Ben & Woods On Demand Podcast

Wednesday August 7th, 2024 - FULL SHOW

2h 46m
Broadcast on:
07 Aug 2024
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If they're funny, they're on Talk is Jericho. So listen to and follow Talk is Jericho now on the free Odyssey app, or wherever you get your podcast. Aloha, my brothers. Look who's back in town. It's so good to be back here with all of you guys. I've forgotten how to do this job. I don't know what day it is. You have to bear with me. I'm still very much. On Island time, and you can see if you're watching on YouTube, this is how I dress now. This is just what I do. I've got a Hawaiian shirt on, I've got a lay, and I'm feeling tan and refreshed. And it's so good to be back with you guys. That's a bold-faced lie. I wish to God, I wish I was waking up in Honolulu right now having my morning coffee. But I'm going to do my very best. I did miss you guys specifically over there, morning coffee. Morning coffee. Yeah, I woke up about three or four every day, except for one, except for one day. But man, it's good. It's so good to be with you guys, especially. And I wanted to start the show by thanking you again for allowing me to have this vacation with my family. It was our first real trip away and it went so smoothly. You just couldn't have gone better. Really, it could not have been a better trip for us. I am woodsy, and in Hawaiian, it's kiwi. That's my name in Hawaiian, kiwi, like the fruit. Like the fruit. Uh, Pauli is our executive producer, imaging director of the station. He is Paolo, which makes sense. That's cool, Paolo. I'll take that. That's also your Italian name. Yep. And then Benjamin Higgins is Penny, P-E-N-I. If you had an S to it, it's P-N-S. So... [laughter] Penny, Penny, Penny. This morning. Well, it's a very good time. You're not allowed to go anywhere like that for that long. Pauli and I are just here for the wood show to sit and enjoy it. Have fun. The next four hours is your canvas. Where do I start? Where do I start? Um, no, thank you guys. I really want to thank you. I've already decided just to let you know now. We're already planning next year. So, there will be one small change. I will 100% take the equipment with me. And broadcast from wherever I go. Alright, we got that on the record. That's on the record. I would have no problem doing it. We have the perfect house to do it in. The internet and Wi-Fi is spotless. It's phenomenal. I didn't really miss a pitch on the island. I think I saw every game asking me if I remember them? No. But I watched them. I watched them all in the moment and was really pleased by what I saw. But it was just an incredible trip. And with two little kids to have a pretty seamless trip was pretty great. Well, let's get into it. Alright. Can I just ask you some final questions about how it went? And you can kind of just share some of the details. But first of all, traveling with the kids, flights, everything. Go as planned or any unexpected mishaps or adventures. It was so easy and seamless. iPads are a great invention. We don't give our kids the iPad very much. When you have a six-hour flight, you give your kid the iPad. And then they turn into salivating, rabid dogs when you take the iPad away. But you wear that for a little while and you move on. But they were great, man. Bo was phenomenal. Taylor, they were both so good on the plane. And it was elite, mom, packed all kinds of snacks. And we wanted for nothing. So we got on the flight out. No problem. Landed. Get the rental car, the whole thing. And then went out to the house. And I was just blown away at how beautiful that island was. We were on Kawaii. And it's almost like you ever see like when you see like Brad Pitt. You're like, bro, you're too good looking. It's too beautiful there. So I did the driving. So all I heard the whole time was, ooh, look over there. And I'm on this one lane road. And I'm like, shut up, shut up, shut up. And I told you guys, my father-in-law completely domed me out about all the locals. He's like, you better watch your speed. You better watch how you talk to people. No road rage. No nothing. So I'm like, I'm white knuckling. The whole drive to the thing, we get there. We unpack and we just walk down to Hanalee Bay. And I just went, oh, and it's where Puff the Magic Dragon. So you can see the dragon. You see like the beautiful mountains. And it makes up the shape of a dragon, which is where that dude got the inspiration for that song. And in a land called Hanalee, but it's Hanalee Bay. So we just walked down the beach and swam and jumped off the pier and ate together. And we just had the best time the boys were, I mean, nine out of ten, really. And so that was cool. I'd ask you about the weather, but it's wise. Dude, it's so good. You know, eighties. So good. Warm. It is so good. Perfect. It's too good looking. It's too beautiful there. And everywhere you look, you're like, oh man. It was, it was wonderful. It was a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful trip. I always like to know about foods, things that you consumed while you were there. So a lot of people told me once you got to hit up the chicken in a barrel, and I did. It was one right by our house. And I lost, I broke a crown. My second day there eating ribs, Hawaiian ribs, and I cracked one of my crowns. So I have like a hole back here. So I have to get that fixed in the next week. So that kind of sucked as I spit out a tooth. Didn't really have the taste for Hawaiian barbecue after that. You're not supposed to eat the bones. Don't eat the bones. Don't eat the bones. So shaved ice is something that I thought I had had before. A snow cone, if you will. Oh no. You guys know that they put ice cream at the bottom of it? Vanilla? I haven't gotten to the bottom. That's fantastic. So it's ice cream on the bottom, and then the big snow globe, and then they put the syrup over it, and you start to eat, and you're like, I didn't get any, I didn't get any vanilla. Oh my god, that's ice cream. And it's the greatest thing you've ever had. I've had about three of those. The best meal I had was the last night at a place called the Dolphin. Very kind of trendy spot in Hanalei Bay, and right by the river, beautiful. And I had a ribeye, a teriyaki ribeye there, that makes you-- Now we're talking. Bro, I ate every bit. The fat-- I ate the fat. I lick the plate. It was unbelievable. We had a little sushi that was spectacular, obviously. Gonna be fresh. This dude, we went, took my kids down. So if you've ever seen the movie, The Descendants, the whole thing where they film and quiet is right where we are. And there's a restaurant there called Tahiti Nui, and they show it in the movie. The beach that he's talking to this woman on. There's the pier in the background that we jumped off of. It's right where we were swimming, and we swam every day. And George Clooney's in, and it was really cool. So we went to this place, and there's this traditional Hawaiian man in the full garb, and he is cutting fresh guava. No. Fresh mango with a knife, and he's cutting it. He's like, "Would your boys like some?" And I said, "Yeah." And so they walked up, they ate a big fat piece of fresh mango. Taylor walks up to him, I didn't see Taylor. He goes, "Can I have another one?" So he cuts him off another one. He crushes that. Man, it was really spectacular. So we were in an Airbnb, so we went to the store. We bought a bunch of groceries. We kind of made breakfast and lunch at home, and then, you know, ate where we wanted to. We had pizza, and just kind of normal stuff. We had little kids with us. So we did not do the big fancy meal every night, which was great. It blew ours. We went to one fire show, and that was spectacular. Now, I will say, it's kind of like radio. You want to get to the, you want to get to the meat. You want to get to the meat of a story. And instead of getting to the meat of the story, this guy came out. He played like six Hawaiian songs on acoustic guitar. Remember, they're on island time. They're on island time. No reason to hurry. They're playing about six songs on acoustic guitar, and he's like, "Okay, we take short break. We'll be right back." They leave. What in the world? An hour goes by. Then they come out and they do the big fire show, and it was phenomenal. But it was about a three and a half hour deal. My kids were great. We stayed the whole time. I only had two cocktails on the whole island, and there's a reason for it. I had a Mai Tai at the fire show, and I had a Pina Colada with my wife. And when we got one night away at a hotel, just the two of us. And I texted Polly, I said, "I don't know what they put in these drinks." But they're like gasoline. I said, "I'm S-faced. I had one Pina Colada." It's Colada. Ben, this is not regular Rome. Bro, I had one Pina Colada. Hannah passed out. She passed out at 6.15. I texted Polly. I'm like, "I'm in a hotel room watching movies at 6.30, and I'm hammered." But... Bro. It's just... It's spectacular. So Polly and I have a question, because we talked about this while you were gone. Hiking. Were you going to actually follow through and do it? He said you had like nearly one day. Yeah, yeah. All these hikes plan, and we go, "There's no way he's going to be going on daily hikes up through the mountain part of Kauai and then the beaches." Did you really...? I can't remember. I think it might have been off the air, but we did set a bet. The line was one and a half hikes. You were going to do one. I thought I was pretty sure you'd get to the first one, and then you'd probably go, "I don't need to do another." Even if it was more of a flat walk, you'd call it the hike. I took the under. You hit. Yeah. Yeah, you hit. Once I got there, now I will say my in-laws did a phenomenal job. They planned the fire show, and they planned the night away for us, and they planned all this stuff. But what you find is, the longer you're there, the less the schedule seems to matter. And you're like, "I just feel like doing this day." I had one day where I just didn't leave the house, really. I just was kind of around the house, and I went down to the bay, which is a five minute walk, and swam. But I didn't feel the need to -- I had no desire, really, to say, "Let's drive." The driving is what got me. We did one day where we went down to poi-poo, and -- oh, to poi-poo. And it took an hour of -- down. Down to poi-poo. Down to poi-poo. Hour and 45 minutes, because there was construction. Hour 45. So after that, I said, "The less I'm in the car, the better. I just want to be around Hanalei." Once you're in Hanalei, you don't -- You should have called Kelly Danix. She could have given you the traffic port. Here's the traffic port for Hawaii. It pretty much sucks all the time. Then if anything happens, if any left is surfboard in the middle of the road, if anything happens, if anything happens on the road, you're done! You just sit and rot. Because that's the road. That's the road. It's like the road. How do I get to the airport? Oh, you just take the road to it. If the road is closed, you turn around and you go home. So once that happened, I go, "Man, I just want to stay here at the home base." So no, I did not go to Queen's Bath. I did not hike to go see waterfalls. We took a boat tour up the Nepali coast, though. Four-hour boat tour that was into caves with waterfalls coming down. We stopped. We snorkeled. My whole family snorkeled. I got to hold Taylor. And Bo finally put his face in and see some fish and stuff. Hannah actually got in there and snorkeled, which I was really surprised. I snorkeled like a madman. I had a blast. It was the most beautiful place I've ever been. I didn't really want to go. And I got hit with a little V.D. A little vacation depression. The last day. Not that kind of V.D. Excuse me for a second. I got hit with a little bit of the last day, and I slept a lot and just kind of bummed around because I knew we had to leave the next day. It was remarkable. That means it was a really good trip, though. Oh, dude. Normally, you're like two days before it's, can we leave early? Dude, yes. I'm glad you didn't feel that way. I did not feel that way, which means it's a good vacation. And I do feel recharged. I slept and I relaxed like crazy. I'm not saying it in any way like it's a flaw of yours, but it is something that you do when you take your smaller vacations, you're out of town a couple of nights away. Yeah. Trips, whether it's L.A., Joshua Tree, Palm Springs. Yeah. You're either home early or like you leave at like 5 a.m. the day that you're like, you like to get out of there and get home early. You can't do that on the island. No. You have an airplane waiting for you and you're waiting until that day. Yeah, man. We timed everything out. Perfect yesterday. The flight back was a literal breeze. A piece of cake. And we landed. Oh, I got gifts for you guys. I'll give them to you now. Thank you. Ah. All right. So everybody in Hawaii uses these. I want you guys to have them. This is the only towel you will ever need. Need a new towel. Nice. These are sick. Thank you. It actually says the only towels you need. The only towel you'll ever need. Paulie, I know you like the island macadamia. Oh, yeah. Now we're talking. You do not like those. I'm not a macadamia nut. So I got you this shirt. Now, I don't, your size is what's bothering me here. I'm kind of in between. You're a tweeter. This is a very irie shirt that my wife wanted to make sure. I can see that. One of the irie colors of it. And it is from Bubba's. And some of the best burgers I've ever had. There's this special relish. Not Bubba Gump. Not. We did not hit Bubba Gump's. How's the chilies out there and go why? I'm good. There you go. Very much. So I know this looks like it's perfect size. Okay, good. But I really love you guys and I missed you. And I'm full of the Aloha spirit as you can see. This is how I dress now. So there was a tweet about some sort of nudist camp interaction. Why don't we save that for table that a little bit later? Because we do want to get into the Padres and what happened last night. And we do have a Wednesday show to get to. And I know there's a lot of Padres fans who want to talk about what happened. Talk about what happened last night and how well the team is playing. Let me tell you guys something listening. I wore my City Connect Padres hat almost every day I was there. And I got stopped every single day by Island Padres fans. I saw one Dodger fan and it looked like it was a guy. It looked like an off-color Dodger fan. Like this matches my outfit. Every person I ran into was like, "Oh, you're from San Diego. I love the Padres." In fact, you guys know local legend Bird Huffman of Bird Surf Shed? You guys know Bird? Yeah. Yeah. You know the name? Yeah. His brother checked me in to play golf. And he's like, "You're from San Diego. Yeah, do you know my brother Bird Huffman?" I'm like, "Do I ever? He did surf reports on the radio station I used to work at." And all these huge, huge Padres fans over there. Well, you might forget, but from 1971 to 1982, Hawaii was the AAA affiliate of the Padres. It's a amazing win play there. I think Flann was there. So a lot of Padres from that era passed through Hawaii and created kind of a generation of Padres fans in the island. So it is actually a pretty good hotbed of San Diego Padres fandom over there. It really was. It really was. Everywhere I went, I ended up talking Padres baseball with somebody and saw a bunch of tier ones at the airport. They were going out for a baseball tournament for their kids. And it was a real special trip, man, from stem to stern. All right, well, we're glad to have you back. Good to be back. Let's get into it. Let's get into it. Yeah. We'll set the menu. It is a big league Wednesday. We'll tell you what's coming up on the show. Obviously. Peanut. Yeah. Set it. Penny. Peanut. I like Peanut. It's like multiple penis. Plurals. Okay. Peanut. That's what it says. Peanut. Peanut. I like Penny. Penny. Like Penny Hardaway. I like. I like. I like Peanut. I like Peanut. I really do. We'll get into last night's rain delay. I don't like this. It looks like you put it on the screen. This is a flower hiding the S at the end of the word. It's just hidden at the end. Look at that. The little flowers. The flowers should be eggplant. This is great. This is great. We'll get into all of it coming up. Let's see how Kelly's traffic looks at least in San Diego and on the road out there. On San Diego's number one sports station, '97 through the fan. Every time I hear a song, I think about where we could make Jesse incorporated. Into another broadcast. So I've missed. I just want to use your love tonight. Could be when they go to Colorado. Of course. Charlie Blackman or something. No, I've missed both of these bits. Right. Do you have last week's? I'd like to hear it if you don't have it. Because I'm the music guy and you guys have been doing music bits without me. Exactly. So, yeah, this was inspired by a weird minor league broadcaster who just started working. Carry on my wayward sun lyrics into a home run call. It was really good. I was there for that. And that ball just hit deep to right field. And that ball is gone. Carry on my wayward sun. Carry on my wayward sun. That was so good. So weird. So, yeah, we had Jesse do some Kansas lyrics last week too. Do you want me to hear foul out of play right now? And you want to be playing. Don't get me wrong. You want to be playing well enough early to be able to stay in the thick of things. But you want your best baseball to come this time of your second half of the season. Yeah, the reality is if you're pitching great in September and October, any struggles you might have had in April and May are nothing but dust in the wind. That's right. Yes. That's so good. We gave him like a B minus because he got the words in but he didn't get the whole lyrics. We weren't the full lyric though. All we are is dust in the wind. All we are is dust in the wind. So, we clarified this week. And Paul, you have the idea. Well, they're going to Pittsburgh. Let's pick a Pittsburgh artist. Bro, I had to look it up. Yeah. Like Chrystina Agalera went to high school. North Allegheny High School in Pittsburgh. Brett Michaels from Poison is from Pittsburgh. But they're not a Pittsburgh band. They're an LA band. But it led to, of course, a great song lyric that Jesse had to work into the broadcast last. They had plenty of time with the rain. Oh my God. But here is this week's song lyric, Incorporated. I am beautiful in every single way. Christina Agalera. I am beautiful in every single way, Jesse. And we want the direct quote if you can somehow work that in beautiful in every single way. So, we go to the top of the ninth yesterday. This re-invigorates my Incorporated nervousness. It wasn't, it was missing something after so many years of doing it. And now I'm like nervous again. Five hours after the game was scheduled to begin, we finally get to the Incorporated. Okay. Oscar Marine, the pitching coach of the Pirates now out to chat with Santana Bart, the entire infield. Solano over there talking at first base coach David Macias telling them I am beautiful in every single way. What a night for Solano. Four hits. Two of them. Two run singles. I love, I definitely think this ups the difficulty though for Jesse. It's tough to put in song lyrics out of context. No question. There's no question. That was brilliant. It's telling them I am beautiful in every single way. He sounds a little under the weather too. Jesse sounds a little stuffy. No, maybe, maybe. Maybe a little bit. You know, I was thinking about it yesterday on the six hour flight back. And I walked, I got out, you know, you're sitting on your ass the whole time. And you stand up and you walk down the jetway to go get your bags. And I thought to myself, it's the first thing I thought, these guys are sitting rotting in the clubhouse, waiting to go out and start playing baseball again. They do flights like that all the time. My ass was hurting. My knees were killing me and I didn't have to go get on a table, get mentally prepared to go out and face 97, and I go, just a whole new respect. Anytime you travel, these guys travel so, so much cross country. It doesn't matter. It just, one of those things that popped into my head as I was leaving yesterday. They do this all the time. That's 2nd East Coast road trip break already. Oh, and that was the first of how many games in a row? 27 games in 28 days or 26 now it's 26 and 27. So it's a tough stretch for the Padres. They get off to a great start yesterday, but with some drama with some rain difficulties and we'll talk about the impact on the team coming up. Our Padres wrap up in our next segment. Get to the highlights. How well the bullpen performed with Dylan Sees only able to go the one inning because of the rain delay. I'll have an update for you on Joe Musgrove. If you missed that last night, I'm sure most of you heard the good news. I'll spoil a little bit. Joe's coming back probably this weekend, but that is now up in the air a little bit after what happened last night. So do that. Take on Woods. John did a great job while you were gone. Defended your honor. Good. In fact, we may need to do a John Flint versus Stephen Woods. Take on Woods tournament sometime soon because he really killed it a few of these games. Anytime any play. All right. Don't do this at 7.20 and then it is a big league win. It will be nice to have you back to talk to Adam Jones and Brett Boone. We did fine without you, but I think they miss you. Okay. I missed them too. 7.35 for AJ. 8.35 for Brett Boone and AJ. I did miss you. It was Ted Leitner. Oh, yeah. I have to come back in. When you're here. I love it. I would love it so much. He specifically said I would love to come back on a day when Woods is here. Anytime. And shoot the breeze and just talk to sports. I made Ted talk about himself and his career and his life a little bit too much. Did he tell the Dodger story? He told some, yeah. He told Dodger stories, time in the sort of stories he got into all of it. What he said was fantastic. They hate me. They hate me over there. What a great pull. But he wants to come back when you're here. I love it. That'll be fun. And then a rival report and get you ready for another Padres game this afternoon. Hopefully without the weather implications of last night's game. But we'll come back and we will go through the highlights and what happened last night in Pittsburgh with our Padres wrap up next on what is it? Kiwi and Penny. Penny on San Diego's number one sports station. 