"Let's See What It's All About" a TeeVee Podcast

We're Back!

We're Back! .................. again

Broadcast on:
15 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

Hello and welcome back to the podcast. I'm T 9v and today we are we are back Itches. I can't say the bad words. I'm gonna see that exactly we can what did you miss us? We choose not to but did you miss it? But we not Somebody out there missed us. Probably not. You don't think so. I'm sure some somebody out I can think of like that some say no masochist. I can think of a handful of people that were like where have these the turks been? Yeah, yeah, pretty much and I can probably name all two of them here It's yeah, oh a little little. Oh, yeah slightly over here because I think our last one came out June 19th 2020 Three and when we took a sabbatical. I hate that word sabbatical sabbatical. Anyway, guys We're not gonna talk about anything in like a specific topic today Just because we've been away for so long. So we're just gonna kind of catch up. We're rusty You're rusty. I'm crusty. Oh, maybe not. So, let's see what it's all about I'm gonna mention that right now that you asked me do you want to hear it like at the intro part I was like no because then what's gonna happen is I'm going to listen to it And I'm gonna be like ah I could do that better and I breathe too hard and they sound stupid So I'm just gonna I'm not I'm not gonna do it. You know why because no Because we're just gonna go with it. See I can hear you drinking that probably does that bother you that you're drinking? Yes, it doesn't bother me. I didn't give me a big old couple I isn't a big squirrel. And he's like You said I don't want to start coughing uncontrollably like I do every single time you do I thought you can't try my do you literally every time we have a podcast you have a coughing fit? I don't talk a lot I'm a man. I'm the most I've I talk per When we do you actually you talk a lot when it's a topic you want to talk about I just talk a lot in general. Yes So yeah, you can even say you don't know Yeah, but there's rarely topics that I talk about extensively unless it's like Marvel Star Wars wrestling Anything about the epic universe and that's coming up in a universal studios area cheap Yeah, that's cool. I'll be right there. Hold on. Let me get my stuff, but we are still in our apartment Like yeah, we're still in our apartment. That means that you know Things haven't changed drastically. The one thing that has changed is my my purpose purpose That's the hard one. Whatever you're trying to say It's the fact that I want it to sound like we're in an actual studio now So we're not in a closet like we tried a few months before The one the best one was when we were under in our kids bunk beds Covered in blankets. Yeah, I he was bringing out a blanket and I was like oh my god You're gonna ask me to like put that over my head because this is gonna be a very short podcast That's not gonna work. This is gonna be a 10-minute podcast. I'm gonna get hot because it but the thing is it bothers me and you can Message us in our social media is cheap plug TV media on Instagram if We sound like echoey or anything like that. I'm trying my best Yeah, but this is the thing. I think the people that no one listened to us I think they know where we're at and They're not hyper critical like we're all hyper critical about certain things. I get that I get that I truly truly get that I just it's just me. No, I know and but when it comes to a Normal person a non-narcissistic person No, I'm saying if you have a person that's narcissistic, they're not gonna find any fault in theirself They're gonna think they're perfect all the time But because you're not coming from a non-narcissistic person you're gonna try to Knit pick at things about yourself that or about like things that could be better. Okay But it's like you we also have to work with what we have borderline perfectionist. I guess I Well, and you're I think we both have it like yours is anything tech any any technical things like anything Whether it's like when we did our YouTube cheap plug in Which we actually believe it or not. Sorry, I'm like going all over the place because I haven't talked to people. It's a home But when we had our we still have our YouTube channel up and we were doing our reviews and things like that If you guys won't ever go on and watch them reactions, excuse me When we were doing them Again, you're very like have to be in a certain spot in the lighting and all and anything techy like in that sense when we're creating You're very technical of I'm very passionate. Yeah, see I'm like that but not in that area. I'm more like, okay It's not right now. We can't do that because you know, we have to because honestly this equipment It's not cheap equipment. No, it's and if you saw our setup right now Which I'll take a picture of yeah, I'm actually yes, I actually will okay take a picture of this without me in it Cuz I don't have any makeup on. I'm not that cute right now Take a picture. We'll take a picture of our setup And show you like kind of like what we're working with. Yes, that is a pink and purple and white scrunchie of our daughters that you will see and I'll take a better one with it. It's it's it's it's a little cray. So it's a muppet like It's not one of those things that we're gonna be like oh You know, this is our this is our high-tech equipment right now Yeah, it's literally held on by a purple silver and pink scrunchie and I know people will say like which actually works surprisingly well I know right I put that together. I was in charge of them getting the mic to stay on the stand And I did a hell of a I have velcro strips velcro strips, but I don't know where they are actually I don't think the I think this holds it better. Yeah, cuz the velcro kept