FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Marine Jonathan McConnell from Meridian Global Consulting talking about Iran attack coming - Violence Abroad - Midday Mobile - Tuesday 8-06-24

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06 Aug 2024
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"There will be no personal nor direct attacks on anyone, and I would ask that you please try to keep down the loud cheering and the clapping. There will be no booing and no unruly behavior." With that, this is painful, and it will be for a long time. "Don't fuck, baby! That's right! This man knows what's up." "After all, these are a couple of high-stepping turkeys, and you know what to say about a high stepper. No stepper. Too high for a high stepper." "This is Midday Mobile with Sean Sullivan on FMTalk 1065." "Well, Sean's a tough guy. I mean, I think everybody knows that. You know, Sean, he took some licks, he hangs in there." "Yeah, what's wrong with the deal we got? I mean, the deal we got drank pretty good, don't it? Did you hear what I said?" "So this is a bad council. I had no dollar bound to him." "That doesn't suck. If you don't like it, you're bad." "Last question. Were you high on drugs?" "Last question. Kiss my s***." Right away we go, FMTalk 1065 at Midday Mobile. Glad to have you along on this Tuesday. And I know mentioned yesterday that I would be gone at this point. We will be on the rest of the week gone, but I was going to get on the road early this morning. And then I don't know. I mean, this hadn't made the news cycle as much as, what's his name, Tim Waltz right in his barn coat. And I was just talking about Buddy Jonathan McConnell who's going to join us in the second about imaging. They got Tim Waltz in a barn coat and a ball cap. And it was imaging out there. But yeah, they talked about that a lot more than the fact that we did have an attack against U.S. troops in Iraq as I believe this is the start of something way bigger between Iran, Israel, Hezbollah, Hamas, pick the partner in the region. So I figured we'd stick around and leave on the road trip a little bit later. So be here today for Midday Mobile. As always, phone number 343010634306 for a call or a text and reminder to if you have the FMTalk 1065 app, you can use that to leave us one of those talk-back messages. So check that out. All right, without further ado, because I'm burning through some expensive phone minutes here for my buddy Jonathan McConnell, who is L. President and CEO, Grand Emperor of Meridian U.S. Thanks for coming back on. Thanks for having me, Sean. Good to talk to you always. And for people who have not heard Jonathan before, a Marine and a Marine who then decided, well, you know, come get some education. And so educated Marine, probably the most destructive form of a Marine starts a company that protects shipping in far-flung regions of the world, and you've spent a lot of time over there, and you have a -- you're just very perceptive of what goes on and what the next step may be. So your reaction now to Iran, they finish out their period of morning or whatever and said, okay, we're going to attack. You know, here it comes. We're going to attack. So what are you thinking right now? You know, I was surprised we did not see anything Monday morning when they said, you know, hey, we're going to attack, come incredibly soon, that the problem is, I think it'll eventually fall. You know, and they're going to attack the time that we're not, no one's expecting it. You know, right now what CENTCOM's commander is in, is all right now, you know, what do you think about that? Did that say anything to you? Because I had that story yesterday. I talked about it, you know, not that we don't have assets and communication and obviously on the ground, but to not only have the CENTCOM commander go there, but to put the story out, to make sure it got out, right, the government made sure that story was proliferated, in any tell there? I mean, I think that's just letting Iran know that anything they do that, I mean, it's going to be most of it is going to be defeated, you know, with the dome and with the assets that are in the region to stop that from happening, you know, but also think it's a great way for, you know, the nobility for the Biden administration, where they can kind of distance themselves. Obviously Biden was going to go there, but, you know, I mean, like, they're not necessarily supporting Israel, even though they, you know, Biden has done a good job of that for the most part. He can at least keep an arm's distance away as well. So obviously it's an election year, so you got to, you know, move towards whatever way you can swing those demographics. I want to run this here. Exeter's nose, something that, you know, quite well. So Exeter's nose of warfare, Iron Dome and our support of the Israelis coming off the ships