FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Violence Abroad - Presidential Debate - Mobile Mornings - Monday 8-05-24

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05 Aug 2024
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News Sports. Weather from Dr. Bill Williams. Traffic info from Kane. And one of the Gulf Coast's most familiar voices. It's Mobile Mornings with Dan Brennan and Dalton R. Wig. Morning from Dan and Dalton. Dalton not here. Sorry. Sean is here. FM Talk 10065 Mobile Mornings and it's seven minutes after eight o'clock. It's going to be a scorcher, y'all. This situation with Debbie to our east leaves us with clear skies. But not cool. It's going to be hot. Maybe not as humid, but the temperature is going to be very, very hot again today. We reached 97 for the high yesterday. So we're in for pretty much the same today. So just get ready and be aware that especially if you work outside or have to spend any time outside, you're going to be dealing with this all day. Okay. So it wasn't one of our three big things. It was something that was more of a story that was breaking overnight. But now President Biden is going to meet with his national security team in the Situation Room today. That means something big is maybe about to happen. The meeting came a day after Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin spoke with his counterpart in Israel Sunday to reiterate U.S. support for the Jewish state as tensions escalate with Iran and its proxies threatening a wider regional war after 10 months of Israel fighting Hamas, militants in the Gaza Strip. What do you think we are this morning, Sean? Well, within, I mean, everything said today would be the attack. And now stories are turned to within hours. The attack, this best guess coming off of coming off of this idea that I mentioned last hour. Listening things over the weekend. They said they're a traditional period of mourning. And that ended. And that's why they expect the attack to come today. A couple of things. Number one, where will the attacks come from? Now, we saw back in April, Iran launching their attack on Israel. You got to remember two things. We think about the international scenario. At the same time, the moles, you know, they they're trying to show strength in their own country. Right. So we, I mean, we think about it through American eyes like we should, but at a second, too, you get to figure out, okay, they got to show here this attack happened in their country. So they got to show their response to it. You know, back in April, they did the missile and drone barrage there that the Iron Dome did a pretty darn good job of knocking those munitions down along with help from U.S. warships in the Med shooting those down. Okay. So I would expect that something like that would happen again. But the other part of this is Hezbollah's well more is more engaged than they were in April in this and they're right there in Southern Lebanon. Those missiles, my understanding of those missiles would be there wouldn't be enough time if you're shooting into Northern Israel for Iron Dome to shoot them down. Right. So if something had been launched out of Iran, you've got a long time, a long signature for that to get the, you know, the defensive artillery up, the defensive missiles up to shoot them down. But in the case of somebody shooting something from right across the border, no time. And Hezbollah's obviously engaged as Hezbollah leader was killed, you know, just within days of the Hamas leader being killed. And I do want to get back to the Hamas leader, Hanayi Hanayi for a second. He was killed in a guest house. You know, we talk about that. This idea that everybody in Iran's in agreement, right? Right. Although you've seen these things. They've been protest on the street. Yeah. There's a large, disaffected group in Iran with their leadership. I think they were talking about the last election. I think it was like Mobile County turnout, 20 something percent turned out in their election. And maybe it's because people are saying there's no reason to. And so they take their protest to the streets instead of going to the ballot box in the past. So think about this. So what took out this Hamas leader, the billionaire terrorist, was a bomb. At least New York Times and others reporting was an explosive device. It was hidden in a complex, heavily guarded complex, where Ismail Hanae was known to stay when he was in Iran. Like the bungalow, he stayed in this highly guarded complex. Who said it? Who said it? That's a great question. Right. So, okay. Let's say Israel's behind it. Israel said, I don't know, you know, they haven't done it yet. But yeah, but I mean, they haven't done it yet. But but but Masanda has obviously has a