97-3 to Finhead. Baseball numbers to 97-3. The fan is presented by T-Mobile. Switch to T-Mobile. You can get tons of benefits. Still save on every plan versus AT&T and Verizon. Use their savings calculator to find out how at Before we get into our Padres wrap up highlights. The start of the game obviously was a mess last night. We knew, I mean the reports were out there that Rain was coming. So this was not a surprise to the umpiring crew, Major League Baseball, the Pittsburgh Pirates. Rain was there. Rain was earlier in the day. Got nice, you know, before game time and they decided to get the game started. And then of course in the middle of the second inning. So nine outs into the game, it starts raining and they got to pull the tarp out onto the field. And if that had only been, that had been the end of it and then they had started playing again in about 45 minutes, you know. All right. Well, Dylan Seeser had no hitter with a rain delay in Washington a couple of weeks ago. This isn't going to be the worst thing. But because PNC Parks drainage was backed up or so poor, even though it stopped raining, they could not play the game for another two hours and 40 minutes, which of course impact the teams, but you got to say the Padres have in their ace on the mound and getting only three outs out of Dylan Sees. That was a huge, huge decision to even get that game started and a costly one likely to the San Diego Padres. Imagine being on an airplane with phenomenal Wi-Fi, loading up the game on your phone to watch to kill what half the trip, you know, at least a third of the trip, at least. And getting through that first inning and then you see the tarps being rolled out and I just went, all right, well, back to the latest John Grisham thriller that I'm reading. And, you know, that's it. And by the time we landed, they had started again. And Bo and I watched a lot of it while we were waiting for our bags. I couldn't believe it either, and I tweeted Bush League. I don't think it was actually Derek Shelton's call. I think it was Major League Baseball. But that was a bad call by Major League Baseball to start that game. So I heard the same takes. The Phillips said, if I was the Padres, I would be mad about how that played out. Now, Mike Shelton was not mad. He actually complimented the umpiring crew on how they handled everything. And I guess you can't know it. It's going to create a big lake out in left field. You assume, all right, it's going to rain for 40 minutes. Let's get this started. We'll get through the delay. We'll just pick it up and we'll go. But because of the poor infrastructure and they, I mean, I don't know that I blame the umpires. I blame the pirates for having substandard drainage and facilities at their stadium. This is a big league ballpark. This is driving home last night, listening to Jesse and Scan. And Jesse was saying that the grounds crew, when they came out in the third inning, what they do for every game to redo the infield, he goes, they were booed. The grounds crew was booed by the home crowd. Well, you saw the, they were trying to. I mean, the guy was digging into the drain, you know, trying to pull out, whatever. I mean, felt like you're your kitchen sink or your bathroom sink with the, you know, when the hair gets down the sink, you got to pull it out. But they could not get that water to drain. They could not, man. And, you know, the mud was talking about it on the broadcast as well. Yeah. I mean, you'd think a place like Pittsburgh would have, would be dialed in for that. I don't know if there was some, some issues with it. Like, you know, like you said, like a clog or something, but it just was not draining. And it created a nice little puddle, nice little lake out there that Jackson Merrill feigned. He pretended he was going to go for a dive and a swim. And it was, it was pretty bad. And, and those are bad conditions. You don't want your guys, when they're about to go into this huge stretch of theirs, that's going to be right in the middle of the dog days. That's the last thing you want, man. As a guy pulling up, slipping, sliding, tearing at hamstring, something like that. So it was a bit dicey, but they got it done. However, what it turned into was a bullpen game between both teams. And clearly, that's advantage. San Diego Padres, especially post trade deadline. And it did play out that way. Now they'll have to deal with the aftermath. And we'll talk about that. But let's get into the highlights. We got our Padres wrap up coming up right after this check of traffic on 97 three, the fam. I love winning, man. I love, I love, I love, I love winning. You know what I'm saying? It's like better than losing. Oh my God, I'm so stiff. Miss any of the Padres win yesterday. Ben and Woods didn't. What a proof. We've got you covered with all of the highlights. I like it with the Padres winner. Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! It's the Padres wrap up, presented by Hamul Casino. With rilling slots and tables in all the best rewards, Hamul Casino has all the fun you're looking for. Hamul Casino, fun above all else. Yeah! Give me a due damage. Too damage. Backing a bunny swings away, sends it in the air to shallow center field. Kind of left-to-back bait comes sliding in, and he can't make the catch, goes off his glove, ends up on the outfield grass, they throw to second. Peralta beats the throw there. Merrill comes into score, and the Padres take a 1-0 lead. What a nose, a lot of rips it into left field, and a base hit. Peralta will score. Wade is on his way, he will score. Another hit for Donovan Solano. This one a two-run single, and a Padre lead is three to nothing. Is the three-two runners, goes served into right field, and a base hit. Rofar on his way. He's going to score. Solano goes first to third. RBI singles and her vogards, and a four to nothing Padre lead. I'm saying, Tana swung on, lined in a center field. That's a base hit. Wade's going to score easily. Rofar's right behind him. He's going to come into score. Donovan Solano's fourth hit of the night is his second two-run single of the evening, and the Padres lead it six to nothing. Rofar delivers his swings, and misses strike three. Jeremiah Estrada puts an exclamation point on this six-nothing win. On a very long night in Pittsburgh, the game began at about 6.45 PM local time. It ends at 12.01 AM, the very next morning. Final score. Padre's six, pirates, nothing. Our guys love to play, so I knew they were going to come out, regardless of circumstance, and be ready to compete. But it starts on the mound, you know, and Hoenn was fantastic. I mean, what a tremendous job I had. And, you know, now we're looking to get eight innings out of our bullpen, which we were able to do. And pieced together, but, you know, we knew we were going to have to use multiple guys. But Hoenn taken the, you know, the three and two-thirds as efficiently as he did, and also being as effective as he was, you know, with throwing up the 0s, was tremendous to set us up. Phenomenal. That's your, that's a trade deadline win right there. Huge. That's going out, making moves to improve your team, and then seeing those moves actually help you win a game directly, you know, a few days after you made them. And Brian Hoenn, who by, you know, many thought, just kind of the throw-in in the Tanner Scott deal, was absolutely critical, as Mike Schultz said, coming in in relief of Dylan Sees and throwing three and two-thirds, shut-out innings. You had the other pickups also into the game. Jason Adam got into a little bit of trouble, but Tanner Scott got him out of it. It might be under underrated moment to strike out with the bases loaded. They actually got the tying run to the plate. He, he blew. Who was it? The Atriolo? Was it just absolutely blew him away? Like, like high school are facing a little leaguer or something in that situation. It was, it was, it just showed us why they were so high on Tanner Scott and went out and got him last week. He's outstanding. And I remember, I can't remember what game it was, but when he gave up a home run, the look on his face, the look of disgust, with himself giving up that home run. And you do feel like, I can't remember who hit it, but I'm still an island time, Benny. You know, I don't remember who hit it, but when he did, he looked and he was like, "Well, all right, that's not going to happen again." I mean, he's a, like Skip Schumacher said, the guy's a dog. So I loved everything that I saw when I was gone, man. Guys have been playing really well. And how about the guys stepping up yesterday? Tyler Wade thrust into action with us on Kim being out with, I believe a sore tricep and Tyler Wade coming in, getting the job done, two for three RBI score two runs. I mean, you know, playing fine shortstop. Everybody stepping up. Donovan Solano. Good Lord. Donovan Solano. Four RBIs last night, incredible, continues to mash. I think he's 500 in his last 12 games or something. So he's been doing this all season. But let's, let's point out that the degree of difficulty was much higher last night for Donovan Solano. First of all, he's not getting the regular at bats that he did before Xander Bogart's came back. So he's got to do this coming off the bench every, you know, minimal activity and staying sharp. And then he was in there because they were facing a left-handed starter. Yeah. He didn't, but then they went with right-hand relievers. So he had to do his at bats against her. He had four hits and three of them, I think, were against righties. The guy who's supposed to be your platoon guy that attacks lefties. So extra degree of difficulty for Donovan Solano. And it did lead. I saw someone tweeted me last night. I see it in the, in the chat now with, uh, with hot sun Kim's struggling and now maybe a little banged up. Is it time to get Donovan Solano back into the starting lineup and, you know, reduce hot sun Kim's playing time while he's not playing well? Well, so everybody, you know, listen, and I'm, I'm, I'm a big fan of the hot hand guy going with the hot, the guy that's, that's hitting the ball and squaring the ball up and Donovan Solano certainly doing that. He has earned more playing time. Yes. He's 36 years old. This is a role that they have found for him where it's working. If you were going to give him five games a week, would he continue with this toward pace? I don't know. I can't say that he won't, but I also can't say that he will. He gives the bench so much. It's such a nice depth piece for them to have. Well, let's, let's play it out logically. Donovan Solano in there and get hot sun Kim, you know, some more time off. All right. Where are you playing Donovan Solano? Maybe first base. Not playing him. It's short. No, no, no, no, no. No, but you put Xander short and you put Jake itself. You're moving Xander after you did the whole thing. You can't, you can do this. He's done it. He's done it this year. And you're putting Solano at first and moving Jake back to second. If, if you want to ride the hot hand, that's what you have to do. Solano has not played second regularly since 2020. One game here this year, like a handful of games the last two years, but he hasn't played regularly at second since 2021. So you're moving Jake again back to second. Yep. Which he'll have no problem with. I know he would, but metrically he's been much better at first, defensively. Which is the opposite of last year. Solano is not going to be as good of a defender wherever you put him out there. You're losing defensively with Kim out there. And you're moving Xander again after he's, he's hitting well. And I'd be kind of loath to move things around too much at this point with, as well as the team has been playing. You know, I'm with you. I'm with you. Jeff says in the chat, as Shilty would say, we found a lane for Solano that works so well. Keep him in that lane going forward. Sure. Donovan does not play shortstop, Rod. You do not want Donovan. He has in the past. Yeah, but not, it's not at 36 years old. Many, many years. Not having done it in many years. Many, many years. So yeah, I mean, with Kim struggling with the stick a little bit, you know, and, and, and now being banged up, it's a nice problem to have, I guess. But the guy that worries me the most is Luis Riz. Every swing he takes is like, it looks like he's got shot in the hand or hit with a hammer. I don't know. Good to get him a day off again yesterday. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, when is that going to, you know, how, how severe is that injury that he's playing through clearly? I want him in there. I want him healthy. Can you afford having a guy like Donovan Solano though, could afford you could, you could give him a 10 day rest. You could give Luis a rise, a 10 day rest with a guy like Donovan Solano there, make him a DH. Yeah. So you can figure it out, but he's just, he's played so well, he's played so well. And what a huge, huge night for him. And again, bottom of the order getting it done last night, you know, Manny goes over five hits in the two double plays, but makes two spectacular defensive plays to help, you know, like quell any start of a rally, just a really good team win after, you know, kind of a beating. And a game, I think Craig Elston made the point on Twitter, 100% not to beat a dead horse, but they, they don't win that game last year. There's no way there. There's no way they win that game last year, none after the, they have the excuse to the rain. Yeah. Just wasn't, no, things weren't, didn't go our way. Kimmy's out. Kimmy's out. You know, this guy's banged up, whatever. These guys are getting the job done, man. It's really, really pleasant to see. So not only was it a good night for the Padres, but it was a good night for scoreboard watching as well as the Braves lost, the Mets lost, Giants lost and the Dodgers lost to the Philadelphia Phillies last night, 6 to 2, that was the late game. And the Padres now just four games out of first place in the National League West standings, absolutely very much within striking distance over these last, you know, 50 plus games remaining in the season. So this, I mean, it's on now, the Dodgers, they may or may not admit it, but they feel the Padres now breathing down their necks, right? I mean, it's time if you're a Dodger, you're feeling a little tight at this point, knowing you got a tough schedule this week with the Phillies. You have to play the Pirates and you'll face schemes this weekend. If the Padres stay hot, you know that probably in a week or so, they're going to be right next to you in the standings, which is insane to think about, insane to think about it. Credit to credit to the Padres for continuing to play very, very good baseball. It's been a lot of fun. I was so happy to leave and know that they only lost one time while it's gone. You guys didn't have to come in here and talk about brutal loss after brutal loss. Very, very proud of what I've seen from these guys. They're really fighting hard. I will say one nice thing about the rain delay. Instead of going to the old magazine program or, you know, this show was recorded in 2014, you know, about the pot of the All-Star game in San Diego in 2016 or something, they actually went through the live Fort Wayne game and you got to see Ethan Salas play against the Cubs, affiliate in South Bend and I got to see Ethan Salas to go ahead winning three run home run for the Fort Wayne tin caps last night in the eighth inning on the road. The wind like glowing in a really nice looking swing and I thought that was the best possible secondary programming you could get. I almost, I said, I tweeted out, I said, we should do that if we ever have the opportunity during rain delay. Cause I know it's hard. Sammy played some great interviews that he did in spring training, but he's always thrown absolutely to the wolves on a rain delay. If we can go to some minor league Padres baseball, that was kind of cool. I thought that was a good choice last night. All right. Now the Padres have to deal with the fallout. What does their pitching rotation look like going forward? We'll give you the update on Joe Musgrove coming up next and place and take on woods with actual woods here as well all next year on 97 three to fan. This season Instacart has your back to school as in they've got your back to school lunch favorites like snack packs and fresh fruit and they've got your back to school supplies like backpacks, binders and pencils and they've got your back when your kid casually tells you they have a huge school project due tomorrow. Let's face it, we were all that kid. So first call your parents to say, I'm sorry and then download the Instacart app to get delivery in as fast as 30 minutes all school year long. Get a $0 delivery fee for your first three orders while supplies last minimum $10 per order additional terms of life. Get your laugh on with me, Chris Jericho and the talk is Jericho podcast. We've got Guns N' Roses, Hall of Famer, Duff McKagan and his joke of the week every Friday plus regular visits from the hilarious Brad Williams and special appearances by everyone from Gabrielle, Fluffy Iglesias, Mark Marin, Dennis Miller, Cheech Marin, Kevin Neeland, if they're funny, they're on talk as Jericho. So listen to and follow talk as Jericho now on the free Odyssey app or wherever you get your podcast. So what are the podcasts going to do going forward with their pitching rotation? Welcome back, Ben Woods and it is Ben and Woods finally for the first time in eight days. Is that how long it will go? It's good to see you. Good Lord. Yeah. You missed Tuesday through Tuesday. So last Monday was your last show. Oh, wow. So it's good to have you back. Wednesday. It's Wednesday. You know, Wednesday of the following week. Okay. Wednesday, big league Wednesday. We got Adam Jones coming up at the bottom of the hour. Take on Woods in just a couple of minutes. Got a new prize this month. Pretty cool. One would see. We've got two nights at Resorts World Las Vegas and tickets to carry underwood at Resorts World. So if you want to play our musical trivia game, go ahead, dial it now or in the next few minutes. A33288093 stay on hold, play in about eight to 10 minutes. A little take on Woods, but okay. So we had this good news last night after his rehab start in Fresno on Sunday, which was supposed to be in San Antonio woods, but Joe Musgrove's flight got canceled. So they sent him to Fresno instead to pitch with Lake Elson or he joined the team in Pittsburgh and they made the decision yesterday that he is good to go. Doesn't need another rehab start. His next start