Monsters Up North Podcast

Monsters Up North - Grindhouse Death Proof/Planet Terror

2h 11m
Broadcast on:
06 Aug 2024
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It's a perfect night for mystery and horror, the air itself is filled with monsters. Well, hello all you monster fiends and thank you for joining us for another deep-dive Factoid-filled episode exploring Hollywood's most famous monsters. Hi, I'm your mistress of teramony's son and I'm joined as always by Dan from Bleena Marvelous. Say hello, Dan. Hiya. I was like, where is she going with this one? How could she incorporate something different today? I was far too many to choose from, I just got overwhelmed. Well, thanks for joining us for another episode every one of the Monsters of North podcast. Today is going to be, today is going to be good. I actually learned something new, I didn't think there was anything more I could learn about these movies and I actually learned something new and I've got it all written down. So because it's two movies, I feel like I should do the disclaimer and we crack on into it. Right, so everything discussed in today's episode is our opinions and our opinions alone. If you'd like to discuss anything from today's episode, please come and join us on our Facebook pages, the discord or the comments section where we can have another discussion. But what we want to have is anyone coming for us and telling us our opinions are wrong because we can all agree to disagree in horror. So let's keep it fun, keep it kind and keep the toxic behavior out of a nerdism. Don't be ticked now, no, no, no, no, don't be ticked. Don't do it. Or I'll seep down on you. Right, Braintouse is a 2007 American, I don't know why there's a American in there, is a 2007 double feature film trailer mock commercial compilation package released and written and directed by Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino presenting back to back Rodriguez's Land of Terror, a horror comedy about a group of survivors who battle zombie-like creatures and Tarantino's death proof, an action thriller about a murderous stuntman who kills young women with a modified vehicles paying homage to grindhouse films of the 1970s. Eight women are about to meet one diabolical man and humanity's last orb. I don't get that one. Rest on a high power machine gun as Monsters Up North brings you Braintouse. Roadhouse, no wrong film. Roadhouse, that, that, hang on, oh okay, I see where I went wrong. The first tag line is eight women are about to meet one diabolical man and humanity's last orb, rest on a high power machine gun, I see where I went wrong, I missed the full star. Terrible. How dare you. Terrible. Shall we start with the movie that starts it? Clank Terror. No, it's not. See, this is where I get confused because in so many of the, if you go on to Amazon and you buy the, like you go to watch the grindhouse, it starts with planet terror and then does deathproof. But in the cinemas, it did deathproof in some cinemas, it did the other way round. So I am so confused. So there's one bit that will, that can clear this all up in one instance. In planet terror, there is a radio station playing who says, this is for our very own jungle julia. May she rest in peace. Right. Okay. Jungle julia is killed. Yeah. Deathproof. Yeah. Okay. That's my theory and I'm sticking with it. Um, so we'll start with, to be honest, deathproof to me is the, is the shorter of the, of the movies to talk about because it's, it is literally in two sections. You have a little middle bit in the middle bit, then say two sections, you got two, one set of women, another set of women. Personally, I really like this one. You don't. Yeah. Yes. Audio listeners. She did a grimacing, grimacing face for me. And I know that for one, well, not for once, but on a very rare occasion, me and Mike Kell actually agree on something. We both are fans of planet terror and really do not like deathproof. It has all the reasons why I should like it, but I just don't. And it's because I love Kurt Russell as we've well established it. Yeah. I love Rosaria Dawson. I love you and McGregor's wife, Mary Elizabeth Winston, in all the movies that they've been in. I've got so much respect for Zoe Bell and her stunt work. Um, the, the stunt guys that actually did like Billy, uh, Bobby Joe, who done all the stunt work, you've got, um, just, just did the sheer level of actors and actresses you've got in it as well as, um, Harry and over, uh, Rose McGowan, because she was dating Robert Rodriguez at the time, hence, why she was, yeah, in this film too, but there's also a really good story behind that as well. And we're going to get this out the way with straight away because I don't ever, I don't particularly like talking about this person, but one of the Weinstein brothers. Yeah. Well, this is a Weinstein movie. Um, as it's very much, as you can see on both of them as soon as they start, Robert Rodriguez said to Quentin, I, he knew, he knew about what had happened. Yeah. And he knew. She told him. Yeah. And he knew about the blacklist and he said to Quentin, she comes on both movies because if she does, if Harvey kicks off for whatever reason, cause she was, she also had an end year as well against her, if Harvey kicks up for whatever reason, he then has to admit to Bob, why and Bob apparently according to Robert didn't know anything about this. So he was like, she comes on both films. End off. Yeah. I mean, she said that, um, she sees it differently. Rose sees it that Robert went out of his way to sell the films to dimension. Um, he told him about what had happened to her, her experiences. Yet when you see Robert's term, Robert is, he says that they were involved in some way prior to his knowledge with Rose. And then what you just said that there's that whole, yeah, that's what I mean. What is the two fingers up? Well, she saw it as him going out of his way to torture her, but they were in a relationship. And unfortunately, Rose has had a tumultuous life since it came out, so she broke the Harvey Weinstein news and put him on that slippery slope to, um, prison. Little woman. Yeah. I mean, she's something she says, uh, and this isn't about like, I'm not victim. Shame in. I'm not, nothing like that. I'm just talking about her general opinions about this. This isn't about her experiences. Sometimes she sounds absolutely batshit crazy about some of the stuff she says. Yeah. And then other times I'm like, I can completely be with you. I understand what you're saying. I'm going down. You know, I can follow you. Yeah. I, I get what you mean from some videos I've seen there. It's the library one that gets us when the, um, the trans woman starts having a gourder and it just gets, it gets heated for. It goes from zero to a hundred and Rose could have quite easily backed down and she didn't. I think that's the problem. I think she backed down too much when she was coming out. So she just, she hyper went for it. Yeah. Yeah. We can translate now. Yes. Yes. So, I mean, psychology hat on as I said, sometimes it is one of those things you can see why she is the way she is now, and she's a very, very mixed up human being because of the trauma she's incurred at the hands of the predator, like Weinstein, this isn't allegedly it's factually because he's been done for it now. So it's, you know, fact that, um, I feel sorry for Bob on, on one level because if you didn't know your brother was doing the things that he was doing, I'm not saying he did or he didn't. I don't know. No, I'm not Bob. He's the one who's got to live with that, whether he, you know, but if he was completely unaware of all this, could you imagine what that would have been like your brother being responsible for the downfall of your entire company? Your entire life. Empire. Exactly. Empire. The Weinstein's dimension pictures were huge dimension responsible for scream as well. If you didn't know that because Weinstein's, the Weinstein's had such a big reach. I mean, you see all that thing with Oprah and, and Harvey and how she was one of his name Maxwell's to put it a nicer way. Yeah. But yeah, basically, he is, is very unfortunate, the whole thing and Rose didn't see it the same way as Robert did. She, she took it as a man that she loved and put faith in, went against something that she told him that was one of her biggest secrets, but he's that they were onboarding the beginning. So I really love that story as well, because it was like, oh, at least someone had her back. He's so adamant that he did. He still had that they were in the background the whole time before she even knew, you know, so. Yeah. As they say, there's three sides to a story, isn't there? Yep. His mind and the truth. Exactly. That's the last time I want to bring him up again. I know we've probably said that before in the past, but it's a sweaty man can go tomorrow. Let's, let's talk about cars. Yes. Let's. Yeah, this film upsets my other half to every degree of his body. Oh, no. Because they wrecked the cars. Oh, yeah. Then poo, then poo, cars. There's some nice, nice cars and I personally love death proof. I'm really, I know Mike Hell listens to our episodes. And how do I know this? Because on one of the posts on Facebook, Mark did a running commentary of our last episode. And I knew. So, Mike, from me to you, I'm very sorry, but I really like death proof. You shouldn't have to apologize. I mean, it's like, I kind of apologize for not liking it. Yeah. And he wouldn't either. This is the thing about this film for me. It's nonsensical. There's no start point. There's no end point. You're just slapped straight back. I mean, we're talking Quentin Tarotina here, I know lineage doesn't really exist in his world. But this is the only film that it does from point A to point B. And it goes straight right. There's no skipping back to a Z, there's no S, there's no exposition, there's no nothing. This is the only story he's ever done, which has gone from there to there and played itself out. And I don't think it's that that, Suriza, I don't like it, I just don't understand his motivation behind doing what he does. Is it just that he misses what he was doing so much? He just picked easy targets to potentially, there's no explanation. There isn't. There isn't. When it comes to student man, make the fact that he's doing so much, don't get me wrong. There's so much about this film that works and I'm not saying the film doesn't work. I just, for me, it's the fact that A, they rex those beautiful cuts. And B, I just don't get where we're going with it. I don't understand why we've been plunged there specifically. Yeah. And I can totally understand that. This is a movie of visuals for me, just shapes and colours when I'm watching it. I like the fact that I don't get in Norway. There's one moment, actually, when a student man makes, lets his guard down and he gets out the car and he goes, "That was fun." Yeah. And I'm like, "Oh, this really is just a game to him. It's not personal. He's picked these ladies out just to have fun. That's weird, but intriguing at the same time." Yeah, because I think he was trying to relive his glory dates. I mean, that, I think, was quite evident. The fact that when he was sat in the bar and he was really in awe for all of these TV programmes he'd been in and you've got like roses sat there and Pam or Pat is their name. I can't remember. Pam. And you have all the other girls and then you have Skip behind them. They're all sat there because a lot, what you will find in this movie is that they use a lot of the characters in both films, not characters that the actors play double parts in both films. So they're sitting there having this conversation anyway and he's really not for these TV programmes he worked on. There's something other. And they actually are genuine TV for like programmes that worked on as a kid. But he was saying that he was a stuntman on the mall and none of them knew what he was talking about. So he took umbrage to that like instantly because you could see a shift in his face. Yeah. He didn't like that. Yeah. But I don't think that was his initial target. His initial target was not Rose McGowan's character in the slightest. It was bird of fly. What was the session? Where did that come from though? Because he just saw her standing outside that convenience store or he was he was there the whole time. Um, you do see him in the background, but you don't see him. That's the thing that I did like that. The fact that he sat in the restaurant when Rosaria Dawson's talking, but you don't know you don't really focus on him, but yeah, the fact that he's in the bar when the girls are eating. Obviously you do see him there. But there's little snippets he's in the shop he's doing. He's like around he's in the he's in the Mexican bar, you know, when they do it with the whole butterfly scene and the she's explaining to um, Sydney, what's that name? Sydney. Yeah. Sydney. Yeah. Not. No, it's his daughter. Yeah. Cindy. Yeah. Um, when she's explaining to Arlene or butterfly, what's going to happen with the whole lap dancing thing in the Mexican bar before they've even gone to the last location that they're out of. Yeah. Yeah. He's sitting behind that. He's sitting there in that bar. Yeah. You can just, you've got to really be looking to find him, but he's in there. So the first group of ladies is Harleen, Jungle Julia, Shana Banana, and the, the drug dealer. Yeah. I've got the names. I don't think of what our name is. Jordan Ladd. Jordan Ladd, Sydney Poirier, Vanessa Fertil, and they are the first group of ladies. Yeah. Monica Staggs is the one that was driving the car. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Leena Frank. Yeah. That's it. Leena Frank. Um, so there you go. First group of ladies. This is the, the, the scene in the bar has some of the best music playing. It's one of, this is one of my favorite sound, movie soundtracks of all time is deaf. I want to say it's a good one. Joe Texas is always a winner for me, you know, so just, I'm sorry, I could hear something in the background. Shit, sir, when I've got the door closed to do, I've got no cats coming in. Um, yeah, this soundtrack is absolutely amazing. Um, I love this group of ladies. I love Shanna Banana, and Shanna Banana, that's Shanna Banana. Sorry. I don't. That's accents amazing. I don't empathize with either of these bunch of women, right? I, I, the second one more size in the first, I like, give you, because they give you more the, the, the, let you know who they are, the, in this one, all we know is that Arlene has come to visit for a weekend, and they're going to end up in the lake in Shanna's Lake, Daddy's Lake house. Jungle Julia is a radio DJ, a local radio DJ, who's having an affair with somebody who we never see, is so much alluded to, but not a lot, laid down on the ground for it. Um, I really just think this movie is just homage to cars, pretty much, and that, and that is it. However, where you can get to fit a car in, we'll do it. Um, the, the song that's playing when the car crashes, if that comes on my playlist, because I do have it on my playlist all tight, um, I turn it off, as I'm like, am I going to crush my car? Um, it's the, the cars themselves are beautiful. You've got the original Deathproof car, which is one of the Scotland crossbones, which is Chevy Nova. Yeah. You've got the, um, second car he drives, which is the Dodge Charger, then you've got the white car that the second group of girls are driving, which is a Dodge Challenger, and then you've got the, what they called it was the Mustang, uh, the new Mustang, which was the, um, ah, I think it was a Mac one or a Mark one Mustang, and it was the, done in the same colors as the Pussy Wagon from Kill Bill. Yes. Called it the little Pussy Wagon, they called this one, um, Brilliant. Which is why they alluded to it with the character Jasper, um, who they left. Um, yeah, this is, this is where it gets a bit ancestral with the movies, because they left you and McGregor's wife with Jasper, who was the guy who also was the man who was paying to go and have sex with, um, comatose patients in Kill Bill, and he never even, yeah, he tried with him a Thurman, and she bit his face off, basically. Um, so yeah, that it's not the same character, but it's all alluded to, yeah, because this whole, the way this all ties into each other, all the movies tie into each other and how inbred Robert Rodriguez and, um, Quentin Tarantino's movies are, there is like a multiverse. Yeah. Yeah, there is. And it's owned because it just, they don't, they're not linear, like this, this character is in this movie, but it doesn't mean that that person exists in that other timeline. It's like that character only exists in that film as that, at that point, because the way they tie all the films together is with like Elle McGraw. Yeah, I was just, yeah, I was just about to get to that one, um, when, because before you get to meet Earl, you get the death scene. I love the first death scene. Yes. I would, I give that props to our boys, K and B, Mr. Greg, and Howard Berger, how have you wanna say his name? Greg and Howard excelled themselves in that scene. We're right on fucking love that scene. I will say, it's the only redeeming feature about this movie show me. I love the fact that we get to see everybody's death. So it's everything's individual. It starts off with a jungle julia, no, it's, it's Shanna, Shanna goes out the car first. And then when we do the second flash, the second point, it's jungle julia losing her leg. Mm hmm. And then if Frank comes, doesn't come off too bad, because she just gets a fierce full of wheel. Mm hmm. And but it's Vanessa, it's Vanessa, um, or Arlene slash butterfly who gets the wheel, right? And you see everything. If you are looking, you see that wheel go right across her face. It is impressive. I mean, they must have filmed that numerous amount of times from so many different angles. Because if they did that in one shot, I'm beyond impressed because it, something people don't really realise with Quentin Tarantino and Robert, they don't tend to use CGI unless it's 100, they're necessary, they're all in their ways of, you know, doing stuff. Oh, absolutely. That's why I have a lot of time, but the one thing I will say that after I've watched all these behind the scenes for these two movies and the love everybody has for Tarantino and Robert, they, his passion can be mistaken as egotisticalness sometimes, I think, but I think it's, you see how much, when he loves something, how much, how excited he gets about his kid. Yeah. And he's exactly the same, they have this way of looking at something, different ages. And, yeah, I just love the fact that this wasn't heavily CGI, this moment was done practically as much as they could have. Oh, absolutely. When Jungle, when Jungle Julia's leg comes off and you hear it go across the floor, I'm like, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh no. But then I look at her leg and go, oh my gosh, she has fantastic legs. Well, I'm glad that that happened to her because I really didn't like, she was a horrible character. Horrible. She was not a nice person. And once we get that death out of the way with, we then head into a hospital where we meet our first character who is in both movies, which is Dakota, Dakota, but I can't think of her actually. That's it for all you screen fans, screen for Judy. Yeah, she's, yeah, Dr. Blok, I love the way Elma Gras is Dr. Blok. Yeah, and we get to meet Earl who we find out is her father. If you are a fan of Kill Bill, you will know Elma Gras from the Kill Bill films, along with Sun number one. Yes. Who is actually Michael Parks's real son. Oh, I love Michael Parks so much. He is and is very sorely missed. Well, this was the thing was I saw the interview with Quentin and Robert, how they basically said we borrow each other's characters all the time. We just don't care. We'll just like, if one of us wants to use it in that movie, we don't give a shit. So it wasn't until I sat down and I watched the dailies and went, shit, you've given Earl a backstory in this film. He's never had a backstory in all of the other films. You've given him a wife, you've given him a kid, we've never, you know, we see some number one, but we've never seen a daughter before. We've never known that one of the prime antagonists in Planet Terror is his daughter. So you're like, okay, does that mean that that travels through all the other movies? He said, now I've got to, you know, because obviously the behind scenes were shot when the movie was made. He's like, so when I use, if I use Earl again, moving forward, I've got to consider the fact that now he's got, yeah, I'm Dakota and he's got like, you know, number one, yeah, you know, find out he's actual name, but that is Michael Parks is real soon. It was, it was just easier because the ball sounded exactly like they can both do the same accent. My turn and point with Michael Parks was when he joined Kevin Smith's Rams because Kevin Smith and Quentin Tarantino are very good friends. They come from directors who they know their shit, they know their references. This is why you get death proof for is because of all the references that Quentin can take back to car movies, to that era in in car history. And when he started working with Kevin Smith and he did a red state and he did tusk and a no tusk is not everyone's cup of tea. I actually really like it. I think it's so weird. I love it. Because it's weird. Watching just a long, being created into a walrus is something I never knew I needed. And Johnny Depp is a weird Canadian French inventor. Yeah, bizarre. But yet it still worked for me. It was a movie I was talking about months after I'd seen it to try and, you know, process. You know how I come on here in a process movies? It took us a month to do that one, but Michael Parks in it as a maniacal crazy man who just wanted to turn people into walruses was, yeah, and so yeah, you get to meet Earl and you get to meet Dr. Block and he kind of now. And I probably only think this because I know a planet terror is that he obviously it's not her. It's the fact that you married him. Yeah. Because he emphasizes a surname when you see her all the time. Yeah. Well, is that right? Dr. Block. I mean, I wouldn't say just problems are bad choice, but, you know, we'll get there. I wouldn't argue with him. The main film from what I could gather from what I've found that he based that he wanted to not recreate, but he wanted to homage to when he made Death Prince was Convoy. And he's loved for Bert Reynolds, and he's loved for all the car movies that Bert Reynolds has done over the years. That's why there is a duck on the front of Kurt Russell's car because of the 10 for Robert Ducky. Oh, my gosh. Show me. Oh, boy. So that's why you've got the duck hood ornament on the front of the cars. I just think of the Simpsons going into the convoy. Do you know who was going to play a stuntman, Mike? I've seen a few, but the one there was a few. Yeah, there was one that got me, which is the when he crashes through the movie sign. And the movie sign had off creep on it. Oh, yeah. That's right. Yes. And because Quentin wanted John Jarrett to play stuntman Mike to start off with. So, but then I saw the list, but the list. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, the list. And not one of them, I think, would have worked in all honesty. Willem de For? No. No. And John Mankovic? No, they're both two cerebral actors. They're two. Oh, I love that word. I love that word. I love that word. I love that. Now, it depends on which one we're getting here. Right. But Mickey Rourke. Cool. As if we're getting Mickey Rourke after the surgery. I want my birt. Oh, are we getting it before the surgery? Before surgery, that's pretty Mickey Rourke. Yeah. He had such a pretty face. And I'm not saying the surgery was bad. It just obviously it changed a lot of his features. He did not look like the same person. You wouldn't get Marv from Sin City with that Mickey Rourke if it was pretty Mickey Rourke. You just wouldn't. I'd drive in the car. I could get. That's it. That's what I mean. I could see that. And the next one, that's the salon. No. No, no, the next one. It would have been fucking hilarious. I'm not going to lie. John Travolta. Now. The caveat on this one is that if he's playing past a Troy from face off Travolta. Mm hmm. Then yes. But if you're getting bog-standard, Danny Zuko Travolta, no, but if you'll get in. Oh, I go back to this film time and time again. If you're getting the fanatic Travolta, then that's a whole nother, a whole nother layer of something that nobody needs, which is the Devon Sarwa directed by Fred Durst. I can't even believe that exists. Yeah. It is something. And that's what it is. It's something. And it's one of those movies, you watch and you think to yourself, what the fuck did I just see? And then you feel yourself going back and watching it again. You don't like it, but you can't not watch it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I can understand. The minute you said Fred Durst directed it, I can understand where you're coming from. I'll just keep thinking of the Oscar moment. Oh. Yeah. Oh, no. Don't do anything. No, don't do anything. Ooh. That's me, Jantra Valtter impression. Ooh. Ooh. The last one. I don't know what direction they could have gone with this. I can see him playing crazy. But he can also be very menacing. Ving rams? I can understand why they didn't use it. Because I feel like, and this, this is, I don't know if I want to say this, I'm going to say it. Right. Know that this comes from a place of love and not anywhere other than that. I feel like it would be too racially stereotypical, like, to put someone of his stature, color, and what he was known for at the time of that kind of typecast character. I feel like putting him in that situation, it might have come across as a totally different film. Mm-hmm. I don't think it would have been as light, even though it's not like movie by any stretch of the imagination. But from what we can gather, Stumpman likes motivation was that he was just having fun. And I can't see Ving rams. He's too serious. Yeah. I can't, I can't see. I feel like it would become a totally different film. The only time I have seen Ving rams look to be having a good time, as in his character to be having a good time, I'm not saying Ving rams is a miserable bastard, but any stretch. But when he was in Chuck and Larry, and he's dancing to I'm every woman in the shower, it's just magical. I love every second of it, but I always go back to pull fiction, and that's how I picture in him. And it's just, I'm trying to think of dialogue that Stumpman Mike has, that Ving rams would end, it would just be, it would be, it would be maniacal. And Stumpman Mike, he's not, he's meant to not give you that maniacalism. He's meant to be different, but not, fuck me, he's terrifying and different to people who see him. He just looks normal. I think Ving rams, because of his stature and everything and the way that you can really draw his dialect out, it would be too scary. Yeah. I think, yeah. And I think, yeah. I think