Billy & Lisa in the Morning

Lisa Wont Pee In A Pool

Halfway through the show and the fun continues! We shared some weird stories and talked peeing in pools! We shared some travel news and talked reality shows too! Listen to Billy & Lisa Weekdays From 6-10AM on Kiss 108 on the iHeartRadio app!

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06 Aug 2024
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It does sort of jump right out at you. It really does. And another odd story, Winnie, you pull this one out. Coming from the Olympic Games is whether or not the athletes, the swimmers, are peeing in the pool. Yeah, so the Wall Street Journal actually did this. And they talked to you a few Olympians. And Katie Hoff said, it sounds gross to outsiders. But because there's so much chlorine, you don't even think about it. And then Lily King said, I pee in every single pool I swim in. That's just how it goes. I actually pee while I'm swimming sometimes. Well, I mean, they are racing, and they can't stop. So if the urge comes, they just have to keep going and do it. Well, how about you pee before you come out and get on the podium to swim? Yeah, but they're drinking a lot of water. They're athletes. They're hydrating. Right. And some of these events are really long events in the pool. Yeah, if you're doing like all the laps in the day, it's like, I mean, they're really swimming here. Honestly, I see no issue with it. There's a lot of chlorine. I would see an issue if I were a female swimmer at the Olympic Games, because if I'm in the lane next to Lily King, I'm on a different lane. I don't want a warm patch. Hey, you know what? You know what? If you are, you're in trouble. Yeah, that's crazy. Listen, I have a pool, and I feel like every kid that goes in my pool pees in the pool. And they do. I'm sure they do. Yeah, I mean-- If it makes you guys feel better, Colin Jones said, you never want to swim through a warm patch. You're crop dusting everyone. That's foul. So I don't think, Colin, you know, pees in the pool, so that's good for you, Bill. You'll be in the mail. Well, have you ever peed in the pool, Bill? I want to go on record and say, never in my life. Oh, you lie. Have I peed in the pool. You're in the pool. You just poop in the ocean. OK, get off your high horse. There's a difference. Get off your high horse. You really want to go back to the pooping in the ocean. It's, like, glorious. It's one of the best experiences of my life. So try swimming in the pool, peeing in the pool. But I was in the middle of the open ocean, OK? And I swam away from the boat. And only because I was encouraged mic rocket, if you're listening, I said, oh, no, you got to do it. It's the best thing you'll ever do in your life. There's nothing more freeing than peeing in a pool and getting away with it. OK. I'm telling you. Thank you for that, Winnie. You'll never be invited to my house. I actually say I've never, ever peed in a pool, ever. Me either. And I never will. Have you peed in the ocean? No. Oh, really? No. No, I am clean when it comes to that topic. I'm just telling you. Whoa, what topic are you doing? [LAUGHTER] Kiss 108. Seems a little weird to me. Oh, my God. It's time for weird stories. I'm pretty creepy. We're the Billy and Lisa in the morning. You need to listen up, because this is something that we need Bill to start doing, all topping. He's a 74-year-old powerlifter from Attleboro, and he just set a new national record. My man. He's always going to strive to do better. He always going to strive to get stronger. And the only way he's going to do that is the system. In the dictionary, not far from perseverance, you'll find persistence. And in the Attleboro YMCA gym, not far from the rack of weight, you'll find a 74-year-old at the top of his game. Just because I'm 74 doesn't mean I have to think I'm old. This is amazing. 74 years old. I love that. Yeah, older than you, Billy, what are you doing? Is he lifting more than you? His bench press reached 209.7 pounds. What do you mention right now? More than that, but not much younger. Yeah, you're not 74 years old, so maybe you should work a little bit hotter in the gym. OK, take it easy. You don't even bend. A 74-year-old's got it on you. All right, what is his deadlift? Yep. 385.8. Very good. OK. Very good. Yeah, and his squat. Yeah. Want that number? Of course. 