Ben & Woods On Demand Podcast

6am Hour - Woodsy Is BACK + Padres Beat The PIrates!

Ben, Paul, and WOODS are here for you on a Wednesday morning! We start the show with a little foreplay as we hear all about Woodsy's trip to Hawaii over the last week! Then Ben sets the menu for today's show and hear how Jesse Agler pulled off "The Incorporator" last night before we get to our Padres Wrap-Up and talk about the Padres 6-0 win over the Pirates after a nearly 3 hour rain delay! Listen here!

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07 Aug 2024
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Get your laugh on with me, Chris Jericho and the Talk is Jericho podcast. We've got Guns N' Roses, Hall of Famer, Duff McKagan and his joke of the week every Friday, plus regular visits from the hilarious Brad Williams and special appearances by everyone from Gabrielle, Fluffly and Glazeys, Mark Marin, Dennis Miller, Cheech Marin, Kevin Neeland, if they're funny, they're on Talk is Jericho, so listen to and follow Talk is Jericho now on the free Odyssey app or wherever you get your podcast. This season Instacart has your back to school. As in, they've got your back to school lunch favorites, like snack packs and fresh fruit. And they've got your back to school supplies, like backpacks, binders and pencils. And they've got your back when your kid casually tells you they have a huge school project due tomorrow. Let's face it, we were all that kid. So first, call your parents to say, "I'm sorry." And then download the Instacart app to get delivery in as fast as 30 minutes all school year long. Get a $0 delivery fee for your first three orders while supplies last. Minimum $10 per order additional term supply. Awww, lo-ha, my brother's look who's back in town, it's so good to be back here with all of you guys. I've forgotten how to do this job, I don't know what day it is, you have to bear with me. I'm still very much on Island time, and you can see if you're watching on YouTube, this is how I dress now. This is just what I do, I've got a Hawaiian shirt on, I've got a lei, and I'm feeling tan and refreshed. And it's so good to be back with you guys. That's a bold face lie, I wish to God, I wish I was waking up in Hanalei Bay right now having my morning coffee. So, but I'm going to do my very best, I did miss you guys specifically over there, morning coffee. Morning coffee, yeah, I woke up about three or four every day, except for one, except for one day. But man, it's good, it's so good to be with you guys especially, and to, I wanted to start the show by thanking you. Again, for allowing me to have this vacation with my family. It was our first real trip away, and it went so smoothly, you just couldn't, it couldn't have gone better. Really, it could not have been a better trip for us. I am Woodsy, and in Hawaiian, it's Kiwi, that's my name in Hawaiian, Kiwi, like the fruit, like the fruit. Paulie is our executive producer, imaging director of the station, he is Paolo, which makes sense, that's cool, Paolo. I'll take that, also your Italian name, and then Benjamin Higgins is Penny, P-E-N-I, if you had an S to it, it's P-N-S. So, Penny, Penny, Penny, Penny, Penny, Penny, Penny, Penny, Penny, Penny, Penny, Kiwi, and Paolo. This morning, well, it's very good, I had a great time, you're not allowed to go anywhere like that for that long. Paulie and I are just here for the wood show to sit and enjoy it for the next four hours. The next four hours is your canvas. All right, where do I start, where do I start, it's, um, no, thank you guys, I really want to thank you. And I've already decided, just, I'll let you know now, we're already planning next year. So, there will be one small change, I will 100% take the equipment with me, and broadcast from wherever I go. All right, we got that on the record. That's on the record, I would have no problem doing it, we have the perfect house to do it in, the internet, and Wi-Fi is spotless, it's phenomenal, I didn't really miss a pitch on the island, I think I saw every game, asked me if I remember them, no, but I watched them, I watched them all in the moment, and was really pleased by what I saw. But it was just an incredible trip, and with two little kids to have a pretty seamless trip was pretty great. Well, let's get into it, can I just ask you some questions about how it went and you can kind of just share some of the details. But first of all, traveling with the kids, flights, everything, everything goes planned or any unexpected mishaps or adventures. It was so easy and seamless, iPads are a great invention, we don't give our kids the iPad very much. When you have a six hour flight, you give your kid the iPad, and then they turn into salivating, rabid dogs, when you take the iPad away, but you wear that for a little while and you move on, but they were great, man, Bo was phenomenal, Taylor, they were both so good on the plane, and it was elite, mom, packed all kinds of snacks, and we wanted for nothing. So we got on the flight out, no problem, landed, get the rental car, the whole thing, and then went out to the house, and I was just blown away at how beautiful that island was. We were on Kawaii, and it's almost like you ever see, like when you see