Jesse Kelly Show

What real patriotism is and how it relates to the stock market crash and other current events

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06 Aug 2024
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Hello, it is Ryan, and I was on a flight the other day playing one of my favorite social spin slot games on I looked over the person sitting next to me and you know what they were doing They're also playing Chumbakasino everybody's loving having fun with it Chumbakasino is home to hundreds of casino style games You can play for free anytime anywhere so sign up now at to claim your free welcome bonus That's and live the Chumbalay sponsored by Chumbakasino. No purchase necessary VGW group for where we're prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply. This is a podcast from W. O. R Let's have some fun on a disastrous Monday It's just absolute worst. We're all dealing with the stock market crashing and maybe Ww3 and then all right, so here's what we have on tap for tonight And you need to pay attention here because I gotta warn you we're gonna be all over the place as I tend to be from time to time We're gonna open up. We're gonna talk actually we have a long talk about it's gonna pertain to the stock market stuff But it's gonna talk about patriotism Why it's necessary why the lack thereof explains so much of what you see We'll talk about that in a moment if you're looking for details on the stock market I have those coming my friend John Carney amazing economist who knows how to speak in ways you and I can understand About a half hour from now. He's coming. Why did this happen a trillion dollars gone kind of a big deal? I would say just to give you some context here. This is the worst trading day for stock markets in nearly two years I only played that because she had a wonderful accent and we all need something to feel happy about it It's a bad day John Carney's good to explain exactly what that problem is as you know One hour from now is metal of honor Monday time. I figured you and me Could probably use a break after what's been a long day. So You want to do a little bit of history with me an hour from now? We're gonna now for now. We're gonna do a little history leading up to the Battle of honor from there We'll dive into so many things. We'll dive into dome and so many have we'll talk about Biden We're gonna do email round-ups. There's a chance if I'm in a fantastic mood in a couple hours I may even open up the phone lines. I don't know all that and so much more It's coming up tonight on the world famous Jesse Kelly show now Let's dig into this this mess that our leaders have made of us of our country of the West well It's about the West but we're gonna focus on America for now so Tell you true story from yesterday In the kitchen I'm messing around. I'm looking to the pantry for a snack We have in our kitchen our trash can is in a drawer Have you ever seen those where it's in a drawer keeps it you know the smell down keeps now You got to open up a drawer put stuff in the trash. Maybe you have one of those our trash cans in a drawer One of my sons comes out. He's got a wrapper in his hand. What a shock. They're snacking I Turn around and time to see him open up the trash can and Instead of just dropping this wrapper in the trash can I see him jam it down into the top and then give another shove and I say whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on hold on because he was closed in the drawer and I walk over there and I look down and The trash can is full. Oh It's overflowing and I said son look at this Look at this What do you think you should do? And he looks down and he knows right away. He's busted and he says I should take the trash out and replace the bag I said, that's right. That's right. But why Why? Well because you want me to be more responsible. That's that's correct. Yeah, that's that's fine But you're doing fine there. You're improving, but why? And we ended up getting in a little talk about this and this is before all the stock market stuff came I didn't know it was coming, but we ended up getting in a talk about You do things like that Because of what it reveals inside of you About how you think about yourself your family How you think about your home? You see why do I take out the trash? When I see the trash is overflowing. Why do I take out the trash because when I look at an overflowing trash can I Immediately think to myself well crap the trash is overflowing if I don't do it Someone else in the family is going to or maybe the wife will be making dinner and she'll need it emptied And it won't be emptied in and plus it's going to smell if I don't do it. It's going to stink up the house. I feel an obligation To take the trash out when I feel like the track when I see the trash is overflowing I feel like it's my duty to take it out Why because I love my home. I Love my family. I Love my home. I appreciate them. I appreciate my home. Keeps the rain off my head and I because I love inappreciated naturally Feel an obligation to it feel a duty to my home Because I love it when you truly truly love something the feeling of obligation and duty Comes with it in a million different ways