Just My Variety

You're a 90s Kid!! We Get It!

1h 18m
Broadcast on:
06 Aug 2024
Audio Format:

Vinny, we get it! You're a 90s kid! Ugh...some peoples' kids...

This week we dive into a Vinny specialty - the 90s. His playlist is an eclectic musical experience of the best hits of the 1990s. Think of it as one of those late night TV ads you'd see selling you a "Best of the 90s" CD collection for only one low price of $29.95.

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(upbeat rock music) - I remember it's a meme, but 90s gets grew up with technology. And I remember going down to play in the creek and spend all day outside after school. But I also remember like a year later, getting a super Nintendo and being glued to a TV. And like, they make the joke that like, oh, kids now these days are only glued to their TVs, but like, I mean, a lot of us were, there are still not kids who don't do that, but like, that's a whole different conversation. But like. - Yeah, apparently they don't talk to me and ask me about all the cartoons I watched as a child. - I grew up doing, I grew up before there was the technology. And then like, my dad was super into like, I learned a couple of years ago that I got a super Nintendo for Christmas. My dad had opened it up and beaten Mario before. I even got it for Christmas, which is the greatest story ever. I love it. And I used to think that's my dad's so good. It's super Mario because he had already beaten it. But it's kind of like, a lot of people I know grew up with new technology as it came through. So it's hard to be like, especially with like algorithms, it's like, I found new music because new music was just spewed out there. And like, on the early days of YouTube, it was like, click until something happens. You either watch a Naruto or Dragon Ball AMV and find a new song. - Or see, I never got around to the AMV. I know there was always-- - Anime was never my thing. So AMVs weren't really something I was drawn to. And I know that a lot of people discovered new music through them, but this conversation started because Jat was asking me before you guys gone on that like, I discovered a lot of music through the guitar hero soundtracks and the rock band soundtracks. And also spent a lot of money on DLC for the soundtracks too. - The Aerosmith game, The Beatles game. - Oh my gosh, yeah, the Aerosmith game, The Beatles game, The Vitality game, The Van Halen game. - I had the Van Halen one. - Dude, you were the coolest kid in school. If you had the Van Halen guitar hero guitar, I remember that. - You were? - Yeah, you were. - You just didn't know what you were talking about. - Nobody wanted to tell you the coolest kid in school. - Like, I had pretty much every rhythm, pretty much every rhythm game out there. - Do you have DJ Hero? - I didn't have DJ Hero. - Oh, so did you have Dance Dance Revolution? - Okay, I take back to the way I said about rhythm games. - Did you have Donkey Konga? - I had a guitar based rhythm games. - You got Donkey Konga? - I wanted Donkey Konga so bad. My mom even liked it too, 'cause we played a demo of it at Toys R Us one night, and she was like, "This is fun." - To this day, when I hear all the small things, I instinctively do the-- - I do the little little little little bit dance dance revolution, Captain Jack. - Oh, man. - What was the, who was, who was Saint? Who was Saint had a song on Donkey Konga? - That's right, they did. - It was crawling in the dark. - Wait, that was the sort, dude, that did not register. - Because crawling in the dark was on Donkey Konga. - Yeah. - The only ones I remember from Donkey Konga is the Donkey Kong Country theme, and all the small things, the two pinnacles of music right there. - Even better, it wasn't the full song. You only got like half of it, if that's, so you couldn't finish it out. You had to go find it on your own, and just like-- - I think I have those bongos somewhere. I mean, I think every household has those. - Dude, if I have those bongos somewhere, I'm gonna find a way to get them set up to my computer. - They're just playing the bongos in the middle. - I have a whole set up for getting GameCube stuff on my computer, I could do it. I've played Wind Waker on my PC before. I'm gonna figure that out now. I wouldn't play Donkey Konga again. We'll do a Patreon livestream. No, but before those games, it was just a matter of like digging through my parents' CD collection and seeing what they had, and then they had like the booklets, and they were all filled, so like one summer, this was like maybe 2006, 2007, so a little down the line. I just went through and just dug out like what looked appealing to me. Like my dad had Projams 10 in there. He had Metallica's garage ink, but no other Metallica albums. - Really? Oh, I feel like everybody's first Metallica, I didn't, I assumed everybody's first Metallica album was the black album, like it was from me. - That's what I thought too, but one night we were driving, or one day we were driving up to-- - I always assumed everyone's first Metallica album was Slayer's Rain and Blood, or Death, but that's just me. (laughing) - But we were driving up to our cabin one day, and he goes, hey, you want to listen to something cool, and then put on garage ink, and it realized it's all a cover, so I didn't realize until years later, it was all a cover's album. So, what? - Yeah, right? (laughing) - I think I realized that it was a cover album when I was listening to it on the bus, and my friend, who was a huge misfits fan, and I feel so bad because I was the cover. - I feel so bad, I was not into anything other than Metallica, like, Pantera, like that kind of like, dad metal at that time, and I didn't want to listen to the misfits, and I just wasn't going outside my genre, and now I was like, Luke, if you're out there, I should've talked to you more about misfits. - Yeah, misfits fan feel very you, Mikey. - Right. - I know, right? - It's very weird. - I love everything about them now, and I'm just like, I'm too old to be like, I love them now. - No, you're not. - Like, I'm a new misfits fan. - You're too young, man. - Of both. (laughing) - You can't win. - I saw the end of their reunion set at Riot Fest two years ago, and you're not too young, or too old for it. - He's too young. - And too old, he's 30. - He's 30, he's too young. - Whoa, whoa, whoa. (laughing) - I'm a fresh 30-year-old, baby. - I'm a fresh 30-year-old. - I have the back of a 40-year-old, but-- - No, but-- - But yeah, just, I think music discovery was a little different back then, because it was a matter of what you were given was what you got, if you couldn't find it, you had to dive into the internet to find it, and that starred a lot of us for life. - I learned about some 41, because I saw a Naruto AMV, and I was like, "The hell saw it." - That was AMV. - That's a curse word, that's so cool. Anime music happens. It's just a song for anime fights, yeah. - I didn't watch a lot of those. I learned about some 41, because of the Hell song in a Naruto video, and I was like, "This is the coolest band ever." - Mikey. - Mikey looked him up, and I listened to a total of some 41. - You know why Vinnie wouldn't get what NamV is? Do you know why he's watching all the old-school 90s MTV cartoons? - 'Cause he's a 90s kid. - Yes, Vinnie, we get it. You're a 90s kid. - Hey. - Welcome to Just My Variety, I'm Jared. (laughing) I'm Just, Mikey say hi. - Hi. - Mikey is my, and then we got Vinnie, our 90s kid of the week over there, Variety. - Yeah, right. Hi. It's great to be here. Thanks for having me. - It's great to be here, and we get it, Vin. You're a 90s kid. You don't get all of our little hip nerdy references, am I right? So we're here to talk about your playlist this week that's literally called We Get It. - You're a 90s kid. - You're a 90s kid. - Yes. - And yeah, this is gonna be a fun one, 'cause I'm sure Mikey and I got some notes on this. - Yeah, I think this is the one. It's not gonna break Mikey, but I think this is the one that's gonna push Mikey. This is the first one that's gonna push him. I think this is the first one in here I don't like. - You're truly going out of your genre here. - There are some serious things in here I don't like. There are some serious things in here that accidentally grabbed me by the ankle and dragged me back into things I forgot about. - Over here. - Better or worse. - Over here for. - I know, right? - Yeah. - When you said you had notes, I was excited. I was like, we're in now. We're in. So Jared and I have a podcast that we listened to, called "60 Songs That Explained the 90s," which is one of our many things that we bond over, music-wise, I give us some to talk to during the week and all that stuff. And I don't know if it was necessarily nostalgia, but the name came from the '90s kid meme for sure. You know, everyone's like, oh, I'm a '90s kid. Yeah, I'm a '90s kid. I'm a '90s kid. I'm a '90s kid. - I'm like, I don't care, we get it. - I knew it. - We get it. - I knew it. Okay, go ahead. I knew this is where you were going with this. - And I know the only '90s kids will understand my comments. When you initially sent this playlist, I listened to it first. And so "60 Songs That Explained '90s, it ran from late 2020 to like just finished. - Yeah, just finished early 2024. It was a good like three and a half year run, posted by Rob Hart-Villa, like when music credits to the Rainer, former writer and editor for "The Village Voice," spin Matt as he and et cetera. Like the guy has been around for like 20 plus years at this point. And going through this playlist when you first published it, I thought, well, he's obviously just listening to the show and like throwing in the songs he likes the most. But when I went to listen to this playlist before this show, I'm listening to it thinking, man, it's only like top 40 hits in here. Like there's no, not to say there's no depth, but it feels very surface level. And knowing Vin, that's not his MO. So is he just mocking people that say they're 90s kids and