The Todd Herman Show

Kammi Harris Named Queen: God’s History with Human Leaders, The Good, The Bad, The Ugly - Pastor Jim Putman joins. Ep-1760

My pastor and more importantly friend, Jim Putman joins us. I asked Jim into the studio because of the big switch up between Kammy Harris and Joe Biden. Nothing's changed, even though they're pretending everything has changed. It's still people running things in the background. But, I asked Jim about human kings and how God has interacted with human kings. I had this theory that God just can choose anybody. He doesn't particularly care who's king. And Jim talked about King Saul. There was a difference after Saul and that was David. David was a man after God's own heart. He was much more godly, but he was also a man given to grave, horrible, horrific sin. And I got an email from someone who has gone through divorce and was turning to Proverbs written by Solomon until he realized the character of Soloman in his later years. Jim addressed that topic. 
What does God’s Word say? 
Psalm 31
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05 Aug 2024
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So like we talked about the other day with the help of Pete Townsend, meet the new boss, same as the old boss. My friends and pastor, senior pastor of Real Life Ministries, Jim Putman's here, to talk to us about God's interaction with kings. We'll get to that with the help of God Almighty. And we'll start right now. The Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. And now from the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City exile, Todd Herman. - Today is a day the Lord has made. And these are the times which God has decided we shall live. My friends, Jim Putman's here. What's your avenue? Thank you for coming in. - Awesome, great to be here. What is the interaction throughout history with God and human kings? I have a whole series of questions about this, but let's start with maybe a meta narrative, like God and human kings and human leaders. And I mean, how would you describe this to people? - Well, there's obviously been leaders, whether they're emperors or kings or pharaohs forever, right? Because it probably started as the human community grew. But God's version of leadership was never supposed to include a king. So you go back to the scriptures, and it says that the last judge, Samuel comes, they approach him and say, "Hey, we want a king like all the other nations," right? So Samuel takes this to the Lord, and he immediately feels rejected. - The Lord feels rejected. - Well, Samuel feels rejected. And he goes to the Lord, and the Lord says, you're not the one they rejected, it's me. And so from the very beginning, he said, go tell him, if you do this, then the king's gonna take your sons, he's gonna take your daughters, you're gonna have to pay taxes. And so he says, this is what's gonna happen. And they say, we want that. We want what everybody else has. - Wow. - And I read that. This is subtext, it's not biblical, but sort of in my mind, I'm thinking of God going, "Ah, this dude's tall." Well, honestly, I see him like picking Saul going, I don't know, dude over here, he's tall, good looking, use him. And I could see Samuel going, wait, but what is, it doesn't matter. I mean, it's just a king, it's just a guy. And I don't know, God can use anybody. He was Moses, who wasn't a great speaker, didn't want to speak and Aaron did the speaking. He can use anybody, the shepherd boy, David. But God can use anybody. Is there any biblical reason why he picks Saul, or is it just that, he's tall? - Well, I think what God was giving, he said, remember the request was, we want a king like everybody else, right? So Saul was tall, he was handsome, he used all these things. And I think God says, all right, I'll give you one like everybody else. - You don't love that. - But then you see the difference when David becomes king, right? - Right. - So David isn't even invited to the table with his brothers, to Jesse's table. He's out being a shepherd, right? And so when Samuel gets there, he looks at the oldest one and he says, oh, this guy's handsome, he's tall, this has got to be it, remember what God says. God doesn't judge by the outer appearance, he judges by the heart. So in this case, he said, all right, I'm gonna choose David, I'm gonna show you one that's after my own heart versus sort of the one you think you want. And sometimes the worst thing that God can do is to say, all right, I'll give you what you want. I think that is, that's what I pray for. Lord, don't give me what I think I want. Give me what I know I need from your perspective. And that's sort of a dying to yourself and walking by faith versus scripture, Proverbs 3 says, trust in the Lord with your whole heart, lean not on your own understanding, but on all your ways, acknowledge him. So yeah, I think that is a prime example of God giving them what they thought they wanted. And then this guy started out small in his own eyes, but he became proud, he became about his own reputation, he became about compromising with God. And then you find out God rejects him because rebellion is just as witchcraft before the Lord. And that's something for all of us to learn. Rebellion is to not do what God said to do to please yourself or please people. And so that is as divination or necromancy, being demonic, rebellion and pride, God hates pride. It causes rebellion, it started the problem in the garden. It's a source of all of our problems now. And humbling yourself, letting him save you and letting him lead you is the key to salvation and eternity with him. - Yeah, yep, I love the way you put that. And