Now what's this have to do with the stock market in America in everything? well The truth is We are led by people who do not care about the United States of America and That is very very hard for a patriot like you to understand in fact True patriotism Real patriotism is actually quite rare anymore. Not just in the leaders in the people themselves Allow me to explain to explain when you bring up patriotism or America or something like that You'll generally get two different responses depending on who you're talking to If you're speaking to a democrat because they're america hating demonic savages You'll always get eye rules or sneers or something derogatory about america Because they just genuinely hate the place if you're a democrat. That's how you're brought up america socks It's evil. I have to burn it down. That's how democrats think But with your normie republican friends. I'm not talking about you with the norms and normas in your life What is patriotism Well, what do you get? Yeah, man Look at my beer can't look at my american flag beer cans. It's july fourth baby. We're fireworks america I got guns. I love america And there's nothing wrong with beer cans There's certainly nothing wrong with independence day and there ain't nothing wrong with guns but that's not patriotism That's not feeling a Obligation and obligation a duty to your country That's not service to your country That's not a deep feeling inside of you That makes you want to make your country better What is what is america to that? It's a mascot Patriotism becomes a mascot. You roll out every single july fourth But that's not real patriotism Real patriotism is what you feel inside of you right now And I want you to understand it's very very rare what you feel inside of you right now When you look when you wake up in the morning and you see like what we saw today and you see a trillion dollars in wealth gone And you have the japan's going down and that's gonna bleed over into us and we're potentially looking at a big world war with americans dying What is it? What do you feel inside of you? You feel heart sick, right? Don't you feel anger and frustrated and sad and sick even if it's not for you even if you did fine today Even if you're gonna weather this storm and we will weather this storm I need to clear it be clear about that even if you're you you're gonna weather this storm or you did fine Even if you're fine You had a moment today where you thought about the person the old person on fixed income Who just got wiped out today and they're not gonna make it and it hurt didn't it? It hurt thinking about your fellow american citizens and what they're going through it hurt you To know we are on the precipice of some rocky financial times And what that means for your kids and your grandkids who will come after you and what did hurt didn't it? It made you feel something and you know why it made you feel something You should feel very very proud about this because you're a patriot In the true sense of the word you love your country You appreciate your country and when you see the trash can overflowing You grab the bag you cinch it up and you take it out to the garage and here's the problem We are not led by people who felt anything today Patriotism is not a cliche. It's not a mascot you roll out on independence day It is the essential element for any country large or small Powerful or weak if you have a nation full of people who love it And appreciate it and if you're led by people who love and appreciate your country You will weather the storms and you will weather the trials because the trials will come And it if you are led by people who don't care about it at all It doesn't matter how good the times are you will eventually fall And we here in the United States of America have a severe Patriotism problem top to bottom and that is what we must dig into and we're going to dig into this A lot more in just a moment the patriotism problem how we can fix it remember I have john carney coming up 15 minutes from now explain this stock market stuff before I do that I Obviously, you know about the news The news over there with iran israel iran is informing israel through proxies in hungry They're attacking they intend to attack. This is how things are done And this doesn't look like right now What it was last time couple rockets a couple people got hurt no big deal and in iran goes back to doing what they do This looks like it might it might be significant possibly russia's involvement member to say a prayer and remember ifcj international fellowship of christians and jews They're over there building bunkers as we speak Providing bulletproof ambulances as we speak body armor as we speak food as we speak medical care firefighting equipment and boy Sadly are these things going to be needed even more shortly. Yes. They are They're looking for 500 people to donate 150 bucks go and do it Support if you can go do it or call him eight eight eight four eight eight ifcj We'll be back. He doesn't care if you believe him The jessie kelly show Odd a monday, of course metal of honor monday going to do a little history around that coming up about 45 minutes from now john carney the economist breaking