Kingdom Community TV Podcast

We Are Sons of God

Broadcast on:
07 Aug 2024
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How amazing is the authority and power we possess in Christ! Join Pastor Tony Nardella as he speaks on the power and authority we hold as God's children, offering you a fresh perspective on yourself and your ministry. For more information, visit

>Welcome to Let's Go! Where you will hear about lives that have been transformed by the power of God. You'll see and hear real stories of real people going to real places far away, whose lives are changed as God uses them to impact the lives of others for His glory. Get ready to see people experience God's love and power. Let's go! Hello everyone, I'm Tony Nardella with Heart of Titus Ministries. Every week on Kingdom Community TV, we are happy to bring you teachings and discussions which will encourage your faith and further encourage you to go out and do what God has called you to do. We are here to equip you. And when I saw this video that we're going to show this week, it's of a preaching I did in Bulgaria not too long ago. I believe that it will really strike home and will encourage you even more to believe that you really are a son of God who has been called to do mighty things in the name of Jesus. So be encouraged, be blessed, and we hope that you enjoy this teaching. You know, Jesus really lived 2,000 years ago. There is no doubt historically that Jesus of Nazareth lived in Israel about 2,000 years ago. He is just as real and historical figure. He is just as real and as historical figure. As Julius Caesar. And he made some incredible claims. He claimed to be the son of God. He claimed to be the son of God. Today we all think that we are all sons of God. 2,000 years ago in the land of Israel. It would be blasphemy to say that you were the son of God. And in fact, at one time the Jews tried to stone Jesus because he said that. He was quoted from a son. He was a son, I believe in Psalm 82. He was in the same time he saw the beginning. When Jesus responded to the Jews who were trying to kill him. In my words, he says you guys believe the Bible, right? And the Bible cannot be broken, right? Why should you say that it is a bad thing for somebody to say he is the son of God? When the scripture says The Old Testament predicted that there would be people called the sons of God. And Jesus had declared that he was one of them. Well, even though they had their rocks in their hand, then they were ready to stone in. So Jesus says the son of God had incredible power. And that is why the Jews wanted to kill him. So Jesus says the son of God had incredible power. And that is why the Jews wanted to kill him. If you say you are the son of God, you are making yourself equal with God. But they understood that there was such an intimacy between the father and the son. Then whatever the father had, the son had, or whatever the son had, the father had. Well, this is the good news we are here to proclaim to you tonight. If you are a son of God, or a daughter of God, then whatever the father has, you have. And whatever you have, the father has. In Jesus. So then what does that mean? Now, this is after the resurrection of Jesus. This was the first time that he appeared to the disciples after he was raised from the dead. He said, "Peace be with you." And the disciples were glad that they saw him. You don't have to worry. You don't have to be afraid. As the father has sent me. So I am sending you. The same authority, the same powers, the same purpose, the same partnership, the father and the son had a great partnership, didn't they? Jesus is inviting us. To go and do the ministry like Jesus did. In partnership with the father through the Holy Spirit. Now how did the father send the son? Well, it says in Luke's Gospel. Then after John the Baptist baptized Jesus, he came upon Jesus like a dove. And the father said, "This is my beloved son." In whom I am well pleased. The father sent Jesus. With the manifest presence of the Holy Spirit. And with a bold and public declaration. Of his love for Jesus. He told everybody. This is my son. I love him. I am pleased with him. There is a lot of men here in particular. Who never heard any such thing from their earthly father. And that made colors your view of who our Heavenly Father is. But Jesus is sending us as his father sent him. The character of the name of his body. With love. With a bold and public declaration. And the presence of the Spirit. Now that Spirit immediately let Jesus into the desert. And he led him to not eat anything for forty days. And he was tempted by the devil. Who questioned his sonship? If you are the son of God. Tell these stones to become red. If you are the son of God. The devil is always trying to lie to us. He wants us to question whether we are really sons of God. But Jesus responded. You know what he said. The man shall not live by bread alone. But by every word that comes out of the mouth of my father. After Jesus defeated Satan's attempt to deceive him. The Bible says that Jesus was led in the power of the Holy Spirit. And he began to do his ministry. And he began to do his ministry. So I am just going to read you something at a man used gospel chapter four. Verse twenty-three. What an explosion of power. What an explosion of God's love. Look at these miracles that Jesus did. Now these miracles are not like the miracles that the church I grew up in talks about. They think it's a big deal if some statue starts to weep. They think it's a big deal if some statue starts to weep. The big deal is some clergyman that they had who dies if this body does not decay. But those are useless miracles. The miracles that Jesus did. Jesus said that Jesus took a virtue. Helped people. They held people. He healed all the sick. He cleansed all the lepers. He drove out all their demons. He even raised the dead. And yes, he taught them good news. That was how the Father sent Jesus into the world. This is how Jesus is sending us into the world. Now in Matthew chapter