that I would whittle it down, then, in my head, to be in Castertroy, John Girota, Marv from Sensity, Mickey Rock, but my winner, if it wasn't Kurt Russell, would definitely be John Jarrett. Could you imagine Mick, that is exactly the character I can now, because that is Quentin Tarantino's favourite horror movie, you can see Mick Taylor in Kurt Russell throughout that history. You can see that love of the sport, it's not about, it's about the hunt and having the high and the makes in a bit all. So it is Mick, he's written Mick's character as a car, as a Stumpman. It makes so much sense now that, because Bear in a Mind, up until we did the Wolf Creek episode, I hadn't actually watched Wolf Creek. So when she's banging on about Mick, I was like, are you talking about? I don't know, now I do. And I totally, I totally get it. Kurt Russell did have a scar on his eye as a Stumpman Mike. It's the same placement as his snake, one in Escape from New York. Same placement. So once we've killed off them ladies, we then get a new pack of ladies. Now these are my favourite ladies, this is my favourite moment is when these girls come in. Zoe is my favourite in that group. Zoe the Cat. For two reasons, because she actually plays herself, which I think is a ballsy move to make, she, if you look at Zoe's history of what the movie she's been in, that woman is a stunt woman, you recognise her face, the minute you see Zoe, you're like, I know you from, what do I know you from? She's been in everything, and she's done stunts and everything and anything. She is, I think she's the other Ozzie O'Keeley, I can't remember what she's written into it, but yeah. To actually make reference to it in the Dynasty, when they're all eaten, because Mary Elizabeth Weinstein, who plays Lee Montgomery, turns around and goes, what part of Australia are you from? And she goes, what are you being about that mate? And she's like, and then you never call a Kiwi an Ozzie, and she started her career out as Zina, Warrior Princess, she was a stunt double for Lucy Lawless, and I remember watching behind the scenes of when, I don't know if it was like a DVD thing or something, I've seen on YouTube, but it was when she got the call from Quentin to be the bride, it changed her whole life. Like her whole life changed in that second. I love that in Once Upon a Time in America, when she comes out, absolutely shit, because she plays Kurt Russell's wife in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, sorry, I think I said America. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, and I love the ball, the attitude of her, when she comes out like the sass on her, Zoe was not the best actress, but she always had heart, and she was always willing to do her own stunts. Yeah, and this was the thing, because when Quentin asked her to come on to do this movie, he hired a stunt performer to do her stunts for her, and she was like, "What the hell did you do that for?" She said, "That's what I do, why aren't you going to let me do what I do? You want me to be in this movie, to play a stuntman, to do an inception kind of character, you know, a stunt woman within a stunt woman within a stunt woman, and you don't want me to be a stunt woman." And he was like, "Okay, I do get what you're saying." She said, "Well, put it this way. Put me on the front of the car, and you can do cornstalk shots to my face, and you don't have to worry about pumping them in, or doing any of that other reshoots of me precariously pretending to be on the back of the car." She said, "You can film me do the whole thing, and then you've got free footage that, you know, it's not going to cost you the earth." And he was like, "Actually, yeah, that makes perfect sense, so let's do it in the end, so all that is going on the front." Yeah. It's a pity that they couldn't use her for the incident that happened in Kill Bill, which is what caused Uma Therma and him to have a falling out, and all they've kissed and made up now, because Robin, a daughter, was in Once Upon a Time in America, and why do I keep saying Once Upon a Time in America? Once Upon a Time in Hollywood? Robin, the stranger things, Maya, my call. Yes. Did I call the Raph character from she did it? Yeah. Maya, Maya Hawk, yes. Yeah, so I think the kiss to made up with that. When I found that out, I was like, "Fuck me, that's brutal." And I know that they couldn't because it was all close shots, but he didn't need to call that intense. She knew something was going to happen, something was wrong, but I love these. This movie is very heavy dialogued. Yes. A lot of talk, which is what Tarantino loves to do more than anything. It's very much hateful in it, because it's all people do is talk. BC, hopefully, I didn't have as much of an issue with it as I did before. Only one I don't like. This one, that whole scene where they're in the diner, eating their breakfast or whatever they're doing, eating the dinner, they've been in their fucking ages, they're not even talking about anything at all. And I know Tarantino has a habit of going off topic, telling stories, but the stories that he tells always are either a parody of what's actually happening within the movie, or they're a joke, like if someone's telling a joke, but this just felt like, I don't know. I don't want to be privy to four people having a conversation when it's about nothing. That felt very like, if you were eavesdropping, you'd go, "Oh, that's boring," and you'd get up and carry on with your day and not give it a second thought. Now, again, it's just chit-chat of movie sets, because they're all working in the movies, and that's all you get out of them in their conversation is set talk. They do allude to how Zoe has nine lives, because that is very much foreshadowing later on. But then Zoe, while she's in America, wants to drive the dog challenger. The challenger, yeah. She wants to drive the challenger and has actually found one, weird request, but, okay, who am I to judge on your hobbies, and this is when they go off to the weird guy to go and get the car and ships mass, is that what she calls it? It's something, yeah, the stunt is called that, yeah. Did you know that Tracy Tombs, who plays the stunt driver, she was a graze? Yes. And she's in station 19, and she's been in a few other, like, TV. She's sassy as fuck I did like him. She's also a stand-up comedian. She does stand- Made a lot of sense, yeah, but what Quentin said in his interview I saw, he said he wanted to, she could do the slower stunts. Tracy was great at the slower stunts, but they needed a black stunt woman to be able to do the larger stunts, so they hired this woman, and I want to say her name was Christina or Christine, it was something like that, and she didn't have as much experience as other stunt drivers, so they were a bit nervous about taking her on. So what they did was they got Bobby Joe to take her out and teach her the stunts, because he said that he wanted her to be great, and not only in this movie, but when she left this movie, he wanted her to have the experience and the tutelage that would enable her to double so many black women in cinema, so that they would be able to have doubles, because stunt work for black women isn't, at the time of this movie, I'm just quoting on what he was saying. Yeah. There wasn't a lot of people of colour or different ethnicities in stunt world, so you had very little choice when it came to, that's why sometimes when you see a stunt person and they look nothing like, they're pulling off a stunt and you go, "Oh, because they were on..." Too many times. Yeah, there wasn't somebody that was right for the arrival, and so I wanted to invest in Christina, I think, of Christine, and give her the ability to pull off that stunt, you know, where they do the flying over the, and put the end onto the freeway that bit, yeah, she practiced for five days with Bobby Joe to do that, and he'd Bobby Joe was the guy who flipped the cars, but that is so amazing, I was really quite impressed, because he does these things every now and again, people think he's a tyrant and they think he's horrible. He is sometimes, I mean, we all have our moments, to be honest with you, when I found out he wanted to invest in the future, because he didn't want stunt work to become something that would just be in a way, yeah, yeah, and I totally understand that it is, it's fundamental to keep practicality in movies, is to have the stunt people, if you lose them, then we're just going to be CGI and everything, and Zoe Bell did this amazing video in lockdown. It's one of my favorites, I still go and watch it now and again, just a smile, she's sitting in her living room and it's locked down and she's like, "I miss all my friends, I just want to play," and then she gets this idea and goes, "Well, I can play," and she runs to her camera and she kicks the screen, and it starts from there, she hits Lucy Lawless in the face, and then Lucy Lawless then throws a punch back and it goes to, well, Tracy Tombs is in the video, Rose, no, not Rose, Cameron Diaz is in the video, Holly Berry's in the video, and it's all these women doing, it's stunt women as well, people have, I don't recognize, but they are from the stunt world, and there's one actress in there because she is one of the best physical comedy actresses that has ever come out, it's Sweet D from Always Sunny, she is in that video, that made me so happy to know that Sweet D was in that video because she is one of the great, she's got such great physical comedic time, and she does the majority of her own stunts, there was a very short period of time when she couldn't because of her pregnancies, but she flings herself about on that set. It's her name, Caitlyn, in real life, Kate, Kate? Yeah, I just couldn't remember, that's why I call her Sweet D. It's not Michael Henny, even though she's married, she's got her own son energy, and I don't know if it's so married, I think they are, I'm like yeah, because they have to stand all recently of him cheating, wasn't they? What? Yeah, there was a whole thing, I don't know how true it was, obviously it's the Sunday rags, and apparently Rob Michael Henny met somebody in Wales and Maxim, and was seeing her allegedly, and then Caitlyn found out, and there was all this thing, but I've seen a lot of videos where Caitlyn has been stood next to Rob, and I don't know how new they are, so I'm not entirely sure where Michael was, or... The last force he put up is her and him, yeah, they are very on him and Ryan, he's a live, he's a live wife, and yes. He's offered Ryan over that getting cut out of the movie thing though, isn't he? It's so funny, it's to be the extras, it'll be fine. Exactly, you'll show up somewhere, but yeah, she was in that, the video was so much fun, it was out of all of the shitty fucking lockdown videos you got, you know, Bloody Gal Gadot singing, fucking Sean Lennon, oh my god, this was a breath of fresh air to see all these stunt women, and women who have done their own stunts in movies, and it was nice to see Cameron Diaz, because at the time, she'd retired, so she hadn't been seen for a long time, she became a mommy, and you know... Yeah, she was married to one of the maddens, wasn't she? I would never put them together, but when you see them, they look so perfect. Yeah, because you've got one maddens married to, I don't know which she's daughter, and the maddens, Joel, I can't remember the other one, and I was not Joel. He's the one who does the tattoo, program, isn't he? Yeah, and I don't know which one he's married to. It's a good, shallow voice. Yeah, basically. For us who were around in the 2000s, and who can remember that? Do you know how they came up with the name Death Proof? No. It was Sean Penn. To blame or to? Sean Penn was getting drunk with Quentin Tiantino one night, and they were like having a conversation about Pulp Fiction, and Sean said something and all the lines of, "I don't want to go in the same way that anybody died in Pulp Fiction," because there was a car scene that he didn't like in it. And what? Yeah, and apparently, allegedly, Sean said, "Well, you could take any car and give it to a stunt team, and for $10,000 or $15,000, they can Death Proof it for you." And the Death Proof stayed with Quentin, so he literally took that Death Proof and then made it into a movie. Oh, I've got to say, I do, I love this film. I love the ending where the women get their redemption, and they kick seven shades of shit out of them. Rosario Dawson is in that video as well, and the move she uses to hit the next person is the leg, and she can still do it. That woman is just, "No, I love her." They're talking about her. She gets a phone call in the movie. In a ringtone, you're going to hate me doing this. Oh, yes, it is. Great sound. But it does stick with you. Yeah, basically, the killer nurse, Daryl Hannah, that scene from "Kill Bill," where she's walking down the thing. The plagiarism between the two of them is shocking. Yeah. Yeah. You know, they really do get their money's worth out of their licenses and whatnot. But the thing I do admire about this movie is that Robert Rodriguez, I don't know why I have such a problem saying it's their name. I know, it's because it's because of the Roberts. Yeah. If it was, try to see in Michael Rodriguez. Michael Rodriguez. No, try to see in Robert Rodriguez. Robert Rodriguez, for Christ's sake. It's the Robert, it's the R and the R. I know that he wrote the entire soundtrack himself, like he was the one who did all the music, because originally he'd asked John Carpenter to come on board for it. And