lot of people in country in Iran. I talked about it over the last decade or so. One of the most dangerous jobs, even worse than being a, you know, working on a fishing boat in the Bering Sea would to be a physicist in America. A physicist in Iran working on their nuclear program, right? Those guys, I mean, harder tags, car wrecks, all kinds of stuff happen to them. Who knows? You know, I don't know what happened. So, I mean, there's part of this to this interesting that that idea that this attack happens inside Iran inside a highly guarded place in Iran. So there's obviously, is it a single operator, a massage operator? I don't know, has access to a place like that? Is it a cabal within Iran that doesn't want Iran, you know, wants Iran to change? I mean, those things are of interest to me too, that this wasn't like, you know, Israel flew in a team of Masanda that went down out of the helicopter and went and got. No, it's a bomb that had been played. They said it had been placed there sometime before, like days, weeks before. It was detonated. So there was some knowledge he was going to come. Somebody set the explosive and set it off. So I think that's also interesting. I wonder how much purging the Iranians are doing into a country versus their attacks outside. And so then you have so they're going to respond, at least everything, all the saber rattling sounds like they're responding today or sometime soon. So they respond. Will we go through another April 8th or whether April 7th, whenever that was, that they fired all those munitions, Iron Dome shoots it down? Will we have Hezbollah engaged from the north, which of course Israel, if they can't protect with the Iron Dome out of the south of Lebanon, what do they do? Do they roll across the border? Do they roll? Do they really does IDF roll into now Lebanon, which is a different thing than Gaza to roll into Lebanon and engage here? What are they going to do there? And what kind of, you know, how much does that turn up the real stat even more on this idea there being a wider war in the Middle East? And you got to look at that. And also, you know, we talked about it earlier this morning, just the, you know, Israel is just this idea of deterrence by denial, right? Well, but when do you eventually run out of deterrence? The same way when you engage the Houthi rebels, right? And they used a $25,000 drone, and we're shooting it down with a million-dollar-plus missile. The cost to Israel is running the Iron Dome, the cost by proxy to weed the United States who bring a lot of the sin, finance, part of Israel's, you know, war effort. When do they use enough drones at, you know, $25,000 to sap your amount of million-dollar missiles, right? Or things you're putting up for the Iron Dome? These are fair questions, and does that then lead to the question? Well, and people said on the text line, rightfully so. If we know where the drones are coming from, no, the missiles come from what an Israel strike with their attacks before those things could be launched in Iran. Well, because that would escalate it even further. I mean, that's maybe what they do, but that's a big escalation. Yeah, I think that's what you hear from all sides. We don't want the escalation. We don't want the escalation. But it's sitting there, it's sitting there, dancing around a lot of wire going, "I'm not going to touch it. I'm not going to touch it." And eventually, somebody's going to touch it. So in terms of that, strategy-wise, Carilla, the U.S. head of Central Command, he's arriving in Israel today to coordinate preparations for the very highly anticipated attack at this point. In Israel, some prepared bomb shelters and recalled Iran's unprecedented direct military assault in April, and you were mentioning, following the suspected Israeli strike that killed two Iranian generals. Israel said almost all of the drones and ballistic and cruise missiles were intercepted. But the question you're asking is, will they be again more than likely beginning today? And in the long term, too, you were saying that not only we have a lot of assets over there, there are areas where they are fueling and refueling and things like that, Sean, that could be targets. And how can we... I mean, we go through this... I mean, like I've pointed out that I think the floating pier was emblematic of the Biden administration's reaction to October 7th, right? It's kind of like half-in stuff, and you know where that ends up going. Are we going to have enough forces in there in our defense posture, right, in a defense posture for Israel, that they will purposefully or by mistake be hit themselves, right? I mean, if there's a lot of fire going on, or will these proxy groups... So, Iran has the benefit of, they can do certain things