will come on the mound for the San Diego Padres. This road trip in Miami, one of the games, I didn't say which one, but one of the games likely this weekend against the Marlins. So Padres getting a pitcher back now. He won't be stretched out enough to go six innings. In fact, they probably are hoping for about four from Joe Musgrove in that game. Now all of this was before the game yesterday and I wonder now that Dylan C's only got to throw an inning and he needed eight innings from your bullpen, how you are going to handle the rest of this trip and the rotation going forward with 26 games in 27 days. There was talk yesterday. I heard Annie Nelson talking about, do you go to a six man rotation during this stretch and just add Joe into the mix along with Randy Vasquez and Martine Perez who threw great while you were going. That was great. Yeah. Watch that game. It was a surprise. Let's be honest. Yeah, let's be honest. I mean, all the whiffs that he got, I mean, it was spectacular or spectacular. Do you just replace, you know, Musgrove put him in for either Vasquez or Perez and send one of those guys to the pen or to the minors when you need them to call back up. How do you handle this going forward and who's going to pitch now on Thursday tomorrow, which was a TBA still is a TBA for the Padres could be Vasquez. It's his turn. Could be Perez. He'd be on normal four days rest. Could be a bullpen type day, but I wouldn't think you'd want to do that again after going eight with your bullpen yesterday. How are you going to handle or can Dylan C's come back in just a couple of days since basically he just threw kind of a bullpen, essentially. Now, Shelt said after the game, doesn't think C's would be able to come back on Thursday, but might be able to come back sooner than normal because he only threw one inning. C's kind of said, I don't know, I mean, probably just pitch on Sunday like I was supposed to, but it sounds like they hadn't really communicated about that yet and you'll probably get more clarification in the next day or so on what they are going to do. But there's certainly got to be some strategizing with Ruben Niebla and Mike Schilt and probably the entire, you know, holistic brain trust to the Padres of how they're going to handle the rest of this road trip at least. Yeah. I mean, I think it's also player dependent, you know, how does Dylan C's feel? If he feels fine, I don't think you want to upset the apple cart too much, do you? And I know, you know, he was kind of bombed about not being able to pitch and now he said something to be effective. Well, I guess now I'll just get a little bit of extra rest. I mean, obviously such a big arm that we need down the stretch to look the, I don't want to take anybody lightly because it's baseball and these guys are playing for jobs as well. But the quality of opponent has something to do with it as well on how you, you, you know, manipulate your pitching staff. It really does. And I don't think I'd have any problem with taking my chances against Randy Vasquez throwing went tomorrow, like tomorrow. Yeah. No problem with that. Michael King today. You remember Vasquez is another guy like King who hasn't thrown that many innings. Yeah. You've got a few of those guys. You may want to save some bullets. I know Randy Vasquez is probably not in your playoff rotation, but he might be your swing man in the playoffs and you can long man out of the bullpen. You may want to save some of those bullets. Perez is a veteran who's given the crafty veteran, you may just, you may just work him to death. The last, if he's pitching well, throw him as much as possible, might as well. Every fifth guy. You got it. That's exactly why you got it. He's an arm and no offense to, to Martin Perez, but he's an arm you don't really care about what happens to him. That's so harsh. I get it. But I didn't miss the heartless guy. I know. I know. It's a cold, it's a cold game sometimes and he's a guy who's not, I mean Tanner Scott's kind of the same way. He's a free agent at the end of the year. He says pitch me every day. I want to get, I want the ball. Okay. I mean, okay, we're not as concerned about what your next few years look like. With Michael King, you're absolutely concerned what, you know, the next year looks like for Michael King. Even with Dylan Seis, who is an absolute workhorse dog. You got it next year. You want to be a little bit careful, I think, with Dylan Seis. So when you're talking about, you know, do you go to six man rotation? Do you go, hey, Perez, every five days, can Seis do every five days and then the other guys, you kind of work and you slowly get Joe back in there, you extend the time between starts for Michael King to save some of those innings. The guys who don't have the career numbers of 150 plus innings, do you give them more time and let your veterans take more of the load going forward? Well, and again, I wasn't here for the trade deadline. I loved, I loved the idea and theory of adding a bunch of absolutely elite bullpen arms. I do. And I could be very tempted if I was the skipper of the San Diego Padres to overuse said shiny new toys. And I'm not saying that Mike Shilt will do that or has done that, but holy smokes, when it's sitting there in front of you, Benny, yeah, I mean getting, you know, getting one starter at the deadline in a Martine Perez, that's why you got him is to go out there and pitch every fifth day and let the chips fall where they may. And if he's anything like he was in his first start, we're going to be just fine. If he's not, you know, then, then yeah, I mean, how they're going to manipulate these next three weeks or so is going to be four weeks is going to be very, very telling on how we finished the season and they got their work cut out for him. I mean, you've got to make the playoffs and the best way to make the playoffs is Dylan Cease pitching as much as possible, especially as well as he's done, but you also want to have guys who still have something in the tank. If you get to the playoffs, it's really you're gambling. You're rolling the dice. You're trying to play the percentages here. Do you save some Dylan Cease and hope that helps him stay fresh into the playoffs? You work them hard to make sure you get there to try to catch the Dodgers. I mean, you're really going to catch the Dodgers. If you're not throwing Dylan Cease out there every fifth day, I mean, that's going to be critical to make up the ground. If you want to do that, I 100 percent, I see what you're saying, but also, I mean, look at the schedule, right? Like you should be able to beat a depleted Marlin's team. I love you. Skip. I'm so sorry. They just took too straight from the brain. I know they did. I know they did. And he's got them, you know, he's got these guys playing for their lives. Certainly. He's a really good manager and what he's been able to do with nothing, with nothing. They've taken everything from him is pretty remarkable. So, but again, you feel like you don't want to certainly don't want to punt those games, but if you feel like that these are your guys, if Vasquez is going to be a guy that's going to be able to get you out to use these guys and then use your bullpen as needed. And they have plenty of weapons down there to get the job done. One more starter would have been superb, but we didn't get it. So we got to figure it out now. And Joe coming back is clutch. It's so clutch, but yeah, man, he's got to be effective too. And in those 50, 65 pitches or whatever, they need to be effective. Sure. Yeah. And he felt, you know, he said yesterday that he feels great that he felt like the first when he went to Arizona and kind of threw, he wasn't didn't have his his feels or whatever he calls it, you know, the motions, but he did feel pretty good in Fresno. He gave up a couple of runs and four hits, but I think it was 43 pitches, 35 strikes. So that just tells me right there, you hit the strike zone that much. You've got something and you've, you've got some sort of feel for coming back because if you can hit the strike zone, you can also just miss it as well. Sure. So I'd imagine he wanted to throw strikes. He did what he wanted to do in Fresno. They feel good enough that Joe can come back, but now with the bullpen taxed and, you know, I mean, best case scenario, it's probably four innings, but what if it's not the best case? What if, what if Joe throws well, but you know, they grind him out for a 25 pitch first inning and a 25 pitch second inning and all of a sudden he goes two and two thirds and gives up two hits and a run. But now you've got your time, mother, well, yeah, just through three and two thirds innings today. So you got to be careful with that as well. So yeah, it's a, it's a dilemma. It's, you know, this is what they get the big bucks for. This is why Mike Schultz and AJ Preller and ribbon the able of this is more than anything else. This is what their job is to try to figure this out going forward. I have a feeling it's going to be very holistic. Probably a lot of, of overthinking and a lot of, of not over managing, but certainly over speculating. Or maybe they just have a big wheel that they spin it. Yeah. Darn said aboard the wheel of starting pitchers and that's how they decide. I got no idea what the process looks like. That's what good teams do. That's right. Good teachers do. They spin the wheel. Hey, it looks like it's Randy Vasquez. Right. Randy and task is that. That's great. It's great. I love it. Love it. All right. You ready to play take on ready? Leave and let's play. It's time for take on woods. Take on. What? What? Take on woods brought to you by Valvolin instant oil change. It only takes 15 minutes. You don't have to get out of your car for directions and discounts. Go to That's Let's go to line two. Is this Russell? Yes, it is. Russell. You are the contestant today for take on what's how you doing? I'm doing good. How are you? I'm good. All right. If you can beat her tight woods, we'll put you into the grand prize drawing. Great prize this month. Two nights at Resorts World Las Vegas. Two tickets to carry Underwood reflection at Resorts World Theater. It's her new residency from August 14 through October 26. Tickets are available at and rw Las All right. You get to choose our category with woods out of the room. We'll have the afterlife sitting there, five song titles and artists, including the word after. Spreckensydoich. Those are bands and artists who made it big around the world, but German in theme and we've got dream a little dream. Five song titles that contain the word dream. So the afterlife spreckensydoich or dream a little dream, Russell? Oh, let's do a, let's try dream. Dream a little dream. Okay. Today we're looking for five song titles. All contain the word dream in it. You have 60 seconds. If you don't know an answer, you can say pass. Come back to it. If there's time left on the clock. First question is the two second song, Paul, he queued it up now. You have to identify both the song title and the artists to score that point. Russell, are you ready to play? I'm ready. All right. 60 seconds on the clock. Paul, he needs one second. Woods is out there blissfully unaware of everything going on in here. You let me know when you're ready, Paul? Yes. That is not working today. All right. That's going to make it hard to do the two seconds song. I can. Yeah, I'm good at stalling. We had a stall for eight days while woodsy was gone. Just to get him back. I'm doing some daydreaming. That's all right, Russell. What did you think about the Padres game last night? Good. Good. There we go. Good stalling. Thanks. Thank you for elaborating so eloquently on this list. We try to help Paul and I appreciate that. All right. Sometimes your words are better. All right. Here we go. 60 seconds on the clock. Your time begins when Paul plays the music. The category again. Dream a little dream. Good luck, Russell. Let's take on Woods. Sweet dreams by the aridman. Correct. Stephen Tyler says he wrote which breakthrough 1973 hit for Aerosmith when he was just 14 years old. Dream on. Correct. Daryl Hall says it takes a rare edition of a specific Yamaha keyboard to create the distinctive sound of which 1981 Holland O'Tee. One of my favorite song lyrics is when Crowded House sings Try to Catch the Dayluge in a paper cup in which 1986 hit. Don't dream it's over. Correct. Katy Perry reminisces about her youth in which number one hit entitled track from her third album in 2010. Uh, Pat. Daryl Hall says it takes a rare edition of a specific Yamaha keyboard to create the distinctive sound of which 1981 Holland O'Tee. Incorrect. Katy Perry reminisces about her youth in which number one hit entitled track from her third album in 2010. Last couple seconds. No idea. That's all right. You got three. Time is up. That one is Teenage Dream by Katy Perry and Daryl Hall and Oates is You Make My Dreams Come True. All right, that's three, let's bring Woods in and we will see how his score holds up against yours. Russell, hang on the line. All right. You nervous? It's been a while. You remember how to play? I do. I am. Two seconds song, 60 seconds pass if you don't know an answer. That's right. All right. You know. All right. You don't get the category. 60 seconds on the clock. Your time begins when Paul plays the music. Good luck. What? Let's take on Russell. Sweet dreams are made of these, the Erythmics. Correct. Tyler says he wrote which breakthrough 1973 hit for Aerosmith when he was just 14 years old. Correct. Daryl Hall says it takes a rare edition of a specific Yamaha keyboard to create the distinctive sound of which 1981 Hall and Oates hit. Pass. One of my favorite song lyrics is when crowded housings try to catch the deluge in a paper cup. Don't dream it so. Correct. Katy Perry reminisces about her youth in which number one hit and title track from her third album in 2010. Teenage Dream. It is. Daryl Hall says it takes a rare edition of a specific Yamaha keyboard to create the distinctive sound of which 1981 Hall and Oates hits. What can I think of a Hall and Oates song other than Rich Girl Dream Dream Dream Dream. You've got the theme Dreaming Dreaming of your tank. Oh, everyone missed all your guesses that have no chance of being right. Literally I don't think there is a popular song. Oh, you might. That's why I don't remember. You don't like the Yamaha keyboard at the beginning. No, I don't even notice that one there. No, no, no, no. Russell. Sorry. Four to three woods wins. He's back with a victory. Like Fernando Tati's Jr. coming off the injured list with two home runs. Yeah. So you do it. Woods is right back with a win in Dream A Little Dream. Congratulations. Thank you. Feels good. All right. Don't do this is coming up next. Mahalo Russell. Mahalo. Oh, how about Mad Dog? Mad Dog. I knew this was going to happen to someone. I did too. I did so bad that it's Mad Dog. He's not one of those guys who doesn't know baseball because I know he does. Mad Dog? On MLB Network. Really? You don't know Mad Dog. Yeah. Talking about Chris Russo. Yes. Yeah, he knows baseball in 1979. Fair enough. I mean, this is. I don't like it. Guys, he was sorry. Where are all these guards on their arm? Fine. Good Lord. I knew it was going to happen to someone. But it got him so hard for me to listen to him. It's excruciating audio. It gave me indigestion hearing it and we'll play it for you coming up next. Ben Awards after traffic on 97 through the fan. Don't do this. It's time for Don't Do This. What were you thinking? Three stories from the world of sports that make us all shake our heads. Why? How many times do I have to tell you? I'm sorry. I fudged up guys. You idiot. You moron. You're so mad. The apple sometimes does far fall from the tree. Don't do this. Do not tweet that. With Ben and Woods. I like a Nickelback song or two on 97 through the fan. Don't Do This is brought to you by Craft Taco in Serenno Valley. Paul, you're expecting to have a trip to the Craft Taco in Serenno Valley. Very soon. Strap in, dude. Okay, wait. Yeah, you're going to love it. Some of the best quality tacos in all of San Diego, go to the Craft Taco dot com. Take a look at their Happy Hour specials today at the Craft Taco dot com. And I think we have to kick off Don't Do This with a shout out to his family as well for our first story. This was really sad. Former Padre Billy Bean passed away of leukemia yesterday at the age of 60. So Paulie, if you would, wow, was he was shout out to his family? Shout out first. Well, you should have told me that. I did. I did. I did. But you were not already home. I can't see more. The audio that you all said. I know. We're back. We are fully back. When already things are so difficult. So shout out to his family. Now of course, there are two significant Billy beans in baseball. One is Moneyball, Billy Bean. Yeah. And from Mount Carmel High School, General Manager of the A's, President, both San Diego ties, right? Yeah. We'll have some San Diego ties. The other Billy Bean, the one who passed away yesterday, was most notable, not necessarily his playing career, but after his career, he came out of the closet as gay. And that was very significant at the time. He played baseball without really letting any of his teammates know about it and went through his career. And you know, he became Major League Baseball's essentially ambassador for inclusion, which is in the Major League Baseball office. And from, I never got to meet him, but from whatever I heard, everyone who knew Billy Bean said, fantastic guy. Yeah. Really great guy. And everyone liked him. Our beloved Tim Flannery tweeted about him, said, I absolutely loved Billy Bean with backed up Tony Gwen and played with him and loved him. But as is the case when news breaks and you don't have all the information right away, and I was scared that this was going to happen when I saw it, someone was going to make the mistake. And it became pretty high profile because it was our friend, Matt, Don Chris Russo, doing I think his satellite radio show, when he got the news. Wow. Yeah. Was he? Was he? The word that we're getting right now is that the General Manager of the A's, Billy Bean, may have passed away. Wow. Was he ill? Wasn't aware of this. I mean, he's not that old. Jeez. Was it sudden? Let's see if we can get some information. Wow. That is a terrible story with Billy Bean of the A's. I don't know anything about it. This is the first I've heard. You know, he's an historic General Manager on a team that, you know, he built very good teams with not a lot to work with financially. The movie, of course, with Brad Pitt, right, he's probably no more than 62 or 3, 60. Wow. Leukemia. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No. That's a terrible story. It's a different one. So Billy Bean of the A's. Now, had he taken a leave of absence in the last, whatever it might be? He got the, at some point in about 30 more seconds, he, someone told him, then he figured it out. And I, I get it. I mean, you know, it's breaking news, but that's unfortunate, but that mistake was made. Billy Bean is still General Manager of the A's, guys, still. Well, I don't even think he's that anymore. I don't even know what he is anymore. That's the wrong, that's the wrong Billy Bean. Yeah. It is. That's not the Billy Bean from the A's. Correct. Last 10 years, Billy worked passionately and tirelessly with MLB and all 30 clubs, focusing on player education. He played 10, he played the six, 10 year playing career with six teams. That's enough. You get the point. You get the point. Yeah. I mean, it's understandable, but unfortunate as well. Well, listen, we, I was on the plane yesterday and I saw some discourse going on online because I usually see it. And I don't know if people do this to be edge lordy. I don't know if they do it for engagement, but I, I saw this tweet from exploring baseball history yesterday, and it's a second such tweet that I'd seen. I'd seen some comparisons to Tony Gwen and Aaron judge and the numbers start flying out and oh my God, and what about this and the OPS gets this and listen, and I'm, I'm, I'm a fan of numbers. I believe in them, but it, we're talking about different eras. We're talking about different players. It just, sometimes it's just moronic to do, but this guy really went a step further. He said, uh, I probably shouldn't wait into this, but well, there's your answer right there, dummy. Just says, I, you just said it. I said, I, he says, I think that Tony Gwen holds a weird place in baseball history. He's probably the most overrated player that just about everyone agrees belongs in the hall of fame. So he's saying, I think what he's saying is Tony Gwen, everybody believes he belongs in the hall of fame, but he's overrated. And I, I, I've seen this before and it happens every year, Jeter, Tony Gwen, there's a bunch of guys and you look at it and you just go, for me, as much as I love baseball, I'm so tired of it. I'm so tired of the comparison. I really am. I'm just, I, I, it is tired head for me immediately, but I can't reason with these people. There's no, there's no reasoning with them. Like, that's, uh, with the Keanu, yeah, two plus two is five. I'm at the point where if somebody's arguing with me, two plus two equals five, you know what? You're right. You're right. You're absolutely right. Enjoy the rest of you. You're right. Yes. You nailed it. And I just, it, it really sucks the energy out of you, but what I really enjoyed is like a do-do this as well is, uh, our beloved Tony Gwen Jr. He rarely wades into any of this and it's got a, it's got to bug him when he sees stuff like that and, uh, he had time today and he said, so you woke up and decided this was the way you wanted to start the day by trying to knock my pops, the discourse that was being had about my pops and judge and whoever else must have really gotten under your skin that bad, huh? Hey, I guess everybody's entitled to their opinion. You're in the real small minority though, carry on a Gwen. I almost said a Gwen, a Gwen, which actually works, uh, again, it's, this is not a, we're from San Diego or we're in San Diego and we love Tony Gwen battle. This is a, if you don't realize what kind of impact player Tony Gwen was, you, as Ted Lightner would say, sir, are a moron. I think there is an argument to be made that had Tony Gwen been come around 25 years later, he might not have been viewed as a good, as a prospect like, cause the, you know, oh, he doesn't do the power of things that you're looking for and he might not have gotten the opportunity he got. I'm glad Tony Gwen came around when he, when he did. I promise you, if Tony Gwen was around today though, he'd be one of the best players in base. No question. He'd be a Hall of Famer. He has a skill set and a talent that was even unmatched by the best players in baseball history. He is one of the best hitters who has ever lived. And if you're telling me that that is overrated by being one of the best hitters who ever lived and also a gold glove out fielder, a smart base runner, especially early in his career and everything that he did, I don't know how to help you. I really don't. That's not, don't, don't take it from us. Don't take it from Padres fans. Don't even take it from Tony Gwen Jr. Right. Take it from Greg Maddox. Yes, John Smoltz. All the best of their generation saying, F that guy, F that guy, my favorite interview maybe we've ever done was Greg Maddox saying, I finally got smart and just started throwing him a first pitch fastball that I knew he would hit for a single. And I just hoped he wouldn't hit it for a double. And I'd stop. Maybe I'd get lucky and he hit it at it. And I say, I would save six to nine bullets for the rest of the game and try to get the next guy out. So I would just throw him his fastball, let him get his hit and try to get a double play out of the next guy. Now, we can table this discussion, but the comparisons between Luis Arise and Tony Gwen Jr., or Tony Gwen are interesting because their numbers are very similar at this point in their careers. And I don't know, is Arise heading toward the Hall of Fame or not in his career? But I would like to discuss that at some point, because I think it's relevant to this discussion as well. You know, and as Jay says, I grew up in the Bay Area, Tony was my favorite player. I lived in Connecticut, Jay, Connecticut, and Tony Gwen was poster hung on my wall when I was in seventh and eighth grade. He the one with the bats, the bat and the bat. And I mean, he was, you're talking as far as you'd get away from here and all my homies love Tony Gwen. Why? Because he smashed the baseball, all something we all wanted to do. That's what he did. He matched the baseball. He hit it here. He hit it here. He hit it there. He hit it everywhere. And a truly transcendent hitter. Finally, quick do do do this, but I know we've got to go. We've got Adam Jones coming up really cool scene yesterday. You've seen players go visit children's hospitals before. It's great. They go sign autographs, bring gifts. Mitch Hanniger did it a different way yesterday with the Mariners. He went to Seattle Children's Hospital. They did. They called it a reverse signing and instead of having like players sitting at a table signing autographs, all the kids who were at Children's Hospital, they had the table and they were signing autographs for the players. It was one of the cutest scenes. We got it on our YouTube stream, but I don't know if it was a PR person or Hanniger, whoever idea that was that was genius and such a nice moment and totally do do this. All right. That was don't and do do this for a Wednesday. Adam Jones is slowly making his way closer to the west coast to get to be here next week. We're supposed to see AJ next week, but he will join us next as he continues his summer in America with a five time all star Adam Jones on a big league Wednesday coming up when we return on 97 three the fam. This season Instacart has your back to school as in they've got your back to school lunch favorites like snack packs and fresh fruit and they've got your back to school supplies like backpacks, binders and pencils and they've got your back when your kid casually tells you they have a huge school project due tomorrow. Let's face it. We were all that kid. So first call your parents to say I'm sorry and then download the Instacart app to get delivery in as fast as 30 minutes all school year long. Give us $0 delivery fee for your first three orders while supplies last minimum $10 per order additional terms apply. Get your laugh on with me Chris Jericho at the talk is Jericho podcast. We've got Guns N' Roses, Hall of Famer, Duff the Kagan and his joke of the week every Friday plus regular visits from the hilarious Brad Williams and special appearances by everyone from Gabrielle Fluffley, Iglesias, Mark Marin, Dennis Miller, Cheech Marin, Kevin Nielin, if they're funny they're on talk is Jericho. Listen to and follow talk is Jericho now on the free Odyssey app or wherever you get your podcast. Thanks going well for the San Diego Padres. They are hot just in time for an upcoming visit from Adam Jones the five time all-star not here yet will be here soon but he's standing by and will join us right after this check a traffic on 97 through the fan. Yeah he's getting closer from what I understand it is time to talk on a big league Wednesday with the five time all-star from San Diego and the Baltimore Orioles and various other locations Adam Jones is back with us here on 97 through the fan AJ how's your summer going? All is good right now all is good just in Arizona right now very warm but you know pods are playing some good ball that's just great at the right time and you know you win and the Dodgers lose it's always a good morning. It's crazy I did not think we'd be sitting here scoreboard watching in August 7th you know I knew we'd be watching to see what the Diamondbacks would do maybe the Mets would figure it out but I did not think we'd be watching what the Dodgers were doing on August 7th. Now I get it they've been ravaged by injury I certainly understand that but holy smokes AJ this is a lot closer than Dodger fans probably want to admit it's part of the game. The injuries are part of the game and that's you know I get I've always said I don't never use that excuse because everybody's gonna battle and go through certain things so you know it's just a place part of it but the poverty they're doing what they're supposed to do is they're winning games are spoken to and the closing out games is supposed to close out and last night I've seen the young kid I think it's a strata yeah he closed it he closed out the game and he waked and she made a look at it he wasted three pitches okay someone needs to talk to him he threw three two fastballs right by a key on key on Brian Hayes who is a very good fat boy there he threw three non-competitive pitches this time and he threw a three two fastball right by him stop wasting your time you do three pitches pointless you throw them in the bullpen or throw them after the game you can feel like it blow the dude away okay well he's clearly doing bigger he's clearly learned nothing from Robert Suarez who just gets up there and jumps fastballs as fast as he can right by guys I'm just saying it's like don't we're we're not that smart okay everybody thinks that baseball is it's gotten too nerdy or smart when you're in between the lines you're not that damn smart what's working figure it out everybody on outside let them start to think and think they know what's going on and think that they're smarter but inside one inside those lines we all know we ain't that damn smart see ball hit ball if the dude is not hitting the fastball why the hell you don't throw him something that's down that's lower that he can catch up to it was like just stick with what works and watching that and I think three I've seen three non-competitive pitches I'm like I hope somebody tells him like well you got 98 at the top of the zone forcing just like just live there you'll be a guy he did end up striking on all three batteries and he did I know I didn't think straight strikeouts earlier he's very disgusting I'm saying he's disgusting I've watched him pitch he's good yeah it's a compliment and the fact that we talked about a game down when you saw the game down in September and in October that's gonna be a little bit different and we talked about it a little bit last week right after the trade deadline and the Padres moves to fortify their bullpen but the fact that you can even bring him in in a six nothing game and he used to be a guy you need to save for higher leverage but now you have so many options in your bullpen right now if you're the Padres then a straw is a guy yeah it will protect that six nothing lead with this guy in the ninth inning it's got to be disheartening I would imagine to other teams knowing whoever that's coming out of that bullpen is going to be so nasty no that was the worst it's like you're like okay well we're either beating by a lot or they're beating us by a lot alright get us somebody in here that's just like 91 92 little little angel winners but a little wrinkly you got not these not these days everybody's coming in and they're just throwing just there's just the hard throwers with sinkers sliders sometimes they know where it's going they don't know how to pitch in that well but that's they're always hitting people but it's it's definitely different I'm telling you we say some love that middle release guy that just comes in and just like you know you get the starter out into the guy that just needs to eat up two and two thirds and you just shell him for another five but now not that guy coming in is disgusting he's he's 96 98 which with us they call it a sweeper now I still curveball or slider I don't know who discovers sweeper but yeah I mean the pitching has gotten way better I heard Bryce Harper an interview you just say you know the pitching has just got tougher you know you look at the batting averages and all that kind of stuff and you can say oh well guys aren't as good hitters as they were in a path and they don't compete as much they got three options maybe you know maybe the home run walk or strikeout but the pitchers are very very nasty and the consistency of what comes in is nasty when you have to face somebody three times it doesn't matter how hard he threw I could make that adjustment the third time now you're facing you I don't even know if you face the same guy three times you really you know what I mean so it's it's very tough to fit is very very tough to hit in today's game and I watch him like damn this dude coming at 98 see okay 8-1 game you think some of 92 is coming in yeah it's a lefty at 97 so I'm like like you got more at home who throws probably the easiest 99 I've ever seen right I mean geez geez like this it didn't go again this war is yet so the party's in a good situation right now because they got a lot of velocity and you know what they've gained some experience over the last couple years I think more at home can be big big down the stretch against it don't be against his biggest about to gonna be against Freeman and again so Tommy because he's now seasoned and prepared for those because he's facing guys the last couple years in this scenario so you know it's gonna be it's gonna be fun down the stress because now the parties have that that experience it's not known that I don't think we can use the excuse of you know some guys have never been there before some guys are this I think it's now is like hey these guys these guys have been around they know what to do the expectations are there and they smell blood and I love it they smell it in Baltimore and it's snowed on that road trip and you see what they're doing right now I'm talking Adam Jones here on Ben Woods this morning and I'm sure we've asked you about rain delay for a player before but it's a good time to bring it back after last night you know you got a game it's dicey you're kind of looking at the weather forecast before you head to the ballpark going man this is probably gonna be one of those days but then you get the game started and then the torrential downpour the field won't drain you're wet you're back in the clubhouse you're drying out like what what goes on back there how frustrating is it you know you're on the road it's a long ass trip like God man and then to come out and win six nothing I thought was you know a real good testament to the team but as a former player that those games cannot be fun at all rain delay rain delay stink it's like it's either you either know it's gonna rain like when you feel like got all dressed and you all ready and like it's a rain day if you coming in it's like 640 and they're like a run a hold all right come on man I got this been gay all over me I got I'm just moved all up I'm ready to go up to me you know I'm saying I'm being over it's an over-person if this this start right now and you know it's just that wipe off you can't wipe that stuff off that stuff off but you know so you sit there you like damn okay all right well you figure it out you figure it out you relax you take the stuff off you take you know you try to get yourself in a relaxing state you look on your phone and see the pattern and you know you try and take a guess with them they always tell you what's going on but it's just it sucks especially on the road road health houses are as good as homes but a bucket if your job calls for a rain delay it calls for it but the best things you go out there and you win you know a lot of times the home team has that advantage but the road team they went out there and they went out there and they scored six and I like what they're doing is top bottom of the order it's everybody right now starting to to add value and again like I said to me Jackson Merrill he might be the team MVP in my opinion right now just because of everything that he's doing to just be the glue of the team I know it's a lot that it's not on his shoulders yet very not on his shoulders but he's he's taken himself into be a really really good like leader by play and it's really good to see because as a center fielder you know I like to see the center field mistake control the whole team talking to Adam Jones he's with us you're in Arizona the Diamondbacks are not right now they actually got rained out in Cleveland yesterday double header scheduled today but if there's any team that's playing as well as the Padres it's the Diamondbacks alright now they are very hot how do you compare them to last year's team that made this run to the World Series because they're looking kind of similar right now yeah I think they're a little bit better team because they made additions like that I actually I think a couple of teams and you know this is still a good team right now playing well obviously Marte is just I think he's got put on a national stage last year and that is that was perfect for him because he is a star but and you guys see Corbin Carroll's not even gotten off yet he's not having a good year yet he can we see what he did last year in his rookie year what if he put the next two months just decides to step on that switch Gurrielle had a good start he's been slowing down when when he gets hot you know they have a good pitch instead they got a really really good team and again they they have that veteran's aware they've been there before so they know how to pace themselves and that's part of the season two is is pacing yourself you know you see the last couple years of Reds get off to a hot start Pittsburgh Pittsburgh gets off to a hot start baseball is like oh man we might have two new Cinderella's in baseball yeah it's May 7th they're big fella cold your britches and then you know you realize you come back yeah they're in the normal places that they've always been so it's it's a long long long season I think that the Padres and Diamondbacks are two and the Orioles I think are two franchises the three franchises that have learned how to pace themselves throughout the long long season and kick it in at the right time and obviously playing good ball the second half is the right time well before we let you go man can't uh not mention what you're doing on Friday night this coming Friday a night for Mr. Padre tell us uh about what that that event is going to be and how people can get tickets well it's you know it's about T.G. Everything is about Tony Gwen you know the love and passion that we have for Tony Gwen because you know obviously he's my favorite player he's my mentor and is just you know a night to recognize we have a gala we have incredible items from uh signed Super Bowl jerseys to sign Super Bowl footballs to cleats jerseys bats from all your favorite players but the most important thing though it's about highlighting Tony Gwen because we you know it's been 25 years since 3000 you believe that 1999 and I remember exactly where I was at I was at home watching it while he was getting hit in Montreal and you know that was a moment that always stick with me as a kid and you know just what T.G. has meant to the city of San Diego and outside of it he what he's meant to baseball he still talked about it's one of the best hitters that ever played his game and you know even a better thing that having a guy like Luis Arise even brings T.G.'s name up even more in conversation so I think that's even even better but we have a camp on the Saturday the 10th from 9 to 1 at 10 Diego State I'll be there the whole time I was trying to get out of some golf in the afternoon but they like come on so you know I'll say I'll be there I'll be the whole time but no you can get tickets at Tony Gwen legacy and you know it's about the community we're gonna have a lot of good people here the gallows Friday night and it's gonna be just a fantastic fantastic event and yeah I'm I'm gonna try to be a part of it you know Oakley's part of it there's just a good team Rand is obviously led by the daughter of Tony Gwen Anisha and it's just a great event that's great it's good I think I've sent you guys the tickets we got it and all that stuff yeah Oxford so I hope you guys can pass it out and blow it out yeah so we will do it Paul he just put the link in our youtube chat we'll put it on our twitter and it's going to help it's going to help community development in southeast San Diego and underserved communities it's great work that you're doing after your career and yeah I mean you still got plenty of time for golf but those camps are important too my kid has been to about 10 camps this summer AJ he's gotten so much better man so much better and it's been great it's been great Oxford Social Club so Friday night get your tickets it's gonna be lit and we'll see you next week right yes I'll see you next week looking forward to it take some money from you Adam Jones the five time all-star I I you know I think we're gonna we're gonna try to play some golf with him we are and if we're playing out at the ranch you think 80 breaking 80 could be it could be in the car he's done it he's done it yeah it's at the place to do it again for sure it's the only place I've ever you've heard you've done it let's see if AJ can do it