FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Todd Stacy talked about Presidential Debate - Ukraine strikes - Midday Mobile - Monday 8-05-24

Broadcast on:
05 Aug 2024
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There will be no personal nor direct attacks on anyone and I would ask that you please try to keep down the loud cheering and the clapping. There will be no booing and no unruly behavior. With that this is painful and it will be for a long time. After all these are a couple of high-stepping turkeys and you know what to say about a high stepper. No step too high for a high stepper. This is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM Talk 1065. Well Sean's a tough guy. I mean I think everybody knows that here Sean he took some licks he hangs in there. Yeah what's wrong with the video we got? I mean the deal we got drank pretty good. Did you hear what I said? So this is a Bade Council. I had no doubt about them. That doesn't shock. If you don't like it, you're bad. Last question. Were you high on drugs? Last question, kiss my ****. Right away we go, FM Talk 1065 and midday mobile. Glad to have you here on this Monday edition the show. Phone number the text line 3430106343. 0106 gets you through on a text or a phone call and with that FM Talk 1065 app you can also leave us a talk back message that microphone icon on the front page of the app just press that and we can get to it. All right news is we get sort of the show today. We have what you know I don't think it's surprising it was discussed over the weekend. We discussed it this morning on mobile mornings that the attack against Iran has started. This is a Hezbollah attack which we'll get into later on the show. You know the while the Iron Dome is successful when you mostly successful when you launch something from Iran and give time to get the ordinance up there to shoot it down if you have something coming right across a border from Lebanon into Israel. It is not as much. Obviously doesn't have the time. So we'll discuss that in the even more US troops and munitions in theater on this. We'll get to that also what the markets are doing today. It's markets are not happy but maybe maybe they're profit taking. Maybe they didn't have anything to do with anything else but dial down what more than 800 at one point. We'll talk about that. But before we do and you know figure out what we're going to buy the dip on this. We'll talk to everybody Todd Stacey Alabama Daily News Capital Journal and I appreciate this. Like I said he's the busiest man in Alabama media and to the point that he is on the road between assignments and he gets on the phone with us today. Thanks Todd. Oh happy to do it. How are you? I'm good. I just watching you know. Hey on the market on the market side of it. One of these stories in today's email. You know high interest rates continue to fuel the general fund the ETF up slightly in July. What do we think? How much of this is because you said interest on state deposits continue to fuel the state's general fund revenue increases though that growth is slowing and possible interest cut rate cut looms. It looks like if they weren't going to do it before which we kind of probably knew they were election season these things. But I imagine if the market keeps doing this they are going to start dropping those interest rates. What does that mean for Alabama? How much money are we talking about? Well I don't know. I mean there's there's two ways to think about that. I mean you know if the economy needs it and maybe they will cut interest rates. So obviously that's really good for borrowers. Yeah I like that. Buy a car. That's good. It's bad for folks who lived and so you know or having and you know investments like the state of Alabama. So you know a lot of our investment accounts for like a better way to say it. Trust funds. They're just sitting there collecting that those interest rates those high interest rates and that's it's really generating a lot of revenue for the general fund because the general fund. Really any growth taxes in it. Well I guess I have online sales tax but traditionally they just not have a lot of growth and so that's a real benefit for general fund agencies that traditionally been underfunded kind of chronically underfunded. But yeah if it those interest rates go down which they eventually will. Whether it's now or in the future they're not going to stay up like this forever. The whole point was to let the economy cool off right. It was way over heated with all those covered funds. And so if that happens this yeah there just won't be as much revenue coming into the state but that's I think I would take that for for sure just straight. Oh no I would personally economy. No I would personally absolutely and I think for the market in general but the irony of this is to you right most of that growth because you point out 10 months in the fiscal year the general fund revenues are up 7.6% to 2.7 billion. Most of that growth is because of interest earnings on money and savings accounts including yet to be spent federal COVID-19 money. So that same money that started that the state is it that it hasn't that it's been allocated not spent. I thought they had to correct. Okay so it has been it has been earmarked for whatever but they just hadn't had to cut the check yet. That's right they have until twenty twenty six different different parts of the money have different deadlines but I