, you recognize it as, what? Choice. Kami Harris and her power is predicated upon the pandering two of groups that don't want hard decisions. Kami Harris has never faced a hard decision, because the goal is one thing, power. Hard decisions make it really difficult to seek power at all costs. So the hard decisions are removed. Will it bring me power and success and money? Yes, then I'll do it. It's like sex. Will I get off? Yeah, OK, I'll do it. It's cold. It's maybe not even the most polite way to say it. It's cost-free, because there's no hard choices. Well, just kill the baby. OK. If you're living a life without any hard choices, you don't have a moral code. If you don't have a moral code, then you can't employ one on others. You can't expect to be treated morally if you yourself have no moral code, because it goes right back to this, says who. When we tie ourselves to the rock of God, and God's word, that moral code is a double-edged sword. One way is it protects us in a Christian community. Yes, people struggle with porn and infidelity, and they struggle with fornication, and they struggle with same-sex attraction, because we're the same humans. But in a Christian community that is biblically observance, we don't go around harming each other as often with those behaviors. And when those behaviors do occur in a functioning Christian society, we take that to a brother or sister. We confess these things, and people do confess these things. I was so proud last year of a young man who came into one of our youth groups, one of the places I serve, and said, hey, guys, I've got to tell you, let's not I relapse and look at porn. I was mind-blown. No one talked that way when I was a kid. We all knew we had playboys and penthouses stuffed around our bedrooms in hidden. He came in and expressed it in confession and in repentance. The remapping of the male mind with pornography has led to terrible, terrible abuses of young women, and there, too, Kamie Harris is a woman beater. She stands completely with the porn community because she cannot stand against it because it is a choice free. There's no hard choices in porn. It's just, what's the next video? How many people can they put on screen? How many different acts can they undertake? There's no hard choices. Kamie Harris can't have hard choices because Kamie Harris is someone for whom there's only one choice, power. That is not a way to live. It's a way to end in destruction. It's not a way to live. Live intentionally. Plan each day. Think about how you can be better each day and plan each approach to this. 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Not the phraseology, but the thought that Biden's a racist during one of the debates. And then all of a sudden she went to work for a racist because there are no hard decisions for Kamie Harris. - They're trying to erase black history. We're in a right black history because it's American history. (audience cheering) It's American history. Together we make history not a racist. To me, the values of diversity, equality, inclusion are literally, and that's not kidding, the core strengths of America. That's why I'm proud to have the most diverse administration history. It taps into full talents of our country and starts at the top of the vice president. (laughing) - He's there describing that diversity starts at the top with a DEI higher vice president. There because she is a woman. There's no hard choices for Kamie Harris. Should I take a job that exists only because I identify as a woman and I've decided to identify as black? That's not a hard choice. There's no hard choices for Kamie Harris. And if you live a life free of hard choices, you have no moral code. Kamala Harris is willing to do whatever it takes to remain in power and to gain more of it, up to and including selling our own country out. This shouldn't surprise us. It's self-evident in the way she's acted from very, very long ago. She had a conversation with Jake Tapper and they talked about illegal immigrants in our country, illegal immigrants who broke the law and are here and could be taken out when they're found, but why do that? That would be a hard choice. - Must be a test. - The bill also says, quote, "Every individual who is a resident of the United States "is entitled to benefits for healthcare services "under this act. "Not every individual who's a citizen, "but every individual who's a resident. "So you support giving universal healthcare "medicare for all to people who are in this country illegally." - Let me just be very clear about this. - Okay, that phrase. That is an invention of the people who run Joe Biden. How many times have you heard that? It is meant to draw the attention away. They're gonna clarify. Here's the thing, here's the game. As we talked about last week, the constant lying is not to try to convince us. It's to try to get people to a point where they don't know the truth. They don't know what to trust. At the same time as they talk about disinformation and misinformation and