ten. In the first verse, a revolution happened. If you believe it, wait a minute. Jesus is the Son of God. We're just very imperfect people. He gave them the same power and authority. He gave them the same power and authority. To heal the sick. To do miracles of healing. To do miracles of deliverance. And you know those guys weren't so good. A lot of them couldn't even read. One of them, Peter, denied three times any new Jesus. One of them, Judas Iscariot, even betrayed him. It had Jesus killed. Don't look at your own past problems. Don't look at your weaknesses. Look at what the Word of God says about you. And you know in Luke ten. And he appointed 72 other people. And he gave them the same authority, he gave the 12. In verse nine it says... Yes. And in verse 17, the 72 came back to report to Jesus what had happened after he sent them. So they had the power to heal? They had the power to cast on demons? Are you getting the picture? No, the 72 people were. And I think that's God's way of telling us something. Nobody needs to know your name. You just need to know how God is sending you. I know we got to stop here for a minute. This is not the Christianity that you're used to. All over the world for hundreds of years. There's usually a guy like me or a guy like Pastor Tommy. Standing at the front. Tell you what we think God is saying. Then you come back to the next meeting. And you listen to the same guy tell you more. But we had it in our heads. It was our understanding. That the only person who could do any of this God stuff was the guy up here. It's too bad the church all over the world believes that. Because Jesus didn't teach us that. Jesus said that like he was the only guy. In fact he rejoices at the idea that we would do even greater things than him. He is the only one who was the only one who was the only one who was the only one who was the only one. If that wasn't the Bible I wouldn't dare to believe it. Jesus says if you have faith. You'll do the same thing. You too can heal the sick. But that's not enough for Jesus. He's way too generous. He loves to give even more than we expect. He says you'll do even greater things than I did. He says you'll do even greater things than you do. I'm a father. I have three children. Five grandchildren. With one on the way. In business I am partners with my oldest son. We started working together. I had all the experience he had very little experience. He is a good presenter. After just a couple of years. I saw that the boy was talented. Yes. I continued to work there. The truth was I was traveling. And so by him taking over our business. He is from the business ten times bigger. Ten times bigger than I ever told him. Ten times. Now do I get jealous? I could have done that. No! I get excited. He's so successful. He's so good at this. Look at how he's watching the family. We were able to hire our other son. Other people. I can have it. That's how Jesus feels about you. When you walked and walked and he grabbed me. Now there's years and years I can teach you about the spiritual gifts. But let me just give you this short summary. Then I'm going to call a crawfish. The greatest commandment is the love of it all. Our heart, soul, mind and strength. And the second greatest commandment is all the same. Love your neighbor as yourself. But you've reached this effect of service. Spiritual gifts are instruments that you can use to fulfill the same commandment. This is the moment we are going to motivate the opposite. Somebody walks in. They're obviously in pain. They're obviously in pain. If you have love and compassion. You're going to say Lord. You're going to say Lord. And then one day the Lord's going to say to you like he did to me. No, you healed them. That's a work that he has given men. We have to talk about the things that we have to talk about. And the scripture says several times. If you ask God to give you a spiritual gift. He just might be happy to give it to you. So if in your heart you're saying God want to heal the sin. I can't be advancing people in pain. I want to do good work to bring you glory. I want to do good work to bring you glory. He'll give you the gift of healing. And you won't need somebody to come from the United States to heal your friends. You can do it in Jesus' life. Because I'm no different than you. I have problems in my life. You have problems in your life. But it doesn't matter. Jesus loves us. He wants us to take over the family business on the earth. He wants us to take over the family business on the earth. He wants us to take authority over the devil and all of his pain. He wants us to heal our brothers and sisters. Jesus poured out his blood on the cross of cowards. For our healing. He wants us to do it. Not just a visiting evangelist. Everybody. I know that sounds revolutionary. But Jesus did not come to the earth and leave things the way they were. He did not come to bring peace but a sword. And the sword, which is the word of God, is doing violence through the religious system, the weave and heritage. And if you believe, you could be the beneficiaries of that kingdom. You too can have the eyes of your heart enlightened. Your eyes could be open to know the power that God gave you for Jesus. And you could receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. And then move in the power of the Holy Spirit just like Jesus. Well, we certainly hope that you enjoyed that message. I pray that something in that message reach deep down inside of you to encourage you to believe that you really are God's child. That you've been sent here with a purpose and then he has sent you out with a purpose. If you want to see more information, more videos like this, we have videos all over KCTV. But you can also go to our YouTube channel called Heart of Titus. Or you can go to and you can find all kinds of materials and resources there for you. So thank you so much for being with us today. And we look forward to seeing you on the next episode of Let's Go. [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] You