United Kingdom of Christ Illuminating the Darkness

Dark Magic

Broadcast on:
07 Aug 2024
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Hello and welcome to the United Kingdom of Christ broadcast networks illuminating the darkness. I'm your host Glenn Grego coming to you from the beautiful Denver metro area. I want to thank you for taking the time to join me. I hope these episodes are beneficial to improving your understanding of the Bible, your spiritual growth, and strengthening your relationship with our Heavenly Father. If you'd like to connect with me I can be reached via telephone. You can call or text me at 720-805-8886. You can also be emailed at My handle on X, the app formerly known as Twitter, is UK underscore Christ. Please don't hesitate to reach out. So I'm gonna do this disclaimer every single episode, folks. I'm sorry, but it has to be done. So unlimiting the darkness we focus on biblical teachings that are supported by the Bible, but many pastors and other teachers elect to avoid discussing these topics with their congregations. I want to provide you with as much information possible and provide you with suggestions to guide you and your loved ones through these situations if they arise in your life. These are extremely controversial subjects and many people's perspectives are not biblical in relation to these subjects. These subjects will include but are not limited to possessions, hauntings, dark magic, psychics, mediums, divination, and other practices or beliefs that some may claim to be acts or gifts of God. But in reality, they are works from Satan. I decided to start creating these episodes because I want to help people. I just recorded one episode and it was extremely draining. I will not lie to you. These are draining and like I told you in the last episode, I was very hesitant to start these because I do not want to send people searching for anything but the Lord and Jesus Christ and seeking them and their will and their lives through the Bible. I don't want people jumping into things that they don't have a complete understanding of nor do they know how to protect themselves. And that's why I did start this is because I've heard a lot of people speak a lot of the movie shows about these subjects and many of these teachings are more harmful than they are helpful to help people that are dealing with these issues. Once again, I strongly advise you against diving deeper into these subjects which may be considered the occult. You do need to have a strong biblical knowledge wisdom to help defend you and your loved ones from these situations. I also strongly advise studying your Bible consistently. Feel free to check out my other Bible study show released almost every day except Wednesdays and Sundays. Literally the night kingdom of Christ broadcast networks Bible study. I also have Sunday sermons and I want you to continually focus on your relationship with our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ because many of the solutions I'll provide to these problems will require your faith to be the center of your life or to become the center of your life. If you're just looking to resolve these issues and not seeking the root of the problem like your behavior or your lack of a relationship with the Lord, these solutions may not be helpful. Okay, so today we're going to talk about dark magic, just magic in general, right? Anything that the Lord does not give His servants to serve Him. So we're going to start in the Bible and then we're going to discuss some of these things as well. So during the beginning of the being chapters of Exodus, pharaoh sorcerers are able to replicate some of the miracles performed by the Lord through Moses and Aaron. Through the use of in the NASB it's called secret magic and this is an example of dark magic. They are able to replicate certain things are able to turn water into blood. They're able to turn their staffs into serpents. They are unable to, they're actually still able to have frogs come out of the Nile but they are not able to replicate the gnats and even they admit this is a work of God. So they know that there's a higher power and that it is the Lord. And if we look at Acts 8, the Acts of the Apostles, there's a man named Simon and he was a sorcerer and people in Samaria were proclaiming his magic to be the work of God. And when Simon saw the work of the Holy Spirit through Philip, one of the Apostles, because Philip was healing the paralyze and other disabled people and he was removing evil spirits from the people of Samaria as well. Simon was amazed and he wanted to be baptized. The Bible says that he believed with all his heart but he asked if he could actually pay Philip to receive the powers that the Apostles would be given and Philip goes off on him and he pretty much says hey you know what that is an evil thing that you just said that is despicable. You cannot pay for these for these powers. That is not how this works. This is Acts of God. This is the power of God that we have received because of our faith in Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ has given us these abilities. And in Acts 16 there's a slave girl and I'll probably butcher this name as well but it's Thyatria and she was possessed by a demon and was working as a fortune teller for her masters and they were becoming extremely extremely wealthy. So she began following Paul in the Apostles he was with and as she followed she began yelling and that these men served the most high God and they're telling people the way to salvation and the Bible says that Paul was annoyed by this. I think that beyond being annoyed I think Paul was a little bit alarmed by this. The teachings of Jesus Christ people were being selected based on a calling from the Holy Spirit. Although a lot of the Apostles just wanted to stream it from the mountaintops and some may have. It was an extremely dangerous subject to speak of especially in Rome. So Paul was annoyed by this woman the Bible says and he told the Spirit in the name of Jesus Christ I command you to come out of her. So boom gone automatically gone. That's something I should have left in possession the first episode and also I should have discussed repentance and possession as well where I say we need to change our behavior but we also need to repent for our behavior and I'll go through that in a little bit. Well actually while I'm on the subject we'll just talk repentance as well. True