like Brad Pitt, you're like, "Bro, you're too good looking, it's too beautiful there." So I did the driving, so all I heard the whole time was, "Ooh, look over there." And I'm on this one lane road, and I'm like, "Shut up, shut up, shut up." And I told you guys, my father-in-law completely domed me out about all the locals. He's like, "You better watch your speed, you better watch how you talk to people, no road rage, no nothing." So I'm like, I'm white knuckling, the whole drive to the thing, we get there, we unpack, and we just walk down to Hanalei Bay, and I just went, "Oh." And it's where Puff the Magic Dragon, so you can see the dragon. You see like the beautiful mountains, and it makes up the shape of a dragon, which is where that dude got the inspiration for that song, and in a land called Hanalei, but it's Hanalei Bay. So we just walked down the beach, and swam, and jumped off the pier, and ate together, and we just had the best time the boys were, I mean, nine out of ten, really. And so that was cool. I'd ask you about the weather, but it's wise, so, you know, eighties, warm. It is so good. Perfect. It's too good-looking, it's too beautiful there, and everywhere you look, you're like, "Phew, man!" It was, uh, it was wonderful. It was a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful trip. I always like to know about foods, things that you consumed while you were there. So a lot of people told me, "What do you got to hit up the chicken in a barrel?" And I did. It was one right by our house, and I, uh, I lost, I broke a crown. My second day there eating ribs, Hawaiian ribs, and I cracked one of my crowns. So I have, like, a hole back here, so I have to get that fixed, uh, in the next week. So that kind of sucked as I spit out a tooth. Didn't really have the taste for Hawaiian barbecue after that. You're not supposed to eat the bones. Don't eat the bones. Yeah. Uh, and I did a broken crown, so that kind of sucked. So shaved ice is something that I thought I had had before. A snow cone, if you will. Oh no. You guys know that they put ice cream at the bottom of it? Vanilla? I don't know if I've ever gotten to the bottom. Really fantastic. So it's ice cream on the bottom, and then the big snow globe, and then they put the syrup over it, and you start to eat, and you're like, "I didn't get any, I didn't get any vanilla." Oh my God, that's ice cream. And it's the greatest thing you've ever had. I had about three of those. The best meal I had was the last night at a place called the dolphin. Very kind of trendy spot in Hanalei Bay, and right by the river, beautiful, and I had a ribeye, a teriyaki ribeye there, that makes you feel it. Now we're talking. Bro, I ate every bit. The fat. I ate the fat. I licked the plate. It was unbelievable. We had a little sushi that was spectacular, obviously, gonna be fresh. This dude, we went, took my kids down. So if you've ever seen the movie, The Descendants, the whole thing where they film them quite is right where we are. And there's a restaurant there called Tahiti Nui, and they show it in the movie. The beach that he's talking to this woman on, there's the pier in the background that we jumped off of. It's right where we were swimming, and we swam every day, and George Clooney's in, and it was really cool. So we went to this place, and there's this traditional Hawaiian man in the full garb, and he is cutting fresh guava. No, fresh mango with a knife, and he's cutting it. He's like, "Would you boys like some?" And I said, "Yeah." And so they walked up, they ate a big fat piece of fresh mango, and Taylor walks up to him. I didn't see Taylor. He goes, "Can I have another one?" So he cuts him off another one. He crushes that. Man, it was, it was really spectacular. So we were in an Airbnb, so we went to the store. We bought a bunch of groceries. We kind of made breakfast and lunch at home, and then, you know, ate where we wanted to. We had pizza, and just kind of normal stuff. We had little kids with us. We did not do the big fancy meal every night, which was great. It blew out. We went to one fire show, and that was spectacular. Now, I will say, it's kind of like radio. You want to get to the, you want to get to the meat, you want to get to the meat of a story. And instead of getting to the meat of the story, this guy came out, he played, played like six Hawaiian songs on acoustic guitar. Remember, they're on island time. They're on island time. No reason to hurry. They're playing about six songs on acoustic guitar, and he's like, okay, we take short break. We'll be right back. They leave. What in the world? An hour goes by. Then they come out and they do the big fire show, and it was phenomenal. But it was about a three and a half hour deal. My kids were great. They stayed the whole, we stayed the whole time. I only had two cocktails on the whole island, and there's a reason for it. I had a Mai Tai at the fire show, and I had a Pina Colada with my wife, and when we got one night away at a hotel, just the two of us, and I texted Pauli, I said, I don't know what they put in these drinks, but they're like gasoline. I said, I'm, I'm S-faced. I had one Pina Colada, Ben, this is not regular room, bro. I had one Pina Colada, Hannah passed