Kindeiser Podcast

Fruits and Freedom w/ Tony P

On this episode the boys talk about NFL, stone fruits and America. (not a political pod)

Broadcast on:
07 Aug 2024
Audio Format:

Alrighty let's get after it. August 6th 2024. We are recording over discord of course. Tony P. What's up? This is going to be more of Tony P's episode because he said he's got some things to get off his chest so without further ado take it away Penny. And things to get off my chest huh? Yeah we'll call it that. How are you today? Well a little tired you know worked a 10 hour day but that's alright. Well that's a man right there. Yeah we got to make our bag you know. You're our best anyway. Heard that. Anyway let's start off with some Olympic golf. Did you witness any of that or see any of that? I did catch some of it. I wasn't really like watching consistently or a lot but I did like catch some. Ask Addie Sheffler. Absolutely fucking blistered the course in the last round. This guy. Like I said I mean to take gold. No one's having a better year than him. Oh dude nobody's had a better year than him since fucking Tiger Woods and his prime. It's been what? 7. He's won seven different like I don't know what the term is. Events I guess tournaments. I guess this Olympic one would be considered a tournament. That's just kind of the cherry on top though. Not for real I mean he goes. Yeah I'd imagine that's like topped here for most people. Many major athletes is like a gold Olympic medal as good as it gets. Yeah and a lot of sports I mean I don't know if there's like major league swimming or something but or track and field. I would assume that works but I guess I would think Olympics is kind of like the the culmination of everything. Yeah I would imagine that there are professional levels to everything. Every type of like I guess sport. I mean you have like professional leagues and stoop. I mean if you have professional video game players you have professional actual sports. Would you say that? Yeah I guess that makes sense. It's definitely not big but it's out there. Yeah it's not getting prime time. No definitely not this is the kind of stuff on ESPN at like 11 a.m. on a Tuesday. ESPN the Ocho. What are your thoughts on the Hall of Fame game? I know you already had an episode but I didn't. It was just a preview. It was just a preview more than anything. So once Maddie briefly go ahead go ahead. I was just going to say obviously it's preseason and starters weren't really playing that much but yeah correct so neither team had the starters playing. So I know that deterred a lot of people from wanting to watch especially Bears fans because you know they want to see Caleb Williams already but I also like to see preseason just as like hey do we have a guy like a late round draft pick guy you know and we definitely did see that. Like we saw Colin Johnson like I look like a dog. I mean he looks like a dude. I don't know if you caught him. He was so he had to drop past that people weren't really happy about but uh I think he ended up with two tuddies by the end of the game which again he's playing backups but still these guys were good enough to make it into the NFL. They're not terrible. They're still somewhat decent. So I think they said something right and he can definitely be a guy at depth with a wide receiver category. So again that's like what I personally look like look look for I should say sorry um when it comes to preseason. What's the other QB that the Bears threw in not just a legend. Brett Ripian or Brett Ripin right there looks pretty good for being a being a third string QB. Yeah he's been in the league for he's bounced around for quite a few years now ever since he got drafted um but yeah he did look great. I thought like he was he was definitely dotting up that defense. Again granted they're all backups and most of those guys won't make the 53-man roster but he looked competent. I mean you know everyone needs a backup and you want a good backup so that'd be an interesting battle between him and Bajant if he continues to play at like a decently high level like he did. Hopefully we won't have to see either of them in the regular season. Yeah definitely definitely hope not hopefully Caleb Williams is the Lord and Savior. Maybe it'll just every game will just be like a bloodbath and they'll put in the second string at the half. Maybe we'll see him week 18 because the Bears are resting all starters getting ready for the playoffs. That'd be cool you know. I like the way you think. Yeah it would be great. I mean dude it's so I don't do you have HBO Max? I do not. Okay well I recommend you get it because in it's 737 now so in 23 minutes Bears hard knocks will be airing first episode on HBO Max. Oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so I heard that on the radio this morning. Dude I'm like super excited. I'm sure you've heard listening to like previous episodes with Kyle and I we touched on it but like I don't know if you ever