FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Eastern Shore Republican Women's Judy Barlow - Jeff Poor Show - Monday 8-05-24

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05 Aug 2024
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[MUSIC PLAYING] From Bucks Pocket to the shores of Orange Beach, at all points in between, an insider's perspective on Alabama politics. It's the Jeff Porsche show. I don't think Hank done it this way. [MUSIC PLAYING] Welcome back to the Jeff Porsche show. And if we talk 106.5, they should stay with us on this Monday morning. Get out of town Monday for me more on that after a while. Still to come on the program, we do it every week. I still don't know why. But no Jackson will be with us in the 11 o'clock hour. Text line, I see a bunch of them, guys. I'm going to get to them as soon as possible. 251-343-0106, if you want to respond, or weigh in, or whatever it is that's on your mind. Utilize the text line. Joining us now here at the Fair Hope Bureau, very pleased to have from the Easter Shore Republican Web and also National Federation for Republican Web and Judy Barlow. Judy, good morning. How are you? Good morning. I'm great. Hey, thanks for coming by. Appreciate it. Well, we'll start here. Get back from the convention. There's been some time here a couple of weeks. But it seems like you got the real R&C experience when you went up there. We did it, and it was great. And I've gotten back and talked to a lot of people. Everybody wants to know what happened at the convention. And it was my first time, so it was an amazing experience for me. But even those people that had been numerous times, it was just a unique experience starting off with the attempted assassination of President Trump and then going through the convention. And then it just keeps coming and coming and coming with Biden dropping out or being forced out. And so it's just a different story right now. Yeah, this would have been one. I mean, I've been to these things. This is the first one I missed since 2000. But this one seemed like the one to be at, just because of the new cycle. And this is such a unique presidential election. They're all like, that's the most important presidential election of your lifetime. But this one here, just with all the twisted turns, I mean, I don't know what's going to happen. I felt pretty good about it a couple of weeks ago. But now I don't know. Well, and that's true. And the exciting part about being at the convention or even going to the convention, we took 47 delegates, 47 alternates, a committee man, committee woman, Chairman John Wall. And then Senator Tommy Tuberville was our lead. But we went kind of-- we were upset about what happened with President Trump. And then that kind of spurred us and let us on to make a difference. And so we went in. And I think the Trump team and the RNC worked really well together to put together a program that is reaching out to the everyday average American. And they talked each night. We had a theme where it was making America wealthy again, strong again, safe again. And then great again. And we have a plan in place for each of those. And we had somebody come in and talk every single night whether it was the Gold Star families, the ones that lost-- the loved ones in Afghanistan during that just fiasco. I mean, there's stuff going on besides just because the TV only shows some of it. Unless you're watching C-SPAN, there's always something kind of going on on the floor on the stage during this event. Yes, it was amazing. I mean, you could walk around and talk to Brian Kilmeade or you could talk to Lawrence or-- I mean, there were just people everywhere. Media was everywhere. And then you recognize, as a National Federation, a Republican women person, I recognized people from across the United States that were there, too. They were delegates. Well, Andy, I am sure you made some new connections there. And you meet new people. You tell me this, and I feel your pay on this one. You get that kind of sickness when you come back, because you beat around so many people, right? Yes. There were 50,000 of us there. And that's many of us, and I'm still clearing my throat now, but many of us got sick afterwards. But when you're around that many people, it's just going to happen. It's kind of a badge of honor. It's OK. You're war wound there, huh? There you go. Well, I thought it was as good of a convention as I-- I thought-- Because at the time, we didn't know that Biden was going to drop out. And I thought it's just he had lasted that long. There was no way, but I was wrong. I thought the convention went fairly well. There's some things I would have changed, but it was a good blocking and tackling, not too many, hardly any like gaffs or no speeches that were out of left field, like a Pat Buchanan, red meat kind of thing, or who saw that coming. But I thought, well, this has got to be the standard. The Republicans have done the textbook convention. The Democrat convention with Biden