368.8. That's amazing for 73.8. Wow. Amazing. That's really, really good. What are you saying? I take good care of myself. You do, but you know, you couldn't. He wants you to get big. I do. I would like it if you saw lifting weights. I think we're past the point. Wait, we're not. He's 74. No, but Billy doesn't want to do it. He wants to bike and walk the dog in the neighborhood and look at people's yards and through their houses. That's so wrong. Billy just likes to do some light cardio through the neighborhood. Fine. I'm going to start lifting you. Give me some testosterone. OK, can you get me some of that? Is it legal? It is legal. You get to be a doctor. I just want you to ditch all these party clothes you wear. I'm like, wear a weight belt. You need to wait about that buckles. What a minute. You need to party clothes. You know what I'm talking about. We weren't a shirt that's so long. It's basically a dress. Yeah, I mean, yeah. You're a little white pants. It's having Steve from Blues Clues today. So I'm going to wear a weight belt to work. OK, and you can learn the cleaning jerk. First of all, it's now in the cleaning jerk. I'm telling you, people around here, this place is buzzing over what he did in the first phase. OK, I'm going to move on if it's OK in my party clothes. There's a hilarious video out there on TikTok, a woman who stands up to speak at a board meeting. It was about the rezoning of a city street, but the woman went way off topic. Man, we're discussing the rezoning for the Bartellos. Do you have any comments on that? For what? We're discussing the rezoning on 53rd for-- Well, I live on 63rd. Well, I don't like Facebook. And I don't like the internet because I can't find a job. The library blocked my password. Now, tell me, does that make any sense to you? Man, we're not here to discuss your personal life. I'm sorry. Do you have any comments about the rezoning? No, sir. Have a good day. [LAUGHTER] Yeah. Yeah, why is she even there? I mean, I think she was at the wrong meeting. I think so, too. She sounded lonely. Yeah. She's lonely. Wendy, what have you got there? OK, so a man has a junk food feast in a closed Walgreens after five hours in the bathroom. What time is it? [CHEERING] What do you-- how do you build the strata pack as well? Come right there. Yeah, good. [CHEERING] Anybody else in there? I don't think so. I don't know. I came in to use the bathroom. Yeah, he started eating snacks. Listen, I'm not proud to admit this, because I did pay the price. But when I was younger, I did break into a store, a convenience store. And I could idiot. And the police came, and they had surrounded. And I had potato chips. And I was eating the potato chips. And so when they did the whole write up in the newspaper of the arrest, they said that I was eating potato chips and scratching scratch tickets in the basement of the store. It was-- I made fun of for years for my friends for that. I think it convicted of that crime, so that's why I can open-- Did you win anything on the scratch tickets? I don't remember. And that's a federal crime. It's not a federal crime. It was a misdemeanor, I'm sure, right? It's actually a felony. It was a felony. Oh, it's a bany at me. Oh, that's-- oh. So you're on the police log? You're on the police log? I was, yeah. So you're convicted of that felony, you're saying? I was. Oh. I'm kind of embarrassing, though, chips and scratch tickets. Yeah, I don't know what I was doing. I just-- well, you were hungry. You know? Really? I was very hungry. And I like sun chips. Wait, so you were a teenager, so it's not in your record, because you're under 18? Well, you want to go find it? Is that what you're saying? No, I'm just-- because Billy's really love that you're a convicted felon. But if you haven't been under 18, I don't know. Oh, he's my coolest friend. Well, I was 17, so I was an adult. Oh, OK. By the way, they closed down at MCI Concord. You do some time there? I saw that. Yeah, we're not going to get into my whole thing here. Actually, I just add to the story, and we move on. That's it. OK. Well, at least we really got-- I like when you're reading sun chips. It's a little healthy. That's a healthier option. Oh, I love the French onion. Yeah, very good. If you're a nervous flyer, listen up, because a guy named Brian Morris is sharing the secret to overcoming your fear of flying. He's come up with this thing called the flight deck, and it's supposed to be calming. I decided I was going to take these three by five cards. I was going to