as a nation, right? They're a nation with borders in a place you can hit. At other points, they use these terrorist proxy groups, right, to go, "Oh, what, Nas?" "No, you know, Samas." "What, Nas?" It says, "Blah." "You know, what, what, Nas?" So, they use them, you know, maybe they... Iran strikes Israel, but then some unnamed offshoot of some, you know, terrorist group under the umbrella of Iran, even though they won't admit it, hits the United States. Right. And then what do we do? It's what I've been asking for months and months and months. Are we thinking about it? You know, it was last week, I think, either it was Kirby or Jake Sullivan or whatever. I'm saying, "Well, we don't, you know, we're not looking for an escalation there." Well, I think you found it. I think we found it here. And what we're going to do as a nation and a response is, I sure hope they know. They're still pushing for, you know, peace talks there, but I don't know that this ceasefire is going to be on board now with everything that's happened as of late. No, there's nothing pointing toward de-escalation or this thing calming down. How would it be unless... And Iran's not going to sit there and say, "Okay, well, we're good. Y'all got Hanae, and we're good. We're not going to..." That would be the only thing somebody would not have to throw another punch. Netanyahu's been awfully aggressive here. Which, from Gaza, to taking out some of the top brass, you know it's going to elicit a response. Now, I guess we're all just kind of waiting here. What exactly is that response going to be? How devastating is it going to be to Israel? Is it going to have an effect on any of the assets that the U.S. has got in that part of the world? And, you know, when it comes to Israel, they're not like Ukraine in the sense that winning or stalemitting or whatever, but they're fighting for their survival. They're surrounded by threats, and so they're going to fight like Hell as long as they have to. Yeah, they will, and if anything will quiet Iran down, you have to buy them off. And I think we're done buying them off, so how does it send any other way than a wider war in the Middle East? 818, tell me, please. Daltz on the text line or call us, 251-34301-06. Good morning from Dan and Sean. Sean is in for Daltz on our week this morning. On this National Oyster Day, too. How about that? You know, people on the text line talking about... Very naughty on the text line. But also, oddly enough, talk to my man, Lane Zurbat, murder point oysters called me over the weekend. He never talked himself. But maybe I'll ask Lane, remember, you could only, back in the old days, it was only our months that you would have oysters in, that had an or in it. And so National Oyster Day is not the same as it used to be, but National Oyster Day is at August. Yes. Not in our month. Not September, October, November, December, you know. So why is that? January, February, March, April. Now it's in August. Okay. How much? Just a thing. Okay. So we're kind of waiting. It's been a year since the location for Space Command Headquarters was reversed from Huntsville to Colorado Springs. Congress still doing this with their fingers, waiting on an answer. In January 2021, the Secretary of the Air Force identified Redstone Arsenal. And Huntsville is the top choice for the Space Command Headquarters. We remember that. The recommendation for the site was then affirmed by the Inspector General's Office and the Government Accountability Office. We remember that. And on July 31st of last year, government officials reported that President Joe Biden reversed the decision to locate Space Command Headquarters in Huntsville instead selected location in Colorado. Now the NDAA for fiscal year 2024 includes a provision that prohibits funding from being used to expand Space Command Headquarters in Colorado Springs. The NDAA will stop the command from renting, planning, designing, or constructing new facilities. The funding freeze will remain until at least June 30th of next year. And it's contingent on a complete -- a completed investigation of the Department of Defense Inspector General and the Comptroller General of the United States. How's this going to -- where's this going to go, Sean? It all depends on what happens in November, right? Probably. That's a good point. As you see it go back and forth. So is it really about where the right place is or who's in charge of the executive branch and has power in the legislative branch? Well, I thought it was interesting that you had -- you had the Secretary of the Air Force say the Redstone Arsenal was the top choice, was the best place for it. But what do they know? [ Laughter ] Also -- what was the person in charge of that? No. What do they know? The