The Grief Mentor | Life After Child Loss, Hope and Healing For Grieving Moms, Bereavement, Christian Grief Support

Living In Overwhelm? Learn How To Over Come In One Step.

Broadcast on:
06 Aug 2024
Audio Format:

Were you able to join us for the Live Grief Masterclass yesterday?  Well, if not, no worries, because I'm sharing a clip with you from the Live. I covered three components that must be understood and managed well in order to survive the death of your child.  

And friend, my heart is for you to not only survive the death of your child, but learn to live with hope and purpose.

 Point number two was Gain Tools For The Journey. In this point, I teach how to remove the overwhelm that's keeping you in a state of turmoil and defeat. 

In this 10 min clip from the Live Grief Masterclass you will learn the one step you need to experience peace in your life after the death of your child.

Want to listen to The Live Grief Masterclass in its entirety? Email me at

Want to join us in The Grief Roadmap? Go Here: GRIEFROADMAP100(offer ends August 10th, 2024 @12MN EST)-At the time of this recording there are 4 spots left. This is an opportunity that will change your life, all you have to do is say Yes!

I can't wait to see what God will do with your Yes!

Were you able to join us for the live grief master class yesterday? Well, if not, no worries because I'm sharing a clip with you from the live. I covered three components that must be understood and managed well in order to survive the death of your child and friend. My heart is for you to not only survive the death of your child, but learn to live with hope and purpose. Point number two was gain tools for the journey. In this point, I teach how to remove the overwhelm that's keeping you in a state of turmoil and defeat. Stick with me because you need to hear this. Are you lost in the chaos of grief, struggling to find your way in the darkness? Are you asking yourself, will I ever be able to enjoy life again? Are you wondering where God is right now? Welcome to the grief mentor show. This podcast is a safe place for you. It will shine a light into the shadows, helping you discover that joy and pain can coexist, that you still have purpose, and there is a path to peace. Hello, friend, I'm Teresa Davis. I too was lost in the chaos of grief the day my son died. Just like you, I longed for peace in this unfamiliar world. I longed for the way crushing my chest to be lifted so I could breathe. I clung tightly to the anger and it was there that I discovered the tools I needed to navigate life after loss. And I'm ready to help you do the same. If you're ready, I'm holding my hand out to your friend. Let me show you the way one step at a time. The grief road map is officially launched into existence. It's been a journey, friend. It's taken me about a year to finalize all the steps and details that goes into making something like this a tool that will make a difference in your life. It's a 12 week small group experience where we cover the steps that you need to manage your grief while learning what it takes to live with hope and purpose after the death of your child. At the time of this recording, which is a few hours after the live class, Monday night, there are four spots still available. If you want to know more about what is inside the walls of the grief road map, listen to the clip that I'm sharing with you today. And if you feel the Holy Spirit leading you to take one of those four spots that's left, then go to the show notes and take advantage of the $100 savings. This is a special discount that is effective right now until August 10th at midnight. If this is you, friend, I can't wait to see what God will do with your yes. If you've been to my website or tried to sign up for any of the free resources that I offer in the last week or so, you have been greeted with a screen that says coming soon. My website is going through an upgrade and it's taken a little bit longer than expected. So I apologize for any inconvenience. This may have caused you. I do expect it, however, to go live any day now. If you are interested in watching the replay of the live grief masterclass and you were not registered before the class, simply send a request to me at to become a grief mentor insider. And I will manually send you the replay. I'm sharing about a 10 minute clip with you today, but the whole class was about 60 minutes. Now, before I get into the teaching, I want to announce the winners of the door prizes from today's events. The winner of the $15 Starbucks coffee card was Adela rule. Thank you, Adela, for your participation in the chat during the presentation today. You should have already received that in your email. If not, please let me know. The second winner today was Jennifer Martin. She had left a review on the podcast is how she was entered to win. And by the way, there were several of you that left reviews and I want to personally thank every one of you. Jennifer won a copy of my devotion book, finding hope and healing in the midst of grief and the grief mentor journal, a $23 value. And Jennifer, that will go out in the mail to you first thing in the morning. The last and final prize went to Pam Hawkins. She won a $50 Amazon gift card. Pam was entered to win because she shared the podcast with someone that she knew needed to hear it. And there were several of you that had shared the podcast and I'm very grateful to each and every one of you for sharing truth to someone who's hurting. Pam, you