The Todd Herman Show

Trump Displays BEAUTIFUL RESPECT for Black Journalists Ep-1758

We continue to look at President Trump's interaction at the National Association of Black Journalists. I'm going to compare it to the Seattle brand of racism. President Trump showed absolute respect for black people by pushing back on this nasty agenda-driven black journalist. President Trump was President Trump. He didn't code shift, he didn't pander. That's respect. Many other Republican politicians would have pandered and done everything they could to duck and cover. President Trump treated those women like he treats other journalists without regard to race.
What does God’s Word say? 
Galatians 3:28-29 28 There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise
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02 Aug 2024
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President Trump might even describe it this way. He showed beautiful respect for black journalists by being himself because there were things he could have done, praise God he didn't do. We'll talk about that. I must begin with what was done to a woman in Paris and is going to get done to another woman in Paris today. And at least these women have, well, not really agreed, of course, they're blackmailed into this. If they want to be in the sport, they're going to go get their heads beaten in by men. Let's remember this, that there were a series of warnings from Parisian women for American and Canadian and whoever, women from all over the world, to not hang out in Paris because of the rape issues with migrant men, largely. Not all migrants are rapists, not all illegal immigrants are rapists, but that has become a huge problem in Europe. And that's being blocked from news coverage and I want to talk about that. We will discuss what was done to this woman and we'll do this with the help of bulwark capital management at and much more importantly with God almighty who made us in his image, male and female he made us. The Todd Herman Show is 100% disapproved by big pharma technocrats and tyrants everywhere. Now, from the high mountains of free America, here's the Emerald City Exile. God Herman. Today is a day the Lord has made and these are the times in which God has decided where she'll live. Have you seen the statements from both sides on this issue with what was done to a female boxer in Paris? This is an image, I think, that needs to continue to spread all around the world. It's a, if you're not on the video service, it's Paris 2024 and it features the face of a woman who has been beaten and this happens for real. People who are of the mind that men are women and women are men have to stand with Angela Karini getting her face beaten in 46 seconds. She stopped fighting because it appears she was afraid for her life and she said, as she was going to the corner, she said, this is unjust. And then, of course, her tune changed a little bit. She felt her knees and she cried. She went to her corner and said, this is unjust. It appeared she may have a broken nose. And then her tune changed a little bit. I guarantee you, the International Olympic Committee went to her and said, you are not going to complain about getting beaten, getting your face beaten. You are going to pretend that man is a woman and you're going to pretend that man should be allowed to continue to beat women. I think I told you I had a genetic test done, a 79.7% full-on redneck and the redneck in me wants the following to happen, that I hope the Holy Spirit in me will override. The redneck in me wants this. I was thinking it would be awesome to have an elite mail boxer go to this clown, this coward, this woman beating, I'm trying so hard, Lord. This woman beat her and challenge him to a match. And maybe the pro mail boxer uses one hand and savages this coward. Now, that would be cool, but what would be cooler for my flesh? And this is where it's hard being a Christian. It is my flesh deeply desires watching that guy get stomped. What would be cooler would be to have a, let's say, 40-year-old redneck who boxed in high school and college, did a bunch of wrestling and spends his days, let's say, wrestling with beef cattle, steers, throwing alfalfa arounds, goes to the weight room a bit. Maybe it doesn't have as much boxing shine anymore, but he's a full-on man at 225, comes in at 6-4, remembers how to throw a punch. My flesh desires seen a man like that run into this coward and deliver a good old-fashioned Idaho or South Dakota or Texas full-on barroom beatdown. What my flesh would like to see would be a curb stomp, to be honest with you. That's what my flesh would like to see. That's why it's so hard to be a Christian sometimes. That man should be in prison. If he did this in his backyard to his wife in America in a decent state, he'd be in prison. He's a spiritual prisoner. The hardest thing for me to do is to give a damn, pardon my language. The hardest thing for me to do is to pray for that man because I cannot stomach men beating women. If you're someone who has bought into