Inspector General's office and the government accountability, they both found that Air Force conducted an accurate analysis. Huntsville was the place, they shattered from the mountaintop. If there's any -- I guess it's going to -- hills up in Huntsville. Oh, there's some mountains. Yeah. And as it turns out now, Biden just himself, by executive order, I guess, reverses it, says it's going to Colorado Springs. Didn't we find out then the Air Force -- the Secretary of the Air Force had a big home out there? Mm-hmm. It's like he's the guy that -- like he knew the reverse was coming all the way. He was just placating us and patting us on our little Alabama head saying, "That's sure. It's a nice facility you have there, Squirt." Yeah. And the next, you know, he's out to Colorado. You're not saying there's politics involved in it. You know, it's amazing. You don't have to go far to find politics. You don't have to be necessarily, you know, talking about races and the politics of the races and all that stuff. You can get into where something ends up. And there's for sure all the politics there. By the way, I know that we've got some polling out about Harris. Yeah, okay. Over the weekends, like Nate Silver -- now Nate Silver has been wrong before. Over at 538 showed that there was a -- but their thing is now that the polls have crossed, the streams have crossed, where it was Trump leading. Now it's Harris leading nationally. You know, they do breakdowns for the battleground states, where she's pulled ahead. But I went and get to that in a second. But also, I mentioned this before we went to the news that Vice President Harris, Saturday, refused to debate. Okay, now remember, law's been made that folks on the left were like, "Ha ha, look, Trump's refusing to debate Harris." Yeah. And now Harris is refusing to debate Trump on a September 4 Fox News debate, demanding the debate take place on September 10th on ABC News. And this article says, "Political insiders perceive -- do they really hot take here? Political insiders perceive ABC News as an ally of the Democrat Party, although Fox News has not generally been pro-Trump, especially since Paul Ryan." Remember Paul Ryan and Paul Ryan and Trump did not get along. Former Speaker of the House became a member of the Fox Corporation Board of Directors. It says a quote here from the Harris campaign communications director Michael Tyler said, "Donald Trump is running scared and trying to back out of the debate he already agreed to and running straight to Fox News to bail him out. He needs to stop playing games and show up to the debate he had already committed to on September 10th." The beauty of this is it shows that the rawness of the thumb on the scale out there. The fact that you would have a place that you would have a debate that would be more friendly to you than others. The old days are like, "Well, there's just a debate and you take what you get." But that's not the way these things are done. No, it's amazing. They're leaning towards one way or the other. So it's interesting I would turn around and say, "Okay, well, if Harris doesn't want to do the debate with Fox because they didn't say this, but I'm projecting here because they imagine it would not be as good for Harris to do that debate, then couldn't they understand that Trump wouldn't want to do the ABC debate?" Exactly, but that's not what they're saying at all. So you get both those debates on the books right now. The fourth for Fox is on the books. The 10th for ABC. Yeah, I guess if they get people to debate. And then neither of them are going to have any of the other candidates in. In the general, no, RFK Jr., no, Jill Stein, Cornell West, none of them. So I think that's of interest. But we'll see if they ended up agreeing to zero or they both will do both debates. It would be interesting if speaking of like the Fox, the Fox one would be in Pennsylvania. I think maybe the ABC one would be too. I don't know where it was slated for, but the Fox one is for Pennsylvania. Of course, a lot of eyes on Pennsylvania right now as today, tomorrow, supposed to be the VP announcement for Harris. But I guess she's busy in the Situation Room. The President Biden thinking about Iran and all that. But if not, if not, she'll be out on the campaign trail. And this event is happening in Pennsylvania. Is it too easy of a line to say? That means it's going to be Shapiro. And what does Shapiro say in the old days about the Palestinians? We get to that as well. We got all that straight ahead on FM Talk 106-5. Dan Brennan, along with Sean Sullivan and for Dalton today. If I'm talking 106-5, it is 8-35. And we turn our attention to Louis Arana, who's on the scene at McConnell on a mode of Dolphin and I-65. Louis, what's up? Oh, man. Not