should have already received that in your email. If not, please let me know. Now, before I play the clip from today's class, let me set it up for you. We were about 20 minutes into the teaching. And this is the second point that I was making, okay? Or the second component that must be understood and managed well in your grief journey. We'll cut right in where I start making this point. Here we go. Point number two, gain tools for the journey. Have you ever wondered why we call it a journey friend? Yeah, because it doesn't happen overnight, right? There is no switch that gets flipped where you go to bed one night and you wake up in the next day and say, Oh, well, the worst of that is over. Now I can, now I can live. Now I can start to see that my life is worth living. No, friend, it does not happen like that. It is a slow process that takes time and intention. Remember what we all grew up hearing that time heals all wounds? Yeah, well, that's a lie, right? Time does not heal the wound of child loss. And if all you do is lean on time, friend, it's not going to go well for you, right? Because all those feelings that you're having right now and you just keep pushing them down, you're pushing those feelings down, but they're still a lot. And one day it's going to erupt. It's going to explode and it might be in front of somebody you love. It might be in front of a coworker. It might be in any kind of situation where you feel triggered and all of that's going to come tumbling out. No, we have to be intentional with our time. So I want you to tell me if you're comfortable, write it in the chat. What makes you feel overwhelmed? All right. You can use your notes, write that in there. What makes me feel overwhelmed? You might not have an immediate answer for this and that's completely understandable. But tell me what overwhelms you? What keeps you from believing that your life is worth living? What are you afraid of? Because this is the truth, friend. OK, this is the truth. Feeling overwhelmed means you're living in a state of constant defeat. OK, it means that you wake up every day with a boulder on your chest so heavy that you can barely bear up under it. Being overwhelmed means you are living every day, trying to figure out how to live the rest of your life without the physical presence of your child. Let me ask you something. Is this you? How long do you think that you can continue living like that? Maybe you've been living like that since the death of your child. And maybe that's because you're in that first year of grief and I'm here to tell you, friend, that first year of grief is pure survival. It is pure gut wrenching every day, sometimes moment by moment, survival. OK, but I'm here today because I want to help you get out of this place of feeling constant defeat because how is that working for you, friend? How's your health? If you're living in a constant state of defeat every day of your life, how's your health? How's your relationships, right? Because, friend, you know that this is not sustainable. So, so what do we do about it? So here is the truth, OK? The truth is that our God is not a God of confusion. Grief is so confusing, you know, especially in that first year, you don't even know whether you're going right or left, you're just going through the motions. God is not a God of confusion. He is a God of peace and order and he wants to restore that back to your life. He wants to provide a way through the wilderness for you, even when you can't see it. Ever heard of the parting of the Red Sea? There is a way through it, friend. I could sit here today and I could give you all of this content and you could you could put it in a box, you can leave it in your notes and never apply it to your life. But it is not going to give you the results that you need. The truth is finding the answer in God's word, OK? If you're listening today and you say, well, that girl's got too much Jesus. Well, that's who I am, OK? I'm not going to be apologetic for my faith because it's not for my faith. I would not be where I am right now. OK, so in order to move from a place of that overwhelm and start to believe that life is still worth living, you have to believe it's possible. When Andrew died, I knew that I was in way, way, way over my head. I knew that something much stronger than me was going to have to carry me through this because I'm not capable of doing this on my own, right? The only way I'm standing here today, being able to help you manage your grief, it's because I am standing on the shoulders of the truth of God's word because he took me in his arms and he held me close and it is there where I learned that life is still worth living. Are you hearing something today that's tugging on your heart? Are you hearing the Holy Spirit say, this is what I have for you? Then lean into that friend, lean in and listen, because I'm here today to help shine the light into the shadows of your grief. I'm teaching you what he taught me. And listen, God's words, God's ways are not the world's ways. They're simply not if you want to know more about God's ways of processing your grief and stick with me. OK, so we've discovered the problem living in a state of defeat, living in that place where you stay overwhelmed 24/7. What's the solution, right? The only way to move from a place of overwhelm to a place of believing that life is still worth living is surrender. Write that down. Surrender. The definition of surrender is cease to resist. The definition of