on the ropes here is going to be just in Chicago of all places. It's going to be crazy, chaotic. People will see, do you want-- this one in the country, on the Republican side, or do you want this, this Democrat chaos on the other side, and it felt like it was setting up to be that. I still don't know what Chicago is going to be like for Dems. But as far as that goes, the Republican convention, while at its emotional moments and memorable speeches, there was nothing way, way, way, way outlandish about it. No, and that's the point that we're trying to make right now when you talk to our senators that are putting forth bills that are trying to do things for the average everyday American. And we'll talk about that in a minute. But we really try to focus on families and a message to the families of America that are hurting right now, and we see that as a party. And that's what our goals are, is to make America great again through these different programs and policies that we have in place. But you are not hearing that from the Democrats. You don't see President Biden anymore. You rarely see Kamala, who is our VP. I mean, she's just as much in hiding as he is. She's reading off of a teleprompter, or she's not talking at all. So is that really who you want to be leading your country? And it's not about electing a female, or a black, or a white, or a male. It's about electing a commander in chief that can lead our country and putting people in place in the Senate and in the Congress that will support that person. So we get some policies passed. - Yeah, and that's important. If you have Democrats' control of those chambers, I mean, it's just, well, at least you had the White House and you could stop some of the bad things that were happening, but that really moved the ball toward your old goalpost. If you're, or to the other team's goalpost, if you don't have both, but I mean, like I said, before Biden dropped out, I need this. Kamala Harris situation is a big, big unknown. I still think Trump has the momentum. I still think Republicans look okay. The map just isn't there for the Senate, for the Democrats to keep it the House, who knows, right? - Right. That's why when we talk every time about this, congressional district two race with Caroline Dobson, that's one of the critical races across the United States and there are some district races like hers that are really, really important for us. You've got Shomari figures who's the Democrat that's in that race and it's tight. So for those people that think, oh, I don't need to go vote because President Trump's gonna win this in Alabama, you do need to go vote that down ballot voting for Caroline and others is really, really critical. - Well, in Alabama, you just go vote straight, take it report, right? - Yes, you go vote straight, take it. - Unfortunately, in other states, they don't do that. I guess because we've kind of grew up, or I, you know, with that is the way we vote. But, you know, in any swing states, you're gonna vote top of the ticket, you're gonna go down ballot, but I still suspect in a lot of these races that Donald Trump love coattails, - Yes. - Despite what they say. - Yes, I agree with that. And that's another reason we're looking, we can talk about mighty Alabama Strike Force, but I talked with John Reynolds this morning on the way over and she's working out, continue to work out details on that, whether it's in the CD2 race with Caroline, you can still sign up for that, you can go, always go to our website es, to sign up, to always get more information, but she needs sponsors. If you can't go, if you can't walk and knock on doors or can't call, be a sponsor, donate any amount of money and that helps, but she has the dates tentative for Pennsylvania, right now, it's Harrisburg and it's gonna be October the 6th through the 13th. And depending on how many people she gets, it'll be an all expense pay trip up there, but we'll be phone banking, we'll be door knocking. That one, Pennsylvania is a critical, that's one of those swing states that we need to get the vote out. Especially if Harris goes to pigs, Josh Shapiro today is around me, right? - Exactly, yes, that's kind of, you know, in the back of my mind, you know, that's one of the ones that can. - I think so too, we'll see. Hopefully that works out the way it's supposed to. Joined by Judy Barlow, Eastern Shore Republican Women here on the program, tell us this, I'm gonna give you a plug for this real quick before we go to our first break, but you got a podcast now, National Federation Republican Women, yeah, I guess, was it your debut or had you done some? - No, I did one with Senator Ted Cruz on the border. - That's right, that's right. - And then I'd been working with Katie, with Senator Brit's team to put this one together and it just worked out that we could do it while we were at the convention. And Senator Brit's trying to get information, more information out there about families and the need for support for our American families