much. We're just hanging around here. We're going to sell a few cars today. It's not that hot outside. So, y'all come on by and check all this stuff out. We got beautiful trucks out here. Don't forget, come check it out online if you want to do it in the comfort of your home. I mean, we've got a great selection. We've got some low interest rates on these new trucks out there. So, come on by and see us. You know, a lot of people like the tailgate out at South. And certainly people head up to Auburn and Alabama do the same in the fall. They might be -- somebody might be sitting on the fence right now thinking it's time for the new truck or an SUV. And I guess you've got plenty of those, right? Right, those new trucks, man. Those tailgates, the new GMC's got to put a little couple of speakers in there and have a fine tailgate ride. Also, I know that you've got people who are working hard for you, but they're doing it in air conditioning. And that might be a job somebody's interested in. That's right. If you're looking for a job, we're hiring mechanics all the time. And just come on by. It's great back there. It keeps us around 72, 73 degrees. So, come on by and work in comfort. Nice. Louis, thanks a bunch. Hey, thank y'all. Come see us. Louis or Adam McConnellautomotive. Dauphin Street, 965. And, of course, online in Looks like everybody's got an opinion during politics time here. Senator John Federman, do you see what he said over the weekend, Sean? Have not. No. Okay. He's reportedly warning Kamala Harris' campaign about picking Governor Josh Shapiro. So, his aides formed Harris' campaign about his concerns, including that Shapiro is too focused on his own personal ambitions. This is according to Politico. Federman and Shapiro came into conflict during their service together on Pennsylvania's board of pardons regarding second chances and process for convicts. The report stated Shapiro is one of the leading candidates for Harris' running mate after President Joe Biden announced in July that he would withdraw from the race. Shapiro's staff, however, said the governor's history on criminal justice reform is clear. Quote, "The governor evaluates every pardons case individually and on its own merits." And, during his time as Attorney General, he approved more pardons and commutations. Forget that, right? Then, all of his predecessors over the last 25 years combined. Some would say that's a good thing. Some would say it's not. He is proud of his record of delivering meaningful criminal justice reform while making Pennsylvania communities safer. I don't know how you do both. Federman still has full-on enthusiastic support for Kamala Harris, one of the sources said. So, anyway, it's interesting. Federman's saying, "Hey, man, I know Josh like you don't know him and don't pick him." So, interesting. Now, Shapiro also is catching some backlash for a paper he did back at the University of Rochester years ago. It's a 20-year-old student Shapiro at a paper that now is being unearthed. Okay, there's this part of it that the Philadelphia Inquirer uncovered, but also I've been telling you all for a couple of weeks now that if you look at what Shapiro has had to say about Israel's response to the attacks of October 7th, that it puts him way far right of Harris. And Harris has been left of Biden on this. And, you know, there's so much of the pandering that's gone on from the Biden campaign before. Now, I'm sure with the Harris campaign to try to share up these votes in places like Michigan from Muslim voters there. So, Shapiro, who by the way, if you listen to him last week, if you listen to him, he is doing his best Barack Obama, his cadence and stuff. He's coached up in this former President Obama. It's interesting to listen to. But, yeah, so, Philadelphia Inquirer uncovered an essay that Shapiro wrote for the campus time, student newspaper at the University of Rochester. Let's see, Shapiro graduated there in 1995. In the article, Shapiro stressed his view that, quote, "Palestinian's will not peacefully coexist because they do not have the capabilities to establish their own homelands and make it successful even with the aid of Israel in the United States. They are too battle-minded to be able to establish a peaceful homeland of their own." And, let's see, Shapiro wrote, "Identifying himself as a past volunteer with the Israeli Army," end quote. He referred to an Arab world as "divided and belligerent." Which it has very much been. Sure. But, you know, in Democrat politics, it's today. You can't say that. No. But, look, this is 30 years ago, something like that? Yes. And, you could have gone back, I don't know, three, five years you'd be okay as a Democrat saying those things. Yeah. But, not now. Not today. And, as of