out, she passed out at 615. I texted Pauli, I'm like, I'm in a hotel room watching movies at 630, and I'm hammered. And, but, bro, it's just, it's spectacular. So Pauli and I have a question, because we, we talked about this while you were gone, hiking. Were you gonna actually follow through and do it? You said you had like nearly one a day, but all these hikes plan, and we go, there's no way he's gonna be going on daily hikes, up through the like the mountain part of Kauai, and then the beaches. Did you really? I can't remember. I think it might have been off the air, but we, we did set a bet. The line was one and a half hike, like you were gonna do one. There's, I thought I was pretty sure you get to the first one, and then you probably go, I don't need to do another. Even if it was more of a flat walk, you'd call it the hike. I took the under, you, you hit, yeah, yeah, you hit. Once I got there, now I will say my in-laws did a phenomenal job, they planned the fire show, and they, they planned the night away for us, and they planned all this stuff. But what you find is the longer you're there, the less the schedule seems to matter, and you're like, I, I just feel like doing this day. I had a, I had one day where I just didn't leave the house really. I just was kind of around the house, and I went down to the bay, which is a five minute walk, and swam, but I didn't feel the need to, I had no desire really to say let's drive, the driving is what got me. We did one day where we went down to poi-poo, and up to poi-poo, and it took an hour of, a down to poi-poo, hour and, hour and 45 minutes, because there was construction, hour 45. So after that I said, the less I'm in the car, the better. I just want to be around Hanalei. Once you're in Hanalei, there's, you don't call Kelly Danick, she could have given me the traffic port. Here's the traffic, here's the traffic port for Hawaii. It pretty much sucks all the time, and if anything happens, if any left a surfboard in the middle of the road, if, if anything happens, if anything happens on the road, you're done. You just sit and rot, because that's the road, that's the road. It's like the road. How do I get to the airport? Oh, you just take the road to it, if the road is closed, you turn around and you go home. So once that happened, I go, man, I just want to, I just want to stay here at the home base. So no, I did not go to Queen's bath. I did not hike to go see waterfalls. We took a boat tour up the Nepali coast though, four hour boat tour that was into caves with waterfalls coming down. We stopped, we snorkeled, my whole family snorkeled, I got to hold Taylor and, you know, Bo finally like would put his face in and see some fish and stuff. Hannah actually got in there and snorkeled, which was, I was really surprised. I snorkeled like a mad man, I had a blast. It was the most beautiful place I've ever been. I didn't really, I didn't really want to go when I got hit with a little V.D., little vacation depression the last day, not that kind of V.D., I got hit, I got hit with a little bit of the last day and I like slept a lot and just kind of bummed around because I knew we had to leave the next day. It was remarkable. That means it was a really good trip. Oh, dude. Normally you're like two days before it's, can we leave early? Yes. I'm glad you didn't feel that way. I did not feel that way, which means it's a good vacation. And I do feel, I feel recharged, I slept and I relaxed like crazy. I'm not saying it in any way like it's a flaw of yours, but it is something that you do when you take your smaller vacations, your out of town couple nights away, trips, whether it's LA, Joshua Tree, Palm Springs, you're either home early or like you leave it like 5 a.m. the day that you're like you like to get out of there and get home early. You can't do that on the island. No, you, you, you have an airplane waiting for you and you're waiting until that day. Yeah, man. We timed everything out perfect yesterday. The flight back was a literal breeze, a piece of cake and we landed and oh, I got gifts for you guys. I'll give them to you now on daycare. Ah. All right. So everybody in Hawaii uses these and I want you guys to have them. This is the only towel you will ever need. I need a new towel. Nice. These are sick. Thank you. It actually says the only towels you need. The only towel you'll ever need. Paulie, I know you like the island macadamia. Oh, yeah. Now we're talking. Benny, you do not like that. I'm not a macadamia nut. So I got you the shirt. Now I don't, your size is what's bothering me here. I'm kind of in between. You're a tweeter. This is a very irie shirt that my wife wanted to make sure. I can see that. It's one of the irie colors of it and it's from Bubba's and some of the best burgers I've ever had. There's this special relish. Not Bubba Gump. Not Bubba. We did not hit Bubba Gump's. How's the chilies out there in Hawaii? I'm good. There you go. Very much. So I know this looks like it's perfect size. Okay. Good. But I really love you guys and I missed you and I'm full of the Aloha spirit as you can see. This is how I dress now. So there was a tweet about some sort of nudist camp interaction. Why don't we save that for table that a little bit