
113: Overdunk Ep. 114 Worlds Pre Show!!!

1h 8m
Broadcast on:
07 Aug 2024
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[MUSIC] [MUSIC] All right, welcome back to a very special episode of Over Dunk This Week. It is episode 114, and this is your favorite competitive Pokemon Unite podcast. My name is Zoinks, and joined with me tonight is basically everybody that I could find. We have, of course, our normal co-hosts as per usual. We got Bridget, we got Dubus next, but joining us here in the booth, we have Spraggles, Wonder Chef, Kello Sores, and soon joining us will be Danley. We got the entire World Casting Squad, and of course, the host of Over Dunk It is a packed house. I cannot wait, but let's check in with our new guests. Shall we, Bridget, Dubus next? We'll get to you, don't worry, but let's check in with the new squad. Kello, thank you so much for joining us here on the podcast. How have you been, my friend? It has been too long since we've been able to talk to you. How are things over at OC? >> Thank you for having me. I feel like it's only been a couple of weeks since we actually talked. We ended up doing Under Dunk together, but I'm feeling good. It's about midday here, so. At least I'm not in the DJ hours, like I usually am. >> True, true. I like how I said it's been way too long since we talked, and Kello's like, two weeks is about long enough, actually. >> [LAUGH] >> It's actually a good amount of time, I like to keep those breaks. Hey, self-care, I get it, I'm a Wonder Chef, of course. My man, I've been casting with all year long. How have you been, my friend? >> Yeah, it's been too much of that as well. >> Yeah, all right. I'm doing great, I think that you should change the official title of this to sit it on Twitter. But this whole episode needs to be the world's casters get to hang out with Bridget. Because that's what I'm thinking. >> [LAUGH] >> Yeah, I mean, that's how I feel most episodes. So yeah, I think that's a really good self title. We'll put it in the description for sure. Spraggles, content cowboy, you're no stranger to the website. To the podcast, you've been on a couple times. >> I love website, man, I love website. >> Okay, do you think I've been meeting the talk to you about, for a long time, we should start the website. But anyway, we'll talk about it later. Spraggles, how have you been? >> Great, man. Whenever I have a website that I'm just crazy about, I can't shut up about it, so I'm happy to be here. >> Awesome, always good to hear. Do snacks back in your regular spot here on the podcast, my friend. How have you been? >> Doing good? Doing good? I'll keep it short, because we got a lot of folks out here that are more important than me, so let's get after it. >> All right, and of course, most important, Bridget, how, my friend, how about you? It looks like you're all settled in into the new apartment. We've been in the moving saga for a while. It's looking good. >> Yeah, I am mostly there, but I feel like when you move, there's always like two boxes that you just don't unpack for like a bunch, and that's about the face I'm at. >> Okay. >> So the box is out of frame now, so we at least got there. >> Yeah, all right, hey, ambitious to get those done within two months, those are eternal boxes in my opinion. >> Fine. >> All right, well, a bit of housekeeping upfront for the episode. This will almost assuredly be our last episode before the World Championships. We won't have time to record an episode next week just with all the travel plans and things like that. So this is going to be our pre-world extravaganza celebration preview show, whatever you want to call it. So I'm pretty excited about that. I mean, it's an exciting event, obviously, on its own, but I'm excited to get everybody's opinions and stuff about the event itself. But so let's just jump into it, let's start talking about Worlds 2024 held in Hawaii. I believe it's technically a returning visit to Hawaii. I think the third time that the World Championships has been held there, do snacks in WonderChef. You're probably the two most likely to have ever been. Were either of you at either of those World Championships? >> I was not. >> Okay, okay, well, first time for all of us, of course, so it is going to be a lot of fun. I wanted to actually start off with, let's start with the non-unite stuff first. There's a couple of cool things going on as a part of the celebration. I was looking at the list of activities and events that are going to be a part of the World Championships, side events for people to compete in or just attend and check out. So was anybody able to check out that list, anything exciting, anything in just your trip to Hawaii slash the World Championships that you are mostly excited for? Brigitte, we'll talk to you about what you're excited to see on the broadcast potentially. So, Kelo, how about you? Anything about this trip to Hawaii that you are excited about maybe outside of the Unite Sphere? >> Oh, I just had a look. I see there is the pocket demo there. I'm excited for that. >> I know. I got great to try that out. >> I am stoked. I was kind of assuming that was going to be Spregel's immediate go-to one. But I am personally pumped for that one, so Spregel says it is pocket, the thing you're most excited about about this championship? >> Yeah. That, and I mean, I think the day of announcements right after like on Championship Sunday, like what's coming in the world of Pokemon, they try to give a little bit of everything, hopefully we get some cool Unite stuff, like we usually get a few Pokemon. >> Yeah. >> They might be able to give us even more this time. We've got two new games on the horizon with pocket and Arcius, Z or whatever it's called. So I think that'll be pretty close. >> No, that's super close, right? >> Drop the Arcius and you're way closer. >> We can get what I'm talking about. It's cool to like see a lot of that stuff. And then of course, like a trip to Hawaii is going to be fun. >> Yeah, that's true. Yeah, I see Ducky asking you in chat, are we supposed to get the next three Pokemon announced at Worlds? It's not like a given rule, but the last two Worlds, they've given us the next three Pokemon. So we're all hoping, we're all hoping. >> We don't know, but we know, like. >> We know that one. Do you know more? Okay. >> I don't know what they're going to be, but we like if they don't, that would be very odd. >> Yeah. That would be. >> Because, so that'd be very bad. >> Please. >> Please. >> Please. >> Dukes, how about you, is there anything, is there anything out there that you were excited about about the World Championships outside of Pokemon Unite? >> Being in Hawaii, that sounds hella dope. I'm not usually tapped into the other games too much, so I can't speak to those, but just the announcements is always fun. Finding out if they'll announce next year's Worlds location, I think is something they typically do. >> That's always that. >> Sunday to close out, so that's going to be, that's going to be fun as well. >> Cool. Are you going to purchase a ukulele? >> Yes. >> Okay. >> Ukulele and skateboard are my two must-have items. >> The most expensive items. >> Of course. I mean, who's to say, I mean, I've got the skateboards, the first two that they've made, and I kind of think it would be sick to have as many as, you know, from now on going forward to the stop. >> Okay. >> So, that's kind of, those are the two benchmark items without a doubt. >> Yeah, they're great. And everyone is not shy to let you meet, like, let us know on the podcast that your background absolutely diffs mine. It's something that people bring up all the time. I have a whiteboard now. I want to remind everyone of that. >> Yeah, it's a whiteboard. >> The two essentials. All right. Wonderful. How about you? Anything about the event, even Hawaii in particular, that is really exciting for you outside of the typical United stuff that we're all obviously quite excited for. >> I am excited because I've heard the 7/11s that are quite good, and that was also my highlight of the Japan trip last year. >> Yeah. >> So, realistically, that's all I need in life, I think, is a good convenience store. And I believe we're pretty close to one, so I'm looking forward to that. But I just, I really just want to see how they're going to follow up Japan, because that was such an event, right? Like the city, the country, there was literally stuff the entire country away that was