so we go, I wanna talk about David and that interaction because David is a man of after God's own heart. And then David departs in some really, really significant ways and has a son named Solomon. And there was in fact a request I ask you about Solomon. And this came in an email 'cause I mentioned that we're gonna be talking about kings. And so I'll run that by you, Jim Putman, senior pastor of your life, Ministries. Well, we'll get into this conversation. We're talking about the soul and the soul, of course, is the eternal being. But we're given these bodies to steward and sometimes bodies take a beating. And I'm thinking about my friends who've been in the military, my friends who've been doing construction for years. You might be dealing with a ton of joint pain particularly if you're still working. There is a way to reduce this and I use native path collagen. I think it's the best collagen, it is, by the way, it's third party rated native path collagen so that it makes sure it doesn't have any heavy metals in it. It is scientifically back to increase bone mineral density to accelerate tissue recovery. And because it contains only the one in three fibers, type one and type three, that's found in 90% of our body. Key to that is your cartilage. Having this before a big work session or in my case a workout session 'cause I'm not man enough to have a real workshop, I can't build things, I couldn't build a box. I couldn't build a stick. I have such huge respect for people who could do those things. Taking this before you work can preserve your joints. Native Path has sold over four million jars of collagen, has over one million happy customers, over 8,000 five star reviews and they have an 800 number you can always call for help on how to use this. So here's what you can do. Right now when you visit, you can stock up on native path collagen for a huge savings up to 45% off, plus you get free shipping. Every single order comes with a 365 day money-back guarantee so you try it risk free. The website is again is for up to 45% off, So David eventually becomes king. But David as well, he has these interactions with King Saul and King Saul seems to be going mad but this is always curious to me is that it seems like God allowed Satan to play with Saul's head. And Saul became this evil king obsessed with killing David and then David showed this humility where he had a lot of chances to kill Saul and he didn't but he also didn't always trust God. There's a scene that David decided to pretend to be a madman, to be crazy, to drip snot from his nose and he was not perfect but he was a man after God's own heart. What's the big difference between Saul and David and your mind biblically, not sure it might biblically? - I think what makes David a man after God's own heart is that he, first of all, understands as you read through the book of Psalms, it's kind of in my view, it's inspired by scripture but it's also his prayer journal which tells us that you can be angry at God. You can share with God your feelings. - Yeah. I think David, though he struggled and even made like, you know, he'd be on death row in our culture because he, you know, not only had adultery but he killed his, the woman he's with husband. - Yeah, Beth Shiba's husband. - One of his close friends, right? And what you see is he sins here and by the way, there were consequences to that sin, his family, the pain of watching your children and kill one another, try to kill you, you know, as a result of all this, there was consequences but when the prophet came to him and said, hey, you sinned and he actually tells a story about a man who had one sheep and a guy who had a lot and he wanted to have a dinner so he didn't kill one of his own sheep. He killed this guy with his one sheep and David was so incensed by it that he said, all right, that guy needs to die, right? And then the prophet says, that man is you. It's funny, you know, he couldn't see in his own life but boy, he was sure easy to make a judgment in somebody else's and then, you know, the prophet said, that man is you. And when David heard this, you know, he was like, what have I done? God forgive me. - For people who don't know what happened to David and what he did, if I remember this correctly, David had been on the rooftop, the King's rooftop, mighty view and he observed a woman in the back of her home and on top of the roof, yeah, on top of the roof and her name was Bathsheba and David said, and I don't think it says this in the Bible but I think that he said, wow, she's hot. - Yeah, he basically, that's right. - And then he's the king, so he's like a rock star and he bring her on over. I tell her she gets a VIP pass, she gets backstage pass and then he seduces her or whatever he does and they have sexual relations. She's pregnant and he draws her husband back from the front and he says, go sleep with your wife. - Yeah. - And the guy says, no, I won't depart my, you know, I'm gonna guard my post, my man around the field, right? No way, I'm not doing that. And he gets some drunk and now go sleep with your wife. No, I won't depart you. And David makes this desperate decision to send the guy to the front with instructions. - Yeah, he made him carry that without him knowing it, the instructions to the front line that says, put him out on the front line, leave him there, pull back, get him killed. And by the way, that Uriah was one of David's mighty men, one of his close personal friends. - He did this a close personal friend. And so then the prophet comes to him and says, you have sinned, you are the guy who you're describing, you're angry about the sheep, this is you. And David's in one