The B.R.O.S

Episode 051: Tropical Storm Warning

Jose and Bill have a little impromptu discussion about Tropical Storm Debbie hitting Florida and then discuss their experience in seeking for the Holy Ghost.  If you enjoyed this episode or want to ask about being on an episode, send feedback at or to  Check out the video on our Facebook page

Broadcast on:
07 Aug 2024
Audio Format:

Jose and Bill have a little impromptu discussion about Tropical Storm Debbie hitting Florida and then discuss their experience in seeking for the Holy Ghost. 

If you enjoyed this episode or want to ask about being on an episode, send feedback at or to 

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(upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Hey guys, welcome back to the bros. We're in the backroom of the sanctuary where the conversation happens. Well, hold up, hold up. There's a follow button on this video, click it. You can find all of our videos when you click the follow button. There's a like button around this video somewhere. Hit that like button. Now, if you're on audio, click the like button or the follow button, whatever they offer you, so that you can see or hear all of our episodes that we drop on the audio platforms. I'm your host, Jose and Bill, and we are in the room today. By the way, in real life, you can hit the like button by giving us a high five for fist bump, but please don't hit the follow button because we wanna go home without any extra friends. So please don't follow us in public. We may not enjoy it as much as you think. - Don't stop us in the online platform. - Stop us online, not in person. - Yeah, do that. - 'Cause, you know, we choose what we post online, but in person, we're just walking out and about. If I get followed by somebody in publics, I probably couldn't tell. - Now, if you say, hey, we listen to your podcast and we like what you guys do, hey, we wouldn't mind sitting down. - Oh, sure. - You know what I'm talking a little bit? I wouldn't mind that at all. - Yeah. - But, you know, kind of weird, if I see your car going to my house. - Yeah, we're not more people, dude. If you're gonna say, you know, we're gonna talk, then yeah, we'll talk. - Yeah. - We don't wanna, like, don't hold back. I can't believe that's him. I can't even talk to him 'cause they're, you know, too famous. - Well, we have what most of our listening audience in Florida. - Yeah, huge majority. I think it was like 86% in Florida. - If something like that was really high. I can't even select by state. I mean, I suppose it's like by county. You'd probably all be in Polk. - If it's in Polk, you guys are so accessible to us. - Yeah. - By the way, Bill, you have us be able to give about the-- - Oh, yeah. Listen, we like hearing from you guys in feedback form. But some people, we may wanna hear more than just an email. I mean, we're not even hearing emails at this point. Nobody's sending anything in. But we wanna hear more than just the email with a little comment, like how much you've blessed. If you have a story that you think is like, this is incredible. And I think people really need to hear this and would love to hear this. Or if you love what we're doing, you like the vibes we're giving, we're having fun. You wanna have fun and enjoy our company and we figure out something to talk about. Leave us an email there. - Yeah. - At - And say, hey, you know, I live in this area, right? I live around you guys. I haven't met you or we are acquaintances from other areas. And I'd love to try to be on your podcast. Of course, we're gonna be vetting those people. We're gonna say, okay, should we do this? And we're a team. We're all discuss and just say what we think. But if we're like, yeah, this story is crazy. And you just give a little synopsis of what you wanna talk about and different things. Yeah, it's no big deal. 'Cause we're limited by what we know. Because we're asking people to come on. And some people say, yes. Some people say, you know, I'd rather do something different. - I like the different experiences, different approaches of different people. - For sure. - And that's pretty cool for people to come up and wanna share that. 'Cause you experience something different than I experience it. And if I hear something the way you experience it, it'll give me hope or give me help to go into that again in a different perspective. - For sure, yeah. - And we're not famous enough where we're gonna like, oh, this is exposure. Where we're gonna like, oh, we're making you big. We're not even big yet. As far as the world standards, we're big for us. This is a lot larger than we ever thought this would get. But it's not gonna be like, oh, I wanna get on so I can get famous. I wish I could do that. I could just get on the browser and be famous. But it's just-- - That's not the goal. - Yeah, if you're serious about wanting to talk with us and sitting down with us, then we'll see that. We'll be like, okay, they really wanna do this. It's not just like, ah, fun. Let's just do it, you know? That's what, we talk to people who are like, we think it'll be a good fit. - For sure, for sure. - If it's a preacher, you know, Brother Matini was the absolute, like we have to have him as a guest. - And it was a great episode by the way. - It was perfect. It was amazing. Brother Matney has been always on a radar, speaking of which, some of you may be surprised by this, but Brother Matney was supposed to be with us today. - Well, no, no, we were supposed to be with Brother Matney today. - Yes, and I know this has already passed a little bit, but there was a tropical storm warning on the day we were planning to record, which is today, so we decided, oh, we better actually, you know, try to record, but we just didn't wanna get caught in the rain, and we're gonna reschedule with Brother Matney and trigger that out, 'cause he's such a fun guest. - Yes, of course. - And he's got us set up already ready for us, and it worked so well when we did our episode at Youth Camp. - Yeah, the whole point is, we don't wanna be putting ourselves in a point of, you know, danger. We don't wanna be on the road where it's raining and windy. You know how tropical storms get in Florida, you know how even hurricanes get in Florida. - Yeah. - And just regular rain storms. They get really bad on the roads, and I wouldn't wanna be stuck in the rain trying to go home or back, trying to go back home or go to the event, and risk getting into our accident or our lives. - And we've had an episode with him. He's readily available. We just need to work on our scheduling and figure that out, but it's something we can always get in touch with him with, you know, and if there's somebody else we may push to do that, but we knew that I don't wanna drive an hour and a half, you know, to both ways, you know, an hour and a half there, hour and a half back, just in case. And then we're safer and, you know, we weren't prepared to do this until today, but we can, we can just sit down and record something, and it doesn't have to be anything special. We're just, you know, just talking about what's been going on and things like that. But I do wanna say, if you have an episode that you're thinking, oh, this would make it great, you know, you have a story to tell, a test I wanted to give. We're open to that. We're not gonna just say no, 'cause we don't know you. We're gonna, you know, listen to that and discuss it. And our answer might be no, but, you know, chances are we're probably gonna say, yeah, this is great. - Well, we need to. - Come on. - Yeah, that's for sure. You know, and we just wanna open it up to people that are bigger than us, you know, where we don't either. Well, almost impossible, no, I'm joking. But just that our outside our range of experiences, where we, you know, we're seeing people that we don't even know. 