think most of it is has to be out the door spent checks written in twenty twenty six I guess probably the end of the fiscal year of that. And so what's this say they put money in the budget for you know all these sewer and water projects. Well they've been allocated but until you you know do that bid and at least that contract whatever it is that money is just sitting in the bank collecting interest and so that's that's where a lot of this is coming from. And a young boozer the state treasurer talks about all he has done to try to say look if all this money is coming in let's put it you know to good use let's put it in investment accounts that really can generate a lot of money. So I give young boozer a lot of credit you know as a financial pro as a banker he knew he knew what to do with all this money coming in. Yeah if you got money he at least makes money while you got it that's for sure right on to the politics and I don't know how much of this. I know some of it drives interest rates here but you talk about dueling Harrison Trump rallies in the Atlanta arena showcase. You know it's the honeymoon period I and listen there are a lot of polls out there you know it you you get some of the best polling for our state that I've seen you your work with different groups out there but the polling I guess over the weekend my social media feeds went off the the lines have crossed the lines have crossed Harris is overtaken Trump nationally I guess battleground state your thoughts on that your thoughts of these two campaigns right now. Well yeah I think it's at least a race now. I mean you go back a month ago post debate post Biden doing a couple of interviews where he kind of kept floundering and Trump's just on the rise because you've got this floundering vibe. So obviously Democrats do the switcheroo and I guess I'm not that surprised that the numbers really just improved overnight because they're that that malaise amongst Democrats was there and again it wasn't necessarily that Democrats were coming over to vote for Trump it was really more you know they were just going to stay home because they were kind of depressed about their candidate well now they're not and so the interesting thing is look at of course Kamala Harris gets a honeymoon of course the media is going to treat her you know like a darling and just in in many ways try to protect her and it's just predictable and kind of sad but but not surprising right but so you know that's going to happen and so what I've been a little surprised about is the Trump campaign not being prepared for this switch yeah and really you're there I'm with you I thought the same thing Todd that you mean there's nobody in Trump world that said okay well look he's floundering if they make this move let's open open this envelope right that's ready to go to to to campaign against the vice president all right and there have been some responses but they've really not landed on anything and really up to this point I would say that Chris Lasivita and Suzy Wiles have run just a fantastic campaign part of that is keeping their candidate on message and kind of between the rails um but it's really just kind of coming off the rails now I mean that you talk about that Atlanta speech why in the world is he going off against Brian Kemp a very popular governor of Georgia why why are we riffing on 2020 again I mean I mean I just don't understand I'm part of it I think it seems to me I think Trump really is rattled by the by the changing poll numbers and by this you know flocked race and so it's really um yeah I think I think Republicans have been caught off guard here still a long time before the election and not everybody's seriously paying attention but I think there I think it was a real mistake from Trump and the campaign agreed to a debate with Biden before that convention before he had been nominated until after the convention it would be close to impossible to replace Biden on the ballot and it would be Trump would be coasting right now yeah it was a mistake to agree to it earlier yeah but how did they you know on that part I mean they had him juiced up enough for State of the Union right that he had seemed Biden seemed okay so maybe they thought the same thing would happen in this one maybe they thought it wouldn't have been so abysmal right in hindsight 2020 who am i to judge i'm just saying if that's the guy that you're that you're you want to run against me you're sure you can be man you want to lock him in as a candidate and and who knew who knew that it was going to be that easy for Democrats to switch the candidate but um man they did and the whole game has changed how long does the honeymoon or you know the new kid at school effect last for Kamala you know there there is how much before it's been two weeks well so it's been two weeks um tomorrow she's going to get the whole VP thing yeah that'll be a little additional honey man at some point you've got to have to answer some questions at some point you know the the journalist with self-respect are going to start asking some questions and that's that's going to be interesting because i mean she is who she is she will give a weird answer or two because that's just her history and that you know the bloom can come off the rose a little bit then but look i'm not expecting the press to really go hard at her um the way they did Biden when they finally got honest about it um because i think you know obviously they're very