so-called trans women are women, you are a sponsor of women getting their faces kicked in by men. That's what you support. You have no way out except to look at something like this and say, "Wow, I can't even believe I fell for that," they told us this would never happen. It's happening. It will happen again. We're recording this in doing this live Friday the 8th, part of the 2nd of August, scheduled to have another man beat another woman in the face today. That's what you sponsor. Donald Trump has said that he will ban that. Women and girls competing against, or boys and men competing against women and girls. He also said recently he will ban wrong sex surgery, wrong sex hormones for kids in the United States at a federal level. Of course, it would get to all sorts of pushback in the courts. Given what's happened to our medical establishment, it wouldn't surprise me that they're already lining up to do this. There's so much money to be made in doing that to people. Sometimes money is important. I mean, it's what we operate on, right? You make it. I make it. There are companies that don't go the short way towards things. I've really liked and started to have great affection for all of the products from the native path company with whom we're honored to work. They bake a collagen formula that is scientifically backed to do a couple of things I need in big order right now. One is to accelerate tissue recovery. I was talking the other day to my SealFit ambassador, a woman who's been there for 20 years. She was in the Marine Corps, she's been through this crucible many times, and she was talking to me about prep. I came, make sure you're extra hydrated, make sure that you are like, "Are you taking a good collagen?" I told her I was taking it. She said, "Yeah, I've heard good stuff about that." Native path collagen formula scientifically backed to also increase bone mineral density. I do not want to break a bone down there. You probably don't either. They don't waste time with type two collagen fibers. It's only type one and type three that's found in 90 percent of your body. It's in your cartilage, your bone, your skin, your nails. You probably, in this podcast family, there's probably people who work harder than me every day. In fact, it's a guarantee. I sit here and talk to you. My work happens in a gym or out in a field or running trails or in a lake. You who work hard need to have this collagen. Right now, when you visit, you can stock up a native path collagen for an incredible discount. It's up to 45 percent off plus free shipping. Your order comes to the 365 day money back guarantee so you can try at risk free. That website, again, is for up to 45 percent off and free shipping. This is President Trump. In the days prior to him becoming President Trump, what he was just Donald Trump, fun dude to have on the TV. Donald Trump. Joining us on the phone, Donald Trump. Please welcome Donald Trump. [Applause] How are you? Nice to see you. How's it going? I was mad, Donald Trump. Joy, you said the guy wears a tube. He says it. He says it. After President Trump. I have Republicans considering replacing their candidate as Sonny pointed out with someone who isn't a twice impeached serial liar and a convicted felon. Look at that. He even gets to touch one of the hosts on the back. No, it's true. It's real. No, she's touching his hair. Well, we all know that Trump is a liar and a thief. After. We know that. So, it's not that big a chump to say that he obstructed and he lied. Beautiful woman out there. That should be there. Look at that. Ellen DeGeneres. Hello. Yeah. Hello. [Applause] And she's available if you're interested. I'd like to offer her. I don't want to give him a platform because it just, it validates him. And for me to have someone on the show, I really, I have to, I have to at least admire them in some way. What changed? I mean, we were told that he's always been a racist and a criminal. He's always been a felon and a cheat. We know, of course, that he was treated differently because he's great for ratings. President Trump is very smart. He had a publicist push him into the media for a little while before he paid a publicist. It said that he acted in his own publicist. That's what it said. The change is pretty stark. What's not changed? It's the fact that President Trump does not pretend. He does enact when he's in front of a crowd because that's energizing. I'm a different human when I'm doing a live show because I'm energized by the presence of people. I'm more able to joke around because I could read crowds and read what people are finding amusing and want more of. It's different when you're behind a camera just looking at this. There's no teleprompter here. President Trump is different in one-on-one meetings, so am I. If you and I ever get together and that would be great, you're going to find out I'm probably more likely to ask about you. If you ever observed me in public, you'll probably notice that I'm not particularly verbose. I'm an introvert. This is my job and this is what I do for