it's a threat and it's QAnon, it's the right wing, they have patented, seemingly, this phrase, let me be very clear about this. Attention getting an, oh, we're gonna get the truth. And to a world made insane through constant lies, it works, for those of us who are grounded on the rock of God, we can simply measure all spirits. I'm not calling Kami a spirit, but we can measure her and know her by her fruits. She continues. - I'm opposed to any policy that would deny, in our country, any human being from access to public safety, public education, or public health, period. - So to deny someone access to something is an act of brutality. Tell the babies. Tell the babies. We denied you access to life. Tell the woman whose face is beaten in. We denied you access to fairness and to justice. It's not denying someone access to something. It's requiring that you access it in a proper way. You're not denying someone access to a bank if they are allowed to go rob the bank or not allowed to rob the bank. You're saying, no, that's not yours to access. You don't get to do it that way. You could open an account. You can ask someone to give you money. You can get a job. You can have access to that. But only through these channels. Jamie Harris plays this game of compassion. And it is a game. Someone who's okay with women being beaten is not a woman of compassion. We can go through countless examples of the fact that there are no hard choices for Kamala Harris because Kamala Harris has only one choice. Will it bring me power? Right now in the United States of America, and this comes from census data, American birth versus illegal immigrants are it's a shocking number. Under Biden, Harris, illegal immigration is radically and quickly overtaking American births. You will have a nation of, and I want to be precise here. Let me be clear about that. You will have a nation of foreigners. I understand the melting pot. I understand that we welcome people. I understand the ordination that has been built on immigration. I get that. It's the process of coming into the country and becoming American that they're skipping on purpose. They want two nations within one. They want a population of people who want government to do all. They want a population of people to whom they can message will let you do whatever you want. Kamala Harris, of course, is a racial panderer because there's no hard choices for her. This is a clip from a long piece on CNN. And it was a story about Kamala Harris done by an Indian woman, celebrating Kamala's deep Indian roots. This was before her roots were deeply black. - Those walks along the beach in India really planted something in my mind and created a commitment in me before I even realized it. It has led me to where I am today. - Harris' maternal uncle, Gopalan Balachandran, who lives in Delhi tells us how the senator turns to her amma, which means mother in Tamil, for guidance even after her death. - I don't have to tell her maybe her mother proud. She's like, what are you telling me? Everything that I do, I ask myself, would amma approve of this? - There's absolutely nothing wrong with an Indian background. It's country to which I've never been. - I don't want to travel there. I don't want to travel anywhere to be honest with you. No, not really. There's nothing wrong with that. But the hard choice of switching to the black identity, how did that feel to her Indian family? That she spent years cultivating. Yeah, I know she went in and became the head of the black student union in college, but that was the beginning of the departure. It wasn't the full departure. That's 2020 when that piece came out. And she was treated that way in India. And I see an end having done a piece from India. If you don't have hard choices in your life, you are not operating with a code. Kamala Harris is also probably operating with the worst spokesperson for, was white women for Harris. I need someone to tell me why this young girl's successful. We'll get to that in a second. There's also the issue of cash money. Kamala Harris apparently doesn't have any hard choices to make when it comes with dealing, comes to dealing with campaign funds. This is an older piece going back in the Camies Harris' time in California politics and her treatment of money. Last year Harris was the target of reports by the National Journal and Orange County Register, which documented what they called her lavish spending from her campaign fund accounts on luxurious hotels, luxury car services, and first-class airfare. The Hill, an online government news site, quoted former aides as saying she treats the campaign fund like a personal checking account to fund a life of luxury. Should it raise questions in the public mind about if you're a senator, how you would look at money spending, which is always an issue in Washington? - There were issues that we needed to address early in my campaign around correcting course, which we did, and I'm very proud of the work we did in that regard. - So this was your campaign