on coming apart. I don't know whatever guys listen We have what we have and eventually we're gonna get like okay We're gonna start with the microphones like it will get one better microphone and then we'll get another matter for my phone and then we'll get and if you guys honestly and In the past have been hesitant to say something like this, but you know what good if you guys want a donate hey listen If you like us and you want to help us out reach out to us Well, our cash app is on our page, so You're telling me about laughing anyways guys so enough about that, but but yeah, so he was When I said hey I've been thinking about the podcast for a while I've been thinking about it probably for a couple couple weeks now And I was always like maybe we should start it again But I don't know because it does get hard and it's not so much for me. It's not the equipment. I don't care about that It's the the topics Because we are not a podcast that wants to do like we don't want to do anything political We don't want to sound repetitive. We don't want to sound repetitive. We don't want to do Any kind of downing stuff like anything that would like we want to lift people up We want you to listen to us because you had a hard day and we just make you laugh because we're stupid Well the original original name of the podcast was encouragement. Yes encouragement. Yes. Yes So we always have been on the pushing of Positivity and encouragement and all that and if we make you chuckle one time in this 45 minute podcast You've done our job, but we also want you to talk back to us That's a big thing like I obviously we're not there with you But we're hoping you're talking to us in the pod because we want to sound like we're like right there with you Whether you're in your car or you're out for a walk or you're at work or at home Wherever you are, we want you to feel like man, you know, yeah, I'm they're asking those questions And I'm asking the same thing kind of deal. Yeah So when when I brought it to your attention to say like hey, let's let's do this again Drenched over me. Yeah, but now we have an almost 18 year old daughter that just graduated high school I'm happy. I'm happy. I really am but I was saying like We have a little score down to we do we have them one going in the middle school one just got out of high school and I was I was telling you I was like teach her teach her She's really both of our kids are our very advanced in that area where it comes to like computer and technology and all that stuff So it's like the generation is oh, but yeah majority of it is and I'm like use them if you don't feel like Editing which I think is the the hardest part of everything is the editing I enjoy editing. I really do mainly video in all honesty And this is not a easy not a hard gig to edit. It's just like you record And then you have to full because you're done once we record. She's done. I mean I am the talent She's the talent. Yes. So I have to go and edit it and tweak it if the audio is a little bit off and little things here and there that Extend from a 45-minute process for her into a almost two-hour Maybe two and a half hour process for me We'll see that was something that you decided to take on because we're doing you originally so you guys know the backstory when we Originally started the podcast. I told him I'll do the editing because it was I was gonna do it on the app of my phone Use the microphone on my phone everything. I wasn't gonna do Anything that you're seeing now like what we posted with the microphone. I was gonna do it with my hand on the phone Talking into my phone and it told him just to join me and he's like I don't That's where the the issue with my my I guess creative perfectionist. Yes creative perfectionism comes into play where I can't be a part of Something and be in it and not Make it the best that I know how Which I would end that and that's fine, you know, and I get it but I told but I've always been there with everything But it's fine, but I told you I was like, well, if you're gonna do it, then you gotta do it and that's it So here we are Yeah, so we've said all that. I think that was a really long nothing, but um, so basically what have we been doing? Um, nothing Absa freaking literally nothing Working working. Yeah, um Funny because when we last talked for me personally, um, I had just left my school job and I was very Oh, yeah, yeah, I had just left my school job in march of 2023 and I didn't leave the school system By the way, I still is still work there. Hold up. Did you do like homework because I didn't You listen to the last part of that? No, we haven't listened anything. We're just starting this from new. I don't I don't know I don't know what we talked about I just remember that though. I just remember because my life. Um Um, I remember the event, but I don't remember us talking about it I don't know if we talked about it in depth. No, we did because everyone you said it. I remembered Oh, okay. So I mean because our last podcast was June 19 2023 Um, that's the last podcast that we put out and then I just didn't have anything to talk about and I was also in a place where I was just like I wasn't sure I made the right decision with my job. I in even though my boss You're new one. Well, no, no, I have that's another story. Um, my boss that I You're former. No one Jesus. I moved around a lot of gray. No, I actually didn't move at all. Um, but my My the the boss that I have the female boss that I had. Um, and I still have She's phenomenal. She continues to be phenomenal. Um, I don't I while I thought I regret it my My position and my selection for the position. Um, it turned around that you know what it was It was the right thing for me to do. Absolutely And um, not say I don't miss a school not say I'll never go back to a school because