FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Joe Savavage from Roads of Hope about the mission of his group - Midday Mobile - Monday 8-05-24

Broadcast on:
05 Aug 2024
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There will be no personal nor direct attacks on anyone and I would ask that you please try to keep down the loud cheering and the clapping. There will be no booing and no unruly behavior. With that this is painful and it will be for a long time. After all these are a couple of high-stepping turkeys and you know what to say about a high stepper. No step too high for a high stepper. This is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM Talk 1065. Well Sean's a tough guy. I mean I think everybody knows that you know Sean he took some licks he hangs in there. Yeah what's wrong with the beer we got? I mean the deal we got drink pretty good don't it? Did you hear what I said? So this is a babe council. I had no doubt about them. That doesn't suck. If you don't like it you're bad. Last question were you high on drugs? Last question, kiss my ****. There we go FM Talk 1065 midday mobile glad to have you along on this Monday edition of the show the phone number and the text line you know it but if you don't it's okay. We'll give it to you now. Same for both 343 0106 343 0106. The segment show also brought to you by my buddy Forrest at Bluewater Yacht Sales and Service whether you want to get them to do the service work on your Yamaha or Mercury engine or you do the service work yourself they've got a great parts department. Kelsey in parts is like a guru when it comes to parts and all you gotta do is call in with the serial number of that engine and she'll say okay you need this part that part. Haven't ready for you and if for some reason it's this crazy part that's not in stock right now at Bluewater next day she'll have it in next day for you to pick up. So give him a call and see what they can do for you for the service work on your boat whether you do it or you have them do it. Bluewater Yacht Sales and Service online at All right great to get this man back on the show and it's been too long. He was on with us early on after Russia invaded Ukraine and on many times after that it's everybody Joe Savage and the group Roads of Hope his charity Joe good to hear from you. Sean it's great to be back on. I'm sorry I'm a little have a little sickness going here so. Listen it's going around I just had to hit the switch and cough while you were like you were talking so I first of all before we get an update but tell folks that don't remember our conversations before Roads of Hope. What do y'all do? Well we're celebrating our 10th anniversary. We started in 2014 in Moldova which is a small little country next to Ukraine in Eastern Europe former Soviet Republic. That's a big big area for human trafficking both labor and sex trafficking and they specifically target orphan kids so I became aware of that and felt led to start a home so we start with one home and three girls three teenage girls and now we have grown and grown and then we have 51 homes and in the midst of a large historic camp in all of Europe right now and then when the war started with Ukraine we had contacts all over Ukraine we were working in orphans get them out of danger and had a fan going into danger falling goods to to elderly and disabled and those who couldn't get out of the harm's way so we've had a lot going on the last couple of years disabled leads for sure and you know your story is something I mean this is you know mobile homeboy one of the savages here that happened to you were playing baseball well I mean your relationship with that part of the world I mean it's you know it's not exactly our sister city coming from mobile. No because you know if you go back to 1989 I played summer baseball in Moscow with still the silver union I mean the KGB was attached to us the entire time and it was fascinating and we played in their old Olympic stadium there and we played some other European countries too but that that got my attention the the conditions of the people and then of course as a person of faith the church was not allowed I mean it was allowed but not really in the Eastern European countries and so as soon as the walls came down I was 23 years old Sean leading my own team I'll and I'll look back at that and think who in the world was they had me nuts to go with me at 23 then just former Eastern European country our translator didn't speak English our bus never showed up and but here I am this many years later and you know mobile is home for me actually Bowen County is at this point that we are an old mobile in Bowen County family and our organization is right there in Bowen County and and as we have referred to this past year when we're when I was last on I mean you guys are who really propelled a lot of cash and helped us literally save a lot of people and show me make one thing clear before I continue on if you recall my first interview with you I said you can't give this kind of money to corrupt people and without without safety nets and I took a little heat for that and proving proven correct you're the hard way yeah I've learned that you know I've been you can't navigate this place like most people do in a lot of agencies Americans come in here and they just get just gobbled up but you know we saw the need of the orphan and that's what we went after in 2014 I fight against the Russian Mafia to to protect these