of the Psalms of repentance. - Are there Psalm 31, I think it is? - Yeah, are there five Psalms of repentance? - Well, I know of Psalm 51, I think it is, and Psalm 31, are the two that, you know, talk about, you know, his own sin and his bones ate. He was just, he was just an agony until he confessed. - So he confesses, and this is, I think where he says, wash me with hiss up and I will be clean. And he's saying, he's recognizing the Lord's ability to wash him, that David didn't have the Holy Spirit did he? - Well, in the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit came and departed, but, okay. - And would influence the writing of the scriptures and come upon those guys at certain times and places, but it wasn't until the resurrection of Jesus, the Lamb who was slain. Now you're declared righteous by the blood of Jesus if you accepted him. Now the Holy Spirit is an internal deposit given to you that helps you become what you've already been declared to be. And then speaks to the Father as your intercessor. - Yeah, got it. I love that, and this is differences. And I'm not, I can't description verse yet, I'm working on it, but there was a moment in the Old Testament where some people had been given the job of guarding the ark of the covenant and the Lord prescribed. Here's how you carry the ark. You walk very slowly, it was painstaking, but look, this is the ark of the covenant. This is a place for me. You were to carry it very, very slowly. - Not to touch it. - Not to touch it. And I mean, it was even like you take four steps and then you stop, it was almost like a dance. - Well, yeah, he, they slaughtered countless. I don't even know how many, I mean, the numbers there. But animals every few feet, I mean, you know, they just did all kinds of different stuff, yeah. - Right, so towards the end of that journey, hurrying, departing God's word on how his, how the ark of the covenant was to be treated, one of the guys ends up touching it. - Yeah, it starts to fall. They stumble, the animals do, it starts to fall. - Yeah, and a guy touches it. - Grabs it to stop it. - Instructed. - Instructed. - Instructed. - And he was taught his whole life. He was from, was the Levites that he was, he was taught his whole life. Here's how you deal with this. And he got to hurrying. And what I think is so remarkable is he broke that rule, carrying the covenants, and then God turns around and puts the Holy Spirit in us. And now our bodies, we're to treat our bodies that way. They say that the body is a temple. - Yeah, I'm not that we don't get touched and die, but I think when he's using that phraseology, he's talking about the body of Christ, which would be the church. - Okay. Now, is it true that the Holy Spirit does live in us? So they're, you're right, there are two different passages there talks about, there's a sin that you can do that sins against your own body, sin of sex outside of marriage. There are things that you can do that you personally are the temple of the Holy Spirit, but collectively we're the body of Christ. We're a holy temple with each of us like a living stone, with Christ Jesus is the cornerstone, the apostles and the prophets is the foundation. So that's in Ephesians and we're like being built into a holy temple. And so yes, there's the individual peace, the Holy Spirit lives in me, be careful what we do with our bodies. And he's talking about don't connect your body to a prostitute, right? You're, it can you being the temple of the Holy Spirit joined with a prostitute? No, you don't do that, right? So he's talking, yeah. So it's a, it's a complicated nuanced discussion. Right, but it is accurate that our bodies, our bodies singular were to treat as a temple because we have the Holy Spirit within us, the kingdom of heaven within us. Yes, the Holy Spirit lives within us. Right, so in other words, you're gonna come work out with me. No. (laughs) You caught me. All right, Jim Putman's nice trick. Thank you, I appreciate that. I wasn't planning an event. One of the things I do to keep myself able to do the madness I'm doing, I'm wearing my pack today, it's going on day three, doing aggregate about 14 hours, and believe it or not, 25 pounds in your back adds up. 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They've had the divorce. And then he wrote to me and said, hey, we ask your pastor about this. I'm reading it, getting all this comfort. Then I sit back and go, wait a minute. Solomon had like 200 wives at a bunch of concubines. More than that. And he's writing to his sons. Saying, hey, don't see prostitutes. Don't like have multiple women. He had how many wives? Yeah. I mean, 1900, you know, concubine, yeah, there was, but there was a bunch. I can't remember the number. And suddenly he's going back to go, wait a minute. I was getting this great comfort out of the Bible and I'm reading the words of one of the greatest hypocrites in the history of the world, Solomon, who was also the wisest. Like when God said, you know, you're going to be king. How can I prepare you? He didn't want riches. He didn't want to probably want to wisdom. And God made him this really wise man who then turned around and said, I'm going to have a couple hundred wives in a concubine. Right. So help him with that. Well, first of all, again, what I'm about to say might be a little bit disputable depending on, you know, which pastor or theologian you're talking to. I believe Proverbs was written earlier on in his life. And as you read the story, as you read the story, he actually, he starts to marry. Remember, Old Testament said, don't make treaties. Don't give your daughters. Don't take their daughters. He