later because we do want to get into the pod raise and what happened last night and we do have a Wednesday show to get to. And I know there's a lot of pod raise fans who want to talk about what happened last night and how well the team is playing. Let me tell you guys something listening. I wore my city connect pod raise hat almost every day I was there and I got stopped every single day by Island pod ray fans. I saw one Dodger fan and it looked like it was a guy. It looked like an off color Dodger fan like this matches my outfit. Every person I ran into was like, Oh, you're from San Diego. I love the pod raise. In fact, you guys know local legend bird Huffman of bird surf shed? You guys know bird? Yeah. Yeah. You know the name? Yeah. The other checked me in to play golf and he's like, you're from San Diego. Yeah. Do you know my brother bird Huffman? I'm like, do I ever. He did surf reports on the radio station I used to work at and all these huge, huge pod raise fans over there. You might forget. But from 1971 to 1982, Hawaii was the triple A affiliate of the pod. It's amazing when played there. Yeah. I think flan was there. So a lot of pod rays from from that era passed through Hawaii and created kind of a generation of pod raise fans in the island. So it is actually a pretty good hotbed of San Diego pod raise fandom over there. It really was. It really was everywhere I went. I was ended up talking pod raise baseball with somebody and saw a bunch of tier ones at the airport. They were going out for a baseball tournament for their kids and it was a real special trip man from from stem to stern. All right. Well, we're glad to have you back to be back. Let's get into it. Let's get into it. Yeah. We'll set the menu. It is a big league Wednesday. We'll tell you what's coming up on the show. Yeah. Set it. Penny. Penny. I like Peanut. It's like multiple penis. Plurals. Okay. Peanut. That's what it says. Kiwini. Steven. Peanut. I like Penny. I like Penny. Penny, like Penny Hardaway. I like. I like going to Peanut. I like Peanut. I like Peanut. I really do. I like Peanut. I like Peanut. I like Peanut. I really do. I love Peanut. We'll get into last night's rain delay. It's like I don't like this. It looks like you put it on the screen. It looks like this is a flower hiding the S at the end of the word. Just like just hidden at the end. Look at that. The little flowers. The flowers should be eggplant. This is great. This is great. We'll get into all of it coming up. Let's see how Kelly's traffic looks at least in San Diego and on the road out there on San Diego's number one sports station, '97 through the fan. Worried about letting someone else pick out the perfect avocado for your perfect and press them on the third date guacamole? Well, good thing Instacart shoppers are as picky as you are. They find ripe avocados like it's their guac on the line. They are milk expiration date detectives. They bag eggs like the 12 precious pieces of cargo they are. So let Instacart shoppers overthink your groceries so that you can overthink what you'll wear on that third date. Download the Instacart app to get free delivery on your first three orders while supplies last. Minimum $10 per order. Additional term supply. Get your laugh on with me, Chris Jericho and the talk is Jericho podcast. We've got Guns N' Roses, Hall of Famer, Duff the Kagan and his joke of the week every Friday plus regular visits from the hilarious Brad Williams and special appearances by everyone from Gabrielle Fluffley Iglesias, Mark Marin, Dennis Miller, Cheech Marin, Kevin Neeland. If they're funny, they're on talk is Jericho. So listen to and follow talk is Jericho now on the free Odyssey app or wherever you get your podcast. Of course. Now I've missed both of these bits. Right. You have last week's I'd like to hear it if you don't have it because I'm the music guy and you guys have been doing music bits without me. Exactly. Yeah, this was inspired by a weird minor league broadcaster who just started working carry on my wayward son lyrics into a home run call. It was really there for that. I was there for that. Yeah. I was hit deep to right field and that ball is gone. Carry on my way. It's on the ground. That was so good. So weird. So yeah, we had Jesse do some Kansas lyrics last week doesn't get in here foul out of play right. And you want to be playing. Don't get me wrong. You want to be playing well enough early to be able to stay in the thick of things, but you want your best baseball to come this time of your second half of the season. Yeah, the reality is if you're pitching great in September and October, any struggles you might have had in April and May are nothing but dust in the wind. That's right. Yes. That's so good. We gave him like a like a B minus because he got the words in, but he he didn't get the whole lyric. We weren't the full lyric though. All we are is dust in the way we are so we clarified this week and Polly had the idea well, they're going to Pittsburgh. Let's pick a Pittsburgh artist, bro. I had to look it up. Yeah. Christina, Christina Aguilera went to high school, North Allegheny high school in Pittsburgh. Brett Michaels from poisonous from Pittsburgh, but they're not a Pittsburgh band. Right. They're