my job. There's these different sort of energy levels, but there's no different Donald Trump. That's what was on display when he sat down with the National Association of Black Journalists and put himself up to what he knew was going to be abuse. These are some samples of President Trump being beautifully respectful by not code shifting. He didn't walk in with hot sauce like Hillary Clinton has in her purse. He didn't pull out a copy of WAP and start dancing to it. He didn't pretend to dig rap music or anything like that. He was Donald John Trump. I didn't notice you do any publicity on it at all. I won the case, the biggest case. This is an attack on a political opponent. I have another one where I have a hostile judge. Sir, you don't mind. I love you. We have you for a limited time, sir. I'd love to move on a different topic than we can. No, excuse you. You're the one that held me up at 35 minutes just so you understand. He does not pander. There are accusations that President Trump panders to evangelicals and hugging the flag. Yeah, you know what? I find it distasteful to hug the flag and that stuff, but it's politics. It's really just an extension of Democrats walking around with a flag lapel pin that they don't really mean. President Trump did in fact take a bullet and he stood up and he said fight, fight, fight. That transcends to me ego. Ego would be get me out of here. They're going to kill me. He did in fact walk into those courtrooms and sit there and watch lies set about him. The pretense that he lied about the worth of his building when Goldman Sachs didn't agree. They know more about where the state than that corrupt judge will ever ever learn. They've forgotten more about it than he'll ever know. President Trump did those things and to me that transcends ego. It transcends just put myself at the center. It transcends even light, non-malignant narcissism. It speaks to a burning desire to get back into the Oval Office, but why? For more punishment? When he sat down with the National Association of Black Journalists, President Trump was beautifully respectful because President Trump was President Trump. Some of your own supporters, including Republicans on Capitol Hill, have labeled Vice President Kamala Harris, who is the first black and Asian American woman to serve as Vice President and be on a major party ticket as a DEI hire. Is that acceptable language to you? And will you tell those Republicans and those supporters to stop it? How do you define DEI? Go ahead. How do you define? Diversity, equity, inclusion. Okay, yeah. Go ahead. Is that what your definition-- That is literally the word. Give me a definition then. Would you give me a definition? D.I. Give me a definition then. Sir, I'm asking you a question. No, no. You have to define it. Define it for me, if you want. I just defined it, sir. Do you believe that Vice President Kamala Harris is only on the ticket because she is a black woman? Well, I can say, no, I think it's maybe a little bit different. So I've known her a long time indirectly, not directly, very much, and she was always of Indian heritage, and she was only promoting Indian heritage. I didn't know she was black until a number of years ago when she happened to turn black, and now she wants to be known as black. So I don't know. Is she Indian or is she black? She is always-- But you know what? I know the black-- I respect either one. I respect either one, but she obviously doesn't because she was Indian all the way and then all of a sudden she made a turn and she went-- she became a black person. Just a big-- We can show the headlines. We've seen them. Kamie Harris elected first Indian American senator in the United States. We've played the videos of her accepting people saying, "You're going to be the first Indian American senator." President Trump doesn't count out. He doesn't pander. He says the same thing sitting in front of this black journalist under attack, as he says from the stop. He says it differently because he's not alone on stage in front of a crowd of 100,000 people. This is a genuine treatment of people. It is not the disingenuous, saddle-style racism of pandering and this exchange continues. When you ask a continuum, a very hostile, nasty tone. It's a direct question, sir. Do you believe that Vice President Kamie Harris is a DEI hire? I really don't know. I mean, I really don't. Could be. Could be. There are some. There are-- Could be. It's diplomatic. And if you listened to the laughter in the audience, when President Trump said that she suddenly became black, what did you hear? You know, I heard discomfort. Good. It's an uncomfortable thing when a woman who did promote her Indian heritage, who did identify that way, who pushed that narrative, who was fine with headlines saying, "First Indian American Senator," who laughed and giggled and cackled about putting black parents in prison because their kids are in jail because their kids were truant. When she made that shift, how many people in the National Association of Black Journalists did a search