started doing this and it actually says that his heart was corrupted by his wives and he actually brought in all of these women he would marry as daughters of a king as a form of treaty. And then he would bring in their temples into Jerusalem. He was actually responsible later in his life for filling the filling Jerusalem with the temples of false gods. So not only did he disobey God about how many wives, he disobey God about marrying, he broke the Jewish law. And so if you look in the book of Ecclesiastes, he wrote that as well. He tells the story of how he decided he was going to take his wisdom and he was going to test wisdom rather than trusting God's wisdom, he was going to try to discern his own wisdom. So he gave himself the pleasure. He gave himself to building stuff. He did all this stuff. And the phrase he uses all throughout is meaningless, meaningless, everything is meaningless. And he uses this phraseology under the sun. And that's S-U-N, not S-O-N. So what he's basically come to the conclusion of, and he says this at the end of it, of his book. I think that's in the world, the human world that we're in, the physical universe, without bringing God into the equation above the heavens and the earth, without bringing under the sun, everything you do out there is meaningless without bringing God into the equation. And so I actually, you know, we don't know where in his life he actually wrote that. But it does say, as one of the statements about Solomon, that his heart was corrupted and he actually left wisdom. And so there are some people that actually believe that he wasn't saved. He wasn't... That was just going to ask you. Yeah. Because I believe David was, because... He came back to the Lord, right. So I actually believe that, and again, this is disputable, when did he write Ecclesiastes? It's hard to say. If he wrote Ecclesiastes after doing all that stuff, then of course, I think he came to some conclusions. He went and heard himself and learned some stuff and God directed him. I believe the book of Ecclesiastes and Proverbs is inspired by God. That's why it's in Scripture. But I tend to lean towards, at the end of his life, he was not saved. Okay. So help my friends, who's been to this divorce, he's trying to find comfort here. And he's reading the great words of Solomon, and here's this massive hypocrite. Yeah. I would say, at the time that he wrote what he wrote, I think he was living out what he believed. I don't think he lived out what he believed later on. So a hypocrite is a person who is an actor or a pretender. All of us fail. I fail in my walk with God, and I'm selfish, I get self-centered, I get proud, I get all those things. But when the Holy Spirit reminds me, when I'm in the Word of God, when my brothers and sisters in Christ, say, "Hey, you know, Jim, you're getting a little fool of yourself." It's like, "What have I done? The Holy Spirit convicts me." I failed. I have a sinful nature. I didn't die to that, or I just started acting and wasn't thinking, and you know, acting not as an actor, but I'm just doing stuff and just reacting to what's happening in my day instead of dying to self and saying, "Holy Spirit, guide me." I fail, I'm dependent upon God's grace, right? Now, again, you have to have grace. The only way we got saved in the Old Testament was by God's grace as well. In the law, you had the law, but you had the sacrifices, which said, "Here's the law, but I'm going to give you sacrifices because you can't follow the law." Jesus is the ultimate sacrifice. Those sacrifices in the Old Testament point forward to the cry to be sacrificed. But it's grace. You're saved by grace, you're faith in the old and the new. So David was being a hypocrite, right? And when he got called on it, he's like, "What have I done?" If Saul, or Saul-Amen was a hypocrite and later on goes, "What am I doing?" I think he ended up being saved, right? But if he died in this state of he's been polluted and corrupted by his many wives and worshiping false gods, if Ecclesiastes was written earlier in his life, God directed him to write it. But this gets into this question of, once said, always saved. And for me, I believe that there's warnings all throughout the Scriptures about don't fall away. My life verses Hebrews 3, 12 and 13, see to it my brothers and sisters that none of you gets the sinful and the believing heart that turns away from the living God. But encourage one another daily so that your hearts will not be hardened by sin's deceitfulness. Why all the warnings in Hebrews, if it's not possible to drift away and even the angels, he warns in Hebrews 2, the angels were drifted away and so they're in hell or they're going to be in hell and he says, "Be careful that you do not drift away and then he uses the angels as an example. Why is he warning me in doing that if it's not possible?" You and I hold the same view on that. Yours is more advanced and mature than I am. But I hold the same exact view for many, many of the same reasons. What you just mentioned about kings and about the earthly way and about these compromises, I am getting a ton of pushback and an unusual amount of pushback by virtue of a position I took on the Republican National Convention and I'm wondering if you cannot explain this better than I am explaining this. First of all, I'm not sure I agree with you so let's find out what you say. Okay, well I'll tell you a second and we'll clear the air. You'll notice in this studio that it smells like a thunderstorm. I'm not asking you to participate and you're a pastor, please don't. But truly two weeks ago when our friend Zach Abraham, Chief Investment Officer Boer, Capital