the only place I'll ever do it so that will be fun to see him in person after he finally makes his way all the way to this side of the country that's right all right we are two hours in already oh yeah gotta tell you guys uh what happened I'm curious I saw me of the tweet as you were coming home yesterday yeah but I have no idea what the story is I have a very curious three-year-old clothing optional as it turns out very curious three-year-old tell you guys all about Taylor Camp coming up next all right then we have Brett Boone still to join us on a big league Wednesday that's coming your way at around 835 a rival report and get you ready for another Padres game coming up hopefully no rain today I hear there's still possibility in the forecast because it is Pittsburgh in the summer but 340 all ahead today with a bit of woods on San Diego's number one sports station 97 three the fans this season Instacart has your back to school as in they've got your back to school lunch favorites like snack packs and fresh fruit and they've got your back to school supplies like backpacks binders and pencils and they've got your back when your kid casually tells you they have a huge school project due tomorrow let's face it we were all that kid so first call your parents to say I'm sorry and then download the Instacart app to get delivery in as fast as 30 minutes all school year long get a zero dollar delivery fee for your first three orders while supplies last minimum ten dollars per order additional terms apply get your laugh on with me Chris Jericho and the talk is Jericho podcast we've got Guns N' Roses Hall Famer Duff the Kagan and his joke of the week every Friday plus regular visits from the hilarious Brad Williams and special appearances by everyone from Gabrielle Fluffly Iglesias Mark Marin Dennis Miller Cheech Marin Kevin Neeland if they're funny they're on talk is Jericho so listen to and follow talk is Jericho now on the free Odyssey app or wherever you get your podcast oh we are halfway home on a Wednesday I do believe mahalo everybody or aloha yes yes yeah Wednesday for you guys this is I told Hannah this morning I said nice short week for me this week short show tomorrow right correct with the assuming no rain out yeah pot raise have a a nine what is it nine forty start eight forty pre-game show tomorrow so yeah we'll be on we'll be given way to Sammy Levitt about 30 minutes from now in 24 hours piece of cake as fun as it's been to have you back after today I'll see you on Tuesday yeah Paulie's headed out on his crew back together and you know we had two more hours and then Paulie's going on vacation for three shows we've got the Clue Ginator is going to be Baldrinder as it were is going to be filling in the next couple of days our our beloved brand manager Adam Clue he is swiss army knife of the radio station certainly I'm woodsy also known as a kiwi in Hawaii and we've got Paolo Paulie the executive producer and we've got Penai Ben penny peni peni peni peni peni yes peni multiple penis those are our Hawaiian name those are our Hawaiian names so it's good to be back it's good to be back with you guys um I was thinking about it we always say this anytime you travel anywhere it does lessen the sting a little bit leaving a place like kiwi and then flying into San Diego we landed the weather was perfect just beautiful driving in our neighborhood getting into our home sleeping on our own beds it was great but I imagine flying back to Akron you know after being in kiwi you're like oh god it's really so coming back to San Diego definitely lessons yes yeah it lessens the sting it eases you a little bit when you fly home but I was I had to tell you guys about this because when we got settled into our our house which is like a it's like an Airbnb vacation rental it's beyond stunning there was a book on the the coffee table it was a coffee table book and it was called Taylor camp now my three-year-old is learning his letters and he's starting to read and he certainly recognizes his name when he sees it so he was delighted this was something left for him personally it wasn't left left for him personally it just happened to be there but he might have thought that he was like this is unbelievable book data Taylor Taylor said absolutely let's crack it open and see what Taylor camp's all about well then Taylor camp was a small settlement established in the spring of 1969 the summer of love on the island of kiwi covered an area of seven acres and now it began with 13 hippies seeking refuge from the audience still remote now back then it was truly the ends of the earth truly the jungle really as it were it began with 13 hippies seeking refuge from the ongoing campus riots and police brutality in the united states they were arrested for vagrancy but howard taylor brother of movie star elizabeth taylor bailed them out of jail invited them to settle on this beach front property that he owned so i we start thumbing through taylor camp the book well taylor camp also happened to be a nudist colony we are uh you know at the beginning it's oh here's their tree houses that they lived in oh there's there's this guy's dong just chill and taylor my taylor starts cackling and he starts laughing like you wouldn't believe da da da look and then and then look he's pointing at pictures if you're in the chat it does a little bit better there's naked naked women in there and he is having the time of his life and this is like the first day we're there let's just say that i caught him thumbing through the taylor camp book on more than one occasion the whole time he was going to have to hide it at some point from him i i really didn't think to hide it i didn't want to mess with it but he had a feel first you had the birds and the bees uh the book that he brought from the lending library in your neighborhood and now you've got taylor camp dude he i mean there was there's all sorts of nudity all sorts of nudity i mean you may be sending taylor down i i didn't send him down anything you know every kid is curious and he is very very curious let's put it that way and uh we really really had a fun time and and and sushi actually went up to the area where taylor camp was and and they ended up once people got kind of tired of that nudist colony being there well they did what they do on kawaii they burned it down if the so you tell us about this i'm not joking when i say this and my my father-in-law has been going there since like forever and we would pass these things on the street and i would go what's that with all like the kind of uh construction wrapping around i go what is that he goes oh that was a hotel some people tried to build and uh the natives uh burned it down and i said well what's that over there oh that's another place that they uh they burned down when they don't like something there they just burn it down i mean really like imagine your neighborhood where you live now and somebody puts up a an adult video store now instead of picketing we're writing zone yeah like zoning regulations and stuff here but they just go imagine if we go ahead build it if we don't like it we'll just torture yeah you're you live in ensignee this and they put up an adult bookstore down on the corner now you could be upset about it you could write your congressman and your mayor and whatever not there no they just go hey let's torch this place that he done with it and they've done it he's done in a bunch i mean there's a bunch of things around it they're like oh we don't like this development so we're gonna we're gonna burn it down and so they just go torch it it's one way to do it there's one way to do it Jeffrey in the chat i had a question about your tailor camp book he wants to know how many penai were in this book there was a lot of penai more than i uh really would have liked to see now again remember too you're talking about 1969 p9 and that is a totally different look then technically it's the same it's not though there's grooming uh there's not a lot of sure they didn't have the manscape but we haven't evolved as a species i mean we man in 1969 look would look exactly like man in 2024 without maybe you it would look different it's just the choices you may let's put it this way if i posed in the tree house as this man posed in the tree house it would look different than this how this guy looked you may look the same that's a matter of personal preference but i would look different than this guy looked but yeah he looked it up on amazon taylor camp book yeah you can get a hardcover edition for a hundred and twenty five dollars one twenty five and uh there is a topless woman on the cover yeah oh absolutely and uh dill on twitter just see that man see what does that do for you this is actually incredible dill on twitter says lmao my aunt was a part of taylor camp and is in that book dill i've seen your aunt nude and you might have as well what is what a small world it truly truly is now i didn't i i was worried you might try to sneak that book into it's a big coffee table book it's big you carry on like a cherry on he's carrying under his arm but i gotta make i need to leave that for the next guests of the airbnb to enjoy correct i need to find i need to get a shirt made for him a taylor camp shirt because it just we laughed so hard and i would look over and there he is he thumbing through that i'm like bro i don't know one way to do it but uh it was one of the highlights of the trip for sure that is uh but so there was no actual nudist camps there you were you didn't go to any clothing optional beaches or anything because when he tweeted i was going where are they where are they taking taylor no i don't know why that it's it's clothing optional i was you know there's there's outdoor showers everywhere like by in our house and so we would go on the beach and then come home and we would just everyone would just go get in the outdoor shower but yeah you're you're nude a lot there you feel very comfortable and free being nude walking around in in kawaii it's it you guys do that at your own yeah we kind of do we're kind of the ego like nudists a little bit at least in our the comfort of our own home but yeah it was a little odd it was a little odd that book and uh an interesting choice certainly you know i'm glad you're back it's great to be back it's good to have you we missed you but i must say things went pretty well while you were gone podrays did their their part of the equation that's when i was most nervous we poly we never had to talk really about a loss uh they had the one loss while you were gone was the friday game we started our weekend so we raised right over that we touched on it briefly on on monday but because they ended up winning saturday and sunday it just felt like a just all looking to go one off you know uh your rocky's had a few balls fall in whatever move on from that one but really it's been such a nice string now we usually give you a chance to like bring something up from while you were gone like you said you watched the games is there anything in particular that you caught your eye or attention while you were on vacation that you wanted to bring up it's got to be mike shilt just out managing dave roberts and watching dave roberts just completely completely that was the first game you missed yeah two days last Tuesday i mean home follow that like i watched it okay i watched it so that was the day we travel yeah yeah so i called you guys the next day and i think i might have brought it up i think i did bring it up but that to me was my favorite moment when i was gone watching the like is this your first game managing unbelievable your first day that was that was brilliant the other thing did you guys talk about some of the teams that decided to do nothing at the trade deadline like the angels and like the rockies and i lit up the whole segment where i lit up the rockies for like are you even paying attention what do you know understand what do you hear how the very confused with the giants like so are you buying or selling with a keeping like snow right what it goes throws a no no no that's right the blakes on no no happen when i was gone yeah the thing that's kind of the thing i wanted to bring up was like if you're a rockies fan or you're an angels fan you had all of these pieces that certainly people called about and you did not control that is that dude it's malpractice parry minasian malpractice now again i think with parry nobody really knows how much authority he has if it's arty mareno i don't want to trade this guy i don't want to trade they did they traded one person they traded a step as i think maybe but they had so they had so many other movable pieces that they didn't get anything back for and they're on expiring contracts like that's that's how they're interested in going yeah it's a weird weird thing uh that they did so that was but i my favorite moment when i was gone was was the very flummoxed dave roberts um just got and i did get out the man i talked to mike shilt about that on friday and i think um he didn't really he didn't want to take credit for it but i think he appreciated that it was it was noticed by the fan base oh yeah man how well that was uh that was executed by his team i can't remember you called in that next morning and he it was like as you were hanging up he was like very tongue and cheek i think he said something like hey you know i'm just gonna give dave the benefit of the doubt yeah hadn't been around the game very long right right yeah first uh first couple games so yeah it was that was such an awful look at the audio the next morning he was asked about it and he basically said i didn't know the rule just what every general manager owner fan wants to hear from a team that spent a billion dollars to get better in the off season now four games ahead of the san diego pod race breathe another neck pretty nuts um so that was that was special i was again my my favorite thing was how well the guys played when i was gone because i that first game was one of the most electric games i've ever seen yeah it was incredible it really was incredible five in the first yep and then shut them out the rest of the way fight and claw man he had like two or three web gems and third and then the going into the going into the dugouts yep he had the bomb to lead off the nine incredible and you're stuck out we're still down one yeah jackson maryll just rises to the occasion as he has time and time again unbelievable it was incredible that was an incredible win and uh very very proud of those those fellows as well as their playing right now and michael king's on the bump tonight go out and you win this series tonight you know you win the series tonight against pittsburgh michael king's been great keep being great and uh we'll see what happens and uh usually the pressure has been kept on by some of the other wild card contenders but it was a good night last night i want to go through some of the other action that happened to major league baseball because there were a couple of significant developments in mlb last night we can get into that coming up next to men brat boone is going to join us at the bottom of the hour as we continue our big league wednesday don't miss a minute of it stay tuned more better woods coming up after a check of kelly's traffic on ninety seven three the fan so for the first time all season just in time for woods is return pattras are alone it topped the wild card standings number one spot after uh the results yesterday the pattras win of course but the uh atlanta braves were shut out by the milwaukee brewers 10 nothing they continue to slide uh colin ray went seven shut out any he's ten and three just another lord no those odd great race out there uh the diamondbacks got rained out so they'll play a double header today but they you know fell a half game behind the pattras because of that and then uh the dodgers also lost six to two mention that earlier so the pattras just four games back in the nationally west uh cardinals did win four to three behind sunny gray over the rays but the Mets lost to the Rockies helping everybody out with a six three win over the Mets so there's now two and a half games of separation which isn't a ton but from the pattras to the first non playoff spot which is the new york Mets yeah not and i think chance to get comfortable or like okay we can cruise new but pretty much this entire time even when the pattras have been holding on to a playoff spot they've always been like one day from yeah you lose and everybody wins around you're out all right the i mean the tiniest bit of breathing room right now not not time to obviously take your foot off the accelerator but you keep winning and good things happen in the standings but there were a couple of other interesting results yesterday in a major league baseball how about this one white socks five a's won the first win for the white socks since july 10 21 game losing streak tying the american league record is over i got the win yesterday held on you're so pissed if you're the ace you're like no why us i why do they have to be are the second worst team in base they're 20 game they're 20 games in front of the white socks who are the worst team in the american league i mean if they're ever gonna beat someone you think the ace would be a good candidate for it we talked about it i think yesterday i mean it's over they they won so it doesn't matter now but like when you're at 21 and the record was what was it 23 like we were talking if you're a white socks fan yeah you want it at that point at a certain point in those 21 games no you're kind of just yeah you want if you're gonna be the the poster children in the moment you want it but do you want to always like in 10 years when a team lose 17 in a row then well remember the longest streak it belongs to those 20 24 you know you want to feel the pain you don't want to have it brought up over and over again for decades i want to feel that you have the record when i when i used to get broken up with i would listen to the saddest music i did i would not listen to bobby mcfaren when i would have a heartbreak i wouldn't be listening to bob marley and like don't worry i would listen to the cure and and sad music i wanted to feel it every bit of it and that's how i i i would absolutely want the record and i and it's something that the fans can absolutely throw in rinds dorff's face and peterogrefall like you led the worst team in baseball history they also had like a 15 game losing streak as well i mean imagine a 21 gamer and a 15 gamer in the same season um i speaking of of not being able to rest then this is the tweet that sammy levitz sent a couple days ago that has had me thinking non-stop and it was really well well worded tweet and he says the potteries have 49 games remaining this is a couple days ago they play six against pittsburgh four against new york three games against st louis six against san francisco and three games against arizona 50 percent of their remaining games are against teams in this photo and of course it's a photo of the nl wild card standings holy crap i i know i know i know it's tense i didn't really to let that tweet came out i didn't really realize how tense it's going to be it's going to be tense it's going to be live and die uh with this team as it would be uh for for a lot of us anyway but holy smokes man these games are huge yeah uh you know starting with this series i mentioned it yesterday that this is the last kind of shot for the pirates to get back in it you know they're probably were thinking sweep hey if we sweep we are still in this thing well now it's they've already lost the first game they lose either the next two they're five hundred they lose both of them they're two games under five hundred they're essentially they're done they're cooked they're toast so but you're gonna face other teams like that and i think sammy corrected there's actually four games against the cardinals but you know the Mets have already swept you so they've kind of got that advantage there i'm sure the Mets are looking at hey we can catch all we have to do is tie the Padres we'll have the tiebreaker on them if we uh if we take care of business against them there's a lot of teams looking at the Padres as an opportunity to make up ground now like hey we've got head to head match-ups against the teams ahead of us that's what you want that's what you want when you're three or four games back in a wild card race the Giants are thinking it uh the Mets are thinking it the Cardinals are thinking it they all have an opportunity to have the Padres circled on their