I can't say that I'm I'm still young I'm only 40. Mm-hmm. I'll be 41 in august and still and if this podcast get I mean if this goes off I'll still work there We won't have anything to talk about I'll still work there. No, um, but actually, you know, I think about it. I was like dang if our podcast really takes off I would probably Still work just like people ask me if you hit the lottery was still york. This short answer is Yeah, I probably would you I know you tell me like oh, but we should open our own thing Do not much more work that is actually it's more work to start your own business because now or not only are you in charge You have to do everything to start it off. Okay, so my theory is I'll go back into a school Get a nine month position because I really only will need to work the same amount of time as a kid So I'm not bored and then I'll have my summers off. I'll have my spring breaks off. I have my winter breaks off Why the hell not and if somebody pisses me off? It's like later loser and out, but anyways, I digress again So basically, um, yeah, so I thought that was the wrong choice. It turned out to be a good choice um and then uh recently very very very very recently probably Last week really last monday. Um, I was asked to interview for um a little bit of a higher job Still doing this basically the same thing but just a title up and it's for um an assistant superintendent um And assisting him. I'm still working with my other boss She was the one that really pushed me though. She's like listen, you can do this. I want you to do it I think it'll be great for everybody at that location That was around you really that knew about your opportunity encouraged you Yeah, and they were and they because they know I'm like I said, I'm still young. I'm I'm 40. I still got 25 More years or or maybe 30 depending on when I can actually retire I still have a long long time ahead of me and I if I have an opportunity and somebody looks at me and says hey I think she can do it like I'm gonna do it. So I literally found out I was actually formally offered it Last monday. Um, and I took it and it was hard It was a very hard decision for me because it meant I wasn't going to work directly with The the boss that hired me on in the first place to my department um Then I had crying fits and everything because I didn't want to leave her because she's been so good to me Um, but then she you know made me realize you're not really leaving me. You're still gonna see me You're still in the same department. It's just a better opportunity for you And ultimately when when everything was laid out, I had to just go for it. Yeah You didn't really I want to see you didn't have a choice But it was such a good opportunity and not even financially honestly. Yeah, um, it was more of a I I always saw it as the the first location that you were that you moved to And she was great and the people around you were great But it was to showcase what you can do on a higher level And now the position that you're at now I knew that you were going to shine in that former position So much so that it would make you undeniable for an Another position up Um, and it ended up being that it's the best of both worlds where You yes, you got moved up a little bit to a higher position under a superintendent But um, assistant superintendent, sorry But you also get to still be a part of that team that you grew to really love And um, it didn't tear you apart completely from them. Yeah, and one of um One of the big things because you know, I get along well because we all we're all assigned like payroll clerks and HR clerks and risk and benefits clerks And um, I told them and they're like You're still you're still doing the payroll stuff, right? And I'm like, I'm like, yeah, I'm still doing it and they're like, oh god, thank thank god because I I was just like She because you know, they tell me that they have some horror stories with some of the other people at the other locations and um How rough it is But I actually enjoyed doing that stuff believe it or not like people think I'm nuts because they're like, why do you like doing that? I like paperwork. I like processing things. I I am and but I'm good at it. So it's like Like somebody that likes that stuff. Somebody. Yeah, somebody out there has to enjoy it. One of us has to Um, we'll go do it. Thank god for that for all the stuff that we got to do at home. Yeah, there you go but Yeah, so that's about it. Um, what have you been up to? I've been up to I've From previously on tv podcast. I was working as an IT tech. I still am working as an IT tech I think more efficiently. Oh, yeah, I think I think I've learned so much since the year that that we talked last um, but uh, I I feel like I'm on the right track for the first time in a long time at a position and um I I'm already getting opportunities to see if I can grow yet. Uh, but not quite there yet, but I I think it it might be fairly soon, you know, I think so. Uh, yeah, I really I really do think so. Um, I have uh, uh immediate management and upper management that are really good. They're really good. They they look out for us and um, They answer any questions without hesitation. They'll pass by without hesitation and um, I Enjoy thoroughly working with them. Um, um Now the school actual location Um, for the most part it's it there's people there that I adore, you know, they're great But there's always, you know, a couple of uh knuckleheads as they call it I will not name names. I can name them. No No, I will not name names. Oh a lot but uh, it's There's some that let a lot that left unfortunately to uh, hopefully knock on wood for them greener pastures But they will be really missed for sure. I think there's probably more people than you think to that are left or are leaving Um, that might not have come