Management walked in, those doors over there, I'm pointing for people on video, people on audio, I'm pointing, trust me. Zach walked in, opened doors and said, "Wow, it smells like a thunderstorm in here." I'm like, "Do you ever listen to the podcast you're on with?" He goes, "Oh yeah, wait, wait, wait, that's that thing, that thing, where is it?" So right over there on the wall, it's producing ozone in this room and those molecules seek out and destroy odors, even behind furniture, there's nothing that can hide from the thunderstorm. We have a common friend, Ben, you know I'm talking about my sports med doc, good friend. He has this in his home gym, now you don't get the sweat smell, he has it in his studio, he's a sports med doc, now you don't have the smell of the gym, his studio is in a gym. And this was the miraculous, if you can relate to this as a hunter. Ben went up and he was planning to hunt bear, but he had a tag, it was legal, a target of opportunity, he took a bear and took it home and blood got on the seat of his truck. So he tried to clean it off and then it smelled and it stunk and he cleaned some more, that it was still stinking, it was when we were doing 103 degrees. And he finally figured out, "Wait a minute, there's bear sausage I took up to eat." And it was below my seat and it is rotted. So he took the thunderstorm, the OXI Leaf 2 thunderstorm device, stuck it in there overnight and everything, all the junk perfume, the fake new truck smell he sprayed in his truck, all of it was gone because that's what ozone does. There is a new special with this, act now and transform your environment today. Go to, use discount code TOD BOGO, that's not my new last name, but it's TOD by one, get one, TOD BOGO, and get by one, get one free. It's at,, discount code is TOD BOGO, one word, TOD BOGO. Jim, I watched the RNC, not in whole because I don't do that, I don't attend political speeches, I don't attend political rallies, I read, I read position papers, I watch later analytically, I choose not to be sucked into those things because I know they're seductive. The RNC allowed two prayers to false gods. And one was the seat god, one was mobbing. Both, of course, stand against the Lord Jesus, even if they say nice things. I think Muhammad is openly demonic, personally, that's my take. The seat god I know a little about, I know that this false god is genderless. My position on this is they not have done it because we are told to love God with all our heart, all our mind, all our soul to worship no other gods but them, but him. And I watched people in the audience bow their heads and pray to a false god. And my thinking of this is, hey, you may well win a presidential election with this pandering because it's pandering. You might well build an intersectional base. And if that works, when someone comes along next time and says, hey, you know what, let's have the Satanist come because there's like 14% of people now will say they're Satanists. Why don't you just have a prayer to Satan? We're not endorsing it. It's just it's on the teleprompter. Then what do you say? Well, it worked last time. So you win the presidency and God willing, I want Donald Trump to be presidents. I so much evil is done through Cammy Harris and Joe Biden. No, no question to me who I'm going to vote for. But I'm looking at this saying you are putting the souls of the followers of the RNC at risk. And this is a day after God saved your life, President Trump. This is just everything we've been talking about with kings turning their back on God. And my position on this is they shouldn't have done it. Here's the pushback free speech. This is a free speech country. They have to allow that. They can't they can't stop that. They can't ban prayers, they're not banning prayers. So I haven't been able to sufficiently explain to people why a political victory is not worth your soul or your soul, if you're members, and I've never in my podcasting career, this topic is the one that has people most angry at me. So help me. Or maybe you agree, maybe you agree with all my listeners, I'm a completely, I'm a I'm a. Well, first of all, what I got from that was they were saying, hey, we all believe in one God and Allah is the same God as the Christian God. We just call him by a different name. Okay. That's absolutely untrue. That's absolutely untrue. The God of war from the Arabs, Allah, you know, different God, not the same. There's only one way to heaven. That's true. Jesus Christ. You can just, if you can just believe in any God, then God, the father is an abuser because you could have been saved in another way other than putting Jesus on the cross. Why send him if everybody's okay, if they're sincere already, you know, why sit out the disciples to go and die when they're fine already? No, Jesus said, I'm the way the truth, life, no one comes to the father, except through me. If they would have done something like this, hey, we believe in that God is an important part of what we believe. We recognize that you believe in different gods and so in order to not offend you, we're not going to pray at all, right? I'd have been okay. I mean, you're right. There is free speech, but that doesn't mean I have to use my freedom of the speech to speak. Do you understand what I'm saying? There's some things I'm just not going to say. I'm certainly not going to say that it's the same God. Not going to do it. I'm not going to ask people to pray to a God that I don't think exists or act as though we're all, I'm not going to promote anything that says any God's name will do. It's all the same. I'm not going to do it. Now, to give people the benefit of the doubt, there