have but I've never watched hard knocks before. I've never really cared to but obviously now that it's my team you know I am definitely interested especially with this new regime and the team that we have looks so good. That's the thing yeah. No I have not watched it on the radio they were talking about how like Antonio Brown was on it a few years ago and saying outlandish shit. That was when everybody realized he was like fucking wild. Yeah that dude is definitely off his rocker. I mean on Twitter he has CTESPM and just has the most outlandish things and uh I don't know he's hey uh I'd say he's definitely somehow managed to come up with like and break some news before like even before Ian Rappaport has I don't know who this guy is but uh hey props to AB I guess I don't know that's uh like yeah he's kind of a freak though he's done a lot of freaky things. A lab with Rick Ross. Yeah it's apparently what we sent him into bankruptcy. That's what I heard. Whatever. After watching uh um Jesus Christ I'm drawing a blank Devin Hester. Jeez that was horrible. After watching him. There was gonna be eggs. Getting the hall of fame and whatnot. I uh went back and watched like old highlights. I didn't realize like that he was a solid wide receiver as well. I remember a plain white screw. No he was not. I don't remember making that many plays. His stats looked pretty solid. His plays were far a few between when he came to wide out so Devin Hester did play wide out. Yes he wasn't as good as a wide out as he was a kick-re-turner. He was yeah he was. I would say he was like a valus Jones. You know sometimes he'll have an electric play but uh he did uh not like catching the ball too often. Like something about him like his route running just wasn't a thing but it doesn't matter when you've returned 21 plus kicks for a touchdown. I mean Devin Hester has like one of the most like iconic plays of all time. When again I hate I hate what that and I hate referencing it but the Super Bowl. Yeah but I don't know. It's pretty cool. It's pretty interesting to see but uh yeah it is pretty interesting. Okay so he has 16 career receiving touchdowns. Yeah. No I guess his career was a lot longer than I realized. Yeah he played for a while and he that's not all that impressive but. Yeah um he played for the Bears and then went to the Falcons. I like the dead end of his years. Do you ever used to watch uh I don't guess maybe not used to watch. It was like a 2006 Bears hype video. It starts off with Lovey Smith giving a speech in the locker room. I don't know that I actually have ever seen that. Dude that oh my god you need to watch that. That video is so fucking electric. When cycling me like this up I actually want to look this up now. What was it called? This is the 2006 Bears hype video. Uh just look up 2000s like Bears, Chicago Bears probably. I'm gonna try and look it up too and see so you watch the right one. Dude this video is electric. How long was the video? Do you remember five minutes maybe? Does it literally just called 2006 Chicago Bears? Think so. Yes that's it. Eight minutes and 15 seconds. Yeah I've never seen this video before. I don't know if you want to watch it now. No I'll wait till we can watch it afterwards because I wouldn't be able to and you know I don't want to get copyrighted. But that's okay. That's fair. But at one point there's like a slow point in the song and it busts into Devin Hester making his returns. It's sick. Um yeah congrats to Devin Hester and Julius Peppers. We actually had Chicago, Chicago legend. Yeah we had three Bears legends this year. We had Mongo, Julius Peppers and Devin Hester. Granted Julius Peppers didn't play his entire career with the Bears. He started in Carolina, came to the Bears, went to the Packers and I want to say he went back to Carolina for like the last two years. I can be completely wrong like just literally just talking out of my ass but let's find out. We have Google. This is what Google is for so we can figure this out together. Obviously elite at his position that's why you know he's in the Hall of Fame who's also the second overall pick in the first round in O2 which is kind of crazy that the defensive guys went that high. I mean the last time I think I've seen that was uh I can't remember Miles Garrett. Yeah I was right. Julius Peppers the last two years of his career, he was back in Carolina and he actually like first round second overall in 2002. Yeah that's pretty nuts. Yeah I mean he's insane. He's got a cool name. Yeah he definitely does. Sounds like Dr. Pepper. I mean like yeah Peppers is a cool last name and then he got Julius. Are you kidding me? Yeah I mean we got another pretty famous Julius I was kind of scary though. That guy's got a beat. He's got to be legendary. 