happening, and I just want to see how they can follow that up this year, which, I mean, they've got to do something. >> Yeah, it's going to have to be a lot if they're going to talk to Japan. That was a little absurd, with just the American top Japan at all. Japan was so into it, Zoints and I were walking on the street days after the event, and we're handed a newspaper that had the Pokemon Unite winners in it. Not even just all, it had Unite in it. That's how they were into Pokemon they were there. It was crazy. >> Yeah. >> That was a great contender who decided to talk about the tea with us, about a player getting disqualified mid tournament, which was so crazy. >> Yeah, that was particularly wild. They also had the literal SSM parked next to the venue. That's crazy. >> There's a drone show again. That's cool, I guess. I don't know. >> The drone show was pretty cool. >> It was cool. It was cool. >> Bridget, though, how about you on the broadcast side of things? Anything you're particularly excited? Are you going to tune into any of the other games, big announcements on Sunday? >> Definitely be probably watching VGC Finals on Sunday, but aside from that, as the non-actual goer to Worlds, I'm actually excited for the time zone that it's this year, because as an Eastern time person now, Japan was pretty brutal. London was not great, so I'm excited that it's going to be at a very normal time for me. >> Yeah, okay. A little more NA friendly. >> Yeah, that's nice. >> That is like perfect, actually. >> Yeah, you want to stay up a little bit late a couple of the nights, but other than that, you'll be okay. >> That's fine. >> Yeah, exactly. Okay, sweet. I'm excited about a lot of the stuff I've seen, like, I kind of want to do the gankie ball thing. Have any of you seen this? It's like a fun activity. You like, I don't know if it is an ounce of it, but believe you make a mud ball, and then you put it in the water, and it cleanses the water because of the microorganisms in it, and it's like a whole thing. >> Oh, yeah, I did see that. That does look sick. >> Actually, that's awesome. I'm really excited to try that. It sounds so fun. >> I don't know whether to disappoint you or not, but that's only on the Friday and the Saturday. It's not on the Sunday. >> Yeah. >> I'm not doing anything on the Saturday. >> Yeah. >> I'm not doing anything on the Saturday. >> I'm not doing anything on the Saturday. >> I'm not doing anything on the Saturday. >> I'm not doing anything on the Saturday. >> I'm not doing anything on the Saturday. >> I'm not doing anything on the Saturday. I'm not taking my 30 to throw mud in the river. I don't know. It sounded cool. Hopefully, I got a chance to. But if not, it is what it is. But let's pivot to talking a little bit about the unite of it all. That is what we are all attending or watching the event for. Most likely, the people who are into this podcast are going to be the exact same as us. It's going to be a pretty crazy year. We have changed up a few things. Now, I know that Bridget, Wanda, Chef, and I talked about this quite a bit on our predictions episode already. >> Maybe too much. >> Maybe too much. Verdict's still out on that. Comments, please let us know if we talked too much on the podcast. But we definitely flipped the script this year in terms of how the format works. Kelo, you, of course, were a part of that casting team last time. We saw so many hearts broken on day one last year. It was a brutal group stage into a bigger bracket on day two, not necessarily bigger, but a more forgiving bracket stage on the day. I just wanted to get all of your opinions because that's one of the biggest changes this time around. It is now going from group stage into a single elimination tournament. So Kelo, how are you feeling about those changes? >> I'm glad that, yeah, there's two that make it out instead of the one, for sure. I feel like it's a lot more evenly balanced. And I know in terms of for time purposes, they can't do the double limb. So day two, single limb, I like it, I think it's okay. >> Yeah, I think so too, yeah. It's growing pains anytime we have a big change like this, and I think eventually, everyone will come around to when it consensus. But Sprigles, I'm curious, how about you as well? >> Yeah, it's better, right? I think we'd rather have it this way. If you had to pick one of them, day one, you're gonna get more teams out of groups, so you don't get those heartbreaking ties where you're like, boy, I hope the other team that is bad wins one game. So I can like, yeah, none of that anymore. It's gonna be way less of that. And then now in day two, every game matters. Every game is a banger. The two teams going up against each other in grand finals are undefeated, making their way there like holy, what a series of games that's gonna be nuts. >> It's so exciting, and I know we talked about this one, the schedule first dropped. I think I think two is actually we're on for that episode, I might have just been a Bridget and I solo one, but for the first time ever, Unite is gonna be full stage takeover on Saturday. We're gonna be closing out the show. Unfortunately, we're not on Sunday, give you night three days, all that. But we are gonna be closing out the show on Saturday, which is crazy for the first time ever. Do some acts, how pumped are you that Unite is gonna have like a full house to break the house down? >> Brother, I am so excited. That means I don't have to have low key jabs at the other games. >> You still, I might have to have those, you had that, listen, listen, put some respect on it. No, I'm super excited. It's nice to, if we can't be on Sunday, that at least they put the effort in with the logistical lift that they could have us take over the entire stage and hopefully grab the attention of all of the folks that are there for other games, probably TCG, I'd assume they'd be the other longest running one on Saturday, just to get squared away for the following day. So I'm super, super excited about that opportunity. It does put us a little bit later, but that is a well worth it exchange in my book. >> Mm-hm, yeah, it's gonna be awesome. Not even to mention the very secret show match that's gonna be happening on Friday that I think people should be pretty excited about. I now cannot claim to not know what it is anymore, but I think people should be pretty excited about it. It's gonna be awesome. So make sure to tune in late on Friday night, it's gonna be- >> Yeah, watch worlds, you're gonna wanna watch worlds. >> You're gonna wanna watch worlds, everybody, I don't know if that's a hit, but everybody is gonna wanna watch worlds. >> Everyone. >> Everyone. >> [LAUGH] >> Man. >> Okay, Wonder Chef, I mean, dude, we get to have all the whole stage on Saturday, it's good to be crazy. Group stage has already changed. I know you kind of put in your input on the last episode, but overall, is this one of the more, is this one of the most exciting world championships we've had based on how the tournament is structured? Because I tend to think so, but how do you feel about that? >> Yeah, I think it's basically, it's been said already, but the change is definitely, I think it's kind of an objectively better format than last year for sure, where it kind of flip-flops the group stage and the bracket stage, and it's gonna be super hype. It's gonna be so good for the viewers, I think we're just gonna be, I don't know, shouting too much the entire weekend. >> Wait. >> Yeah. >> I also think this is one of the best international years, I guess, for Pokemon Unite, where like every single region looks super duper scary, and we don't know if we're gonna get that same 3P. There's just a lot up in the air, and I think it's looking really cool. >> 3P would be insane, it would actually be so crazy, but who else could be possible? I think, I'll chime in on this before we go over to you, Brigitte, but this event itself, I am unbelievably stoked for, if you can't tell, but this event is gonna be fantastic for all of the reasons that my co-hosts have said already, but I don't know, just the chance to take over the whole stage, I think it's just something that I've been really begging for for a long time for Unite to be able to do so, and now that it's actually happening, that is sick. I can't wait. Also, I wanted to say, if you were fans of a lot of the fun, creative things we tried with the broadcast at NAIC, you should be very excited about some of