schedule the rest of this season so yeah not because they're rollover games but because it's head to head and and yeah i mean the Padres are doing the same thing i mean if you're Mike Schilden you're you're the the leadership of the team you're you're abs you absolutely want to have those games against those teams because you control your own destiny now you also have six left against the Marlins and the White Sox right makes you nervous the two teams that sold off that should have nothing left you feel like you go five and one and you're kind of giving up a game almost like oh yeah everyone's great but it's great almost is not enough like you go four and two that's that's that's a failure yeah yeah in those six games you go three and three that's an epic failure so those are kind of pressure pack games as well starting this weekend i'm gonna prank call in Miami skip every night i'm gonna try to keep him up all night just texting him sending him pizza and stuff to his house we have his address i think yeah couple of other results from last night did you see the home run that CJ Abrams hits pitch in his eyes my goodness 96 or seven like his eyes and he somehow turned around on it like outside corner 97 at the face and he gets a home run on that ball and then James would hit a long one as well but guess what they beat the Giants so fine i don't care that actually helps everybody in the wild card race and franber Valdez had a no hitter two outs in the ninth inning would have been his second no hitter in the last two seasons through one last year as well with two outs in the ninth the Rangers Corey Seager hit a home run a two run homer actually with a guy on base to break up the no-no on the last possible moment but the Astros did beat the Rangers four to two in that game i have not even followed the American League really at all much lately i have no idea what's going on in the races over there so the Yankees just caught the Orioles they're back a half game ahead after their long slump they've kind of started playing better again and the Orioles have started slumping uh the Mariners and the Astros remain kind of neck and neck just barely above 500 neither of them are in the kind of wild card picture at the moment both like a few games out i think four games out so they're kind of playing for the division and then the wild card race it's uh it's the Orioles they got a four and a half game leave and then it's the twins Royals and Red Sox essentially competing for those last two spots right now with the twins and Royals currently holding in and the Red Sox half a game behind Kansas City now in that race Kansas City man Seth Lugo has been such such a good pickup for them one guy who does follow it all is our good friend Brett Boone with his Odyssey podcast and has been joining us pretty much every week it's awesome to have him in a big league Wednesday Brett Boone will be with us to talk about the baseball pennant races and more coming up next with Ben Woods on San Diego's number one sports station 97-3 the fan get your laugh on with me Chris Jericho and the talk is Jericho podcast we've got Guns N' Roses hull, Famer Duff McCagan and his joke of the week every Friday plus regular visits from the hilarious Brad Williams and special appearances by everyone from Gabrielle Fluffly Iglesias, Mark Marin, Dennis Miller, Cheech Marin, Kevin Neeland if they're funny they're on talk as Jericho so listen to and follow talk as Jericho now on the free Odyssey app or wherever you get your podcasts. 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Thought to find out who has the better Hawaiian tan between Stephen Woods or our next guest Brett Boone who was in Hawaii when we talked to him last week of course it's a trick question the correct answer is always me I've always got the better tan than either of you right don't you think you're just tan I'm just tan I've just got I've been natural tan and yeah Boonie looks like he's Boonie's own to tanning bed I guarantee you we'll ask him we'll find out 100 oh that's a good question well I mean Brian Giles probably let him use his at some point for sure now while you were gone we also gave Brett Boone his own walk up music so you'll hear that right after a traffic on 97th literally his one yeah I love it yeah love it crazy town butterfly fantastic didn't take long for woods to identify rest in peace shifty Brett Boone's walk up music and joining us right now Odyssey MLB insider Brett Boone insider calls presented by Granger with supplies and solutions for every industry Granger has the right product for you call or just stop by Brett also the host on the Brett Boone podcast featuring the most notable names at MLB and around sports every week you made it back safely from the islands Brett I did I did I appreciate the music again Ben looking out for it would if that was you really knew who that was right now I mean we didn't tell him yeah I met she talked about it a couple weeks ago and the singer passed away I met Shifty before that that song was on one of my adult league teams when we needed a rally we threw that on and it worked every single time every single time so it was very special place my I had no idea that was your walk up oh yeah that's great that's no lyrics they didn't know what the lyrics were to know anything it's just the well as people it was just the vibe the vibe that it gave you now I had a question so Ben said who has the better Hawaiian tan I burn on my legs and I tan on my arms and face this is the first color my legs have gotten in years but I said I bet Brett Boone has a really nice tan have you owned a tanning bed in your life not I'll tell you what I think here's the secret all right give it to me go to Hawaii you head to toe sunblock every need to do I always you know I'll be out by the pool I'll be under an umbrella then I come home and I go get a spray tan spray tan tanning tanning the skin happy excuse to look like you good in Jamaica for months oh great I've never done a spray tape what now what did you know about Brian Giles's tanning habits Brian was old and just he had a tanning that that is yeah that's incredible so you didn't if you didn't buy a tanning bed I want to know what's the stupidest thing you did buy yeah what was your what was your caddy powers purchase like the tanning bed the jet ski what was what was your dumb dumb thing you bought dumbest thing I bought I bought a lot of dumb I would have to do money I would have to you can go ahead that was probably not the best purchase but whatever you know I was the biggest once and I came home and I won some money and I just went to the car do you know I called this I always wanted a big truck yeah and there's nothing against big truck guys because there's a time and a place for it if you can't park them they're tough to steer 100% I just make a call today I'm going to buy this truck I said all right I got it all I got it all the doing the big we know stuff to do oh my god they give me this truck and they said all right here it is and said all right here I handed them the money and they said what are you doing I said well I said I was going to pay in cash wasn't going to finance it they said yeah but we didn't think it was actually cash I said yes here no real cash you want you want you want big money now I got this big truck sitting in my doesn't fit in the garage I mean it's big I had it low you know I had it jacked up big tire yeah and I drove and I actually like driving it but I drove it for a little bit and it just it didn't fit anywhere and I ended up selling it to a guy that loved it he got a hell of a deal yeah he probably took it to a ranch he took it to a ranch somewhere yeah he took it to a ranch somewhere where he could actually where it belonged put it to you see you know I needed to you know what I was doing I was laundering money you're supposed to make money not lose money when you do that rat that is phenomenal that's true oh dude that's so good man no we had a great time out there what island were you on we were at we're in kona okay yeah we were on kawaii and it was as far as far as possible yeah it was it was awesome man I'm happy to be back because I missed all of you guys yourself included but talk about those days last forever out there I mean you wake up and you're like oh my god you really do they really do well ask uh ask Paulie he woke me up at three thirty to come on oh boy I've already committed to broadcasting but it I had some shows at five in the morning and I'm sitting out in the porch and it's dark and my wife later is like are you serious I said well what do you want me to do you want me to wake you up she goes I can hear you everybody can hear you yeah I mean I mean I mean we had one it was five thirty hawaii time last week yeah I wanted he was talking like this he was out on the patio and try not to wake anybody up oh I love it I know I've already committed to broadcasting live out there next year because we were absolutely going back but I'll take the equipment get up at three a.m. and come do the show with the fellas but so you do hits for other radio stations too like our pal softie up in Seattle who's one of our favorite guests and you know huge m's guy and you got you know go ahead tell me that he said to say hi just played in his golf tournament a Monday he's the best man we love softie he took me to the airport I said softie I gotta go I need a ride he said let's go so uh yeah I've known softie since I was a kid I mean I remember him back way back in the day when he was big softie now he's uh then he went to skinny softie now he's kind of middle of the road softie yeah that's what I consider myself more of a middle softie this is what in my life uh booney talking to Brad Boone here I'm better woods this morning so I'm sure I'm sure he's asking you kind of the same stuff we are I mean the teams are you know both kind of fighting for fighting for a spot in the playoffs and you know the the mariners they made some moves they've gotten some pieces they look pretty good uh potteries are playing they're one of the hottest teams in baseball if not the hottest team in baseball since like June 19th or something I saw but the m's you know are they going to have enough to to kind of push through in a pretty tough a.l. Finally the mariners in their man that that pitching step they've got is so good one through five and that offense all year has been so I'm not even mediocre I mean it's been the bottom of the the bottom of the league and and I we've been talking about it what what needs to happen to secure a place for Seattle and I think you just have to play middle of the pack play decent baseball offensively I think they're additions I think a rosarena and Justin Turner are gonna be uh not only from a physical standpoint I think their presence in that clubhouse uh is a big deal Crawford and Julio have been on the I.L. for a while and they're coming back here soon obviously Julio being the the star of that team but hasn't had a an all-star type season but I think a guy like a rosarena who who you're watching you've been watching him for years uh he's got a pretty pretty big personality but the young Julio Rodriguez does too and I think in in a way it'll almost be a challenge to Julio you know from from uh entertainment entertainment value I think that might be a good thing for him and then there's Justin Turner who uh I was just up in Seattle and I had some events up there I had a dinner with Justin Turner and it was the first time I met him and I just sat and talked to him for a while and he he he's kind of that he's the last of the of my era type guy you know the way he talks I felt like I was talking to a a guy that I played with you know the verbiage coming out of his mouth but really great guy I was obviously well respected around baseball he's 39 years old he's kind of a you know he's kind of that guy in the room that that sits at the end of the club house and and everybody comes to him for wisdom I think like a JD Martinez type so I think he's gonna be really good and I think the sneaky move that Seattle made is they got Garcia um from the Toronto Blue Jays which really fills a hole in their in their bullpen because of the Matt Brash thing Matt Brash is a young star yeah and guy don't we know high leverage yeah high leverage guy that they he got Tom and John so he's missing the season so getting Garcia was big but one through five and that starting rotation for the Seattle Mariners I think it's unmatched in all baseball I think they're interchangeable number ones I think Castillo is called their number one at the top he could be the number five easily this Brian Wu kid when he stays healthy is unbelievable Miller's very good Kirby Gilbert was the all-star so uh I think they're the only one that have five interchangeable number ones but um you know they got to play a little bit better they lost yesterday that that that American League West is going to be a battle and and I'm waiting for Texas you know I look at Texas I go they got a Baldi Shurzer's back you got a gray type of haning DeGrom sitting there in the wings when's he gonna come back does he come back there's a lot of ifs for text but I'm thinking a healthy DeGrom throwing away you know we're DeGrom throws when he's healthy followed up by a DeBaldi and a Shurzer could they make it interesting but the longer we go it doesn't look like they're really kind of you never know uh and then Houston you never not Houston they've been the juggernaut the top of that division for a while so I think that wet that West race is going to be one of the most intriguing down the stretch yeah it just feels like the Rangers maybe running out of time they're eight and a half yeah you know that's a Boach team that's one last year though one next year but this year they'll take the year off take the year off exactly exactly well Benny I'm sure you want to ask them about our beloved Padres yeah I wanted to turn our attention to the Padres Brett and um you know they got this big stretch now coming uh like one off day now in the next month Joe Musgrove uh supposed to be coming back this weekend so uh the planning is now how do they do that are they going to go to a six man rotation uh do you take one of the guys like Randy Vasquez or the newcomer Martine Perez out of the rotation to put in Joe you want to save some innings obviously for Michael King going forward kind of what's your what would be your thinking on the strategy of what the Padres should do pitching wise going forward here and Brett is there a downside to a six man rotation in Europe hi yeah that's a good question I think with the guys you got to Dillon see King the wave you know and King was an interesting one for me Waldern's done a great job yeah King was interesting to me because early in the season he had some a couple rough outings and he man he would dominate because he's in the bullpen and it was kind of a not that he hasn't started before but he hasn't been an an everyday starter like he knows he's coming to the ballpark i'm going to get 35 starts this year he's never been that guy until now so I think it was a little bit of an adjustment very fun I think this king guy going forward is going to be really good but I think for this Padres team to really go deep and you got to have a Musgrove you got to have a Musgrove that they're used to having a horse at the top of that rotation so I think let's get him back see how he's pitching and everything else will just kind of fall into line you know obviously at the trading deadline I was interested with the part by the way I think the Padres did a great job I think we covered it last by bolster in that bullpen now arguably the best bullpen to go in the in the national league in in baseball in general and just put getting those that the Scott and Adam uh putting him in front of Suarez who is one of my favorite guys Suarez he's just been so good and uh one of the great closers of the game I just think that let Musgrove go let's see how he is is he Musgrove is he close to what we're used to seeing that horse at the top of rotation if he is everything else will just fall in the line offense is doing great it looks you know what it looks like I was watching a game last night there's a cohesiveness there's uh these guys are actually having fun they are and you know it sounds kind of corny for me to say that because you know it's not cool to say that but there's a lot to it because for a lot of years I didn't believe in that in coming to the ballpark I was a business guy I came to the ballpark I'm swinging hard and yeah all this poo-foo oh the camaraderie this and that I thought it was a bunch of nonsense give me give me the best talent let's go let's go crush people but as I got a little bit older and a little more experience I found that the teams I played on that really had that cohesiveness that that really got in the foxhole with each other at seven o'clock every night man you had a lot better chance and you had a lot more success and you could actually genuinely smile and and enjoy what you're doing and when you do that you kind of forget all the pressure and the and the the school where it kind of goes away and you just kind of have that you know and it's not really words it's a look it's a wink it's a nod hey we got this and we don't have to worry about it it's a little bit of that going on with this team I think they really genuinely like each other doing they like playing together man that's a that's a big uh that's a big feather to having your cap going into the postseason one more thing bread I don't think I've ever asked you this but as an infielder well what do you think of how son Kim I mean we've had him for four years his metrics look always really good because he draws walks his defensive stats look good sometimes the eye test is not as good he goes in slumps he uh makes some base running errors just from what you've seen how do you evaluate his career so far I think he's over achieved I think he's um done more than people expected I think he's a really good player he steals bases I think he could he's he's got that ability to play anywhere on the field I mean Kim you could probably put him in center field and be a gold glove center fielder he's obviously playing short second uh he's he's done that quite a bit in his career I don't know going forward with this Padres team I you know I'd like to see because we always talk about and kind of laugh about how many short stops are on this team and it's interesting how you don't none of them get to play shorter to Kim so I think this offseason you've got a lot you've got a you've got a Croninworth you've got a Kim you've got a Bogart so you know if you ever traded it'd be a tough trade to tease Meryl yeah yeah there's a lot of short stops you got right you got right Meryl's running around in center field you got so many short stops um that I don't know it's gonna be interesting to see what happens this offseason um I just I just love when Croninworth gets to play second base because I think he's that's where his value is I think that's where he thinks his value is and I think he wouldn't when guys are in positions that they're comfortable in they tend to play that interesting all right we out of time um I want to follow up on the second baseman and how Zander's been doing with you maybe next week Brett but I always appreciate it uh welcome back from the uh what was he I was going to just say welcome back from the islands and thanks for joining us but I thought he had something else that you got it oh thanks Brett oh thanks Brett I appreciate it I just didn't hear what he said so he's very tired he's had to cover for yeah I did all right Brett Boone and of course insider calls Odyssey Insider calls presented by Granger with supplies and solutions for every industry Granger as the right product for you call click ranger dot com or just stop but no I thought maybe you wanted to jump in with a quick comment on Zander and how he's transitioned second base I think he said you got it but we got and we'll talk about that uh probably in the future but he likes he likes us on Kim be interested to see what the lineup looks like today if this injury is going to keep him out for more than than one day and what that looks like it's weird that I mean he had he did have a dive on Sunday and he came up but he always looks injured when he gets he dives and it could have been from that it could have been nothing it could have been from sleeping funny on it have no idea whether that's gonna linger but you know Tyler Wade went and did a nice job last