100% I was sitting here thinking even when at his age and with the end of his career in 2017 he had 11 sacks dude. I like looking at this now that is insane. Just it'll be that productive. It's pretty legit. It is. I mean it was just great. I'm trying to see anything else interesting about this guy. Nah I mean really nothing else other than the fact that he would just see lead in his position. He had 553 solo tackles 159 and a half sacks. That's a lot. It's a lot. He's also a massive dude. How long was this career? 2002 to 2017 or 2018. That's a long, that's a long answer. That is a long career but still very impressive. He was massive dude. He was six, seven, 295 pounds. That is massive. That's a fucking unit. He had 11 interceptions. 51 force fumbles. You guys here with legit? Wow. You know what isn't legit? I think you'll find this pretty interesting considering you're a Cubs fan. The White Sox losing streak is now of legal drinking age. You're on like a 21 game? Yeah 21 game losing streak. Yeah it's now legal to buy a tonne alcohol. I don't know how Pedro Grafals still has a job. I mean he should have been on the clubhouse like I don't know. Three months ago? I don't know. I don't know who's putting up with this either. Yeah I mean that is pretty embarrassing. Maybe they're just trying to move the team. No. I mean that would be so stupid. I don't know. I don't know what the problem is. I mean the management we've had nothing but horrible hires, horrible signings. This team is just so poorly organized. I mean it is pathetic. J. Ryan sort of doesn't want to spend money. He makes terrible hires. Chris gets as a horrible hire. Manager was a horrible hire. Just the whole staff and the general is all bad. You did not see one Sox fan that was happy whenever they announced any other decisions that they made. You just saw more comments of sell the team. Sell the team. That's all. That's all you hear anymore. I saw some dude wearing a shirt that looked like the Sox logo but it said sell. Yeah it's horrible. I mean and right now they got a series against the Oakland Athletics which is basically just a fight to see who's worse. But obviously the white Sox are because they lost so the athletics last night. Five to one. And the Oakland A's are garbage franchise too. Granted I think they have like 20 more wins than we do. I'm actually interested to see how many more wins the A's have over the white Sox. You were dead on the nose 20 more wins. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. This is 21 more. Oh my god dude. Like I don't even like I it's basically apathy of what I am with this team anymore. Like I don't feel anything about this team anymore. I don't I don't feel like excited or upset or anything that happens anymore. It's just like meh. Whatever. Honestly like I don't that is probably the worst record I've ever seen in my entire life. Yeah and it probably will be the worst record ever. Out of the how do those guys go out on the field every day and like obviously they're not excited to play. No. Maybe are they like I don't know. Are they drinking beers in the locker room beforehand? There's like well there you go. They have to be medicating some house. They had honestly like there is no way you can go out every single day and just know that you're garbage. I mean most of these guys should not be on a major league roster. Like there's there's no reason why any of them should be out there. They should all be they're all double at best AAA players where I think most of them aren't even in AAA and at this point they're just soaking it up. Yeah. I mean hey. They're like shit. I'm in the yeah. Strike while the iron's hot. But this pathetic. It's really bad and I don't understand how people are. Again like how anyone could even like think of wanting to go to a game. Like I've thought about it. I'm like you know I mean I just want to go out in the game. Just go to a ball game and I'm like no I don't want to do anything to support this team. I don't want to give this team anything from me. I am so well I guess I like I was upset before but now it's just like I don't even care to cheer for you anymore and I've always stood by like I'm not a bandwagon fan. My teams are my teams and no matter how bad it gets or how good it is I'm going to like be there and root for them. But now it's just like how can I do like most high school teams are probably putting up numbers against these guys. Like I've seen travel teams better than this. I mean when the Cubs were garbage for a whole life until like 2015. It is I don't know it is definitely discouraging. Yeah but the Cubs weren't staring down the barrel of beating the worst record ever. Ever like they're on track to be worse than the Cleveland Spiders. They are literally on track to be the worst to ever exist in recorded history. Like how are you guys like at this point it's like how when the Cleveland Browns when the NFL is like yeah you're not even worthy to be an NFL team. I wish the MLB would do that to the white Sox. I really wish they would. They're like yeah we're shutting you guys down until further notice. But obviously that would never happen because are the deals. Like