manager, I believe, who was replaced, right? - There was a lot of restructuring that we did, and it needed to be done. - Okay. - Yeah. - So problem solves? - I believe so, yes. - That's K-Cal. Chad and I did that. Same channel, by the way, that celebrated her being the first Indian American senator, one of the many. She's continued to have personnel run away from her office. We shared with you last week the fact that according to a guy who was an intern there, his dad wrote the piece, but the son approved it, she's a woman who demanded no eye contact. Not from anyone who's not a senior staffer. Don't talk to her, that's for senior staffers, who in a room full of 20 full-time employees couldn't bother to spend 30 seconds to walk over and introduce herself to a young man who was volunteering in her office. According to the piece, throws around expletives and screams at staff members using expletives. There's never a hard choice if you're Kamie Harris. Screaming at staff members, threatening them and having them afraid of you gives you what? More power. She lost female staffers. Black female staffers in Washington, DC fled her office. Why? Because she's a woman beater. In that case rhetorically, in the case of men beating the garbage out of women for fun and sports and profit, she favors that activity. Woman beating. There's never been a hard decision that Kamie Harris has had to face because there's only one choice. Will it bring me more power? I'm going to be friends with some people who made some pretty hard choices. They had been American entrepreneurs most of their lives. One of them in really high-end event management with a lot of moving pieces made a ton of money in that. Another guy who is a quant is his mathematical genius and he built his wealth doing investments, quant style. And they came together and founded a business. What they wanted to do was in America, they wanted to provide actual recovery from injury, be it neurological, soft tissue, skeletal, using ethically gathered stem cells. Stem cells from umbilical cords and placentas, period. They wanted to act ethically with the women. So they put together a payment plan. They will pay for the childbirth from beginning to end of all the women, whether or not they select their stem cells and they never tell the women, hey, your stem cells didn't pass muster, we couldn't accept it. They want to make sure all the women are healthy and if there's a health issue, they help pay for that. They pay for the entire childbirth, that's ethical. When they gather the stem cells, they take them to Mexico. That was the hard choice. Splitting time between America and Mexico and a lot of their doctors who'd gone to places like Harvard, Harvard-certified surgeons had to make a decision. We can only practice this in Mexico. So they found the safest city they could find in Mexico, which is Port of Iarta, for many, many reasons, not the least of which is it has seven police forces that patrol it and one of those police forces is assigned only to protecting tours, period. It's got these mountains, it's surrounded, it's very difficult to get in and out. So it's easier to monitor the cartels who aren't as active there at all in Port of Iarta. They made that decision. They made the decision to make their own oxygen for their hyperbaric chamber. I've been in the room where the oxygen is created. It's insane. Why would they go to that expense? Why not just have it shipped in? Because they don't know the chain of custody all the time. They can't confirm that the oxygen is absolutely pure and fresh, so they make their own. They got one of the biggest hyperbaric chambers in the country, and I think one of the two biggest in the world, why? Because they wanted people to be comfortable. And when they take the stem cells down there, they culture them, why? Safety. They want to make sure that they have the highest degree of safety with their stem cells and efficacy. The result of that is when my surgeon did my shoulder surgery, he put in 60,000 stem cells from my bone marrow. Okay, those are 56 year old stem cells that make bone marrow, period. They don't have the capacity to just switch and go make tendon or muscle. They can help with the inflammation, isn't it, this? And I love my shoulder surgeon. I wouldn't use another surgeon. He's been great with me. When they put the stem cells in my shoulder, it's 45 million of them, and they went first to solve the inflammation, and that inflammation never came back, and this was seven days after surgery, and it began rebuilding muscle and tendon, because those stem cells didn't have a role assigned to them. If you've been told it's surgery or nothing, or your post-surgery in the recovery is not going well, you've had neurological issues. They've had great success on all these fronts, just go to It's Elevate your quality of life by elevating your healthcare. Simply tell them, please tell them that you're heard about it or watched it on the Todd Herman show. Kami Harris is perhaps one of the most