an LA band, but it led to, of course, a great song lyric that Jesse had to work into the broadcast last night, plenty of time with the rain. Oh my God. But here is this week's song lyric, Inc. Christina Aguilera, I am beautiful in every single way, Jesse, and we want, we want the direct quote. If you can somehow work that in beautiful and every beautiful in every single way. So we go to the top of the ninth yesterday. This like this, this re this reinvigorates my Incorporated nervousness. It wasn't, it was missing something after so many years of doing it. And now I'm like nervous again, five hours after the game was scheduled to begin. We finally get to the Incorporated. Okay. Oscar Marine, the pitching coach for the pirates now out to chat with Santana Bart, the entire infield. Solano over there, talking at first base coach David Macias, telling them, I am beautiful in every single way, oh, what a night for Solano, two of them, two run singles. I love, I definitely think this ups the difficulty though for Jesse. It's tough to put in song lyrics out of context. No question. There's no question. That was brilliant. And he's telling them, I am beautiful in every single way. Sounds a little under the weather too. He sounds a little stuffy, maybe a little bit, you know, I was thinking about it yesterday on the six hour flight back and it's, I walked, I got out, you know, you're sitting on your ass the whole time and you stand up and you walk down the jetway to go get your bags. And I thought to myself, it's the first thing I thought these guys are sitting rotting in the clubhouse, waiting to go out and start playing baseball again. They do flights like that all the time, all the time. My ass was hurting, my knees were killing me and I didn't have to go get on a table, get mentally prepared to go out and face 97, how, you know, and I go, just a whole new respect. Anytime you travel, these guys travel so, so much cross country. It doesn't matter. It just, one of those things that popped into my head as I was leaving yesterday, they do this all the time. That second East Coast road trip, uh, break already for the bottom and that was the first of how many games in a row, 27 games in 28 days or 26, now it's 26 and 27. So it's a, it's a tough stretch for the Padres. They get off to a great start yesterday, but with some drama with some, uh, some rain difficulties and we'll talk about the impact on the team coming up. Our Padres wrap up in our next segment, get to the highlights, how well the bullpen performed with Dylan sees only able to go the one inning because of the rain delay. I'll have an update for you on Joe Musgrove. If you missed that last night, I'm sure most of you heard the good news, I'll, I'll spoil a little bit. Joe's coming back probably this weekend, but, uh, that is now up in the air a little bit after what happened last night. So do that. Uh, take on Woods. John did a great job while you were gone, defended your honor. Good. In fact, uh, we may need to do a, a John Flint versus Stephen Woods take on Woods, uh, tournament sometime soon because he really killed it a few of these games. Uh, well, anytime, any play, all right, uh, don't do this at 720 and then it is a big league Wednesday, it'll be nice to have you back to talk to Adam Jones and Brett Boone. We did fine without you, but I think they miss you when you're not here. Okay. Uh, 735 for AJ, 835 for Brett Boone and AJ miss you was Ted Leitner. Oh, yeah. Come back in when you're here, love it. I would love it so much specifically set. I would love to come back on a day when Woods is here and shoot the breeze and just talk to sports. We, I made Ted talk about himself and his, uh, his career and his life a little bit too much. What's your favorite story? He told some, yeah, he told Dodger stories, time in the sort of stories he got into all of it. What he said was fantastic. They hate me. Yeah. They hate me over there. What a great pull. But he wants to come back when you're here. So that'll be fun. And then a rival report and get you ready for another Padres game this afternoon, hopefully without the weather implications of last night's game, but we'll come back and we will go through the highlights and what happened last night in Pittsburgh with our Padres wrap up next on, uh, what is it? Kiwi and Penny Penny on San Diego's number one sports station, 97 through the frame. Baseball numbers at 97 through the fan is presented by T mobile switch to T mobile. You can get tons of benefits still save on every plan versus AT&T and Verizon use their savings calculator to find out how at T mobile dot com slash switch. Before we get into our Padres wrap up highlights, the, uh, the start of the game obviously was a mess last night. Uh, I, we knew, I mean, the reports were out there that rain was coming. So this was not a surprise to the, the umpiring crew, Major League baseball, the Pittsburgh pirates that rain was there, rained earlier in the day, got nice, you know, before game time and, and they decided to get the game started. And then of course, in the middle of the second inning, so nine ounce into the game, it starts raining and, and they got to pull the tarp out onto the field. And if that had only been, if that had been