write down all this information, and then I was going to use it on my flight, and it actually works. And I would pull up my first card, and it would say something like, they're going to do an emergency demonstration about what to do with the plane crashes. And I don't know if you think about this, but as someone who has a fear of flying, that would trigger me. Because I would think, why are they telling us this? If this plane is safe, we don't really need to know what to do. But it really worked for me, because I would read the card and just remind myself, this is normal. Yeah. I like that. It's refocusing your anxiety into something that you can read. I guess it could work. Yeah. No, people with real anxiety. One of my best friends is he's never flown, because he has a fear. So this could be good. Yeah, and then Justin didn't help either. OK, you want to add that to this one? Well, I'm just saying. Well, is this in your sunship period? No, this is absolutely ridiculous. No, I thought he wasn't serious about flying for the first time, and he was just being kind of a wuss. And so I sent him videos of plane crashes, and then he went to get on the plane for the first time, and he couldn't do it. He left and called me on the way, driving on. You know, with friends like Justin, he did. I think you should buy him the flashcards, the flight deck. That's what I was thinking. I was thinking about him. Yeah. I'm rested for eating sunships. That's so good. No, no, no, no. It's Kiss 108. And we're back with Billy and Lisa in the morning. Hey, guys, welcome back to the show. So the Billy and Lisa show consists of, well, Billy and Lisa, myself, Justin, and, of course, Winnie. But we also have producer Riley. She's the voice you don't always hear. She answers the phones when you call. She helps us out behind the scenes. She's in the production studio right next to us. But she's going away on vacation in September. Is that right, Riley? Yep. September 18th. Taken off. OK, now why don't you tell everybody listening where it is that you're going on vacation? Ecuador and the Galapagos. One wonders why, initially. Now, isn't Galapagos just a bunch of lizards? I have seen pictures of the lizards. They are a little freaky. But there's turtles and sea life and beautiful water. Yeah. Hopefully not with all the bacteria that we have over here. Yeah. Is that like a chain of little islands? I believe so, yeah. Oh, it looks beautiful. Oh, it looks beautiful. Now, I've seen a lot of videos of the Galapagos. By the way, master in command or a Russell Crowe, great movie, they take you to the Galapagos. So the thing about the Galapagos, all of these movies I've seen, I've never seen a single building. So first of all, where are you going to be sleeping? I believe that they do in the past-- so I'm going with the tour group that I have traveled with before. Called EF Ultimate Break. But I believe it's like a mix of hostels and hotels. Oh, boy. But again, I don't know if there's hostels in the-- Excuse me, excuse me. Did you say hostel? Yep. OK. Have you ever seen the movie hostel? No, I'm scared now. You guys have made me scared. I'm not watching it. OK, don't watch it before you go. If I'm not mistaken, there was a second hostel movie. Yeah, I think a third too. OK. So anyway, OK. First things first, you're traveling alone. Yes, with a group of people that I do not know. Never met them in your life. Correct. Do you have an opportunity to meet them before you go? So when I've gone previously, there has been a group chat made of everybody. I went to Greece with this group of people. And there was 14 of us, all girls. So that was great. I didn't feel like I needed to meet them. They were a great group. That's great. I went to Italy, Switzerland, in Germany a couple months ago. And that was a group of 40 people. So I was like, I'm not meeting any of you people before I go. Yeah. But there's a group chat made, usually. Never met anybody. So do you fly regular airlines or these special airlines? It's usually delta. I think they have like a partnership or something. You're put in a room with someone? Yeah. In Greece, it was two people to a room because there was a smaller amount of us. But when I went on my other one, sometimes it was four. And sometimes it was six, depending on what it was. In one room. Yeah. Big rooms, though. You're calling this vacation. Yeah. Are they bunk beds? When I was in Switzerland, they were bunk