down in more detail the stock thing from today the market what happened He's coming up about 10 minutes from now case you're just joining us We're talking about patriotism and how it leads to so much of this stuff. So let me just explain it in a more specific way Why would we even bring this up on a day like today? Well We can sit and talk about the market and we will with john carney And that'll help us understand what happened today but What happened today? Happened for the same reason they've opened up the border and allowed 30 40 Eligals to flood into your country rape your women take your jobs and destroy your health care system What happened today? Is Happening for the exact same reason they send billions and billions and billions and billions of your dollars over to pay the pension of corrupt Ukrainian government employees. Well, you can't afford eggs What happened today happened for the same reason they would shut down your school shut down your business Of course, the liquor stores can stay open and if you want to join and buy some weed somewhere You can go do that but don't think about opening your little small mom and pop breakfast shop You'll get shut down immediately. They'll send the swat team after you You see What happens over time? Over time as you get further and further away from the founding of your country It gets harder and harder and harder to maintain a population and a leadership that has a genuine love For that country no different than you know of any family businesses that have gone under eventually dad starts it Works his fingers to the bone blood sweat tears 80 hours a week Finally if he's lucky not all of them work, but finally if he's lucky and blessed makes it go it takes off Dad raises his son and or daughter to be part of that family business They learn the business working with dad. They saw dad go through the hardship eventually dad hands it to them They take it over maybe don't do quite as well as dad, but still do really well. There's an appreciation there Son has a son a daughter They're not raised in a single family own they're raised in a mansion when they're not at their vacation property in nantucket Son daughter that takes over next doesn't quite love it as much doesn't quite need it as much Why do I need to be here? I was just in Barbados You get far enough down the line on the family business. You will come to a child who destroys it Same thing happens with countries the exact same thing. How in the world? Could republicans and democrats get together in a lame duck session of congress the GOP had just one back the house in the midterms We had just one back the house and in that two-month period of time Between when we won back the house and when we got sworn in that's considered a lame duck session of congress a lame duck session is very Clearly a busy session and it's just out of a sense of obligation decorum You don't pass anything in a lame duck session. It would be wrong We just lost a house you wait mitch mcconnell joined with democrats and passed a trillion dollar omnibus spending bill That was a gigantic handout to all their government friends with your money How could they do that? How could Chuck Schumer do that? How could Joe Biden sign that? How could mitch mcconnell do that? How could they do that to me? I can't afford bread Mitch mcconnell doesn't ever think about america Chuck Schumer doesn't think about america. These are things you think about that never occurs to these people How could democrats and they have to own this one all the way? How could democrats pass a trillion dollar bill That does nothing about inflation. It's a trillion dollar Green handout bill that hands out Gobs and gobs of your money to all their quote green energy Communist friends in the business world who turn around and donate that money back to their campaigns They passed a trillion dollar bill that did nothing for you Nothing for energy. Nothing for inflation. Nothing for anything. It was a trillion dollar check Where you got nothing and their political allies got a trillion of your money How could every single democrat sign on to that and nobody stepped up and said wait This is wrong. How could that be? They don't ever think about america And now here we are facing financial ruin and it goes way beyond money American women are being raped and murdered repeatedly by illegals raped and murdered Young girls grown women frickin sickens me attacked by these barbarians Always getting in some horrific DUI car crash wiping out families And the people who run the government opened up the border on purpose James Langford and Mitch McConnell tried to ensure the border stayed open with a bill Like 15 minutes ago Joe Biden rescinded all the trump rules opened up the border every democrat once it opened Republican after republican in leadership not all of them But the ones in leadership bent over backwards and in James Langford's case forwards To make sure the borders stayed open at all times How could they do such a thing? Don't they have a heart? Don't they think of they don't think about america? They don't think about america america never occurs to them I have actually asked several united state senators in person I