to light yet. Um, unfortunately, but it does happen like when, you know, like we said We both work in the school system. So when you work in the school system You realize like Changes are inevitable and they're going to happen especially during the summer. A lot happens during the summer A lot of movement a lot of rearranging and all that good stuff and um, you know, and Sometimes sometimes it's great. Um, sometimes it's necessary and sometimes it's like, what the hell did you do that for? But um It is what it is, you know, definitely is what it is. Um, as far as um, so that's that work So that's basically work in a nutshell for sure. Um, we still both love our jobs. Um, you got good days and your bad days I think overall my My good days far exceed my bad because obviously I I wouldn't be at my job. I had probably found something Um, way long ago And I did technically get an assistant, which is fantastic, which I love your assistant. I hope he listens to his podcast I love him so much. He's the best. He's the best. But he's fun because every time I see him He like lights up Like he's my best friend and I haven't seen him in years and I love him to death Him and his his little girlfriend. That's just so freaking cute too. I And then they're the coolest. I I absolutely adore him. I think um, he was a great pick. Yeah, he's a freaking rock star Yes, he's so the thing is he's so humble about it and so matter of fact about it and he does things that Uh, I need to be done. Yeah, for me because I'm I'm a scatter brain He he takes care of he takes care of the little things that I overlook and I just Completely like I'm I got tunnel vision and I'm looking at other things and I'm bombarded from 18 different locations But he's he does exactly what I need him to do and no questions asked. He's always asking He's always always asking questions on how he can do more Um, yeah, he's he's freaking awesome. Yeah, that's he sounds like the male version of me now that I'm thinking about it The way you're describing it like a better term. Yeah, um, yeah, but you always need somebody like when you have whatever you have an assistant You need them to be looking on the outside. Um, because a lot of times like for the bosses that I've worked for They are focused on one thing like um, the the female boss that I work for she's very She's the best like she is the easiest person to be a Assistant to she is the easiest easiest person But I but then she'll be doing so she makes world and she'll start to be like Focus woman focus, you know, and it's like she's like, oh, sorry. Yeah. Yeah, that's right. That's right And I and then she'll she'll start doing something and then she'll go. Oh, but what about no? No Focus I need you Look at this like hurting kitties. Like I yeah, it like flocks of sheep kind of thing Get back in line Um, but she knows it and she'll tell you she's like that's why I need somebody to like, you know like hello, you know, so Um, so works that's works mid work. So it worked great and um, um, um, onto other news and other news, you know, um Our daughter has graduated high school like you said before Um, very very exciting times. Um, but we're all learning now Especially when it's your first kid. Yeah, you don't know what to do. You don't know what to do You have no clue like from the beginning like when she was born and all that it's all learning the process And like call them start dating and all this crap because she started doing that Well, we haven't been talking on the podcast. Yeah, that's all happens. She's a boyfriend great great kid younger than her She's a cougar. Um, you go going cocoa. Um No, but she good kid Really good. Honestly, and I know you'll never because that's that's his baby girl. He's got two baby girls And um I know you'll never ever say this because you know your dad and my dad still hates you by the way Um, he doesn't he doesn't, you know, but um I have to say he's a good kid. He's he's a good kid. He It seems like he treats her right. He is still in high school So he's like he's younger. So but our daughter is also a younger graduate because her birthday is in august Um, so she graduated at 17. She turns 18 next month. Um, so Yeah, but it's but I tell her, you know, like when you when you have your first kid It really does feel like you're growing up with them. Yeah, um, I was I was 23 when I had her you were 26 Um So though I don't feel like we were older, but I don't feel like we were the youngest We could be like we weren't we were younger parents, but we weren't like we weren't first out of high school or in high school Yeah, we were already You know, able to drink At least we were already legal. Um, but still I always think that first kid since It is your first kid. You're learning and people can give you advice up the wazoo and say do this don't do this do that Don't do that. Listen, you're gonna do what's best for you and your family and whatever works What works for me may not work for you and vice versa. Um, so we're learned. We are still learning with her It's not it's yeah, it's there's so many different layers on raising a kid that People come across and I'm sure everybody in general might have come across at one at one time But we don't know everybody you know So they'll they'll give certain certain people give great advice, but we'll never come across a situation like that but also it depends on your kid too because um Like I said what worked for like being very strict on one type of kid might might work for that And even like the two kids in our house right now. Yeah What worked for one may not work for the other similar as they are because they're very similar in a lot of aspects But they are a lot of a lot of aspects are different Yeah, and that's okay because you know what wouldn't have it any other way down to the hair