right now that are hurting whether it's through grocery prices or whether it's through some of the initiatives that she and her colleagues are working on like the IVF Act, which keeps it from being illegal for states to not provide IVF treatments. And then the Moms Act is another and it creates a website for people that are pregnant and they need help or you Google things, everything's online right now. So if you're needing help wherever you are in your pregnancy, that gives you information at hand to go to for our parents of young children. There's help there, nutrition assistance, recovery mental health and health services. So that's all part of the Moms Act. And interestingly enough, when she read that on the floor, the Democrats voted against it. Now we need that issue, right? - They do just want to make it an issue that they, this is where like organizations like you all or if they get sort of reported, they think that by owning that issue and keeping it into state of chaos is a way they achieve electoral success. - That's right. And they think that if they, anything that makes, the Republicans look good, that makes us look like we're out there working for the families of America, which we are, they're going to vote against because they want to keep that for themselves. And that's not right. - That's not right at all. But that's, it's just sort of the way they go about it. But, you know, especially from your point of view engaged, and we always hear this every cycle, the suburban soccer mob is the coveted vote that Republicans need to get. And the only way you're going to get that is by being like, go back to Roe v. Wade, I don't think that's necessarily true. I don't think the key to, and I don't know that a lot of those votes are minimal no matter what Republicans do, but, you know, this long legacy in Republican party politics, I grew up with, going back to Reagan and abandoning the pro-life issue, like some Republican women, or not Republican women, but just some say that we should do, I don't think it's the key. I think there's a lot more to it. - There is, but that's what they're trying to do. They're trying to make it about that. And they're trying to scare everybody to thinking that we are, that we are against the families, that we're against all of this, and we're not. We believe that it should be a state's rights issue, and we want that the women in the states and the families in the states to make their own decisions. And that's why when we have, like we have speaker Ledbetter coming up, we'll talk about that on Thursday, it's good to hear from our leader about what's going on in the state in his vision, what happened this past session, what's going to happen the next session, but let's make it a state's issue. Let's get the government out of control of our life. - But is that, I mean, making the state sort of the, I mean, do we want Vermont or California or some liberal state, making this a 10th amendment sort of thing, are, I think, Republicans historically, pro-life, traditional pro-life Republicans, I think it's a federal issue. I don't, I mean, I know a lot of Republicans will, the less federal government, the better, but to be honest, I don't trust some of these other states to do the right thing. - That's true, but, you know, it's just a difficult call and when you look at the states, you look at how California is right now and they are so radical and so left-leaning, they are not Alabama and neither is New Jersey. So, there you have it. - Well, I got Judy Barlow here for a few more minutes. We're gonna get to, well, we'll get some more of these other issues here. Real quick, and we'll do this again. You mentioned it just now. You got the thing that'll end better coming up on Thursday at your meeting. - Yes, he's coming Thursday. We're really excited he's not been down to our club before. We have, you have until tonight to sign up for that meeting. We are closing in on a sellout on that. We're at 85 plus, we can take about 120. So, it's a great chance to meet with Speaker Ledbetter and talk to him and to meet a lot of the other delegation from Baldwin County Mobile will be there as well. - Yeah, y'all check that out. We'll plug it once again later on in the show. We're gonna get a break here. This is the Jeff Moore Show on the fifth talk, 106.5. ♪ Turn the path to heaven ♪ ♪ There's full of sinners and believers ♪ ♪ Learned the happiness on earth ♪ ♪ Ain't just for high achievers ♪ ♪ I come, my heroes have always been cowboys ♪ ♪ And they still are the same ♪ ♪ Sat in search of one step in my heart themselves ♪ - And there's, we'll go back to the Jeff Moore Show on the fifth talk, 106.5, let's take your stay with us on this Monday morning. You wanna text 251344306? I will get to your text. I promise, just hold your horses there. Dale Jackson, coming up at 11 o'clock, yeah, all or if that's your thing, stick around. Still with us, a much more pleasant company, Judy Barlow from Eastern Shore Public and Women's Club. We'll get this