the deals any better this year than other years. Like I know they have the Tuesday deal where you could get like your ticket a beer and a hot dog for like $10 or something. Well now they have lower level tickets you can get during the week for $15 and on the weekends for $22. I just saw that today. Just the ticket or does it come with a beer and a dog? I think it's just the ticket. But uh all right like they should be paying me to go to these games. They really should like they should be hey here's 20 bucks two free beers and a free hot dog. Come take a seat and watch this. It's like yeah I know I think I'd rather stab my eyes out with spoons but I'll take the free stuff. Come torture yourself. I don't even I don't know dude I'd rather watch like I'd rather like take that hot dog go down somewhere on the south side and see two crackheads fight over it then watch the white socks. I think that would be more entertaining. I think that does sound pretty entertaining. Yeah that actually would be if it was like morally okay I think it would be really cool to actually start like a fighting league between addicts. That'd be pretty cool. I wonder what I would call that. I don't think you'd get them to fight over a hot dog though you'd have to like sprinkle some shit on there. I'd be like all right whoever peanut butter and yeah then I'll get them sober and they'll try to sell my house after they go to real estate school. Jesus Christ. I don't know man I can't just I'm done with the white socks. I don't don't care. I mean the Cubs aren't in a great position but they're not in the worst as bad of a position as a white socks. Again nobody is but even the Cubs are they're struggling right now. It's you aren't they? What's their record? I mean they've been pretty bad. They're five game under five under five hundred five games under. They're last. And they're last place in their division. Yeah. However they're only nine games back from the Brewers. So like the NL Central is pretty tight all the way down to the bottom. Yeah that actually is. I'm actually surprised by that. I mean obviously it's obviously a big you know gap. Yeah you definitely need a lot of things to go in your favor. You need a lot to go in your favor in order to crawl out of that hole. That's maybe a little do the opposite of what they did last year. And instead of going on an insane losing streak though. It's quite like on an absolute tear. Get hot. Oh my god. That would be cool. Well listen to this the white socks are only 41 and a half games back. Jesus Christ. Whatever. I'm so done. I'm so done. I'm so done with baseball. If he's not that many games left. No. No we have September basically and then that's it. Again if they did like a deal they would be like I don't know. Five bucks. Five bucks for a Saturday game. And it comes with a hot dog. I'd be like yeah sick. I'm there. I'd do that but No I can't. I can't even like think of think of going. I don't know. Maybe they will do a deal like that. Never know. They never would. Oh my god. That would be so unprofitable. I mean I guess I'm get people there and they'll just spend more money on whatever but they'd be better off just shutting like canceling the game be like yeah. It's gonna look like a COVID year in that stadium. You know what the boys should have though. I'm pretty sure the Chicago air show is coming up. Air and water show. All right. I looked it up. It's a good one was it. August 10th. It's this weekend. Beginning in September. Oh no really. Yeah this is a upcoming weekend. Bang. I was wrong. Have you ever been? Yeah that was pretty cool. Uh no but I went to the Cubs game last year while it was going on and there were some jets that flew over the stadium. It was pretty sweet. That is pretty sweet. You have yet to go to a Cubs game this year don't you? It was actually it was very sweet. Yeah I need to. Um definitely need to. Maybe I'll look into some tickets this weekend. Yeah that'd be awesome. I mean that's just Americana right there. Thanks. The fighter jets in baseball. Baseball. Oh my god. Yeah. Baseball and freedom. Just celebrating freedom at that point and getting absolutely shit face tampered. That would be so cool. That's pretty cool too. That is American. It's one of my favorite pastimes. Vegan of America. Bought a new fucking flizzy yesterday. Did you know? What kind? The Smith & Wesson SD9 2.0 9 millimeter. That is pretty sick. It's a full size ain't it? It's pretty cool though. Yeah I mean I think they consider it a full size. It's about the same size as a Glock 19. So like sort of the compact. Would you put it in your waistband? Yeah full size then compact. Comforably. I think it would fit not in the summertime because I'm pretty small statured man. Yeah. But uh if I was wearing like a hoodie I think it would be concealable. Yeah definitely. I mean I think that's something one of my favorite times partaking my freedoms is during the colder months just because of the fact that you're