annoying people in the world, so it would make sense then that Kami Harris has one of the most insufferable human beings alive is what they say at, who is the head of white women for Harris, and this young woman is very, very popular in TikTok, and this gives you an idea of why it's been so easy to assign Kami Harris to people as, hey, this is your new favorite person. - Hi friends, it's time to share the Arctic now. Your turn is all done, got it, got it? I know you like when people share with you. Well, you need to share the earth with everyone, plants, animals, and people. The White House had to take special action to protect 13 million acres of land in the Alaskan Arctic because the Arctic is a super special place. Yeah, people need gas for cars these days, but there are more respectful ways to do it. All taking things from super special places hurts nature, so let's turn your choices around and find ways to help the earth instead. Did you know places like the Arctic need to stay cool to keep our planet the right temperature? When you protect places like the Arctic, you are helping keep the earth cool and touch your listening ears because you made sad choices. Now you need to stay in your area, and these 13 million acres of protected land over here are not for you anymore. Does that make sense? Okay, okay. Now we know special places need to be protected and we're all done taking up spaces not ours. Shine on, shine on for protecting our planet. I think I get it. I think I just figured it out. She's a former teacher, and I don't think people can tell whether she is still addressing kids or adults, but wait a minute. In Kami land, there's no hard choices. You don't have to be adult. You can operate at surface level of all things. If it feels good, do it. That's a kid's point of view. If it feels good, do it. But even kids have consciences. But that's the level of discourse. This is another example of the Kami Harris boss lady over the white women for Harris movement. Now she's talking about people making hard medical decisions like this. Shall I be fired from my job or take? What my conscience tells me is something that shouldn't make me in my body because abortion was used. Then there's a border fence in it. Or like me, that was an issue. The other issue is this, that stuff, it's not gonna work. There's no way that that's not gonna create immune derangement problems with people. That's gonna destroy people's immune systems when you cause a body to produce a poison, then the parts of the body that are producing the poison are gonna be attacked by the immune system of the body. And here's how she viewed that. Because in Kami land, there are no hard choices. There's just power. - America, if you can hear my voice, I promise. - By the way, she's in the white houses. She's doing this. She got to go visit the white house and do this in the press conference room. Back to the video. - Can you hear my voice last place? Do you know why I am here today, my friends? Lala Paluza? Nope, but that's a very good guess. That was very disappointing. I'm actually here because those of you who are unvaccinated, yeah? You are not welcome to play with the vaccinated friends anymore, I know. And you know why that is? Because they don't want to die. That's right, they do not want to die. So here's what we're gonna do. When you get a vaccine, you're gonna get a really cool card. (gasps) And you can laminate it. If you want, if you want. And you're gonna show it to private businesses and hospitals and schools to get inside. Does that sound good? No, are you having some big feelings right now? That's okay, friends. I'll give you two minutes, okay? And then I'll check, okay, you miss Saki. - Miss Saki, Jen Saki. Is my assessment right? Is it the fact that people can't tell whether or not she is mocking? She seems to be mocking. She's in the white house. Kids don't watch videos from the white house. It's addressed at a adult audience and yet. If you are a denizen resident of Kami land, you believe childlike fantasies. What clumps of cells? Like that man is a woman. Like no one was harmed by the COVID shots. Childlike things for childlike people. Kami Harris is a childlike woman. The cackling and the laughing, the word salads. This young woman who heads up white women for Harris also made a video talking about the Supreme Court, which begins with her gaily dancing away in her influencer apartments. "This is about the Supreme Court," says the text. - Oh no, catch a bubble Uncle Norm. I think you said an inside thought out loud. Oh, is him wearing nail polish a big problem or a little problem? Oh no, does it hurt your body or your heart? Oh my goodness, is he putting the nail polish on your hand? Is he saying, "I have nail polish and you don't?" Oh. - Mac already cheese everybody freeze. - Uncle Don, no one wants to take your gas stove. No friend, they just want you to know about your gas stove. Do you see how it says natural gas? They just want to put a little warning sticker on your stove so