here. We saw it last week. Like Joe Biden waits 'til he drops out of the presidential race to make this his signature issue, but he wants to reform, let's quote, quote, reform the Supreme Court at it. Now, I think it's like way, way, way too aggressive. It's more of a messaging sort of tactic, I think, but why they should tell people is like, look at what these, look at what these loose cannons are watching in DC, how they would really wanna overhaul the contrary, but the things standing in their way, a lot of times it's the US Supreme Court, and here they are, I mean, to just show on their hand. - Yes, the Keaton Non-Amendment is something that we are focused on from the National Federation for Public and Women. Our top three initiatives that we chose this year were border and immigration, economy, and parental rights. And then as a kind of a radar issue, we chose the Keaton Non-Amendment because we thought, well, there's really nothing going on, but it'll happen at some point, and here we are. And they want- - Yeah, that's what they talk about it. It's so like, just honest, the way they're going after Judge Thomas and Alito, all of their political adversaries, they are just engineering ways to go after these conservative justices. - That's right, and the Supreme Court's the only thing other than the House that they don't have in their back pocket. I mean, they've got the DOJ, they've got the White House, they've got the Senate. So they're trying to get everything over to go their way. - I mean, Gorsuch was on Fox News Sunday yesterday. I said, look, we're the last line of defense between you and the overreach of the federal government, especially when Democrats are in charge. I guess I think this is way, way too heavy of a lift for them at this point in the game. But what they should tell everybody is just, this is how these, this is how the other side operates. We need to be o' guard for that. - Right, and we have nine Supreme Court justices. There's nothing in the Constitution that states them out that we can have, and that's what we're wanting to happen when we can get a Republican president back in office. We want that to be- - The constitutional locked in. - Yes, because if you don't, every time you get, and if you add what Biden's wanting to do with a term limit, then like every two years, they can put justices in. I believe that's correct. But so at what point does it end? I mean, where does it's like Democrats leaning one year or one term and then it's rip up? It just gets out of control. - Yeah, it becomes more tied to the electoral politics of the day than whatever the constitutional philosophy that brought them there in the first place is, right? - Exactly, and right now, if you look at what, what I tell everybody is not to just look at Republican, I mean, look at our policies, look at what we did during Donald Trump's administration, and look at what you've seen the last four years, but do research, and that's why it's good to come to our meetings at Eastern Shore, and to be a part of meetings like we have is because we inform you, we give you more information, then you may normally get, and you cannot always trust, especially the left-leaning media, because right now they're hiding Kamala Harris, and they're taking up for her. - Well, the media, especially, even though the more local media tends to skew left, I believe, but here, talk radio boy, 1890 news guy, saying that, but like, you gotta be on guard for some of that stuff. - You do, and it's like, who do you believe now, and who do you listen to? And I can remember before I became involved, I thought, why aren't the Republicans doing anything? The Republicans are doing something, and they're making their voices known just right now, and the political reality we're in, we just can't do anything. - Judy, real quick, before we go to the bottom of our break here, a couple of things you need to mention here, parental rights, which has become kind of a new focus. I will not do, but more emphasize, I guess, for Republicans these days. - It is, and you know what, we're talking about just, and this is crazy that I even have to say this, but for us to have the ability to direct the upbringing of our own children. And it's been fought over right now. It can be mental health, it can be health, it can be education, all of those issues. - Yeah, well, and this is just this kind of drift, right? Take more power away from parents, but I know this is like building up federal government more, taking an increasing role in our lives, day-to-day lives, because I think the left, the institutional left, looks at parents, and people are just not capable of doing the right things when it comes to their kids. You get to, you know, you got people who are just, I guess not good parents or whatever, can't be for whatever reason. Maybe you got those crazy, bitter clangers, who want to teach their Jesus or whatever, and that's not the solution to their problems, that you need to look toward public policy and