the end of it and then they had started playing again at about 45 minutes, you know, all right, well, Dylan, Dylan see through no hitter with a rain delay in Washington a couple of weeks ago. This isn't going to be the worst thing, but because PNC parks drainage was, was backed up or so poor, even though it stopped raining, they could not play the game for another two hours and 40 minutes, which of course impact the teams, but you got to say the Padres have in their ace on the mound and getting only three outs out of Dylan sees. That was a huge, huge decision to even get that game started and a costly one likely to the San Diego Padres. Imagine being on an airplane with phenomenal Wi-Fi, loading up the game on your phone to watch to kill what half the trip, you know, at least a third of the trip, at least. And, and getting through that first inning and then you see the tarps being rolled out and I just went, all right, well, back to the latest John Grisham thriller that I'm reading. And, you know, that's it. And by the time we landed, they had started again. And but when I watched a lot of it while we were waiting for our bags, I couldn't believe it either. And I, you know, I tweeted Bush, Bush League, I don't think it was actually Derek Shelton's call. I think it was Major League Baseball's, but that was a bad call by Major League Baseball to start that game. So I heard the same takes the Phillips said, if I was the Padres, I would be mad about how that played out. Now, Mike Shelton was not mad. He actually complimented the umpiring crew on how they handled everything. And they, I guess you can't know it. I guess you can't know that it's going to create a big lake out in left field. You assume, all right, it's going to rain for 40 minutes. Let's get this started. We'll get through the delay. We'll just pick it up and we'll go. But because of the poor infrastructure and they, I mean, I don't know that I blame the umpires, I blame the pirates for having substandard drainage and facilities at their stadium. This is a big league ballpark. It's driving home last night, listening to Jesse and scan and Jesse was saying that the grounds crew, when they came out in the third inning, as they do for every game to redo the infield, he goes, they were booed. The grounds crew was booed by the home crowd. Well, you saw the, the, they were trying to have any guy was digging into the drain, you know, trying to pull out whatever, I mean, felt like you're, you know, your kit, your kitchen sink or your bathroom sink with the, you know, when you hit the hair gets down the sink, you got to pull it out, but they could not get that water to drain. They could not man and, and you know, they muddle was talking about it on the broadcast as well. Yeah. I mean, you'd think a place like Pittsburgh would have would be dialed in for that. I don't know if there was some, some issues with it. Like, you know, like you said, like a clog or something, but it just was not draining and it, it created a nice little puddle, nice little lake out there, the Jackson Merrill feigned. He pretended he was going to go for a dive and a swim. And it was, it was pretty bad. And those are bad conditions. You don't want your guys, when they're about to go into this huge stretch of theirs that's going to be right in the middle of the dog days, it's the last thing you want, man, as a guy pulling up, slipping, sliding, tearing at hamstring, something like that. So it was a bit dicey, how I've done, however, what it turned into was a bullpen game between both teams and clearly that's advantage, San Diego Padres, especially post trade deadline. And it did play out that way, now they'll have to deal with the aftermath and we'll talk about that. But let's get into the highlights, we got our Padres wrap up coming up right after this check a traffic on 97.3 the fan. It's the Padres wrap up presented by Hamoul Casino with rilling slots and tables in all the best rewards. Hamoul Casino has all the fun you're looking for, Hamoul Casino, fun above all else. Give me a due damage, back to the body swings away, sends it into the air to shallow center field. Tinder fell off a back bait, come sliding in and he can't make the catch, goes off his glove, ends up on the outfield grass, they throw to second, Peralta beats the throw there, Meryl comes in to score and the Padres take a 1-0 lead, 1-0 Solano rips it into left field and a base hit, Peralta will score, Wade is on his way, he will score, another hit for Donovan Solano, this one a 2-run single and a Padre lead is 3-0, is the 3-2 runners go served into right field and a base hit, pro far on his way, he's going to score, Solano goes first to third, RBI singles and her vogards and a 4-0 Padre lead, Tana swung online in his center field, that's a base hit, Wade is going to score easily, pro far is right behind him, he's going to come in to score, Donovan Solano's fourth hit of the night is his second 2-run single of the evening and a Padre lead it 6-0 to nothing, Peralta delivers a swings and misses strike 3 and Jeremiah Estrada puts an exclamation point on this 6-0 and on a very long night in Pittsburgh the game began at about 6-45 p.m. local time, it ends at 12-0-1 a.m. the very next morning, final