the plans we got in store for Worlds, because we got a lot of, I don't know, got some good stuff in line down, which I think I'll make the stream really fun. So Brigitte, is there anything in particular that two days, are you like, are you stoked for the finals already, are you gonna be trying to follow your favorite team, what's the vibe when you're going into watching Worlds over the same, are you just gonna try to consume it all? Yeah, I definitely enjoy just kind of like taking it all in, I'm excited, that also makes me excited for the single Elam bracket on Saturday, we get to see more of those games. Yeah, I don't know, I don't know if I have necessarily like certain teams I'm rooting for, I mean kind of, I feel like I'm always kind of rooting for like all of the NA and EU teams, since I'm obviously a little more familiar with them, but I don't know, I kind of like a lot of teams, so I'm just excited to see how everyone does and like honestly like the meta game that kind of emerges on a land environment is always fun to watch, so. Yo, that's why you're a host on this podcast, I'm so happy you transitioned perfectly into the next point of the outline, I want to start talking about meta a little bit before we get into some of these teams and the regions we're excited to watch, predictions and all things like that, let's talk about the meta game that we're gonna be seeing at the event, because it has been a minute since we have seen an official tournament even longer if you take any I see out of the equation for like some of these teams regionals was forever ago. And multiple patches now at this point we are looking at a very interesting one, Bridget, what do you think of the meta so far it's been a few weeks now that we have had the shadow flame patch, we've had a few grassroots tournaments, what's it looking like for you? I actually am really enjoying the meta right now, I'm kind of playing like on and off and I mean so like you just wanna like pull my hair out but when I've been watching tournaments and things I've been, I don't know, there obviously are some Pokemon that are like, I feel like almost like a top like five or six bands, but there is some like wig over in my feel like maybe among like what teams want to deal with or not want to deal with like two or three for example, I can see like sometimes I feel like some teams think it's a must ban, other teams feel like they can play around it really well, I don't know. And then I just think playing on land makes it a whole new ballgame for sure, so I actually I think this is a really fun meta and I'm excited to see the world stage on it. I think it's better than last year, not gonna lie. Okay, yeah, that's fair, last year was pretty dominated by a few Pokemon, we only had one band last year too, which is an important thing to bring up, but of course it was like Urshifu, Zoshin, Lapras were kind of dominating a lot of stuff like that, Urshifu, like to the point where it's basically getting banned every single day. Welcome back, welcome back, I was actually, I have interest that doops X, what do you think? Is there, I know there's a few Pokemon kind of at the top of everyone's band priority list, but if you had to pick one that you think will get closest to 100% ban rate, because I don't know if we're gonna see you at 100% ban rate, all the games at worlds, that's probably impossible, but what Pokemon do you think will get closest to that 100% ban rate? I actually think it's, it might be something along the lines of slow bro, and the reason I say that is because you can focus down, it's easier to pick apart the attackers that your teams, the other teams might want to favor, but slow bro is like, I can see like an LG banning slow bro every single time, okay, because they want, because they want like, they want overlord to have blushifu or blaziken or whatever they put him on and be like, we just don't want him to get slow beat, we don't care. After that it doesn't matter, right, and I do think the slow bro buffs were relevant enough that we've seen it enough, because every team that goes towards should theoretically have a player that just doesn't, we can't let them get slow beat. So I know it's, that's kind of, I don't want to, I don't think it's a spicy take, I think it's maybe an unconventional pick in this spot, but I do think slow bro stonks are up, and maybe it's just the western bias here from just what I've been seeing, but that makes sense to me. Okay, same question to you Sprigles, I saw you thinking about that last one. So what do you think is closest to 100% ban rate? So it's tough, I feel like, like ceruleg could be the closest thing, I feel like Umbreon as a defender could be one of the closest ones to that, I feel like you're going to see so many games where it's like char ceruleg, Umbreon, some Mimikyu, Hupa, slow bro, probably Blaziken over Mimikyu. Oh, I thought you would already mentioned Blaziken. Yes. Blaziken on land, first of Blaziken's stupid, and then Blaziken on land after it recently got buffed is just nuts. And then you think about ceruleg, like ceruleg is, ceruleg feels a little like Zorark to me like last season, like you don't want to see one of these like unbelievable players. You don't want to see Overlord on ceruleg or something, like that would be a nightmare. So for me, it's like in that realm, there are like four or five Pokemon that are going to get banned a ton, which is going to be really interesting because when the meta is so hot, when there are so many power picks, you can't get rid of all of them. You're like, no, it's true. We get rid of two, but now they still have Mimikyu and Leafy on and slow, like you could only do so much. It's going to be really wild. Yeah. Yeah. That was kind of why I ended up as I was thinking through it going slow bro, because since you can't realistically target all those other ones, one of them is going to have to come through every single game, right? So that's what I was like, well, if we're talking about the close to 100%, that's why it went that way. But that's what's cool, right? The fact that we are having this conversation and we can't readily identify that and feel confident, that's a great sign for what we're walking into. Yeah. It's an interesting meta game because of that, because there is like, I've been calling it the Big Bad Five. I think I might increase it to the Big Bad Six, but those Pokemon are just always going to be there. You already printed the t-shirt. Yeah. I'm going to take a picture. Oh no. Blazerkin would be my vouch. I'm actually curious about what do we think out of all of those that we mentioned is going to have the least amount of bands, aka their most amount of first picks. But we can get into all that. I want to hear from Wunderchef and Kello as well. So Kello, how about you? What do you think is going to be the most banned Pokemon at Worlds? You know, so what everybody else has just said. Okay. I agree. I think that will be a lot of Blazerkin bands. Yes. Nemecu, I know, has been pretty popular in terms of bands and NA. I know I've been looking at Dr. Pocus stats a lot and just seeing, you know, the band across the board. I mean, Charizard seems to be the most popular one from all the recent ones, but besides that, Memecu, Blaziken, and Sarah Lynch. So just all of the arounders just get rid of them pretty much. So good right now, Chef, how about you? It has to be Blazerkin, honestly, it's, uh, it's just so good. And it's also one of those Pokemon where it's, it's like a specialist Pokemon where like if you really know how to play that Pokemon, you are so good with it. And it's had like a lot of time where it's been decently relevant in the meta. Like basically the past entire year, like since it's released almost, uh, it's been like decently showing up now, obviously showing up a lot more. So I feel like it's one of those Pokemon that you've got to take away because A, it's too strong and B there's going to be some specialist on their team that's just going to destroy you if you don't get rid of it. So it's got to be that. I don't, I don't know what else could be. I like the Slowbro call though. I think that's, that's basically banning it by choosing it. So you got to do that too. Yeah. Yeah. So right, cause it enters this like now unholy trinity of what unite moves can cancel what all of a sudden it used to be just alone in that ability and now like, well, you could mimic you all that or I could charge our adult. I guess Urshifu kind of exists, but we haven't seen too much single strike. Who knows who knows where we'll go with that, but, um, let's go to the opposite side of the spectrum. Then if we were going to see those Pokemon banned frequently and honestly picked as much as they can be if they are not in that banning phase, let's talk about the fun stuff. Let's go sleeper picks. What kind of Pokemon do we think are going to be those sleeper options that show up and maybe not even just like have little fun spots, but like, Hey, this Pokemon could go far and not enough people are talking about it. Let's go reverse order. Wonder chef. How about you? Okay. I don't know if this counts as a sleeper pick, but the Pokemon I'm really loving in the meta right now is Pikachu. I think the. Yeah. Okay. That's a great sleeper pick. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know what to tell you, get on the train. We're going. It's so weird because it hasn't received any any buffs at all, but it's just risen in the meta suddenly. So I know there's always, you know, that risky play because it does have that 3T evolution and not evolving at level nine when they get a buff memo. I don't know if it needs to be buffed, really, because it's so good right now. I guess it's just such a broadly meta. Yeah. Now it just plays, I swing just plays into it so well. And I was talking with doosnax about this on a, I think it was our last mayhem that we cast it together. The mama swine like needing nine for its unite move. It feels like that's very, if you're running high horse power with the ice go crash, you love the unite move, because it's kind of this third piece of the combo, you, you get the big ice crash, you dive into the high horse power and then you follow up with your unite move and it all just kind of blends together well. But when you're running icefang, you, you don't really need your unite move that often. You're getting that KO when you land those little mammo plays anyway. So like honestly being at pillow swine doesn't hurt that bad when icefang is the popular move set. At least in my opinion, that's, that's what I've been finding when playing mama or casting games of it. But, um, Spriggles, how about you content cowboy? Where's that secret sauce? There are a few that I like, I could shout out real quick. I think Talon's buffs are pretty cool and it makes it a very interesting like map pressure, but still really good speedster Pokemon right now. And it's, there are a few Talon players out there, so maybe one of them will bring that out with all the all-rounders being banned. I think Gary becomes an option again, which could be pretty cool. And it did just receive a buff, making it more viable by itself, like just like hanging out soloing a lane for a while because it can rip objectives now. Yep. And then my last one is probably not going to happen, but Wigglytuff is a hard counter to Ceruleg. So if some teams do let it through, there is an option there to kind of like bait out a Ceruleg from your opponent and then counter them with Wigglyt because you wanted to play it anyway. That's so sick. I, I, we set it on the podcast with like after that first week of the Shadow Flame patch, when everybody was, Ceruleg was everywhere, was destroying and we finally saw Wigglyt rise up. I was like, if this is the price I have to pay for Wigglytuff to be meta, I am so willing to pay that price. Uh, Dukes next, how about you? What's your sleeper power pick? Um, I don't think this is, for some reason they're slept on. And I, I'm, I'm flabbergasted as to why every time it seems to happen and it's so Vion and Glaceon, just take over the game. And I like, I hate to say that I've just kind of been up this tree all year long, just because it keeps, like I don't understand why we're not adjusting, but I feel like those are things that are never banned, sometimes not picked at all, but like every time they are, it's like, yeah, obviously, you know what I mean? It's like, of course, like of course this is what it's doing. So I think that's like my, uh, without getting too deep into the well, I think that's, that's what I would say. Uh, and my other one was going to be Wigglytuff as well. Okay. Um, because I think it does exactly, um, uh, a pseudo, like a pseudo off-tank, right? You just, you don't have to play it as your support character. You can get a really good support. There's great ones in the game that now because of that big six we were talking about, you can't actively like ban out anymore, right, like it's corner cases when you're actually aggressively attacking the supports in your band. So you can still get like an elder gosra blissy and then makes it a lot easier to digest having a Wigglytuff kind of in your off-tank type role. So that was mine, but I, I agree wholeheartedly because I do expect Cerulej to be, if not banned, a pretty, uh, dominant, uh, factor. Okay. Okay. Bridget, how about you? Um, I guess one we haven't mentioned, I don't think it's a sleeper pick necessarily, but I think Hupa is OP, because like broken and still so good, especially in pick ban. Um, I could even see it becoming bans for some teams for sure, just because of how oppressive the back control can be, not a surprise there, but like my real sleeper pick, I think might be Scyther. I know, I don't, I know, not everyone is a Scyther believer. Specifically the middle part of our video right now, to not like Scyther just ghosted. Hey, I'm just saying Eastern teams love it. Yeah, I saw Overlord playing it in mayhem finals. They won. It looked good. There we go. So I'm just saying the Overlord transitive property goes hard. I'm with it. Um, yeah. I can't wait for a Scyther to engage and then just get caught with just, I don't know anything. Like, like a, like a cotton spore pop and then it's just dead and then it's just dead. And then it's just dead. I have a wins and finals. Haters. Yes. Yes. Overlord exists in finals. So like, yeah, if, if Overlord's all in on Scyther, we might see it have a good weekend. It's like, Shindi is all in on Scyther. Sure. We'll see it have a good weekend. Yeah. He might. That would be big. Okay. Um, since we all kind of gave not sleeper, but sleeper picks and a sleeper pick, um, my not sleeper, but sleeper one, I, I mean, I'm a memo at this point, I don't think call it a sleeper anymore. It's just so strong. And in the meta game, um, I think, I, wow, I had one completely blanking on it now. One that I think it might be a decently high and it could show itself on land. I don't know. It needs some buffs, but age a slash potentially every now and then you give that to a world's caliber player. You give it crazy, good, secure. And I remember the one that I think this is kind of controversial for a sleeper pick. So it's up to you all to decide if it is or not. I think dragonite. I think dragonite fails that role of being kind of a sleeper pick, but I think you start putting dragonite in central area again and you feel solid, but it doesn't have to. You know, it's an all rounder that can bottom path if it needs to, uh, I, I think we can start seeing some dragonite worlds again. I got a question. Is it hyper beam or outrage dragon? Oh, I'm still asked the same thing. There's a bunch of outrage dragonites right now and I, I actually don't exactly understand it. So somebody needs to explain that to me, but a lot of stuns in a melee involved meadow. That's always really good. Um, I, in a competitive play though, it just feels hyper vision. I don't think, I don't think it works competitive, but I think in like ladder, it does out stun a lot of these are like really good. Like it'll beat ceruleg one V one. It'll beat blaze in one V one because they just can't do enough. How does it do against site there? There's freggles. Yeah, absolutely dumpster site there, but, uh, look, maybe a team could really support it, but you'd probably see hyper beam, right? Just after copy, John's like, if the, if a team's got the coordination, it's pretty perfect. And a lot like I was just talking about with Gyarados, it's got that ability to be all by itself and rip and secure an objective. It's like a, it's like a blaze, an early blaze akin basically. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's a great way to describe it. Not to mention it's a night move. And I went on this rant a couple of times, but I, it is just, I feel like it is not talked about enough as a relevant factor of that Pokemon, the ability to use it for min charge and just kind of short hop for all my melee fans out there. Um, we'll be able to use the Unite move and get charged back or of course extend across the map. It's pretty huge. But okay. Yeah. Unless anybody has anything else to bring up, is anybody of any amongst our hosts here have any questions they want to bring to the group about the meta game or should we move on to like teams and stuff? I'm on top. That is all. All right. We'll go. I'm with it. Um, all right. Let's jump into the kind of predictions, but kind of just like let's talk about sort of the landscape of the teams that are going to be attending the event. Uh, I feel like we got to bring it up near the start. It's been talked about on Twitter a decent amount for some of these teams. It's happened every year, but it sounds like there will be some teams who unfortunately will not be able to attend the event. I don't know if any have said officially on their Twitter's like if they just definitely cannot make it or anything like that. So I don't really want to, I don't really want to speak to who did. Elevate, I believe elevated, which is that hurts. That hurts so bad. Runner ups of last year will not be able to attend the event that that really sucks. Um, so unfortunately, that's going to kind of skew things a little bit, um, when it came to our earlier predictions episodes and stuff, but yeah, we're, we're super bummed that we are not able to get that in, uh, but, uh, we did have a discord notification. Dan Lee has joined the call. So thank you so much for joining the call, Dan Lee. Um, welcome. We're going to get your audio for discord. So feel free to say hi. Dan Lee. How have you been? I am tired. It's like morning. I literally just sent my husband and son to like school on work. So I'm knackered. Honestly. Oh, I am so sorry. Thank you for showing up in the morning for the event. Um, if you want to join the video and join the call via camera, you totally can. If you don't want to, no pressure at all. Um, but yeah, welcome to the podcast for everybody in chat who doesn't know who you are, Dan Lee, though, you want to do a quick intro? No, I was not expecting this. Dang. I didn't recognize anything. Ah, hi. I am going to be one of the casters on the desk, although I might be more of janitorial, just cleaning up after everybody because I know everyone here does an amazing job on how to make some mess canonically. Yeah. Just make some mess leave the trash can in case I need to throw myself inside. Oh, honestly, I am, I feel blessed to be on the panel with you guys. Like I'm so excited for worlds. It's not funny. Oh, well, the feeling is absolutely mutual, Dan Lee. We cannot wait. I mean, we've talked to you about it personally, but there, I can't remember the amount of times that we were like staying up late on like the shows where we were doing for the NANU broadcast, watching like the APAC broadcast and being like, Dan Lee's like, crushing it. Like that was a frequent thing we're bringing. We are pumped to have you with. I've never like watched another broadcast and said anything bad about other casters, but one time I said a good thing about a caster and it was Dan Lee. I was like, whoa, she is killing it. So I'm so excited that you're on the show. Thank you. Oh, I feel so welcome. Thanks guys. I'm excited to have two Aussie gals. We're going to steal the panel guys, I'm sorry, if you don't have jobs next year. Awesome. That's why I've been adjusting my sleep schedule for the past. Embracing the Aussie. Yeah. I'm getting ready. There we go. Let's take over. Worlds next year. Leaks already. Uh oh. Okay. That actually was sick. That'd be better. Cool. Um, here we awesome. Uh, I don't know. That's, um, deadly to catch you up. So far we've talked about just classic intros and all that. We talked a little bit about the things we're excited about for Hawaii in terms of the event as a whole or just traveling to Hawaii to visit as well. Uh, we talked a little bit about how the format has changed this year, uh, our thoughts on that. And then we talked a lot about the metagame. So for the sake of you not having to go on a giant monologue, why don't you just chime in on the metagame? How you feeling about the current Pokemon that we're seeing quite a bit? A lot of Sarah led Charizard, Blaziken, um, things like that. We asked everybody, what do you think is going to be the most banned Pokemon at worlds after the entire event? And then do you have a sleeper pick Pokemon that you think is going to go crazy? Most banned. Okay. This one's pretty interesting because I really feel like from what I've seen so far, it has definitely been very regional, right? Cause I'm until this point, we haven't had any international tournaments since like way earlier this year. Like February. Yeah. Yeah. Pretty much. So, oh gosh, this is, yeah, this is such a regional, I honestly think it's either going to have to be a defender or a support because generally speaking, right, we've seen from a lot of these tournaments, the pillars of teams are always going to be the supports or the defenders. Okay. And I feel like I'm leaning towards Hooper again because we've seen this one time and time again, come back at worlds and be so pivotal for its team. And especially with how the popularity of cliff fable and blissy has really fallen down. Um, yeah, I think it's probably going to be Hooper. Thank you. Okay. Okay. As the most banned. I mean, it's a very safe ban for sure for teams as well. Um, you're like, Hey, I don't want us to deal with those rotations. We can play it a little safer. It was just ban Hooper. That makes a lot of sense. And then it generally seemed, well opposite end of the spectrum, I suppose, in terms of the question, do you have a sleeper pick Pokemon? Not enough people are talking about this thing, and it's literally going to win worlds. What is it? Mm. I, I have a feeling I have this really sneaking suspicion. It might be chandelier. Okay. Okay. Okay. That's a good thing. That's a good thing. I feel like this one can really mess people up. Yeah. I think the place behind this, no, I'm just getting that. Sorry. Shandalua. It's such an interesting attacker because it provides utility to its team, and in particular with its unites. All right. So we have seen a couple of regions pick Shandalua because it gaps single target Pokemon because when you want to lock onto somebody, the night kicks in, all of a sudden there's those few seconds where you don't even know what anybody is. And normally everyone just literally piles themselves onto that Pokemon. And from there, you have that numbers advantage, and this includes objective. So when you're fighting around the Reggie's and you're fighting around the Ray, so like Shandalua is such a pain in the bum to play against. I really feel like the candle is in the bum. Yes. Yes. And not for nothing. It's also a pain in the bum to play with sometimes when it blinds the Reggie a leki while it's walking towards your base and then just walks in. You have all five members defending and Reggie is like, I can't see them. They're clearly not there. Exactly. It is insane. How much utility this single attacker has like I feel like this is the burst team centric attacker in Pokemon Unite right now. Yeah. Yeah, it is. It's super sick. Obviously it has great play into Blasekian or Sarah ledge with that in prison play and then it's unite move like you mentioned has so much versatility. Cramran and Charizard two Pokemon that are meta relevant that do have their unite moves just take a pretty big hindrance if they get blinded by Shandy Unites. So it's a great choice. Seriously, we're picking like that a lot. But okay, we were wrapping up our discussion on the Pokemon and now we're going to be talking about just general world's predictions for some of these regions, these teams and things like that. The first question I want to ask though to everybody, it's not really a team that you think's going to win the tournament. Maybe not even a team that you think's going to go far, but what is one team that if you were talking to someone who likes you night, maybe casually, not even another game, but you're like, you got to watch this team at worlds. Like this is your team that is the pitch deck for unite worlds. What team are you giving the shout out to anybody, just a suggestion? Who do you, who is the must watch team? You'll back in