much friends but most most in the media very much friends with the the democrat operatives and politicians and don't want to disappoint you have a few exceptions you have some uh self-respecting journalists out there but um i think that the trump campaign slash rnc has to do a lot better job of defining Kamala Harris i mean what in the world is this whole talking about her race thing what it's part and partial to democrat politics well yeah but like what's what's trump doing talking about her race you know talk about her policy talk about California liberal this and all that so they've got to get back on message it's not necessarily what Kamala Harris is going to do the democrats are going to do how is trump and their campaign going to turn the page and say okay let's refocus and get back on message to what can be a winning campaign because right now they're they seem to be just kind of twisting in the wind hey on the on the deep stakes a couple of things here first of all the i understand that it could be a uh you know it could be a fake pass or they're to run the ball but the fact that the event is slated for pennsylvania you know that's in filly i mean i guess you could go into pennsylvania and then announce it's mark kelly or it's you know wall walls or whomever right or bush years but we it might be in too simple going that's probably shapiro okay i mean it's kind of alchemist razor right yeah it's likely have come um i mean in my mind should be pretty foolish not to choose shapiro you know and and vice president picks don't mean everything but sometimes what you're wanting is somebody that can kind of balance to pick it out maybe offer something that you don't have well you know in the in the world of democratic politics he's a relatively moderate democrat he's he is governor of the purple state um you know look at people like john fedder met and others you can't be too left wing to be governor of pennsylvania he's very popular there and so you probably lock in pennsylvania which democrats have to do um and you know so think about that vis-a-vis Kamala Harris coming from a very left wing very blue liberal state and she has you know very liberal policies herself so that's just a good idea i also think in being jewish and pretty strong on support for israel really bounces out some of the craziness from the left wing now but if you say that vp doesn't matter though right i mean and i agree with you i i do what you said about his popularity in pennsylvania tells you something he's moderate he's a moderate democrat uh to get that kind of but if you have if you have a situation where uh that it doesn't really matter then that's one thing if it does matter then it's going to be a pushback on the fact that uh he's contrary to where they i guess they need a lot of votes from people that are that are to the left of him on that so it it can matter it just doesn't always um i think i think center palin mattered in thousand eight i think that was a big um boost for the ticket didn't matter after the financial crisis right um you know so i think shapiro would definitely be a big boost but it's going to be telling if she doesn't fix shapiro i have real questions about whether him being jewish and his support for israel is a factor here because for whatever reason democrats seem to be so afraid of this left wing faction that is basically just anti-israel profile style and i i don't i think it's a tiny minority of voters there but they seem to be very scared of it and so i'm i'll be curious if when an event in pennsylvania with him doing the obvious choice that that helps you win the race if she doesn't pick him man i've got real questions as to why yeah it's going to be uh uh tell there and i guess we'll find out if it i guess it's kind of i don't know i see some people say oh it's been leaked i don't know if it's officially leaked or that's just people online but we'll officially i guess no tomorrow hey tod people want to check out number one uh alabama daily news and this email i keep referencing how they get that it's really just good at a l daily news dot com you can enter your name and your email right there on the home page uh that that'll put you on the list for that morning newsletter i also you'll want to check out capital journal we here on fridays and sundays um so you know this week this weekend's episode is on youtube it's good youtube search capital journal and you can see a good episode all right well good stuff we will check it out there like i do on youtube because uh friday i mean you don't want me watching your show on a friday um do it on youtube over the weekend tod safe travels we'll talk again soon thanks john be good all right uh there goes tod sacy and we're coming right back more mid-day mobile on fm talk one oh six five this is mid-day mobile with john celibate on fm talk one oh six five even even bitcoin's down on this uh welcome back mid-day mobile fm talk one of six five hi i'm shawn so update to that where is it here a charl shwab shwab uh they're training platforms this they may have him back up but uh earlier this morning i guess uh shwab's trading platforms were all down users unable to log in for their accounts what are they to have that happen huh they said uh shwabs platform says person commenting on it said crash during a period of high volume i bet i bet uh high volume or you know it might it might work you know if you wanted you wanted people not to be able to