later and went back and looked at some of these things? Google's doing the very best they can to hide them, Twitter's not. Some other sources are not. When President Trump does this, it's very much like sitting down with a black man and having a conversation like I've had. For instance this, "Hey, you helped me understand something. Is it true that there's a lot of racial animus between black people and Asians?" And I learned a bunch. Yeah, here's why. Is it true that there's racial animus between black men with darker skin versus lighter skin? Yeah, the carmels. I don't know how that verified from the point of view of some black friends. One of the advantages of having friends with different backgrounds is learning things like this. When that conversation was going on in the gym, a guy I knew casually said to me that goes, "Dude, I can't even believe you brought that up with Steve. Why? It was so awkward. Why?" I asked Steve later, "Was that an awkward conversation?" No. No, he asked me some straight questions about the black community. That's how I see it. The code shifting to run away is what the Republicans have done and I believe black people can sense this, the pandering. This was a beautiful level of respect that President Trump showed and there's more to this. There's a lot more. There's more to why about a hundred million Americans feel sluggish and slow and tired and not themselves. Some of it has to do with the nature of being obese or heavy and about so well, a ton of Americans are. 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It's a 30 day supply of liver health formula plus a free bottle of blood sugar formula 3 plus a free bonus gift. It's Go to There's more from President Trump. He asked a series of questions and I like this because again, how many people watched this because they wanted to see President Trump get his brow beaten in by black journalists? How come the people that tried to burn down Minneapolis? How come the purple that took over a large percentage of Seattle? How come nothing happened to them? How come the people that we're seeing beating office with black girls, dragging them down the stairs? They're on video. Have you seen that video, sir? Really early? Well they shot. You would part in those writers? They shot a young lady in the face who was protesting. They shot her in the face. You know, nobody died that day. You do know that. But people died in Seattle. Nobody died. But people died in Minneapolis. You know people died in Minneapolis. And nothing happens and nobody ever talks and nothing happens to those people. You went after the J6 people with a vengeance and I'll tell you what. What about the cops that were, and I'm all for the police as you know, but what about the police that are ushering, ushering everybody into the Capitol? Go in. Go in. Go in. What about that? Look, nothing is perfect in life. But you have people from Minneapolis. You have people just from five days ago in Washington, D.C. They were having fist fights and fighting with the police. They were spraying and destroyed. They were desecrating our monuments in Washington, D.C. five days ago. And nothing happened to them. And you can't have two systems of justice. That is the first time I guarantee many people have ever heard that point of view. And that sounds bizarre to us because we live in this info stream. We live in this reality, the reality. There are people who've never heard that comparison. There are people who do not know about the spray painting, the graffiti destruction of some of the things in our nation's Capitol and in Philadelphia, the attack on the Liberty Bell. They don't know about cops being beaten because, of course, the powerful tool, the most powerful tool of the Machinberg media is the propaganda of silence. President Trump broke an info stream and there will be people who leave there. And it's already happened that they've gone and researched this and they have sat and they've had to sit with the circumstance of, Oh, dear God, that man is right. It's an uncomfortable thing. And when people learn they've been conned, they will go to great lengths to get back their respect. I think President Trump did more that he might even know in this discussion with the National Association of Black Journalists. Here's another example. It's not true. You have told for. By the way, this is the this this is important for context. This is the opening discussion. President Trump has come on stage. Can we start at the beginning? President Trump has come on stage. He sits down and here's how the discussion began. It's not true. You have told for congresswoman color who were American citizens to go back to where they came from. You have used words like animal and rabbit to describe black district attorneys. You attack black journalists calling them a loser saying the questions that they ask are quote stupid and racist. You've had dinner with a white supremacist at your Mar-a-Lago resort. So my question, sir, now that you are asking black supporters to vote for you, why should black