in the bed back in April showed itself to be pretty darn good shooting down missiles and drones that they're launching out of Iran. So now you got time right here, you had signature, they're launching, you could put up our stuff. If they launched from Southern Lebanon and you got Hezbollah doing it, it seems to be Iron Dome couldn't, it's not fast enough, or is it? Well, no, I don't think it's fast enough, but also, too, Iron Dome is for those intercontinental ballistic missiles, it's also for the, you know, the long-range drones. What has been successful? What killed an Israeli, I believe, was last week, was just a commercial off the shelf, like $1,000 drone with an explosive attached to it. Basically the tactics that are being used in Ukraine is what is effective in it. It's almost too rudimentary for, or elementary for the Iron Dome to work on it, which is just bizarre to me that you're like, oh, we sent billions of dollars on this thing and supported it. But, you know what, that commercial off the shelf, the GI drone is what's going to change warfare in the future, and which has turned true. It's pretty interesting. Yeah, and it's that level of drone, because, you know, if the Pentagon is listening, the Pentagon's going to say, well, we got drones, haven't you seen all the stuff we have in the Reaper drones and all that, but what you and I are talking about, and we have talked about several times, whether it was what the Houthis were using, you know, and the cost of that versus the missiles shooting them down, or like you said, Ukraine, I mean, using, you know, submarine or right at surface aquatic drones to destroy, I would imagine billions of dollars worth of the Black Sea fleet for Russia. That's the old days of my enemy gets a better weapon, so I build a bigger and better weapon, and they build a bit. It seems like that has been hamstrung with this technology. Absolutely. It's just like the, you know, the Revolutionary War where, you know, the Brits are, we are the Brits. We're expecting everybody to stand shoulder to shoulder and fight in columns when the innovative ways to usage drone, to, you know, sneak in, destroy a warship in the middle of the Black Sea. I mean, and they're doing it and they're doing it really well, which is scary. Now, so what do you see here? Do you see the attack coming and I think it's not big, don't say it's completely ignored, but we did have U.S. servicemen hit in Iraq yesterday, I mean, does that then require us to respond? I mean, where do you see in the escalation there and then what do you think is coming next? You know, I think the longer we get away from the assassinations of the killings of the Hamas and the Hezbollah leader, the, the longer it's going to be. I was actually flying through Dubai on Monday night. I was, I was very, watching it very closely, kind of looking out my window and be like, well, I'm on the plane to see anything fun. But this was, I was very glad when I was wheels up and out of Emirati air space. It is, I think the longer we wait, they're just going to wait two or three months, you know, at a time where, you know, the defense has settled down, you know, the U.S. has not moved, you know, maybe wait till we've moved one of our aircraft carriers out of the region, you know, because we've moved another one over there at this point. I think at that point, you know, that's when they'll consider attacking, you know, unless they do it the next couple of days, I think every day that goes by and makes it a long game where, you know, the Persians, their Indians are not, they're not going to forget this and they're going to come back and attack. Okay. And I'm going to ask you this too, internal part, the intro, international, not enter, of Iran. Yeah. It talked about this yesterday. The fact that that bomb and the New York Times and several others had a story, the bomb that takes out Hanayi was set. They were in a, what they called us, I mean, we're inside Iran, we're inside Tehran and we're inside what they said was a secured area where, you know, I guess they, they wine and dine Hamas and Hezbollah. I don't know what they do there, but they've got this, that the bomb was set there some period of time before and then detonated. Seems like Iran, this idea we get as Americans and everybody there is an agreement. I don't know if that was just a Mossad agent or Mossad agents or working with, I mean, that was thought out. That wasn't just some, you know, chance that that is some incredible planning. And I mean, just, it'll make you smile. I mean, it's something out of the movies, it's something out of law abiding citizen type work. I thought it was really great. I mean, not great. I mean, it was, it was creative and it, you just kept a, a master of their craft that did well. I mean, do you think that they are shaking the, you know, shaking the curtains there in