government to solve everything. And I think it's just completely wrong and very dangerous. - It's called control and power, and that's what they're after. - Yeah. All right, well, let's get a break in here. We'll pick it up on the other side. Judy Barlow's sitting there with us here, released toward Public and Women's Club. This is the Jet4 Show on FM Talk, 106.5. ♪ It ain't so hard to say ♪ ♪ Would you please just go away ♪ ♪ I've thrown away the blues ♪ ♪ We're calling the threat ♪ ♪ I can't walk out ♪ ♪ Because I love you too much, baby ♪ - Welcome back to the Jet4 Show on FM Talk, 106.5. They just stay with us on this Monday morning. Get out of town Monday for me. I will be off for the entire week. First time I've taken a week off, well, from this show, but it radio in general, it a long, long, long time. So anyway, let's see here, do we have any texts I want to get to? Well, not really. We'll get to those, I promise you, at the top of the next hour, and I will pontificate or whatever it is, it's on your mind. Let's talk about some other things, and it looks like, let's talk about what's going on here locally real quick. Let's go ahead and get that plug-in, Judy. The Baltimore County Republican Party really gearing up for the election cycle. They got some headquarters opened up. There's not a lot locally on the ballot, nor is there, you know, Alabama's probably going to go for Trump, and it's probably going to this part of the state, this part of the congressional district, probably gonna go for Barry Moore, but you still got it up and running, right? - You do, you still have to be there working and have it ongoing 24/7 year round, because once we get through this election cycle, we'll start gearing up for the next one in 2026, which will be all of our state elected officials from the governor on down, and they can start raising money in May, so I believe that's correct. So, you know, we have to constantly stay going, and one of the things that we have coming up, we're trying to do something in each district, the Baltimore County GOP is, and our first one will be at Street Seafood Restaurant Tuesday evening at 6.30, and George Williams is gonna do his show live from there as well, but it's a great chance for you to come and make some mingle. We'll have elected officials there. All of us will be there. I'm gonna come and get more information, and we'd love to meet you guys, so you can go to Baltimore County GOP website, you can go to our website,, get more information, or just show up. - Just show up, that's the way I did it. - Yes, just show up, and then we've got, we're planning one in downtown Fair Hope. It'll be in September, it'll be a wine tasting event, it's gonna be at provision, there'll be more information coming out on that, and then we're doing another MAGA boat parade, and it's in October, I think, 10 hours of the date was, it's tentative, it's somewhere around October 19th, but that's a tentative date. But that, again, we had one of those, that was not us, but that was really encouraging to see all of the boaters out there, and all the Trump flags, and just the everyday average American, wanting Donald Trump to be our next president. - We got the Trump flag out front, sort of after the assassination attempt, it was like, all right, you know what I mean? But I think our shit the bit, my wife and I, probably reflected among a lot of people, like what the heck is going on here? - I think so too, I think people are looking at what's happening in the world today, and the average everyday American is suffering. The American families are forgotten. The Democrats that are in control right now, it's the elitist, - Right. - And they are not concerned about us, as obvious by everything that's going on their policies, they're not concerned about the average American person. - They make a play for lower income voters, but it's kind of a strange phenomenon because the elites in this country, the control restitution, the Wall Street, Hollywood, the politics, marketing, they're all left of center, and no one's ever suspicious of that, the media especially, but like you ought to be, like why would these elites have messaging the caters, just something that's so the opposite end of the socioeconomic scale from them? It's not really what they say it is, it's all about the pursuit of power. - Right. - And so what we try to do and what I tell our women at our club and the men that are joined to, as I tell them, is kind of like a football analogy. We have to stay focused, stay laser focused, and work and get the vote out, get people registered to vote, and just make the process happen and don't stay at home. We have to get the vote out. - I mean, that's a scary thing with Republicans get complacent or whatever and think we got this, there's no need to get out and vote, but that's like half the fight now. It used to be that, I mean, maybe this is still true that you had to win over an undecided voter, but more importantly now, I think is just get out the