voters trust you after you have used language like that? Well, first of all, I don't think I've ever been asked a question. So it's such a horrible manner, a first question. You don't even say hello, how are you? Are you with ABC? Because I think there are a fake news network, a terrible network, and I think it's still disgraceful that I came here in good spirit. I love the black population of this country. I've done so much for the black population of this country, including employment, including opportunity zones with Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina, which is one of the greatest programs ever for black workers and black entrepreneurs. I've done so much, and you know, when I say this, historically black colleges and universities were out of money, there was stone coal broke, and I saved them, and I gave them long-term financing, and nobody else was doing it. I think it's a very rude introduction. I don't know exactly why you would do something like that, and let me go a step further. I was invited here, and I was told my opponent, whether it was Biden or Kamala, I was told my opponent was going to be here. It turned out my opponent isn't here. You invited me under false pretense, and then you said, "You can't do it with Zoom." Well, you know, we're Zoom. She's going to do it with Zoom, and she's not coming. And then you are half an hour late, just so we understand I have too much respect for you to be late. They couldn't get their equipment working or something as well. Mr. President, I would love you to answer the question on your right, and why you may be in black. I have answered the question. I have been the best president for the black population since Abraham Lincoln. That's my answer. Better than President Johnson, who signed the Voting Rights Act. Can you just start off a question and answer period, especially when you're 35 minutes late, because you couldn't get your equipment to work in such a hostile manner? I think it's a disgrace. That is just beautifully respectful. And of course, she wants to call to this in the race. You've said this about black journalists and black district attorneys. Well, he's also said it about a corrupt white judge. He's said things like this about white generals, like general white rage. That's who Donald Trump is. These are some of the characteristics that God has used for his own ends. And if Trump had sat there and attempted to ingratiate himself, it wouldn't have worked. It wouldn't have changed the treatment. He still would have been attacked. They tried to make Mitt Romney, of course, into a psychotic murderer who gave a man cancer because he rebuilt a steel mill, which caused this man to get cancer somehow. I'm proud of President Trump. A lot of people get flat freaked when they're around an audience or a group of people who are of a different race. When people panic, I watched it happen to Michael Steele's great credit before he went insane. And I don't know what broke Michael's mind. I haven't talked to him in a very, very long time. Something broke the man. Michael Steele to his credit used to make the Republican National Committee leadership team go into the most densely populated black neighborhoods or populated by black people I should say, in all of Maryland. He said, you have a choice. Here's the three events. This is going to be 99% black people. You will go to one of them. I'm sweet. I want to go to all of them. They're people to be stupid and naive and generic-phrased. They're people and watching some of my colleagues and their nerves that went away. After they sat in a room and realized, wait a minute, we're pro-gun rights and law taxes and law regists. It is DC. These aren't, of course, grassroots, hardcore conservative Republicans, but they had a lot of conservative values, marriage, et cetera. To watch them relax, to realize we are of like mind on so many things and the skin color thing doesn't matter, President Trump showed in his treatment of these black journalists that skin color doesn't matter to him. Get into some Biden stuff, and then if we have time, there's a whole series of religious views and faith views I want to discuss if we have time, although time is fleeting today. It really is. I got to confess something last night. My watch told me I had very poor sleep, and when I take magnesium breakthrough, that doesn't happen to me. About two days ago, I ran out of magnesium breakthrough, and I was curious and I'm more on the way. I was curious how long before this starts to affect my sleep. It's about two days. There was some differences yesterday. I had a later day workout, and I had a, not a stimulant, but I had a cup of coffee that I wouldn't normally have around 1 p.m., that might have contributed to it. But I looked at my sleep statistics. My deep sleep was ridiculously low, it was like 30 minutes. My REM sleep was about 18 minutes, ridiculously bad sleep. I was in light sleep most of the night. The night before that was slightly better, it was rated fair sleep. But in that case, I was up a bunch of