children and get them into safe family type homes and then when the war began we started trying to protect orphans from the Russian military so when you think a little handy nonprofit from Alabama is literally I don't know if it's true the largest orphan care program in all of the Eastern Europe protecting children against the Russian mob and against the Russian military is pretty nuts hey listen Samson won that one didn't he if we check back to the scripture so yeah Samson can be good guys you're right yeah so you're right every day we're we're fighting a Samson battle and that's cool I mean we could see God do amazing things to see these lives these kids lives changed and but again I mean in the midst of chaos in the midst of corruption that's why there's an orphan problem with trafficking right you don't have these kind of issues as broadly as it is here unless you unless you're that kind of that that corrupt of a society and that's why we started we solve a need and despite God's grace we've been able to do some things about it and help a lot of kids you know so much of our conversations have educated me going forward over the last years whether it's when somebody said can you believe there's the Russians are getting people on the backside of the flank here in Transnistria and I'm like yeah that's something what it talks about with Joe many times that there were Russian troops going in there or they're talking about the situation different parts of Ukraine kind of how people saw the war and and ethnically you educated me a lot so I want to ask you at that point it was a an acute situation now we've it's acute for anybody who's on the front lines or missile hits I agree but it's now in a chronic situation there right it's long going people you talk to on the ground do they have any thoughts about where this ends up and how does this affect the situation is it more orphans or have they gotten more out kind of what's the state of affairs there gosh Sean that's a loaded question I'll do my best to answer I think there's a couple of interesting developments and I don't know what to make of it I do have a a prediction of of a few things that I've learned and seen you know one one thing that's for certain the Ukrainian people had a will to fight I remember the first time off there we talked you said well how can they defend themselves against Russian over in Russian that they will die in the streets with sticks before they give in to Russia because they had a long long history of Russian suppression back they starved the Ukrainians one time I mean these Russians have been brutal to the Ukrainians through this through the centuries and you know grandparents and great grandparents passed this stuff down and plus this whole Soviet Soviet occupation and so you know people say oh they're the same they're the same people no they're not not if you understand your history they're not and and so it's been brutal but people you know the tenacity of people you seem I mean but they're gonna have a lot of mental health issues as a fall out I mean there's been so many people die and see really gruesome scenes and but here's a couple of things I think might be of interest to you is that Russia has had their crown prints if you want to call it their crown prints navy base for the Black Sea they're in the in the area called Crimea that they occupied back in 2014 Sean they just pulled their last ship out of Crimea and has moved it over into the Russian mainland so there are no Russian warships in their golden prints crown crown prints port any longer well that can hit they're getting hit pretty constantly right I mean the Ukrainian you're getting in there it was with with what with very innovative marine drone attack like you know down in the water or underneath the water and then above of course and Russia lost a third of all their ships were either sunk or badly damaged and I mean good gosh the Brits in the in the French both give an estimate that there's been five 450 000 Russians you know wounded or killed in this thing yeah and in in the tragedy of that is I know some people on that side of it they don't want to go to war but they just you turn 18 goes send you to a short tiny little camp go put you on the front line so you can get shot because they don't worry about the people their their whole MO is we will just fight and keep putting people out there doesn't matter how many of them die no and until they can wear Ukraine down because Ukraine don't have the same population right I mean that but that brings me to my my question Joe I mean you know I talk about the green machine a bunch and by the way on the asymmetrical warfare with the drones taking out parts of the Black Sea Fleet it's an amazing story as we talk about the new world of warfare out there but those number of Russian dead and if we could ever get the accurate information I understand the politics of it not releasing Ukrainian dead numbers but that green machine whether it's the Battle of Stalingrad from World War II or what's going on now how do they ever they can fight in the street with sticks and stones but when one Ukrainian dies and they kill two other Russians then four Russians show up in place I you know I'm just trying to be look at this and go but where's the where's the outcome how do how do we how can you tell me that the Ukrainians would ever take back their full borders and and Russia would say you know hat in hand we're sorry we're gone yeah it's