FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Alabama Republican Party's ALGOP Chairman John Wahl - Jeff Poor Show - Tuesday 8-06-24

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06 Aug 2024
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(upbeat music) - Welcome back to the Jeff Four Show here on FM Talk 1065. Again, for those who are just tuning in, I am not Jeff Four. Jeff Four is my illustrious boss over there at 1819 news. I am merely a reporter here covering for him while he does his thing. On the line, we have Alabama GOP Chairman John Wall gonna talk about all things going on leading up until November. So Chairman Wall, thank you so much for coming on. - Oh, no, it's good to be on the show. - Absolutely. Well, let's get straight into it. We obviously have the big news of the day as Vice President Kamala Harris and presumptive. I'm pretty sure she's actually just the straight up Democratic candidate for president has picked Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her running mate. What are your thoughts on that? - Well, man, I have so many thoughts here. The first is, I'm gonna say I expect this interview to be better than interviews with Jeff Four, okay? - Okay. - You should go up the game. - I hope he's listening. - Don't throw at that. (laughs) - Exactly. - No, you know, this pick is one, I regret his last name because it's too close to mine. But no, it's on a serious note, some of his policies, what we've seen come out of his leadership in Minnesota have been absolutely heartbreaking. I mean, it just really shows how much he is out of touch, I think, with the American people. It continues the Democrats' trend of pushing their social ideology and their aggressiveness in picking our left eradicate and pushing their agenda. I mean, look, we're talking about a governor who signed a bill into law. They not just that transgender care would going to be allowed for their citizens, but that they were a safe haven for children across the country. You wanted to escape their parents and then come to Minnesota and get some of the most twisted procedures in the world, bend it up, and literally minors, without parental rights, engage in this transgender wokism that we're seeing pushed by these far lefties. And I think that, I'm just gonna use that one example, there are dozens of different areas where he has really shown his true colors. But I think that highlights, to me, the type of person we're talking about and how far out of touch he is with mainstream America who believe in parental rights and believe in defending children and making sure they're old enough to make proper decisions for themselves instead of allowing the socialist agenda to take the lead and be the controlling force in this, you know, in our families. - Yeah, I was sort of anticipating, it seemed like Shapiro was gonna be more of a shoe in for the position, but I think the higher ups in the government cogs decided otherwise. I was anticipating more of a moderate running mate for Kamala Harris, especially because there was a lot of preaching after the attempted assassination on Donald Trump for more unification, less political rhetoric and that kind of stuff. Do you think that they just completely gave up on trying to find a more moderate candidate? Or do you think that they are under the illusion that Walsh is considered to be more moderate? - Yeah, no, I think this is, like I said, it goes back to the fact that I think Democrats are wholeheartedly sold into the idea. They believe in socialism and they believe that they know how to run our lives better than we do. And they could not pull themselves into actually choosing a truly moderate vice presidential candidate. And I think this is just the Democrat party that we live with right now. There were definitely some better choices out there. You know, you had the governor of Kentucky, who's been a very, you know, very likable figure. Far for us to be, I'm not a fan, but still a likable figure. You had the Senate, you know, Senator Alton, Arizona in a swing state. And in my opinion, their best choice would have been the governor of Pennsylvania, has been able to do very well in that state, the state the Democrats need to win in November. But they couldn't choose him because he's Jewish. And that would have upset their coalition with all these radical, you know, radical pro-Palestinian groups across the country. I think that highlights right there the Democrat party we have today. They could not take their best choice because of how divisive their coalition has become. I mean, how much they hate, you know, in this case, the Jewish state. - Yeah, that's certainly been something a huge criticism of Kamala Harris and how she's treated the Israel-Palestine conflict, how she's treating the war with Hamas. Obviously, she really snubbed Benjamin Netanyahu when he came to do the joint speech before Congress. Do you think, do you think that the, to pick Waltz, especially 'cause obviously, we know Minnesota's pretty solidly blue state, but the neighboring states like Wisconsin and Michigan, which are still question marks. Do you think this was sort of a ploy to pander to the large, I'd say Muslim population that they have in places like Michigan and Wisconsin? - Oh, there's no doubt about it. I mean, not necessarily the choice to pick Waltz, but the choice not