have been times where I know whoever's praying, maybe it's a Mormon, maybe it's whatever. They have the right to do that. Somebody's elected to have them do that. There's going to be a moment of silence and while they're up there praying, I am going to bow my head and pray to God in Jesus' name for them. I'm going to give the benefit of the doubt that everybody bowed their head, didn't believe that there was just one God there. I just think what they did was unwise to insinuate that it's all the same God in the name of inclusivity or diversity because as a Christian, I cannot go along with any God will do or there's no God. I can't stand for that. Now, at the same time, I'm okay being somewhere and not having things go my way, right? You have to be okay with that in the American culture and in the world we live in. I can be shut out. They don't have to let me speak at all. They don't have to, I don't have to like it, but I'm not going to do anything that says I agree with what you're saying or doing. And that's very well said and probably better than I said it. And my view on this is very simple, that my priority is souls. It is my priority is heaven, the kingdom. And I don't care about the RNC even a little bit, even though I used to be in the leadership team there. I truly don't care. I care about the country, obviously. I want the country to be okay, but I don't think the country can be okay if we're not first concentrating on souls. Yeah. I think we have it upside down. Let's do the country and then talk about souls. Remember Shadrach, Meshach and Abedne to go into the book of Daniel? Yeah. Okay. So Nebuchadnezzar says, I believe this God, I'm going to play these songs and you're all going to bow down. Yeah. Right? And they say, no, they didn't pick it. They didn't say anything. All they did is they just stood. Now now these people came, Nebuchadnezzar's guys came and said, Hey, those guys aren't doing this. And they tried to make them do it. Our God is able to save us, but even if he doesn't, I will not bow down and worship. Right? So you know the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abedne. So if you're, if you're trying to get up there and say, this is, we all believe in God, the Sikh God, the Muslim God, the Mormon God and the Christian God, and it's all the same thing. You can't do it. If you're going to say, Hey, we're going to have a moment of prayer for you to pray to whichever God, you know, quotation marks you want to pray to, well, I'm going to pray to my God, who is the only God, who is God. And you're going to be foolish to pray to somebody else. You know, the New Testament says you're actually praying to demons. If there's anything there at all, I'm not going to pray to that. And I'm not going to say that's okay. But I don't have to say anything in a world that chooses to be secular. If I'm in Islam country, you know, Pakistan, whatever, hey, I'm not going to worship your God. I'm not going to bow down, even if it means you take my life, I'm going to go worship mine. Now you say, I can't worship mine. I may not go to a church building on Sunday, but I'm going to do it in my house. You may make that illegal, but I'm going to do it in secret in my house with as many believers as I can get together. And Christians do that all around the world. Right. And at the risk of their lives. And there's persecution coming here, we're putting people in prison for praying inside abortion clinics. We're tracking them down. That's here now. Let's pretend that's not pretend otherwise. I wanted you to relate to the podcast family. This story you told that you did it during a sermon. It's non-biblical, but I think it's a great illustration of the sacrifice that the Lord made for us through the Lord Jesus. Like it if you would tell that in just a second. I can tell you something that I've I sacrificed some money and some time to go down to Mexico. And there's a trade off on all things. I'm not here to tell you that renew that healthcare suddenly takes, you know, can take all insurance. Often they can't. They made a trade to be located in Mexico so they can practice actual health care, not medicine, health care. They use a miraculous creation of God, which is the stem cell. And in their case, it is from umbilical cords and placentas only. In this country, that stuff is burned as medical waste. The cells in that are so utterly miraculous in that they are building block cells, their potential power. And in the case of renew, they pay for the complete childbirth of these women. They track the health of the women and the children. They select only the healthiest stem cells, then they actually culture those stem cells. So in the case of my shoulder, I had 45 million of them put it on my shoulder. My recovery was monumentally faster, better than my last shoulder surgery. And they just said my ankle done, but that's minor comparison to a woman who was hemispherically paralyzed. She walked out of there. People who've had massive low back problems, lower lumbar, which can get all the way up and affect your hands and cause neuropathy. They can treat that. Here's what they'll do. They'll tell you if they can help you. They will put the very best stem cells in your body, millions and millions and millions at a time and they'll tell you if they cannot help you. Okay. That's, they'll be honest about that. I wanted to hear with my left shoulder, Oh, sure. Yeah, we could help you. They said, no, you're too far gone. My right shoulder, they said, you know what, you're going to still have to have the operation, but we can help you recovery. And they did go to That's R E N U E. There's a link in the show