'Cause we're limited in who we know and who we talk to, so we have names in mind. We still have names in mind that we'd like, I'd love to get them on an episode. - Of course, of course. - But it's just like, if we have names that we haven't even considered, then-- - I still wanna get Seth on the podcast. - Yeah, it would be great. - Seth, if you're listening. - He probably is. - Yeah, he does, he listens. Seth, if you're listening, we need you on the podcast. For me, it's hard, we need to talk. Get some of that, what's going on up there in here. - Yeah, it's crazy. He's one of the, he was so helpful during youth camp. And it's not him, it's just the spirit leading him and sharing him what to do. And he's honestly influenced me in a lot of ways to share my experiences while you're praying. - And he's been there side by side with me during my whole journey of seeking the Holy Ghost. - Do you find that now when you see somebody praying for the Holy Ghost, like you did with me, because of what he was doing, you see that and you're like, "Oh, I can just tell him what I felt." And like, because that's what, I had two youth camps after Lake Placid. - And the reason why I felt that way was because I've had such a struggle with receiving the Holy Ghost. And it was more of a, you know, an eye opener once I received the Holy Ghost, what it really took, and it didn't take a whole lot. So, and the mental battle of what do I need to do so I can get the Holy Ghost? What do I need to stop doing so I can get the Holy Ghost? What am I doing wrong that I need to start doing right to get the Holy Ghost? And a lot of that is a mental block to where you're sitting there and trying to receive something that you can't because your mind is in such a stop. You don't know how to keep going or pass that wall. Once you pass that wall, it's just as easy as just, hey, it's a yield sign there, not a stop sign. - Yeah, true. - It's a yield sign, it's just, hey, there's somebody passing through, let them go through, but you have a moment to go in and just get in there. And that's what I was trying to portray was, listen, you might be feeling something, give yield to whatever you're feeling. And if, and when you feel that, just notice the Lord, it's not just you. - Yeah, you still have a path you're going on. Like when you're driving, you see a yield sign, I've never thought about that connection, honestly. I've heard yield all my life with the Holy Ghost, but you still, you don't let somebody coming this way change the direction you're gonna go. You're not like, oh, he's coming, so I guess I can't drive that way anymore. It's just like you watch and check and say, is there anybody, does anyone need to go instead of me? 'Cause I need to let them through first. And then after that, wherever I wanna go in the direction, I wanna take, then I follow through with it. - Right, right, exactly. - It's so interesting to me, like getting out of the mindset of that, I have to do this, I have to do this, I have to do this. You know what I mean? It's like, now I do blah, blah, blah. And then I go, it's like movements during Jiu Jitsu, where you get in positions and you're trying to find openings. You'll be like, all right. And then I raise my hands here, and then I'll put one down. And then all this, I just had to start seeking. I'll tell a little bit of a story of, we've talked about it with Curtis, his youth camp coming up. And then I went from Lake Placid to Dothan, and I really was praying for the Holy Ghost for myself and for other people, and that his Seth's experiences with me helped me to kind of guide and just give just little things that the Lord would kind of put on my heart and I'd go over and say it to him. And then I went into Merritt Island the week after that, and it was the same thing where I was seeking, but also if I saw somebody who needed it, I would go over and kind of pray, and then pray for them, pray for me. And then if I felt, you know, just felt like I need to say something, then I'd say it. And then I'd go further, I haven't further. - Further. - Go further. - It's a new word in this year, I look forward. - Yeah, when I find interesting, I wanted to ask you about this too. Is the new, like getting comfortable in the way you feel like worshiping, rather than just following instruction. - So what are you asking? - So I was gonna share an experience and then ask how you feel about it. - Okay. - When I was at Merritt Island, now at Lake Placid, there was a, when I was really seeking the Holy Ghost and praying, on that Friday night, I had a little bit of stammering lips of where I felt like, you know, and I was, I wasn't pulling back from that. I was moving towards that. I wasn't trying to push anything aside because I was scared. It was a new experience. - Yes, push. - So I was like, you know, I'm still going. I'm trying my best, you know, of what I know to do and I don't know to do anything. And so it went away. I started walking back and forth and praying. I take a week off from that, then I go to Dothan, Alabama. And I pray again during that week and I have a great, a little bit more of the stammering, of the feeling, the Lord, and just kind of sitting there. And at some points, it would devolve into me kind of, you know, walking and moving around and praying. And then I go to Merritt Island after the amazing experience I had at Dothan. And that one, there was just so many, every service was amazing. It wasn't just, you know, one. And then you're like, oh, that was all right. It was every service. It was a moving of the Lord. And at one point, the, I think it was a final night. It was the final service. It was, it was seeking for the Holy Ghost. That was the service. It's just, you know, he preached about it. And then we, he's like, everybody who needs the Holy Ghost come up here and pray. And I did, I had my hand raised. I was up there praying, sat like that for a while, of just, you know, seeking after the Lord in my mind, but not moving around or anything like that. Kind of just like, you know, moving left and right, but nothing. And then several times, you know, from that point, eventually I was out of the crowd. I started moving out of the crowd in the press and just walking back and forth, hands lowered. I almost like this is, I felt, you know, I felt