beds. I think there was like eight of us in a room. It was big, though, and we had a beautiful view of the Swiss Alps. No. Do you not have any friends? OK. In my defense, I had something booked with two of my friends, and I got told I had to move it. So-- So this is the plan. This is what you're doing. This is the re-booked. So you're going to get on a plane all by yourself. You're going to fly to Ecuador. Now, what do you know about Ecuador? I've seen how much. Yeah, there's a bunch of people working on my house right now, and they're all from Ecuador. They're super cool. And I was talking to them funny enough, Riley, yesterday, about Ecuador, and they were saying how beautiful it is. Well, can we have a couple of them come in before-- They don't speak English. You have to kind of-- it's like spanking. Yeah, do you speak Spanish? No. OK. But when we're with a tour, they have a tour director. That's like in charge of us the entire time. And they're usually from the area or know it well enough to take us around. Make sure we're safe. They speak the language. They know how to interact with the locals. We're not totally on our house. You've got to get her with the Ecuadorians. Yeah, she lives in Salem, New Hampshire, and Sammy. So you come right over at Riley. You can take some of my pool. Yeah, you have to go try it. One of them will be able to speak enough English. She's in a business, right? Like, how does he talk to you? It's kind of some hand signals and a little bit of spanglish. But I have a question for Riley. In previous trips, was there any hooking up or anything? And the rooms with all the people? So we do stay women and then men, usually. But I know that when I went on my last trip, there was somebody trying to hook up. Like people, I don't know if they did or not. It would be kind of hard because we're all staying together. Like, I'm sorry, but strangers that I don't know. If they were like, can you get out, I'd be like, no. So what you're saying is there's a possibility of a large cuddle puddle. There is a possibility. Now, what about Sebastian? Oh, I'm not supposed to mention that. Well, you already said his name. Yeah, multiple times. He's OK with this because you might-- That's her boyfriend, right? Yeah. OK. Because you might meet some Ecuadorian guy and fall in love. Well, I'm probably not going to. But also, I booked this trip before we started dating so he can suffer. Oh, God, it's going to be like torture for him. It's going to be torture. She's going to have-- That's a long time for a guy who just fell in love. And now you're all the way over there and Ecuador. Oh, my God. Don't worry about it, Riley, absence makes the heart grow fond. Totally. Yeah, you have a good time. All right, bunk bed. I got dip juntap. It's going to be a good time. I did sleep on top on that bunk bed. This, you have to know, this is my worst nightmare. Well, what generation are you, Riley? Gen Z. This is such a Gen Z thing. Oh, my solo child. I love it. I love how adventurous you are. Do you have to bring your own sheets and towels on that kind of stuff? No. Oh, wow. This just makes my skin crawl. Are you bringing a backpack? Yeah, I've never been. I'm kind of nervous to go on this one, because they're all ranked the amount of stuff that you do. And this one's like high, like a high level of activity. And I have it-- [INTERPOSING VOICES] Organized fun. Can you stay back so you don't have to do everything? Yeah, yeah. There's free time that you can feel, however you want, usually, like a day or two. Can you big head? I don't want to go on this adventure. Yeah, but you've paid for it. It is-- what do you do for eating? Like, do you guys decide on the restaurant you're going to go to? Or can you go off and go where you want to go? You can do both. So when I was in Greece, we did a lot of just meals together, because there was a small group of us. But yeah, you can do whatever. This is like below deck without a boat. This is included, which is nice. That's good. Well, Riley, we want to task you during this trip to use the Talkback feature. Yeah. And please, you'll have your phone, the iHeart app, and give us updates. And Winnie, we've got to start training someone to replace them. It's going to be me. Because there's no way she's coming from there. It's going to be me at this point. Well, have fun in your hotel room with a stranger. Lay down and stroking one another. It became a sizable cuddle puddle. 