then throw on like the most generic '90s playlist possible? Because most of the songs in here, trust me, "60 Songs" is probably my favorite podcast right now. He has covered, I'm gonna say roughly 85% of this list if not mentioned these songs at one point or another. The only one that probably was never actually mentioned was "The River of Dreams." And we'll get to that eventually. But listening to this, I'm like, I'm thinking to myself, I don't know if this is mocking people who say they're 90s kids and then put this music on, or this is, I'm overthinking this, or this is either the most of not just thing I've ever seen you do, or the most genius thing I've ever seen you do. - The fine line between the two. - Oh, it is very fine in this case, because I love everything in this playlist, but I hate the idea of what you're doing in this playlist. - I do have nostalgia for it. - Yeah, of course. - And I'm at the tail beginning of the '90s. I'm not 90, but I'm close. So like, I remember all of these songs in some way on the radio or whatnot. The only one that doesn't is probably Jawbreaker and like Portishead was not on the radio. I'll tell you that wasn't on any of the radio stations I was listening to. Pross probably wasn't. - I did know "Ghetto Superstar" though, I grew up with that song. - Right, "Ghetto Superstar" was close. - My mom, if we're talking nostalgia, my mom used to play "Islands in the Stream" on repeat. And then when she would play this one, I would just start, as a kid, just start sending "Islands in the Stream" to it. So I never could distinguish the difference and obviously years later, it figured it out, but. - Right, right, right. - Pretty much all of these are there. And they do all have like different memories for me in some form or another. We can touch on some of them as we go through. - Yeah. - And probably the rain. I don't remember hearing the rain on the radio, but that might have just been because I was, I wasn't listening to other radio stations. I was, it was like, not classic rock, but like the pop station of the time, the top 40, the two or three pop radio stations that we had. - I wanted a playlist that was surface level. And this was kind of that like, is it obnoxious or is it brilliant? And I'm not sure. And I'm not trying to pick a side. Because it's like, it's very much just like, these are the songs that I have nostalgia for. And not even just from the 90s, but just like from my life. Like a lot of them are picked because like, make us say, oh, by Massapee. I think Massapee is fucking amazing. I think the story of Massapee is wild. - Believable, that royalty deal, just unbelievable. - Snoop Dogg doesn't become Snoop Dogg without Massapee. You know? - No, easily. - The one that I caught myself after the fact was, I put Praz on here twice with him as Praz and then him with the Fuji's. I didn't catch it until I like, I was listening. I had to listen to an embarrassing amount of time before I realized I did that. - I mean, they're two different projects, really. So, I mean, he's there twice. So let's start. I'm gonna dig into the playlist a little bit here. The rain, Missy Elliot. ♪ Swayo dojito like you no go ♪ ♪ Can we get pickin' night like Coco ♪ ♪ So soft ♪ ♪ You don't wanna play with my yo-yo ♪ ♪ I smoke my hydro on the dino ♪ ♪ I can't stand her anymore ♪ - Absolute banger. - This one, I probably don't learn about until I'd listen to 60 songs I'd explain in the 90s. The album was really, really good. - I had to go back and listen to that whole album. - It's really good. Like, if an album can sit with me for like a week plus, like, that's a good album in my book. And this was one of those ones where it was like, for a solid week, I was listening to this and a couple other female MCs that was, but the rain, I think it has that just like, it has a such a nice, like-- - It's a nice beat to it. - Yeah, it has a real nice, like, consistent beat all the way through. I listened to it on headphones recently, here in the like, subtle bass and all that stuff coming through. I was just like, "Wow, this is fucking good." And then you got Missy Elliot, who's like, doing like, helicopter noises and stuff, and just goofy sounds. I was like, "Man, this is--" - She's a very strange artist once you actually dive in or heard her historiography. - Oh yeah. I think the one that got me was, how simple the beat is and how wild she is. You know, the contrast of that is like, normally like you have a pretty straightforward MC and then all of a sudden you'll hear just like these goofy sounds in the background, but she's the goofy sound in the background, but she's the goofy sound of the foreground. And I just really thought that was a nice little shake up of things. - Not to mention the nice little timble in the background. - I have to preference everything I'm about to say. - There we go. - With that, I don't know, like a third of the artists on here. - That's a, this ought to be interesting. - I'm learning about hip hop now in my 30s. - Okay. - I skip the song every time I hit the song. (laughing) I hate this song so much. - We should do a star pack episode for Frankie then. - Get you some Wu-Tang, get you some tribe. - Sign off. - I'm learning what I like with hip hop, 'cause my buddy Thomas, he's gotten me into a lot of hip hop. You guys talked about it a little bit when I was gone in that episode about like trip hop and like means. And I like the background more than I like hip hop itself, which is ironic because so many bands, I, metal bands I really like, are super inspired by hip hop. And I'm just, I've never been a hip hop guy. But like, I figured out that I like more of the musical accompaniment, the disjockeying to hip hop. - For sure. - That I like actual hip hop itself. But I found, I like hip hop groups a lot more than I like single people. And maybe this is a little bit of ignorance, but they sound super weird and like showbo-dy to me in a way that I don't really understand when it's just a single person rather than a point. - Yeah, that's part of the point. - I've listened to this playlist more than I've listened to most of them because I've been trying to get my feelings together for this playlist. I always skip this song now. I go right into ghetto superstar though, because I do really like ghetto superstar. - Is that work it that had the elephant sample in the back? Like just an elephant? - I think so. - Like an elephant noise in the background. Or at least was like censoring other other words. - Yeah, I don't remember. - In any other like groups or something? I feel like I've heard of it. - There's the elements going around. - She's done a lot. She's been in the background. She's been a producer on a lot of stuff too. - Okay, I recognize the name. I can't tell you if I've heard her music, I don't know. - Yeah, this is very cool because with Jared and I, we go back and forth with so many different artists that like we just know that the other person knows. 'Cause there's just like names like Missy Elliott and all those people who just like, we expect the other person to know. I at least have a general idea even if they haven't listened. With Mikey, being a person who doesn't know Missy Elliott is lost. - I love it. - I love it. - I don't know if you saw my face. Well you guys were talking about the history of Missy Elliott. I'm just over here like, sure. Let me go like googling like, just googling like, yeah sure. - Yeah sure. - When you're talking about her, I was like, "I don't know who this lady is." Mikey, do yourself a favor and just look up the video for that song. Need a chance. (laughs) It's in you understand afterward. And here's the thing, I get it and I see all the things that Vinny has said, 'cause a lot of songs that Vinny talks about that we've talked about so far, Vinny's like, and he put it best when we talked about the, on the first show about shaking it up. And you're like, just read the lyrics to it. And I reread the lyrics and I was like, "Okay, I can't wait video actually." (laughs) (upbeat music) Moving on to "Get a Superstar." Absolutely classic. The story that has been circling around recently is he wandered into the recording studio in LA where Pross was recording and thought he was in New York. (laughs) And Pross was like, dude, you gotta get out of here. It's like, I'm recording, like da da da da. Old Dirty Bastard. He goes, "No, dude, let me get on this joint." He goes, and he hears the music in the background. He's like, "Let me get on this, let me get on this." Dude, this sounds great. And he's like, all right, whatever. 