Iran looking for who this is? I mean, what must it be like inside, you know, to know that that's going on inside their country because people, you know, we look at it like there's our enemy, there's Iran, but those moles have to respond and do things to, I'm sure, stay in power. That's right. Well, I mean, you know, especially with some, as long as revolutionary guarded facility, I mean, to get whoever got in, I mean, that's, I mean, really, it's just absolutely spectacular that they were able to pull that off and just, I mean, movies were made about that. I mean, that'll be an Oregon type movie one day, I think, I mean, it'll, it was very impressive. It's just joining us talking to Jonathan McConnell, Meridian, U.S. when a, tell you what, we'll do this. We'll, we'll go to the break. Let's go to the break and we'll come back because I got a lot more questions that we may even bring it into this hemisphere. That's all right with you. All right, coming right back more with Jonathan McConnell right here on Midday Mobile. This is Midday Mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM Talk 1065. At 1220 FM Talk 1065 and Midday Mobile on this Tuesday, glad to have you long phone number, text line 3430106, 10-year conversation with Jonathan McConnell and bring it back in this hemisphere for, for you and I, this is something that you and I both talked all fair about that we're interested in and I'll make it more to it. We had talked about this land grab, right, or land claim that had happened here that here's French Guiana, they, they have some resources, somebody else wanted them, what, what was that story? Oh, you can buy the Venezuela, you can want the Venezuela Guiana story where basically Guiana found the largest proven reserves in the world and even bigger than Saudi supposedly and, and now Venezuela is like, well, actually, this is part of our land. So don't, don't think about that. In 2024 with Jonathan saying in 2024, y'all, wait a second, well, we have something like that going on with Russia. But in 2024, here's Venezuela says, you know, these were the borders, but we disagree. Here's the new border, right? We're going to, we're going to take this area. This is now really part of Venezuela. Yeah. Yeah. This is ours. This is ours now and luckily the U.S. stepped up, but, you know, the U.S. brought blood pressure. I don't know how much they stepped up, but, you know, this was an interesting statistic that I read. I think I sent this to you last night was the Biden-Harris administration set a new record for the most embassy evacuations of any president in the U.S. history toppling Obama's 8. 16 nations have faced coups or governments toppled under the Biden-Harris administration. The Blinken State Department partially evacuated 11 U.S. embassies. That's impressive in just four years, too. Yeah. That's good. That is, I mean, it was a rarity that we ever abandoned an embassy, right? I mean, the HR team, HRT teams, I mean, did great work, but they weren't working all the time like they have been for the last four years. Yeah. Well, it's not like we spent a billion dollars on an embassy, but nevermind. Sorry, you actually just spent a billion dollars on an embassy, geez. Yeah. Yeah. No, it's a, but it goes to share like the mindset of, I mean, I think a weak leadership where you're just like, hey, listen, like, we, you know, we're going to let things happen. We're going to allow, we're going to be the punching bag instead of being like, hey, listen, like go with Roosevelt, walk softly, carry a big stick, but use the stick if you have to use it. And I mean, yeah, I mean, occasionally you're going to have to evacuate an embassy, but like when you're evacuating 11 and four years, that's, that's not great. No, it's not great. And it shows, I mean, power and pours a vacuum, right? And you leave the vacuum and it moves in to take over and here in our hemisphere, because I mean, we can go through what happens in so many other places, but here in our hemisphere, time of Venezuela. I wanted to, we're talking about Haiti in a second, but with Maduro saying, hey, man, I'm here. The people voted for me, all these other groups saying you lost my whole bunch landslide. People I have had textures who have family members from Venezuela that has said, what is the U.S. going to do to get rid of Maduro? I don't know that we do anything that's not covert or what do you think? Well, we're going to listen to one of my favorite people in the world in this one, which is Eric Pratt. And he's just like, hey, listen, with, with 1200 Columbians, which are incredible fighters in the Columbians who are afraid of the Venezuelans who are afraid of the Columbians and you send them in there in a special task force and they'll pick out the, like they will topple the Maduro administration. I mean, he said that three or four years ago, I think, I