sell off of me you could have your platform crash that's probably not probably not what happened but uh yeah if market-wise here still uh that sell-off going with the uh pretty much since they opened the markets today dala dropped uh let's see nine hundred points Nasdaq cratering two percent global market route of course this started with uh we're talking about this morning when uh Dan and i were doing the morning show uh what had happened with the nike and uh CNBC saying us stocks fell sharply on monday as part of a global market sell-off centered around the us recession fears japan's nike plunged 12 percent it's worst a since 1987's black monday crash for wall street the dao uh dropped nine hundred and fifty one points or two point four percent Nasdaq composite loss three point one percent s&p five hundred so two point seven percent blue chip dao fell uh earlier fell as much as twelve hundred points some of the stocks that were down were of uh note like uh alphabet and and apple when those were uh down considerably now different yes economy jobs numbers uh those things are out there you've got uh and i've said this before if you're going to control inflation the job of controlling inflation is to make people lose their jobs well it is at a certain point at a certain level if you are going to uh run the interest rates up to that point you're going to make money so tight that people aren't going to spend money people are going to lose their jobs before things even out so that's maybe that's their uh you know they finally arrived at that point at the same time that they're talking about reducing interest rates but maybe they have found the bottom of this we'll watch the markets here and in related things i still think this has something to do with it once again watch watch the uh watch the stocks for uh the uh weapons manufacturers out there see how they do saw this on twitter by an hour ago said the commander of centcom u.s central command general michael carilla it landed in israel today so centcom commander carilla is in israel today official guest of chief of the general staff lieutenant general hersey halevi uh the chief of general staff of centcom commander conducting a joint strategic security meeting there i mean this a little bit of it seems to be just heard kind of pop it off i guess from hes belong but iran says they're going to strike and then of course the next question is what's israel strike and how much of this continues to suck our country in are we are we on the precipice of a white what is the wider regional war we call it every one we call it bad for the united states all right come on my back we'll get you calls on that keep eyes on the markets here and uh oh yeah it's back to school what your kids can't take to school i've got that on the list this is mid-day mobile with shawn sylvan on fm talk one oh six five twelve thirty five to fm talk one oh six five mid-day mobile you know what dr bill's forecast i'm talking about the uh track from what's left of i guess it's probably a tropical storm by now uh debbie that made landfall there near stein hachi and as uh as it goes east we get dry air unfortunately not real cool but dry air uh coming in our area for quite a while here in the uh back side of that storm and here's my transition because i must have y'all say a little bit of my buddy blaine price from paris tractor and robert sale uh if you got projects to do you've been rained out on this is your week to go ahead and get those projects done man because we've got a few days of dry absolutely absolutely shawn we got plenty of uh plenty of items in our rental fleet right now that they can help tackle all those projects uh around the house whether you just um my homeowner or if you're in the commercial business um we got something for everyone now you've got those yeah the rental stuff in that you've pointed that out several times because people think big equipment but if you're like you're working doing a your own sodden job in the backyard or your you know you're trenching something in you've got stuff that gets in through the gates the small gates so you don't have to tear down the fence yeah we got some smaller stand on uh many skit steers that uh that can get through you know the four-foot gates uh the wall behind trenches um man lives cesare lives we got dump trailers skit steers tractors excavators with all the different attachments um if you're looking just to rent a trailer because you got a haul of something we we've got trailers for rent as well um and all this equipment does come on trailers if you need a trailer or you bring your own hey speak of the trailers y'all still running that deal with if you get the tractor the l series tractor uh or when you get this and get the implements tell folks about the y'all listen this this is cool yeah so if you buy an l series uh to boat a tractor um with at least two implements we're gonna throw in the trailer for free to form that package deal for you all of it qualified for zero interest and it's a highly sought-after item right now uh coming up on you know dub season do you see coming up everybody starting to get the mindset of the hunt camp absolutely and people are if y'all are tired of cussing the tractor at the camp that never runs maybe it's down to upgrade to something that will run tell folks how to find you whether they're looking for that rental equipment or looking for that camp uh that hunt and camp tractor