today, like I mentioned, it says, "Further in the story, Shapiro's support for Israel has been controversial inside the Democratic Party due to the strong pro-Palestine views of the party's left flank. Those who oppose his candidacy have launched the, quote, "No genocide, Josh," end quote campaign." Yeah. So, all that. In continued pressure, Harris to pick another running mate. Some of the Jewish members of Congress have said that the criticism of Shapiro's unfair and assumes that Jewish politicians cannot be objective on Israel. Representative Greg Landsman, Democrat out of Ohio, said, "I think there's a sense that somehow we're not objective because we're Jewish, which is just not true or fair." And, there are a lot of members who are pro-Israel who have been protested against, I think, as Jews, it feels particularly intense and personal, end quote. The Shapiro angle, too, it is of interest, number one, that they're doing the announcement coming up today tomorrow, but I think tomorrow in Philly. I mean, maybe it's a feign, you know, maybe it's the fake pass, and I think it's going to be Kelly or it's going to be Bashir or somebody else, but you would think if you're having this in the state of Pennsylvania, it's going to be Shapiro. Now, will that, no matter who it is, all these stories will be out now, as of the time that Harris declares the VP nominee, all in the mainstream media in the left, all those journalists out there, while they make criticized right now, the second that's named, it's going to be nothing but glowing. Mm-hmm. Oh, they're so great. It's not going to, you pick the person that has been discussed for VP, so that's the same celebration. Yeah, do you think, I mean, they're set up to celebrate whoever it is, they're the best ever, right? I mean, there's not going to be a, I think, a fair assessment from those people that are already just on board to do anything they can to get a couple across the finish line. So, but we'll see this, the Shapiro thing is interesting to hear. Federalmen say that, obviously, of his fellow commonwealth, there in Pennsylvania, Democrat, right? So, I think it's coming unless it's just a real good end-around fake that has me thinking it's Shapiro because the announcement's being made in Philly. Interesting. And also, as far as a Jewish vice president, when John Kennedy became the first Catholic president, that was no small matter. Right. At the time. Right. It was a big deal, yeah. Also, I thought this was interesting, Sean. One more voice is chirping in. Okay. Pretty big voice. David Axelrod, of course, he was big with the Obama administration, getting him elected and all that stuff. He made a statement in an interview with CNN over the weekend, kind of like, hold your horses here a little bit. He's talking about Kamala Harris and fundraising and cutting away at Trump's lead in the polls. Here's what Axelrod had to say. She has a lot of momentum, but if you look at the polling, this is still a really tight race. There'll be a hard fight for either side. It's based on the numbers we're seeing right now. Look, I mean, there's a lot of irrational exuberance. That was the quote I was trying to get to. Irrational exuberance on the Democratic side of the aisle right now, because there was despair for some period of time. Of course, that was after Joe Biden's flop on stage at the, at the debate. Everybody was horrified by that now people feel like there's a chance. exuberance, nevertheless, argue that Trump still holds an advantage over Harris, despite closing the polls, close polling right now. He said, "It's absolutely Trump's race to lose right now. He's ahead and he is ahead in most of the battleground states. They're close. They can be won by either candidate, but right now, he said Trump is in, it's his race to lose. He went on to say, "But there's a, you know, there's a bunch of polls over the weekend. I don't, you know, changing that, right?" He said, "Everyone should remain sober about their chances on the Democratic side." I would say this, Sean, if she doesn't have a big bump or she doesn't have a lead after all of the, the coordination number one, the given the opportunity not to meet the press, number two, no one really pushing her on that, and now with the excitement, right, I put that in the air quotes, of the vice president, you know, candidate, nomination announcement with that. So you've got all of this that kind of would lean to her momentum, I think what Axelrod is saying, this is going to pass to, and it's going to come down to the votes and-- Well, any kind of announcement, you know, you'll have a little honeymoon period, how long that last. I don't know, but it's been, it's been very good for fundraising for the Harris campaign. What does that