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And they actually came up with some pretty interesting odds. So these are the easiest or the hardest shows to get on. We'll start with reality shows. What do you guys think? What is the hardest show to get on? Naked and afraid. Naked afraid? No, they're not in the top 14. OK. It's a show called Temptation Island. Oh, yeah. The third hardest is the Bachelor. Yes, I would think that. Yeah, 25-plus. And the hardest are easiest. I'm sorry, are you saying that's the hardest to get on? Hardest. Oh, third hardest. Yeah, because I bet a lot of people apply to be on it. Oh, a lot. Yeah. Let's go with the easiest now, OK? The easiest number one, I'm not sure any of us watch it, the sixth season just premiered this past Friday. It's a show called Too Hot to Handle. Oh, it's on Netflix. No, but no, I don't want to watch it, but it's on Netflix. What's that show about? It's about their hot people. And it's like, are you there for money or love, I think? And it's like you're trying to figure-- I don't know. I don't watch it, but everyone thinks they're hot there. Yeah. Number two, Bill, is for you. Below deck will be your favorite shows. That's easy. Yeah, you know why, Bill? Because you have to pay to be on that. Oh, yeah, you have to get a special rate, though. You have to afford the yacht, but you have a special rate to $100,000. And it's only a weekend. Oh, yeah, that's a great day. It's never a full week's vacation. Some of the other ones that are on this list married at first sight, 823 to one odds. Bachelor in Paradise. Yep, makes sense. Yeah, there's a lot on this list. That's concerning that the one about trying to find your soul mate that they're going to match you up is easy to get on. That's why no one survives those. That's a good point. That's a good point. All right, let's switch to game show odds. So what game show gives you the best odds at appearing on? Family feuds. Yeah, family feud. Not family feud. No. Family feud comes in at number three. OK, well, it's still in the top five. Number one is the price is right. Number one, that's the easiest to get on? Yeah, you have the best odds. OK. Yeah. The best odds at appearing on TV on the prices. Yeah, but when you say the price is right, it's easy. Is that just to get in the audience? Apparently, yes. Well, you have the price right away from the audience. Yeah, I mean, they scan the whole the whole camera view. OK, that makes sense. It does. So you'll get in the building, which gives you OK, OK, all right. Number two is wheel of fortune. OK, that makes sense, too. They think also, too, because they do so many episodes a year. Like, think about it. They do hundreds of efforts a year. Let's guess what the hardest is to get on. Is Jeopardy on that? Jeopardy is on the four. Survivor? The four. Survivor is the second hardest. OK. Yeah, is the second hardest. Amazing race? Nope, not amazing race. Big brother. Oh, really? That's the hardest to get on? It's the hardest you should get on with 3,332 to one odds. It actually makes sense, because I feel like they really make it hard to get on there. I'm sorry. Big brother is still on. It is. Yeah. Is that considered a reality show or a game show? That's considered a reality show. I think that Jeopardy would have been the hardest, because you have to kind of be super smart, right? Yeah, 121 to 1 odds of being-- But then it's also how you are applying, because I would never apply, because I would be, oh, I'm not going to get on. That's true. Jeopardy actually has a high number of searches, 84,000, compared to the prices, right, which is 29,000. It's interesting. I'd love to be on Family Feud. Me too. We know that, but-- That's my favorite. You'd like to host Family Feud. Oh, my God. I just sent that to him off the air. I would love to see his outfit choices. That would be my number one choice to host. Fast money, baby. Fast money. Fast money. So good at it. It's time for Fast Money. Okay. All right. Well, let's put you guys to the test there. Let's see how you do it. You're on Family Feud. All righty. All righty. Here we go. Name a children's game adults play in the bedroom. Hide and seek. Okay. Twist her. I don't have a number one answer. Oh! There I like. I thought you were going to play. It depends on the guys. We're still last. You put. Will you put your finger? Yeah. Okay. My wife, Steve. I know you wanted that one. Tell me the last thing. You