a war of attrition if you want to call it that I mean you know you're talking about a massive population plus Russia's going out and got soldiers from all these sure you know kind of rogue third world kind of countries and you know if you were told he was pulling prisoners out to start that's who was raped in the women when they would come through and it was brutal and now you know it's not as that he's not doing that Putin's not doing that like he was but he just keeps calling people up I saw a little video clip that someone sent me of a bunch of young people leaving far east Russia heading to Ukraine and Sean I kid you not they're in vehicles that were from World War II and the people were honking their horns and celebrating and you know and I looked at a few older faces I zoomed in and some older older men who were more mature they look like they're on their way to death while the young guys were hanging out of the vehicles like whoa hey we're gonna you know go to Ukraine and then and then all of a sudden it just goes quiet as these vehicles pull away and it's senseless you know and I've made the argument all along that the whole war the the entire reason Putin went in there is because he wants the Donbos the Donbos is where lithium is of course you know with all electric cars and so forth and this is one thing that we don't understand in America that like for instance I was told by a Ford employee in Europe the other day that Ford is not going to to have a single gasoline vehicle made manufactured in Europe coming up this next year now the accuracy is that was an internal document I read now my point is there's massive amounts of electric vehicles and you know for for Europe that's coming that direction and so my point is not to get into that because that's not really the point of our time no but I think it is why they want to hold on to Donbos you know so much early on the rhetoric coming out there they're taking over they are the bread basket of Europe and I'm like okay all right but Russia that's not the key and the key was lithium well and I have a I have I do not understand why the politicians haven't focused in on this at any time I have a document I mean show them if I can go find all this stuff as our US government not find it I mean because you can't find what you think I work it up but I didn't act but but anyway I have a document in my possession that was before the war right before the war began before Putin went into Russia and it was written by Ukrainian scientists okay and it was I can't remember forgive me it's the people that study all the minerals and dirt and all that stuff right the geology yeah but there's a specifically for minerals that's just why I didn't do very well in science Sean I mean you know if I if my made a D my mama would celebrate so I made a C she'd take me to Pullman's getting a cup really mineralogist or something like that yeah yeah whatever they are whilst all this official document and it stated that there's so much lithium and other valuable minerals in the Donbos which means East for East Ukraine that if when all of that gets gets mined and processed right which takes years to do but when all of that gets gets mined Ukraine it will be the wealthiest nation in all of Europe yeah that was officially from the scientists and that was right before the war began and then Putin thought he was going to get the contract for all of that and it didn't happen instead Zilinski and and his crew whatever gave the contract to a western company I think they were based in Australia and so when that happened it's like well wait a minute we've never operated like this before and so next thing you know too much later here comes the build up on the border and they come rolling in I think it was a combination of Trump wasn't in there because they didn't do anything while Trump was there they're scared of him. Trump wasn't there so they felt like they could get away with it they thought Europe would be very weak in response as well and to take that over now I do have a prediction because troops have also withdrawn the Russian troops have have withdrawn not entirely out of Belarus don't misunderstand but off of the border there with Poland they all pulled back so when it tells me when you start pulling troops back on your border with Poland you start moving your your your ships from your golden boy port in Crimea I mean that's their pride and they've moved them all out of there relocated something's in the works and it tell you know that none of us will ever point no but there's something in the works without a doubt and so my prediction is if Trump wins he will cause the linsky on the phone and say do you want our continued support then you better just take Crimea and in some of the Don boss but you better be happy with Crimea he'll call Putin on the phone and say listen you know what we can unload on you so pull out of Crimea and take the Easter take part of the Don boss you get some of what you want Zelensky get some of what he wants and the US can end this thing really quick that's really all it takes if we would show some some guts and some manpower the war could have been over a long time ago all we did was kept saying let's just keep them in the battle instead of winning the battle go take some ice button be done with yeah well that's exactly what we've done and we continue to up you know just turn it up a little bit at a time to drag it out for sure it's a you know it's a it's a