mean in votes? We'll see. Well, in the United States, people are looking at here, you've got those states in play in the Rust Belt states, but you also look at this story from Axios, talked about the Sunbelt states, about like Georgia, you know, what the races look like in Georgia and Arizona, North Carolina. Like you said, it used to be, remember what we just focused on Florida and Texas in the old days. Yeah. Because the other ones weren't in play. You know, and now it's, you know, now it's going to be, I mean, unbelievable that Georgia would be in play on this, but we're going to watch that Pennsylvania, obviously, a very big deal here. It's another thing that leads me to think it's the Shapiro effect that they need, Pennsylvania. He's pretty darn popular in Pennsylvania, which tells you something, if he's popular like that in Pennsylvania, and we've discussed this before, Pennsylvania is not, it's not Philly and Pittsburgh, Philly and Pittsburgh are a thing, but there's a whole bunch of the state that's not, if he's popular in the state, then he must be moderate in what he does. Right? He must be a moderate Democrat. Yeah. In what he's doing. So how is that going to go with somebody who was the most liberal senator when they were, you know, when they were before they became the vice president with Kamala Harris? I don't know. She also, she probably, the recipe, if you're putting this together, it is now saying, and now add one white male moderate to the, to the cake. Okay. It is interesting now yet. So I guess it's never going to change with Democrats being identity based. They're like, you know, we have to have a white man on here to balance out the black woman. Why don't you just have white man, just get the, get somebody who's good at the job. Yeah. Okay. The reverse is not true for me. I don't go. Oh, yeah. Well, you all need a white, I don't care. Just get the best person to do the job. I was catching some criticism on the text line last week. Amazing. Right? That mostly was me on burner phones, but go ahead. Anyway, I was talking about Trump and his behavior and rhetoric at the rallies. Even you could say at the black journalist event that he was there, you know, and I was just saying that I think his behavior and his rhetoric can affect him negatively with people in the middle. And somebody on the text line saying, oh, so you don't believe a man can just, he can't say what he believes. He can't get on. I'm not saying he can do what the hell he wants to do. I'm saying, as far as practical, are you going to your, those people love you at, they're already at the rally. They love you. You got them. But everything you say and everything you do is now being transcribed and recorded and on into mainstream media and a clip out of context or in context, you have to go out there. Well, listen, Trump is sometimes his own worst enemy. He gets unforced errors, but at the same time to keep it, let's keep it with sports. What he runs, the offense he runs, why do we want to reap, you know, if we're taking the sports thing, he's gone the whole way to the championship game, winning with this program. Why does he do something different? Why do you tell him not to, not to be who he is here because it's taken him a long way. It took him to the White House once and then it didn't. Yeah, but it's a different country, isn't it? It's just, it would take just a minor tweak of attitude, I think, that could make a difference in this. That's all I'm saying. Yeah, that's fine. If Trump wants to beat Trump, good luck winning the election. What do you think? 343 010. So you're coming right back and yeah, and thank you, Jerry in Fort Morgan has got a new job idea for me. Make it so that we get back. Okay. Okay. Oh, I think I saw that. Yes. I mean, hey, how am I doing? In politics, you don't want to miss it. Off to the text line. Really not going anywhere, I'm staring right at it. So it's right there. 2513430106, if you want to be reached out to the show that way, that's fine. It's a berry. I believe that berry's in this. Anyway, it says if we already know who the Dems have coordinated as their presidential choice and will soon be told their VP choice, why do they need a convention? Barry's on Foul River. No, Fish River. Fish River. Barry on Fish River. Because of the party. Yes, the big party. I mean, they have already, what was it, Friday? They had the big announcement from the DNC chair. She is Harris' close the number of votes needed. So it's already done. Sorry, done. So they're going to have the... It was already done for... Be fair. Sorry, done for Trump. Sure. Yeah, he was the presumptive nominee going into the mix. So... All right. Unnamed texture. Dance comments on Trump's toning down the rhetoric, exactly, they