the YouTube vaud to view that kind of thing. Do's next. We'll start with you. Do you have a team to shout out in that regard? Oh, I would have shouted out SAULE sports, but it looks like it's, I think they've got a really cool story and narrative going to this year, but it looks like it's going to be pretty difficult for them to make it to a lie, unfortunately. It's not set in stone, but if I remove that factor, I will say SAULE sports, I happen to just always be loitering around the Indian unite discord and it's, they've got a really strong community there. So I think, I think their stories need and I would point people in their direction. Yeah, they're definitely a fun scene. Bridget, how about you? Oh my God, I'm such a Bridgetil fan, man. You are. You really are. It is unabashedly so. I have to. I have to. Happy birthday baby Mazo, you know? Yeah, it's true. Much love Mazo. So I would say either of the Brazil teams of, but legacy, obviously I am more familiar with, even if Zoeyng thinks their games aren't the cleanest, they're always very exciting and fun and fast paced. That's true. I would say a legacy game for sure. Okay. Or dream back. Stream X is also very good. Yeah, they both look solid. I mean, legacy or at least the majority of that roster went pretty far last year. So I good shout for a team that could do extremely well. Spriggles. How about you? Team to watch. Yeah, I was also going to say legacy. I mean, I love legacy, but I'll give it up to maybe Zora Tigers gaming. The reason being, they have like some wild games and they're, they're always a region that has very little hype, but does pretty dang well and is kind of a spoiler to a lot of really good teams oftentimes. So I'm excited to see that and I mean, I think everyone's got great answers. Of course, like India, you know, it like do snacks. I'm fully there with them, especially with how well ACL one, but yeah, if I don't get legacy, I'll go. I'll go Korea. Okay. That's a sick pouch. I mean, for anybody who's just joining the episode or the podcast for the first time, the deep lore is that I have been championing Zora Tigers gaming for so long. I mean, damn it all the chat and everybody else. I am a true Zora Tigers gaming believer. I think Ward is one of the best defenders in the flipping game right now. I can't wait to see them to see them play on the stage. It's going to be awesome. So a big, big, big pouch for Zora Tigers gaming. Love that. Dan Lee, how about you? What is your team to watch? I don't know if I want to put in a very serious answer or more of a fun answer to be honest. This is the fun question to be fair. Yeah. It's the fun one. So I think if you want a really fun team to watch, it's probably going to have to be talent esports assuming that they're going. Okay. My concern is that they might not be going at all because the team is from the first Philippines, right? So Elevate didn't get their visa in time and Talon are possibly in the same boat. Okay. Come on. It's a really common thing, unfortunately, but I'm praying for them. Okay. I still think there is time for them to make it through. Alex and Shadda saying that they are going to make it. And actually, Denley, I think I remember seeing a tweet from the Talon crew that they did get it. They're going. Yeah. I think they are going. So we can all take a breath of fresh air. So Talon will be attending worlds. Let's go. Okay. That is awesome. So here's the tea. Not really. So I'm friends with the manager. Manager is really cool. But the players on the team, they are so easy to love. They are so fun. They are so goofy. They are amazing to be around in real life. And so for some of you guys that don't know as well, the Talon roster, if you actually look back at world last year, these guys were actually the same players as I think it was a mix actually. Old guys, if you guys remember from last year, there was a crew move. Yeah. So these guys got picked up by Talon and they have been such an amazing journey to watch because they became, I guess, like the third best team in the Philippines. And now they can square themselves up very evenly against Elevate. And we all know Elevate was all moved from last year, which was second place. So I have really high expectations for these guys. And I've sat down and I've interviewed them last year and spoken to them a couple of times. They're so passionate. They are so passionate about the game. I'm really looking forward to seeing how they do at Worlds. But if you want somebody to grow attached to, it's Talon. Oh, I love that vouch. That is such a good pitch, Dan. I am very excited about Talon. I have the ranked extremely high on my power rankings for the sheer fact that they were able to take down Elevate in that grand finals for the Philippines qualifier. They moved up a lot for being able to take down the world's runner-ups from last year. I thought that was pretty crazy. But let's go to Wonder Chef next. Same question to you. Who is your team to watch? It's going to be the most fun to watch this year. There's a lot of good answers for this, to be honest. I think there's a lot of teams that have specific, one might say troll comps, but I'll just say signature comps. And for example, I think Noun's got to really show that off in their own final regionals. But it's not going to be my pick, even though they're right up there. They were almost my pick. I'm going to go with-- after watching the Unity Clash Asia, I'm going to go with Team MYS. That's good. They were really fun to watch. And they went five defenders a lot and played against some very serious comps and did extremely well. And when they had to, they actually played real comps as well and did really extremely well. So against a lot of teams, I think a lot of people were considered to do very, very well in worlds. I mean, obviously, that entire region is very scary. So I'm going to go with Team MYS. OK? I love that one. Five defenders at Worlds would be crazy. That happens. My gosh. I'm popping off. Kello, how about you, Team MYS? I'm sitting here like, OK, Dandelies picked my pick. I'll go for a next one. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Just picked my pick. OK, I have to be different, right? But they-- yeah, it was Talon that was on my list, and then next up was MYS. So I'm actually going to go for another APAC team here, and I'm going to select Shin and Rude. Yeah. That was mine. It's just excellent. That was mine. Off the change. Off the change. OK, sorry. That's so good. It's so good. It's fun that, like, these picks are so-- like, yeah, here's Shin and Rude, I'm like a sleeper pick. They're so dang good. No, not a sleeper pick. This is not-- it's just-- who's the most fun to watch? Like, what team-- Oh, that's right. Like, when you're just pitching a team, like, who's going to be, like, the exciting one that you've got to pay attention to? Yeah. They're great. It's like every-- there's so many exciting teams. I don't think you could throw out a team and everyone would be like, oh, OK. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that's not a fun team, my goodness, yeah. Well, I was going to say Shin and Rude for my team. I just think Shin D is one of the most fun players to watch in the lobby, and so getting to see them work is always fantastic. So I'm going to go with a slightly different one. Let's see. There's some left. Not a sleeper team. I think watching Fusion is a hell of a good time, so yes, maybe they are one of the best teams in the entire world and currently on the top of my list, but I'm going to give Fusion the Vouch. If not Fusion Nemesis, that would be my second place right there. I love watching Nemesis games. They're very-- I mean-- and they're really solid at a lot of these metagame Pokemon that we discussed in the previous section, so I got high hopes for that squad. It's going to be-- it's going to be very fun. But OK, let's move off that question. Let's just go. What region do we think is going to be the 2024 World Champion Holders? We don't have to pick a team, just a region. Let's play a little bit safer in these bold predictions. Let's go through. Why do we start with-- Kello, you ended the last question. We'll start with you. Kello, what region is winning worlds? APAC. Ooh. East or West? Oh, that's so tricky. It's tricky. Did you pick it because they were two? Latam. What a great APAC piece. APAC piece. All right. Hey, good vouch. Good vouch. Good vouch. Dannily. Oh, tough