John Carpenter, for some reason, couldn't commit to it. So he decided, right, I'll do it all myself. So every song you hear, there isn't a, like an already released song is an original piece of music done by Robert. He's insane. He is one of the greatest, Mario, he does really good Spanish guitar on fucking believable. If you love Kill Bill as much as I do, the Kill Bill to the last song, which I, it's so weird. I play a lot of Spanish music, yet it's something that would never, it should never have crossed my path because of, you know, from where I'm from. But I do listen and I listen to a lot of Spanish guitar. And I also listen to a lot of Selena. Don't understand the word she's saying, but I still sing along to it like I do. And the last song on the Kill Bill volume two is him. And I watched a video of him playing it live. And I wept. I cried. I love that song so much. But this song, this soundtrack has down in Mexico, one of mine and Anne's personal favourites. It's a really long fucking song. So it takes a whole drive in and to work, we can get that whole song in. It's a really long song. And baby, it's you, one of another favourites of mine, oh, and obviously called tight. And then it drew a blank because there's not a lot of, there's music, but it's not like it was in the first act. In the third act, it's like there's not a great deal that's memorable to us. Yeah, it's, he did, he wrote the same in the, he wrote the planet horror, planet horror, classic planet terror. That thing, the anthem for planet terror, he wrote that, the main thing for that. Well, I, the other day, because I watched, what was that watching? What was, and I got really death proof vibes and I ended up watching it after. It was Wolf Creek. I watched Wolf Creek and I got death proof vibes from it. No one, oh, I'm gonna watch that next. And planet terror is something I haven't watched for a really long time. And I wasn't going to because I feel like I know this movie back to front inside out. And I really, I thought it's okay. I don't really need to. I've got all my notes written, I can do this blindfold and it's totally cool. And then I watched it last night and I was like, I forgot how fucking God this film is. I've been banging on about how mirrors and death proof is. This fucking trousers it. Well, the current intarentino did say about death proof. The 2012 directors round table thing that they do every now and again. Oh, yeah. He said, this is the worst movie I ever did. So I saw Sadie thinks that way. But then he did back it up with saying, if that's the worst I've done, then I've done pretty well. Yeah, absolutely. He doesn't like what he did, but he's still happy about it. Does that make sense? Yeah. He totally get it. The budget for this movie compared to planet terror, horror, death proof was 30 million a budget for this. It will be all the stunts. Yeah. And it only took 31.1 million in the cinema. Ooh, ouch. So yeah, and I can't work out how this worked because if we look at the budget and box office for planet terror, it doesn't go in line at all because planet terror's budget was 23 million. And the special effects, the pyros, the sheer amount of the helicopters and everything that they had, they did that on 23 million. And really utilized. Yeah. You can kind of, oh, I don't want to say this, I'm going to kind of say you're the better the better film director is. I think you can all the best one who can utilize things a bit better. The only issue I have is this is where it doesn't make sense to me, considering it was a double feature. And when you saw it at the cinema, you paid for both. Yeah. You didn't just pay for one. So I can't work out how this box, I googled and googled this, and it came up with the same answer every time. And I still don't understand. So bearing in mind, it's saying that death proof took 31.1 million in box office. Apparently, planet terror only took 11.4 million. That makes no sense. No, no, I can't stand by that. Because when I've googled it, I do my best to check and check and check. Oh, yeah. And 100%. That doesn't make sense to me. If it's a double feature, I understand people walking out, but you pay for both movies when you walk in. It's not like you don't pay for your own fantasy one. I know they did release them two years later, didn't they? Yeah, I got them as a Easter present of Anne. Yeah. That's how I found them. He just he went, I know you like Tarantino. He's a he's a DVD. That's oh, I got it. And before we get into planet terror, that is quickly run through the trailers. Yeah. The trailers that were created for the in-betweens and something that actually blew my mind. Not long ago. So they were going to do it because of Grindhouse being exploitation of certain genres in movies. They want a trailers to represent them. Machete was going to be the only one. And this is just from what I read was going to be the only one that they were going to do. They then went to and they didn't go to, but they're having a conversation with Edgar Wright and Eli Roth, and they went, "We want this. We want to do this. Let us be involved in this." And then Rob Zombie went, "Well, I want to be in a two." And this whole thing of trailers came out where some of them became a bit of a reality. Yeah, I will say the first one was Machete obviously. Yeah. And then you see, I think it goes to the 'don't' which was the Edgar Wright one, which was 'don't the Edgar Wright one' with the British stars like Jason Isaacs in it and Nick Frost in a nappy and like as an adult baby. Why? Why? Do you know, I haven't actually seen that one, and there's another one I haven't seen either, which was, and I want to get out of the way with now because I'm absolutely chalking on me words to try because of it. Thanks, Gibbon. It was the film from last year. Yeah. Eli Roth has been trying to make that film for that long. I lost my tiny little brain when I was reading this the other year and I went, "Thanks, Gibbon. Eli Roth." What? What? Hang on a minute. It's inspired by Black Christmas in Halloween and so that is exactly what I just watched last year. Holy shit, it blew it honestly blew in my mind. Um, Edgar Wright? Yeah, Edgar Wright was taught. Yeah. Kills were the same, but there were similar kills in the movie to the trailer. Yeah, it was, he literally could tell he'd written this a long, long time ago. I really enjoyed it. It is something that we will look to do at some point because I actually really enjoyed it. Rob Zombie, women of the SS. Um, obviously the wife's involved. And Bill. Yeah, and Bill's in it. Um, and also quite unknown actor by the name of Nicholas Cage. It's in it. I was like, all right, okay. Who did it for Shits and Giggles? Yeah. There's no payment involved in the transaction between Rob Zombie and Nicholas Cage. Do you know what the transaction was between Rodriguez and Tarantino? For them to, to do a core production and direct on each of those movies. A dollar. Yeah. One dollar. I do know that the transaction between Ryan Reynolds and Brad Pitt on Deadpool 2 was a cup of coffee. A cup of coffee. Yeah. Yeah. Sometimes people do it just for the art. Yeah. Um, and yeah, but one, I was also something I was reading. Um, I think it was Planetera. I think it was Planetera. Someone, someone had made a comment because they were like, what was it like to be directed by Rodriguez? And it's went well. It was actually a very collaborative, joint effort because you didn't really know who you were getting direction from because they would both be there. But they, they were very good at coming up with the same idea, but just getting there in different ways. Yeah. Because Quentin was the DP on Planetera. He was a director of photography, which is why it does feel very Tarantino as well as Rodriguez. I think the thing I like about this, if you put these two movies side by side, Planetera has that B movie vibe to it, whereas the death proof feels more like, I can't really put my finger on it. It doesn't have that same gritty, it doesn't. Cheesiness about it. When you stand them up against each other, it doesn't quite, I can see why people choose Planetera over death proof. I have, I like it because again, shapes and colors and cars. That's about it. But again, when I watched this last night, it just reignited, this is the better movie. There is, it feels like Tarantino poured all of his passion into this one along with, you can tell this is Rodriguez by the movie, by the actors, by the cinematography. Yeah, the cinematography, you can tell this is a Rodriguez film. If you don't, you've not seen any of these movies before. But you can tell Tarantino has had his paintbrush in there. Yeah. And when them two work together, it is pure fucking magic. This is what you get. Yeah. Is Planetera. They, they've been wanting to make, Robert, I've been wanting to make a zombie film and I use that loosely because it's technically infected. They're not zombies. Yeah. Yeah. And they will be beautiful. He'd been wanting to make this film since 1998. He wrote a treatment in '98 whilst he was directing the faculty. Yeah. He wrote a treatment and he sat down with Elijah Wood and I read this somewhere. Oh, God, what's his name? He's in that new film, perhaps, on blank on his name. Oh, Josh Hartner. Yes. Oh, he sat down with Elijah and Josh and was like, what are the things that you find interesting about zombie movies? And basically, they gave him a list. And from there, he went on and wrote a loose treatment for Planetera. But it took him 10 years to get it up and running and going. And he had such a love for zombie movies. He got so annoyed when the walking dead came out because he's got like, he'd missed his, missed his tones. Yeah. But that's why he got Greg on. That's why he got Victoro on. He's like, he's the best. He's the best. I mean, he knew that Savini is in this film. He is in the film. Savini's looking idiot in this film. That's the whole point. He plays a character called Tolo, Deputy Tolo or something like that. Apparently, when he translates the surname into Portuguese, it means useless. Yeah. Something along those lines. I thought it was brilliant. Josh Brolin asked Rodriguez, I can't even see it. I'm not even saying his name. Ask Rodriguez for a video or camera because he wanted to do his audition tape for No Country for Old Men. And Rodriguez said, we can do better than that for my friend. And they got out the big guns and they did this epic audition tape for Josh Brolin for an old country for no country for Old Men. I adore that film. I think that's the, that was a very big turn and point for me in movies. It was the first time I'd sat there and not only just paid attention but took in everything. There was nothing in that movie that distracted us because there's no soundtrack. There's no score. It's deadly silent. And it was the, it was the first time I was like, oh shit, I've got to look at everything. It was, it's such a fantastic movie. But yeah, they did, they, they did, Barry Shelton also did the, did lines with them for the audition. They made a whole production out of it. The camera cost $95,000. And wrote in Tarantino edited it for him. I can imagine you just submitted this tape for an audition and they go, hang on a minute, directed by Roger Reed. Well, it's in Tarantino featuring Marley Shelton. I'll be like, it was scored. It was scored by Rodriguez as well. So they did a whole thing for it. This is the thing. I mean, Josh Brolin himself is a Nepo baby and he self professed because obviously his father is dad. For some people who don't know, his dad was actually married to Barbara Streisand at one point. No, he still is. They're not married. They never, they're a gaudy horn. I know they're together, weren't they? Right. They're a gaudy horn and Kurt Russell kind of relationship. They never, I don't think they ever got married, but they have been together since Josh was a kid. Yeah, he calls her mama. Does he really? Yeah. Yeah. And it's a beautiful relationship. Family legacies. His dad was an actor. He, he's been brought, brought up in the lovey-dovey darling world since he was a kid, but he lost his way, as do most people. He was a child. And I think this movie was his stepping stone for, you know, like R.D.J. had his redemption when he was a naughty boy and he came out and he got into doing movies again and they were only bit parts. And then he got that one movie that launched him. It, to be fair, what launched him back into a movie career was the "I Want Love" video by John. That was the first time he kicked, because he was in Ally McBeal. Yeah. And it had his final arrest. And then, and then all of a sudden that video came out and it's like, oh, that's a clean R.D.J. That's why Michaela stopped liking him. She likes, she likes corked up R.D.J. not clink out R.D.J. But John Travolta pulled fiction. That's his redemption movie. That's the movie where he'd been gone for so long and was being almost like laughed at, he was a laughingstock. It was pulled fiction that pulled him back into shit. He can do serious work. So this is, yeah, you're probably right. This is, I think this might be the first time since the goonies that I'd seen Josh Braun. Yeah, Josh Finn had done a lot of stuff between the goonies and this, but it was all stuff that you wouldn't really be able to name. It was all small, not necessarily cameos, but small parts. He didn't really use that nipple baby stance, did he? Yeah. And then, like I say, he lost his way, he got into drugs and he openly admits that, that that was his, got invited to go out and go places where he shouldn't