times, fair, because it was interrupted shorter than usual. Last night's aggregate sleep was about six hours. And again, part of this had to do with the later of the day workouts and thinking about some things entrepreneurially. But this is a pattern with me. I am terrible at ordering things, and I put things off. So I noticed the change, and I can go look at my watch and track this. And when I get back, and I'll get my magnesium breakthrough today, when I get that, I will get you an update on this. This offer that I'm offering you cannot last, it's impossible. They can't continue to give away products. They are a company that's designed to make money. But you can get a free bottle of magnesium breakthrough right now. Don't Google it. You can't find it. It's not on Amazon. It's not on even the bi-optimizer's website. It's only at one place, and that is In addition to helping you sleep and stay asleep, it regulates stress hormones like cortisol. Six hundred body interactions are driven by or rely upon magnesium. It even helps with regularity and digestion, and you do a lot of digesting when you sleep. That is if you eat a dinner late, like I did last night. That's another thing. I ate late. It's, the only place you can get a free bottle of magnesium breakthrough. For President Trump's clarity and calm under fire to his refusal to pander to an association of black journalists to figurehead Biden, there should be a law against having to do this, but we do have to do this just in certain your mind, President Trump saying this about Nancy Pelosi. Can you hear the figurehead? The question is about the Supreme Court's disrupting the ornamental bill that these guys have created, knowing it can't. It can't be put into effect. Knowing it requires a constitutional amendment to make changes like this. This is the so-called reforming of their Supreme Court with term limits, et cetera. Speaker Johnson said it's dead on arrival, and you hear what the figurehead said? Speaker had said that's what he is, and the journalist said, wait, that he is? He is dead on arrival. The speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives is dead on arrival. If Trump had gone on stage, asked a question about Nancy Pelosi, Mr. President, you've called Nancy Pelosi this, though she's not black, she's black at heart. What do you really think of her? She's dead on arrival. She's dead on arrival. Thank you. The cascade of hatred that would pour upon President Trump would be wave-like, MSNBC. They want to play a race game now with JD Vance. And again, it's Vance that should go next to the National Association of Black Journalists. He should go sit in front of them. He should subject himself to statements like this. Even a minor bio-check, a check of the biography of JD Vance, would tell you this is an open and desperate lie. That's there. More and more Americans choosing not to have kids, which again emphasizes why JD Vance's comments about childless Americans, childless callities could be so politically damaging. So what's interesting is this is this natalism that comes from an authoritarian playbook, right? There need to be more white children, right? That's the idea that this is about great replacement theory, racism, right? This is what this is. So don't misunderstand it for him wanting more children. He wants a certain kind of racist thing. A man who married an Indian-American woman, like the so-called vice president, is Indian-American, who has, in the nomenclature of the left, mixed-race kids, is a man who only wants white kids. If JD Vance would put himself in front of black audiences, of mixed-race audiences, and talk about that, and I mean from the heart, what it feels like for his kids to learn that their dad doesn't want them in the country? He doesn't want them to exist. There is something about the idol of politics that makes people into the lie. Happened to me, dead. I trusted pharma. Big companies were good companies. There's something about politics as idol that makes that possible. See, my side supported pharma, and yeah, there are some good applications of pharma, but I will never forget asking myself, "Wait a minute, how did I get here?" How was it that my wife understood the evils of pharma far, far, far before I did? Well, she is smarter in some ways than me. There's that, but it was because I was programmed. My side only talked about the heroic great changes, and revolutions, and life-savings in pharma. I can remember getting pharma outreach when I was a talk show host in the early days back before I did tech. I remember these guys would send me this super helpful research. Wow, there's a whole show on this. Winter-like drugs are expensive in America. It's because you have to back up three semi-trailers full of paperwork for the FDA. That was the case then. It's not the case now. I was programmed that you defend big companies because a company's job is to make money for its shareholders. That is true. It is a company's job to make money for its shareholders, and it's a human being's job to not destroy people