Johnny's House

A Quick Stop At Johnny's House: Athletic Career

For a quick stop at Johnny's House... We hear true stories from our listeners and ask how far you've gone in your athletic career!

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07 Aug 2024
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Do you need to see your family doctor today? Now you can at Advent Health Primary Care Plus. But what's the plus? On-site labs, virtual visits, evening and weekend hours, and of course, same-day appointments. It's comprehensive primary care on your schedule. Wear your home for wellness exams, health screenings, nutritional counseling, and even mental health support. Visit to schedule an appointment today. Primary Care Plus, a whole lot more. Not already, 20% chance of rain, otherwise partly cloudy. Might be an opt-out chance for an isolated thunderstorm. It is 83, looking for a heat index of 104 today. All right, I love this segment. True stories that happen to me. That's what you tell us those amazing stories that if you're happening in your life and you have told everyone, they go say, "What? What happened? What?" Then he'll get before tickets to Disney on ice at the Kia Center, Friday, August 30th, tickets on sale right now. Uh-uh, this is interesting. These are the stories I'm talking about. But when I park, Laura, good morning. Good morning. True story, it happened to me. What happened? All right, so I'm probably either the luckiest or unluckiest person in the world, but I've been almost struck by lightning on three separate occasions. Almost? I was chasing horses, but the first time was probably the most, the story that I tell all the time. So I was 10 years old. My dad had to pick me up from day camp, and he's like, "Hey, let's go for a bike ride." And I was like, "Okay, cool." And it was the weekend that the Jonas Brothers just happened to be in town, and it was when they were having everybody sign their tour bus. Okay. So we went to the park. There was a park that led from the bike path to the beach where they were playing. Okay. And we get on the bike path, and I just happen to look over the bay, and I'm like, "Hey, dad, the sky's looking kind of dark. Should we turn around?" And he's like, "Nah, it'll go the other direction." I'm like, "I'm 10 years old. What do I know?" I'm like, "Okay." All right. So we continue riding to the beach. We get there, sign the bus, take a picture. I'm like the biggest fan ever. We turn around, and then the sky is like black. Like mid-afternoon, Florida thunderstorm dark. And we're from Long Island, like-- - They love it. - They love it. - Are you gonna tell us the story? - Yeah. - The fact that you said almost we live in Florida, we all almost get struck by lightning. - Yeah, but I was in New York at the time. Like, this didn't happen. So we're pedaling back over the bridge, across the bay, and boom. Goes the lightning behind my back tire. And I'm, yeah. - Did it knock you? - On an open bike path near the beach. There's nowhere for us to go. And it's like pouring buckets. I'm screaming, my dad's like, "Let's go, we gotta go." And I'm like, "I'm 10." I'm like, traumatized at this point. - It almost hit the back tire? - It almost hit my back tire, because the bridge that we had just crossed was made out of metal. And we had got crossed from the beach back to the mainland. So of course, we had to go over a body of water. So. - Wow. - And that's almost happened three times. - So, yeah, but the other two, they'll take too long. But I believe that. - Yeah, I'm with Ray, though. The almost part gets, because I feel like every time lightning strikes around my house, I almost get in. (laughing) - All right. - I get it, 10. It was probably very challenging. - Yes, yes, yes. - All right, that's where the bar is. All right, and Marlene, I'm sorry we're gonna let you go and get somebody else. Well, I swear it didn't go right. - Oh, no. - And yeah, we'll have to get rid of a couple of those. But anyway, you got one of those stories. You're like, oh my goodness, I cannot believe it, but it's a true story that happened to me. 407, 919, 10067, 877. 919, 10067, tickets to Disney on Ice at the Kia Center, but we got a huge story first on Johnny's house. 