be going when he was very young, the whole Drew Barrymore thing, and that is a very sad story, she looked into Drew. It's really sad. It explains why she is the way she is to that. Look into my family. Her family are, oh my gosh, talk about nepotism. She is proud of a dynasty. There are some interesting people in the Barrymore household. Yeah, but the whole, the whole nepot baby stance is he wanted to make it on his own once he got clean. He didn't really want to go off of his dad's name anymore, not that he wants to change his name, but he wanted to pick a movie that he wanted to do because it was so far removed from anything that his dad would have done or people expected him to do. So then he went into this indie-bee movie type, whatever you want to call this film, and became an abusive piece of zombie doctor person, but you can't help but like him still. There's something, yeah, there's something quite likable about him. That's the bit I find really like an internal battle his character in this because he's horrid. He's absolutely dick to Marley Shelton, his wife. But to everyone else, he comes across as quite a sweetheart, especially the orderly who talks to him like, is he Tarantino's son? Because there is something very spooky about him. He looks like he looks an oxide Tarantino, but he's very patient with him. He doesn't any hold any contempt for him, but if his wife, there's some shit gone down in that. And oh my gosh, let's get into planetericos. I'm fucking bursting at the minute. And before we do, before we do, we're going to take it back to a past episode because we have a connection with a past episode and this one right now. The William Castle effect, the missing reels that you see in the movie is all based around, well, it's called the William Castle style. And it's it was Tarantino's way of paying homage to William Castle's it. But the version that I watched, they put the there was missing scenes and they put those missing scenes into the version that I watched, like all the Bruce Willis stuff, which when I watched the original film all the years ago, you only saw one or two scenes with him in this one. It was a hell of a lot more scenes. I watched a bit where there was I don't know what I watched, I just pressed clear. I watched the one on Amazon that had the double feature. But yeah, the Greg, the choice to take Greg on and Howard on for both of these movies. Greg said he liked doing death proof, but for him planet horror terror, why not keep doing that? Planet terror was more straight because it was Gore. It was Robert was so he was so adamant that the more blood the better and he didn't care if it looked ridiculous. That's what he wanted. He wanted it like someone got shot and instead of just getting shot like going, oh, and the little blood staying come up. Yeah, he wanted like a shotgun reaction from a pistol being shot. He wanted that. So the stunt guys got really battered during this film. They were wearing squib packs. Now, if you know what squibs are, they are little packs of blood that are packed with a little bit of explosive and they have timers in them as well. So you they'll be wearing these special chess pieces with the squibs on. And then you'll have a special effects guy that stands behind that times that has a board, depending on how many they have to do. And they then knock the timers and the squibs explode. So these guys were coming away at the end of each day and they ended up having little black bruises all over their chests where the squibs were so large because they needed more explosive because Robert wanted bigger bangs and they were coming away with like horrific bruises on their body. But none of them complained about it because they said they had so much fun making this movie. Yeah, because it looked brilliant. The effect of it, the effects and the the makeup in this movie is disgustingly good. Like it made me like I was eating a boost while I was watching, I was like, okay, I don't want, I don't want that. Do you know what to remind me of, actually, colors, consistency, gooeyness, brain dead. Right, 100 percent. Now, do you know how that sit? There's a scene, right, where Josh Brolin's talking to his mate who's been fishing. Yes. And his mate who's been fishing has a funny mark on his arm and he's like, he either got bit or it's something happened. So he sits down and he's like, even that makes feel funny. He's like, oh, this doesn't look too good. I've got a check if it's contagious and he's trying to take swabs of it. And then he got his mates sat behind on the google trying to find out what things it could be. Try to look for him. I think he is, he's a stand of, I'm sure he's a stand of comedian. I'm sure of it. And they bring up pictures of like horrific cases of like sexually transmitted diseases and you see this one and wow, you don't expect to be seeing what you're seeing. But the guy then just goes, he pokes his tongue out for some reason, all of a sudden. And you see this like ulcerated tongue. Now, Greg Nicotero said how he did this and I absolutely love this. It is simple, but you don't even think it would exist. So he cast a silicon tongue with all the ulcers on, but he cut holes out here and there. So there was holes in the tongue. And what he did was he made that gooey crap that is the pashtulous, whatever it is. And he put it in cling film, put the clink tied the like, pulled up the cling film, stuck it in the tongue. So they oozed out of the hole so that when Josh Brolin squeezed it, that's why it explodes in his face because it's cling film. So good. Oh my god. So simple. Well, this is it. Sometimes when makeup, you don't have to, you can be Jack Pearson, you can stick the fur to the face. Do you know what I mean? You don't have to be too over elaborate as long as it, the end result works. Yeah. And it did because that, oh, squeeze. I'm in the eye on the glasses. I'm just glad his glasses came down. I was like, I, yeah, I changed my lipstick up this week. Normally, I wear my favorite Kat Von D one, but this week, I was like, I need to go a little bit more cherry. And can you remember when I got a bright red one? And I said, it gives, it numbed me lips. It's that one. So for the last hour, I have been trying to keep my saliva in my mouth because my bottom lip is so numb. And it was all because I was like, I need something to, you know, it's cherry darling. That's why I thought you were going with it. I've got to be fair. Yeah. Did you hopefully they'd originally cast instead of Rose McGowan? No, it's cherry darling. I want you to hold on to your butt for this one. What is held? Lindsay Lohan. Shut the fuck up. Honest to God. Lindsay Lohan was originally in talks to say Kerry darling. Where are we? Where are we? And Lindsay's life when this comes out? 2007. So we're probably in a bad time. We're talking alcohol, drugs, Paris Hilton, car, tree. I think we're in that phase. I think we're there. No, Rose McGowan is not only fucking beautiful in this movie. She completely, because remember, you have seen her as Pam, who is, if I'm thinking of Rose McGowan as a person, it's Pam. I'm hearing what she totally she can. She suffers her voice up. She's fucking it. It's the scene where she's where they've had the accident. And he's just telling her how really intensely about how you don't swerve from a deer and all this. And then when they go upside down and she's just looking straight on and he's like thinking she's dead. And then she she doesn't move her head. She just moves them big ass eyes of hers and says, I thought you weren't meant to fucking swerve. She just delivers that so differently to how I would imagine ear-typical, teardom or Pam to deliver it. I thought she was so brilliant in this movie. She fucking makes this film. That is where I have had, if you've ever seen any of the posts I've posted over the many, many years I've been going, I do occasionally say things like useless talent number 473. Yeah. And that is where that come from. And it has stuck with me ever since I've seen that film. And it's one of those things where she knows what she's good at. She knows what she's bad at. She's at peace with it. She's not happy about it. She's never content with it. No. Well, no, sorry. It's just when you meet her, she's a gorgor dancer. Correct. It's gorgor. No, cry cry. One of my favourite lines. But when Elle Rhea meets, I fucking, do you know what? When I first watched Planet Terra, I hadn't watched Six Feet Under yet. So I was like, oh my gosh, Elle Rhea, so fucking cool. And then I get to meet Freddie in Six Feet Under and he's so different. He's a little nerd in it. And I'm like, Elle Rhea, what happened? But yeah, when she meets Elle Rhea, she's then going to go and be a stand-up comedian. And then later on in the movie, she was run enough to be a doctor. She's never content with who she is, but she gathers up all these useless things that one moment, something I have never picked up before in this movie is when her and Dakota are talking. And she says, and she says, useless talent number something. Oh no, that's it. When she does the crab, she goes, you're a doctor, well, I can do this. And she does the crab. And she goes, it's one of the useless talents. And she says, well, all you useless talents will always, you will use them at some point. And then when the final fight scene, she uses every single one of them. And I fucking love it. I live in forest. The gist of this film is it opens and you see a British scientist and Bruce Willis. And they're chatting about this gas, aren't they? They were all exposed. All these soldiers were exposed to this gas when they were at war. And they need it to regulate themselves. Because if they breathe an oxygen, they become these infected, postulated people, or it's the other way around. Because this is a bit, I can't get my head around. Is it the fact that they need to breathe that stuff so they don't become the infected, or they need to breathe clean air, otherwise they're infected, because it makes our sense why they carry those. They are infected from how I took it, they are infected, what they are in here and slows the process down. So they don't fully because if you notice, they can still take the mask off and for a few minutes, they are fine. It's then they start to, I mean Bruce Willis really changed very quickly into what he did. But you do see when you get Tarantino on, his process takes a little, it's a little bit longer. But when he puts that back on again, it's like it suppresses it, and then slows it down or stops it completely. That's the impression I got from it anywhere. Yeah, because the British scientist Guy, Abi, Abi, I think Abi, he collects testicles, of course, why not. There's this whole deal gone awry, basically. He's, Abi's taken, Abi's taken Bruce Willis to meet this guy. They've got one of the infected in the cage, the cage is first open. And then you've got the gas that's being stored in these weird units to one side. There was three specimens that went missing. Yeah, you didn't just lose one, you lost all three. Yeah. So you've got three infected roaming around, which explains how the fisherman gets bitten that's Josh Bronner's patient. Yeah, they're having that conversation, and then something happens, and they're forced to, the gasket's shot, doesn't it? The canisters get shot on the gasket. Yeah, and the gasket's put into the air, and then, I mean, the opening of the movie is Rose McGowan doing that amazing go-go dance. That is absolutely, absolutely unreal. Literally, Robert just said dance. So everything that you see, it's not choreographed, she did it all herself. But she's a germaphobe, so she had them completely clean that pile from the bottom. I would have had it absolutely, that Paul would have been riddled with something. Oh, I totally get it. The guy who played Skip, who was the guy who owns the go-go-age place, was actually- Go-go, not choreographed. He's Robert Rodriguez, he's a state agent. Fuck off. You look like something out of King of the Hill? Yeah, I thought it was Boombow. He was his real estate agent, and he said to him, "Do you want to be in a film?" He went, "Well, I got one then." And so he became Skip, because he said he just had that whatever it was he needed to do. I get it, I get it. He's very- Yeah, it's the way he walks through the room, and he's like, "God damn it, ladies, I totally do it on the stage." And then as he walks, we go, "That's hot." Yeah, I like these attitude. Well, it was a bit of a family affair on this movie, because crazy babies are the twins. Who you do see in "Death Proof" as well, they are in the bar when Budafly is doing her "Striptease to Stuntman Mike." They are his nieces. And Tawny is his son. Yes. And the only reason Tawny is in this movie is because he didn't- he knew Tawny's feet, and he didn't want- he could take what was about to happen to Tawny, because he understands things, understands the movies. He doesn't know how everyone else's mindset is. So he was like, "I want to take this one. Tawny is going to be played by my son, and nobody else's son." And I was like, "So you're all care being fucked up." Because it was pretty horrific what happened to Tawny. So you get- then get Josh Fonn's wife, Dakota, brought in to see the fisherman die, and she talks through her syringe process. A magic needle process. Yeah, so you have the blue one, which takes the pain away. The yellow one is the- yeah, and then the red one, you'll never see her again. That's as out. So, basically, I'm getting the idea that she is an anesthetist. Anesthetist? Anesthetist? I