mean, the first time this happened after that, you know, and then what the nationalized sit-go as well didn't sit-go lose like billions of dollars for all the refineries they've built down there and all of a sudden they're just, oh, hey, these are ours now, and the U.S. just allowed them to do it. So, I mean, I think it's just, it's weakness from the top, but, you know, the good news is, is that vice president Harris chose Governor Waltz and he has been really strong on, on law and order. I mean, you know, like the Black Lives Matter movement, no one, you know, did any protesting in Minnesota? When happened the police didn't- Yeah. Yeah. They didn't. I mean, okay. I mean, it's sarcastic. Some people don't understand sarcasm. Usually, I'm not friends with those people at all, but like, I mean, Waltz has like a horrible record, you know, across the borders of governor. I mean, he allowed the Black Lives Matter, I'm going to actually go ahead and call it an insurrection because apparently any protester like that are called insurrections when it comes to politics. So, let's call it the Black Lives Matter insurrection in Minnesota. He allowed them to just pretty much burn whatever they wanted to burn. He is, you know, he has been so radical when it came to COVID. He shut down Minnesota and he set up a hotline for anybody like for smitches and stuff like that. Yeah, tell him. Tell him. Yeah, that's right. Yeah. And then he forced a bunch of COVID patients into nursing homes which resulted in a bunch of deaths. I mean, like, something like this, I mean, he's probably the guy that was sitting there with Gavin Newsom at the French Laundry in California where he's not as do as I say not as I do. But this guy's toxic, I think the worst thing about him is that he set up the Minnesota as a sanctuary state for child sex changes. I mean, so you can have a child and have a sex change, take them to Minnesota to have a sex change. But they can't join the military, they can't drink and they can't do tobacco until they're 21. But yeah, we're going to let a child have a sex change and this is just, you couldn't make this up, I am so glad that Kamala Harris chose Waltz because that is indicative of their ticket. And that's what we've got, that's what Republicans need to focus on and it's like, listen, all you have to do is forget about whether Kamala Harris is white, black, Indian, you know, Asian whatever. Who cares? I don't care if she sucked her way to the top, beat her on her record. And like her record is horrible, she was one of the most liberal senators in the US Senate. She comes from a failed state, from failed policies, Oracle's leave in Chevron's leave in California, everybody's leaving the state and she is a product of that. And so, yeah, why do you double down though? Okay. So I mean, we've got four minutes here, but why do you double down if you're the old idea is, okay, you can say the VP doesn't matter, but there's been VPs added for geographical reasons in the past and also to temper a ticket, right? If you were thinking this is, she is so left, she is so liberal, you'd have somebody who wouldn't be that way, even if he talks folksy, listen, that doesn't mean the things you just delineated aren't true. So why wouldn't they have gone with it? I mean, the Shapiro thing, I mean, is it just anti-Semitism or I mean, they worried about the votes in Michigan. Well, so I'll say that if Democrats are trying to win Minnesota, then Trump should be laughing all the way into the White House in 2025. I mean, because Minnesota was the only state that Reagan didn't win in 1984. It's a blue one. It's deep blue. It is a blue. That's right. I think where Walts pulls well is, and Trump voters are your typical, well, not your typical, your base of Trump voters are non-college educated whites. And you've got to go for basically the college educated majority white college educated demographic in the United States, that's where you've had to win those voters. And he pulls really well in suburban America. Obviously, Minnesota is suburban America, minus Minneapolis, and he's done well there. So I think that's what they're shooting for. But regardless, I would not want Trump to get complacent by any means. I don't think he's going to, but I do think that it's a great choice for Republicans in my opinion, because he's just as much of a disaster as Kamala Harris is. He just, we just need to argue the record. If Republicans just debate, we have the better ideas. If it's a battle of ideas in the future of this country depends on it. And you know what? I think that Republicans have the ideas. They're going to promote innovation and capitalism. They're going to propel us into the next millennia. And I don't, I think, I don't know how long this country is going to last if it's under another four or eight years of, you know, Harris' new thing. I can't imagine. I