'Cause he's just trying to get him in and out. He's like, I have record 'cause like, why not? But he's like, the plan is just to skip this thing, just to burn it, you know, whatever. Dirty goes in and he throws down and everyone. And he's like, fuck, I gotta keep him on. (laughs) - It's too good. - It's too good. It was fire. I think it was like, shit was fire. (laughs) - That's a great story, otherwise. - Just walked right in and was like, let me on. - This is another, I don't know anything about it. I really love the musicality of this song. - Oh, yeah. - I love the chorus. I love the background beats. Like I said, I found I really like group hip hop or like multiple people, like hip hop. And this song definitely scratches that itch. - Mikey likes a good posse cut. - Yeah, I wouldn't call, I wouldn't call get a superstar posse cut. But the joke of Mikey likes a posse cut. - I don't know what that means. So if it's something bad, cancel me on right now. - Let's send them my international players, Anthem, right after this and see what happens. We're gonna just do a UGK next. - You gotta get international superstar, international players, Anthem. Then we go, I got five on it. (laughs) - So blue days. - So blue days, oh Lord. - You might like, I got five on it. - Yeah, it's a fun one. - You might actually enjoy that one. - It's fun. - It's fun. - I feel like we'd need to have an episode now where we'd just throw whole sorts of hip hop. - First mic to listen to hip hop. - Listen, I'm gonna, at some point, I'm gonna make you guys listen to every genre of metal. - That's fine. - Do what you will to make. - Buddy, that's fine. - That's fine. - Whoa, here's then. We'll start off easy to put, give you the beastie boys to make things easy. Actually, no, we made it easier. We'll give you the fat boys to make it even more. - Okay, the beastie boys, that's a fair. I know more. - We'll start you out late with some limp biscuit and then we'll work up. - No, that's too hard. That's too hard for one. - That's new metal. How dare you. - That's new metal, that's different. I'm not a Philistine, how dare you? (laughing) - We'll start you off with some limp biscuit. - I may be an novice biscuit popper, but I know my limp biscuit. - We'll work our way up. Don't worry, we'll get there. Don't worry, I'm still working on it myself. - I'm still working on it. - If Jared's a journeyman, I am facing. - I started with trip hop. I started with-- - You guys are talking about that? - I started with DJ Shadow. - I like trip hop. - I was middle school, so I was like, "This, our only this, only that, only this." - You know, your gatekeeper, shitty little middle schooler, it doesn't-- - Hey, man, there's really hard opinions on things that don't matter. - Gatekeeping middle school, early high school, Mike is the reason we all know about K9 or some hate people. - All right, all right, all right. - I know about K9, I just mean, doesn't Howard Stern, how dare you? - That's not true. - I'm talking about you. - I told you about K9. - Even my dad knew K9 this one. - I told you about K9, so I'm gonna keep that fact forever. - But, cut out every-- - Hey, cut, producer cut out everything you said. (laughing) - But I started with a bunch of trip hop from a bunch of BMX videos, and then expanded from there. And then I started adding more like, and then I'm a pipe person who's like, "Oh, this is what the genre is, give me the highlights." Just like absorbing lists. And then finding, you know, a couple places that I like that had some pretty good music recommendations. - I miss the good old days of those, kind of what, like, finding like websites and I like-- - I miss my websites and music, man. ♪ She always sleeps when I find her ♪ ♪ And she screams ♪ ♪ And a voice says rain and she says, baby ♪ ♪ You scream, I must be lonely, baby ♪ - Moving on to 3 a.m., the classic Matchbox 20. - I think if I pick another song, I do "Real World." That was the one growing up that I would have actually picked. This song really hit me whenever I was making this playlist, and it's a fucking banger. - This whole album is incredible. - Yeah, of that era, so I was just kind of like, "Ah, I kind of need like a slow down one," you know, just to kind of start off the little, like, alternative contemporary, I don't know what-- - This is where things start getting-- - Like a 90s alternative. - Yeah, right. - This is where things start to make sense to me after you get to this point. - This is also where I got weirdly gay teepee in middle school, like, "Oh, you always the Matchbox 20?" - All right. - Fuck, Jared, shut the fuck up. Stop that, stop that. What do you mean you'll listen to Matchbox 20? - Rob Paul was just the greatest, isn't he? - Yeah. - I have vivid memories of something that didn't happen, of Jared saying that to me in middle school, and me fighting him because he didn't know about any Slayer song. - We were in different states, bud. - Yeah, I know, but listen. - At least if any, I wasn't saying hometown. - Yeah. - We didn't even know each other. - Exactly, yeah. - It's nostalgia for a time that I've never been to. - Yeah, right. - I like how this is the bit we keep going back to. (laughing) - I liked the song. I've never-- - So good. - Couldn't have told you any Matchbox 20. I know Matchbox 20. I recognize the name when I heard it, and I was like, "Is this some kind of deep cut?" And then I looked at it and I was like, "Oh, this is like one of the most popular songs." - Right, right. - I don't know any Matchbox 20, apparently. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - This was on some compilation I had when I was like seven or eight years old. It was like this Edward McChane's Albee was on there. I don't even remember what it was called. I don't even know where I got it from. It wasn't kids' bop. No, it wasn't kids' bop. I don't know, my mom gave it to me or my parents gave it to me. I don't remember where or how, but it was just like contemporary '90s hits that she didn't like or listen to as soon. She just gave it to me. And that was the first place I heard, 3 a.m. I thought, "Man, this is pretty cool." - My mom bought this album. - Okay. - My mom was an album buyer. We had a lot of albums, so we listened to a lot of them. - That's crazy. That's a debut album, too. - It's a fun album as '90s contemporary go. It starts Rob Thomas on his trajectory to smooth. But this is, what is this one about, Jared? This one is about his mom, right? - Yeah, 3 a.m. It's about his mom who was diagnosed with form of cancer. I mean, the number of people I have to tell that to is just insane to me. Is it listen to it, not know anything about it? But when you listen to the lyrics, it's literally about her like saying-- - Yeah, I didn't know that until just now. - Yeah, this is a song I've superficially listened to. - Oh, exactly. It's like a real life that I'm getting at. It's like him talking about his mom saying, "Oh, it's raining outside." Like, she gets up at 3 in the morning every day. She still cares about him. He still thinks about her as his mom. Like, these things don't go away. And no matter what state of mind, she's in, she's always his mom in a way. She still cares about him. She can only sleep when it's raining, and she streams, and her voice is strained, and then it goes into the chorus. So like, it's her talking about dealing with the physical pain of what she's going through, but he still sees her as-- - His mom. - His mom, yeah. It's a beautiful song. - For sure. - It's a great one, even if you listen to it superficially and then once you actually hear it, it has a whole different meaning to it. - Yeah. The other thing is, I'm curious looking back on this why I didn't put any Google dolls. - I was wondering that too. I was thinking that too as well. - The obvious one is Iris. - Iris, or I would have done slide. - Yeah, this kind of fits that bill at the same time. - Yeah, I don't know if it was looking back on this. I would probably do slide where 3 AM is. - Yeah, the only thing I was curious about, given the past, I don't know, year and a half depending on when this releases, why not push? That got a resurgence all of a sudden. - Well, I did this in 2022. I made this in 2022. - That's fair, that's, you made this before Barbie. - Which also, Jared, a lot of these songs haven't been talked about on 60 songs or explained in the 90s when I made this. - That is fair, you did end up predicting a lot of these. - And honestly, that could have been what I was doing. ♪ All I could say is that my life is pretty plain ♪ ♪ I like watching the bottles gather in ♪ ♪ And all I could do is transport some tea for two ♪ ♪ And speak my point of view, but it's not safe ♪ - Up next is No Rain by Blind Melon, which I'm introduced to Blind Melon, originally in Schoolhouse Rock Rocks. And they did-- - Oh, man. - They did three as the magic number. Beautiful, but-- - Wait, really? - Yeah, I had three as the magic number. It's really good. - I had no idea. - That's so good. - I think that album, honestly, shapes my music, like listening to it. I'm like, oh, this is how I got to hear. But no, Blind Melon is just like great little jam band, great little just, for a band that has so much kind of like sadness around it. It feels so happy of a song, even though it might not necessarily be the happiest song in the world. The feeling of it is just very happy. - I mean, No Rain isn't that happy what you actually listened to. - Right, but the music of it is-- - It's so beautiful. And I mean, the, was the girl on the B outfit on the cover of the album just should tell you it's gonna be a little uplifting. It's not that happy of an album. - It's not, it's not a happy album. It's not a happy band. - No, it sounds happy until they see that album cover and then I'm kinda creeped out. - Yeah, the entire music video is that girl running around in the field. - Really? - Oh man, I just gotta stay away. This is a song I forgot about. - Really? - That first part comes in and I'm just like, whoa, this song exists. I forgot about this song entirely. - It is one that goes unnoticed a lot from people where like, I'll have it on. I have a big 90s playlist that I just kind of put songs on. And when that song comes on, it really gets people. Like, oh yeah, I forgot about this one. - I've talked about 90s music with a lot of people and I like, oh yeah, I used to listen to this, I used to listen. I don't think I've ever heard another human being mention blind melon to me. - Whoa. - Because this might be the only song that they would know. - Yeah, yeah, like, and I, this is a song that I heard, I hear on the radio and I was like, oh, another radio song's on. There's a lot of bands you could've told me the song was by and I would've believed you. - For sure, for sure. Not that it's like a generic sounding song, but I don't know my 90s bands that, well, - We knew that, we knew that going into this one. - Yeah, we've gone over that already. - Up next is Mr. Jones by Counting Crows. ♪ Mr. Joel and me ♪ ♪ Tell each other fairy tales ♪ ♪ I'm Mr. Beautiful Women ♪ ♪ She's looking at you ♪ ♪ Oh no, no, she's looking at me ♪ ♪ Smiling in the bright lights ♪ - Absolutely. - I know one, I know my couple of 90s bands. I really do love this song specifically. There's some about it where it was one of those songs where it was like, once a day, you have to listen to the song once a day. - Doesn't get old. - This is a song I always find myself singing along to. - Oh yeah, it's