situation that I hope you're right I hope there's a way to get to peace there do me a favor we talked about all that but the key to what y'all are doing every day like we start off with is getting these orphans out of there even orphans that have come to live here in Baldwin County how do people donate to Rhodes of Hope how do people watch what y'all are doing where where do they go Shawn world well they would go to Rhodes of Hope dot o-r-g and there's a donate button there and they can go up you know one of the things we need help with right now is we're in the middle of this camp this children's camp man these kids have been counting the days to get to come to our camp and it is awesome I mean it is so good we got 225 kids and then we took our 56 56 or so of our house parents and we took them on a little retreat because they are so worn out they've never done I had I had house parents yesterday say with tears in their eyes Joe thank you so much we've never had to bake we haven't been on any kind of a vacation in over nine years and you know these people have worked we our homes operate 365 days think about always think about this because it's our 10 year end version 365 days every single day we operate our children's homes and we've done it consistently for 10 years without a single day of interruption wow and so yeah it's pretty I don't have any idea how much food that is warm clothes and how many kids we prevented from being trafficked I would rather prevent them from being trafficked than try to rehab them after they get trafficked you know don't let the hurt them to them no and we've been to see these kids smile so we will start a new Facebook a lot of postings here starting actually this afternoon and it's some gorgeous faces oh my gosh these kids smiles not just look at them in fact they were in terrible conditions because most of the ones we take care of or special needs or they have had severe abuse neglect malnourishment you know to the point of almost death and then we take these kids and bring them in their homes and love them and put them in a family and every everybody needs to be in a family it doesn't matter what your age is and I've seen there's a core principle in life and these kids are awesome I mean they really really are you see those smiling faces and I'd love for people to help us because we really need help with these things as always y'all are awesome for the help you're doing there and it's roots right here in south Alabama Joe we're gonna get you back on soon and get an update and God bless you and everybody working with you hey Sean can I add one more thing real quick I'll take it really quick it's that people often ask me why you helping kids over there not kids in America we help kids in America every day too just want to make sure that's clear all right it's there's a lot of hurting kids around man we all just need to love them and help them and that's what we're all about so it's road to and we're on Facebook Instagram and all that all right Joe thank you thank you very much mobile breeze airwaves is now flying non-stop to Orlando from Mobile International Airport yeah the one just minutes from downtown nice new non-stop and just an hour away from all the fun at the theme parks book your non-stop flight today at fly breeze calm. For WK RG News 5 I'm Devin Walsh hurricane Debbie made landfall in the big bend of Florida this morning as a category one storm it has since weakened to a tropical storm as Debbie tracks to our east meteorologist Caroline Carrither says we'll see drier hotter and windier conditions temperatures will soar to the 90s this afternoon but with the lower humidity and a north breeze heat index values will only reach near 108 there is a heat advisory in place for our coastal counties from noon to six just a few showers are possible this afternoon local emergency crews are making their way to areas impacted by Debbie power companies are sending dozens of linemen to either Florida South Carolina or Georgia a portion of old shell road at the railroad underpass has reopened just in time for school traffic to start this week the underpass is notorious for flooding during bad weather and one goal for the project was to improve drainage Devin Walsh WK RG News 5 G&D Farms is hosting their inaugural outdoor expo at the grounds this September 13th through 15th check out great products for our local Alabama outdoors lifestyle get info on being an exhibitor or sponsor by emailing gd farms outdoor expo at this is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM talk 1006 5 right to 128 FM talk 1006 5 and midday mobile yeah the link will be up on our I'll put the link up here on Twitter and just a second fans will put the link up as well on our Facebook page Facebook dot com slash FM talk 1006 5 but y'all have always been so great roads of hope dot org making those donations helping out the doing God's work truly doing God's work with Joe Savage has been doing for a long time and doing that before the war broke out in Ukraine was already doing it so that's why I trust his opinion about what's happening now the man has perspective on it and has so many people that he's affiliated with that he's there and people that are on the ground helping and getting those kids out and really dire situation it was dire before there was a war raging there and now these years later it continues all right coming back more midday mobile 343 0106 that's how we talk check this one [BLANK_AUDIO]