have asked them do none of your colleagues know what is coming financially if you keep spending all this money It's black and white. It's not democrat or republican. Do they not know Into a man and to a woman some of them are women. They have told me. Oh, they know They don't care They don't care We don't have a financial problem We don't have a border problem a foreign aid problem We have a patriotism problem And from that comes every other problem That's our problem All right, we're going to talk to john carney The economist next he puts this in terms we can understand what did happen today. Is it done? They kind of leveled off at the end. Is it gonna get worse? That's ash john about it. Thanks The jesse kelly show on a monday do not forget you can email the show if you want jesse at jesse kelly show dot com All right, that's enough for the kind of 30,000 foot view stuff I want to know what exactly is going on with the economy. Are we gonna wake up tomorrow in bread lines? I don't know But I bet john does joining me now my friend He's of course the big cheese economic guy with bright bar always breaks his stuff down so I can understand it john carney john You the floor is yours What happened today? So we had a massive sell-off that was really a continuation of the sell-off we saw on friday Which began because people realized the economy is doing a lot worse than people thought We're a lot more economically fragile than we looked just a couple months ago This came out because the jobs numbers came in very bad 114,000 jobs compared to 180 expected the unemployment rate went up to 4.3 Those aren't objectively bad numbers 4.3 is not a terrible unemployment rate. The point is the direction things are going in The unemployment rate almost never stays the same It's always going down or up and so the direction of going up and going up pretty rapidly Makes people worried that we may be headed for a recession or Perhaps although I don't think we are but perhaps we may already be in a recession Okay, let's let's focus on that part of it because I have a couple other things Unemployment you mentioned that number is not bad. I thought the same thing when it came out now It's easy for me to say i'm employed if you're unemployed it seems bad, but in enough itself That's not a bad number foreign change no big deal, but If it's what is a big deal is what i'm trying to ask if the next one comes out and it's six Or is it batten down the hatches time? What's a big deal? Yeah, well, so what the thing that really matters is the speed and the direction So Even though the number is low it's because we started from a very low base But we've gone from a 3.8 to a 4.3 in a pretty rapid amount of time And so when you can see that Employment is deteriorating unemployment rising rapidly even though it hasn't gotten to the emergency stage You can say well, why is it you know, it's a little bit like if you're you know If you're in a car and suddenly it's accelerating and there's a wall ahead of you, right? Like you're like, why are we accelerating right now? We should be slowing down This is part of the problem when you're accelerating in unemployment. That means that There there's a building problem happening And Claudia some who's a liberal economist, but she did a lot of studies on this They call it the some rule where if the three month average of unemployment is Half a percentage point higher than the lowest three month average you've had over the last year Then you are usually in a recession you've been in a recession every time that's happened since 1948 and We triggered that we are now At the level where historically when unemployment does this we are in a recession Now because it is so low, I would say we're probably not in a recession right now But it is a warning sign that we have to get ready for Something bad happening and frankly, I think that's what the stock market What's behind the sell-off a big part of it is people saying oh wow We are actually, you know, virgin on a recession But I think a lot of people got used to ignoring recession signs because frankly, we've had so many of them over the past two years That they're like, okay, maybe it's not coming, but when they saw this one. That's when they got worried John, what's the magnificent seven people keep referencing that today when it comes to the economy? I keep thinking about that wonderful movie. I don't understand. What is this? Yeah, so this is just a collection of some of the biggest tech stocks and people They they really have been driving the, you know Stocks the stock market they've been the leaders of the stock market. So the mag seven is google alphabet meta Tesla Invite has been the big one. So the Amazon Microsoft Microsoft yeah, so these big you know big tech companies they really did really well over the last two years There haven't been doing very well during the sell-off In video shares fell six percent today Yeah, but what to put this in a little context The stock market the s&p 500 was up 13 or 14 percent going into the sell-off on friday So even though we are down We're still up by 10 percent for the year. So this stock market is not doing terribly We weren't going to keep going up. I