to pick the Pennsylvania governor. I think it absolutely is based on that. If you're looking this from a pure strategic political move, Pennsylvania is the thing you want to win. It's within range and picking that governor probably would have secured Pennsylvania for the Democrats. And I think there's no reason for them to not have done that except for that fear and caving through the pro-Palestinian and pro-Hamas activists within the Democratic Party. - Well, how much of a role do you think that that's going to play? There's going to be several big ticket items that are going to be discussed as we lead up to November. Obviously, the huge tension in the Middle East because of the Israel and Hamas conflict, obviously Iran is now getting scary. How much of a deal do you think that the policy surrounding Israel and Palestine is going to be leading up to November? - You know, it's going to be interesting to see. I think foreign policy as a whole is definitely going to be a big issue. I think it's one of your top three or four issues in the entire country that the American people are worried about. Whether that means you're immediate but that's in focus there, I'm not sure. I think it's important that we as Republicans do though because it's an area where Democrats have shown just how bad their policies are. And look, I have not seen actual bad on this. I don't know what is as a country. I do know for here in Alabama that Alabama supports Israel, both Republicans and Democrats in Alabama, if you look at polling numbers. I believe that trend continues nationally and I think the people of America want to be, want to stand behind the state of Israel. We want to help them be successful and we understand the battle they're in for just survival and how they're treated just because of their religious and ethnic background. And I think the fact that the Democrats don't is a great area for us to highlight and talk about how this is exactly what we're talking about. This is the bad policies we're talking about, whether it's the economy, whether it's the border, whether it's their love affair with these anti-Israel actions within our country. The Democrats have left common sense and are standing for principles and things that the American people simply do not agree with. - Yeah, and leading to that, you talked about the importance of foreign policy. I'm not gonna put words in your mouth. I'm just gonna state my opinion that I don't think Kamala Harris knows enough to give her opinion on foreign policy. What do you think she's doing? 'Cause she hasn't been really out there. She hasn't been in front of many cameras. She obviously had that bizarre showing in Georgia. And since then, it's been sort of quiet. My fault, and you would know better than I, is that she is currently being coached day and night on how to give a coherent answer when asked questions regarding foreign policy, specifically in the Middle East and obviously in Ukraine. Do you think that that's an accurate assessment and do you think that she has the chops to stand up to those types of questions on a national stage? - Look, 100%, she's being coached right now. I mean, I don't know if coach is right where she's being informed. And of course, don't forget her other job, which is, you know, bizarre of the border. She's obviously still doing that, right? Like-- - Allegedly. - Yeah, right, right? No, there's no doubt, there is no doubt that Kamala Harris is not the most informed member on. I'm not just foreign policy, but policy in general. And she's got to get a lot of advice. She's got to get a lot of things. She cannot have a mistake early on. If she does, this can be disastrous for a prior campaign, same thing to bait. You know, if she debates Donald Trump, she cannot have a moment where, to be honest, moments like she has had over the last three and a half years. There have been many times when she's been caught out or hasn't made sense in the speech. Ironically, I think of all the choices the Democrats could have made to replace Joe Biden. They picked one who has the most chance, other than Joe Biden, of making a fool of insults on this campaign trail. But, taking all that aside, whether she's competent, whether she has a policy experience, the bottom line is when we talk about the policies we've talked about, the border, protecting children from remote policies, the economy, foreign policy. He is the same as Joe Biden. She has literally been his vice president. She's been engaged in part of all these disastrous policies that have failed the American people. And I think when you look at it through that lens, it makes perfect sense to not informed because it's the policies that they've been putting out as an administration together have been uninformed and ineffective and have let us down. And I think that's the bottom line. That's where we as Republicans need to highlight. This is not a popularity contest. This is about who actually has the values and the policy to help make America better. And I believe that's a Republican party and it's our nominee Donald Trump. - Yeah, and obviously the national Republican party and Alabama Republican party equally have been talking for years about the effects that the quote unquote, Bidenomics has had on the economy and how it's affected everyone, but especially middle-class workers and lower. For the longest