vote, get your own voters out, isn't it? - We do, we have to get our own voters out, but we also are targeting those independent and those unaffiliated voters. Those are critical also, and we encourage them to look at what's happening right now, and I brought some of these numbers with me, but you look at inflation up 19%, real wages down 1.9%, we have over 10 million illegal immigrants. Think of the cost, they don't ever talk about the cost to our families for all of those illegal immigrants, and what does that tell us for the people that are in line trying to come into this country legally? It's like, why would I do this? And why are they bringing busloads and airplane fools of illegal people into our country? One of our members called me the other day, and said, Judy, I'm sitting at DFW and an airplane just landed loaded full of illegals. Why are they doing that? - And then it doesn't make sense, like, why? And it's this, Judy, it's like, this thing is going on, don't believe you're lying eyes, the border is secure, Al-honor Mayorkas has made just all kinds of like contradictory statements about the border situation, but we see what's going on here, and we know it can be stopped because Trump stopped it before, then why can't Biden or whoever make it stop now? And they had this kind of flimsy, well, well, Donald Trump wants to border to be porous because it's how he wins the presidency, but he's not a, he's a private citizen right now. He's a candidate, but he's not in power. And it's just so weird. I don't know that messaging works for them at all. - Well, it's not a message. What they're doing is they're attacking. They're attacking Donald Trump, and they're attacking the Republicans against their own fears. They don't have a record to stand on. So they're, all they can do is be on the attack mode. And so I encourage people to look at what's happening right now, and when you see Kamala coming out, she is flip-flopping on everything. You can, and they're trying to erase her record, and they're trying to erase things that she said in the past, that alone ought to scare you, that they have the power to do that, that they're trying to hide all that from us. But she supported, and it's on record. She's on TV talking about defunding the police. - Right. - Not supporting fracking, and other issues that are important to us. - Failing out BLM protesters, I mean, there's this pattern of behavior that suggests she's not just your like warm and fuzzy, middle of the road, Democrat, moderate Democrat, throwback to Bill Clinton or whatever. She really is a radical true believer. - Yes, San Francisco, California, DA, yes, absolutely. So look at their records. If you wanna know how to vote, look at their records, and look at ours, and look at what we are proposing, and you're not saying anything that they're proposing, yet all you, all they're doing is attacking. - And think about where we are in this country right now. I mean, we seeded a lot of ground, Judy, during the Obama years, very early on with healthcare, and a lot of, I mean, what would Kamala care be? I mean, there's always that next step towards socialized medicine. You got that, obviously the fracking, the border. I mean, like at one point, do we just say the hell with the border, and you see all of this and become, I think a lot of people, in this country, a lot of the left would like to see Canada, US, and Mexico be something more like the EU, which is just, it's like this more short globalism or whatever. - Right. - I mean, all of this stuff is like the next domino to fall. - Yes, you really need to pay attention of what they're doing right now, and what our country is looking like, because that's what you're gonna see. And if you want to go back, and a lot of people do, want to go back to the years ago where we had safety, we weren't worried about crime, we weren't worried about our pocketbooks. I mean, you look at the markets that are falling today, why do you think that's happening? People can't afford to go and buy a bag of potato chips. - So it'll be the same old, like big government, inflationary policies, well, they dump a bunch of money into the economy, a bunch of handouts that encourage bad behavior that take away any kind of moral risk or whatever. They will do that again. That's what you want for four more years. I mean, she's your gal. - And who pays for the handouts? - Right. - We do, we do. And she went, she said she supported single payer health insurance programs, Medicare for All. And now she's flip-flopping on that. So she's been against all these things. And now she's flip-flopping and kind of coming over and thinking, oh, I've got to kind of go back on that other side because I'm not gonna get these votes if I don't. So what do you believe? You should believe the actions and what you're seeing, 'cause that's what's gonna happen for the next four years. - They are literally trying to moderate her as we speak, but that's why we haven't seen her out and about. It's, they gotta get, they