Yeah, but I told you that was gonna happen in the ability to tan I know or like the right I called that though from birth I said The older one would be super pale and really curly hair And the younger one would be super dark or as able to tan really well And super straight hair and guess what we got. Yeah, exactly that Um, one is pasty white which is starting to get a little bit of a tan on It's just takes her a little bit longer to hold on to it with the other one she goes outside for a second She's looks like she's like sun kissed and ready to go. Um But yeah, so what we're learning with the older one We're trying to figure out life. Um because she's she's gonna go into technical school come the fall Um, so I don't I don't feel like life's gonna change too much in that front for at least not right away Not the first year because it's still gonna feel like she's in school because the hours for the school It's monday through friday. It's seven to three. Um, so she's gonna have that structure Um, my next big thing for her. Our next big thing for her would be driving Um, the driving is so scary to me Driving gives me driving. I've been driving for I don't even know how long and I have Major exciting especially these days with the the way people drive or don't don't know how to drive Um, oh, it's unbearable sometimes. I understand why celebrities and then you get an algorithm with me because I go I oh my god. I hate that I hate that ish. Um Because like like I'm pulling on okay. Tell me if this bothers you guys. I get anxiety I know I get it and that's why I try not to snap but you have to understand when I'm in the driver's seat I'm backing out. I can see the car behind me, but he'll go And I'm like bra. Yeah, are you trying to get me in an accident? And the thing is I'm not doing it because I don't trust her It's because I don't trust the jerks that are driving around us and I get it and I definitely get it But when you're the person that's actually driving the motor vehicle Yeah And I have the ability to like if you alarm me and my foot's on maybe I don't know what to do My foot could go easily go on the gas and and and charge forward by accident because I get nervous um But I get more high on us get more anxiety when somebody when I'm in the passenger seat and somebody else is driving Yeah, um, we're both screwed. Yeah Just don't come in just give me a sedative Um, we're all good. Um, but yeah, it's not but I was all we've been telling Our daughters since they were little like it's it's it's um A game of defense. Yeah, so you how he's have to Follow like two cars in front of you. My dad always told me that when he taught me when he was When I was little and I would drive with him. He's like you always got to look two cars ahead to see what's going on you know, obviously look around what's going on but Keep focus on two cars ahead. Obviously the one in front of you too, but just you can see out a little bit. Yeah Um, so that's something we're gonna have to do and she's gonna have to start driving soon. Yep, and um She's gonna be traveling. Um out of state first for the first time ever without us and um, it's with a youth group. So Um, I didn't know if she wanted to go but she decided if we asked her really do you want to go and she really showed interest And she really wanted to go and I was like, all right. Well, I it's we're at a point where it's like, yeah, can I stop her? Yeah, but why yeah, you know, I don't do I want no I want to go and crawl in her backpack with her and her take me with She asked me today. Can she shrink me down so she can so I can go with her. I go hell. Yeah And just carry me in your pocket everywhere. Um, in a perfect world that would happen Exactly what would happen. Yeah, you can see what have um bubble wrap on the router. So nothing would happen to her She had that little girl had bubble wrap around her since she birthed the second one was more like Yeah, just do it. Just do it. Just do it. Whatever. Um Um But um, this the the little one that we have now is not so little. Yeah, she is going into middle school Which Other challenges and I love middle school age kids. I love them I I love that age for whatever reason people think i'm psycho for saying that but that is such a Ah, that's such a big age. It's a very important. It's very important. It's time frame Yeah, and um, I don't like to tell her this Um, she's nervous already. So I am nervous as well. Um, because with our first daughter We both actually worked we we worked at a charter school Um in our other city that we were on and um, we worked at a k charter school and we were there And I'm not that kind I'm not the type of mom that's a helicopter mom Um, I'll let them kind of go do their things, but I like people to know i'm there Yeah, you might not be a helicopter mom, but you're an airport mom Yeah, whatever i'll be there. I'll be there with the little things which are directing and everything. What are those things called? Little highlighter things that it delivers. Yeah, see, but that's the thing when when when she when the oldest one was in middle school We were both there and we were both like I was an aftercare manager. You worked upstairs. Um as one of the assistants and um I I was there for I told you I go if you need me you know where my office is downstairs I would never like be creeping around the corner watching her with friend. I wouldn't do that I'd be like you do your thing if you need me you can come and get me and there was one day I remember oh Oh my god There was one day where um Something happened. I don't even know if I mentioned this on the other podcast. I don't feel like I ever did And we may have but I may have but I'm gonna tell you the story again. So Close cozy up because you haven't heard for me in a while. Um previously There was one day