we're right here in the middle of rober still on highway 59 combined see us monday through friday 8 to 5 we're open Saturday 8 till noon or you give us a call at 251 947 4171 good stuff blame we'll talk soon thank you Sean all right there he goes blame price from parish tractor in robertsdale all right get a few text here and then we'll get back and you've got so many stories to get to and it's constantly evolving today with watching what the markets are doing and watching what's happening happening in israel in iran and greater middle east um let's see uh this texture is but i guess after talking about taking my daughter to college in upstate new york he said why don't they need an alarm clock in new york because everybody's woke i'm going to you know what i'm going to do texture i'm going to try to find some people is to the north and west of where she's going to school uh there's some rural new york state and there's small boys i know from the uh from the turkey hunting world that are new york upstate new york guys so i'm going to see if i can find some of that culture up there so i have a respite when i go up to visit right all right chris and orange beach as brother you wouldn't believe how many boats were in the trump parade on saturday there are so many boats that there are actually three foot swells in the canal yeah y'all went through the icw right yes all those pictures we talked about it some this morning uh saw those pictures on social media we have and i i don't know if it didn't get did it get tv coverage elsewhere i imagine didn't get did it get tv coverage i know the one that somebody back in 2020 and i wish i remember this guy's name and i forget uh but he called me and he was doing this originally in 2020 and uh went out there took the boat went out there myself to see everybody back in 2020 and i think we it did have some television coverage i don't know about this one but i'm not saying it didn't i just didn't see it out there but it sounds like it was a big turnout chris i've seen the pictures uh monty says trump has his voters democrats have theirs who gives a blank about who talks about what you're not changing the mind of a moronic of a moronic lead me by the hog hog ring democrat help help me translate that money but if you're talking about the fact that's what frustrates me though that we're at that place and and you're right money but we're at that place in political rhetoric i'm a nerd i want to hear not just the other person is no good i want to say i want to hear now at least here's the difference trump has policies he can go back and say i did this that and the other did you like that you know talk about those policies because i tell you right now there's a lot of people are going to be looking at if we go into recession now they're going to say how how fast can we get out of this uh this texture says after a hundred percent trump should stay on on the difference in his conservative and her liberal policies not personal attacks that's backfiring on this texture says what i want in a vp is someone who's qualified to run the country if something happens to the president i agree that's what they're supposed to do but do people think about that anymore i'm not you might but i'm saying do people in general think that way does it really do they they should right i mean here we are in a situation where quite possibly it would even before november it would be vice-versa and heris stepping into the the presidential wrong so should you think about that i i agree with you i'm just saying reality tells me not as many people are worried about that uh terry says your correction people have to be scared to spend money and down the economy spins recession is almost required to whip inflation it is terry and it's not anything different but we've talked about that every time that you for for monetary policy to affect inflation rates people have to lose lose their jobs now nobody wants to talk about that because i don't know that's mean-sounding but that's that's the end of it that's where it goes before it changes and that's what we're i mean now all the forces it be on the democrats side are going to try to make sure that doesn't happen for november right so maybe there's some there's a hope that the political interests of keeping that from happening uh well well inflate the economy we'll see um let's see david said friday and today have been a rude awakening to the introduction of cacklingomics isn't it oh versus bottanomics do you do you feel like vice president candidate come my hair has a plan for the economy do you think she has a plan for israel do you think she has a plan i mean what what's the plan uh josh one okay i don't i don't do that josh was a a solid steady listener okay so i'm going to do that not opening this up i because this can get out of control but i'm going to do this for josh one uh and he also motivated me by emotion here said shawn my wife cried for the third uh third time in 20 plus years and she's married to you josh wouldn't i said uh yeah cried for the third time in 20 plus years yesterday when her dog wandered off or was stolen please put the work uh word out to be on the lookout for spotty an old english bulldog white with spots female huge underbite loves everyone too much around creekwood area between cody and chilinger thank you sir there you go josh well get the word out there looking for if you've got a uh if if a dog that needs it was convincing