one. Tough one. I-- oh. Give me a second. I'm trying to make a very, very calculated decision. I kind of think Latam, guys. North or South. OK. I can't. OK, I-- OK, that's a bit too deep for me. Oh, gosh. Just Latam's a fair vouch. I think we can give it to you. It's a little more narrow than APAC's got like 32 teams. So that's fair. That's fine. OK. Yeah, America's all of them. It's good. That's nice. I like that. OK, Dannily. We'll come back to you. Wonder Chef, you're next. America, because they already have visas, and that's already a buy into at least top four. And four teams. The most teams represented. Statistically the highest chance of winning worlds. Yeah. No, that's actually not my pick, though, to be honest. I think, if I had to say it, also a-- no, ah, crowd. It's really between those two. APAC and Latam are both extremely good right now. APAC. OK. Personally, I can't believe we went through three people, and we haven't answered this team, so Spraggles, I'm going to give it to you. Japan. Yeah, there we go. I can't believe we've been in three people. We have not said that. That's crazy. OK, we got a Japan vouch. Chat, please let us know who you think is going to win as well while we're doing this. But Brigitte, on to you, the region that's going to win worlds. I'm definitely going to say Japan, if no one else said this, but, um, I might get on. Like, it's hard because it's just like, oh, like, technically Korea is its own region, but they have one team. So it's hard. I feel like-- But they're the best. I know. It's like, I'm going to say Korea, just, uh, be different, but then that's picking a team. So there you go. Yeah. There's something quite intriguing. OK. Great. You could go with Korea. Brazil's still a-- no one's chosen Brazil yet. If you want to-- It's going to be all of me, if I-- It's not true. It's not true. It's not true. It's not true. It's not true. It's not true. I have talked-- I have talked to Brazil people about that grand final. And I've learned some stuff. I'm starting to re-evaluate. Over a billion people. Yes. Yeah. OK. Deep sex? Year turn. Uh, everybody knows I'm a huge Homer, and I think the window of, uh, NA winning these World Championships is closing rapidly, uh, so, uh, so, um, you know, come on, overlord. Three times, baby. OK. Yeah. OK. Well, three-time champ would be crazy. He is the only person, heaven/right, the only two that have the opportunity to make that happen. So, yeah. Yes, I'm throwing my hat in the NA ring, bring it back for the third time. And then, you know, we can at least say, from now on, at least we got the first three. All right. We're looking at it more. Well, OK. Danley, back to you. Are you sticking with your Latin pick? Have you picked a side of the fence to go with there? I am supporting the entirety of Latin. All right. Again, two regions worth, but it's fine. Uh, I am also going to go with Japan. I think Japan will have really good. My goal. Truly, guys. I think you're falling into a trap. A trap of being correct? This is the worst trap of a world elaborate, elaborate, elaborate, elaborate. OK. So my thinking is that this is my line of thought. OK. I could absolutely be wrong. Japan is extremely strong, and they look strong, right? Because they are a strong region in general. But what we have seen from this team, when they play outside of Japan, if they don't play within Japan, I kind of feel like it shakes the players. Zeta Division got first at ACL and second at AO's Cup. I mean-- It is still Asia, guys. It is still Asia. I guess. It's not that far a flight for us, but, like, for me, like, I'm in Malaysia, right? Oh, OK. So my flight to Hawaii is far, and for Japan, as well, like, our flights are quite far. OK. So stage. And there is a pretty big time difference. Yeah, because we also don't know how early some of these teams will be in Hawaii, right? So we don't know how quickly people are going to be able to adjust to the time zones and how much time they'll be able to practice, as well. Because inside of info for ACL, if you guys didn't know, a lot of the players that went to ACL, they were telling me that they barely got time to play, because they had all this media day. They had all this stuff that they had to do. And I think at most, they had, like, one or two nights of scrims. And this is, like, 10 p.m. onwards. So we don't know what the schedule is going to be like for the players, because they also have a media day at Worlds. Like, I don't know how everything works over there. So having to not only adjust to the time zone differences, but maybe even, like, food. I know some people, when they travel, if they don't cook for themselves, you are going to get upset stomachs and whatnot. So anything can happen. And I really think these environmental, I don't know, are there not issues for environmental differences? I feel like this might knock Japan down a notch and basically not have a Japanese champion. Wow. I have two thoughts on that. I have a four, a great agreement, and against that, where I will say that as far as food and time zones, Hawaii is definitely, like, pretty good for Japan. There's a lot of Japanese culture in Hawaii, like, tons and tons and tons where it gets really mixed up for reasons that are probably not great all the time. But, so luckily, there should be a lot of really good, like, stuff as far as, like, food and the time zones for them are pretty good and just things that they can adapt to. But I will say, we did see them in Unity Clash Asia again, which I know I keep talking about, but it was really fun tournament. And we did see Zeta Division lose to Ethan Almento and not even make it into, like, the top five. So that's a pretty big deal. Obviously, there's ping, you know, in all my tournaments like that, there's a lot of things that could happen, but it's still really interesting, right? It's still something to really think about because, again, that's another team that we haven't even, like, I think, been giving a lot of credit, but yeah, who knows what could happen? Yeah, that's true. I mean, yeah, it's really cool that the level of competition is so, like, stacked from every region, like, we haven't even talked about NA, you know, doopestacks, but they are the two-time world champs, and we're kind of like, probably, like, that's how good it is worldwide right now. So it really could be. It's really anybody's game. We haven't talked about EU. They probably have the best team they've ever had come out of EU, so it's going to be wild. Yeah, I can't wait. I actually wonder if, like, this year Nouns played last year, Talibobo, who wins that bestifies to them. Let me have fun. I need my, like, my version of, like, NBA Jam, but for Pokemon Unite with, like, Overlord Season 2, Grand Finels Purcell. Oh, my god. Yeah, Luke. Season 1 World Championships. Yes. That's what I need. Well, okay. Yeah, I think that's really interesting, Boitsburg, like, just how even the field feels this time around. I don't know. I feel like going into the last couple of World Championships, I was, like, pretty confident about, like, I don't think that region's very strong. I think that region's incredible. I don't know. It feels like we're having a lot of gap closing in this tournament. So it feels like my next question, which was going to be, like, what team's the dark horse to win the tournament feels like not even relevant because any of them could win. So maybe we'll just skip past that one. Chat now is a great time to answer some questions, or if you have any questions for any of the guests we have here, including Dan Lee, who's not on screen, but in the call. So if you have any questions, please send them in the chat. I already see one from Gatlu who had a question for me. Where is the mustache? I do not have the mustache. I'm so sorry. I've worked on it. It doesn't work. I don't know what else to say is really bleak. It's really bleak out there. But yeah. Please, chat, send us a couple. I don't know if anybody saw any questions from previous. It's not a couple more. It's a scroll. Not funny. I think we should be able to ask chat questions. Yeah. Go ahead. I think that's fair. Talk. I didn't have a follow up to that. To be honest, do expect a group stage to be full of upsets? Yes. I agree. Every game is going to feel like an upset. Every game is going to feel like they're going to be crazy. It's a heartbreaker game every single time. And some of these teams that could