night very nice job you don't expect him to be your starting shortstop on a caliber a team like this with so many short stops Tyler Wade is the one who's out there starting seems wrong but certainly did a nice job last night made the plays he needed to make and contributed with a couple of hits it's it's the it's what we've been talking about man the dream of being able to plug guys in different spots and they're actually playing and performing and think about how many guys you're playing quote unquote out of position this year it's it's a lot all right riddle report is coming up next kicking off our nine o'clock hour have uh have you ever heard of a cotton candy burrito before this infuriated me it's coming up next a 97 through the fan all right thanks again a brett bone who joined us this hour on benewood's brought to you by robert half uh pot raise play again we do know the match up for today at least uh michael king who brett bone is very high on takes the mount he has been fantastic now he's only pitched like once in the last 20 days or so i mean they that right well yeah he pitched he pitched right before the all-star break right and like three days before then they had the break and then they didn't pitch him again until after the all-star break like the fourth day and then he had the the comeback right that was that start and now he hasn't pitched since that start which is 10 days ago again which means he's had a nice kind of refresher here in the middle of the season yeah nice little Hawaiian vacation which they needed to get him kind of like they did with Seth Lugo unintentionally last year when Lugo had his little calf strain or whatever it was that kept him out earlier in the year was like in may and kept his innings from getting too high the calf was against baltimore right yeah that was uh july 27th okay it was that he that was his last start right yeah he had one so that was his second start since the all-star break so this will be the 21st and the 27th so this will be his third start in like 25 days or so coming up now so all right well they've they've found a way to kind of limit his innings maybe not the way they intended no one wants to take an intentional line drive to the calf but uh hopefully he hasn't lost whatever rhythm he was in because he was in a really really good rhythm even in that day michael king has pitched extremely well for the last oh i'd say what well you have his game on up here's two months here's recent games his uh his loss was a two nothing lost to the mariners um lost to the brewers and in late june fillies lost you know he did not have a yeah he gave him one earned run five earned runs against milwaukee he's been fantastic two one one one one in his last five six starts pretty nuts amen i'm michael gonzalez will pitch for the pirates today um he's a he's a lefty yep uh has not as much experience as bailey falter i don't think but bailey falter was actually looking pretty good in those first two innings i know we're we're all mad about dylan sees having to come out it's possible that worked out well for the pod yeah potentially you know it might be another austin gomber situation there against bailey falter why why we didn't trade for him at the break and just you know you can't throw him against yourself just trade for him and put him somewhere and so you don't have to face him ever again i mean how many more do we have against the rockies uh three more three more yeah we'll get him one more time you got to figure out a way to beat austin gomber of all people just owns the san diego pod race so that's the match up 340 today hopefully weather permitting i haven't seen the recent forecast i know there were scattered showers the last time i checked 240 eco water so called pre-game show for sam leavitt who had a very long day yesterday he gets here a couple freaking east coast road trip shout outs he gets here a couple hours before the game so he was here you know around lunchtime yep and then pre-game 240 to 340 17 minutes of the game and then right into rain delay theater for two hours and 40 minutes that game had more rain delay than game the game time three two hours and 37 minutes which included the 17 minutes before the rain delay with a two a 40 rain delay and then the post-game show was still on one as i was driving home last night so i don't know what time he walked out of here probably you know 10 to 10 30 maybe last night that was a long one for sam leavitt and he'll be back at it today with very few off days left at least until september for the san diego pottery yeah no doubt all right paul has got some headlines let's get to the rindle report and get things started here with our addition today's edition of the rindle report now tuned into the mop greatest welcome to the rindle report with paul rindle hi paul right two stories from the world of sports that we haven't gotten to yet we'll start off in major league baseball and one story that you didn't know you needed are you laughing beyond it's the rindle report hey paul how you doing okay how are you on 97-3 the fan are you ready to bless the mood i need some help please that was good can i get a whole year all right all right all right aloha aloha aloha to you mahalo aloha to you pinai good morning aloha everybody in mahalo all right let's get started uh a little baseball news i'm was kind of surprised to see this there was an announcement yesterday that the atlanta braves and the sincinati reds in 2025 next season are going to play a major league baseball game a regular season game on the moon not on the moon at crystal motor speedway in tennessee trying to picture how many people i do you know poly how many people they can fit in that place because i imagine it's a lot just says capacity here so talion paul tweeting about this well he's very excited 150 thousands the bristle motor speedway who are the teams again capacity braves and reds okay yeah they did a football game there i believe a few years back two of your i mean this is an insult so i don't i don't want to say it but kind of your redneckier team baseball i mean come on for being honest right braves and reds he's not wrong yeah i would just say well welcome to bristle everybody you can play at an ascar track you're probably not going to make two of your redneckier teams it's probably not going to be mariners rockies at the nascar track let's let's just be honest they fillies they picked these teams pretty intentionally i think i'm fillies in yet these are game now will they have a race going on outside the stadium at the same time that would be exciting but uh yeah keep an eye out for that next season it's just reported right now but you can look on the public schedule for tennessee governor bill we he is scheduled to be at bristle motor speedway on friday morning and uh rob manford is also expected to be there friday morning for some announcement what could it be i don't know but uh yeah all signs pointing to braves and reds now they can't use all 150 000 there would be some horrifically bad seats so the baseball game at an ascar track where you're like half a mile away from home plate in one of those seats but this is here the uh the mlb game will be the first major sporting event outside of racing since 2016 the tennessee volunteers played the virginia tech hokies in a football game they set the record for nc double a's largest single game attendance that year all right i mean 150 000 yeah i mean you know again i i think that that's a short oval it's only a half mile track okay yeah i think you know again baseball i like i like thinking outside the box a little bit on things but let's make games available to people and then then we can move them to different various uh exotic locales uh like tennessee let let's get that problem solved uh before we start moving it and playing and you know basketball courts and other other places adam cluke who's going to be in for poly the next two days ask did i just inadvertently call him a redneck yeah yeah you did a brave stand actually yeah you did no i don't think it was anything what did you say he'll redneck and redneck you redneck your teams all right so that's uh the story out of bristol tennessee next up we had to west chester florida where the fi u panther's football team made an announcement yesterday that yes pit bull pit bull the musician the artist pit bull has bought the naming rights for fi u football it is now pit bull stadium brilliant and i was actually shocked i don't know anything about fi u i don't know what level they're at what conference they're here actually division one yeah pretty pretty big program now are they on the same so they're on the same level as far as division one goes with same ego state yep like snap dragon oh yeah it's the naming rights we're playing conference USA i mean you know it's a small it's like a it's not they're not like this you see but they're they're pretty much the east coast mountain west you i was shocked when i saw i was five-year deal cost six million bucks feels uh life feels really low for naming rights i was at least six million a year right not only that but he gets the stadium for concerts right yeah yeah he got the naming rights to the stadium obviously it says his vole 305 vodka which i can only assume for mr 305 that's his vodka brand uh that will be sold at all the games he gets two suites up to 40 people he will have personal use of the venue for ten days out of the year probably you what would you use it and he's the title of the official entree concert so you don't have to pay for your venue yeah you own the all the revving all the gate that sounds like a lot i thought he was like wanted to go down and run routes i looked at him like ten days a year he could go down and do whatever he wants you can i could i couldn't remember so uh the snap dragon stadium rights are 45 million for 15 years here so this is actually less than that a better deal than snap dragon stadium yeah it's just a six million for five years so it's like a million one point two million a year so yeah less than half of what snap dragon's paying for snap dragon stadium wow all right start the go fund now we'll for Benanwood's stadium why don't maybe florida internationals should just change their nickname to the pitbulls the pitbulls would be a great i think that's a panthers right now but if you're gonna play pitbull stadium you might as well be the pitbulls yeah probably probably a lot of legalese you have to go through to change your mascot right i guess so but that's cool panthers is pretty blah i'm not a big pitbull fan but i think that's a pretty grew up yeah right in that area and it's odd i think that's cool yeah is yeah he has so much money he's just like i don't i i'm just gonna buy i'm just gonna buy naming rights to stadium now so much money now wants to know how long until the east coast mountain west is actually the name of a conference oh with them you know how far these conferences are spanning you can't really come up with a good name for a conference anyway remember the big 12's just gonna sell it to like an insurance company or something it's gonna be like the all state 12 so he's got an estimated net worth of 100 million so six million for five years and i mean probably make that money back and vodka sales yeah whatever else he's gonna do i mean if you can host if he wants a host 10 concerts there he can and not have to pay the venue that's insane that's not bad at all yeah good good investment for a uh savvy businessman all right finally this uh made me want to vomit yesterday but the Arizona Cardinals at state farm stadium it's right down the street from stadium right down the street from pottery spring training and he's explicit you can walk to explicit from the state be hot but yeah you could get there yeah and uh so they have announced some new menu items for Cardinals games this year and one of them includes a cotton candy burrito i do like burritos i love this this one is pushing the i watch the video like roll cotton candy up and inside of said burrito has uh not your traditional you know steak meat or chicken french fries guarly not sour cream thank god for that it's gonna have fruity pebbles fruit loops marshmallows skittles mini m&m's gummy bears sprinkles all wrapped in a cotton candy like tortilla i gave uh i gave taylor like a little bit of shaved ice shave ice sorry somebody corrected me earlier at like eight o'clock at night i'd might as well have given him crystal methamphetamine i mean so i can't imagine what a kid eating this you're you're off you're off your rocker also you don't need m&m's in there if you're gonna go with like the fruit flavor oh don't mix the chocolate and the fruit that's good point that you can bang that and then it would be a little bit better so here's my logistical issue cotton candy is best when it's wispy yeah wispy and not just hack it's almost melt just melts on your tongue in order to have the integrity of a burrito shell they're gonna really have to layer the cotton candy to the point where it's now thick and chewy which is not the best form of cotton candy so you're making the cotton candy worse and then you're stuffing it with a bunch of stuff that's kind of mismatched that doesn't go together i think we've jumped the shark on this one this is this is finally we finally hit it we have finally mentioned how just incredibly unhealthy that is yeah it's about as bad as everything you can eat i don't want to throw up just looking at it i know it's not it's not i like some of the you know mixes of of things but this is not it we all we were going a little too far the unhealthy things but at least in like our regular burrito you get some protein whatever yeah a little chicken in there yep this has zero redeeming value zero not whatsoever it's just sugar on top of sugar on top of sugar on top of more sugar so gross oh thank you poly and you're welcome yeah we've gone too far scale it back people scale it back i agree p-9 penny oh sorry it's pronounced my handle name is pronounced penny that was p-9 no penny it might be pen i but i don't think it's p-9 i'm looking right at it says p-9 p-9 p-9 pen i or it said p-e-n-i p-9 how did you get to be kiwi that doesn't even sound like steam i don't know it doesn't it doesn't palo makes sense palo makes perfect sense but i i know there's no b in hawaiian so i guess p is the closest yes but you know my real name is Chuck but i moved right here and then changed my name to kunu oh and so cool what does that mean that means chump all right wrap it up all right we will uh take a quick break we've got traffic come back uh you just tease traffic no we've got traffic then we come back then we come back and we can talk about uh well what do you want to talk about you're the one that's been gone for a while i've been having to think about what to talk about for the last eight shows sure you put me on the spot here coming up next we got traffic we got traffic here on better woods we're at that back we get so focused on the pot raise if you sometimes forget that the the biggest sporting event in the world is still going on in paris and i i understand that hannah is into the olympics you watched a lot of olympics while you're on vacation too much apparently based on that reaction inundated with olympics and it's not you know it it it's not ending she's she's obsessed with the olympics it's great i watched you know some watched um who's the swimmer katie liddick she's fantastic she has she beat that other swimmer what's her name uh titmus tittmas arian tittmas yep from australia and she was the one that was running her mouth a lot tittmas was good rivals katie liddicki and simon biles simon biles gymnastics story was very compelling yeah watch watch the love it is good it's good sports drama there is something about it that i think i don't know if it's a male female thing sometimes it does split along those lines but i think it's more if you are an absolute like day-to-day die-hard baseball football whatever fan it's a whole different kind of experience the olympics is about individual stories more than a season-long competition yeah absolutely it's a different kind of sports fan watching i don't know what's saying what is better or worse i don't hate the olympics by any stretch but i i get a little bit worn out by it over over time and there's so much it's you're just inundated but i everyone's been talking about it was paulley's recommendation or was it yours the gold gold zone one of you guys should take credit for it because everyone i'll take credit it was in the right it was in the right report all right so that's been great uh but yeah i watched the tittmas katie liddicki battles duels in the pool the whole family sat around on the couch and watched that and that was pretty cool that was a long i mean it's on it's on fairly early here in hawai i'd imagine your first thing in the morning you're getting prime time coverage from paris i kept asking hannah how many more laps oh she's there she runs she does the long races third of the way done i'm like will you text me when it gets close to the end and then i'll come back in i mean it's remarkable all i thought was how long that would take me to do what she did it would take me about two months of start and stop 6 1600 meters i mean it's crap dude there's just no way i mean just complete and total athletes just incredible so yeah i've watched i've watched more than i've intended to uh good uh soccer game yesterday u.s. women's national team needed extra time to beat germany one nothing on a goal by sofias smith the waves Naomi german defensive star was really key in that one so they'll play brazil in the gold medal game on saturday and then the u.s basketball team is now just two wins away from another gold medal they crushed brazil yesterday one 22 87 and they're going to play serbia in thursday's semi final to try to advance to the gold medal game so yeah once i get to the second week you start you know the hundred meters is done that was dramatic that was dramatic the noa liles the photo finish that was awesome what happened we talked about that while you were gone as well so it continues on but there's definitely it's a whole different experience when you follow a team like your favorite team and you're following standings over the course of the year it's like the exact opposite of an olympic event which is basically all right i'm gonna find out about this sport and then five minutes later i'm going to see the pinnacle of this sport and then five minutes after that i'm not going to think about it again for another four years yeah it's exactly right we we think about the pod race every minute 365 days a year pretty much every year off season in the season everything but with the olympics you get really excited about it but it's for a really condensed period of time and then katie ladecki is no longer in your thoughts until at least you know three to four years now when they're getting ready for los angeles if she's going to do it all over again now mrs woods has already said that she is planning on going to the olympics when it's in la and didn't didn't ask has not invited me yet because i think she knows the answer i'm just gonna let that could be a girl's trip i'll watch that the kids and you guys can go to the battle of la traffic is gnarly on a Tuesday i can't imagine what it's gonna be like then so go what event would she go to to question i mean that's a good question i'll ask her tonight and report back tomorrow judo yes she loves judo i watched some of the archery it was pretty bad i want to go to the olympics so what do you think it's gonna happen to a person can i ask her like in a stadium and they're shooting an arrow a mile away and the things up against i cheek is that look like that was in the bullseye i can't tell from here i'm like did she want to go to a specific event like it's swimming or bust or does she just want to go to the olympics and shoot a little whatever is said she can get her hands she said i want to go to the olympics but i don't there's not the olympics ticket i'd like to buy one to the olympics olympics tickets please and it's not an all acting ceremonies i mean she want the pomp or she want the actual competition she likes it she likes it all but she likes the competition so i think i think you can go see a question uh in tamekula okay that's close closer yeah i don't i don't i think i'm i think i want to pass on it i'll watch it on tv you can go to something i mean like if you don't want to spend too much time you could go to like speed climbing did you see that one