one of those ones where I feel like I've been the narrator a handful of times, just sitting in a bar next to an old dude talking about absolutely nothing. I've always loved that, and unfortunately, since I stopped drinking, I don't get to do that very often anymore. So, this gives me that pseudo, coach benched me a handful of years ago, and now I was gonna go pro. I was there, but he said no. It allows me to kind of have that pseudo experience, so to speak. - It's one of those ones where, it's their most well-known song, and I've heard it, I don't know how many times, still haven't gotten sick of it. - The song drags me back into this album, and I love this album, so we talked about this before. I love this, a whole album. One of the few, it was one of my first CDs that I own, and hearing this song, it brings me back, to driving around town in my busted accord. Everything was simpler. - This playlist is a little tricky, because there are songs that people have heard a lot of, to the point where people have heard them a lot, and it's one of those playlists where all the songs are like, what else is there to say about the song? - Because so many people have said so much good thing about it. - Right. - So much, so many things about these songs. - At the end of the day, this is very much a, I felt nostalgic for these songs. This is what I was listening to at the time. I know I was giving you a hard time at the beginning of like, oh, you're just mocking the people that say they're 90s kids. But like, at the same time, like, you like what you like. - For sure. - It's fun. Like, this stuff, there isn't really a bad song in here, really. I could smell the ancient dashboard of my first car driving around town. It only had the radio. There was no cassette or CD player in it, driving down to 7-Eleven, and like, hanging out. And I could, like, this playlist tickled that exact moment in my brain. - That's a thing too, where it's like a song where I'm hoping that one of these songs brings you back to like a specific moment or a specific place. ♪ I would swallow my pride ♪ ♪ I would choke on the rinds ♪ ♪ But the lack thereof would leave me empty inside ♪ ♪ Swallow my doubt, turn it inside out ♪ ♪ Find nothing but faith in nothing ♪ ♪ Wanna put my tender heart in a blender ♪ ♪ What'd it been round to a beautiful oblivion ♪ ♪ A rendezvous and I'm through with you ♪ - Speaking of bringing you back to specific places, Vinnie, I gotta ask something. Do you light the heart in a blender song? - I love the heart and blender song. - Mikey, do you light the heart in a blender song? - It's inside out, right? - Yes. - Yeah, dude, I have seen these guys, actually. - We have two. - We both have two. - I have two. - I saw these guys at a county festival. - We did, too. - A county fair, in Fairfax, Virginia. I love you, Six, these guys are great. They feel like they're not the popular, like, alternative rock, like '90s band. Even though everybody knows them, it's still kind of like, it's one of those bands where you're like, oh, everybody knows them, but like, I know about Eve Six, so I'm like, hip and cool, and like, it's like, it's weird. It's like that, like, they feel underground, even though they're obviously not. - They know exactly what they are, too. - Yeah. - And the fact that they're Senator Matt's, is his name? Yeah, just like, he knows exactly where he is in-- - Max Collins, baby. - Max Collins knows exactly where he is in his career. He knows he's a one-hit wonder, and he just embraces it. - That's the best you can do. If you're gonna be a one-hit wonder-- - He's not afraid to just dish out his thoughts on the other '90s bands that he toured with either. - Which is very fun. - It's a very fun time. - Eve Six, the self-tited album. It was one of those early albums for me that, like, hit a chord, and I was like, I have to get this album. I have to listen to this album a thousand times. So I went out and got myself this album, and I put it in my little Walkman, and I played the hell out of this, "Open Road Song" was one of the first songs I ever played by myself in a car. It was like, when I heard, I was like, this is gonna be one of the first songs I ever played whenever I can finally drive by myself, and it was. (laughing) - So, where we're from in South Park, every summer, they have a summer concert series where they bring in apps to play for free, and usually they bring in at least one, it was like a '90s one-hit wonder. - The time went over. - Ever clear. - They've done ever clear, they've done better than Ezra. They have done, Fodhat played there before. - Probably, the verse. - The verse played there. I probably-- - The verb pipe, sorry. - The verb pipe, yeah, sorry. And then, you've sits played the one year, and Vinny and I, like, we knew, like, obviously, we knew each other from Cal, but weren't really good friends at that point, and I happened to go with another buddy of mine, and I remember you just coming right up to us with your bike going, hey, what's going on here? 'Cause you came to see Eve sits, and we're like, oh, what are you doing here? - I, yeah, I heard that Eve Six was playing, and I was like, I'm not gonna not go. And that was when me and Jared bonded officially. That was-- - Yeah. - That's how we came to be. - Thank you, Eve Six. - Thank you, Eve Six. We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you. Thank you, Matt. If by chance you're listening, there's a small chance you are. Thank you, thank you for this. - There's small chance that everyone's listening. This small chance that King Charles III is listening to us right now. The only reason I remember that is 'cause he was on my-- He was one of the last people on my feed before I turned my phone off. (laughing) - Yes, King, please listen. - Listen, King. - Please tell us your thoughts on Eve Sits. King Charles, do you like the heart and the blunder song? - The clarification, ooh, come on. - It's a big one, it's a big one. - We need to know. We have to know. - You're the King, we have to know. ♪ I went to a shrink ♪ ♪ To another like my dreams ♪ ♪ She says it's like I'm sex, I'm screaming me down ♪ ♪ And I went to a horn ♪ ♪ He said my words are born ♪ ♪ Choke with my boy ♪ ♪ Didn't listen to break in her tongue ♪ Speaking of having to know "Bask the Case" by Green Day, I was a Green Day kid. First album I got was "Mimrod." And I don't remember if Todd had it or not, but Todd had "Dookie." And he-- (laughing) And he burned-- - I burned a copy. It was, we did a hand full of times where I would get one album, he would get another, and then we'd burn one and then hand it over, you know, so we both have. And Todd had "Dookie," he burned it, and he drew a little turd. So it was just a blank CD. It said "Dookie" and a fifth grader's handwriting, and then the little turd with little smell lines on it. (laughing) If I dig, I can probably find it. - You know, it's funny because I use this joke way too often where when I'm like with other people, I'm like, "Damn, I gotta go take a Green Day Dookie." (laughing) And not enough people get that joke and it makes me very upset. - It's such a good album title. - Right. I think it's one of those ones where it's like, it might be contented for my favorite album art. It's definitely top three of this playlist. - Just the bombs going off that I'll say "Dookie" on it. - This is another album that I've listened to a lot. It was when I had like, I had it as a kid as well. As an adult, I stopped really listening to a lot of, or when I got into high school, I stopped listening to a lot of Green Day. There was a girl I liked who really liked her and that really soured it for me. It's funny hearing this on this playlist. Me and Vinny have never talked about Green Day. I always assumed Vinny kind of hated Green Day because the only time we've ever talked about it was the American Indian-Dilanger 4 situation. So I was just like, when I saw this on here, I was like, "What's going on?" And then I listened to the previous episode and I was like, "Oh Vinny loves Green Day." I was like, "I was like, "I was like, 'Oh man, "I always thought he despised Green Day." - No, I never despised. The Green Day is complicated in the way that I saw them initially on David Letterman and then they played live and I heard a song on it. This song is sweet. What is a song? And I dug and dug and dug and couldn't figure out the name 'cause I don't know, I was paying attention or something. Then I watched the VH1 behind the music and the VH1 behind the music came out after warning but before American Idiot. - So like in Shenanid and Zara? - No, it would have been like international super hit. Like right after warning. - Okay, okay, all right. - So like international super hits ish. Then I get international super hits and I was like, "This band is my favorite band in the world." So like from like fifth grade to like seventh or eighth grade, I'm a Green Day fan. And then American Idiot comes out and I probably have a couple months when I'm an eighth grade ish. I have like a couple, seventh or eighth grade, I have a couple months and it's just like all of a sudden it just flat lines for me and I'm just like, "This isn't doing it for me." And I become a metalhead. - That's my question if I were a player. I switched to Slayer at some point in time. - Instantly. - You know, that's funny 'cause that's sort of like, I kind of remember that moment too. It wasn't as extreme. I think like, besides like listening to like Metallica and like the popular like dad metal, I heard like one of the heavier Atreus songs and like, I was like, "This is my personality." - Yeah, right. - We're going into metal. - I think specifically the jump is Green Day. Then no effects is war on terrorism and then ransits and outcome the wolves. - Geez. - I think I hear an outcome the wolves and then an outcome the wolves becomes my personality 'cause I played bass guitar. So I had to learn Maxwell Murder. - Uh-huh. - And I don't know if anyone, I probably won't be talking about a lot of