repentance. Realizing Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He is the only path to God. He tells us this much in the Bible the New Testament. Asking for forgiveness for our behavior that is unrighteous and is sinful in the eyes of God. Feeling bad you know when you ask for forgiveness you got to feel bad about it. It can't just be going through the motions. You actually have to understand your shortcomings and you have to feel bad and then you also have to stop. You know that that is the definition of repentance truly in all senses. Is understanding Jesus Christ's Lord and Savior. Stopping what you're doing feeling bad about what you did and asking for forgiveness. Okay so once again Paul told the evil spirit to leave that slave girl and when the masters her masters realized that she could no longer tell the fortunes or tell futures to people that they weren't able to continue making money off of her. So the apostles actually got arrested and the masters told the authorities that hey they're teaching stuff they're Jews but they're actually teaching stuff that is unlawful here in Rome. So that's something to consider. So Deuteronomy 18 the Lord tells us this is as the Lord is leading the Israelites through the wilderness out of Egypt and into the land of milk and honey. The Lord tells the people he says do not imitate the people that are being driven out because the Lord I am driving these people out because they practice witchcraft and sorcery. They are mediums and they use divination. So let's look at this real quick witchcraft, sorcery. You know I'm not going to say the name of it but a super popular set of books, a super popular set of movies that were completely dedicated to witchcraft and sorcery. And it troubles me deeply because it makes me think of all the people that were driven or that thought that that was the way that oh this is really cool. You know I can do these things as well although there obviously works of fiction. These people a lot of humans are super susceptible to this type of stuff especially that they're actual at the beginning of these movies and books. Their target audience was children and when parents are not leading their children in the way of the Lord they are extremely susceptible to following popular culture into the darkness. And even some adults that were more susceptible that were not sound in faith. You can see them. There's and now they are adults. A lot of these people are adults now you know that was they started those books and movies over a decade ago. So we'll jump in and we'll talk a little bit more about the witchcraft and sorcery. We saw it in Exodus through pharaohs sorcerers being able to replicate some of the miracles the Lord performed. I think on a smaller smaller scale because one of the things that the sorcerers were able to do was to turn water into blood. So the Lord through Moses and Aaron had already turned all the water in that area all the pools all the streams all the rivers the river the Nile everything into blood. So they most likely went and grabbed clean blood and they did it on a small scale right so nothing even close to what the Lord did. And then mediums. These are people that proclaim that they can speak to the dead. And there's one that I can think of off the top of my head and he has gotten pretty famous. I wouldn't say he's extremely famous but I would say he's pretty famous and he's even been on some of the more popular talk shows and some of these talk show hosts are they proclaim themselves to be extremely God-fearing individuals and they have fallen into this trap. They have allowed this young man onto their show and this young man has fooled them and when the young man was asked about where his power comes from he says you know I wondered that too and I asked the Lord and the Lord said that I was supposed to bring change. How do you change change like awesome change like everybody hey this world needs to change but here's the thing a moving target versus the consistency of the Lord our world is full of moving targets what we find acceptable what we find beautiful the type of styles the type of music etc etc etc. The only thing consistent in all of creation is the Lord right and some people be like oh well death and taxes that's consistent but yeah we're all gonna die and depending on your income levels whether they be super low or super high you're not paying taxes but anyways what I'm trying to say here is the only thing consistent is our heavenly father and this young man to sit there and proclaim that he's supposed to bring change to me it's baffling because Christ warns us of all these things Christ warns us about following false people there's only two sides to the coin to the story however you whatever analogy you want there's only two sides to this the Lord and not the Lord God and Satan and there's a lot of people that either willingly or unknowingly serve Satan and they don't care it's all about bringing themselves fame you know and we're gonna talk about all of it we're gonna continue down that road and then it also mentions divination so divination this is things such as tarot this is like reading tea leaves I guess there's a form of this that they read sand or something like that you know I've seen throughout media different things like reading bones et cetera et cetera et cetera it's all divination and Joseph if you remember in Genesis Joseph tells his brothers after he puts the cup his silver cup in Benjamin's sack and has his servants go chase down his brothers when they get returned he says do not know that I am capable capable of divination and once again the use of divination is typically fortune-telling telling you the future and the the Bible even tells us don't worry about the future the future is in the Lord's hands these are not things that we need to be seeking just like prophecy these are in the Lord's hands do not worry about these things and there are people there are even whole church sex we'll call them S E C T S sex that focus strictly on prophecy you can drive down depending on where you live you could drive down main street or whatever here in Denver there are tons of churches that the term prophecy is in their actual the name of their church and it becomes something that they focus on and a lot of people throughout time since Jesus Christ have been so obsessed with prophecy that they've withered away they spend their entire life trying to proclaim this