yesterday uh sam watson the american set the world record four point seven five seconds scott from bottom to top done you want four point seven tire olympic event lasted less than five seconds train for years for his big five second moment at the olympics when he won gold medal we've all been there am i right or am i right now we talked about the rally roach yet the eight and two rally roach you know while you were gone we got the rally roach going i mean how long until it's at first at every morning oh how long until it's like a real thing i don't like i want to put out i want to put out a rally road shirt but i know they'll start losing i'm afraid to i'm afraid to really come here send us some really cool stuff over the last couple of weeks but i just i've been so hesitant because you do how many times have we been bitten by this where we put something out there we go excited oh yeah and then incoming five you lose me you remember remember the goose the rally goose yep and then you know the ko side dads are going to sing a song about the rally roach and it's going to be over so you have to be careful with these things i'm uh i'm sending this out over this platform right now i'm going to take this moment i'm going to warn all of you who are even thinking about it just stop just don't even entertain it this year it's gone really well there's been an absence of bits you know i'm going to take my own advice we're not going to put out a shirt that's what's in i'm just going to continue to kiss the rally roach and it'll stay here in the studio eight and two since the uh the rally roach yeah let's go roach i let's you know who you are you know who i'm talking about i'm not even gonna say his name don't do it this year don't be the guy don't be the guy that does it this year i'm begging you okay don't mess with anything things are going great let's keep it going yeah like johnny says if it ain't broke don't fix it that's because i don't need we don't make much money off of t-shirts anyway so it's not like we're going to clean up on a rally roach shirt now if they make the world series fine but because then it's let the chips fall where they may but right now let's just let's stay bitless let's stay bitless all padre's fans out there this year no songs no country songs no rap songs from the body's already created country songs for the padre's yeah let's just let's let's let a make it yep let ai make it as andro says so yeah man eight and two though i like that we'll keep kissing the roach i mean as long as it's working you have to least kiss the roach 100 percent but they can just leave it at that leave it at that don't need anything else all right uh final segment coming up you know you often tell me that i reveal things to you yes they continue to surprise after six years god do you have another one no no this one was from don or silla last night i don't know if you caught this but don made a bit of a revelation during the game that we were talking about actually at channel 10 last night when he said it and i want to get your thoughts on what don had to say in our final segment of henna woods coming up next year on 97 through the fam oh all he's gonna pop his cherry tonight at Foo Fighters is Foo Fighters chair Foo Fighters Foo Fighters first time seeing Dave Grohl and company coming in playing petco park tonight very excited excited for you they put on a really good show and he's very energetic i don't know how he does it he's been doing a long time and uh they're going to be playing petco tonight very excited for you man to be a good time man i you know i i think i've said this before so i apologize but when taylor hawkins passed away yeah it was brutal that that sucked i mean they were one of my favorite bands and i never saw them yeah the original bands the worst and it was also a little bit of a hangover from the pandemic you know missing live events yeah i just go you know what i'm done if there's something i want to see if they if my favorite band is coming to town i'm going and didn't get to see them before taylor died but this is their first tour since and uh yeah cannot wait to go tonight now i'm exhausted from traveling and whatnot but i i don't have any fomo at 938 this morning i have none i just want to go home and sleep but i will have it later later today when i see all the pictures and i see i've seen them a bunch of times who's the opening act yeah who is the opening i don't know all right it's Alex g Alex g is that somebody in the chat so it sounds like uh yeah man uh it's i saw them many many years ago i've seen them probably five six times since oh the hives are playing the hives are awesome the hives kick ass the you g the hives and Foo Fighters yeah the hives don't miss the hives okay high energy incredible band um that's a great show jealous yeah Adam Kluge's going to yeah i just found that out this morning he's going as well you and i are the only ones not going now Adam said he's sitting in the suite oh what is the sweet me the sweet is that like the like audices sweet i would assume that's what the i don't think it's the Foo Fighters so i've been here we've been here what five six years five years this is our sixth year this is our sixth year i didn't know that the sweet existed for concerts i spend a fortune on concert tickets a fortune on concert tickets at pet go park this is only the second on the field you're saying you don't think Adam is spending a fortune something tells me that he's just going his own the sweet so is the sweet just going to be like the bosses hanging out in the sweet because i've never even been offered the sweet if Adam offers you right now to go to the sweet tonight what are you gonna say now i'm exhausted i'm absolutely fried there's just no chance Adam said all you had to do is ask yeah right yeah right the sweet is a thing all right well now we know next time there's a big show we want to see a pet go park putting in our request for the sweet i know idea of death tones the sweet guess you already spent a fortune on D and Ayla's death tones tickets i got tickets the other day um got tickets the other day are they playing Gallagher square they're playing no it's both now yeah it's big now it's really big and i i told bow because he's gone with me for the last three years you hey i got our death tones tickets you know what this little turn did he goes VIP i go oh my god i'm gonna kill you dude he's just writing us VIP bro come on you're six you're six you want to meet and greet before me what are you looking for yeah anything else i can do for you bud after you're a trip to Hawaii i'm a little nervous because as i told you this morning yeah i think i damn you broke my foot last night playing basketball he had a an ankle injury you and uh a j proller has a born plantar fascia as well yeah i don't know them found that out when i went down last we can talk to them both hoops injuries i'm assuming yeah i rolled it uh light a light rolling yes you had a light roll light dusting of it a couple of years ago and i guess like i've played several times since you play baseball yeah and it's been okay but apparently it was not up to full strength i just thought it was up to full strength and literally literally our first possession of the game last night rolled it bad bad bad like getting x-rays after the show this would not tape your ankles before a game i wrap them i do i do it was like sore uh i just bought a new ankle stabilizer that'll go around my foot under in my shoe so hopefully that helps once i'm ready to go but uh yeah very very painful now if you guys have literally never taped a body part in my life man come on every once have you guys see like what jane just said did you guys talk about this about do you daily stuff tones yes you did talk about we did if it goes game seven of the world series at home they'd be on the same day now jane says the front office doesn't have faith in this team apparently no no they do i'd say they have the ultimate faith they get it done they get it done before games haven't also we talked about yesterday the uh mlb announced flex scheduling so both ca lead championship series end in five or fewer yeah they're starting the world series three days earlier and it will be over okay good in october is rather than november so there's a lot of ways around a game seven possibly conflicting with a concert at pecco park yeah but i would have said three weeks ago they don't go into it willy nilly no chance the pod rays have a home game in game seven all right the way they've been playing it's not out of the question if they could not only pat catch the dodgers and get a buy but who knows depending on who comes out of the american league you could actually have home field in the world series now so that's a good problem now it is that's really i'd be happy to forego my tickets or push to another date so paul you're gonna be paul he is on one ankle at you going with your wife tonight no my buddy tom's your buddy tom is going now you're on one ankle crutches i would imagine you're getting x-rays after this possible yeah what if they give in one of those carts mosquito with the one and yeah it's got around yeah around that always always look so painful i'll be i think if i am on crutches which i've never had crutches before but i think i'll be fun because i like to stand during the concert yeah you say that until you get crutch rash under your arm it's the worst oh crutches are the worst they are the worst and yes adam has pointed out in the chat that uh he will be going to the concert he didn't know he was going i don't think i'm so like tonight yeah you know why because the suite opened up for him he's like one of us is going to this we're both going to the show but only one of us will be at work tomorrow yeah trm says get a sweet cane yes 100 i was thinking that too a cane this we were in the airport a walking stick we were in the airport on the way out there and my kids are walking in this old lady dropped her cane on the ground as we passed her and it sounded like a gunshot i dropped three feet in the air i jumped three feet there wow poly get a cane and cane your ass around getting crutches i think i'm i'm not old enough for a cane cane your ass around pet coparts you get a monocle and you can be mr monopoly mr peanut that's true that's right so then she's taking tomorrow off what you deserve i'm gonna sleep in and sleep in and then you leave for washington state friday morning furlough what uh bachelor party bachelor we're going to leavenworth washington sounds awesome it's like it's not like the leavenworth it has the prison no that's a cancer that's in Kansas it's like a two-hour drive from seattle it's in the mountains like just off it's like a Danish town i've been driving before it's yeah i'm very rich and you like pastries and it's going to be a pure pastry heavy bachelor party got the river right there we're going to do a river float on saturday for like five miles you guys should check out while you're there the nutcracker museum it has thousands of nutcrackers some dating back century why wouldn't we i'm going to look up adult entertainment i don't know if there's going to be a lot of those options leavenworth washington adults only what's this now i know why you're going there see adult only hotel called the post hotel very nice all right we already booked an airbnb so i don't know for some all right well there's adults only there sounds sounds like a good time are you excited about going not really not really it's all right i promised it inside the mind of don or sillow we will get to that right after a check of traffic here on 97 3 the fam there was once when we decided that live and christopher walkin was the host amazing and he comes up and he's like he said he asked us if the accent was on foo or fighters and we know who he is like of course we know how he speaks and we said uh the accent is on fighters actually so he goes up he's like ladies and gentlemen foo fighters cuz i knew that's what happened i was like don't say most people say foo fighters wait cuz for walkin says it uh-huh fighters ladies and gentlemen foo fighters so good the sarah 97 3 the fan is brought to you by express employment professionals if your supply chain demands a flexible workforce higher with express employment professionals with contract and full-time workers from express employment you get the staff you need managed contingent labor cost learn more at express that's express so with the long rain delay obviously you know you expected the game to be over around you know 630 at the latest last night but with the time change it got really late on the east coast for don and mud as they were doing the broadcast and somewhere around i think the seventh inning or so don's phone alarm went off and mud asked him about it and he said what what do you have your alarm set for and he goes oh that's my my go to bed alarm and go to bed alarm he said i was wondering is does it do other people do this like set an alarm to remind you it's time to go to bed my friend never done that in my life it does i have like the sleep uh the focus modes on your iphone right and so at nine fifteen on weeknights my phone switches from like personal or whatever normal mode to sleep mode where the background turns black notifications turn off because that means i'm i'm shutting it down like if you call me i think twice it'll in a few seconds it'll go through other than that it goes to sleep mode and then my alarm goes off at four in the morning and so at nine fourteen i get an alert like a push notification on my phone this is you know it's almost wrap it up time for bed time i mean i i had a bedtime since i was like 10 and no i really haven't i i go to sleep when i'm tired and and basically i know i'm tired when i start falling asleep yeah it could be in the middle of an interview it could be in a seat you know i'm gonna be in any of it yes and i'm plenty tired i have no i have no trouble going to sleep but i i don't ever like oh look at a clock and go oh it's it's 10 o'clock i need to go to bed now and i wondered is that common or uncommon what don does that oh right oh tan i was watching i didn't realize i was watching a tv show and now it's time for bed it's i need to be reminded of it gets here in one of the chats is paraphrasing what don said it tells me to put my devices down go read a book or something now i i struggle with sleep a lot man i really do and i don't once i do fall asleep i don't sleep well i've tried it all tried all your recommendations i read plenty on how how the best way is and everybody says you got to put your phone down you got to quit scrolling you got to turn your brain off you know look at this red light or blue light or do some meditation or whatever i can't in my mind though i have to fall asleep with something playing on my phone i have to i put a movie on i i take an ambient i try to sleep like i i know that's not the best way it's probably why i have fitful sleep but i it's just what works i know it's sound my life sometimes sounds miserable with how much i'm awake and how little i sleep but one thing that's great about it is i never lay there going oh i wish i could just get to sleep that's and that's i it's if i want to fall asleep i can fall asleep instantly whenever i want to like that i don't like the feeling of like trying to get myself to sleep all right it's really need to go to bed it's 10 o'clock if i don't go to bed now i'm going to be erect tomorrow and you're like laying there like worrying and thinking i don't do that because as soon as my head hits the pillow that is now but in the sleeves yeah like jeff says if you have ADHD you can't just turn your brain off i can't i can't do it and i lay there and especially if it's a little bit late and i'm like did i take kenambian or did i not oh no i think i did so i'm going to try to get myself to fall asleep it is just impossible for me all right i've seen a number of people who go like poly they may have at least a time where kind all right we're starting to change into sleep mode later in the night but i i work essentially until bedtime yeah you know i work i drive home i i go to bed so i don't i've never really had that at least in my adult life where there's like oh i should you know i've been i had dinner and then i was watching doing some stuff with the kids and tv and now it's time to go to bed no it's just i get home from work i mean i mean i mean very well they stay up past nine fifteen i'm saying my phone pretty much shuts itself down nine fifteen on on week nine it's interesting so i got this new phone this garment and it's incredible new watch new phone new watch uh the garment you wear it in the ocean when i swam i wore you know you wear the water it's phenomenal but it has sleep score i mean dude last night i slept three hours and forty nine minutes three hours and forty nine minutes that's terrible oh it's terrible yeah it's a horrible horrible my perception may be skewed what a good sleep plenty is just just pathetic but so there that i told you about the day in hawaii where i woke up sad and didn't want to do anything and just kind of laid around all day it has this sleep coach that will say like hey get some extra rest today you need it it said you've rested enough today i literally laid on my ass for like eight hours and said you've rested enough go out and move because it's it's i just couldn't do it man i was just so bombed and relaxed i love this thing though this thing has been the best investment i've ever had all right quick question for you last couple of minutes uh as we get ready for pottery is game number two of the series because i saw this stat this morning do you have any idea who leads uh baseball in grounding into double plays maybe correct 22 after two more last night you have any idea who's second be louise your eyes oh pottery's hit into a lot of double play they do are we okay with that though i mean with their style of baseball making contact getting on base guys who hit for high average so you got guys on first base a lot and then the guy behind them you know makes contact a lot they don't strike out very much it's inevitable there's nothing they can really do about that and i guess you have to either be okay with it or you don't but i see people who get frustrated oh it's manny rolling into another double play again well double play suck they do but it also means you putting guys on base and you're making contact and usually pretty sharp contact a double play while it's definitely the worst outcome when you know you got a guy on first base and you're trying to start a rally also means you're doing two two of the things right that you're supposed to be doing you're putting the ball play putting guys on base and putting the ball in play which is essentially the pod raise offensive game plan i don't think there's any way around it as long as the pod raise go with this you know this offensive strategy that's been working for them it's going to be a lot of double plays they're going to hit into double plays and i think we need to chill maybe a little bit and lose the frustration when they do it doesn't mean that they're failing and doing things wrong it means they're actually doing what they're supposed to be doing and doing it right and it just happened to be the wrong outcome that one time yeah i mean listen they're winning so i couldn't care less and like with manny last night i was texting with the buddy he said oh for five two double plays but his defense more than made up for it you know so i'm gonna try to zen myself i'm a double player all right i will get frustrated when we see him but let's start the runners a little more you know what i mean get the guy going and she'll does that sometimes they had a nice Zander Bogart said the hit and run was actually his rba single there too so anyway just wanted to throw that in at the end of the show this is what they say in hawaii when they're about to leave they say we go we go everybody and he knows the next get your laugh on with me chris jereco at the talk is jereco podcast we've got guns and roses hull femur duff the kegan and his joke of the week every friday plus regular visits from the hilarious brad williams and special appearances by everyone from gabrielle fluffly a glacis mark marin dennis miller cheech marin kevin neelen if they're funny they're on talk is jereco so listen to and follow talk is jereco now on the free odyssey app or wherever you get your podcasts trying to figure out what to eat for dinner yet again 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