stuck your family. My wife, Steve. I'm kidding. It's Kiss 108. And we're back with Billy and Lisa in the morning. Hey guys. Welcome back to the show Justin here. So a couple of minutes ago, we were talking about reality shows, game shows, how easy or hard it is to get on these shows. Let's go to the phones. Jamie. Good morning. I have been on a show. I was on $100,000 pyramid. Oh my God. I love that show. What version was hosting it? Michael Strahan. I was on it. I just aired last summer. Oh my God. How'd you do? I did not win. It was so fun. So how did you get on? So during the pandemic, when everyone was just stuck inside, I randomly just was applying to be on different shows and I sent in a video and they contacted me and were like, okay, I went through the interview process and they picked me. Well, what did you have to do on the video? So I just had to send in a clip explaining who I was, why I wanted to be on the show. And then the process from there was you met with producer via video and they played practice rounds with you to see if you would be a good fit to be on the show. Wow. That's interesting. And after some practice rounds, they picked me. Well, there you go. Wait, where was it that you filmed asking me questions? Are we filmed in LA? Do they fly you out there? Yep. How long? How long were you there for? So I flew out on a Thursday filmed on a Friday and then I flew home on Sunday. Wow. Turn around. But they gave you a whole weekend out there, right? They paid for the hotel and stuff? Yeah. Yep. Okay. Okay. I might apply this for a vacation. I have to ask, was it a nice hotel? It was a really nice hotel. There you go. Michael Strahan. Nice guy, right? What a fun experience. It was so fun. And Michael Strahan is one of the nicest people I've ever met. Yeah, you get that. So nice. That's cool. You're talking terrible. You're changing. Crystal, you're up next. Hello. Hello. This is Crystal. Yes, it is. Good morning. Go ahead. Where did you go? Yeah. So sweet Kenny K. He's from Boston. He is on Big Brother right now. I don't want to give anything away, but he's one of our good friends. And we got to call in and make sure we vote for him if he stays in there. And he's amazing. What's his name again? Kenny Kelly. He's from, he works for in Everett. He's a cop and he's on there and he's undercover and he's not given away any of his secrets. So Kenny Kelly. Kenny Kelly. Yeah. Okay. Okay. He tried. He tried. It's live, right? He's doing it. He is all live. It's a game show. They have live feeds. You can go on Paramount Plus. It's pretty cool. It's like being literally big brothers watching every single move and they all have to compete in all these physical and mental challenges and whoever wins at the end, they get 750,000. That's amazing. That's a good hit right there. 750. All right. We have to, we have to watch for Kenny Kelly. Yeah. What's her name? Julie Chen still hosts that. She does. And she just signed on to host more. Even though her, her husband had a lot of issues and he was X. Is that less moon? Yeah. He was a company. Yeah. He was the top boss. That's a network. Yeah. Let's go to Jeannie next. Jeannie. What have you got for us? Hi. Hi. Hi. I'm Jeannie from every. Yeah. I love to show family feud because I think Steve Harvey is awesome and funny. Have you been on? Oh, no, I wish I applied. But, you know, because my family was just so funny and we're always doing things together. Yeah. You know, I have a big family. Yeah. Yeah. Well, don't give up. Yeah. Keep trying. Apparently, they didn't think they were that funny. Oh, no, but you never know. You never know. I try. We should apply as a radio family. I want to do fast money so hard. Yeah. Michelle and I, you know, it's a funny thing almost every night before bed. We put family feud on knowing there's only five minutes left. You want to do fast money? Yeah. Yeah. I don't think I'm alone in this. I would happily help start a campaign to get Billy Costa and the Costa family on family feud. Yeah. Have you had his ex Lisa has to be included? Oh, man. I just, she gets one wrong. Just yelling. Oh, **** you. You *******. That would be so funny. I actually had love to go on with the boys. That'd be great. I just had my hair done. Yeah. Okay. Oh, that's really cool. Oh, yeah. If you missed it, we had some data from casino reviews that they, you know, they did a bunch of analyzation and they came up with the top reality show