that are the other just to be repeatedly shown as false liars right there they believe in their heart that they're telling the truth like hey well this star is doing this and this is happening and that's happening let the Lord handle these things let's work on our own behavior let's work on our own people let's help our people let's forgive people let's be the people that the Lord has created us to be so dark magic you know in the history of the United States there's been some scares like you know if you followed it all the FBI has done much research on this and there's even certain religions I mean you know look at Wiccans and now there's even a religion Satanists and stuff like that's disgusting it literally makes me want to vomit that people would seek these type of endeavors and the reason that it upsets me so much is because there's no one in their life that cares about them enough to have these difficult conversations and explain to them and maybe some of them had maybe some of the parents have tried to stop their kids from becoming Wiccans or you know oh and Wiccans oh well we just worship the earth and nature and stuff like that and the Satanists are now trying to proclaim oh we're just all about you know like freedom of religion and you know being tolerant to each other etc etc etc anything that leads you away from our heavenly father and his son Jesus Christ that is evil it's not a difficult concept there's only two sides one is our heavenly father and one is Satan and you get to choose that's the beauty of this and if you like oh no there's lots of gray it's because you make it gray the Lord doesn't view the world like you view it Satan doesn't view the world like you view it you try to sit there and proclaim hey well I can do this it's like people are always looking for like what can I get away with where can I stretch or where can I you know jump over the boundary and not go too far but still be brought be able to be brought back and we know as followers of Christ of followers of our heavenly father that there's no distance that's too far but the regret some people may have of not coming back sooner and some people may never make it back and not may they don't they become so overwhelmed they lose themselves they lose their relationship with our father they end up oh well Gaia the mother earth or whatever that it's following a bunch of pagan lords gods whatever you want to call them and they're just lost so let's get back to it sorry I know it's a bit of a tangent dark magic first of all I'm also going to talk about something else that and I probably should make a episode just for this but we'll talk about old wives tells and I'll jump into that real quick so I met a woman and we were talking about old wives tells and the Bible tells us do not pay attention to old wives tells and she was from the Philippines and we were talking about it and I don't know why it came up I think I asked her directly about it because I was studying the Bible and I was at that portion in the New Testament where was talking about old wives tells and I asked her I said so you know do you believe in any old wives and she says no and she's like actually wait there's one that my mom told me and she said if a bird ever gets into your house you need to kill it because if the bird escapes that means someone's going to die in your family and I told her I said don't you feel like you're actually giving that power over your life and she thought about she's like I've just seen it I've seen I'm like yeah because you gave it power in your life and she gave me an example and I can't remember who actually had passed away after this occurrence but once again she gave it power it's just like these other things there may like don't give it power don't jump into it don't look for tarot cards don't don't buy tarot cards don't be looking into Wicca don't be doing these things and if you currently are you need to take a step back because that opened you up to a lot of other things like the first episode we had was all about possession you want to get possessed you go down this path you seek dark magic you perform dark magic you try to do those things because if you're not serving the Lord you're serving Satan and people may be undecided like I said oh well there's got to be some gray you know there's there's a religions out there that proceed Jewish people and they proceed you know they were before their Jews and they were before they were before the Christians so they've got to have some truth in them too I'm like there's only two sides folks and you need to be careful and a lot of people you know I remember there's another show that the kids were they enjoyed what was it called a card game I'm not gonna name the card game but they enjoyed the card game and a lot of strange stuff started happening in their town and they started blaming the card game for it and the kids and in reality you watch the show and it's darkness you know and a lot of people are attracted to the darkness because there's results sometimes they're not holy though they're not righteous they're not our heavenly Father let me give you an example so when I worked in the homeless shelters I spoke with this guy and he was outside and he was holding a sign like hey give me some money and this guy just calling it as I saw it he was a liar the guy was able to walk but he didn't want to walk he bought himself from his benefits that he received a power wheelchair that was not fitted for him it was obviously from or for a much smaller person but he bought it from this person from his benefits and he used it so we were talking about it and we were talking about prayer and he tells me he has the nerve to tell me that he prays to either one he prays to God or he prays to Satan and I freaked out I was like you got to be kidding me he's like well sometimes I just need it man and I'm just like I shake my head and I'm like you don't understand the risk that you are running not just by your lifestyle of drugs and alcohol and not by lying but your decision to actually pray or worship Satan and to bring it back to dark magic you know once again there's only two sides and I know it seems like I'm getting extremely repetitive with it and I just have to warn people away from these things because they still exist like I said some pastors oh no there's no power in them I agree if you do not give these things power and you focus on your relationships with the