gotta get her on message. They gotta get her on target. And I don't think, I mean, what I've been told with the Trump world, I mean, the opposition file is unbelievable. Kamala Harris, she's got to like respond to all of that. - Yes. And you know, right now they're saying, well, we have Republicans that are coming up and saying that they're for Kamala Harris. But if you wanna look at that, you can flip it and say, look at all the Democrats that are going to vote for Trump. So again, it's scare tactics, it's fear-mongering, and that's what they do best. And that's what, that's their modus operandi right now. - It's so exhausting, these Republicans who would rather vote for Kamala Harris than Donald Trump. Just because Donald Trump broke a lot of people, I get it, but the left right now in America is, it really is headed toward a like a totally different thing that's out of the American mainstream, historically unprecedented. It's just not, let's let the chaos stop, and everybody wanted to vote for Biden in 2020, because of COVID and the mean tweets and whatever. We have had a more chaotic time in American politics. So look at it today, guys, at the stock market, a tip to the assassination. Democrats can't figure out who they want to be on the ticket. We have had a more chaotic time with Democrats in charge, maybe in my lifetime. - All right, and what happened to the primary process for the Democrats? I mean, they kind of put who they wanted in. Again, you don't get a choice. - Yeah, but they're the party of democracy. - Well, there is that. - They love, they love to remind us that they're for democracy, and I don't, and I hate that talking point because we don't have a democracy, and it's so, it's targeted to people who are kind of civic illiterates who think that, probably really honestly believe whoever gets the most votes is gonna be president, and yet here they are contradicting themselves the way they are choosing their nominee. - That's true, and so again, if you watch what's happening, and if that's the way you want the next four years to be them making decisions for us, and that's not being able to make decisions for our families and for our country, then you need to vote Democrat, but if you want it to be about your families, and going back to the safety and the security and America strong again with a leader that's a true commander in chief up there making decisions, you've got wars going on right now. Look at the Israeli-Iranian situation today. We don't have anybody that's in that office that can stand up for our country right now, and we need that. - Well, I can't help but wonder like military preparedness right now, and this walk of vacation. I mean, culturally, we got the transgender movement, and you got a lot of things going on socially, and then when you use government to social engineer everything, it really takes away from the military readiness as maybe it is way more of an exaggeration to say this as a lot of people are, but with World War III, you know, the brink or whatever. But how would the US military stand up to any adversary right now? I mean, you know, like it's a support the military, but we can be skeptical of the leadership of the Pentagon that's there because of who's in office at the White House. - Yes, and wasn't he, wasn't our director out for a while and they didn't know where he was? - Yeah, just gone. - Just gone, so I mean-- - I mean, Walter Reed the whole time. - Again, leadership, that's an important position, and somebody needs to be there, you know, on call all the time. We're in dangerous situation right now. - It's, it's scary. And like I said, there's so much of like our way of life, guys. It's just, you know, the United States standing in the world, being in the world, reserve currency, not having a DOJ that is selectively prosecuting Republicans and their, you know, political enemies, having the speed to speed, the speed of stability, and having countries from around the world that want to invest in America, you know, there's all those auto plants in Alabama. And, and, you know, there's here from the corporate world. I mean, you worked for a global company. I mean, the United States is where you want to be because you don't have to worry about the government coming in and seizing your business or any of that, yet stable stability. All of these things that Democrats have done these last three and a half years have eroded some of that trust and confidence in the stability of this country. That's right. And, you know, if they continue to increase corporate taxes and tax rates and everything, it's going, it's going to hurt us. So we've got to have a plan in place. And, and that's why we're trying to get these messages out to everybody, through our women's clubs, through our national federation, through our Baldwin County and Mobile County GOPs, through our state GOP, we're trying to get the message out to everybody. - Well, and we got to go to break here in a minute, but you still, like you said, right