really can't. I mean, it's not even a Democrat thing. I can't imagine. And although we're going to talk about this in the second half hour after I let you get back to your life, what does Kamala Harris truly believe? Right? What does she truly believe? Because we have the fracking flip on the come on, who's going to believe that and go down the list? So what does she truly believe? I don't know which way we're going. I know this, Jonathan. As always, I appreciate your updates. Be safe in your travels and we'll get you back on the show very, very soon. All right. Thanks. Have a good day. All right. I'm going to ask Mobile Guy doing work all over the planet out there, which by the way, I guess I probably not disclosed his location now, but he told you he had traveled through Dubai the other night. He is not here. You hear that cell phone connection just to bring it back to regular people ranting. You know, when I can't get a signal, when I'm like on Lot Road, but he calls me from somewhere a long way away, I'm going to get a great signal. Just saying. All right. Coming back. More Midday Mobile. This is Midday Mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM Talk 1065 at 1235 FM Talk 1056 5 Midday Mobile. I have to have you here on this Tuesday. I pull up at traffic lights. I notice stuff when I pull up at traffic lights. Quite often I pull up at traffic light and I'm not the only vehicle nor like my daughter's vehicle, the only vehicles with the LCM sticker on the back. There's a reason for that. So many of us are getting our vehicles with LCM. It's inventory. And here's I'm going to call. Hey, David, you're Mr. inventory, David McCraery. I've been call worse, but better people. I think we got we bought six this morning, possibly seven. So stuff's coming today and in the morning, we've got a 2010 Silverado with 150 miles. We had a real nice 2013 avalanche LTC, which they're becoming extremely rare. 13 is the last year they made them and LTC is the nicest one they made. We've got a traverse. We've got a Jeep Cherokee limited. We've got a Tahoe LTC, a 2015, which is a good body style and a 14 Silverado. So we've got some good inventory going to be here in the next 24 hours. All right, talk folks how to find you. We're at Highway 90 and Plantation in Theodore. It's one mile south of ITM exit 15A. He gives a call at 251-375-0068 or just go to the website. We'll have everything on there and we'll have pictures of everything within 24 hours LCM Thanks, David. Have a good day. Hey, you too. I'm checking in from LCM, checking on some of these texts as we go through here. Let's see here. "Scroverene said the X's and O's are warfare are war games. Tic-tac-toe. How about a nice game of chess?" Oh, was it? Yes, from the movie War Games. Yes. When was that? When was that? Scroverene? That was VH. I mean, it was VHS, I remember. I think we had to go to, was it movie gallery back then or get that? Ah, let's see here. "Supermom says I saw an article that the IRGC has taken everyone associated with the guest house at Hanayi who was staying in Ticustody. It doesn't matter what capacity job they had, they're detained, i.e. being tortured for info. Can you imagine being an unknowing housekeeper and knowing you're probably going to die?" Yes, "Supermom, you and I are on the same page, can you imagine how many people in that dragnet, right, the Tehran dragnet to figure out how that happened?" Because early on that, it was reported, it was like, "Well, you know, they did a strike and it was a bomb, but now more information coming out." It was a bomb that was set days or weeks before and a super, let's go peeling back the layers of the onion. You're in Iran, okay, first of all, but there's obviously lots of people in Iran. You can't keep it. You're in Tehran, a little tighter. And then you're in, if I use this term, like a safe house, like a safe compound where they take those folks and the bomb had been set and was waiting to be detonated. Yeah, I don't know how they will dispense justice there or injustice. I can only have nightmares about that. Chris sent me a picture of Trump, this is on a van here, of Trump flipping the bird. You know, here's the thing, Chris, and that's not the worst, but I did see and a lot of people who talked about the great turnout for the Trump boat parade and a friend of mine was the guy who organized it this year, but don't tell him that, Justin is a good guy. And you'll be like, "I got the right to say, I get it, and I'm not a stick in the mud. I'm really not." But how about just having some Trump flags? All the F bombs and all that stuff, I mean, what does that accomplish, too? Like, I don't get with that the same way I don't understand the political tactic of having somebody as liberal, you know, from the Democrat perspective, as liberal as Kamala Harris, which is saying something, as a running mate, I