ransits. I have very mixed feelings on ransits at this point in my life. - It's complicated. - But I think Max Freeman is, at least in the punk genre, one of the coolest best bass players. - Going. - I just, if you hand me a bass guitar, I will play one of three songs. I will play Blink When A2's Carousel. I will play Long View by Green Day or I will play Journey to the End of the East Bay by ransing. - Holy shit. Hell yeah. (laughing) - Just instinctively. ♪ I took her out ♪ ♪ It was a Friday night ♪ ♪ I woke alone ♪ ♪ To get the feeling right ♪ ♪ We started making up ♪ ♪ And she took off my pants ♪ ♪ But then I turned on the TV ♪ ♪ And that's about the time she walked away from me ♪ ♪ Nobody likes you when you're 23 ♪ - Speaking of Blink When A2, what's my age again? - This is definitely me going to the front of the line. If you make me pick a Blink When A2 song, I'm not picking what's my age again. I think I've heard what's my age again. I think this is one of the few songs on here where I can officially say like I've heard this too many times. - I know that's a hard stand to take 'cause a lot of people are such Blink When A2 fans. - That's all the small things for me. I'm tired of that song. I don't like it all much. - All the small things, I don't even hear it anymore. - No. - It doesn't even play. - Like if it's on, there's nothing going on. - It's just silence. - It's just very silence. - Every time I hear it, I am whisked back away to playing Donkey Kong and I don't, you're right. I don't even really hear the song. I just hear the, don't, don't. - I had all the small things and Eminem on a cassette single. So each side was one song. So each side was one song. - Yeah, insane. - Yeah, it was right when Travis got announced for the band. I would assume it was right when Travis got announced for the band to have the band. - I don't know why I bought a cassette. Like I had a CD player with a cassette on it, but like, and I had a couple of cassettes, but I don't know why I bought, I was probably looking around and it said all the small things and I was like, this is the Blink-182 band that that song is and I picked it up. But Eminem of the State is still a very good album. We were hanging out recently, me and my buddies. All of a sudden, some was making some jokes, some Blink-182 joke. And I can't remember which one it was, but we just like, dude, we got to listen to Eminem of the State now. And we were just playing Magic the Gathering, listening to the end of the state. (laughs) - Oh my Lord. - This whole album is fantastic. - That's what I'm saying. - I just saw a cover band do it front to back a few months ago and I thought it was such a fun time. - I think my favorite on here on this album is the party song. - Party song is great. - I have a buddy who said that he will text people, like, do you want to go to a party? My friend's with me up on the sort of 1130. And he's like, he's at a party, he lives in LA. And all of his friends are like a lot younger than him. Like he's in his late 30s and they're like in their 20s. So he's like, I send that to people and no one knows what I'm talking about. - They probably think he's being serious. - Yeah, they just like, what is this? - No, like to me, like, I'm so hot and cold when it comes to Blink anymore. But I saw them last year and I think I'm good. Like, if they ever come back through, I don't think I need to see them again now. They were fun, it was a fun time. I'm fine with just knowing to see a Traver band Traver them at this point, like. - I think Blink-182 is one of those bands that you can either hold on to them or you hit a point and you're just like, yeah, I'm done. - That's it, I'm good. - 'Cause like I think I hit a point sometime in college where I just was like, ah, there's a lot of pup punk that I like to keep around that like picks me up. But like a lot of it is just kind of like, eh, a lot of the Blink-182 stuff is like, there's just some really funny parts 'cause it's all like potty humor and stuff like that. And just like so classically like fart jokes. But it's just kind of, I don't know, I think a lot for me is like, it's just too popular, which I've said before and I'll say it again. Like I'm a hipster through and through like, once something gets too popular, I will just immediately, at this point, I don't even realize I'm doing it. - I think for me, it is like, I got to be in a mood to listen to them. It's weird to say I have to be in the right head space to listen to Blink-182, especially because that last album they just put out one more time. Like a lot of it is very much like, hey, we're growing up now, like we almost all lost each other in one way or another, just like all of us almost died in some form. Like we're gonna write a kind of a tribute album to each other, but they're still throwing the like 14, 15 year old humor in there with each other. Like those guys never truly grew up. And good for them, I'm happy for them. They're happy with each other. They're fun to see live, but like the fact they're playing stadiums now, like I, I'm not a big fan of stadium shows as it is. Personally, I don't think they should, I think they should be just playing festivals at this point, but I don't know, I'm rambling a bit here. And then do what they want, they're millionaires, plus Travis is part of the Kardashian crew. So they've gotten money forever at this point. They're good. - Don't know for the love of the game. And that's, and we respect it. - That's pretty much it. Speaking of doing it for the love of the game. - Being in the love of the game, they might be giants. - Oh, we're skipping Jawbreaker? - Oh yeah. - Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. - I almost skipped my favorite one. - I was about to say, how are you skipping Bob's car? - I know. ♪ Gonna come and I'll tell it I'm a good ♪ ♪ Second basketball ♪ ♪ That one was good ♪ ♪ You're so dumb ♪ ♪ What I'm all about ♪ ♪ My color got the red ♪ ♪ I'm so dumb ♪ ♪ The headlights are all super familiar ♪ - It's become... - My name's Adam. Did you know the song beforehand? - No, Jared, if you recall, my first time ever listening to Jawbreaker was you and me were driving out of Pittsburgh and we were talking about, this was like, I think it was at four chords last year. Or like, around the, yeah, we went record-stopping the day before and we were talking about whatever Jared along's band is, Sunrise Skater Kids or Canadian songball. - Sunrise Skater Kids, yeah. - And he mentions something about you don't listen to real emo, listen to things like some... I forget, it was Rights of Spring, Weezer and Jawbreaker. And I was like, do you know who Jawbreaker is? And you're like, do you not? And I was like, no. And you put on Jawbreaker for me. I've only listened to a couple of their songs. - You're so good. - This definitely is now my favorite of theirs. Never listened to Jawbreaker. And you told me the whole history of them too. - They're so good. - It's really funny. I remember you telling me about them. I do really like them now. They're one of those bands though, that I will definitely enjoy hearing them on things. I don't think I'm actively gonna go out of my way to listen to them though. I'm not gonna search for any of their albums, but I do like them. - The old men of Gilman really, they were in their late 20s when they were playing Gilman, they were all college graduates. So they had some experience and they're playing to a bunch of 14, 15, 16 year olds. And the fact that all of their lyrics have some thought behind them. And I just, I love the fact you put box card here where it's literally saying-- - Yeah, I think there was a conscious effort. - Yeah, I think there's a very conscious effort of like, it's almost like the one you feel like should have gotten the airplane. I love the like, like the fuck you about it. Like a-- - Very much. - You're not punk and I'm telling everyone. - Tell everyone. - It's such a great line. - And basically saying like, we're given score if it was punk and who's not making fun of everyone who's in the scene. And I mean, you read Dan Ozzie's book, "Earlys Part of It" and the sellout. - I read this, I tell you. - There's a whole chapter dedicated to Jawbreaker in it. And they were poised to be the next Green Day. Like they got the producer who did dookie. They went to, was it Warner Brothers? - They essentially followed the trajectory 'cause the people who picked up Green Day were like, we gotta throw it, we gotta pick this other band up. So it was a smash with them. Let's do this. - Let's do it again. And they were the quintessential definition of throwing money at the problem just made it worse. - Right, right. - Like these guys should have blown up and probably been the next Green Day. But the fact that the label just kept throwing. - It just wasn't the right time. - It wasn't the right time. The label kept throwing money at them. And dear you, their fourth and last album came, this catastrophe between the three of them. Like they fell apart. Like they were fighting in between Tate's songs. Blake, their center was recording on his own overnight. And like sleeping at the studio to get the album done. - It's an incredible story, really. - Oh yeah. - Sorry, I could go on, but. - Marcel, it's just a great song. - Yeah. - You're not punk and I'm telling everyone. It's such a great message. Such a good fuck you to everyone who's just kind of like who is trying to put them in a certain direction that they weren't ready to go in or they just didn't want to do. - The song made me think of what's his name from SLC Punk. - At the very end, where he's like two or three years. - I'm just, I just became a poser. - No, it's, no, what's his name? The guy, the guy from How I Met Your Mother, I can't remember his name, but he's like. - Oh, the Jason Siegel. - Oh, Marshall, yeah. - Yeah, and he's like, he looks like a businessman in the entire movie and they're like, you don't dress punk and he's like. - I'm not wearing the uniform. - You guys do. - I love the mentality