wearing like larger baggier clothing. Absolutely. You gotta love America. I mean what is there not to love? Do what you want pretty much. Decide you want to go on and then be walking out of the store with it an hour later. Hashtag not a political pod. We're all about. We're all about gun safety on this podcast. Of course. Don't leave your fucking guns laying around where kids can find them. Yeah just don't be an idiot. Check the chamber. It's as simple as that. Exactly. Yeah actually on this episode we're talking gun safety with Tony P. You can buy his uh sword. You can buy his class for the low price of $19.99 for payments. Just call 1-800. America. Hey that would actually work as a number. That actually would. I'm sure it exists and probably like the toll-free for the White House or something like that. You can't. You can call on my Gemini twin. We can't believe you've never seen that video. That was a pretty good video. We won't shout it out because no free shout outs on this show. It's not a one. How's your pepper plants doing? Actually pretty well. Yeah. So you get any delectable peppers off of them? I did. Yeah I got some jalapenos. They're pretty fire. They're quite thick delicious. Quite spicy. I just uh put one of my garden fresh jalapenos in some guacamole. Yeah how was that? Is it bussin or disgusting? I mean it tasted pretty bussin. We'll uh we'll see once it chills down. It'll be better tomorrow. Did you make sure you left a pit in there or put a little. All right Abby. What? When you have it in the bowl so it doesn't brown. I left uh Oh dude usually I put enough lime juice in it to where it doesn't brown. Like the citric acid kind of keeps it from getting gross but I also put plastic wrap over it so. Okay. Keep most of the oxygen out. That's pretty epic. Um Anyway I left my avocados sitting out too long so a couple of them were bad. It was kind of upsetting. Whatever you'll have that. It's no big deal. I mean they're gross. The cards help out their money from you buying them anyways. You know since pretty much almost every avocado you buy. The the farm it came from is owned by the cartel. Just in case you didn't know there's a fun fact for you for the day. Yeah. That that's a very fun fact. I did not know that. Yeah. Avocados. I don't remember it's like the word for avocados maybe in Spanish. Avocatte. It sounds a lot like. I don't know. I just saw it on a video or something but it sounded like testicles or because they grow in pairs a lot of times. It's like there's something to do with avocados being compared to testicles. I don't know. Dude we are all over the board today. We got sports, anatomy. Yeah. Vegetables. Dude. Fruits. Technically it would be a fruit wouldn't it? Kind of seed. Isn't that like the rule of thumb or whatever? It'd be more comparable to like. Yeah I think it'd be more comparable like a stone fruit like a peach or a plum because it's got like a pit. Yeah I don't know nothing about that so I'll take your word for it. It'd be my guess. Sure. There we go. Uh stone what did you call it? Stone fruit. Stone fruit talk with Tony P. Dude yeah we're at this podcast is living. You're learning so much from us you really like you should be paying us to listen to this. You learned something different every single episode. Keep you on your toes around here. You gotta subscribe. You gotta subscribe. Give us a nice like. Tell your friends and uh you know. Eventually when we get virtual and I'll buy a t-shirt it'd be sick. I'm straight. Rep and uh. You stepping on anything tonight? Yeah we got no water in my house so I'm drinking a high noon. What about you? Nice I got my go-to uh PBR and then a little. A little shot of uh Evan Williams 1783 that I'm sipping on. Interesting I don't know that I've did I try that at your house? I don't think so. I don't think you did because I forgot I had it. I would have uh let you try it but I forgot it was there. Interesting I was looking at that. Well unless you got anything else. Oh I mean I think I'm pretty good. Yeah just another little quick chat with Tony P. Things have been a little cool. One more thing. Oh right ahead. Do you think we're going to see any Caleb Williams this weekend? Yes I actually did see that it is confirmed. He will play about a quarter. Really? Yes I'm very interested. That's what's up. Yeah it's uh speculating he's going to play about a quarter. He's going to play uh behind his starting line. I'm very excited about that. Very very excited. This is what the people have been waiting for. It's probably like the most watch preseason game ever. I think Joshua Allen's going to be playing. I'm not sure. I can't imagine that the bills would do that. Just but I don't know. I haven't seen anything about that. I'm sure we'll get more news as the week progresses and we'll be sure to keep you guys updated. Absolutely. All right well that's all I got. A nice quick chat with Tony P. Thank you guys for tuning in. See you guys next time. [ Silence ]