something when my hands raised and then I pulled them in like this and it would feel more comfortable for me to worship like that and pray and kind of seek in my head like, you know, what do you want me to do? And I started getting the stammering lips feeling. I start walking back and forth, hands lowered, just walking back and forth. And that was a natural state for me of comfortability, of seeking after the Lord and just, you know, Lord, what will you have me do? Stammering lips the whole time. And then, and then brother Joe who was preaching said, all right, you know, if you're seeking for the Holy Ghost, up to the front and lift your hands. I did, I went back up there, lifted my hands, lasted a little while longer, and then at a certain point, I was back, you know, pacing the floor and just kind of in that same state. So it's like, I understand the importance of lifting your hands, but sometimes it doesn't get you everywhere you need to go, where I am, I can worship and I am worshiping, but you just get into a natural flow state of just kind of, and for me, it's pacing, I think, that you pace back and forth and find your area and just eyes closed and just, that's where I felt the most comfortable and the most worshipful. - Right, right, okay. - But do you have anything that's like outside of what people would tell you, like, you know, like, oh, you have to be doing this or anything like that, that you find it's your natural way to worship? - So, sorry if that was long-winded. - Yeah, I was getting a lot of information that you were just talking about. And a lot of it really spoke to me because I have been in those scenarios. - For the long, and I'm gonna go with your answer here there, okay? - That's fine. - I know what you asked me. - It was just set up for conversation. - Yeah, yeah, I know what you asked me. I know what you asked me, and I'm gonna answer it in a different way. - That's fine. - So, my years before, after getting saved in 2010, when I would pray and I would seek for the Holy Ghost, you know, I was almost, almost like those people that Paul was talking to when he said, have you received the Holy Ghost since you've been saved? - Yeah. - And to me, it's like I didn't even know there was a Holy Ghost. I just knew that you can be saved. - Right. - But once I found out there was a Holy Ghost, which, you know, you've been preaching about that. You've been thinking that once you get saved, the Holy Ghost is with you or in you. You know, you think that, but the Bible doesn't really say that once you get saved, that the Holy Ghost is in you. You know, he is with you and shall be in you. So, I was seeking the Holy Ghost, and while seeking the Holy Ghost, I've been having a lot of troubles. 'Cause just because I don't know how to do it, it's something that I don't have any experience in. So, what I do is I pray, like I do for everything else. I'm gonna pray to go to bed, I'm praying that I wake up, I'm praying for my dinner, I'm praying for everything, you know? And I'm praying for the Holy Ghost. I'm praying, Lord, I got saved, and I want the Holy Ghost, would you give me the Holy Ghost? And that was it for a long time, you know? And people would come to me and say, you know, you need the Holy Ghost. You need the Holy Ghost, it is like a preaching kind of talking to me like, hey, you need the Holy Ghost. So, then it becomes a burden that I'm not filled with the Holy Ghost that I need, because the Holy Ghost is what's gonna take the people from this world to heaven when the Lord takes his bride, which is what I'm told in preach. - Some people have said, yes, what I'm told. So, it makes me drive to have the Holy Ghost a lot more, because I don't wanna be left here. So, I keep praying and praying and praying. People tell me, well, if you go and pray for your friend that's seeking the Holy Ghost, the Lord will fall on you then. Okay, well, I do that, and then I don't get the Holy Ghost. I don't get the Holy Ghost. Then they say, you know, if you just open your mouth, just you'll receive the Holy Ghost. - Yeah. - And I open my mouth and I start praying with my mouth open, and I don't receive the Holy Ghost. So, a lot of this stuff's discouraging, right? - Yeah. - So, then I go and, you know, people are saying, well, you need to praise Him. You need to love Him. And as much as I try to, I don't know exactly what that means. - Sure. - I just know that praising Him and worshiping Him is just going to church and doing all the things that everybody else does around you, is, you know, they shout in the services, and they, and they, you know, amen to the preacher. And when they go down to pray, they pray, and they lift their hands up and they, you know, start moving and all that kind of stuff. So, I try to mimic that. But I don't have the, I don't have the right idea. What it took was youth camp, 2024, for me to realize what was wrong. It was, and I'll say this again, I said it one time on the podcast. It was the song, "If You Love Him." And that song was basically saying, "If You Love Him, you need, you ought to praise Him." He done so much wonderful things for me. So, get praise Him for all the wonderful things He did for you. And all of a sudden, my mind's like, that's what it is. I need to be praising Him and loving Him for what He's doing for me, not for what He's going to give me. I'm looking for the whole time. I've been looking for a gift that the Lord is supposed to give me, and I'm not looking for the giver of the gift. I just want the gift, you know? - Sure. - If mom and dad say, "Hey," and I'm talking like if I'm talking to kids here, but if mom and dad say, "Hey, we're going to go out "and get ice cream," okay? The whole day the kid just wants ice cream. - Yeah, right. - Mom, dad, you said we're going to get ice cream. 'Cause we're going to get ice cream. Where is we going to get ice cream? Don't worry, son, we're going to get ice cream, you know? And that promise was given to you that you're going to get ice cream. What do I want more? Do I love my parents that are going to give me the ice cream? Or do I love the fact that I'm going to get the ice cream? - Right. - And that was the mental picture in my mind, was I want the Holy Ghost. And what do I love more? Do I love receiving the Holy Ghost more? Or do I love the Lord for giving the Holy Ghost more? What was my, that was my battle? And when I got down and I started worshiping for Nehemiah and Ammani and Sila, for all of their gifts that they were-- - The miracles. - Yeah, the miracles that the Lord gave for us, that he helped bring them into life without any hurt or anything bad happening to them, which they could have died in the womb very easily, all three of them. So thinking of the Lord and loving him, because he did that for me, obviously was the way that helped me receive the Holy Ghost, because I was in love with the giver and not just the gift. So that's one way that I could say is that. Also, to touch on your point about the-- - The method of prayer. - Yeah, the method of prayer. A lot of times we'll go up there and we'll