of it. And I felt it fit really nice into the mix here. - It's a nice little jump from the alternative to the pop punk to like, and then like the punk, the actual punk song. - It's like a good little send off for the punk parts of this. - Yeah, yeah. - And then we get some whiplash here. - Yeah, then we switch into the birdhouse in your soul. ♪ You can hear me out there by the light switch ♪ ♪ Who watches over you ♪ ♪ Make a little birdhouse in your soul ♪ ♪ Not to put too fine upon it ♪ ♪ Say I'm the only bee in your bonnet ♪ ♪ Make a little birdhouse in your soul ♪ - Hell, yes. - It's gone on record many times being like, flood in Apollo 18 or two of my favorite albums ever. To kind of hit on what song I probably would have picked if I was picking this and not just like following, like not just the character who made this. - Finish too deep in the song. - Yeah. - He thinks he's the Joker. - He thinks he's the Joker. - Yeah, there's, we live in the society then. - If I ever have a pass, I prefer to be multiple choice. - Oh yeah, there it is. - I love "Dead." Dead is my song from that album. - Yeah. - But this is the song that hooks you. This is the song of the album that is the hook. I had a conversation with Cheyenne one time where she was like, we're listening to the song called "The Villanelle" and the chorus goes, "Don't hate the villain, hate the Villanelle." And she goes, "What does that mean?" In the sense of like defending the woman. And I was like, this isn't the band to do that for. She goes, "Why?" and I was like, "Fine, you asked for it." And I read her the lyrics and she was like, "I can't do anything with that." I was like, "Exactly." (laughing) "You asked for it." (laughing) - One of the only reasons I ever joined Tumblr was for a count called "They Might Be Hipsters." And it would take, they might be giants quotes and put like Helvetica font on it and put it over a very like goofy background, like, you know, hipster style, like, it's Tumblr hipsters of the era and just put like deep quotes over things. One of my favorites was, it was just a picture of a bridge. And over at the top, it just said, "Let the wrong be wrong, how bad could it be?" Or something like that. I forget the exact line. (laughing) - You saying that quote maybe, I can already see whatever. Like, I now like can perfectly analyze what you're talking about. - It's a really good one. Live, love, love, put it up over your couch. - Yeah, you just send them to people. - Or what was the one, I think it was like, there's this kid getting his teeth pulled out by like dentist things to pull his teeth and just like, they call me Dr. Worm. - Hell, okay. (laughing) - So funny enough, I just saw these guys the other day. They did a three night stint here in Pittsburgh and it sold out all three nights. They sell out every time. - They do it every time. - Every time. - Every time and they have to play two to three nights every time they come. Each night, it turns out they did a spotlight on an album. The first night was Apollo 18. - Yes. - I forget what the second night was, but the third night was John Henry. They played like select songs from it. Didn't play it front to back. And they kept joking about how they're not playing in front to back. I don't know that album really at all. And so they did the whole set based around that album, did like a 20 minute intermission and then came out and did an entire set of other stuff. In the two and a half hours I was standing there, I knew two songs. The third house in your soul and Dr. Worm. (laughing) And let me just say, for standing there for two and a half hours, I was captivated the entire time. - That's a great place. - This is so good live. - You can go in not knowing any song and you'll be enthralled. They do such a good show. - I just listened to the Johns just banter for hours. The two of them just bouncing off of each other for hours. - Oh yeah, oh yeah. - So fun. - This is a band I feel like I'd enjoy live. - I think you would, but I enjoy recorded. 'Cause they're fine recorded. They're not my topic or anything. This song took a couple of listens for me to get into it. It is fun and I get it. I feel like this is one of those songs I really have to be in the mood for. I feel like they'd be a lot of fun to see live. - This song specifically, I put it on repeat eight to 10 times whenever I want to listen to it. Like it's not long enough. I don't know what song it was, but there was one point where up on their projector, they just had like an airplane cabin and it just looked like a live feed. Like Blade Runner 2049 was playing on the screen up in front. And so like the entire time they're playing, I'm like, it's engaging. 'Cause like, I want to turn around and talk to my buddy, but I feel like I'm just staring ahead in this airplane. Like I can't turn and talk to whoever's behind me because of it. Like they really just keep you engrossed and entertained and engaged. - Oh yeah, it's a very good show. It's a very polished show. - Not to mention Flansberg at one point brought out this giant ass stick and just started pounding on the ground and the whole crowd's chaining stick, stick, stick, stick. And it's just like a stick you find in the woods. I forget what song they went into with it, but he's like, you know, I saw on the rules out front part of the, we're two days into this residency at this point and I just saw on the rules on the door that room number 14 says no sticks. Well, I guess if somebody's walked in and with a stick like, I'm not gonna say anything about it 'cause I feel safer with that guy walking in than anyone else. And he went to put it away and he goes, man, he just started to rehab a couple of days ago. So his performance was a little off. They're so good. ♪ Make 'em say, oh, oh ♪ ♪ Midnight, midnight, midnight ♪ ♪ Make 'em say, oh, oh ♪ ♪ Midnight, midnight, midnight ♪ ♪ Make 'em say, oh, oh ♪ ♪ Oh, midnight, midnight, midnight ♪ - Speaking of being a fucking G, make 'em say, oh, by Masterpiece. - This one, Romeo, right? - The little Romeo. Is he Romeo now, or is he-- - It's just Romeo now. - Did he do the Bow Wow thing? Where he just became Bow Wow or Romeo? - That's who this is? - It's his dash, I know. - His Masterpiece. - Oh, okay, 'cause I know, I've heard a little Romeo. - Low Romeo had his own show on Nickelodeon. - His show on Nickelodeon. - Yeah, Masterpiece was there. - It was there, it was there. - Really? - Yes. - I don't, I remember the name and like, I could sort of visualize him. Don't remember a Nickelodeon. - I am kind of blown away by Masterpiece, I-- - His story is unbelievable. - His story is unbelievable, because like he's like a person who like came from nothing, and then just made an empire. Like, I know there's like people who do it, but like to have the flair of Masterpiece, to be the businessman that he is, to like, without Masterpiece, there's like Snoop Dogg isn't as big as he is, and just like how many people he like helped get further? I don't know, I just like, it's so respectable to be like, really be a catalyst for other people and other musicians. - And not even just like, oh yeah, people in a mystical, but like, mystical, like, I don't think mystical, without Masterpiece, mystical, isn't mystical. We don't get to shake that ass. Like, watch yourself. - Yeah. - Fucking, Masterpiece is just like, so fucking cool. - It kind of starts the whole, not starts the bounce, but like, kind of like an influencer on it. - Yeah, he has that like, he's a push, you know? - The song definitely made me realize, it kind of clicked all the pieces that like, oh yeah, all the hip hop I have been listening to that I like, have been shown that I like, is these kind of like, group hip hop's, multiple people, like, each person gets a verse, and then they all do, or like, popular, I like that. This song, the first time I heard it, like, it came on, and I was like, stuck in traffic on my way to work, and I was just like, it's like, oh man, I am about to get to, I was like, I'm about to get to part this that I don't like, aren't I? And like, it definitely, the first time listening to it, I was like, mad about traffic, bean comes on, I don't know where it just destroys the beat to it. I am, listen, I am stuck in, I am stuck in Baltimore traffic, and I'm just like, I hate this. And then like, and then I listen to it again on my way home from work, and I was like, I was just mad about traffic, I actually kinda like this. (all laughing) - Such a banger of a song. - So good. - It's a fun song, I do enjoy it. - His story is, what is it, 85% he'd kept and 15% goes to distribution, like-- - Something like that, yeah. - Deals like that, don't get made any more. - Yeah, like to make deals that don't get made anymore, like, it's so wild, it's so wild. Masterpiece fucking genius, tear down statues, whenever you're putting statues back up. - Masterpiece should be one of them. - He's the one of Masterpiece. - Wait, what's the name of his, oh, no limit records. - No limit. - No limit, that's the name of it. - I was literally just looking at like the on Spotify, it literally just put what Vinnie said in here, it's like throughout the late 90s, Master P created a hip hop empire, or flying beneath the main stream radar. - It's true though. And I was like, that's literally what Vinnie just said. - Yeah, it's fucking genius. - It's true though, the fact that he produced midst and started and kind of starting to release like independent stuff on his own label. And then once I started to blow up, went to get a distribution deal with, I forget which record company. - I don't remember. I can get a copy. - And he retained, I think, 80 to 85% of his-- - Yeah, huge percent of-- - Because his whole thing was, I just need your distribution, like we're gonna make everything in house, like you keep your end, we're keeping what we do. So we're only gonna give you like 15 to 10% of-- - Exactly. - Of the cut of the sales, and that's how he built an empire. ♪ I'm strumming my pain with his finger ♪ ♪ With time ♪ ♪ Singing my life with his words ♪ ♪ With time ♪ ♪ Killing me softly with this song ♪ ♪ Killing me softly with this song ♪ - Up next year, this is the one I kind of touched on earlier. - It's up next is "Killing Me Softly" with his song by the Fuji's and Ms. Lauren Hill. - Another one, that's just like a fuck, this song is so good. I, it's one of the songs where I don't think I'll ever get. I don't know if I could get tired of it. - It's a cover too. - It's a cover of a cover. I don't even know how many times it's been covered. It's such a great one when people are like, oh, what's your favorite cover? Just to hit them with "Killing Me Softly." 