Shawnee's Prayer

Make A Way For Me

Broadcast on:
06 Aug 2024
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Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. Welcome to Shawnee's prayer podcast season two episode 13. You can find this podcast on various platforms, including YouTube. Please download, subscribe, comment, like, and tell someone else about Shawnee's prayer. Don't keep it to yourself, tell your neighbor, tell your friend, tell your foe, tell your coworker, tell your sister or brother in Christ. Tell somebody about Shawnee's prayer. And as always, I start my prayer off with a blood scripture coming from Romans chapter five, verse nine. Much more than being now justified by his blood. We shall be saved from wrath through him. Let's go to the throne of grace. Father God, in the name of Jesus, I just want to say thank you. Thank you, Father God, for another day that you have kept us. Another day that you have blessed us. Another day, Father God, that you have covered us and protected us. Lord God, thank you for another week, Father God. Thank you for a first start, Father God, a new beginning, Father God. We don't have to wait for the new year, Father God, to have a new beginning, Father God. Each and every time you allow us to open up our eyes, Father God, and as a new day, Father God, that is a new beginning for us, Father God. So, Father God, whatever it's in our hearts that we want to accomplish in life, Lord God, help us to step out on faith, Father God, in the name of Jesus, Father God, help us not to be stagnant, Father God, in our faith, oh God, in the name of Jesus, help us not to be stagnant in our prayer life, help us not to be stagnant, Father God, in our praise and worship life, oh God, in the name of Jesus, oh God, but help us to go after you, Father God, in the name of Jesus, the same way we go after everything else, Father God, help us to seek you, Father God, in the name of Jesus, oh God. Lord God, I come and ask your Father God, in the name of Jesus, that you will look down upon each and every person, Father God, in the name of Jesus, so many people are in dire distress, so many people are in dire need, oh God, in the name of Jesus, so many people are in need physically, Father God, they're going through so many different things in their bodies, Father God, they need healing, Father God, they need you to allow the healing that's already on the inside of them, Father God, to be manifested through their bodies, through their bones, through their joints, Father God, in the name of Jesus, through their cells, Father God, through their vessels, Father God, through their arteries, through their nervous system, Father God, through their veins, Father God, through their organs, Father God, in the name of Jesus, oh God, Lord God, I come and ask your Father God, to look down upon each and every person who is struggling financially, Father God, someone is struggling to pay their lights bill, someone is struggling to pay their mortgage, to pay their rent, Father God, in the name of Jesus, oh God, Lord God, someone is struggling to pay their card note, Father God, someone is struggling just to be able to get a train ticket, Father God, to be able, Father God, to get a bus ticket, Father God, in the name of Jesus, someone just need money, Father God, so they can get on a train to go to work, someone needs money, so they can take up their bus to go to work, Father God, in the name of Jesus, someone is going through their house searching for change, they're checking their pockets, they're checking their copoxes, they're checking their purses and their pocketbooks, Father God, saying if there's any hidden money in the Father God that they have forgotten about, saying if there's any coins in the Father God that they can collect, Father God, Lord God, in the name of Jesus, Lord God, you said you will rain on the just in the unjust Father God, Lord God, you said the wealth of the wickedest daughter for the just, Father God, we will leave you Father God, we take you at your work, so I pray, raise me up that you will release Father God, that wealth, oh God, in the name of Jesus, release it into the atmosphere, Father God, that it may come to each and every one of us, Father God, Lord God, allow us to come to our front doors, allow us to come into our mailbox, allow us to come into our hands, allow us to come Father God, into our bank accounts, Father God, in the name of Jesus, Father God, allow us to come into the church, oh God, in the name of Jesus, Father God, allow it, Father God, to become Father God and touch someone's light bill, to touch someone's phone bill, Father God, to touch someone's gas bill, Father God, in the name of Jesus, Father God, Lord God, allow us to come to someone could be able to go and buy groceries for their household, Father God, someone to try figure out how they're going to feed their baby's Father God, in the name of Jesus, oh God, Lord God, I just come in and ask your Father God, we need you right now in the name of Jesus, we need you to step in and I might be way, Father God, in the name of Jesus, oh God, somebody has been calling on your name for a mighty long time, oh God, someone has been holding on to you, Father God, Father, might be long time, someone has been standing 10 toes down on your word for a mighty long time, someone has been standing on your promises for a mighty long time and they're starting to get weak, oh God, they're starting to get worried, Father God, Lord God, I pray in the name of Jesus that you will show them, Father God, that you are real, Father God, I pray that you will show them that you are true, Father God, you are true to your word, Father God, Lord God, I come and ask your Father God, in the name of Jesus, whoever needs a miracle from you on today, Father God, that you will allow them to receive that miracle, oh God, in the name of Jesus, oh God, Lord God, I just come and ask your Father God, and touch each and every person on today, Father God, to touch us from the crown of our head to the soul of our feet, Father God, and touch us all in between, Father God, in the name of Jesus, oh God, Lord God, I pray that you will test those that's going through mental breakdowns, Father God, looked in upon those that's going through emotional distress, Father God, in the name of Jesus, oh God, Lord God, I just come and ask your Father God, in the name of Jesus, who looked in upon those who are overwhelmed, overbooked, overlooked, oh God, in the name of Jesus, remember those who are stressed out, remember those who