can't say that word. I'm not even going to respond to- As a geologist, there we go. That's what she is. So that's where I'm thinking she's- she deals with that sort of stuff, but she's also a doctor as well. And again for a shadow one. Yeah, so you- it's alluded to at the beginning that she's having an affair on Josh Brolin, because you see her send a text message to some unknown person. Quick come, hurry. I think he knows. I miss you. It's something along those lines. Yeah, and she tells the babysitters that her friend will be here to pick up Tawny, so they didn't have to stay very long. And that friend turned out to be Fergie from the Black IPs. Yeah. And I think she's actually credited as her real name. Yeah. Stacey. Stacey Ferguson. Yes, that's right. You can't get my head around the fact that she was married to Josh. Don't do the herm out. I'm never sure how you say surname. The guy from Transformers, yeah. For some reason, I just- I really thought this might have been a start of an act in Korea for her, because she wasn't- it's untarable. No. She played the part great, because do we get to- so Rose. Rose. Cherry is left. The Strip Giant, or Gogo Giant, and is making her way to- oh my god, my favourite character in this whole movie, JT's Bar, where she bumps into L.R.A. But she gets- she's the scariest man in the world. She gets knocked over by the army guys coming back. Aye, that's right. And she gets a bit of glass in her leg, didn't she? Yeah. And then she bumps into a rat- Again, foreshadowing. Yeah. You see, she's already in JT's, and L.R.A. comes into JT's. And you see the traditional Tarantino Packer fags that's been passed over. See your ex? Big apple ones. Big apple ones, or red apple, or whatever they're called. And JT is Jeff Vahy, or Vahy, depending on however you say his name. If you know his name and know his face, but you can't put him in a film, he was most famous for doing the lawnmower, man. Yeah. That was what he was most famous for in the 90s. And that was one hell of a trippy movie. If you ever want to go and see it, be prepared to get some sort of migraine afterwards. It is absolutely insane in that film. I met him in this film, and I was, he's in machete as well. If you watch the trailer, he's in that. I love JT. The Texas accent, the barbecue, that he's obsessed with this barbecue sauce, and the goddamn. Every two minutes, my goddamn. But did you know that him and the sheriff are supposed to be brothers in the film? Yes. I didn't know that until... Yeah. Well, what? I did yesterday or... When the zombies, when the zombies infected, come up to the door and he rings the sheriff, he says, "I'm not ringing the sheriff, I'm not ringing my brother, I'm ringing the sheriff." Because he's also his landlord, and he's like, "You don't tell me that recipe, I'm going to raise your rent higher." And he goes, "No, goddamn Tex, I'm never going to give that to him." I just didn't drink, I just thought he wasn't going to ring his brother. He was just going to ring the sheriff. I didn't put two and two together, ever, until the brothers. And it's great because it's Michael Bien, Bien, Bien? Bien. It's Kale Reese, man, it's Kale Reese. Yeah, it's Michael Bien. I think that they, I saw when they were talking about how they were going to cast this, it was originally going to be the other way around. They were going to have Michael play JT, and Jeff play the sheriff. But they said there was something about the character of JT that Michael couldn't give it like Jeff could. So they invented a larger part for JT, because originally JT wasn't going to be a big part. Oh, that's sad. It's the same as Tom Savini. He was supposed to be killed straight after his finger. But he tasted it for a lot longer. Because he needed to be there. Oh, we'll get there in a second. I'm going to jump all over the place and I'm getting weird or excited. Because yeah, I think this film is very, very hard to stay linear with any way, because it is a chaotic movie. There's a lot going on. You go from a 0 to a 100 so quickly, and then all of a sudden it will back down to a 4. And then it will go to 60. It's very. It's all over the place, but in a spectacular fashion, like not in a terrible fashion. But when you've got Cherry and L.A. Reyes sitting in the bar face to face, you find out that they've had a relationship because he says, "You've got my jacket." And she's like, "Yeah, I've got your... How many times did Cherry swear in this movie?" "You've got your jacket." And he went, "I looked for it for two weeks." And she was like, "Yeah, how long did you look for me for?" And then conversation ends. And oh, he goes, "Did you ever..." She goes, "I'm going to be a stand-up comedian." He's like, "Why are you not funny?" I keep saying that, but everybody keeps telling me how I am. I don't know if she's being sarcastic there or being genuine. She's so deadpan. It's very, very hard to grasp where you are with her. Like, is she just completely honest all of the time? Or is she actually funny? And this is her trying to be her identity? Yeah, I don't know, but I still live for it. I still love it. So we leave them at the bar. And do we go back to the hospital at this point? We do, and this is where Josh has gathered the information, because he's got, she's asking her for a phone and she won't give him the phone. No, it's because Fergie is being attacked and being brought into the hospital. And when he sees her, he recognizes her and he goes to give the news to Dakota. Your friend's dead. I thought you weren't seeing her anymore. Give me your fucking phone. What was Dakota thinking was going to happen by putting her hands up in the air? I don't. Defendative. I don't understand why she defended her face. I don't know. I think it's just one of those things that it's to get them to the point of where he did what he did to make the story happen, you know. And it was brilliant. Yeah, he uses the blue one on her hands. But it isn't just like a pop and like, put the injection in. It's like, is that on both hands? So she, using her hands to become, she renders her hands completely useless. Yeah. And there is this bit. He checks her phone with his because you can link. In the olden days, you should be able to do that shit. You can't. And he linked the phone and he's read the email of message and he was just like, oh, I'm going to get you. And then he gets called away by the doctor or he could hear a noise or there's something that happens that puts him off. Someone comes in and chats to him. It's orderly because you need to see this. And then when he turns around, the dead bodies are like, the gone and there's like a trail of blood outside. And he locks her in the cupboard. Now, it is the blue ones on which we know, takes away the pain that the yellow one he used is, which we know is numbed. Her hands are like this for the, I love the use of her hands and how she got used to it very quickly. And she's not very much practical. Yeah, practical. She knew she had to, if he was going to take her out there and then she needed to get her son out of there, regardless of the fact that her part, her mistress was dead. She needed to get her son out of that situation. And when he locks her in the cupboard, she launches herself out the window. And does her best to get herself home with her, with her hands, the way that they are. It's the bit where she falls down when she's trying to get in the car and she's got her wrist behind the thing. And she falls down and you see her wrist break. You see this, oh, it makes you go. Oh, I mean, I take my hat off to her. Everything she did to drive the car by opening her watch. She knows no watches on the way from my hand to do it. I thought to myself, all of those are absolutely fantastic ideas. And not something I would ever think of. No, because I don't wear watches, but you know, she... I mean, I do, but it slides off the actual thing. It doesn't... It's useless. Marley Shelton could not see in Greg Licketero's phrases any higher. She said that she even had a pet name for him on the set. She called him her past monkey. Nice. Which I found hilarious. Lovely. And I think that stems from the whole thing with Josh Brolin, which happens very soon after this, I think. Yeah, so when... So she gets to the house and the crazy babysitter twins, who actually do have the same name. Where are they? Are they credited in this one? Or the Elektra and Alyssa... They don't have the same name. It just sounds very similar. Elektra and Alyssa. And that's what they're explaining on the phone to someone is she's an Elektra and she's Alyssa. And they're having a proper argument to where she... To quote a break through the door with her floppy hands. And the crazy babysitter twins go A of shit because her friend didn't show up. So she doesn't give a shit. She kicks it. She literally kicks them out the house. Her foot hits their ass and boom out the house that they go. And she gathers Tawny up along with his Scorpio, Taurus and Spider, which he puts in one time. He's fucking... He's an adorable kid. I'm going to eat your brain and gain your knowledge. Which comes back to bite them in a minute. Even Rob said to me when we were watching it, he went... Imagine letting a kid hold a scorpion like that because he just fizzes it out and pulls it out and puts it in. Not a thought in the world about it. And I was just like, I'm sure I'm not sure how that would work putting the three of them in the tank together. We'll see. He said they would be fine. He was like, they're okay in the tank for now. But so she has an encounter. No. Does she see him yet? No, she doesn't. It's afterwards. So they get in the car. She drives to her... What we don't know, she drives to her house and she starts beeping the horn. Yeah. And as she's beeping the horn, she's obviously drawn attention to infected who were coming around her. I don't know how Josh Brolin time travels the way that he does, but apparently he's really fast and he got there too. But she doesn't see him yet. And she goes to bang on the door. And she gives Tawny a gun and says, if anyone comes to the door, shoot them. And he goes, what about if my dad comes to the door? And she goes, especially if your dad comes to the door. Just like in your computer games. And just as she's about to get to the front door, to bang on it for whoever this may be, Tawny shoots himself in the face. That was a... It was horrific. This movie itself, there's so much blood and gore in it. You don't tend to bat an eyelid, but that is the most... You don't get to see his face? Oh, in the one I did, you did. Oh, I didn't. She very much covered that up. It was in a silhouette form though. You didn't get to see the whole thing you saw that he had on the side profile in the chair. You could see that this side was missing. Well, not missing, but it looked like there was a huge... It's so sad, because he's obviously... He's just a little boy. He's just a little boy. He shouldn't have been put in that position in the first place. But hey, she goes back and takes Tawny and then Josh Brolin shows up and she's... Then she's like, "Look what you've done to your own son." I was like, "Look what you did." Yeah, you've given them. You've given them the gun. Is this bit here? Has Josh Brolin been infected by this fisherman? It's always not fully thingy, yes. The bit where the fisherman literally... Oh. ...weezes that big pustule. It's all over his face. Yeah, that's what that's happened. Rob's in his face, yeah. Yeah. Great bacteria decided to research like really bad diseases and he found a leprosy and he took inspiration from the leprosy for this. So all the pustula stages go from... The first stage is the infected. It's small little bumps and lumps. The second one is great big large pustula spoils. And the third one is where they completely misshapen like they're going to explode. So they have three stages, every one of these infective corpse thing. Which is great because it wouldn't just go from zero to a hundred. It would go... It would happen in stages. But yeah, sorry, we have already had that part. And that's when the cord is jumping out the window. And the person who's door she's been banging on is her daddy's. It's Bill McGraw. Who looks like he's just savagely killed his wife because there's blood everywhere. Tell me he has like, because she was infected. And I don't know how she got infected, but she was infected. So when L-Ray and... So when L-Ray and Cherry leave, they leave together because she needs a lift. And that's when that accident happens with the deer, which is fucking hilarious. But Cherry gets dragged out the car and has her leg and jumped on. And everybody manages to save her, just not the leg. It goes, it takes her to the hospital. And just as he goes to the hospital, the sheriff is on his back straightaway going. And it was L-Ray. Where did you get the gun from? That was the instance. L-Ray has a history. Yeah, which you don't watch out. And I love that we don't find out. See, in this, I don't mind so much because he's not. It's not so minimal character-focused this film. There are a lot of characters to keep track of in this. Yeah. But in the death proof, there's only about nine really. Yeah. But to... And it's very slow. This is not slow in the slightest. So you kind of, you can forgive not knowing about L-Ray. But it's just brilliantly done, especially when the missing reel happens. And all of a sudden, all hell is broken loose. And he's like, if I knew who you were, I would have given you all the guns. So, yeah. So Sheriff is on his ass straightaway about