'Cause either they don't know that, or they're like, fuck, you're right. This is another one where I brought this up before. My dad hated covers. Every time I would play a cover, he hated it. And this was one he did not like. (laughing) Because he loved Roberta Flack's version. And no disrespect to Roberta Flack's fantastic version. I love the drums to this. I, you put a nice drum beat along a song and you've sunk me. I'm in, I'm in. I've hooked line synchor every time. And to have that, the beat to this? Ah, fuck, every time. - This was one on repeat when I was a kid. Every time I got in the car, my mom had this on in one way or another. So I have a lot of nostalgia for this particular song. I've tried going back and listening to that whole album. And I need to give it another revisit 'cause it's been a while. And I just wanna go to "Killing Me Softly." - Every time, yeah. - Every time. - Another thing with this is like, and especially the "60 Songs That Explained The 90s" podcast, it forced me to go back and not only listen to specific songs, but to be like, "Hey, give the whole album a listen." 'Cause there's so many '90s songs where you know, like Mikey, like you were saying, like, "Oh, like "Masterhouse 20" or "Blind Melon." It's like, "Oh, I know those songs. "I don't know anything else." And then like being able to like get, convince yourself it's like, "No, go back and listen to the rest of that album." Like they put a lot of effort into the whole thing, like fucking give it a go. And the score here was one of those ones, I have a couple of these playlists, but it was like scores like one of those ones where it's like, this is one of those under-appreciated gems of-- - Yeah, this song is amazing, but like the whole album as a whole is also very, very good and very, very listenable. ♪ So tired ♪ ♪ I'll play it ♪ ♪ Playing with this bow and arrow ♪ ♪ Gonna give my heart away ♪ ♪ Leaving doing the other girls to play ♪ ♪ For I've been a temperance too long ♪ - Portus Head. Fuck, Portus Head's great, so good. - When I hosted a friend's giving, I have a built-in entire playlist out of my record collection. I was trying to find like the perfect name to go from like the jazz stuff to like the more poppy stuff. It was to go from like, I had an Oscar Patterson trio album of West Side Story performances to Gorilla's self-titled debut. And I couldn't find the perfect thing, so I ended up going up to the record to store up the street for me and found this, found dummy, and was like, that's it, that's the transition right there. - Huge. - It was the perfect transition. - There's a weird thing with Portus Head where a lot of the songs, with dummy, specifically, if you were to put a song on and say, what's this song done to head? I die every time. - Every time. - Every time. I don't know what song is which. I have no idea which song is playing whenever a song is playing. I look at this song, most of them, like I think my favorite's Mysterons, but I don't think so. - Okay. (laughs) - And I know that feels like Zach relates to some people, especially like big Portus Head fans, but like you know when Girl Talk would release the entire cut of an album, 'cause it's supposed to be listened to in one sitting. - Right. - This is what this album feels like to me. You should listen to the album in its entirety every time. - Easily. - I don't know anything about Portus Head. - No, no, listen to that. - Check 'em out. - This song is a little slow for me, but it makes me feel like I'm having a cigar and a whiskey in like a basement club. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Like a no-war club. - It's very-- - I just feel like I'm sitting in a war booth. - Yeah. - Like, I feel like everything's black and white when I was in the song. - Everything becomes black and white when you were in this, when you listen to the song, for sure. ♪ There's nothing where you used to lie ♪ ♪ A conversation has one right ♪ ♪ That's what's going on ♪ ♪ Nothing's fine and tall ♪ ♪ I'm all out of space ♪ ♪ This is how I feel ♪ ♪ I'm cold and I am shamed ♪ ♪ Now you make it on the floor ♪ - Next up is Natalie Burglius Torm. - Cover of the cover of the cover. - I don't think I will ever make a 90s playlist and my first song won't be Torm. So many-- - Is this song a cover? - It's a cover. - Of a cover. - I've only ever heard covers of this song. - Yeah. - Yeah, there's a lot. - I know this mostly, I think, neck deep to the cover of this on a compilation. But like, I've heard this song a couple of times and I was like, oh, like, until right now I didn't know this was a cover. I thought this was the original. - Everyone's never heard who this version is. - It's one of those ones, once you dive into the history, you've gone into a dark rabbit hole of the internet that I don't know if you wanna go into. 'Cause it just becomes a cover of a cover, of a foreign cover, of another language cover. - I think it's interesting that torn and killing me softly are both very similar in that way where there's so, like, it's a cover of a cover of cover and there's been covers and there's going to be more covers and it's just, you're just lost. Like, who, who started it? We don't know, we'll never know. - We did this. What's funny is I went to see, there's a local band around here that I really liked, they've played four chord. They kind of have a little bit of notoriety, but they, I went to see their solo show a couple of months ago. The first chords for this song came in and I got all excited and all my friends were like, what are you talking, like, what's going on here? I knew what was coming in. And I was talking to the lead singer after and I said, man, that's a great cover of torn. He goes, I absolutely love that song. My, the rest of my band fucking hates it. Like, I have to push them to want to do it. - Fire the band. (laughing) - Because it's hard, apparently it's hard for them to play and he can say it well. He does a great job, they're an emo band too. So he does a great job with it. But he said that the rest of the band hates playing it. It's too hard for them. - No, we can do that slide guitar outro quite like this song does. - I think that's what sells it, true cowards. - And this is that song of like that 90s radio that I'm just kind of like, yeah, I'm sitting in the back of my mom's car just staring out a window, just pretending I'm, I don't know, it's like in another world. ♪ Go go chasing waterfalls ♪ ♪ You stick to the rivers and the lakes that you used to ♪ ♪ I know that you're gonna have it your way ♪ ♪ You're nothing at all but I take you moving fast ♪ - Next up is waterfalls. This is my personal favorite TLC song. - Don't go chasing waterfalls. - Don't go chasing waterfalls. - Are you quoting TLC? - Yeah, the bit of the other guys of constantly quoting TLC lyrics. - When we're getting constantly quoted TLC songs. - TLC, waterfalls, this is a topic. I was one of the things for like future shows, variety off, misheard lyrics. What's one of your favorite misheard lyrics? 'Cause for this one, from misheard lyrics, for this one for my early life was don't go Jason waterfalls. So the man's name was Jason waterfalls, don't leave us Jason waterfalls, you're our only hope. (laughing) - I love TLC. I've gotten into TLC, it's another one of those, crazy sexy cools, one of those albums I've, you know, got myself to re-listen to. It's a true tragedy, we lost a left eye when we did. What an absolute house of a band. I don't know, what's, what's there to say about TLC that hasn't already been said yet? Like, they're TLC, they're the best. - Mighty, how much do you know about TLC? - This much. - That's what I thought. - Okay. (laughing) - I don't know anything about, especially '90s like pop groups, if it's not NSYNC or battery boys or- - Counting crows, or Google dolls, or e-6, or. - Notice in a pattern here, guys. ♪ In the middle of the night ♪ ♪ I go walking in my sleigh ♪ ♪ From the madness of fate ♪ ♪ To the river so deep ♪ ♪ I must be looking for something ♪ ♪ Something's sacred I love ♪ ♪ But the river is wide ♪ ♪ And it's too hard to cross ♪ Next one is Billy Joel River of Dreams. This is my pick. This one's for me. My mom is of the people I know. She's the biggest Billy Joel fan I know. I was told recently, when I was a kid, my mom was listening to, we were coming home from somewhere, some vacation, my mom had her music on because we always had music on. It's kind of how it was grazed. It was prelude, angry young man. And I was just sitting in the back, maybe not asleep, but just staring out the window. And I poked up and was like, this is cool. (laughing) - It's like that real fast intro. - But the real fast intro, it's like super duper fast. So Billy Joel was a very prominent in our house. This album had just come out when I was a kid. So, my mom was one of the day of, she had to get a Billy Joel album. And this was one of those ones where we listen to this album a lot. But River of Dreams seemed to always be the one I went to, the one that I always wanted to listen to. - Up until 2024, this was the last album of new material he put out. His whole thing was like, I have nothing new to say. - I have nothing new to say. So, I'm not gonna do anything. He wasn't gonna force anything new. - Yeah, 30 years later puts out a new track. - Yeah, a big thing about this podcast for us is like people talking about music