time you heard Biden and Harris and all of their sycophants talk about how effective Bidenomics has been and they had their talking points and now with the recent trouble that we're seeing in the market, how much of a role is that going to be as far as talking points leading into November? And how much of a bad light does that put Kamala Harrison considering that she's been boasting about Bidenomics for as long as I can remember? - Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. Well, that, and it'll, it is hard job to tie her to that because she is going to try to escape responsibility for all these different policies that have, like I said, that have led America down. And it's our responsibility to say, "Hey, no wait, you were part of this." "Hey, you believe in Bidenomics." You honestly, with the economy that the Biden administration has put out, it's been fascinating to me for watch because they honestly believe that pumping more money and pumping it into the economy, into injecting it into our monetary system, that that would solve inflation. And that is literally what creates inflation and that is exactly what it's done. It's taking a bad situation. Basically, it's thrown gasoline on it and made it worse. And so, I think 100% this plays a role, this November. It tasked you because if we don't do something with our economy, with our national debt, look, it took, well, I think four or five months for us to go up another trillion dollars in debt. What we're doing, you know, the Democrats like to talk about sustainability. Well, if they want to talk about sustainability, let's look at sustainability with our budgets. Let's look at sustainability with our national debt because what we're doing is not sustainable. And if we continue this trend, we're not just going to destroy the middle class. We're not going to destroy low-income families. We're going to destroy our entire country. And we're leaving our children or grandchildren with a debt that is not the offable. And that is when we hit the point where our debtors realize we cannot pay this off, we will destroy America as we know it. And I believe that is coming far sooner when people want to admit or want to realize. Yeah, I've been really interested to see the sort of openness that President Trump has had when it comes to talking about addressing the Fed or even alternative things like cryptocurrency. Now, I'm not going to ask you to talk about cryptocurrency because I wouldn't know what you're saying even if you did. I know nothing about it. But I think it's interesting that the conversation of economic stability is really coming back and being a focal point of the Trump administration, going again to sort of the policies that need to be highlighted by the GOP, do you see any lane shifting on the part of the Democratic Party when it comes to immigration? Because that's obviously going to be a big talking point. How do you see them, are they going to change narrative? Are they going to shift a little bit more? Or do you think they're just relying on their voter base and plow forward with this very pro-illegal immigration stance? I think they have to stay with it. They're in too deep. And look, they knew the consequences when they went with a fully open border policy. When Joe Biden came in for three and a half years ago and he reversed so many of the things Trump had put in place that had immigration down, he knew exactly what he was doing. And I want to highlight this, because this is not about immigration. This is about security and safety for our communities. The Republican Party is pro-immigration. We want people to come here. We want people to do it, but we want them to do it the right way. We want people who still believe in the American Dream and who follow the rule of law. What we've done with our open border policies is create a pipeline for human trafficking for drugs. And we see that in our communities every day where drug overdoses are disturbing our young people, human trafficking is at an all-time high. And these are directly tied to the policies of the Biden administration and Kamala Harris. And I think if you realize that, it's really something they need to answer for. And I think it's too late for them to change policies because the damage is already done. And they deserve to answer for that, whether they change their policies or not. That being said, I think they ploughed forward. I think they have to, they know what they're doing. They want America to be less safe. You know, they want these illegal immigrants in this country, so they can vote for Democrats. And I don't see any other excuse for this because it has not been good for America in any other way. If it's not a political game to increase their votes, then it's purely treated because they have let America down. - Well, Chairman Wall, thank you so much for showing up. It's always a pleasure to talk to you. Where can people find out about you and the party if they're interested? - Yeah, so we always like to get involved with people. We're on social media at Alabama Republican Party and then of course our website, - Well, thank you so much and I hope you enjoy the rest of your day. - All right, thank you. They're always good to be on the show. - Absolutely. This is FMTalk1065, the Jeff Porsche, coming right back after this. (upbeat music) ♪ For real, oh, the more ♪