that you know that it actually means methane gas. Yeah, the one making the world warmer. - Hey then, how did you feel about your speech? Oh, I thought it was unique, just like everyone's family is unique and everyone's choices are unique. Uh-uh, catch a bubble. It is important to be kind, even when someone thinks differently than you do. Telling the girls that they've been told diabolical lies on their special day is not kind, friend. Staying in your lane means minding your own beeswax and focusing on what you're doing. - Of course, she's talking about the NFL kicker, Harrison Butler, who talked about marriage and wept as he discussed his wife and how she had made it possible for him to live the life he's lived and to build for them the financial security they built. The very beginning of that though is so instructive. Where she's talking about is it's a big problem or a little problem that he wears nail polish. Of course, there's nothing to do with nail polish that was 15 decades ago. It has to do with women being allowed to beat men. I said something last week about this and I don't know that it's not a Christian thing. I admitted that it's fleshly, but I want to clarify something. I want to clarify something about my fleshly response to seeing a man get paid, well not paid 'cause he's an Olympic athlete, but be featured on international television beating the garbage out of a woman. There are real fights and then there are made fights. My friend, Tim Cruxenk, has fought real fights for us. He's a retired Navy SEAL. He did three tours on our behalf as a medic assigned to the SEAL teams. Three combat tours. He also was a buds instructor, helping people become Navy SEALs. Those are real fights. Tim just went through a real fight. One that in some ways he lost, although it was inevitable because Tim is not God. He recently lost his wife Liz. And Liz has gone to the Lord. There's no doubt she was a servant of the Lord. Jesus walked with him and knew him. Tim's back in the game. He never really took that much time off. The girls ran the coffee company for a little while, but Tim's back at the helm. And he has created a coffee that is specifically designed as a cold brew. So in these last few months of summer or last few weeks of summer, is it done by six more weeks? Take him up on his offer to try his cold brew. All you need to do is simply do a pore over with this. You get 10% of your first order, 15% off subscription coffee. And the Bonefrog cold brew, they're packs. It's just what you need to take cold brew home. Just place two of the pouches into filtered water, let it steep in the fridge for 24 hours. That's the pore over. And boom, you have rich roasted ice coffee that will taste like ended. Tastes will have you absolutely hooked. Remember this, that Tim is mentored by Dave Stewart, a guy who created the coffee business in Seattle, with Seattle's best coffee, which got so good that Starbucks was forced to buy it after Howard Schultz took that company public. So go to, get 10% off your first order. You also get 15% off subscription coffee, just since your code taught at checkout. Go to, that's, enter code Todd at checkout. Last week, talking about the boxer, the Italian boxer who it looked like got her nose busted, by a male pretending to be a female. I said that I am 79.7% Redneck, that's respectively true. And that there was a way that you would solve something like this in Redneck land, which would be a great big man going to that little spinly boxer. Okay, he's a boxer, but he's a boxer who has to compete against women. And a big Redneck dude going and grabbing the guy and giving him a good, solid beatdown. And I said it would be a thrill to watch. I said it would be a thrill to watch if I have a professional boxer go do the same thing and do it on TV, go to Netflix, create a special. Have the world's best male boxer say I'll box you with one hand or an MMA guy saying, I'll only use my legs, I won't even use my hands. And it would be a form of justice. But it would be a form of justice. But it would be a Kami Harris style form of justice because it wouldn't involve a hard choice. The hard choice is this. Do we take an instance like that which was pure injustice and brutality and cowardice by a man through whom evil is done? And do we allow ourselves to become the evil? Even for a moment or do we fight it? Do we invite the hard choices, the wrestling between what God tells us is right and our flesh wants? It may be a season of wrestling for you. If it is, I invite you to recognize growth because I bet there was a time where you would have washed straight into, yep, beat his head in. It's a sign of spiritual growth when we wrestle with God. This is the Todd Herman Show. Please go be well, be strong, be kind, and please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Save on O'Reilly Break Parts Cleaner. Get two cans of O'Reilly Break Parts Cleaner for just $8 valid in store only at O'Reilly Auto Parts. ♪ So, oh, oh, O'Reilly Auto Parts ♪ [MUSIC PLAYING]