you it needs feeding and and petting like all dogs will just showed up it's a old english bulldog spots huge underbite uh let me know and we'll get them uh we'll get them reunited here all right um supermom prefacing saying prefacing that i'm no comala fan she's biracial indian and jamaican uh but wouldn't jamaican fall under someone saying they're black to me black has a white umbrella just like white does does african-american only equate black i'm so confused yeah that's why i use it use the term because that's what someone's black or somebody's white or they're biracial instead of saying i mean because somebody's not gonna look at me and say that they're irish american right you say no look at that white dude because i'm a white dude um yeah and in jamaican for them saying jamaican yeah you wouldn't say that somebody is by by the country of nationality for you you would say if you want to say her mom is indian well that's that's referencing race right but jamaican make me a lot of things so yeah i mean it's i and i don't know why i don't know why um yeah i i don't know why that trump had to go there but they do put the ball in the tee don't they i mean they didn't have to go well it's a identifies or says identifies as that how about we just like i said i'm back to my burqa thing where i'm gonna put every candidate in a burqa and give them a number not a name and use that 60 minutes voice synthesizer thing to use and the people just talk about their issues and then at the end of it you can reveal oh they're a a guy or a gal or they're black or they're white or they're biracial you know who cares as long as they're good their job um as tesha said i found no tv coverage of the boat parade that's firecracker and orange beach yeah i don't i didn't see it either there's a but there's a danger of i didn't watch every show and and do that but i i didn't see it either and not on their websites you think that'd be enough because it's some it means an easy story for tv right they can show something the boats are moving and there's boats and and you know gas natural sound of the the water and the seagull you know they like that kind of stuff i don't know uh dr mariana said the significance of her plan is based on the significance of that significant enough to be significant which means there's no plan other than to significantly ruin everything she touches and to be unburdened by it right dr mariana um tesha said there's a trade-off between the effects of inflation and the effects of job losses absolutely absolutely um but that i mean i think that's where they're heading don't you know that the democrats would like this not to be happening now they wish it would have it would have waited a little bit okay thank you monty said you lead a hog i he said lead me by my hog ring democrat okay he said you lead a hog where you want to want it to go by using the hog ring uh democrat supporters are metaphorically led around by the hog ring because they can't form a thought and make a decision based on facts they believe everything they are told in disregard what they see it's sad and some sort of mental defect you know and also i'll say this i think it's it's idealistic versus pragmatic i mean and you watch and it's not for every to say every democrat does this or every republican does it's you know it's not the way the world works but this idea of what things should be versus what they are and there's some things that should be and we work as a nation to make them become reality but there's some things they're just reality and you can sit and pine the sky and wouldn't you know think about all the problems the democrats were we're gonna fix in this country all the all the things they've told you they're gonna fix how what's the track record now how many of them can they just it dusts their hands off oh man job well done we fix that he's so many times when former president obama was in office i said you know to listen to him speak i'm not no news flash you're a pretty good speaker but to listen and speak so many of the things he talked about remember that first campaign where he was what today would seem like a you know a a very centrist democrat remember that go back and listen to the rhetoric uh he'd say things i'm like i agree i think all those things should happen i just don't think it's a job of government you'd have these rousing speeches by democrats and shouldn't this happen to you i'd like those things i'm not cruel i want people to live a happy life i want people to you know have security and safety and these things but these are not that this is not the job of government so there's a lot of whether the rhetoric will come out in back to your your your nose ring uh the hog nose ring and you're talking about money that led by the nose ring or are they lured by a carrot and what conservatives will say that'll get them impugned for it will be you're never going to get that carrot that person is never going to give you the carrot you got to get your own carrot or we can find some way in the private sector get your own government's never going to give you that carrot but they continue to promise the carrot and listen it is happening with a populist movement which is way more popular on the conservative side than sticking the mud conservatives like me right when you promise people you're going to fix their problems individually like we're going to change this that or the other versus saying hey we're