notes as well. Tell them you heard about in the program. You're part of the podcast family. They'll tell you if they can help you or not. Jim Pupman's with me. There's a link to Jim's books in the show notes as well. And you told a story. It's a fictional story of a king and this hit me, man. This is one of the times in your sermons where I got a bunch of dust in my eyes and I was smart. I didn't want to let you know that, but I actually wept a little bit the story. So will you tell that? I will. Can I say one more thing about your, your, my workout? No. No, no, no. Your hair, your, the convention. Yeah. The R C convention. Sure. Yeah. Let me say this. I can be there with a bunch of people that I share the values with, even though I don't share God with. Sure. So I have no problem creating a platform of, of Mormons who also typically believe abortion is sin. Yeah. I can do all that. It's when you try to force me to say we're the same thing, I can't do that. So I can be in a big platform with people who share my values, even though we don't have Jesus as a Lord, when you, when you start trying to blend too much together, now you actually separate what I can be involved in, what I can't. Right. Like I call him Kate Dillon, the woman who gave the prayer to the seat God. I constantly, when I say her name, say the patriot, he meet Kate Dillon. I believe she's a patriot. Right. It's, to me, self-evident she loves this country. Right. She is spending time and treasure and energy and putting herself at significant legal risk because look what they'll do to people like her. So I can say she's a patriot. I would join her trying to reform the R and C. I know that thing is a big money grab and scam. I used to work there. Yeah. Join her in that, but I would have to say to her, no, I can't do that. So, so the lack of wisdom by Trump and the rest of these, either Trump's unsaved or he's a brand new believer who doesn't understand, no, I can't do certain things so he's not been discipled. You see what I'm saying? Yeah. I saw something unlock in President Trump. I hope so. No, after the shooting, I saw the first sign of real humility from him. Yeah. And God is done. Now, this is me. It doesn't need to be you, but God has done miraculous work through President Trump on a lot of things. Yeah. He's used President Trump. That's, I mean, like he can use anybody. He's using President Trump in miraculous ways. I think the biggest one is tearing the curtain of our temple. Our temple has been Washington, D.C. And I think God has used President Trump for a lot of people to go, Oh, wait, they light about COVID and they're lying about this FBI investigation and they light about what's going on in the schools and they're lying about our debt and they light about Joe Biden not being demented. And I think God is saying, Hey, remember when like the Samuel warned you? What's your kingdom? Like I am the only king that really cares about you and is not going to give an escruption. You can have me or them. So but yeah, I saw President Trump speak with humility. I saw him actually make fun of his hairdo the other day, self-effacing humor. I saw him say, I'm not supposed to be alive. And I firmly believe, Jim, I'm praying hard for that, for that humility. That's been the piece to me that's that I've prayed for with President Trump because I believe if he if he gets the Holy Spirit's humility, man, the way God could use him. It's like when I conned you west, supposedly gave his life to Lord and was discipled. What happens is, is we jump on the bandwagon too quick because the Bible talks about the sower and the seed, he threw so seed on the ground, hard ground. Birds came and ended up, the devil did a rocky soil. It grew up, but when the sun came out, it died, right? It's some on the weedy ground. So I wait to see what happens and I struggle to ever put a brand new believer in the role of the limelight because they don't have a lot of root left unless somebody comes around them and they allow that they're going to be sucked into all kinds of improper ideas. A brand new believer has so little understanding of how they're supposed to live. There's a lack of wisdom in their life. They need wiser people around them to help them. And then, so it doesn't surprise me that they're trying to do something down there that might be politically valuable to have a big tent so they can get votes. But spiritually speaking, if you compromise the truth to say everybody saved, that's improper, which means that if you say that, you're either not a Christian or you're a baby Christian who doesn't know what in the world you're talking about yet. Or you're doing the thing you talked about a lot, which is, hey, look, Jim, church is church, but we've got an election to win over here. Yeah, which is immature, right? There's no asterisk when God said, worship no gods, but me well and less, you know, it's a big election. So, right. So what I always say is just don't try to mix those things up. Leave it a political campaign, right? These are our values, right? Don't try to make us agree on things. We don't have to agree on to win the election. When you try to blend it all together, you're giving a message that just isn't true. Yeah. Yeah, I agree. I don't mean to force you to tell a story. Oh, I'll tell it. Okay. Will you tell? Yeah. I feel like a little boy. Jim, tell me a story. Oh, no. There's a story. And again, some people try to tie it to some actual events, but it's basically a story to explain Jesus. Okay. So there was a king who had a country that was becoming very immoral. And with this, all kinds of things were happening, you know, adultery, fornication, sex