also don't understand the tactic. If you're trying to, are you trying to poke a finger or are you trying to change minds? Like all the F this and F that on the Trump flags, I don't, like, I don't know where, is it the flip side was, you know, flip side was, and it was F this, or you would have problems with, you know, cursing on a flag or written, right? You would have an issue with that. If it was anything else, and I am, believe me, I have no pearl clutch, I'm familiar with all these words, it did away from kids' eyes or on a radio that I know all these words and use them, not all the time, but know how to use them. But what does that accomplish when you do that? It's like the blowing coal thing we talked about months ago on the show. I get it. I drive a truck, too. I don't, you know, I don't want to not drive a truck, and I buy diesel and I have tractors that live in that world. But the blowing coal, where you're just making it have extra exhaust, how does that help you politically win an argument? Same thing with, instead of, you know, Trump 2024, Trump Vance 2024, go Trump, all those things. But then you look at the flags that were flown on some boats, not all, but in that thing, there's a lot of F this, F that, you know, F Biden, you know, you do the Let's Go branded. That's, that's more creative, right? Because everybody knows what it means, but you don't have F bomb on a flag that's flying there with those kids. I don't know. I just, I do know, I think it sucks is what I think it is. I think it's tactically a mistake. Alan on the tax line, military equipment being transported into Mobile this week. This has been done in the past. The equipment will be inspected and repaired here prior to ship transport to next expedition. Question is, will the expedition go to Israel or Venezuela? I think it's going to Israel. I don't think we're going to, you know, it seems like our interest in our, it's not that we have no interest in our hemisphere, but so much of the interest gets put elsewhere. Like in the early days of our country, because we are trying to control people to expand and do that all here back at home in our, in our hemisphere. Yeah, we've got Venezuela, Haiti going on here. But do they make, do they make the first three or four minutes of the newscast now? It's, you know, it's, it's Israel. It's Iran. And I get it. Nuke, almost nuclear power, although I think, I think the Iranians have a missile. I do. I think they have that one somewhere. And Israel nuclear power, you know, at loggerheads. I get that Ukraine, no, no, no, no, Russian snukes, I get where they rank in pre-season and season rankings. I get it. And Haiti is still a show. And Venezuela, you've got Maduro, a socialist, really a dictator that is right here in our hemisphere. And the French Guillaines thing that like Jonathan and I talk about that when we're not on the air a lot, that here in 2024, there's Venezuela saying, hey, we're fixing to come take a bunch of your property, French Guillaines, because you've got oil and we're going to do it. And this is going on right now in our hemisphere. All right. Uh, to the text line here, let's see, uh, uh, Texas that thoroughly, thoroughly agree. F bombs are unnecessary. And in my opinion, ignorant, uh, Texas says, I agree a hundred percent. Um, Dan says, uh, well, theoretically, if you're blowing coal, you're getting better air flow and more horsepower. So that leaves serves a purpose. Don't tempt me with utilitarianism, Dan, because you don't have the sucker for it. But it's, it's done to do, it's done to like send a, but what mess tactically, what message does it send? If you, you know, if, if you're going to have the boat parade, then fly the Trump 2024, you know, make America great, those flags, absolutely fly. I just think all the F I just don't see the benefit in it. Don says I support a return to civility. Do you feel the Dems or the Republicans are more civil? Yeah, I don't think, I think groups within both parties are civil and groups within both parties are uncivil, but Don is a conservative and somebody who does not want to see Kamala Harris be the next president of the United States, um, it's an unforced error. If you had, and you might say, wow, how many people hadn't made up their minds? Well, both parties are spending money hand over fist, right? To try to sway some boats. So obviously they think there's, there's people out there that, that haven't made up their mind. It would have just a little nudge like, man, you know, I kind of like the way it was under Trump and we get back to it, but you know, and you might say, well, that shouldn't cloud somebody's judgment, but it does some people. Let's get in and no, I'm not saying from a prudish, I don't live in prude town. That's not my, not my game, but, but I do say why force yourself to have an error when you don't need to. All right, so