going to make this nation uh the best it can be right and then you go do your thing all right well be right back it did some interesting text on this coming in three four three zero one zero six this is mid-day mobile with Sean Sullivan on fm talk one oh six five at 12 53 fm talk one of six five and mid-day mobile yeah shout out to my man point Jamison adventure earth bicycles go see him today as uh you talked about the e-bank that i have i'm getting a non-e-bike for uh for my daughter like i said be gone for a while here as i take the truckload of stuff looking like Beverly Hillbillies uh which the Alabama people show up to New York what do what do they expect i'm rolling in uh but yeah going to pick up a bank for school so if you got a kid going back to school whether you know they're in grades you know middle school or maybe high school i see the kids on the e-bikes now going to school i'm like that would have been awesome back then uh but yeah if you're looking for an e-bike you're looking for a regular bike got a kid going to college whatever you need that bike he's got him at adventure earth bicycles so he helped me pick one out that would be right for my daughter and we uh making that purchase today so you can do the same thing whether you're looking for an e-bike for yourself or somebody else in the family or a non-e-bike 400 of those in stock of 8.75 e-bikes in stock at any point he's got a huge selection and they do all the work on the bike so even you buy a bike from them quarterly you can take it in just like i did with my bike last week have it tuned up everything checked out or even if you didn't you want a good old-fashioned bike shop that works on bikes like real people that live here that know what they're doing and work on bikes check about check my buddy clint out at adventure earth bicycles online at everything inside to get you outside and get the kids to school adventure earth bicycles the uh this is interesting yeah oh Nick Nick says uh maybe not a conventional thought but i'd love to see uh Kamala become 47 but by the way of the 25th amendment action now imagine i thought about the same thing too Nick uh i don't think that's going to happen but uh he said now imagine if that could happen in the next month or so everyone would be able to see whatever radical executive order she might dole out and then she would be under a laser focused microphone uh microscope that we would see and learn enough about her and even her party members might realize she's way too far left to be a good president the reason Nick i i will and i agree with you is because of the deep the deep state because with everything we are facing our nation right now i would i would be sweating with her as commander-in-chief but i realized that she would be do enough to the situation that um that she would probably let those people that you know and you could disagree with the policy as it stands would bite but there would be at least some senior people making those decisions that's the hope but i think for that reason Nick they won't let they you know the 25th was all discussed until she's now the she's now the nominee and then everything's good we found that out friday the dnc came out saying well she's got enough she's she's nominee nothing to see here move on we'll have the convention and i i'm guessing it's going to be you know unless it's uh unless it's some real good fake pass that they're running it's going to be chapero since the announcement event supposed to be tomorrow in philadelphia of course what responsibilities does the vice president have if there's a you know escalation the war in in israel all the other things going on as i pointed out the beginning of this hour i mean take from it for which you will the idea that we have assets in israel it's not surprising we've had them you know even before but obviously post- october 7th us has been there working with the israelis but this is significant to me the commander is sent come commander michael carilla landed in israel today official guest of the chief of the general staff lieutenant uh hers i i'll leave him and he is conducting a joint strategic what does this say to ta ta yeah he's going to be a joint strategic security assessment on mutual elevations of the region as part of the response to threats in the middle east so it says idea will continue to deepen its relationship here we go deepen its relationship with the u_s military committed to enhancing regional stability and coordination between our enforces does that sound like further u_s involvement in the y'all does to me absolutely does to me and you know what what it's a rain gonna use a combination of attacking from iran proper and using their terrorist proxies i'd say yes and yes is what we're getting ready to see now the next question is what does israel do to defeat that because if they start launching from right there across the board in lebanon the iron iron dome can't handle that it's not long enough time if they go right across the border so what does israel do they roll into lebanon and what does that spark oh my gosh and from one war torn region to another we come back but joe savage roads of hope is his charity he's been armed with me several times talk about what he does to get orphans out of Ukraine maldova other areas over there and we bring them back here in the united states some of them right here in our area we'll talk with him about that coming up in just minutes