score, Padre's six, Padre's nothing, our guys love to play, so I knew they were going to come out, regurl us a circumstance and be ready to compete, but it starts on the mound, you know, and hoying was fantastic, I mean what a tremendous job by him and you know now we're looking to get eight innings out of our bolt then which we were able to do and piece together but you know we knew we were going to have to use multiple guys but hoying taken the you know the three and two thirds as efficiently as he did and also being as effective as he was, you know with throwing up the zeros was was tremendous to set us up phenomenal. Yeah that's your uh that's a trade deadline win right there, huge that's uh that's going out making moves to improve your team and then seeing those moves actually help you win a game directly you know a few days after you made them and Brian Hoeing who by you know many thought just kind of the throw in in the Tanner Scott deal was absolutely critical as Mike Schultz said coming in in relief of Dylan Sees and throwing three and two-thirds shut out innings you had the other pickups also into the game Jason Adam got into a little bit of trouble but Tanner Scott got him out of it maybe under underrated moment the strikeout with the bases loaded they actually got the tying run to the plate he he blew who was it the a Triolo was it just absolutely blew him away like like high school are facing a little leaguer or something in that situation it was uh it was a it just showed us why they were so high on Tanner Scott and went out and got him last week he's outstanding and I remember uh I can't remember what game it was but when he gave up a home run the look on his face the look of disgust with himself giving up that home run and you do feel like I can't remember who hit it but um I'm still on island time Benny uh you know I don't remember who hit it but when he did he looked and he was like oh all right that's not gonna happen again I mean he's like Skip Schumacher said the guy's a dog so I loved everything uh that I saw when I was gone man guys have been playing really well and how about the guy stepping up yesterday Tyler Wade thrust into action with us on Kim being out with I believe a sore tricep and and Tyler Wade coming in getting the job done two for three RBI score two runs I mean you know playing fine shortstop everybody stepping up Donovan Solano good lord Donovan Solano four RBIs last night incredible uh continues to mash I think he's 500 in his last 12 games or something so he's been doing this all season but let's let's point out that the degree of difficulty was much higher last night for Donovan Solano first of all he's not getting the regular at bats that he did before Xander Bogart's came back so he's got to do this coming off the bench every you know minimal activity and staying sharp and then he was in there because they were facing a left-handed starter yeah he didn't but then they went with right here relievers so he had to do his at bats against her he had four hits and three of them I think were against righties the guy who's supposed to be your platoon guy that attacks lefty so extra degree of difficulty for Donovan Solano and it did lead I saw someone tweeted me last night I see it in the in the chat now with uh with hot sun Kim struggling and now maybe a little banged up is it time to get Donovan Solano back into the starting lineup and you know reduce hot sun Kim's playing time while he's not playing well well so everybody you know listen and I'm I'm a big fan of the hot hand guy going with the hot the guy that's that's hitting the ball and squaring the ball up and Donovan Solano certainly doing that he has earned more playing time yes he's 36 years old this is a role that they have found for him where it's working if you were going to give him five games a week would he continue with this toward pace I don't know I can't say that he won't but I also can't say that he will he gives the bench so much it's such a nice depth piece for them to have well let's let's play it out logically Donovan Solano in there and get hot sun Kim you know some more time off all right where are you playing Donovan Solano maybe first maybe not playing him it's short no no no no but you put Zander in short and you put Jake it says you're moving Zander after you did the whole thing the whole thing you can't you can do this he's done it he's done it this year and you're putting Solano at first and moving Jake back to second if if you want to ride the hot hand that's what you have to do because Solano has not played second regularly since 2020 is one game here this year I don't I don't handful of games the last two years but he hasn't played regularly at seconds since 2021 so you're moving Jake again back to second yep which he'll have no problem with I know he would but metrically he's been much better at first defensively which is the opposite of last year Solano is not going to be as good of a defender wherever you put him out there you're losing defensively with Kim out there and you're moving Zander again after he's he's hitting well I'd be kind of loathe to move things around too much at this point with as well as the team has been playing you know I'm with you I'm