now, you're getting things together, but 26 around the corner too. And you have all those elections there, more, maybe more local or at least statewide, right? - Right. And those are important though. That'll be the governor, the lieutenant governor, the secretary of state, the auditor, you know, on down. So those are, those are really critical elections. And we'll start, we'll get a breather for a couple of months and then we'll start seeing those ramp up. - Did you borrow it with us? You got one more segment coming up here shortly. This is the Jeff Moore Show. - On FIT Talk, one of those six, five. ♪ I don't know what's wrong with me ♪ ♪ 'Cause I know I need my wrist ♪ ♪ But I'm gonna stay about now ♪ ♪ And sleep all day I ain't in my fist ♪ ♪ Hey, yes we are, beer jiggers ♪ ♪ Yes we are, hill racers ♪ ♪ People get out of our way ♪ ♪ Wherever we go ♪ ♪ We go ♪ ♪ Under your life like I do every night ♪ ♪ From the heart of your rainy old ♪ ♪ I play a little sad and I play a lot of play ♪ ♪ And if you won't change the song ♪ ♪ There's open everybody I'm ready old man ♪ - He was not overly interested. ♪ It's as true as mine ♪ - Well you're back to the Jeff Moore Show and FIT Talk, one of those six, five. Thanks for staying with us on this Monday morning. It's time Monday for me, like you said more on that. And a moment, still with a studio bar low with the Eastern Shore Republican Women and the National Federation of Republican Women. Judy, a few things, we just got a few more admittance here before we cut loose, but your podcast, tell people where they can find out. - The podcasts are on the National Federation or a group of Republican women website. I can't even say that, that's a lot of words. It's also on the ESRW website. You can go in there and catch the one with Senator Cruz or with Senator Brett that we just did. - Yeah, I'll check that out. A lot of good stuff there. Talk about these general election schools coming up, what they are and where and when. - So there's a list of schools. If you're interested in being a poll worker, they start in September. You can show up for any of the schools. You don't have to RSVP. There's a list of them available on our website,, you can go to the county website, the probate judge website, you can find them on there as well, but those are out there and for anybody that's interested in being a poll worker. If you want to be a poll watcher, especially in mobile or in that CD2 race up in that area, - Yeah, you need some there, right? - That's where they're gonna need some poll watchers specifically. So you can go to our website, tell us that you're looking for that help and we'll direct you to the right people. - It's got opportunities. The pharaoh, Robert Stilff, fully babinette and Stockton, so all you gotta do is go get touched with the East Shore Republican women and they will let you know. Real quick, one more time. Your meeting on Thursday with Speaker Ledbetter. Talk about that. - Yeah, we're excited to have Speaker Ledbetter coming in the first time for our club to have him in Baldwin County. He'll be coming in Thursday. The door's open at 11, the phase 11 30, he'll start speaking around 11 10 to noon and it'd be a great opportunity to meet Speaker Ledbetter and hear about his vision for the state of Alabama for the next cycle. - That's a fair hope yacht club. - Fair hope yacht club, yes. - I would normally be there, but just not around town this time. And then Baldwin County Republican party events, she got, it looks like a few events that people need to know about. - We do, and you can always go to the Baldwin County Republican Party website to get more information on them. There's a link on our website for that as well, but that one will be Tuesday night at 630 at Streets Seafood Restaurant in Baymanette and they'll just be an opportunity for you to come out and meet with us and talk to us. We'd love to have you join the Baldwin County GOP as well. - And then finally, the mighty Alabama Strike Force and which has got a little bit of a history here, but Pennsylvania looks like is where you gotta put those efforts to use. - And that's one of the swing states that we are targeting, that the Trump team, the RNC group are targeting and Al Gop is working with Joan to get people ready for the CD2 race and for the Pennsylvania one. That's Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. October the 6th through the 13th are the tentative dates. - Did we get it all in? - I think we did. - Well, we still got time to spare. Any finishing thoughts here before we go to break? - No, we just appreciate everybody. It's good to see the momentum going right now for the Republicans and for President Trump and people are just coming up and saying, "What can we do? "How can we be involved? "Come join us at Eastern Shore and we'll get you involved." - Gee Barlow, ladies and gentlemen. All right, we gotta get a break here. We'll be right back. This is the Jeff Moore show on FM Talk 1065. (upbeat rock music) ♪ Only go ♪