mean, you know, you don't really go up in the stock market 20 percent year after year You go up around 8 percent. So anytime you're doing better than Then 8 percent you have to think either it's going to go down or it's going to go up very slowly in the future So we were kind of overdue for this. I do think there's a political angle that you'll really like to this though Oh, please give it to me again. We're speaking with john carney economist bright bard. Go. What is it? So the one of the big things that's happened in the past two weeks the stock market did really well in the second half of june And for most of july It did well Particularly because I think because donald trump was rising in the polls. He was way ahead of joe biden He was going to crush joe biden. He was up by three points in the popular vote if a republican wins by three points in the popular vote It is going to be a landslide in the electoral college That's changed joe biden dropped out because he was a terrible candidate and they pulled it pulled him out Subting kamal harris kamal harris is ahead in some of the polls Some of the prediction markets have her ahead some of the you know The election models have her actually winning and I think that's spooked people Uh, partly because they thought we were going to have a relief The other problem is kamal harris has given no interviews since she became the presumptive nominee No major, you know, where is she on 60 minutes or even cnn or you know put her on msbc. She hasn't been on anything She's if you look at her website. We have an article about this at bright bard There is no policies on her website So she is and by the way, whenever you bring up a past policy, she's supported her her campaign advisors They don't know Van fracking she doesn't believe in that anymore abolish ice. No, we're not doing that anymore Do you follow the police? No? No, no, we that was back a long time ago four years ago So what is kamal harris's policies? Nobody can say And that's also really scary for the stock market because people want to know What they can feel like they can invest in are we going to ban fracking? That's a big investment decision for people if we are then that's a problem If you are on stocks that need fracking to to do well And if we're not going to you'd like to know that too the uncertainty I think is adding to the stock market sell-up. We've been seeing Okay, so i'm going to ask you something and I understand you don't have a crystal ball You know a lot about this stuff, but I want to know and i'm so i'm sure i'm not alone in this Are we going to wake up tomorrow to a repeat of this and then the next day and the next day or do you think this was Okay, we had a rough monday and maybe things won't go back to that way they were but rough monday Let's move on life goes on are we in the beginning of something crappy john or was this a one day? It kind of hurt and then we move on I don't think it's a one day hurt, but I do think we will bounce back. We had a big sell-up on friday a big sell-up on monday I think that what you'll start to see is a little bit There was a bit of panic in the market today. I think you'll see a bit of a bounce But I but nothing that's going to make up for what we sold off the last two days. So We had you so it went down. It'll go back up again But I I think there will be a problem between now and election day or at least now until the polls become clear If donald trump takes lead, I think stock market might start to do well again But as long as Kamala hair as long as it's basically a toss-up I think that the stock market is going to have a lot of trouble recovering back to where it was and has a Decent chance of ending the year lower than it is right now, which is not great if you're an investor Yeah, okay John carney bright bard go read his stuff. My brother. Thank you. We all needed that little dose of sanity appreciate you very much. All right Speaking of dome They're hiding her We all know why they're hiding here, but man alive. You thought you knew we got a little audio clip You're really going to find out why they're hiding her next Is he smarter than everyone who knows? Is the jessie kelly show On a monday 10 minutes from a little bit of history and then a medal of honor monday citation attached to that history I hope we're not 10 minutes away from iran attacking Israel because who knows what that's going to kick off But man alive either way don't go anywhere Everything's happening right now And I think I think maybe the history story I tell my intention is To have it be kind of helpful if you've had a rough day So just hang on for that Even though it's actually horrifically violent. I think it might be helpful So let's let's make fun of dome for a minute do a couple emails and then we'll go do that shall we? They're hiding her John Carney just talked about it headline from Newsweek Kamala Harris hasn't met the press in weeks Republicans have noticed She's not doing press conferences She's the democrat nominee for president and she's not talking to the media Why well I want you to listen to this I'm not the most technologically capable human being on the planet as you well know Everyone makes fun of me