was elevated and all the terrible things that come with it, unwanted pregnancies, you know, husbands finding their wives killing, you know, it was just all kinds of health issues, you know. And so the king made a decree, anyone caught in sex outside of marriage, the price was two eyes. You're going to burn your eyes out. So, you know, everybody, you know, either hides it or just goes, whoa, okay. So the king would come into court about once a week and it's about two weeks into this decree, and he's in court, there's long haul, you know, there's people that are there that are going to be judged for that day, decisions are going to be made. And in between two guards, clear down the way comes his son. And his son's walking in proudly between two guards. So he's not quite sure what's going on, his son doesn't show any sort of regret or, you know, shame or anything. So he's like, hi, I wonder, this is weird. They bring him up, they stand in before the throne, and the crier, they hand the charges, the crier declares adultery. And so he hears it and he looks at his son and his son just kind of has this, you know, whatever, smirk, sort of a, you know, reads it, you know, and it's like nothing's going to happen. And his father looks at his son and looks at the people and he's so upset that he, he adjourns court and he says, take him, take him to jail. And his son is not happy about that. You know, he's kind of swearing, look at him, what do you do with dad? And but the, so the king goes into, you know, back in the back palace and, and, and he's like, what am I saying? His wife comes and like, Hey, you're not, you're not, you know, why is he in jail? Well, adultery. And, and you're not going to, I mean, you're not going to do that. So the king doesn't know what to do. He brings in his advisors and his advisors are one of his advisors says, Hey, you know, this is your son. You don't have to do that. And one of his other advisors said, wait a minute, there's a lot more stake than that. You've, you've burned out the eyes of other people. You've done this. You've made this law. If you, if you don't do this, you're going to lose respect with the whole king, kingdom. And his wife's like, you can't do that. So he just, he goes into hiding for a few days, you know, he just thinking and probably just doesn't need, he doesn't sleep. Finally he calls court back into session. And when he calls court back into session, everybody's heard about this. So the kingdom is just lined out the doors. The courtroom is full and they bring his son in who now looks like he hasn't showered and he's thoroughly irritated up to the front and they read the charges again and his son just is frustrated and smirking and looking at his dad and his dad looks his son in the eyes and says what he said to others who have been charged with this. He said, put him down. So they force him to his knees and as soon as he'd do that, his son's like, dad, what are you doing? What are you doing? And he, and he says to the guards, the guards are there and he says, do it. And so the guards are like, they put the poker in the fire, you know, and it starts heating up and the whole time the son goes from anger to name calling to now he's crying and weeping, right? Don't get it. I'm so sorry. And, and so they, the guards, he's like, do it. So they take the poker and they go and they're doing it slow watching the dad, you know, is this a joke? Is he not going to do it? Finally, into the, the son's left eye, the poker goes, the son screams, you know, the mother is weeping, you know, the crowd is like, oh my goodness, right? And so they pulled the poker out, getting ready to put it into the son's right eye. And just before they, they put it into his son's right eye, the king says halt. And so they stop. And so he gets down off the throne, kneels down next to his son and he says, you'll take my right eye. And so they burnt the king's right eye out. Yeah. And so at the end of all this, what is the king saying to his son? The law is the law. We live by it. Yeah. And, and I love you so much. And I love the people so much. The law had to be upheld. And I had to hurt too. Yeah. So he basically saying, this is how much I hate sin. This is the cost of sin. But this is how much I love you. Yeah. I'm willing to pay that price to complete it. And so in Christ Jesus on the cross, it's a two sided message. On the one side, when God said, if you sin, you will die and the cost of sin is death, it's a message to everybody. If I will put my son on the cross for your sin, I will put you in hell because that's what it's worth, sin, unrighteousness, that's the value of it from God's perspective. But this is also how much I love you. I am willing to go on the cross. I'm willing to send my son on the cross to pay that. So you choose, Jesus pays it or you pay it, but that's the cost. God wants, he knows we've sinned. He wants to love us. He wants us to let him love us. So he gave us a gospel of choice. Relationship requires choice. You get to choose how you relate to God through Christ Jesus or because of your sin through judgment. Yeah. Well said. I love that you shared that again. There's a link to Jim's books in the show notes. We're left ministries, post falls Idaho, my senior pastor, much really honored just to say friend. Thank you for coming on. Always a pleasure. Lord, thank you for your word. Thank you for who you are. Thank you for this day. And thank you for allowing us to continue to be amazed at who you are. This is the Todd Herman Show, please go be well, be strong, be kind, and please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ. [music] [MUSIC PLAYING] [BLANK_AUDIO]