104, and it's already about 83 right now, and it's going to be partly clotted with a 20% chance of rain. A true story that happened to me, that was a story you tell everybody. We're telling to us, we got four tickets to Disney on Ice at the Kia Center, Friday, August 30th, tickets on sale. All right now, let's get back to it. Calling us from Leesburg, Amber, Amber, good morning. - Good morning. - Good morning. So, true story, what happened? - So, I want to preface this, but I was in high school when this happened. I was a senior, and I was driving to school, and I managed on the way to school to get pulled over by four different police agencies, because I had lights out in my car. Everybody at the school was like, you did not get pulled over four times. - You got pulled over four times in one morning? Four separate times? - Four separate times by four different agencies. - I can only count two agents. Yeah, no, I guess orange. - Orange County. - I got pulled over by DOT. - Okay. - I got pulled over by one county sheriff. I got pulled over by a second county sheriff, which was in a different county, 'cause I had to drive into two different counties. And then I got pulled over by the local, like the city police, because my back lights were out, and I didn't have any lights at 6.30. - Okay, okay. Now, you ain't gonna take it by one, I'm dead. - I got a warning from all four of 'em. - Y'all know what I'm thinkin'. Is that rape privilege? - Oh, yeah. - Pretty white girl syndrome. - I didn't say that. - Do you look like that? - Yeah, it's me. So I was in my ROTC uniform. I think that's how I got out of it. - Oh. - They're a respected authority. - Yes. But I was like, seriously? - You got full. - And my sister is panicking in the front seat. Oh, my God, we got pulled over. - The true story is you got pulled over four times, and you got no ticket. Nothing. You got four warnings. - Yeah, well, I mean, the fourth one, I just showed him my other three warnings, and they're like, "Hey, look, I already know." All right, you hold on. Okay, that's pretty interesting. From a popka sterling, good morning. - Good morning, good morning, Johnny's house. - All right, all right. - We are being on the line. - Thank you. - So I'm gonna jump right into it. So we were going for a holiday visit to San Diego, out of Orlando. My wife hates flying. She can't stay on airplanes. I'm not gonna name the airline, but one of our engines went out as we were ascending. And as the engine went out, we heard the pop, the loud pop sound. So the whole plane went sideways, and everybody doesn't wear their seatbelts on the airplanes, we all know that. So a lot of commotion was going on. The captain came on, he says, "Hey, we lost an engine. "We have to do an emergency landing." And my wife is in tears. - Yeah. - She was like bawling, and I'm holding her, and the guy next to me is an older gentleman. He goes, "It's fine, this is normal." Trying to calm her down. And I'm like, "There's nothing normal about this situation." So as we were descending, we were doing an emergency landing in Sanford, and he goes, "The landing gear wasn't coming out properly." And the very front of the wheels, like the front one, was sideways. So we landed in Sanford with a sideways front landing gear and one lost engine. So we went down super quick. We bounced off the runway, and everything was good. Everybody was smiling, shaking, adrenaline. I'm telling you, if you've ever skydived, that's what it felt like. - Wow! - Everything like clapped and cheered. They had the whole like, you know, that inflatable slide? - Yeah. - We all had to go down the inflatable slide on the tarmac. - Freaking crazy. - Oh my goodness. - How come the tarmac didn't make a movie about this? - Wow! (laughing) - It felt like a movie. I'm telling you, it was like that scene in Die Hard, where you saw all like the yellow emergency safety vehicles down there. They thought we were gonna go down and flames. - Here's my thing. - Oh, this is crazy. - You know, because I fly discount airlines all the time, I happen to be on one. Unless you're sitting in that window in the window, you would see the engine, you don't know. For me, that's too much information. I don't need to know that the engine is failed. All you gotta tell me is, we got a little problem. We got a little problem. We got a little camera here, we got a little camera here, that's all I need to do. - Hey, if I'm that pilot, I'm gonna be right out front, and I'm gonna flip that screen around when you get off and ask for a tip. (laughing) - Yo, yes. (laughing) - It will run the engine. - I have 20, 35, and 50% as your options. - Seriously. - Before I get on the slide, the slide off of it, I gotta. - And that's the one situation where I'll be like, you know what, I owe this guy a tip. (laughing) - Yeah. - When the pilots come out with the tip, I would tip, but I'm gonna laugh the whole way as I slide down. (laughing) - Wow. Well, Sterling, congratulations. You're the winner. - Oh, yeah. - Don't the stories we're talking about. Hey, what tickets are Disney on? - I love you guys. - Hey, we love you too, man. Disney on Ice at the Kia Center