in the process. It is a Christian person's job to treat the least of these as you would treat the Lord Jesus. It is a Christian's job as a business leader to never short someone on a paycheck to never use dishonest scales. Pharma is defined by the modern interpretation of dishonest scales. I was conned. I mean, the days of the Iraq war, man, I was so unbelievably hyped. The moment they got Saddam Hussein, I remember rushing into this little office where it set up and finding the pictures and the videos, and I went and watched the hanging. Saddam Hussein was a terrible human being. He tortured people, his sons, Houde, and what was the other guy's name? They tortured people. He was a brutal, brutal dictator. He absolutely deserved that hanging, and I bought the idea that we're going to go over there and nation build for the good of others. I bought that. A little bit of skeptical thinking about the culture of the Middle East would in fact bring you to the conclusion that, no, that culture does not want an American-style democracy right now. We'll do, but the culture overall does not. I know the figurehead this week is getting a lot of credit for the release of prisoners from Russia. Did you watch the video? There's a reason I'm tying the Middle East to this, by the way, I'm not topic switching on you. Did you watch the video of the hostage release when they came back to the United States? They kept them hostage just for a little bit longer. Imagine this. You've been held hostage in Russia. You don't know if you're going to face the death penalty. You are flown over to the United States, and you are forced to wait to come out of the airplane something like every minute. Instead of just walking down and embracing your loved ones and kissing them, you're forced to wait so that the figureheads in Kamie Harris can have a photo op with each individual as they come down and spend time with the great people who got them out. Now the Middle East, why did I bring that up? Why did I bring up Russia together? In this image from the New York Post, they're describing the release of the 9/11 mastermind as an atrocity of justice. They say he deserves a plea in hell. He'd been scheduled of the death penalty. They dropped that. Do you think that since Iran is a tight and potent ally of Russia, and Russia defends Iran's interests, and Iran defends Russia's interests, and Russia exports natural gas and works with Iran on price fixing and then weapons trading? Do you think that there's a possibility that taking the death penalty off the table for this guy was part of that bargain? I absolutely do. You probably saw the soundbite of Kamie Harris on the tarmac trying to sound smart about this, that she said that this shows the value of democracy and the value of diplomacy and the value of, and a president who's such a firm leader, and no one really buys that. Unless people have an absolute unshakable faith in the process of lying. I mean that, the process of lying. Fortunately, we can rely on the church in America to set a straight on this, but so often that's no longer the case. The enemy has, in fact, infiltrated the church. I'll give you a couple of soundbites on this. One pastor who sends a describe the far left and the far right. One of us wants the king, but not the kingdom. Another of us wants the kingdom, but not the king. Can you guess which is which? We'll get into that. We'll do it from a studio that is kept fresh and clean and smells like a thunderstorm every single day, because we use the Oxio Leaf 2 thunderstorm device that produces ozone in this studio. So it doesn't matter what's going on downstairs. For instance, we're going to have, what is it, like seven days from now. We're going to have a great big, huge concert, and a bunch of bands are coming over and it's in this huge, in this huge prairie that we're in, and this is where the studio is located. And I've told you about this massive music recruiting studio downstairs. I guarantee you, if you were up in this studio, I don't care how many hot dogs or hamburgers they're cooking, which to me smell great. You will not smell them up here like this. They're the day getting ready for this. They had a truck backed up, taking things in and out of this massive, massive building we're in. And I could not smell the exhaust in the truck. I went downstairs. Wow. There's a ton of exhaust down here. I didn't smell it at all because what the ozone does, these O3 molecules, they bond with the molecules that make bad smells coming from litter boxes or cigarettes or what have you. And it destroys them and even works with viruses. You can buy one of these devices now and get one absolutely free. All you need to do is go to It's and you'll get these beautiful devices, beautifully respectful devices like Preston and Trump. You'll buy one, get one free. It's This is a pastor named Matt Chamberlain, or pardon me, Matt Chandler, and he's talking about Republicans and Democrats and how they each want something different out of God. He's a senior pastor of Village Church based in