and game shows. Odds. You have the best or worst chance of getting on. The best chance, the best show, a reality show to get on. The best odds are too hot to handle. It just came out with the six seasons. Captain Mike here from the Talkback Mafia. Winnie strikes again in her knowledge of useless TV is amazing. Too hot to handle. Oh, I don't watch it, but it's on Netflix at 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. to start hot people that are just too good looking to do. But someone doesn't watch it, Winnie. You sure know a lot about the show? I never see an episode, but I love her like TikTok and Instagram. I see a little clip. By the way, I wasn't kidding about the family feud. At that time every night, Michelle will be in the bathroom getting ready and I'm in bed. I'll shout out, "Honey, it's time for fast money!" I love Billie and Lisa. It's energetic. It's funny. We have screams Boston. It is 108! ♪ For a while that it was rough ♪ ♪ But lately I've been doing better ♪ ♪ Than the last four cold December's ♪ ♪ I recall ♪ ♪ And I see my family every month ♪ ♪ I found a girl my parents love ♪ ♪ She'll come and stay the night ♪ ♪ And I think I might have it all ♪ ♪ And I think God every day ♪ ♪ For the girl he sent my way ♪ ♪ But I know the things he gives ♪ ♪ He can take away ♪ ♪ And I'll hold you every night ♪ ♪ And that's a feeling I wanna get used to ♪ ♪ But there's no man that's terrified ♪ ♪ Is the man who stands to lose you ♪ ♪ Oh, I hope I don't lose you ♪ ♪ Mmm, please stay ♪ ♪ I want you, I need you, oh God ♪ ♪ Don't take ♪ ♪ These beautiful things that I've got ♪ ♪ Please stay ♪ ♪ I want you, I need you, oh God ♪ ♪ Don't take ♪ ♪ These beautiful things that I've got ♪ ♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪ ♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪ ♪ Please don't take ♪ ♪ I found my mind, I'm seeing it sing ♪ ♪ It's been a while, but I'm finding my faith ♪ ♪ If everything is good and it's great ♪ ♪ Why do I sit and wait till it's gone ♪ ♪ Oh, I'll tell you, I know I've got enough ♪ ♪ I've got peace and I've got love ♪ ♪ But I'm up and I think and I just might lose it, oh ♪ ♪ Please stay ♪ ♪ I want you, I need you, oh God ♪ ♪ Don't take ♪ ♪ These beautiful things that I've got ♪ ♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪ ♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪ ♪ Please stay ♪ ♪ I want you, I need you, oh God ♪ ♪ I need ♪ ♪ These beautiful things that I've got ♪ - What up, Boston? It's Benson Boone, and you're waking up with Billie and Lisa in the morning. On Kiss 108, Boston's number one hit music station. Hey, Lisa. - What's up, guys? Justin here. Welcome back, Billie and Lisa's show. Let's get to some talkbacks. Remember, you could always check in the show, leave a voice message, get your voice heard on the radio. On Kiss 108, how dope is that? Talkback feature on the iHeart app when you stream us live. Tap that red microphone. It's that easy. - Hey, is there a picture of producer Riley? I don't know, I tried Googling her, but I don't know if I found a picture of her. Anybody know what she looks like? - Well, we do. - Yeah. - Yeah, we do. - She's adorable. - Yeah, she's super cute. - Beautiful. She is taken, by the way, but that Talkbacker's name is, you know, when you sign up to a leave a Talkback, you have to leave your name. This person's name is the Persian prince looking for Riley. - Okay, a little Middle Eastern man. - Is there a picture somewhere? - I don't have a picture because, you know, obviously that's not his real name. - Right. - Is Riley have an Instagram? - She does. It's Riley. Do you want to figure it out? Okay, so it's Riley. I got to, it's like Riley Kate O'Brien. I got to spell it correctly. It's like her whole government name. - Boy, she couldn't possibly be more Irish. - I know, right? - Okay, so it's Riley R-Y-L-E-Y, Kate spelled K-A-T-E. Dot O'Brien, the Irish way O-B-R-I-E. - Yeah, I got it. - Can we get producer Riley a little bit of advice? You know, she's just starting on her radio career. You need to change that into it. You're like really awesome. - That's an Irish thing, the three names. - She has three names that can all be spelled like eight different ways. - Riley Kate O'Brien, like you. - Yeah, producer Riley came to my house to my big event there. Recently, she came with her mom. - Oh, that's nice. - She was really nice. - Oh, you got a carnival up there every weekend in