Friday, August 30th, tickets on sale right now. Amazing story. - Yeah. - Amazing story. - Thank you so much. You guys have a beautiful morning. - Hey, you too, man. That's just too much information for me. Just tell me something wrong. I don't need to know. Hey, look over your right window. That flame, that's coming from our engine. - No. Put your seatbelt on and be quiet, okay? Daddy's concentrating. - All right, we've got a local team going to the Little League World Series. Gonna talk to you all right now. Don't forget coming up at about nine o'clock opportunity for you to win tickets to go to the iHeartRadio Music Festival and $1,000 in your pocket. Just listen for the keyword. And if you win, just think about us 'cause we're planning on being there too. We're planning on. Nobody ain't got no calls yet. All right, big thing is happening is Lake Mary Little League All-Stars. They defeated Tennessee, 11 or nothing in the Southeast region. They are going to Williamsport, Pennsylvania, for the Little League World Series and that is scheduled to run August 14th through the 25th. No matter what those young men do in their lives, this is be the highlight that they made it to the Little League World Series. So we want you to highlight, what is the highlight of your athletic career? Now I can't even put down that I qualified for the Olympic trials 'cause I can do it. You know, I just qualified, I do it. So an event, I guess the highlight of my career would be our relay team placed fourth in the CR double-A championship. - Okay, go. - It was just the conference that our college team was in and what you got for. That was the peak. That was the, I didn't qualify on 100 or 200 and not that, but that was my peak, my peak. Brian, what's your peak in your athletic career? - We weren't very good at the-- - Okay, so if you had a victory-- - At Seminole. - Did you score two in one game? What was your peak? - We did win districts 'cause we played out of our district a lot of times, so we were smaller school then. So we were 3A and like Mary, like Brantley, Lime, and they were all four, so they would beat the crap out of us. But then when we played in our district, that was our level, and we would actually do pretty well. So two years in a row, we won districts. They went to go to regionals, which was cool. 'Cause then you take the charter bus and everything. Now we lost there. - Yeah, yeah. - But we did beat Lime in one time when we weren't supposed to, and that was pretty fun. - So that was pretty much the highlight. We beat the team and you weren't supposed to meet. - And I would say we played against a team that had Sebastian Janikowski, which is an NFL kicker. - Yeah. - For years. - Yeah. - On the team. - Yeah. - I think it was a new summer in the beach, I wanna say. And we played against them, and we were up for nothing on them. - Yes. - And we were like talking so much junk. - Yes. - And then lightning stopped the game. - Yes. - And so we were thought they were gonna call the game. So we were like really excited about it 'cause he was like all star and everything. And then they held his coach like no, no, no. We ain't letting the lightning stop the game. We'll wait it out. - What? - Yeah. So we waited it out in the locker room for an hour. We finished the game, they beat his five to four. - They got inspired. - Sons of bitches. But it was still pretty fun to play against Sebastian Janikowski, which was a big deal. - When I was in high school, there was a guy who was going to Clemson, and he forgot his name, eventually played in the pros. And I got through the line and I touched this jury that he ran off, almost sacked him, but I ain't really sacked him, but I had to. Yeah. - Wow. - I held my highlight, man. I was like, and it comes like, good job. You made a get out of the pocket. (laughing) - My son played football against CJ Baxter, who is a star running back for Texas. - Yes. - Yo, what? - Yeah, I mean, because they played, their teams played a chance right, right? - Yeah. - Ray, what is the highlight of your athletic career? - I played softball and I would say my highlight would be flying to Peoria, Illinois for the softball world series. - How did you do? - I did great. - Okay. - So I played left field and I will remember we had tournaments on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, all day long, and Sunday was like the championship round. And I caught the shoe string catch in the left field. - I was gonna say, I remember it from you telling me. - Yes. - Yes. - I caught the shoe string catch in left field to get us to the championship rounds. - Wow. - Now we didn't win. We didn't win the whole tournament, but we made it to Illinois