with you Jeff says in the chat as shilty would say we found a lane for Solano that works so well keep him in that lane going forward sure Donovan does not play shortstop Rod you do not want Donovan he has but not it's been 36 years old many many not having done it in many years many many years so yeah I mean with Kim struggling with the stick a little bit you know and in and now being banged up it's a nice problem to have I guess but the guy that worries me the most is Lisa RISE every swing he takes is like it looks like he's got shot in the hand or hit with a hammer I don't get him a day off again yesterday yeah I mean when is that going to you know how how severe is that injury that he's playing through clearly I want him in there I want him healthy can you afford having a guy like Donovan Solano though could afford you could you could give him a 10-day rest you could give Lisa RISE a 10-day rest with a guy like Donovan Solano there makes him to the age make him to the age yeah so you can figure it out but he's just he's played so well he's played so well and what a huge huge night for him and again bottom of the order getting it done last night you know Manny goes over five hits in the two double plays but makes two spectacular defensive plays to help you know like quell any start of a rally just a really good team win after a you know kind of a beating again a game I think Craig Elston made the point on Twitter 100% not to beat a dead horse but they they didn't win that game last year there's no way there's no way they win that game last year none after the they have the excuse of the rain lake just wasn't no things weren't didn't go our way it wasn't our night Kimmy's out you know this guy's banged up whatever these guys are getting the job done man it's really really pleasant to see so not only was it a good night for the Padres but it was a good night for scoreboard watching as well as the Braves lost the Mets lost Giants lost and the Dodgers lost to the Philadelphia Phillies last night 62 that was the late game and the Padres now just four games out of first place in the National League West standings absolutely very much within striking distance crazy all over these last you know 50 plus games remaining in the season so this I mean it's on now the Dodgers they may or may not admit it but they feel the Padres now breathing down their necks right I mean it's time if you're a Dodger you're feeling a little tight at this point knowing you got a tough schedule this week with the Phillies you have to play the Pirates and you'll face schemes this weekend if the Padres stay hot you know that probably in a week or so they're going to be right next to you in the standings which is insane to think about insane to think about and credit to credit to the Padres for continuing to play very very good baseball it's been a lot of fun I was so happy to leave and know that they only lost one time while it's gone you guys didn't have to come in here and talk about brutal loss after brutal loss very very proud of what I've seen from these guys they're really fighting hard I will say one nice thing about the rain delay instead of going to the old magazine program or you know this this show was recorded in 2014 right you know about the pot of the all-star game in San Diego in 2016 or something they actually went through the live Fort Wayne game and you got to see Ethan Salas play against the the Cubs affiliate in South Bend and I got to see Ethan Salas to go ahead winning three run home run for the Fort Wayne tin caps last night in the eighth inning on the road with the wind like glowing in a really nice looking swing and I thought that was the best possible secondary programming you could get I almost I said I tweeted out I said we should do that if we ever have the opportunity during rain delay because I know it's hard Sammy played some great interviews that he did in spring training but he's always thrown absolutely to the wolves on a rain delay if we can go to some minor league potterase baseball that was kind of cool I thought that was a good choice last night all right now the potterase have to deal with the fallout what is their pitching rotation look like going forward we'll give you the update on Joe Musgrove coming up next and place and take on woods with actual woods here as well all next year on 97.3 to fan trying to figure out what to eat for dinner yet again with nor sides and bullion as you're not so secret ingredient you can skip the drive-through and do dinner at home nor taste combos provide a menu of delicious affordable and well-balanced meals that you can prepare in 30 minutes or less visit to get quick and easy recipe ideas for your home cooked weeknight dinners it's not fast food but it's so good get your laugh on with me Chris Jericho and the talk is Jericho podcast we've got Guns N' Roses, Hall of Famer, Duff the Cagan and his joke of the week every Friday plus regular visits from the hilarious Brad Williams and special appearances by everyone from Gabrielle Fluffley Iglesias, Mark Marin, Dennis Miller, Cheech Marin, Kevin Neeland if they're funny they're on talk as Jericho so listen to and follow talk as Jericho now on the free Odyssey app or wherever you get your podcasts