say. A small tweak could make a huge difference. Great job, guys. Gulf Coast girl is who called that in or texted that in. Paul also says, "Trump could dial up the discipline a bit personal tax when Kamala will only help her." That's all I'm saying. I mean, just calculate a little bit what helps what doesn't and then mix that into your presentations. Also, Jerry on the text line said, "Shaun, if you would run for PSC, I would definitely support you. You'd be excellent for the job." You know, normally people say things like that to me, I'm like, "Nah, nah, nah." That's actually oddly enough, something I'd be, "I can't do that and do this job." So it would have to be in some retirement form one day. But to me, I would... But the machine would never let me through, you know, because I would be there for the people that pay utility bills. Well, does it matter if it's two on one? There's three seats in there. Yeah. And they got to beat every time anyhow. So you're just there... I can make... Oh, I... But I can make some noise. I know how to get attention. You could. And I could point out what my fellow commission members were doing and maybe the reasons. I mean, it'd be fun. Is it all three nothing with pretty much clean sweeps with... I don't know that. I don't know. I have not... I don't... But I mean, it's... As goes, Kavanaugh goes the public service commission. So I don't know all the votes, how they've gone down. I know that people have been running for PSC, and I watch the walls close in on them and shut them down, you know, if they're not the right person for PSC. You've seen it all, huh? Yeah. I've seen enough of it. Yeah. Now, let's see. Chris and Orange Beach, I would love to know how she, I guess, that being Harris can go two weeks without speaking of the press. Now the press has allowed that. I'm just asking. I mean, if you're... You don't have to. I mean, it's the Governor of Ivy effect, too. I mean, if you're winning, you don't debate, you don't go... You don't have your... You don't put yourself in a position to where you can screw up. Well, again, that is the inverse of Trump. He doesn't care if he's winning or if he's behind the poll, whatever, give him a microphone. He's happy to see you. He's happy to see you. But the pragmatic strategy they have is to keep her away from saying something that's going to cause her a problem, but they'll eventually have to. I would like to see both... I'd like Trump to go to the ABC debate. And I'd like to see Harris go to the Fox debate. Yeah, that's what... I think we'd all like to see that. So she says that she's not doing the Fox debate on the 4th of September, and as Trump said, he's not going to ABC. I forget how it all... He's running scared from that one? Is that the... Well, he's saying she's got to do Fox, and now I'll do ABC. Well, I mean, he said he wouldn't do ABC, but the funny part of it is that then, you know, what you would expect, the Harris machine then said, "Look, look, look. He's scared." But she was dumping about it like I... He said he plays any time, and now he's scared this and that and the other. They use that for probably a week or so against Trump, and now you've got the flip sign for she's not going to do the Fox debate. I mean, this is... It shows you where we are in the political discourse that you have. Its home-field advantage is the thought process. Yeah. How about just if the moderators wouldn't suck and would just ask hard questions about sides, you know, hard question both sides, then you just go have debates. I don't think that she is confident enough to go out there and do that, and she's very good with the teleprompter. She's very good when... You know, not saying the messaging actually disagree with 98% of what she's saying, but with the teleprompter, she delivers a speech, but I think you put her in a debate situation or a one-on-one interview that has anything, but the super softball questions, I think she's going to fail compared to Trump. Well, she's going to fail, and I would say this, Sean. It would be, do you think they've done any prepping with her? Have they... Just every second that she's... So... Oh my gosh. If they say this, you answer this. Yeah. They do that with all of them, but oh, you know the machine is prepping her constantly. So what I'm saying is it's not that she would fail, it's to the degree she might fail in a debate setting. Right. It could be, I'm not saying Biden in the debate, or Biden, but it could be a situation where it's a real loss. Yeah, he can. A real loss. Yeah. So maybe they just keep her in the basement. Yep. Biden. Yep. Hey, can I borrow your basement until November? One of last times, it's like that. It's 859 FM Talk, 1065 Mobile Morning, so the Jeff Poole show is on the way next.