start shouting, we'll see people shouting. And then, my point is, my take is now that I feel free. I feel free. Not having to worry about what anybody else thinks about what I'm doing. The scripture I pulled up here is in 1 Corinthians chapter one, in verse 27, but God has chosen the foolish thing of the world to confound the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty. So that, all to say, that sometimes we feel like lifting our hands to praise the Lord, feels a little uncomfortable, feels a little foolish, which has lift my hands up with no reason, right? And then, it gets more comfortable when I just stick 'em here. - Absolutely. - And I don't have to worry about my hands getting tired or my arms getting tired. I can just pray here, it's comfortable here. Sometimes you have to step out of your comfort zone to get the things that you need, right? So, if I'm here and I'm uncomfortable, I'm praising and worshiping. I'm not worried about what the guy next to me is looking at. I can look really retarded to him. I can look, and I'm not saying anything better. - I understand. - I can look really, I can look at hard time or whatever. For him, I'm not worried about what he thinks about me. I'm more concerned about my worship experience. My hands can get tired all day. I can sit up in the altar and I can worship the Lord all day. Matter of fact, the Sunday, when we came back from church, we had church until like one o'clock almost. We were worshiping because Brother Clayton was up there seeking the Lord, seeking the Holy Ghost, and I was up there with him the whole time, and I did not care what anybody thought. I was jumping, I was shouting, I was praising, I was helping him pray. To me, my mind, the devil will tell you, "Hey, don't you feel uncomfortable up here? Aren't people gonna see you and you're up there doing things that no one else is doing? Shouldn't you be sitting down like everybody else is doing?" And then that starts bothering you, starts getting to you, "Oh, and I need to sit down here. We've been praying long enough. If you didn't receive the Holy Ghost, yeah, you're not gonna receive the Holy Ghost, let's go ahead and sit down." Those are the talks of the enemy, and that's what we need to get away from. So being uncomfortable is worth receiving from God. So that's one thing about that. We need to be able to yield to the Lord and say, "Hey, if I can go up there and I can worship with my brother and worship until he receives the Holy Ghost, and even if he doesn't receive the Holy Ghost, I'm gonna worship until he does." - Yeah, sometimes it's easy to get out of what people think about you, and sometimes you have to force that attitude away. You know what I mean, where sometimes it's natural, and you're just like, "I don't care." You don't even think about it until later, but sometimes you have to go say something, and then you'll hear like, "Well, that was dumb," you know, or something like that, where you're like, "Oh, actually, you know, people are gonna look at me funny for this," or, this is a big one, and it's like what I said on JC's episode, where I was like, "I can't talk about marriage." - Oh, yeah, yeah. - It's like, I worry, when I'm praying for somebody to receive the Holy Ghost, and I'm giving advice, somebody's gonna look at me like, "Well, you haven't gotten it, why are you, you know?" - Yeah. - Sometimes he sends you as somebody seeking, to help you out, you know, and you both find the way together, and it helps you 'cause I'm not speaking from my experience of having the Holy Ghost, I'm speaking from my experience of seeking, and what I need to do to seek, and where I've found success, you know, and as far as like getting closer to the Lord, and then I say, you know, this is not just me repeating what I've been told, or anything, 'cause it doesn't work all the time, like my experience won't help you, if I just say, "This is what you have to do." And that's why no one should be able to write a step-by-step guide to receive it, right? Because it's a gift that's given out, and we have to be in a different place. It doesn't matter if I haven't received, because I can say, "This is my experience, "if this helps you, that's great." Some testimonies are for some people, and sometimes you hear a testimony, and it's like, "Oh, that was good." But it's not like, it doesn't speak to you as strong as it does to somebody else, but you still can use that and try to help pray through, 'cause most of what I do is pray. Most of what I'm doing when I'm praying, trying to help somebody receive in myself is just be praying, and I'll feel like, you know, "Oh, I need to tell him this," and it's not about the journey you need to seek after him, and don't worry about it. If you need to move around, you won't feel like you have a, no one's gonna talk to you. That's what I said when I was praying for somebody, I was like, "No one's gonna speak to you." - Yeah. - It's not a voice in your head saying, "Move three steps to the left." It's just, maybe I should go that way. - Exactly. - It's the ultra-pressing-- - It's the guidance of the Lord. - When I'm praying at Dothan, the ultra-pressing into me, that was weird. That was a weird feeling. I was like, "Why is the ultra-pressing into me? "Should I be standing up? "This feels like I need to stand up." And I was like, "This is weird. "Maybe I'm just off-balance." And then somebody's like, "Stand up, Brother Bill." And I was like, "Well, there it is." You know, but it was all in myself. There was no outside force saying, "Stand up." It was all just the ultra kind of pressed into me. - There was a confirmation for you. - Yeah, it felt like somebody was moving the altar towards me. - Yeah. - Nobody was doing that. And it was, but it wasn't a-- - Stand up, you know, in your ear or anything like that, it wasn't a, "My legs are tingling, so I need to get up." It was just, your body is moving in a certain direction that it wasn't before, and you need to know yourself well enough to say, "Okay, this is weird. "I need to do something to change that position." - I almost liken it, and not to change your-- - No, go ahead. - You're almost liken it to when you're trying to find something to eat, right? - Uh-huh. - Yeah. - It's like trying to find something to eat, and then all your thought processes, maybe there's something in that cabinet. - Yeah. - You know, okay. - Right. - And maybe there's not, but if there is something, I'm gonna be able to eat something. So you open that cabinet to find something there. You know, it's almost like that. That's almost like the experience that I'm talking about, I'm thinking about. It's like, it's not like an audible voice of saying that get up, you need to open your mouth, and you need to be measuring. It's not that. It's the feeling that you have that may be, I need to be doing something a little different, and approach it in a different way. That's what I'm saying. - Yeah. For sure. That's a good example. Well, it's like when you feel like you need to eat something, or like you don't know what you want to eat, you're