Lord with the Lord studying the Bible living a more righteous life removing the sin from your life repenting for your sin changing your life being a light to others that are in the darkness you are protected the Lord provides us protection from these type of things here's a great example when I was driving the bus you heard in the other one in the other episode that I was driving I was in training and I was with a bunch of people and you know we're walking down the road one day I think we all went to we all went to a museum here that the museum was dedicated to the American disabled Association rights movement and so we get there we all get off the bus and we get on and we're drawn you know and I guess there's a woman that's there and she is drawing signs of witchcraft and she is chanting something in a different language and I don't even really notice her like I noticed that she's a homeless person I feel bad for her and stuff like that but I don't notice what she's drawing I don't notice what she's saying because it's just I don't have to and in reality another not in reality but one of the people I was with she was really scared she got super scared she's like can we please pray and you know and I'm like awesome hey I'll always pray you know I love talking to our father and so we huddled together and we gave a quick prayer for protection and I asked the Lord to bring that woman into the light you know to have her give up her dark ways and I hope that he did but once again it's a choice and I hope that as we call these things out that we can actually begin making the right choice and it's an easy choice people it's an easy choice you know and it's not supposed to be about oh well if I get sober all I have more money to do this or to buy that or oh if I you know it's not a trade-off that's not what it is what it is is changing our behavior moving out of the darkness for eternal life that's truly what it is and if you know anybody that's messing with dark magic talk to them and if they're if you're doing this to you're dabbling in oh well I'm a Christian but I love reading tarot cards or oh I'm a Christian but you know I go see the magician you know it's just sleight of hand it's just this it's just that like I said there's no gray here people there's no gray there's our Heavenly Father in Satan and I'm not looking to create extremists I don't think and maybe I am maybe you know like the term extremists is extremely harsh but in reality I'm trying to help people come into the light and to see the change in their own life and for them to join the great commission to teach everybody that their friends with after they see the change in you like hey what's so difference about you or hey why haven't you been coming to the parties or hey where have you been what's going on oh you know what Jesus Christ Jesus Christ saved my life saved my eternity made me walk out of the darkness and change my life because that's what he wants and now that's what I want the Lord wants me to have eternal life in his kingdom and that's what I want now too and that's what I'm focusing on and you may lose a lot of friends I lost a lot of friends and I'm better without him I have more peace I you know just have so much more everything and I'm not talking about like I said I'm not driving around in a Rolls Royce that's not what we're talking about I have everything positive that I did not have when I was unknowingly like I did not know that I was living in the dark because to me it what the Lord at that time was a mystery right like listening to all the different pundits and all the different people like oh we just need to be tolerant and we need to do this and we need to do that and oh there's lots of archers but only one one mark or one target that's not how it works guys and I'm sorry if you don't agree with that that's fine but I'm telling you there's only one I tried folks I ran down every single path before I came to the truth even all the things that the Lord had done for me in my life all of the things that I failed or refused to see his grace his kindness his mercy his protection all those things that I refused to see when I was in the darkness now that I see because I've stepped out of the darkness and I'm seeking to bring other people into the light so once again if there's anybody you know that are struggling with these things and dark magic it really leads to other things as well you know it's disturbing and like I said this one this episode was not as draining I mean once I step away from the mic maybe I will be drained again that first episode was really draining and they are draining these are extremely like I said controversial and sensitive subjects and I'm just trying to help people to be able to protect themselves and protect their families guide their loved ones and themselves out of the darkness into the light that the Lord has provided us and not just us not just me and you but everybody that wants to be in that light has that opportunity because of Jesus Christ the sacrifice that was made for us the reconciliation that Jesus Christ made for us so even if you are partaking in these things or you're struggling with any of these issues just know that the Lord is calling to you the Lord wants you the Lord desires you the Lord wants you he doesn't need you but he wants you and how how can anything be greater than that the creator of everything known and unknown wants you wants you to follow him wants you to have eternal bliss instead of eternity in the fiery abyss like I said thank you so much for taking your time for illuminating the darkness this is Glenn Griego for the United Kingdom of Christ broadcast network if you'd like to reach out I can always be reached you can call or text me at 720-805-8886 you can email me at you can also follow on at X the app formerly known as Twitter the handle is UK underscore Christ if you or anybody else is struggling with these kinds of things or you just want to talk about Bible study you want to talk about Sunday sermons whatever you need folks I am here for you that's why I am doing these things because I'm trying to help I'm trying to lead other people back into the light and to as this is named illuminating the darkness bringing light to the darkness throwing light in the shade where some people may be hiding and letting you know you can come out you don't have to stay there and the Lord doesn't want you to stay there thank you so much God bless