and the whole thing. If you're looking at the live stream, you can tell by a look on your face, you're not lying. - I am not lying. - You are not lying at all. - I won the game ball for that game. I remember my coach giving it to me and then I remember my dog years later eating that game ball in my game. - That's the same dog you got from the Jorg dealer? - Yes, it was. - It was that one. - Full circle. - Full circle. It really was a full circle moment. - All right, take a break in the race. We'll come back and I want to hear yours too, okay? All right, I want to find out what is the highlight of your athletic career. These kids that are going to the Little League World series is something they will never, ever forget for the rest of their lives. But we want to hear about yours. 407, 919, 1067, 877, 919, 1067, XL Mobile 4.1.067, live streamers want to hear from you or throw it up on social media too. The highlight of your-- - Right flag right now for that. - I am so sorry for him. (all laughing) - Bro, I can't. (all laughing) - You're looking out, buddy. I'm joking. So you got picked, you got picked and what happened? - Well, so while we're practicing and trying to come up with our routine, he's giving us the hardest tricks and everything. And so all season longer practicing and practicing and practicing, we make it to states. We qualify, we go to nationals in Dayton, Ohio and we make it, keep going. - Wow. - And it's like the final, you know, comes down to the final thing where, you know, we mail the shots, we mail all the tosses, everything, we had a perfect run. And unfortunately, it came down to 0.002 of a point that we walked to second place. But we were proud of ourselves. - You should be. - Yeah, we made it that far and we were proud of the performance and just all the things that we learned over the season. So I would say that's my highlight. - Well, no, that's a great highlight. Wow, you took this there. - Man. - And I would tell you to Google it and look how it is. (laughing) - Yeah, Johnny, Jackass, Jerk. - I didn't know mine, it was good. Did you, did, did, did, did, did, did. - 'Cause they weren't elite, but she was. - Those flag girls, so I'm gonna think about her. - That's a flag girl. - What was the color girl? - It's the same thing, right? And then they also don't, don't you guys do like the guns too sometimes? - Yeah, you do it. Oh, okay. - Yeah. - I just thought you would. - I'm still, I'm just talking about it. - Yeah, let's see. You lean forward and you lean back and then you go left, right, left. - They give you scholarships to college for that stuff. - What is on so you throw it? - Oh, gotcha. - You were spinning around underneath them. People were doing like, you know. - Gotcha. - And then there were swords too. - I'm still, I'm still, but I was thinking about the wrong, I'm talking about the girls that just said with the flag and they go left, right? Left, up, down and stuff. - But we did have flags too, but. - Do you consider them athletes? - He's just trying to dig out of the hole. - I can't, I can't. - I can't. - Don't do it. XL mobile powered by attorney Dan Newland in Iraq. Need a check, it's a no brainer, just call attorney Dan Newland. Someone qualified for the international baton twirling in Europe. - Okay. - That's huge. - But they couldn't go 'cause it was right before college and they. - Okay, baton twirling in which she does. - Right, you run drunk. - This is a very similar. - You wanna jump in the hole with Johnny? What you doing? - It's very similar. - I don't know. - You're saying the flags are like super oversized and the baton's just kind of like the stick. Not to take away. - You wanna jump in there too? - Wow. - I'm not gonna do it. - Did anybody else that I wanna defend today? - I'll tell you what. - We got enough competition. Y'all wanna go ahead and make it harder for us. - Okay, great. - Hey, everything clear. - This one's pretty cool though. Someone played D1 softball and their college coach was team USA's coach. So the softball team would get the scrimmage against team USA. - Oh, that's awesome. - Which is pretty cool. - That's pretty cool. - Yeah. - Wow, okay. Let's get out of here somewhere. (laughing) - Yes, say something. - I'm kidding. - I'm kidding. - Do you need to see your family doctor today? Now you can at Advent Health Primary Care Plus. But what's the plus? On-site labs, virtual visits, evening and weekend hours and of course, same day appointments. It's comprehensive primary care on your schedule. Wear your home for wellness exams, health screenings, nutritional counseling and even mental health support. Visit to schedule an appointment today. Primary Care Plus, a whole lot more.