they love and trying to show it to other people. So, I hope we can get you to listen to you, the listener. Also, Mikey. - I'm noticing Mikey might be a stand-in for the audience on this show. - Yeah. - Yeah, that's me. I don't know anything but a extreme metal. - It's very much just like, we hope we can show you some new music. And, you know, I don't know, I don't know this playlist or some of the other playlists are gonna do it. But if you find one or two, that's great. Which kind of is a segue for me to be like, about a year or two ago, I'd never seen Billy Joel live. My mom's seen him tons of times. She finally got to see him in New York. He did a run at Madison Square Garden. She wants to try and go one more time, she said. But, I finally got to see Billy Joel with my mom. And, I know a lot of people who love a lot of music, but not in the way that I tend to like music. Like, it's very personal. It's very like, I'm remembering very heavy. Like, music is just kind of how I live my life. I don't really know how else to explain it than like, there's always a soundtrack. There's always something going on. And, I've heard a lot of people be very intimate and all that stuff with their music. But, I finally got to see kind of what people see from my end, from looking at me, whenever I get all my little tangents and just go about like an artist and all that stuff. I got to see that through my mom. And, it was one of the coolest experiences I've ever had. Seeing her just kind of like, the whole concert, it was just like, he did this song because, when this song has happened, he was with this person and that and that. Oh, this was his fourth marriage. (laughing) But, it was just a cool experience to see. - That's always so great. You can really tell people, when you meet people and you're like, I like music. And, it's like, okay. And, it's kind of the end of it. It's like, what are you, what bands you like? It's like, oh, I like this band. And, then you meet, like, there are some people you meet who you're like, oh, you like music? Let me just like, and they go off. And, like, they will spend the next hour talking your ear off about it. It's like, there's two types of people who like music. And, it's so nice when you, like, it feels so intimate when somebody lets you in on like, when somebody like, describes like, something that matters that much to them. So, when it's like, you go on that tangent about how you love so and so long, because it's, oh, it's so nice. And, it makes you feel care about. - And, also, it's just like, I've done that to so many people and I feel bad about it. Like, I'm not bad, but like, I've done that to a lot of people. - See, I've had to stop myself where it's like, am I? - Yeah, and I don't know. - You want me to continue? Like, I'm sorry. - I'm being on the receiving end of that. It was just like, so nice to see. It was just like, dude, just keep talking. I want to hear it. ♪ Yeah, where I go ♪ ♪ Yeah, the smile I see ♪ ♪ I know you are bad ♪ ♪ Smiling back and me ♪ ♪ There's something to move like ♪ ♪ I know you are free ♪ ♪ 'Cause I can see your stuff ♪ ♪ Shining down on me ♪ - Together again by Janet Jackson is a new love but I think it's such a great pop song. It has such a nice sound. I really love Janet Jackson's voice. It's so clean and so smooth. - Never listened to Janet Jackson before. This song made me realize how much that like, I listened to a lot of Japanese jazz and math rock and like fusion playlists, as well as like some Korean ones and whatnot. And there's a lot of like, listening to the song, I was like, I hear the persona three sound track in this. Like I realized how much like Asian fusion jazz like rock was inspired by like this stuff. - That he pop was really taken from us. - Or like maybe like there's like a whole like going back and forth. It's so cool hearing that 'cause I was like, this song came on. I was like, I want to listen to the persona sound track. Like this sound like, I was like, there's not a lot of songs out here that made me feel that way. And I was like, this makes me want to listen to something that clearly has some kind of influence on or has been influenced by it. - So I know I just want to say Jake and I must be listening to this at that same time, 'cause we're both kind of nodding and being. - I also, our heads are all kind of. - I've been putting them on to try and make sure I know our heads are all kind of bomb. - It's such a bomb. I feel like I can do a whole playlist of just songs that sound happy and poppy and fun, but are just like, once you look into the lyrics, it's just like, that's so sad. I feel like you can't have a 90s playlist without my heart will go on by Celine Dion. - What's sad is I can't hear this song without the recorder cover. - Without the recorder cover playing in the background, the very out of tune loud recorder on it, or the me first folk punk cover of this that I adore and I want it played at my funeral. It's so good, so unbelievably good. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, they did a really good one. - Me first does some dim, like obviously, dimming dimming. They do some dimming D stuff with their songs. This one might be one of their best covers. It's just a straight folk punk cover of this song. - They're really good. This song truly was everywhere. I think it was in first. - I think that's the reason I kind of hear it. - I think it was in first grade and there was a girl, I don't remember her, here's the thing, I don't remember her name. I barely remember what she looks like, but I remember that she would break out in the song, mid-class of my heart will go on. I will never forget this girl being the biggest, my heart will go on fan in the fucking world. But I don't know her name, I don't remember who she was. I don't think she-- - P.A, my heart will go on, girl. - I wonder if, I don't even know, like all I know is first grade. I don't think I ever saw her again. But, regardless, it was, the song was everywhere. You couldn't get, you couldn't escape it. Everyone was talking about the movie. The movie's right at all, right? Maybe, I don't know what's happening. - I mean, there's literally naked people in it, so like it has to be. - I think so. - Everyone watched it, everyone knew the song. - That's what this is from Mighty. - Oh. - No, it's PG-13. - I don't think I've ever seen Titanic. - It's PG-13. - How? - I don't know, it's PG-13. - Can't wait till I just definitely naked it in that movie. - Why does this one make me think of the end of "Lord of the Rings"? (laughing) - Well, "The Shire" just was so blasted in the background. - No, it's when they're, when Frodo's like, "I have to leave," and he rides on the boat and he disappears into the mail. - I mean, it could be. - I don't know, I don't, maybe I don't have to see the video where that happens. - Where's the TikTok account that takes endings and movies and puts my heart will go on over it? - There has to be a thing. - If it's not, we're gonna-- - We got it, don't take our-- - That's our new mission, is to take movie clips. I'd imagine, I don't know, the end of, I don't know, Mad Match, Fury Road at the end of my heart. - Hell yeah. - I don't wanna be in the end of it. - I played runner with my heart will go on. - What's a good one? - No, I want something good. - Mortal Poms that doesn't make Jason X. - Jason X. - Jason X. (laughing) - Mortal Kombat. - Freddie versus Jason. - Instead of that, instead of the El Nino song that that had, that new metal song, it is with Celine D. (laughing) - That should be the end of every Friday, the 13th movie, is my heart will go on. - Damn. - We're really pitterin' out on this one. - Oh, we're pitterin' out so hard. - We pitterin' out a while ago. - I'm so sorry, I don't remember anything. I remember not liking this song because I've heard it too many times. It's definitely a quintessential. - Yeah, like you can't make a 90s playlist. Like regardless of your liking or not, you can't make a 90s playlist without my heart will go on. - You can, but then it's not real. - Exactly. - Then everyone's like, "Where's--" - It's sparkling 90s. - My heart will go on. Like no one listens to it, everyone skips it, but it's like, you have to have it. - We have to have it. - Hey, we have to thank Meatloaf for this song. Just remember that. It wasn't for Jim Steinman. We would not have this song. - He wanted it and no one would give it to him. Thank God. (laughing) - There's a story there. We'll talk about it when you're older. But thanks for putting up with us. - Yeah. - We're probably a long winded on this one. - It's a long winded. - We'll trim it down in post. - We will. It's changing. - Yeah. - It's just giving us the thumbs up there. Oh yeah, don't worry guys, I got this. - We got this. - We got this. He's saying we got this. This is a communal effort. - Kind of like I said before, this playlist has a lot of songs that a lot of people have already said a lot of things about. It's very hard to pick new theories and new things after something that's been dissected so much and a genre of music that's been dissected so much. But this is my version of that. This is songs that I like. This is the radio station that I've put together for you. So as we are on our little soapbox here, floating out into the river, fittering out here, we're going to cut the Jared, the just, ever the just of all of us to send us out and make sure we don't forget any housekeeping. - Yeah, housekeeping stuff. Keep listening, keep following on Spotify. Don't check out the playlist on our lintry. Follow us on Instagram. It is @justmyvariety. Spell it out exactly as you think it would. Just my variety. Check out our weekly album reviews and hopefully we'll have some other sort of sweet, sweet content for you to check out and listen to. Some shorter stuff that's not as long as this episode right now. Give us a follow, give us your thoughts. What reminds you of the 90s? It's been fun everyone. We will see all of yin's next time. (upbeat music) (upbeat music)