surrender is cease to resist. If you live in a state of overwhelm, in a state of constant defeat, it's because you're trying to control everything about your life that you have absolutely no control over. Let that soak in a minute, friend. If you are living in a constant state of defeat, defeat and overwhelm, it's because you are trying to control everything about your life that you have absolutely no control over. Yet in your mind, you're resistant to giving up the control. So my question to you today is write this down. What are you trying to control? What are you trying to control? If you know what that is, I'd love for you to put it in the chat. If you know what it is that you're trying to control, put it in the chat. Because the truth is, friend, there is absolutely nothing that you can control about the death of your child. You cannot control the way they died. You cannot control the fact that they died. But here's what you can control. You can control how you respond to it. And there's no one here today that can do that for you except you. So in your homework, where it says, God's truth, I'm going to give you a verse and I want you to read it every day. I want you to spend some time. I want you to spend time with that question. What am I trying to control? I want you to write that down in your notes and I want you to spend some time with that question and I want you to pray over it and I want you to ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you what it is that you're trying to control. And then I want you to write down this verse because that's how he speaks to us, God. He speaks to us through his word. I want you to write down this verse and I want you to read it every day. And I want you to pray and ask God what he wants to show you from it. OK, are you ready? I'm going to read it to you. Trust God from the bottom of your heart. Don't try to figure it out on your own. Listen for God's voice and everything you do everywhere you go. He's the one that will keep you on track. OK, don't assume that you know it all. Run to God. Run from evil. Proverbs three, five through seven in the message. Did you hear all of those action verbs? I'm going to repeat those to you. Trust God. Don't try to figure it out on your own. Listen to his voice. Don't assume that you know it all. Run to God and run from evil. You know, many, many times when I work with grieving moms, this is what I hear. I need a plane of action. I need some steps. I need some concrete steps that's going to get me where I want to go. Friend, it doesn't get any planter than this right here. Right here in God's word. These are the actions that we need to take and order be able to reach a place where we experience his peace. It's not a flip of the switch. OK, it doesn't happen overnight, but it will happen. Friend, you're going to make it. Can you hear me say that right now? You are going to make it, but you've got to commit to coming back to God's word. And what he showed you in his word, not assumptions, not a lies that the enemy has fed you, but God's truth. Because if you don't, you will stay in that place of overwhelm. Romans 8, 37 says, yet we are overcomers in all these things. Experiencing overwhelming victory through Jesus Christ, who loved us so much that he gave himself for us. It is possible, friend. When you partner with God, so here's the answer. You want to write this down. The answer to removing the overwhelm is to surrender your control for God's peace. Write that down. That's a huge nugget right there, friend. That's a huge nugget for you today. If you apply that in your life, I am without a doubt that God will use it to remove the overwhelm in your life. The answer is to surrender your control for God's peace. What you heard just now, it's taken from the grief road map. If you decide to join us, this is what you can expect. You'll receive the tools that you need to apply what you learned in the grief master class. You'll learn how to remove the overwhelm and focus on what you need to do to make living with hope and purpose a reality in your life. You'll create your own grief road map based on your notes in your workbook and from our time together in the small group setting where we will meet weekly. Basically, you'll be writing your own book on how to survive the death of your child and learn to live again with hope and purpose. If this is something that you feel would benefit you in your grief journey, then go to the show notes and take advantage of the coupon to receive a hundred dollars off for a limited time. The link will take you directly into the cart and will automatically deduct the savings and from there, you will have immediate access to the program. Once I receive the notice that you've joined us, you'll receive a welcome email with all the details you need to get started. If you have any questions, email me at the link in the show notes and friend. That's all I have for you today. So until next time, take care. Did today's episode touch your heart? If it did, would you take a moment and leave a review on Apple podcast? I read every single one. Scroll all the way down past all of the episodes to you come to a place where you can leave five stars and would you go a step further and write a written review? It would mean the world to me if you did. Would you mind to share today's episode with somebody that you know that needs an array of light in their grief journey? I would so appreciate it if you did. From my heart to yours. [MUSIC]