your house. It's hanging out with producer Riley and her mom. - Riley's mom has got it going on. She's all I want, and no wait if it's so long. - Was that Riley's mom? - Nice woman. - No. - No. No, it was not. - Hey, I'm currently in my basement right now packing for sleep while I camp. So I won't be able to listen to Kiss 108 anymore, because I'll be gone for a month. But I just want to let you guys know that I love you so much. And I can't wait until I get back so I can listen to Kiss 108. - Oh my God, I love her. She's going to sleep away camp. - Yeah, hopefully she'll come back. - Sleep away, can't. - Okay, don't scare the poor child. - See, they say radio doesn't get to the young kids anymore. She's in like high school. - Yeah, that's so cool. - And she's still listening to see. - And she could take us with us to sleep away camp, catch? - Well, unless you don't have a day of policies. - Yeah. - Oh, another of the policies. - Oh, you want the kids to, actually somebody in the building, a co-worker was telling me last week her son is at sleep away camp. - Oh, summer. - In New Hampshire, and they're not allowed to have phones. - They're not. - Yeah. - So they can enjoy life. - Yeah. - I like that. I like the parent, I think I would save every dime I had for sleep away camp for summer free without the children. - I'm saving right now. - Oh, it's like an instant vacation. - Yeah, I wanted my kids to go. They wouldn't go. - I know, neither would mine. - Oh, I would love that. Yeah, I know phones too, so they can really enjoy everything and really experience it. You know, recently I had to turn off the screen time notification on my phone. So what that is, Bill, is every, you can turn this feature on where every week, once a week, you get a notification. And it shows you how many hours a day you've been on your phone. - Oh. - It is the most depressing thing. - It's the more likely. - Yeah, what's your number? - I was averaging four hours. - Yeah. - Oh, that's it? - That's kind of low. - That's really low. - Really? - Oh my God, yeah. - I haven't got it felt terrible. - Yeah, but you add that up, it's almost a full time job. - You don't want it to be 28, you don't want it. - Is it like... - Be honest. - It's like 10 hours. - Oh, I was going to say eight. - 10 hours of your day, you're looking into that stupid phone. - It's really fair, I don't watch TV. So you know when you're watching your TV shows, I'm normally on my phone watching stuff on my phone. - Wow. - 10 hours. - And I have no kids. - I don't think that. - All I do is I work and go to the gym. - Yeah. Mine was around four too. - Four. - That makes you feel good. - Yeah, I felt that was high. Now I don't feel that good. - Well, if you're working out, you know, you're probably using your phone for music and stuff. So, you know, that's an hour, hour and a half. So add nothing against that phone. - Okay, good. I'll turn it back on. - Yeah. - 10 hours. It's a job where I have to be up on stuff. I'm always, you know, looking at stuff. And I don't have anything going on. I have no life. - I don't think it would really care if you weren't up on stuff. - Yeah, actually, I wouldn't bother us. - You know, just stay down with me. - I know the most randomest things because of my time on phone, okay? - Hey, don't forget, 310 this afternoon, the Vibros and Gianna will call out another name for the 21 Pilots ticket tag that's going on right now. Go to the Kiss Instagram. You can enter, tag somebody you want to see the show with, and you can win tickets to see them here in Boston, TD Garden, and also Las Vegas will pay for everything. An amazing prize. So 310, they'll have that. In the meantime, that will do it for the Billie and Lisa show. Don't forget to check out the podcast, search Billie and Lisa on the iHeartRadio app, the entire show. You can take us with you anywhere you go. My name is Justin. Have an awesome Tuesday, everybody. Let's kiss one away. - Judy was boring. - Hello. - Judy discovered Chumba - It's my little escape. - Now Judy's the life of the party. - Oh baby, mama's bringing home the bacon. - Whoa, take it easy, Judy. - Chum-chum-chum-chum-chum-chum-chum-chum-chum-chum-chum-chum-chum-chum-chum-chum-chum-chum-chum-chum-chum-chum-chum-chum-chum-chum-chum-chum-chum-chum-chum-chum-chum-chum. The Chumba life is for everybody, so go to Chumba and play over 100 casino style games. 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