where something happened um And she comes and and my door was a normal door But it had like a little slit so you can see outside my and my door did the it had a door closed or so it automatically closed behind everybody So she was knocking on my door And I look in the little window thing and I see her eyes just full of tears And something had happened on the school level where they told her Um that she plagiarized something mind you these kids are in freaking middle school Middle school and what she she didn't plagiarize. She cited improperly mind you again these kids are in middle school That's a college level thing. Yeah, like you didn't you haven't even taught them how to cite properly But you're gonna catch them on that. So they were trying to suspend her mind you our daughter Never even got a detention. Not a bad letter home Nothing. Yeah, nothing. I'm not saying she's perfect, but I'm saying And the thing is is it wasn't just her. Yeah, it was a group of them. It was a group of students that were Excellent, not not just good students excellent students behavior wise. Yeah, and it was it was ridiculous. It was Um a bunch of parents raised all hell But i'm telling you when I saw my daughter like that and for something that was so stupid I went up the elevator And my my daughter got terrified of me because something happens to me when I get mad like I have to get I have to get super mad for it to happen I have green eyes for those of you that don't know me out there. Yeah, my eyes get Fluorescent almost yes And it's like if you've ever seen the 70s incredible whole tv show when his sister is transforming And i'm not exaggerating and it gets like yeah, they get I don't know why it happens. It's almost like my mood ring My eyes get like fluorescent yell like almost yellow green. Yeah, and like I'm about to lose my shit. Sorry for the bad word guys But when you mess with my kids like you can mess with me all day long. I'll take it I don't care You screw with people that I love you are so screwed like I'm gonna go after you for real. So I get off the elevator. I swear a fireball came after me. I I I won't Stuff happened. We'll say that. Okay. It's stuff happened. Nobody. Nobody died. Nobody died or got hurt during this Particularly nobody was hurt permanently, but I was I was pissed So with that said why I said that story was our little one going in the middle school I'm not there. You're not there. Yeah, and and mind you we are actually zoned for the school you work for yep But her friends and normally I wouldn't go by this normally I wouldn't be like oh your friends but the thing is she has a really good group of friends and parents and parents and I really like them and That's important in middle school. Yeah to have a good strong friend group And I really feel that if we went for our zone school Outside of what she wanted went for the zone school I know she would have made friends, but then I start thinking would they have been the right friends And just because you work there doesn't mean that she won't fall into that correct, you know Sometimes the staff kids are worse than the kids the other kids so So yeah, so but like we said earlier We would wrap a bubble wrap around the older one but the other one we would Yeah, we're a little bit more and we're we're being consistent with that at least Yeah Because like we said earlier earlier on the podcast It's different for every every kind. Mm-hmm. You know, you can't do the same thing that you did with the previous some of aspects you can but for the most part it's You're raising two completely different kids and and As parents, I know I'm sure parents that are listening can truly truly understand what I'm saying about that is that Kid a is completely different than kid b correct so And I just I but I had to have that thing where I'm like, oh my god Maybe I should quit and be there and find a way to be at the school But I'm like, you know, I I don't want to do that like because I know that she needs to have her time and all that stuff Yeah, especially the little one because she's Been around us and she's around us all the time It's it's she's never been without any one of the three of us her sister included Um, so it's an aspect where she has to grow on her own a little bit more than the older one because simply because of the fact that The older one had to venture out technically she had to venture off on her own herself Um, but we were that's what but we were a bit closer Um, so she needs a lot. I think she needs this will be good for her the only thing the only thing And you've already opened my eyes to it might I might be seeing it wrong because i'm dad. Uh-huh is her um The only way to describe it is like defensivelessness like she doesn't know how to How to speak up for herself at least that's what I see but I With the way you describe it. I'm probably completely off She's she's a little bit of the both of our girls are a little bit of both of us But in different aspects like the older one is more like she's got what we were talking about the other day We were cleaning out closets and and he has this wonderful ability to play tetris with pretty much anything For d tetris and he could fit anything in anywhere And so can for all my dr. Mario peeps out there, you know what i'm talking about Before so you do that for like things like closet spaces and stuff like that Now our older one can has the ability to do the same thing But she pulls in what I like which is the organization part making sure okay, we can do that But like all the ribbon has to be in one box and all the all all the markers have to be like i'm just picking that stuff Um, but everything has to be together and in like boxes You care about how it looks aesthetic aesthetic care about aesthetic. I care about functionality and the older one