having the guns. And that's when it happens with what he's faced. And Josh Brolin's character. And when the sheriff takes L-Ray away and leaves Cherry at the hospital, that's when Earl comes in and Ray says, "How's your wife doing?" And he went, "Well, not doing too great." So we knew his wife wasn't good. So when it comes to the scene, when he opens the door and there's blood everywhere, it's like, "Oh shit." He went wrong. He took his wife out. Now I'm lost because I've had to jump back to that part to get to that part. It then goes to the bit where somehow, Dakota and Cherry and L-Ray, they all end up together, don't they? And Earl, they all end up in... So, yeah. 18, that's right. So, right, okay. So when they're at the sheriff's office, so Earl's left, and when they're at the sheriff's office, that's when Tom Zavini comes in and he's like, "He bit my fucking finger off. You need to boo him or I'm going to go and kill that motherfucker." And personally, I would have killed him to touch him my finger. Like, he took that with great ease. And that's when the infected start coming in. And Ray is so quick to realize they're infected, don't touch them, don't get anything on you, shoot to kill, but he's not allowed any weapons. They will not let this blow cover gun. And that's when he decides to go back to the hospital to get Cherry and fit her with her new prosthetic wooden peg leg. Genius, by the way. It's the way that they put this big metal square peg coming out of her leg, right? Bear in your mind, this has happened within hours. She is in a crop top and some little shorts. Yes. Very quickly. I mean, I know we're not supposed to question this, but it doesn't... No, no, you can't go on anything. No, and it's the way he walks up to her, kicks the leg off the table. And I'm not joking with the amount of force he throws that table leg onto her stump feature. A metal stump. Peg thinks coming out. Oh, like Jesus Christ, that would have put me into last week. Yeah. The amount of force that took me the pain that must have felt. It's the... But she didn't bat an eyelid, it was up there. She didn't, it was the way he went. Stop crying over spilled milk. I can't get up and walk, because she starts obviously. She hasn't getting herself all upset, because she's lost her leg. So he gives her her leg. So he keeps saying, how can I be a stand-up comedian with only one leg? And then that's why he kicks off the table, I'm going to stick it on my leg. How she's walking out when she's like... That is done green screen, the leg. So imagine you have fully use of your leg, but you're not meant to have full use of your leg. And she is almost spinning around on one foot. Yeah. Trying to keep her, but that is... That is some talent right there. She reminded me of the characters in Family Guy, the guy who's made out of wood. Yes. That's the one you're saying. That's what I... The pirate. Yeah, the pirate guy. But that's what she reminded me of. But yeah, she did so well in that bit. And then they managed to escape the hospital. Because at this point, I think the sheriff's lot have all got to the hospital as well, haven't they? And Earl has made his way with Dakota. Yeah. Two GTS. Yeah. That's how they all end up together. JT's, yeah. So they're sitting at JT's trying to work out... Well, they go to walk into JT's and they say JT on the floor and the dog looks like it's eating JT's intestines. And Earl rages walks up, picks it up and takes the bite out of it and went, "That's some good sausage." No, JT, who does that sort of... Yeah, the dog to get off him and they're like sitting there going, "Oh, JT, man, why didn't you just ring?" And then he just bolts up. And it's barbecue sauce that's all over him in his sausage. And he just... He's like, "Goddamn." And again, "Goddamn." Because that's all he says is, "Goddamn, that's some good sauce." And he realizes the ingredient he's been missing for his award-winning sauce is blood. But he eventually figures out that it's salt. Yeah, he needs more salt. And this is where you get the sex scene that gets cut. This is where the Miss and Real comes in. So this is where... He'll hear Ellery and Cherry. The whole thing with the jacket is revealed. Where he once again says, "That's my jacket." And she goes, "Uh-huh." And he's like, "And I looked for it for two weeks." And then she does the whole... How many times she says, "F*ck in that one sentence." And then they have the sex. Now I can understand her feeling a certain way. Because there was no hide and she was butt naked in that. There's no way you hide that. I mean, they were very good not to get any shots of anything, but... Yeah. I mean, that was either her trust in her partner at the time, which was Robert, to make sure that she was... That was shot in a... Tasteful. Tasteful, Lana. And I'm hoping to God that Dirty Harvey wasn't on set for that. Oh my God, I yelled now. You know what I mean? I'm just fucking creeped. Yeah, she does that scene. And I was just like, "This isn't necessary, but exposition, I suppose." Yes. And then the scene goes missing. And then we wake up in a pure hell. Yeah. It says something like missing real. Apologies, the management. And then it bursts straight into chaos, doesn't it? Into absolute chaos. And that's when Sheriff's been shot by John Sophie. Because that's one thing he says is the walking up. Don't shoot them. Don't shoot each of that. And especially, don't shoot me. And the next time you see him, he's being shot by one of his own. Yeah. But then he says to rare, he does the line to rare it. And if I knew who you were, and he's caught and L's like, "It's almost like he says soldier." I don't know, I can't remember. I know that he goes, he says, "Don't give him the guns." And they go, "No, give him the guns." Michael Bean says, "Give him the guns." And then he does this stupid thing, like a wild, wild west guy, all right? And if you're wondering why all right sounds so familiar, it's because it's where Dust Hill dawned on. They ended up going in that, but this is the name of the character. And in translation, it means the king. Yeah. So that's why it's one of Bruce Campbell's names as well. Yes. So. Oh, hell, the king, baby. So, yeah, in all the Holy Hills, Broken Loose and... They've got that. Thank you, Gerties. Yeah, and Gerties got some sweet ass cars and mortar bikes and to get them out of there. The crazy babysitter twins have joined at this point, along with some mighty fine police people who just came out of fucking nowhere. And him who owns the Gorgobar, he's there. Yep, skip. And they all end up getting into Gerties fancy S cars. And how do they... Oh, that's right. So they get in the cars and they do meet a lot of infected along the way, and then they hit the bridge. Yeah. And it's nothing infected. It's Bruce Willis. Yeah, there's a big load of infected, and basically they think they're fucked because they haven't got a lot of ammunition to get through these people. Then all of a sudden they all start going down like they're front and center. And you've got all the military guys behind. So basically these guys, then the military guys, then take these back to the camp. And this is where... Absolute nonsense takes place. Yep. Now, I think it's here where in a very, very quick turn of events, El Rey fashions the infamous gun leg for Cherry darling. In minutes, my eye add, does he make this adaptable for her leg? It is in this bit, but it is after. So you've got... You go into the organ arrestors kind of, or they put into quarantine as they've been told. And this is where Cherry darling and... I love that name as well, Cherry darling. And Dakota get taken away by... I love Quentin Tarantino, who looks like an absolute signball. Oh, and he is. And then they don't hatch of a plan, but it's JT. You can tell what he's starting to do. He's losing his mind to then where he ends up taking the guard's gun. But in the interim, he actually gets shot. So JT shot is brother's shot. And Rey and Avi manage to get... Because Avi is in there when they get into quarantine. And that's when they leave to go and find Bruce with us. Because they've given El Rey the guns, he manages to get them out. Because he doesn't work well West, they... All the guns. And then they get out and they've got to work their way out of the compounds, I'd speak. Yeah, so Bruce Willis is done his speech and explained the fact that they are war veterans. They are war veterans and they were targeting... They were the ones who were targeted to kill Bin Laden. Bruce Willis. I can't read that. This did not... He was not dead at this point, was he? No. No. I was thinking last night, I was like, "When did this come out?" "When did Bin that he can't have been?" I think so. Because it's the same time. But it was the way that he said, "So you're the man that killed Bin Laden?" And he said something along the lines of, "I'm the man you never knew killed back Bin Laden." Yeah. Something like that, yeah. That's right. And then they got exposed to the gas and it was... And then it's a whole big thing to point where he's had his gas off. It's actually his tank has run out. And he turns into this big giant blobus of a person. And Ellery takes them out. It's gone. Cherry darling and Dakota are getting... Yeah. Now, this scene is quite interesting with Quentin. Quentin's being very uncomfortable in the lift. His character name is rapist number one. Yeah. I saw that in my cast list. And so you know where you're going with this one. It's very, very self-explanatory. It's really shit, though, because the guy who's with him is tagged as rapist number two. And he didn't do anything. Don't do anything like that. Oh, look. And then he's just been making it very uncomfortable. He stops the lift and he says to Cherry darling, "You just give me the stink eye kind of thing." You know? It's awful. It's a funny tactic. Yeah. And then he gets them into this room. And this is where Gregory Katiro and his special effects come into play like no other. This scene is Quentin Tarantino holding a bag of goo front of his body. And it's in like, he's got holes in the bottom of the bag. And as he's walking along, it looks like his testicles and his intestines are all just melting body. That's what you want really, isn't it, from this kind of person? It's through the middle of his legs. So like you see, he's underwear and his trousers, but then he's just still this like-- And he's like, "I'll make do." Yeah, he's like, "What?" And the next scene is a puppet, a large animatronic puppet they made. There's, when he's about to explode, there's this bit where he has all this goo coming out of his mouth. And basically it's a green screen guy operating this puppet behind him. And it is absolutely fascinating. There is a 15 minute video on YouTube called "The Makeup of Planet Terror." And it's 15 minutes of Greg talking about how he did various scenes in this. And that one, they're going to detail a lot about how they did that scene, but it's absolutely fascinating. And the fact that Quentin Tarantino gets kicked, if I'm right, into the lift shuffle. Oh, no, threw into that other part of the face, doesn't it? Yeah, he was open and he realizes a whole 'nother thing going on, like research lab behind them. She's got a gun leg on this point, she hasn't actually. No, so it just comes in the eye, it doesn't change. So it's the corda who gets them. Because she's got her needles on her side, and she uses them and gets them in the eye. It is leading up to the gun part. that cherry splint is her leg doesn't she and his eye yes so she's right and that's and she's and this is when he gives her the upgrade now this is in homage to evil dead yeah according to my naught and which now i cannot find yeah because they're probably going to be right the way down the fucking button and the license plate no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh i have a i have a great story coming up um i do know there's the infamous scene where you see cherry right the infamous scene where you see cherry gets shot into the air to come over those big that is actually rose that is unreal i'm so pleased because that is such an effective shot when she's coming up over the top i don't know how we didn't see this when i said evil dead too but it's in homage to sam raimi when he made the decision to have the chainsaw on the hand the machine gun on the leg yeah um so this is where they have the aim to get into the helicopter they're going to mexico they're going to put their back against the wall and they're going to defend themselves from there um elry's words not mine and as they get into as they're heading towards the helicopter um and rose is just on that suspect arkula scene yeah elry gets shot this isn't this is this is i loved reading this and you'll know why when i say the name in a few seconds time you've probably already read it hence the reason why you're smiling they showed this movie to friends before it was um released to the public and one of their friends is director john landis and when the scene when i can't say enough nice things about them um when it come to and bear in mind this was a large group of friends when it came to the scene with the helicopters it went deadly silent and everyone looked at john i'm not surprised and john left i was like fuck yes you all know you all know what he did you all know that he got away with fucking murder um so yeah i love that story i was like get the fucking yeah they made him feel uncomfortable when that scene came up everyone just pawned in on him brilliant what was what were they gonna do let's