are worried and concerned, remember those who are operating in fear, Father God, in the name of Jesus, looked in upon those who are truly afraid, Father God, in the name of Jesus, oh God, Lord God, I come and ask your Father God, whatever the situation is, my God, I pray that you will step in, Father God, in the name of Jesus, oh God, there's no situation that we're in, there's nothing that we're going through, Father God, that you don't know about, there's nothing that we're going through, Father God, that you can't help us through, Father God, in the name of Jesus, our promise is not bigger than our God, in the name of Jesus, our God is bigger than any problem that we have, oh God, and we know that, Father God, that you're a bigger old God, in the name of Jesus, you're a stronger old God, in the name of Jesus, oh God, so I know, Father God, in the name of Jesus, Lord God, when you're standing in the gap, oh God, that our promise don't have a chance, oh God, in the name of Jesus, oh God, Lord God, no weapon has a chance to succeed or to prosper, Father God, with you standing in the gap, oh God, in the name of Jesus, oh God, so Lord, I just come and ask your Father God, in the name of Jesus, oh God, to draw someone tears up on today, Father God, in the name of Jesus, to turn someone's frown upside down into a smile, oh God, in the name of Jesus, Father God, to start to stop the heart's reputation that someone is having, Father God, to stop the anxiety that someone is going through, Father God, help someone to overcome the depression that they're dealing with, oh God, in the name of Jesus, oh God, help someone to overcome the suicidal thoughts that they are having, oh God, in the name of Jesus, oh God, Lord God, I come and ask you to look down upon those who are going to try to attempt, Father God, to commit suicide, Father God, I pray that you will step in for them, oh God, don't allow it to work, Father God, in the name of Jesus, Lord God, I pray for those who are suffering from anorexia, oh God, I pray for those who are suffering from bulimia, oh God, in the name of Jesus, pray for those who are suffering from myocarditis, oh God, in the name of Jesus, I pray for those that are suffering from aphantasia, Father God, aphasia, Father God, in the name of Jesus, oh God, all Thomas Dementia, Father God, in the name of Jesus, oh God, tuberculosis, Father God, in the name of Jesus Lyme disease, Father God, leukemia, Father God, lymphedema, oh God, in the name of Jesus, died for disease, Father God, in the name of Jesus, oh God, Lord God, look down upon those that suffer from soccer doses, oh God, in the name of Jesus, oh God, look down upon those who are suffering from asthma, myocarditis, Father God, in the name of Jesus, look down upon those that suffer from COPD, infasima, Father God, congestive heart spell, your Father God, in the name of Jesus, Father God, Crohn's disease, IVSD, IVSC, Father God, in the name of Jesus, oh God, Lord God, I pray for those that suffer from divertic, your lightest, oh God, arthritis, rheumatoid, arthritis, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, bursitis, Father God, in the name of Jesus, oh God, I pray for those who have broken bones, I pray for those, Father God, in the name of Jesus, I pray for all those that are going through knee pain, Father God, those who may have a torment, niscus, an ACL, Father God, in the name of Jesus, oh God, whatever this situation is, even if it's arthritis, even if it's bone on bone, Father God, I pray that you will step in Father God for that person that's suffering with excruciating knee pain, excruciating sciatica pain, Father God, excruciating plantar facetitis, Father God, excruciating back pain, neck pain, Father God, shoulder pain, scapular pain, Father God, look down upon those who are suffering from migraines, Father God, look down upon those who are suffering, Father God, from sinuses, allergies, Father God, in the name of Jesus, Father God, diabetes, Father God, in the name of Jesus, Baker, says Father God, in the name of Jesus, Father God, Lord God, I pray that you will look down upon every sickness, every disease, every syndrome, oh God, in the name of Jesus, oh God, I just pray and ask your Father God that the blood of Jesus will come upon our lives, Father God, I pray that the blood of Jesus will heal, deliver, and set us free, my God, in the name of Jesus, I pray, Father God, that we will draw closer to the Father God, I pray that we will draw closer to you, Father God, that we will go higher in thee and go deeper in you, my God, help us to be so connected to you to help us to be joined at your hip, oh God, in the name of Jesus, help us to cling on to you, Father God, help us to be so attached to you, Father God, that nothing could get in the way of us, oh God, in the name of Jesus, oh God, help us not to backslaw, Father God, help us not to be down here wasting time, Father God, in the name of Jesus, but help us to truly live a life pleasing unto thee, oh God, not pleasing unto ourselves, not pleasing unto our pastors, not pleasing unto our parents, but pleasing unto thee, oh God, in the name of Jesus, but you the only one that has my heaven or hell to put us in, oh God, so Lord God, help us to do the things, Father God, that you want us to do, Father God, and help us to do it with the right attitude, Father God, in the name of Jesus, Lord God, and I thank you right now in the name of Jesus, I praise you right now, Father God, I honor you and I glorify you for being good, for being wonderful, Father God, for being all that we need you to be in our lives, Lord God, so I just pray and ask you to look down upon every one of my supporters, Father God, everyone who supports me, Father God, on this podcast, everyone who supports inspirations by God, ministry, Father God, in the name of Jesus, I pray for the Father God, in the name of Jesus, I pray, Father God, for all of the supporters that are going to come, Father God, in the name of Jesus, I pray for my church, family, Father God, I pray for my pastor, Father God, in the name of Jesus, oh God, I pray that you will look down upon him, oh God, in the name of Jesus, cover them in the blood, breathe down upon him, oh God, in the name of Jesus, have your way, Father God, upon our organizational, God, in the name of Jesus, oh God, Lord God, I thank you, Lord God, I praise you, and the name of Jesus, Christ of Nazareth, I pray you, amen, amen, and amen, God bless you, God bless you, and may heaven smile upon you and your family as my prayer, God bless you.