has Both yeah, which is a personality and and aesthetics and then you know the The younger one as far as the personality is concerned I've noticed that she has your like carefreeness and like kind of always joking and and Bali gagging and stuff very inappropriate times where it's like, okay. We're not talking about it right now I need you to focus, but she also has the ability she has my attitude and snassiness But she also has the ability to stick up for people and see like a situation that's happening And you don't think she'll do anything about it, but she is there for those those kids that need it um She's just a little more shy about she's shy about she just does it kind of deal. Yeah Um But yeah, because she has she has her set certain set of friends That one group hangs out together for the most part and she's a part of that group But she also has a singular friend that is very close to her and they hang out quite a bit But she's on the uh not a part of that other group, which is fine Um, but she has a heart for both that's which is great and people are always contacting me about her They always want to like oh, I wanted to invite her to this part of yours to do this I'm like, well, she's always the thing is she's always been we'd name the kid perfectly. Yeah She's always been like that even when she was in kindergarten Um the only year that she her and her sister went to the same school Um she was in kindergarten. They would say oh that you're oh, you're so-and-so sister Referencing the older one. Yeah, like oh, oh, yeah She's like my name is the my name is the uh the younger one. Your name is the older one. Oh, Tommy Oh, V. You're talking sister. Yeah. No, no, I've been here the older one. I've been here longer What are you talking about? Um, it's always been that situation and I think it's hilarious And then she didn't they both think it's hilarious now because it is hilarious Um, but yeah, so it's it's hard all around, but I know she's gonna do fine. I really do um I I guess working in the schools. We kind of know what's there and we're like Um, especially middle school is middle school's rough, especially for these kids. It's it's a rough time It's it's it's like I said earlier. It's a very important time Because they really really develop where they're going to go. Yeah, they develop the habits that they're going to be Learning wise or develop the habits that they they are going to be uh, socially wise. Mm-hmm. Yeah, that's correct way to say it. Uh, social, you know what I've heard It's it's our podcast. We can do it. We want to. Um, um, uh, but yeah It all those things happen in those and they're just three years That's the thing. It's just it's the smallest out of all three groups. Mm-hmm. It's just three years that really uh, propel a student which way they're going to go because I remember in my middle school, I Developed a lot of bad habits of not studying and not really wanting to be at school and I regret that till this day Um, but uh, and I know a lot of people that really did the opposite and Excel, you know, of course So, I mean we can we do we do the best we can a little baba. We'll be okay. She'll be okay Um, we're not quite empty nesters yet. Um, and I don't plan on kicking out my kids anytime soon So actually I told the older No, I told I and I told the older's one. I've told her and I know you've told her stay with us as far as long as you possibly can Because long I say so expensive out there Yeah And if you can and save up and do stuff that we didn't and couldn't do we want you to do them So, um, I always have this thing where she'll turn 18 by a lot of ticket and she'll hit million mega million something I'm like, holy crap. I've been trying to do that for years. You you just turn 18 by one ticket I swear to god. It's gonna happen. I don't I don't know that for sure, but I have this feeling I'm like, oh my god. She's gonna hit the lottery as soon as she gets out. It's crazy anyways. Um, so, um, what else? Well, we were talking about earlier today about her, um, Uh, by purchasing a vehicle and paying that thing off and just paying that in insurance That's the only goal that you have and if you get a job after after, um, uh, while you're in school You cover all that That stuff and then you'll you got a nice little head start on any of everybody else stay Stay the course and do what you got to do and then Um, the other piece of news that we haven't got to talk about was we got another puppy Which I'm surprised he's not barking already able or if he is and we can't hear him because we have headphones on We're sorry Also, if you hear basically any background noise, whether it's a dog barking or people talking Do realize we live in in the apartment complex and this mic is probably picking up pretty much anything Yeah, and I really need to spend nails on that wall so we could put a carpet or something like that While we're when we're recording good lord. Yes. I mean you can hang that car with that thing right there Yeah, that's the easiest thing the audio doesn't bounce off of the wall. That's what we're sorry Anyways, we got a dog. We have two dogs now. Um, we have pip who's been around for Not eight years now. Oh my little old lady. She's old and then we got Percy his name is Perseus Perseus He is a giant pain in the ass. Um, I love him to death. He's an idiot, but we love him And he's he's he's a smart dog. He's a smartest idiot that I've ever had. Yeah. Um, the thing with him is he is still very much a puppy I feel like we've had him forever. Yeah, but the problem is is that we got him when he was we got him for free Um people ended up we thought he was supposed to be weaned off his mom and that takes about they told me like 12 weeks We got him at six or eight weeks old Um his nose was his his nose was still pink his eyes were