just kind of like, I'm feeling like I want this, but there's no reason that you're feeling like that. There's no like, oh, it's because I, you know, oh, it must be because I saw a panda, I want panda express. - Yeah. - You know, it's just-- - And then when you get that-- - What your body feels like. - And then sometimes when you do get what you thought you wanted, and then all of a sudden you're not satisfied, don't take it the wrong way. Keep on doing that, you know? - Yeah. - If you thought about panda express because you saw a panda, the next time you think about panda express, don't not get it because you don't-- - And even if somebody else is the one saying you need to do this, or like, you know, oh, we should get this, and then you eat it, and it's not your choice, but it doesn't mean it wasn't a bad meal. You know what I mean? It could have been a good meal for you, and you didn't care, you know? - If I go to the front of the altar, and I feel led to raise my hands, and let out a shout of hallelujah, you know? But if I don't visit the Holy Ghost, I'm not gonna let that deter me from doing that the next time. - Yeah, right. - You know what I mean? - That's big, yeah. - I'm not gonna let that deter me. If I didn't get it that time, I'll still do it if I feel the leading of the Holy Ghost to do it again. - And I'm trying to get out of the mindset of not wanting to listen to people, when they give advice. - Oh, they can get a variance. - They get very exhausting, yeah. - We're just like, they want me to do this, but they just want to see me make a fool out of myself, and I'd rather just do what I'm comfortable with. - So, Brother Michael had, he told me one time, when he was seeking the Holy Ghost, and this before he got filled with the Holy Ghost, there would be somebody, there'd be two people, and this is specifically his example. There'd be one person that'll be like, "Go ahead and pray. Stand up and shout out to Hallelujah. Go ahead, go ahead." And there's one guy said, "It's okay. Take your time. The Lord's gonna help." - You didn't give him. - It's like, it's like, you said one guy is really calm and collected. One guy is just really excited about you praying, but there's two different aspects there, and those two different aspects of somebody praying, they both have an agreeance on what they would like for you. They want you to receive the Holy Ghost, but they both have different approaches to it. One's more excitable, one's more, "Get up, shout out." And one's just like, "Love him, brother. Love him." - Yeah, right. - You know, and it's, they're not, neither one of them are wrong. It's just for you, it's not the right time for you. - Well, it's like, and it gets a little aggravating because every single time there'll be somebody down there that'll pray for you and shout, shout, shout, shout. Just love him, brother. Just love him. - Right. - You know? - Sure. - It does get a little bit-- - It's like my pastor already said, "All roads lead to Rome." (laughing) - Oh man. - For real, I'm just saying, there are multiple pathways to get to the same-- - Did you just say Rome? - There it is. (laughing) But there are multiple pathways to get to the same destination where you're, you know, some people may worship, some people may just sit around and pray, Netta got the Holy Ghost when she was praying for somebody else. - My friend, Netta. - You got the Holy Ghost when you were praying in yourself. - I was worshiping. - You know, and worshiping. So there's so many different experiences, but there's no wrong path other than just sitting in your seat, you know, and not doing anything. - Papal got filled with the Holy Ghost while he was sleeping. - There you go. And that may be the way somebody has to do it is they have to be open enough in their spirit where the Lord can fill them. - He had a genuine desire. - Right. - But I don't wanna misspeak here. - Sure. It almost seems like it's right. But he had a genuine desire to be filled with the Holy Ghost, but it felt like the Lord knew he was too stubborn to allow the Lord to fill him. So he had to do it in his sleep. That might be wrong, that might be right. I feel like it was, I feel like it, I don't know. That's, this is what I was, you know, this is the story that I've been told several times. And I feel like it's, I think I had the right story, but you know, if the Lord knows that you're too stubborn to receive the Holy Ghost, because you cannot get beside yourself, he might have to fill you. - Yeah, and then sleep. - And then no one's gonna question whether you've been filled with the Holy Ghost or not based on where you got it. That's not, that's just the starting line. You know what I mean? That's just where no one cares where the race starts. They just can't where you end. So, you know, that's why everybody's at the end of the race at the spectator booth, you know, and everybody's just like, I'll start, oh, they're gone. - Yeah. - And I guess we'll go home now. - Yeah. - It's only exciting to get-- - It's only exciting to be getting done for them. - And then you're hugging and like, there's all that, but at the beginning of the race, you're just like, oh, there they go, you know. But, yeah, I think it's, some people have a different experience, and that's a good thing. I mean, you know, if we all had the same experience, then it would just be, all right, step here, you know, get in line, and then, but all right, you're failed. Next, you know, it's not like that. And there's always an appointed time and place. And again, when that all roads lead to Rome, sometimes you miss that. You know, sometimes you're there, and maybe the Lord had it in as well for you to receive it then, but you weren't quite there. There's always gonna be, you know, there's other opportunities. You can't just say, I missed it, so I'll never get in the Holy Ghost. 'Cause this, he breaks, I get in the Holy Ghost. - Now, if you say that, I'll never receive the Holy Ghost. You'll never receive the Holy Ghost. - That's true. - You know? - He's a self-fulfilling prophecy. - Because you gave up, you've given up about it. - Right. I will never say that. I was, I got closer to God. That was my goal. - Yeah. - While I may say my goal was getting the Holy Ghost, what is getting the Holy Ghost, but just getting closer to the Lord and getting a personal connection with him? - Being filled with the Holy Ghost. - Right, it's just, is that true. But that's the direct connection. That's like wireless versus ethernet. You know, you have a better connection on ethernet because it's hardwired in. - Because it's right to the source. - And you just, boom, you're talking there, but if you have airwaves to go through, then oftentimes the wireless will be a lot slower and not as, come on. Man, I used to, I need to cut out all these us. - No, we used to do that. - Yeah, it's. All right, can't think of it. - So from wireless to ethernet? - Yeah, from wireless ethernet, it's more. - ethernet is more connected to it. - Connect connected to wireless. - Consistency. - If you have no consistency