Flower Mound, Texas and the executive director of the Acts 29 Network. Okay. On any topic, you've got these two fringes, right? You've got this far right side, this far left side. You've got them. I'm never going to give an ounce of thought to those folk. Okay. I'm not going to be able to win them no matter what I say. They're going to misinterpret. They're going to misapply. That's just permission to play in leadership now where you've got to get up and say stuff. When there's this group of men and women that deeply love Jesus and are confused at what it looks like to follow him, and I'm going to aim right at that. We literally had the governor of the state of Texas show up and then call us and be like, "Hey, we'd love to say a prayer or something." I was like, "Yeah, no." Okay. I'll pray for you, but no, we don't do that. Now, I will say that might change for me on local issues, like school board issues, things like that. It's a little bit more vocal about, but no, sir, you can get to use my pulpit for that. Yeah, here's the best thing I've heard, and I'll certainly say this this fall. One, neither side is for us. That's good. Neither side is for us. Good. And this is NT right. So, I'm stealing from NT right, Michael Bird, Jesus and the powers. You gave him credit. He's the book. He's the book. You say. No, this is the second time I've said it. Oh, okay. Third time. Third time. I'm going to say a friend of mine says. This book came out after my heart, but he said, I just thought this was brilliant. That the left wants the kingdom, but does not want the king, and the right wants the king, but does not want the kingdom. Good. Let's say it. I'm going to say it. I'm going to say it, Craig. And then I'm going to probably say it like I thought of it in the fall. I can't do that now. We're, dang it. We might edit that out. That's good. That's my experience, but like you, you, like the, you bring up, you bring up King Jesus over here. Yeah. That's a problem. Hey. But you bring up the poor. Yeah. You, you bring up immigration. Yeah. You bring up. So even now, I know, if you're a writing, you just heard me say it was like Jewish for open borders. No, I'm not. I didn't say that. Yeah. But that's the French. That's how they're going to respond to anything. There's no no ones. So I'm not, I'm not even like whatever. Sure. Okay. Yeah. My responsibility before the Lord is to be obedient to him and then care for these people in the middle. Yeah. So I'll pause that and just say this to the pastor by virtue of removal. I mean, he doesn't probably ever going to see this. Your responsibility is to understand it is to all go make disciples of all nations. I didn't hear the Lord Jesus say unless they're particularly conservative or liberal. The extension of your thoughts though, and understand that you're taking some thoughts from other people and expanding upon it, that's an interesting thing. The left wants the kingdom and not the king. What is their kingdom? They don't want the kingdom of heaven. The kingdom of heaven will not have people pretending that men are women. The kingdom of heaven will not have abortion. The kingdom of heaven will not have rent seeking, power abusing, bureaucrats making laws out of thin air, but the left doesn't want the kingdom. They want the residue of it. You know what they want? They want the emotional contact eye of it. That's what they're seeking. They're seeking the emotional contact eye. They want the contact eye of, hey, we care for the poor, right, right into dependency and right into despondency. You cared for the poor by making them more poor. Those who will not work shall not eat. You adore that part. That's not seeking the kingdom in the new heaven and the new earth. There's not going to be cities being purposely overrun by crime. That's not seeking the kingdom, that's seeking the emotional contact eye of, we care so much about people that we let them out of prison. The criticism of the right as wanting king Jesus, but not the kingdom, it's provocative. Who gives more to the church? Who gives more to charity? Which group of people are more inclined to give of their time and their treasure? It's my understanding, it's people in the right. To want the king is inseparable from wanting the kingdom and to people on the right like me. Jesus Christ is Lord of all. He loves everybody. He's not the Jesus of America. He does not want our trust in our horses and our chariots. He wants it in him. That is wanting the king to bring the kingdom and the right's not perfect, far from it. But I don't think it's fair to say that people on the right, everybody wants the king and not the kingdom. The kingdom will be this, ultimate fairness, ultimate mercy, ultimate eternity, and ultimate satisfaction, because we want to hear one day, "Well done, my good and faithful servant." That's what we hear, want to hear one day. Interesting comments from Pastor Chandler. This is the Todd Herman Show, please go be well, be strong, be kind, and please make every effort to walk in the light of Christ. [music]