have won worlds, they're just going to have those Pokemon unite moments where comeface secures with an auto that takes it to game three. They're rattled. And all of a sudden, one of the best teams in the world goes down in a moment that they shouldn't have. There's no second chances on day two. So just like Tally Bobo flamed out in groups last year and everyone's like, holy, they're going to win worlds in a landslide team goes away. You're going to see that in day two and it's going to be crazy. Yeah. I mean, I think there'll be less upsets though this year compared to last year, just because of how the group stage works, right, where we get multiple teams out of groups now. It feels like it'll be at least a little more consistent at least in day one, day two is where things will get insane, but maybe upset isn't even the right word I'm looking for. Like the teams that are going into the like day two, they're going to be all great teams. So no matter how you look at it, you're like, Oh, okay, champion Lord beat luminosity. That's an upset. Like, Oh, luminosity beat and tycoo. That's an upset. Like the teams that make it through to day two, every single one of them is going to feel like a heartbreaker in some way. Maybe that's more what I mean is like, it's just going to be somebody's getting upset is what you're saying. It might not be an upset, but some are getting upset and getting out of the conventional sports term, but so many people are going to be upset. Yeah, I'm going super literal with this lot of I like that a lot. People ask you to some legitimate questions. Yeah, the event will be taking a weekend, unfortunately, not on Sunday though. Unite will not be on the Sunday or closing out the show on Saturday. We talked a little bit about that. Pretty excited about that. Do we think day two should be best of five sets and grand best of seven because unite games are fast? Um, nope. Nope. Really? Okay. Sounds long. Yeah. Yeah. In a perfect world, it's just a, it's just a, uh, uh, like winners loses bracket, but we don't know. It makes sense if we had three play days, not two. Yeah. And even then, uh, personally, I think best of fives are my favorite format for unite by far. I feel like the draft gets really, really interesting then, um, because like teams get more confident with you, you get it, but I, uh, but okay. Yeah. Maybe that is too much. That grand is being best of five is pretty exciting though. That is fun. Uh, sure. Best of seven in a, best of seven in a grand final single limb though would be kind of cool. Uh, but best of seven with blind pick game seven would be crazy. Oh my gosh. That would be so funny. You have like the five on five of just the same metapo. Come on. All right. All right. This is probably going to be our most hyped grand finals like it will be our most hyped grand finals. I think because the last two years, we had some really cool moments, but the teams were already beaten after like one game. I don't want to best of seven. Can you imagine last year luminosity and a best of seven? They gave up by game two. Oh, Mo did. Right. So you wouldn't want to see that best of seven this year. It's two undefeated teams going at it. If you were ever going to have a best seven, it's such a cool way to put it in. I know that's sick as hell. I love that. Okay. Ripto asked an interesting question here. I'm going to rephrase it a little bit, but saying, do you think we'll see any regional finals rematches in bracket? Who do you think would be the best rematch? Let's just pair that down. What inter-region battles do we think we'll see in bracket after the group stage? Is there or not even that we will see that you want to see Japan versus Japan? Okay. That's due sex pouch. Anybody else got any fun ones that you'd like to see? Oh, didn't, uh, luminosity G for sure. Oh, that would be that would be if there is a, if there's a God, it will be to be for the champion. Like, if, if our sea is just real, it will be those two competing to be the only player to make three time worlds. That would be insane. Dan Lee, any region versus region you'd want to see? I just like any East versus West matchup because they keep people in the chat. It's just like East is best, West is best. Oh, yeah. Can you guys just enjoy the game? Oh, no, no, no, no. You got a right. Well, that's him showdown from Aos would be sick. That'd be so good. So rework for fusion. It's like North or South flat tab battle. That would be awesome. I'd like to see that fusion versus three to G. That was apparently amazing. They're regional finals. So that would be a cool run back. I mean, that went two best of five. It's like full distance. So that would be kind of cool. Um, yeah, there's a lot of good ones. Hello, did you have any that you wanted to shout out? Yeah, same just the East West, North, South, uh, seeing all those. Okay. Fair enough. All right. It's not exactly the case, but legacy kind of going at nouns is a little. There's like a vibe of Talibobo there. Oh, yeah. Legacy versus tuned. Yeah. Get in the run back. Yeah. That is, uh, that's a fun. That's a fun storyline. One for sure. Um, gosh, we could tell so many work. All of it was going to be there. Which sucks. Um, okay. Let's, uh, let's close this thing out with just a very quick rapid fire round. I asked for region winners before. Let's just stick it with team winners now. Don't be afraid to say something new. You could absolutely repeat another team that somebody else said. Let's just end this with, uh, our final out there predictions. Who do we think's going to win the whole gosh darn thing? Doos next. I, I really want to see the three time, uh, three time champion. And if you're putting, uh, if you're putting me up against the wall, that means I have to choose between LG or G. And I think, uh, based on what I just saw at Unite, Mike's mayhem, luminosity seems to be, uh, in real form. And actually, Lutano messaged me after that with some really, uh, gangster type shit. That was the team, the team was ready to put me at the team was ready. So, so I was like, okay. All right. What's that mean? Yeah. I want to know what that means. We'll talk about that later. And how about you? Uh, you know what, surely this time team, I'm going to say now, let's go maybe surely this time, surely this time, Spragles. I got to give it to champion Lord. I think they're unbelievable. All right. Yeah. One or chef. I was going to say, I was going to say nouns. You can also say nouns. There's no need to. Okay. Dang. Two vouchers for nouns. Is this because brove and get lure in the chat? It's fine. Uh, hello. Yeah. Yeah. No one is going to do a shift. Yeah. Yeah. But we're going to, we're going to make that three. I'm going to go for nouns as well. Nice. Happy. All right. By the way, no one, this is how nouns got so high up in the gamer tag, this right here. Yeah. My perception. Yeah. No one said Europe for region to win, by the way, point of order. I was going to say, I was like, a pack of Japan, I'm hearing nouns, nouns, nouns. Hello. Daddly. Daddly. What team is going to win worlds? Okay. If Japan is so strong, and why s, I'm going to see all defender champion comp and that we have bot lane foxy on the mime. Let's go. Okay. Let's go. Let's go. Dang. Mime. One of my sleeper picks, by the way. Uh, okay. Team that I think is going to win the entire thing. Oh, sorry. Foxy's, uh, greetant is disgusting. Yeah. That's sick. Yeah. So good. They're like, they're so good. They're also just so fun. Um, all right. I think the world champion this year is going to be fusion. I want to see a perfect season. Aos, every regional final and worlds like that might be the greatest achievement of all time in Pokemon. I think that'd be awesome. But that is going to be it. We're going to be closing up shop. Everybody. Uh, Bridget, anything to shout out a plug? My, my head went empty. I don't think so. Perfect. Then for all of the rest of us tune into the world championships broadcast, it's going to be awesome. Bridget's going to be there in chat, I'm sure, but it's going to be a fantastic event. Tune in. Friday night show mesh is going to be so sick. Make sure you are there. Saturday is the grand finals. Be there or be square and see a brand new champion. I cannot wait. It's going to be so much fun. But thank you everybody for joining us. We'll see you in a couple of weeks for our post world's episode. Have fun. If you're watching, we'll see you all next time. Bye.