with wireless, where one day it'll be good, one day it'll be bad. If you don't, sorry, I'm thinking of a question. That question's being injected into my brain as we speak. Do you find that it's more direct? Like, do you have a more consistent experience in praising with the Holy Ghost and feel like you can reach God easier than sometimes when you pray and seek and sometimes you have to force yourself into that place? - There's an easier, it's more easy sometimes because I'm not too worried about anything other than just worshiping God. I don't have the fear of worrying about what anybody else is thinking. So I can shout at Hallelujah. Before, Granny would be preaching and she'll say, this church is quiet. No, amen, no Hallelujah. And I'll just sit there because I'm too embarrassed to just shout at Hallelujah. But once you receive that Holy Ghost and you are able to have the courage to just shout at Hallelujah because it's for the Lord. - Right. - Then you don't have any fear. You have no worries about it. It's easier to do it. It's easier to get closer to God. It's easier to worship the Lord because of the Holy Ghost leading and guiding you into that. The Holy Ghost, when he gets inside of you, that's what he wants to do, is he wants to worship God. And if that is in you, then your desire to worship God becomes that much stronger. That's why it's easy. - Yeah, very true. Well, I was thinking how many times have you had like a Bluetooth headset or something that like all of a sudden it just cuts off or gets disconnected or starts to stutter? Like when you get too far away from it. - Yeah, it was just a month. Moving out and clicking and you start getting static and things like that versus if you start getting that with earbuds that plug into your phone, you're like, "Oh, there's a big problem here," you know? But because of that direct connection, it's more secure and it won't cut out, you know, it will cut out less and it's almost impossible for it to go unless it breaks. But if you have that, you know, wired in just connection then it's so much easier and you don't have to worry about 'cause with a Bluetooth headset going out, you're like, "Oh, it could be my phone, it could be the Bluetooth that I could be too far away, maybe there's something else in the area." But if you've got that direct plug, you're like, "There's one spot, this could be going bad," you know? - I feel like this is a great spot for me to talk about that one time out of that work. There was, yeah. - Sorry, the way you said that it was very good. - It's a great time to talk about that one time I was at work. - Sounds like a show, that one time I was at work. - Yeah, one time I was at work. - Brought to you by the bros podcast. - So, while I was at work, I do a lot of heavy equipment, right? It's skid steers, loaders, excavators, you know, big equipment for the construction and stuff like that. Well, what I was doing was I was moving an excavator, I mean, not excavator, but a loader, a skid steer loader. And while I was helping somebody unload their truck and a code popped up onto the screen, and when the code popped up, it gave me the big exclamation point in red, flashed it, and I was just like, well, something's gonna happen. - Yeah, right here. - So, I said, I'm gonna put the skids to your back, and I'll let it sit there to someone else checks it out. Well, when I did that, on my way to putting it back, the thing just completely shut off. - Oh dear. - Halfway there, and I'm in flocking traffic and everything. So, I go to my buddy who's one of the mechanics of the shop, and I'm just like, listen, this code popped up, I looked it up, I googled it, and just in that, and I just was like, I don't know what this means, but let's find out what it is, 'cause I want to make sure I didn't break the machine. 'Cause I was using it, you know, I want to be responsible for it. But when I was going to the computer to find out what was wrong with it, there was lots of different things that were factors, lots of different things that were problems with the computer. So, when we were doing that, we said the common problem could be, and it was the common problem. - Sure. - Not every individual problem, although they all had their own problems. The common problem was a ground wire. So, I went to go to the machine and said, what if the ground wire is loose, and it's causing all the codes to pop up on the computer? So, I went back to the machine. - Sure. - Went to the battery to the negative ground terminal, and I just gave the wire a tug. Quite literally, the wire moved, like I tried to shift it around. It moved. - That's not good. - It's not good. So, I took my buddy, and I said, "Hey, can we get that tightened down?" We tightened it up, and tightened down, tightened it up. - Yeah, so, we tightened that cable up, and shortly after, the machine turned right back on. - Wow. - No code, just turned right back on. Right back to where it was, and me and him said, 'cause it came red tag from another customer, and he said, "I wonder if the ground wire "was the problem all the whole time?" Because we haven't touched it because we're trying to diagnose it. I said, "It could be the ground wire "that was the problem the whole time." So, as I'm walking back to my work area, I felt like the Lord was talking to me through that, and what I felt like the Lord was telling me was, what's going on in your life? What codes are popping up in your life? Depression, anxiety, ADHD, forgetfulness. What kind of codes are popping up in your life? And family issues, whatever, you name a code that's popping up in your life. And when I went to go, and I was like, Lord, how does a machine have anything to do with what you're telling me now? The common problem for all the codes was a ground wire. I had to tighten down the ground wire. Once I tightened down the ground wire, all the codes were gone. I felt the Lord tell me, if you're not grounded, all these codes are liable to pop up. If you're not grounded in me, if you're not connected to the source, if you don't have direct connection, you're gonna have multiple problems. You're gonna have situations where you cannot get a great connection. Your computer's gonna fail. Your sensors are gonna fail. Your drive train's gonna fail. And I was just like, Lord, that is a great message. I don't even know how you did that. And I wasn't thinking about that. The Lord just put it on my heart. And then I started thinking, that's right. If you have the ground wire, is what basically puts all the power into the chassis of the frame and allows everything that has a ground to connect to the power source? Yes. Why do parents ground their kids? Why do parents ground their kids when they get in trouble? Because they had a code popped up. They acted out. They were having trouble. They kept on doing things that they weren't supposed to be doing. They're in the wrong. Why? They ground them because they need to get closer to the root of being right. Yeah. Then it is to continue in the way of doing wrong. Being grounded is getting to learn back to