Built For The Game with Rob Cressy

AI Marketing: 3 Tips For Putting More Of Yourself Out In The World

Do you have a desire to put more of yourself out in the world? In this episode of Built For The Game, Rob Cressy shares 3 simple ways you could use AI to help with your marketing and amplify your brand.-Ways I can Help:* Growing Your Business Can Be Light, Easy & Fun - Join our Unlimited Community:* Want to have a Virtual Coffee? -'s Connect:Rob Cressy - Instagram: @rob_cressy - LinkedIn: /cressy/

Broadcast on:
07 Aug 2024
Audio Format:

Do you have a desire to put more of yourself out in the world? In this episode of Built For The Game, Rob Cressy shares 3 simple ways you could use AI to help with your marketing and amplify your brand.
Ways I can Help:
* Growing Your Business Can Be Light, Easy & Fun - Join our Unlimited Community:
* Want to have a Virtual Coffee? -

Let's Connect:
Rob Cressy - Instagram:
@rob_cressy - LinkedIn: /cressy/

Do you have a desire to put more of yourself out into the world? If so, I want to share with you three simple tips and ways that you can use AI in your marketing to help amplify you. What's good, it's Rob Cressy, and what I want to do is help shatter your belief ceiling of what is possible and help you think bigger and align it all to your vision. But let's start with some foundational things first. Number one, when I think about AI and what I hear so often from our clients and people in our community is four things. They're excited, they're curious, they're cautious, and they're oftentimes overwhelmed. So for example, on the excited side of things like, "Holy smokes, I feel like I just used the internet for the first time." This is like magic if you use chat, GPT, so you've got that excitement about what's possible. At the same time, there can be curiosity on what else can this thing do. I don't know what I don't know, but man, I'm kind of curious about how it could help grow my business and my brand. At the same time, there is some caution with this because a lot of people say, "I don't want to outsource my brand voice and harden authenticity to a robot." So they're treading lightly on this. And the last thing out there, in terms of overwhelmed, "Oh my God, there's so much to learners always changing," or, "I don't know what to do next," or, "I'm not even scratching the surface." All of these feelings are completely common. And what I want to do is sort of help you with those feelings because if you're listening or watching this right now, there's really two beliefs that you likely have that will serve you. Number one, you have a belief in the desire to innovate in your business and your life. And number two, you have a desire to put more of yourself out there. This is one of the number one things that I hear in our community at Unlimited. By the way, if you want to level up your AI and personal growth, we would love to have you join us So let's look at it this way. I'm going to share three different tips for how you can use AI in your marketing to get more of you out there. And the first one is oh, so simple. It's all around just getting started because one of the biggest challenges we consistently hear is I'm just having a hard time getting started. Or as I like to call it, getting off of zero. Everybody's good when things are good, when you've got momentum, when you've been doing a project, when you're on version two, three, or four. When you've got something brand new in this idea that's been sitting in your head often times for a while, it can be very challenging to say, I don't know what to do to get this thing started. And that is exactly where AI and chat GBT can come in and be such a good thought partner for you or someone who can help you build a strategy so that you can remove the emotion from this and instead replace it with execution. Because we know the more that we stack ones over zeros, the more that we will see growth. So my encouragement for you is if you are challenged right now in getting off of zero in any area of your business or your life or with getting your brand out there, head over to chat GBT, take what's in your head, get it out of your head, and you can even be as explicit as saying, I'm challenged right now on taking the first steps. Can you outline the first step that I can take to make this thing happen? Because once you do that, now you have in your tool belt of saying, oh, I never have to be concerned about what's the first thing to do, because I always have a tool at my disposal to help me create clarity when I don't necessarily have it. Because the number two thing that you can do in using AI for your marketing is to help amplify more of you. And this can be around designing better systems, better processes, designing strategies, which a lot of people will just blindly go and take action and it's all good. But there's a reason why we have blueprints in order to build a house because it'll be a stronger foundation. You'll get it done faster, further, deeper, better in all areas. At the same time, you also have the ability to leverage AI and marketing to get more published and to do so faster and easier and you're like, wow, how in the world will all of this be possible? So here'd be my encouragement for you as you think about putting yourself out there. What is your system right now for content creation? You could go ahead and do it by platform. You could say, hey, what am I doing on LinkedIn right now? Or what is my short form video? Or what am I doing for my newsletter? What does that system look like on a weekly basis for what you're sharing out there with the world? If you don't have one, this is a massive opportunity right now for you to say, okay, I don't have a system in place right now. I can leverage AI to help me design that system because system scale and that is the key for you in amplifying you in getting more of you out into the world because we're going to build these systems and processes and they start stacking on top of each other because you can build one for each platform or each medium and it doesn't have to be hard. It can be simple because with the right strategy, you can scale everything that you do. And then the third part of this, and this is my favorite part, is more of your heart. I would love for you to shine brighter and one of the misplaced focuses for the majority of the business world is that they're just going to outsource their marketing to AI. I am not about that life. I'm one of those human first entrepreneurs, creators, and marketers where I am starting with myself and my heart and leveraging chat GBT as a creative partner. So with this in mind, what would it look like if you led with your heart first? One of the things that is probably the number one question I get is sort of like, Rob, how do you best leverage chat GBT to get the best results? And what I always say is the key is starting with you as the creator, not as AI. So if you can lead with your heart, hey, I've got this half baked idea of something I would love to talk about. Can you help me create a hook or put some structure around it? To where you say, man, I've got something inside of me that I want to get out. Cool. Let me go over to my creative partner to help create some clarity to help create some structure in this. And all of these things are super simple and really the only thing that you get to do in order to make all of this happen is just show up. Because one of the things that stops a lot of people is they're just going to sit here in their head and think about these things and not take action. But the key in getting better at leveraging AI and chat GBT is learning by doing and your ability to create messy action and say, you know what, I actually don't know what I'm doing. I'm brand new at this. And that's okay. Because like riding a bike, the more you do this, the better that you will get. So all of a sudden you'll go from beginner to intermediate to advanced very quickly. When you take yourself off of zero and you go to one on your first project or piece of content and you're like, wow, this thing can help me here. And then you design your first system or your process and you're like, holy smokes, I can design system and processes for my entire brand and my entire business. And then you go, wait a second, you're telling me I can just keep showing up sharing from my heart and doing more of what I love and it can help amplify more of me 100%. And all of this is possible for you because it's something that I live in my clients live on a regular basis. So I would love to hear from you. What are your challenges right now as you think about using AI and putting more of yourself out there into the world? Is there a specific question? Is there a roadblock that you have? I'm a champion for you. I want to help you along on this journey. You can hit me up on all social media platforms at Rob Cressy or if this vibe with you and you would love to have more conversations with a group of like-minded entrepreneurs, coaches, creators and leaders who are building their business and life together, I encourage you to join us. Go to, we've got calls twice a week. We're talking about AI and innovation and building our brands on a regular basis. We want to be that support system and tribe for you. Finding tons of good vibes your way, hope you have yourself an amazing rest of the day. (upbeat music) [MUSIC PLAYING]