we mentioned Tim Walz. So Tim and did I over the last week say, I thought it was going to be Shapiro because the event is, the VP thing is in Philly, I did. I felt like it'd be, but I also said maybe they're having some kind of subterfuge here. Before this announcement was made that the VP announcement would be made in Pennsylvania. The guy told you I thought it would be was Tim Walz, but for the last week I've been wrong. I'm not trying to like rewrite history, but before that, I thought it was Tim Walz because the whole weird thing that the Democrat party is using, right? The whole messaging that those guys are weird. The Republicans are weird, Trump's weird, JD Vance is weird. What do you expect from JD Vance? Anyway, she's a tech guy. Let's go. You know what? Bill Gates is weird. Tech guys, I know IT Jesus and others will get on me here on the text line, but tech guys are often a little different. So Walz was the first one, Governor Walz there in Minnesota, Minnesota is especially in the metro areas and Wisconsin as well. Pretty liberal. I spent a little bit of time. I had a niece went to school there in Wisconsin and married a boy from Wisconsin and got to spend some time up there. Beautiful. My gosh, beautiful and fried walleye is one of my favorite freshwater fish. But it's like real blue. Now out in the hinterlands, I didn't get to spend time in the hinterlands. That's kind of where I'm most comfortable, but in town, it's real blue. So you go and make this choice of Tim Walz who's been saying, you know, like I said, before I went on my, before I took the wrong turn and took the bait that the announcement would be made in Pennsylvania. I thought it might be Shapiro. I thought it was Walz just because of the messaging. Why would you pick up the slug line and you said, for common hairs, if you weren't going to bring that person in. He is, I tell you what I thought about when the announcement when I saw that this morning, the announcement as Walz, remember the commercials that play here that seem to rub Jeff the wrong way, Jeff poor who's on before the show, I always cackle or chuckle about it. I don't cackle, but a chuckle. That's the folksy sounding guy, but pushing something, you know, that's left, you know, this whole idea that if you hear somebody, if I deliver something to you in this way, and I'm just a regular guy, then I'll tell you that your three year olds should be having transgender surgery because it's just Alabama values. That kind of, you know, the pitch, right? That's kind of what they're doing here with Walz. Walz is very, very left, very left. The fact that he was a school teacher, part of the school union and all those things, but he went through, he was in Congress, I think he was, I think he's been more liberal actually as a governor of Minnesota than he was when he was in Congress, but like the pictures are putting out today is not, there's some that you'll see Tim Walz like in a suit, but the other ones, they got him in a barn jacket and a ball cap, you know, like just regular guy, all that imaging that's going on out there. I guess that's what they're going to work with here. All right, to the text line here, Jerry in Fort Morgan, hello Jerry said, "I have to correct you about Iran having a nuke, the taxpayers of the US own at least 50% of it because we paid for it." We'll go, let's go claim it. What part? I'll tell you, if we just claim the warhead, then we leave it, they can have the rest of the missile. Sean says, "Israel can't win any war without full US involvement, so if they go hot after the same people, it means we are too." Sean, what have I said the whole time since October 7th? We keep turning up the real stat on a wider regional war that involves us, right? We're going to build a pier off the coast there because we can't set foot in Gaza, but we want to help. It's the, I'm not touching you game, right? You played with your sibling. I'm not touching you. I'm not touching you. I'm real. Look at that. I'm not doing that. You end up touching them because the car hits a bump or something like that and then you touch them. I'm not touching you. So what do we expect? And now with SimpCon Command there, I am, I'm for Israel defending its own national sovereignty. I'm not ready for my friends or my friends' children or my children to go do that. Sean, go on to say, I still don't think, I still don't think who is the president has mattered since the CIA blasted JFK, all right? So do you not vote or do you vote? And honestly, Sean, beyond this page, if somebody said ahead, one thing I'm going to vote for, I'd tell you to vote in your local elections before the nationals because that's the government's closest to you, but I would like you to vote in all of them. Three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six, coming right back. This is Midday Mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM Talk 1065. At 1254 FM Talk, one of six, five Midday Mobile. I'm glad to have you along at three, four, three, zero, one, zero, six, the text or call. It's weird because I guess they'll say the voting season's coming to an end. I don't know why because if you can get out 12 months a year, you can do stuff on the water around here. But it is like, I guess school gets started back and people stop thinking about the water as much. And if you got that high end use boat that you said, "Man, we're not using it enough," whatever, "you're getting your next boat," have my buddy Forrest at Bluewater-Gonsell sell-up for you. First time, Forrest said, "Hey, man, I want to start talking about our brokerage." And he knows that I've been flipping boats since I was 14, 15 years old. Why? And he kind of went through, he said, "Okay, tell me what it's like when you're showing a boat." I'm like, "Well, it's kind of a pain. You would have to leave work or take the boat to work and run down the nav code and give somebody a test ride or they're calling you at 10 o'clock at night. All the pains with it." He said, "Okay, if I could get your boat sold, just as much as you would doing it on your own, would you do it?" I said, "Yeah." He said, "Well, that's how they do it with Bluewater-Gonsells." And the reason they can make money and you can get just as much for it is they got a huge brokerage network. They're shopping these boats to the people that are looking for the boat you have. It could be right here locally. It could be down in Florida, up the East Coast, in the Carolinas. It could be down in Louisiana. They've got the contacts. They've been doing it 50 years, so they've got the people get top dollar for that boat. And that way, you don't have to worry about it. You bring the boat by, they'll do any repairs that need to be done to the boat and get cleaned up and looking perfect so it sells for top dollar. And then they'll do the selling for you. And all you've got to do is come get the check. You're ready to get rid of that high-end used boat, maybe get into your next one or maybe, I don't know what people without boats do, but you're doing that stuff, go see my buddy Forrest at Bluewater-Gonsells or online at or you can call 476-2699, make that appointment today. All right, to the text line here, by the way, John Sharp's going to join us here just a little after one o'clock. He's been at the Mobile City Council meeting. Maybe a branding move here for the Amtrak train, we'll talk to him about that. Thank you, T-bone said my folksy transgender message was pretty funny. Well, maybe I'm just, maybe that's an audition tape, T-bone, if they need that. Are you ready for your three-year-old to have his cut off? Well, that's an Alabama value because we cut stuff off and we keep our blade sharp here just like our daddy taught us to. Backstraps, stackers said, in the old country man voice, how dare people have to pick between paying their ticket and feeding their family. Yeah, it's that guy, it's that commercial, right? Pat says, "Weird opinion from a combat vet," and let me say thank you to Pat. Pat for your service, he said, "If America would get in a real war, they would no longer be woke." Yes, and we can go through the, you know, from hard times, come strong men, from strong men. We would go down the list there. Sean says, "Local and state elections I take seriously, federal to me is just Kabuki theater to keep us pacified, make us think we have a choice when the choice had been made for us every time." I would agree with the primary system there. I still think it's a jump ball in the general of the primary system. It's rare that somebody who is an outlier breaks through Donald Trump, breaks through the system. Maybe, maybe the bolts have loosened on that a little bit, Sean, going forward, we'll see. Let's see, Jerry and Fort Morgan, apparently the service members and contractors who were injured in the attack from the cowards yesterday are going to be forgotten, similar to the U.S. citizens who are still being held hostage by the animals of Hamas. I'm not going to let those, those service men in Iraq be forgotten. You know, that's, I wonder if we won't see, you know, I haven't, I'll agree with Jonathan McConnell, a man who fought in theater, you know, and it still does that kind of work for a living, that the, we might not get this Iranian counter-attack right now, it may be, they may be keeping their pounder dry and doing it later, but their proxies, I bet, can't stand it, right? They were going to see more Hamas, Hezbollah, popping off in the meantime. And we have, you know, we don't talk about it, but we have a lot of service members still in the area. And even more coming in now, and more assets out there, tempting assets too. Big Naval assets. All right, coming back, hour number two of Midday Mobile. [Music]