the basic, back to the root, back to the power source, connected, stronger than before so that you have no problem with it. Yeah. That's the different machine. Having Ethernet and Wi-Fi. Yeah. You don't have to worry about a ground wire being loose if you're grounded and connected to the Lord. That's right. It's your connection that's bad. It makes sense. It messes up. And oftentimes on my computer, the Ethernet cable usually has a snap where when you place it and it clicks into place, mine is broken. So if I move something in the back trying to fit up with my mouse or whatever, sometimes I accidentally bump that out and it disconnects and all of a sudden, because I don't have a wireless adapter on my computer, then it'll just go, there's no internet available anywhere. You don't have anything there. And you're like, what? What happened? What happened? Sometimes I'll kick the plug out of the little thing I have for the internet and it'll shut down. What happened? What happened? Did it break? But I don't have to worry about just bad connection or sometimes the whole internet router will go down. But it's that direct connection where maybe my wires loose. When I was at Dothin, this is a story I haven't told anybody. But when I was praying for the Holy Ghost, after I was kind of, you know, people would stop praying and there was just kind of, we were sitting around. In the service, Sister Gert Riley came up to me who's been here multiple times to preach at our church and is such a great friend of ours. In fact, that's where granny stayed. They stayed in their camper with them during the week when she went up with me to Dothin. And she said, sometimes you can have every single wire in the right place and everything seems to be like you can receive the Holy Ghost. And there's just one little thing that's disconnected and you don't know where it is. But sometimes that can be the one little thing preventing you from receiving it. - It's the ground wire. - And so that's where I was like looking around, you know, like you inspect your life and go, where is that? What is that? And that helps you to get in a good mindset later on. 'Cause then you're thinking, you know, Lord, if there's anything in my heart, take it out. And for that, I praise you. And you start praising in advance, you know. Multiple times, Lord, thank you for giving me the Holy Ghost 'cause I believe he's going to do it, you know. And just believe in your heart that you will receive and not give up until that point. - Because it's a promise you know he's going to. - Yes, right. And so that's where, you know, you have to thank him in advance and have that faith. And then it's up to you and him. That's, no one else is gonna say, oh, you fail, you're a failure, you know, blah, blah, blah. It's just you and him trying to work that out where he's gonna give it to you and you will receive it. But it takes a lot of time, it takes a lot of prayer, a lot of effort, and I feel like that's a good thing. We were talking right before this about the difference in like Navy SEAL training and police training and things like that. - Yes. - I don't want to have a Navy SEAL that just gets through because he knows somebody. - Right. - 'Cause that guy's not gonna be ready. He's not gonna have the same dedication and all these other guys will have. And you could be the most physically fit man in the world. - As far as what? - As far as muscular, as far as all of this different, you know, like a physical specimen. - You don't want to have a Navy SEAL do what now? - Just get through 'cause he's just a buff guy. - Oh, okay. - Oh, look, he's got all these muscles. He knows how to fight. He was, whatever, UFC or whatever, like that. - Right, right. - But he just gets in. No training, no rigorous bootcamp that breaks you and sends you out if you're not ready. - Yeah. - That guy's gonna end up either broken later or hurting somebody else because he wasn't mentally prepared for that challenge because they have a process that works that is hard to do. And some people don't need that. Some people are already pre-built to have that dedication without having to go through that. - Right. - But for a lot of people, it's just safer for it to be a hard process. So sometimes a Lord will give it to you when you're sleeping. I'll give it to you here. But sometimes we need to work out the things. And I know I'm one of those people that needs to get this out of there, get the brain state out. - Yes. - And it takes a lot of work and it's very hard. I was talking to somebody at Dothan by the Jerry Turner and he was saying the hardest people to receive the Holy Ghost is intelligent people and old men. 'Cause old people are, he said old people. But then he said, because they already have all these pre-thought notions, he's like, it's pretty much near impossible for an old man to get the Holy Ghost. 'Cause you know, they just are stubborn about it and they won't wanna do it. But especially with intelligence, you wanna do it, you wanna do everything. - Well, because you need a reason or a new explanation of how something works for you to get it. Like, I'm sure that the smart people will want to understand every last thing about the Bible so that they can't know how it works. And because they don't, they lead to atheism. - Yeah, that's a good point. - They do. - That's another episode. - Yeah. - You know what I mean? 'Cause like, you got all these very intelligent people also happen to be atheists. - Yeah. - But it's like, it's the first you said. It's literally, that's the closer. The verse you said, he sends the foolish things into the world to confound the wise. - Hold on, he, I think that's right. - But God has chosen the foolish thing of the world to confound the wise. And God has chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty. - Yeah. - Yeah. - All these, I mean, Bill Nye, the Science Guy, Christopher Hidgens. - They're all, sorry. - If they do not get what they think is a proper explanation, they will veer away from it because they don't want to be in a misunderstanding, or understand another explanation. - They like science because it's something to figure out. - Because it's repeatable. - Like, they say they like science because of the unknown, but science is all about finding the unknown. - Yes. - You know? And when you say, I don't know in science, that's a challenge. But it's almost impossible to understand the things of God. Hence why so many people are turned away from the Lord by that, why do good things happen about, why do bad things happen to good people? Why do good things happen to bad people? We just don't understand the full story. And then, you know, oh, why would that profit send two she bears and kill all those children just for saying, blah, blah, blah. We don't know. - We don't know. - I'm okay with that. If I can understand God, wrong God, you know? That's not the God I want. - Yeah. - If I'm on the same mental level as he is, that's on me. You know, I don't want that. I would much rather have somebody who I'm like, "I have no idea how this works