for that Jewish producer chris and michael kind of have to handle all the tech stuff around here but If I was asked to explain the cloud This is how I wouldn't answer so you're now no longer are you necessarily keeping those private files In some file cabinet that's locked in the basement of the house It's on your laptop and it's then therefore Up here in this cloud That exists above us Right It's no longer. Sorry. I should stop. I'm a lot. I'm gonna play it again. I need to stop So I did just explain something The cloud Your data all the data all these internet people are stealing from you and me at all times It is actually stored in physical locations Physical locations you should see go look uh go to an internet search for a data farm or a data storage center They look like gigantic Amazon distribution centers if you've ever been driven by one of those they're enormous buildings Because I don't know if dome knows this but there's not actually a physical cloud Above us where they're storing it. It's it's a place where they store it. Anyway, this is the woman Who might be the next president? So you're now no longer are you necessarily keeping those private files In some file cabinet that's locked in the basement of the house It's on your laptop and it's then therefore Up here in this cloud That exists above us Right It's no longer in a physical place I can't It's just So I'm going to say the most painfully obvious thing. I know this is not some kind of amazing revelation but She doesn't know anything Now I've never met a person man or woman that age who knows nothing It is like It is. She's you see like a 12 year old But they even that's not fair because I know some really really sharp 12 year olds My youngest son is 13. He knows everything but She's like a child She doesn't know anything about anything and These are the people who lead the west Then look that's what I was talking about about a lack of patriotism Bide headline biden is dumping billions into these green plans before he bales before joe biden leaves Just taking billions and billions and billions of your money And dumping it into all the climate commie garbage They just never even think about you And again, we are not going to exempt the GOP from this There are a lot of republicans today Who vote for omnibus bill after omnibus bill trillion dollar bill after trillion dollar bill and then they came out today and said it's all this joe biden spending Look at this biden harris inflation Would check your own voting record on that pal dear maxima shogun I was just listening to your thursday podcast. I heard you rip into men for the transgender nonsense in the olympics Jesse men didn't do this Men have forgotten how to say no to women, but women voted for this women wanted it women demanded it It first came at the expense of countless boys and no one spoke up And now what women voted for is visiting consequences on them Suddenly we care question mark Okay, I understand what you said And what you said is not inaccurate. I'm not going to blast the way at you at all He finishes off this email goes on a little bit and he says they voted for this. I understand that but No matter who did what? I as a man Still have an obligation no matter what to protect women to protect women if i'm If i'm driving my car in la i'm driving la Wipes with me and let's say we're getting a big old blowout fight We don't do that anymore, but let's say we're getting a big old blowout fight I want to get something delicious like harby's for lunch and she wants to go somewhere healthy to get a salad and we get a big old knockdown drag-out fight about the whole thing And we're in a bad neighborhood. Let's say And she says let me out. Let me out of the car. I want to walk I might let her out I'm certainly not gonna trap her in there. I don't want to get busted for kidnapping after all but I'm not going to take off I'm not going to leave her in the bad neighborhood Is it her fault? She's out of the car? Yep Is it a hundred percent on her? You bet it is I still Have an obligation as a man To protect her even if it means from her own choices from her own emotional decisions It is the weakness of men that has led to the downfall of the west We allowed this Six spirit to take over this place now And now you can't even watch the freaking olympics without bludgeoned in the face by demonic training. Why are you gay? That's the fault of men Men Have to do better did women make this call you bet they did they were a huge part of it a major part of it The beating heart of western communism is the liberal white woman I've said it a million times men should have stopped them and still should this has been a podcast from wor Every day when you log into chumbah the ultimate online social casino You get a free daily bonus imagine if you got daily bonuses in other parts of your life I chose french fries over loaded french fries I asked steward from accounting about his weekend even though I don't care I updated my operating system without having to call tech support collect your free daily bonus at chumbah now And live the chumbah life BTW Group, no purchase necessary. If we were prohibited by law, let's see terms and conditions, 18 plus.