be honest um exactly he needed if we can't get him for jail time let's just make his life miserable well do you know what the cheesiest bit of this next bit where where our raid dies that really bugged me oh my god where he puts his hand on the belly and he goes there's a future i never missed no sorry audio listeners but but no um yeah elary dies they go off into the sunset and literally heading to mexico i love them and they did actually that bit is rose again doing her own stunt where she reaches up and she grabs the rope there's not a helicopter at the time she's on a hoist you can you can tell it is very um green screen yeah well i don't care that the whole the whole cinematography of this movie is gritty it's it's scratchy it moves about it's not consistent it's messy it's beautiful um so i am totally fine with no one that that is a green screen that you can clearly see it um but then they had when they're in mexico and the run you see everyone chilling on the beach and just a quarter standing there on this pause with a gun and you're like bitch what are you doing and then sips on the floor with the twins and laughing and they're all maniacally laughing oh look at us and it's like i know we're going for the cheesy end in here but jesus christ because basically what i could gather is that cherry is then leading another bunch of survivors too and she found their haven that they have which happens to be what looks like um the it's like industrial dawn where at the very very end where it zooms out you see the temple on the back half that goes into the pit and it looks very reminiscent i know it's supposed to be like Aztec or Mayan or something that says i couldn't think of the fucking words yeah Aztec mayan or something like that and it's it's like these are ruins and that said it becomes their base but this this infected guy jumps out of her edge and she is wearing the most beautiful white oh she looks stunning doesn't she she looks like it it's got reminiscence of like um Lawrence of Arabia yes going on so glad you said it she's she's got a 50 cow tommy gum thing attached to her leg she has upgraded her leg it's insane and it didn't blow her off the horse it didn't swoop the horse but she puts about 20 rounds into this guys also i've got to ask the question how does she pull the trigger this was a good point rob come up with when we actually went rob the trigger and i'm like yeah it's moving magic but i can't get past it he's right how the hell rob she thought the trigger i'm not thinking of that now i am yeah but it's the one thing that like yeah i mean okay if we're going into the world of magic it doesn't matter but yeah oh fuck um but then you see that alire didn't miss because she got Baba on her back um she's got a baby on her back she does and the movie ends this movie ends better than death proof death proof ends with the four girls kicking this hammer shit out us um stuntman mike and then rosario dawson giving him the kill shot look out of bloody um string mite or something you know biddish him oh that is more combat um and then they and then they all end up yeah and then chick habit kicks in and fucking running in song um really weird song but a really good song really weird music video which is actually played at the end um i i love death proof but i have to agree hannah tera is the superior out of the two i would say purely because and i know a lot of people don't get the movie for me it lives in the same world but not as good as mm-hmm turner than living dead yes that's saying i totally get what you mean because i can now see that yeah it is that same kind of like infected zombie world but it's it's not just it's not just that it's the attention to detail the the yeah the makeup side of it being taken fucking seriously did it such a grand job it all in all we need more movie makers to think independently we need more movie makers to be given a chance to produce i mean okay when we talk about the grindhouse when when we talk about reboots and remakes and stuff like this that's that's not what this was this was taking a genre and making their own versions of it but still trying to keep the essence of it rooted in the 70s or rooted in wherever they felt that that belonged um and i think if it wasn't Tarantino and Rodriguez i don't think we'd have i don't think it wouldn't have worked i don't think i think these two have such a love for what they do it's like two teenagers constantly turning up a job that they love every day like and thankfully these two people have created a legacy of movies that since Pulp Fiction came out in 1994-96 around that time yeah talking what 30 years since Pulp Fiction came out ronnie stop giving numbers out but we have to be thankful for Tarantino we have to be thankful for the way that man tells a story the way that man um i mean okay rest of our dogs was prior to um Pulp Fiction but out of the two i think majority of people with no Pulp Fiction more than rest of our dogs depending on who you are when you were brought up but yeah Pulp Fiction is really what put Tarantino on the map oh yeah um i would dare say that reservoir dogs is still bordering on the lines of indie it's not quite studio yet whereas Pulp Fiction you can tell there's some cash there's some backing behind it i don't feel like that was with reservoir dogs i mean yeah the cast list wasn't quite there i mean you're talking Tim Roth you're talking Steve Resherme, you're talking uh my god mad sir my man mad sir Harvey Keitel there was just so many people in that film that at the time were were not blocked yeah that's true yeah this was Tim one of Tim Roth's first first films um you know big block i said block bus but hollywood films yeah and then obviously Tarantino who he is being very much like the Neil Martels of the world where they like to use the same character same actors to play different characters because they're not how these people work so they don't have to induct them into their process consistently yeah you see these characters not these characters but these actors appear again in in Pulp Fiction well that's right um a little bit of side trivia for you is that uh Miguel Madsen was meant to play the john travolt role but because of circumstances he couldn't so he recommended he said there's a my friend he needs this he needs this give him a chance and it was john travolta so Tarantino in homage to that decision made john travolta's character brother to michael madsen's character in reservoir dogs how fucking to think like that i just i love it i am a huge Tarantino fan and the only movie that i can't get away with is here for late and it's just because how heavy dialogue it is for Tarantino he really took it to the ninth degree with that i love jango i um kill bills it'll still be me favorite i have such a soft spot for death death proof but like i said earlier it it's not a patch on planet terra not a patch and i am spent also yes sorry it's been a long one it's just with it being two movies um hey you got what you got you got more bang for your buck exactly next week's gonna be even worse we'll try we'll try our best sis oh next week's gonna be very interesting for all of you i'd say monster fans yes hundred percent character actor monster slash wowie wowie and yeah we are we are delving into man behind the makeup yeah movie slash movie on the makeup yeah yeah man behind the makeup and please see his name because in the past i have said his name wrong uh Mr. Doug Jones yes it is going to be jam pack because this man has done it all he's been a busy fella he has and it means that we get to delve into so many different movies and monster movies and the characters because he's not he's Billy butchison so he's not just a he's a human monster too like this so much he's a sapien oh he's he is he's the creature the gentleman he's the pale fauna he's the the pale man the fauna he's the the crimson all the ghosting crimson peak uh legion he's the the guy's back half breathing absolutely insane and i'm really excited about this one me too it was a good damn choice thank you and i wanted to say a big thank you quickly to everybody who has watched the wolf creek and the frite night episodes because my god my god on insane um if you could do the same for the return of the living dead would be very grateful it's absolutely insane when um we're on this will be our 59th episode wow going out tonight and in doing that when you've totalled up all the roughly all the views that we've had since we started we we're well over 6 thousand views on our videos and we've only got 59 well as of today 58 until today's goes out 58 videos so i wanted to say thank you very much to all you people that actually log on and watch this i can't say as for listening first but i am very grateful and i know that they're a lot higher on the listening than they are on the views but i do appreciate it i i am the person who puts the audio up and feels to tell down the figures every time so um my apologies but yeah Dan so right thank you it's it's lovely it's it doesn't it it doesn't feel like hard work when you're having this much fun like i don't know i just think our choices over this year it's not how i expected it to go i don't know how i was expecting it to go but it's just gone in such a way that i am loving it yeah i've enjoyed it yeah very much so like every now and again when we have one the way we've been doing the double features not so much this but the the reboot versus the remake versus the whole original thing that that's been going down really well and it's just been really nice to pick films that we want to talk about or you've not seen and i want to introduce you to and things like that you know so it's it's it's been fun like i think really genuinely has we're not making this up no i'll go back to the blob if it wasn't for the blob if it wasn't for the blob that the blob episode was the one that turned everything around which kept it excitement it kept the it put a spark into how we do how we've reshaped it i don't know how you want to have it's gone moving forward how it's actually shift we didn't have any set plan when we were figuring out this year we just we knew we were going to end in december with the christmas because you want you really want to do black christmas and i was like well if you're going to do that i'm going to check crampus in there and all and then we're on did for the year but when we came back we were like we'll start on a universal month so that's how we started the whole podcast and Dracula hadn't been done and then i don't even know how the blob came in real conversation i genuinely don't know how it did i just think we were trying to look at something so different than what we have been doing but we wanted to do like a a random movie and i think we sat there and it was like maybe the staff maybe the and we've done the thing and we're just going through like a list of movies that were older yeah and then we went back a bit further and was like steeva queen the blob call and then we both sat there and i'm sure there was a remake at some point but i don't remember when i do i remember you saying that i remember you going i'm sure there's a remake in the eighties and then you googled it and you're like there is don't judge don't judge the cover yeah and then we we literally both got into it and i was flabbergasted that shawny smith was in it and and still am to this day so i i'm going to admit this because i don't think anyone from my work watches this but i had this on at work it's glued but i didn't expect anything i had no i wasn't bothered about watching it i had no intention i was like uh like right let's get this over with if it's anything like what i've just fucking washed with the first one let's just get this over with um and i i think i text Dan about an hour before we went on a win fuck shit and it's honestly i know we harp on about it but i don't think he's appreciate that really that's give us some structure because up until that point we really didn't have any thank you Frank Daribon that's all i have yeah thank you for that well it's been a fun fun episode and we are on youtube every monday at eight o'clock the audio for this episode and all other episodes goes up on a Tuesday if you can like share and subscribe on the youtube channel and hit the notification bell because you'll never miss an episode you can actually hit the notification bell on individual episodes so when i was supposed it was a premiere you can actually see the premiere on there and there's notifications they notify me press it you'll be told and the links for the lead and marvellous nerdy up north and monsters up north are we're done audio listeners can't see but Dan still has pretty pretty Dan always has pretty nails she'll get her nails done apple nails and purple nails purple nails it's called last midnight give me a wolf i'm fucking sweating me glasses i've not been seeing on me face for the past half an hour i keep having to adjust them because the slide it's 30 degree heat it's 11 o'clock at night we're both dead i don't know what's happening i'm just buzzing how well how well that episode is how it was so what i was going to say is i'm so happy on how well that episode went because i managed to speak properly all the way through it and then i go and do that well if there is nothing else left to say say goodbye Dan bye Dan stay spooky everyone bye bye! you you you (upbeat music) (screaming) (screaming) (upbeat music) (screaming) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat 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