or even the lie on here." You know, like the guy at the Olympics. Why am I here, you know? I don't know how I got here, but I'm the best. - Want your daughter back. - Somehow you're worthy, you know, and it's great. - That last shot, he could have literally won the gold. He just, he said, close second. I need to do a close second before they start making the word. - It's an eight. - Yeah, man, this is gonna be hilarious for people. - He said, he said, he said, "I can't win the gold because then they're gonna think I'm some kind of assassin." - Yeah, we've been talking, I'm not even joking. We've been talking about this, the second place Olympian in the shooting division from Turkey. - Who's first place? - No one knows. - No one knows. - No one even knows. Some guy with specular lenses and a fake iris. - I know that this guy has glasses. The best guy ever, dude. This guy is so cool. He's, he, if you shot anything at the Olympics with your hands in your pocket, the best. Like that guy is so cool, but we've been talking and joking about that for the last two days. And of this guy who's just getting revenge and is just so chill and his quote about getting to the Olympics, he's like, "I'm not really sure why I'm here," struggling nonchalantly. Like it's so crazy. - Yeah. - But that's how we are sometimes. We're like, how did I get here? I don't even know. Like, Tony Tapp is one of the best guitar players I've heard. He, I don't even know how to play. You know, I can't do nothing in here and blah, blah, blah. And I'm like, that's a, I need to get him on the podcast. - Yeah, that's what I mean is just, that's the humility it takes where we get used by God and you know, Paul said it. I'm the chief of sinners. You know, you say you're all sinners. I'm of whom I am chief. I'm the greatest sinner there is, but that's what God uses. It's a person with humility. And that's how you receive is you just have that humility and yield yourself. - Right. - And it will happen. Trust in it, this is a, this is a marker. This is a marker on these episodes where I'm saying I'm seeking the Holy Ghost and eventually there'll be a day where as you and John can say. - Time stamp it, what do you say? - 50 minutes. This is when, you know, I can say I received it. You know, and you had that moment where you talked about seeking the Holy Ghost, how hard it was, all your ADHD. We haven't even brought up ADHD in the past month because- - I've been delivered from it, yeah. - It doesn't affect you. - It's not one of my colors anymore. - Right. - I've been grounded. - Boom. - Dude, we're just, we're getting so good at this job and I'm gonna be a little, I'm gonna, speaking of humility, I'm gonna immediately throw that aside. We're so good at this podcast that we just, we just end it like that, dude. We just go humble, grounded, boom, call back, finish it out, it's so good. And that's something like the Lord leading us to do this to the point where it was weird when I couldn't think of a word and I was going, I'm on the, 'cause we don't do that that much. - We don't know. - Or if we do, we don't notice. You know, but, but we don't go through and cut out all these little things that were like, all right, in past, at the beginning of the podcast, I would have cut that whole section out. - Yeah, it's allable. - Yeah, and then, dude, if I ever do that again, somebody slap me, that's, that makes me angry at myself. That's how I know I wasn't humble at all. Because I was-- - I needed to change what I said. - I said infallible instead of fallible. You fixed it for me and said, did you mean this? And I was like, oh yeah, I made a mistake there, but instead I didn't, I just, allable. - Oh, they're so funny, dude. I'm glad you remember that. - Yeah, that's funny. - You know what we should do at some point? We should go through and like react to our like greatest moments and talk about them. - Maybe we could do a live video and do something. - But like maybe our first episode or something, or first couple episodes, we'd just listen kind of back to the highlights. - Man. - So I'm gonna need to make a highlight video for us. We can get a highlight reel of all our greatest moments of it. - Yeah, yeah. - Somebody can react to it and then give our thoughts. 'Cause there's always, you know, we always have a back story to where we're thinking. - Yeah, of course. - We can't get every word on here, I try my best, but we can't say every word we're thinking on here. But I do appreciate everybody listening. This has been a fun year. We're coming to a close. And again, as we said at the beginning, if you want to be on this podcast, have your own funny moments, have your own, you know, poignant thoughts because we've had a funny time here where we're making jokes and then we had a serious discussion about the Holy Ghost and how to receive and our different experiences with that. But if you have, you know, an inkling to want to be on here, please let us know. Our website, you can leave feedback. You can send us an email, back over to We have plenty of avenues to speak. - Yeah, plenty of avenues to reach us. And we would love to hear from you. And even if you don't want to be on, if you just want to tell us a story to bless our hearts or how we've encouraged you, because I feel like the trajectory of this podcast has shifted since you received the Holy Ghost and John received the Holy Ghost in general. And from the beginning, we've shifted into a new era where we have a greater blessing to people than just sitting down and laughing it up. - Yeah. - And we enjoy doing that. I don't think we'll ever stop doing that. You know, this is not going to become a serious podcast immediately. We're not aiming for a serious podcast. - Oh, stay tuned for episode two more episodes. - Yeah, 53, 53. This is going to be maybe one of the funniest episodes we've had. - Yeah, stay tuned. We've already recorded it. - It's one I've been excited for. I've been so ecstatic. And now finally had the opportunity just on the fly. Just kind of like, we should do this. And then we did it. - You guys, if you guys are longtime listeners, you know exactly what story you was talking about. Do you tell about it all the time? - Yeah, I brought it up several times and I've wanted to have a big moment and it's the first episode of the new year. - Yeah, it really is. First episode of the new year. What a way to go into the new year, you know? - So good. Yeah, sure. - Anyway, hey, if you guys have been enjoying this, please leave a thumbs up. Please leave a like. Please leave a comment. Let us know what kind of content you would like us to see or like us to do. If you want us to do a different Bible story, put it in the comment section, we'll be reading it. Or in our, give us some feedback there. If you want us to do some other kind of stories, we will be glad to listen and do what you'd ask us to do. Until then, we hope you guys have a good night, a good week, and we will see you on the next one. - Sounds good. Have a good one. Peace. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) [ Silence ]