open, but they look barely open Um, so we got him way too early. We had to bottle feed him and spoon feed him for a little bit Um, so the vet has told us that because of that he will be super Super spoiled and that holds true. Um, he It's funny because he doesn't like he likes to give kisses, but on his terms. It sounds like me Um, he likes to be cuddled and kissed, but on his terms, i.e. me s Um, and he he looks just they told me chihuahua poodle. He does not look like a chihuahua poodle He looks exactly like a jack Russell terrier Um, which jack Russell's if you know anything about them. They're super smart, but they are hyper as all hell Um, and they're mischievous. They're mischievous. Yes. Um, and he is all of those Um, he's smart. He's very smart. Like there he brings me his problem solving smart Well, he will literally like i'll be sitting on the couch and he'll be thirsty He will literally pick up the water bowl. Yeah, come over to me and drop it in my life like Um, hello. Yeah, and i go get him water because he asked me for it But it's very nice because he'll come up to drop it in your lap and sit But the thing is it's two different versions. I don't know if you noticed Um, there's one version where he brings you his bowl. Uh-huh and there's a version that he brings you pips bowl Pips thirsty too. Yeah, so he's he's looking out for her too Yeah, they look out for each other when because whenever Percy gets in trouble Pips like oh shit She'll just come and just stare at us She kind of comes on his behalf like he didn't mean to he's dumb He's a puppy, but he's we feel like we've had him forever. He is only eight months old He's big. Yeah, he's not huge. No, he's a medium-sized dog No smaller to medium-sized dog, but he's way bigger than bib Yeah, he's bigger than pip, which we didn't notice right away But now you can you can see the significant difference in them, but he's still he's like a Jack Russell terrier size So like that small medium breed post a picture. Um, he's super cute But he does get into everything. He really really does Um, like I said, we've only had him for it's been eight months. It feels like 18 years We're raising a dog here But yeah, he but he I think is he he'll love you and love you and love you but then start barking at a Nat that goes by the window and won't stop And won't stop. Yeah, and won't stop And we left him, but uh, oh my god. Yeah, that's that's one of the things that happened And for those of you wondering we named him after uh, our eldest Beek thought of the name because at the time when we got him we were watching, um, Percy Jackson Um, so yeah, so he's fully his full name is Perseus Perseus Uh, is it alawicious or is it jennison? I think we didn't know we did Perseus alawicious Cabrara the third Pippus pipply shallowicious cabrara the third because they're even though it doesn't matter It doesn't matter because the third anything you had the third to it's automatic distinction It's like automatically pinkies go up Bam male female whatever um, all right, so guys This this time this podcast was pretty much just us talking. Um, just about everything that happened. Oh, I promise we'll plan for more Like just What was it? Yeah, more topic-focused conversations. We'll do that If you want something that would want us to talk about something Put it in the comments on the uh, the announcement for this or the trailer for this uh, for this uh podcast We're gonna put it out. Um, we're gonna hit us in the dms and the kids still see that It's just supposed to be slide into the dms whatever Anyways, I don't even think I have right us a letter. I don't care I don't even think I have tv show on my instagram anymore. I did get a new phone. Oh, oh fancy I'm an apple user guys. I know unfortunately she's got dark side. So is our daughter. So we're all apple except for him now Um, but anyway, so I will have our daughter I don't think I have on here either I know what it is though. Um, if you want to follow us on on social media Um, hit us up at That's t-e-e dot s-h-o-w 'cause you got this little show Um, but yeah, so follow us on there. Um, we also have a tick-tock that we actually we do have it Hold on. I'm gonna look at over the tiktokies Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. We you can go to our youtube channel and see all of our um Old reactions, which is at tv show no dots just t-e-e-v So link in the um, yeah, we have the link in the bio for everything Sorry guys. We're so rusty about this But i'm also trying to find my tiktok. Hold on. It's fun. Bob's talking. Hold on a second. Hold on Damn, it's Bob shut up Uh, okay. Yeah, so the tiktok is at tv show to t-e-v-e s-h-o-w No dot Oh, no T-e-e dot v-e-e dot s-h-o-w So tiktok and instagram are the same. Um, youtube is tv show with no dots I hope you got that all because i'm not going to say it again. Um, just go with it If you want to find us go find us link in the bio. Yeah, okay, click the freaking link in the bio I don't know what to tell you. Um, hope you'll enjoyed our podcast Um, I hope you stay listening for a little bit And if you have any topic ideas, please give them to us because if not, we're just going to talk about what the hell we want to Um, you're welcome Um, because we will run out very quickly We will, but i'm just i'm at a point where i'm just going to have a podcast been bah bah bah I'll be right up in here Um, but that's what we're going to do. So we're going to figure it out, but anyways guys so, um Like share subscribe do all the things Um, comment on the post. Um, hopefully you enjoyed having us back in your ears or car All up in the ears It sounds a little dirty All right guys, so anyways, it was a pleasure speaking with y'all today and um, like we always say We hope you have a great day and do Great things (dramatic music) [BLANK_AUDIO]