The Narrative Podcast

Episode 352 - The Narrative Podcast

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The Narrative Podcast promotes positive reinforcement of original people and original people culture.

The Narrative Podcast provides positive frames of reference about original people and original people culture.

The Narrative Podcast: Changing the Narrative one episode at a time by destroying negative stereotypes about original people and original people culture.

Tune into the Narrative Podcast and become a Narrator.

Let's change the Narrative!

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1h 42m
Broadcast on:
08 Aug 2024
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Hey guys, it is Ryan. I'm not sure if you know this about me, but I'm a bit of a fun fanatic when I can, right? I like to work, but I like fun too, and now I can tell you about my favorite place to have fun. Shumba Casino. They have hundreds of social casino-style games to choose from, with new games released each week. You can play for free, and each day it brings a new chance to collect daily bonuses. So join me and the fun. Sign up now at Sponsored by Shumba Casino, no purchase necessary, VGW Group. Prohibited by Law, 18+ Terms and Conditions apply. [Music] [Music] [Music] You are now listening to the narrative podcast with Halsey Allen. The narrative podcast is changing the narrative one episode at a time. [Music] Hey, what's going on family? Welcome to another edition of the narrative podcast. Weekday edition, the narrative podcast is the home of original people, original people piece, original people reciprocity and original people positivity. The narrative podcast promotes positive reinforcement of original people and original people culture. Welcome to the narrative podcast and I am your host, Halsey Allen. Welcome on my narrative podcast. Alright, how is everybody doing on this wonderful Wednesday? Today's hump day, we made it almost over the hump. We are getting right around the corner. Yeah, this year is just feeding by. I think it's something like what? Three more weekends, two and a half more weekends. We're back to school shopping until school officially starts for the young ones. But again, how is everybody doing today? I'm doing great. I had a fantastic day. Well rested. Not a lot accomplished today. Praying you guys about this as well. Or projecting positive thoughts that you guys did as well. But anyway, welcome to the narrative podcast. So, for those unfamiliar with my platform, how I get things started off is walking the listeners through a brief overview of the narrative podcast. Just to familiarize you with my content, my platform and everything to expect from my content. So, you know, now that I've exchanged pleasantries, let's get right on into the content starting at the top. Tippy, the name, narrative podcast. I named my podcast the narrative podcast. As long as I like to post narrative, that's the media we use about original people and original people culture. I get to the original part a little bit later on in the segment. So, what I want to do to counter the media is inaccurate and negative perception of our people and our culture is to design a platform where I'm highlighting and showcasing us at our best. Playing up our strengths and really just bringing it, trying to bring it into focus about who we are as a people as opposed to, you know, how the media depicts us as a people. So, that's, you know, why I exist with the narrative podcast is basically all about. I'm here to, you know, offer positive frames or reference about our people and our culture. I'm here to inform people outside of our culture, you know, to inform them about this. You know, it just basically demands all these negative stereotypes and stigmas about us. Encourage the listening audience or rather inform the listening audience why it's so important to responsibly utilize your platforms to tell stories about our people and our culture. And then also encourage the listening audience to responsibly use your platforms to, you know, tell stories about our people and our culture. So, having said that, I think that's the perfect segue to my tagline, the narrative podcast, changing the narrative, one episode at a time. Showing negative stereotypes about original people and original people culture. How do I destroy the negative stereotypes about our people and our culture? By providing positive frames of reference about our people and our culture. Hence the title, the narrative podcast. So, that's entirely, you know, my mission statement. I'm here to destroy negative stereotypes about our people and our culture. I'm here to uplift and edify my people and my culture and, you know, put things into perspective or change the narrative. So, and by change the narrative, I mean, change the narrative about how we're depicted in the media, how we're viewed. But real quick, just don't be misconstrued. I don't want this sentiment to be misconstrued. I don't want this just to enlighten people outside of our culture. I don't care what people outside of our culture, you know, think about our people and our culture. And I don't think people within my culture should care about what people outside of us think about us, how they view us. It's just basically, you know, if we want to tell our story, tell our story correctly. Tell it from the perspective of who we truly are as a people and who we truly are as a people with kings and queens, guys and goddesses of the universe and, you know, don't ever get it twisted. But anyway, the next point, important point of information you should know about my platform. I refer to my target listening audience as my narrators. They're my, you know, target listening, target demographic. They're just basically the people that tune in every single week that I broadcast. So what do I mean by a narrator? What do I mean when I say that? I mean, you know, we're all smart here. You can Google the definition of narrator. But I bring you up to speed. Basically, I call my target listening audience my narrators because, you know, I'm just acknowledging the time that we're living in now. We're living in the digital information age. We're gathering and sharing information online. Knowledge is available to us at the touch of a button. We can access knowledge, we can, you know, network with other people. You can just basically socialize online. You can create whatever reality you want about yourself or the world online from, you know, your perspective, you know, how you perceive things, your own narrative. So that's what I mean when I call my target listening audience. My narrators, because these days, all these digital platforms come with a bio section. In the bio section, you know, people are telling or narrating their own stories. They're putting out the best version, the best iteration of themselves or, you know, if it's a product page or something like that after online trying to sell something. You're trying to upload the best imagery of their product or trying to, you know, persuade you to believe, you know, whatever product they're trying to sell is the very best. If it's your own personal page as an individual, you know, you're putting out imagery and content that supports your fantastic life. Everything's, you know, so good and so great that you are a good, great person and you know, you have the most fun, you know, vacation in the most lavish places. You like, you know, you eat at really good restaurants because people are always sharing their most intimate details online. You stay at the best hotels, you drive the best cars, or even if you're like a down-to-earth person, you know, you're showing content and imagery that, you know, helps you prove how down-to-earth you are, how, you know, approachable you are. In essence, you're just basically telling your best story, given the best example of you. And so that's what I believe we need to do as a people. We need to be telling or putting out the best possible stories about us. We need to be showing the world the best possible versions of ourselves. We need to be telling or narrating our own stories because if history hasn't taught us anything, it's taught us this. If you don't tell your own story, your own story will be told for you and that's precisely what the media is doing, is currently doing and has been doing ever since, you know, we've existed. They've been telling our story and they've been telling our story from a negative perspective. They've been telling our story. They've placed negative stereotypes over us and negative stigmas over us and made us the face of all things degenerate. So it's up to us to bring it back into focus by telling or narrating our own stories. That's why I call my target listening audience, my narrators. So one little quick tidbit that I want to just, you know, share about the media before moving on to my next point that you should know about the narrative podcast. You know, the media is ran by a horrible, wicked group of people that control it. That's why they put out all these negative stereotypes and stigmas about us because the people that control the media wants them to and who controls the media. The elite class, higher SMI of the world, aka wealthy white people. And why do they do this? Why do they fixate so much on us and pretty much everybody in the world? Why do they use the media to manipulate, you know, whatever images they want to manipulate about certain groups of people? Specifically our people, original people. It's because they want to be, you know, omnipotence. They want to be, you know, the face of sophistication. They want to be the face of refinements, class, elegance, you know, all things fancy. They want to be the face of that, and to be the face of that, to maintain their status, that they set, maintain their standard standards that they set for themselves. They use the media to vilify everybody else, to make everybody else, when in comparison to them, appear to be violent, appear to be uneducated. Appear to be degenerate in nature, appear to be lewd and crude and crass, unclean, unholy, unrefined, undignified. And they, like I said, they do it to everybody, but out of all the people that they do it to, they do it to our people the most. Why do they do it to our people the most? Because they fear our people the most. Why the fear is the most? Because, you know, the higher SMI, the elite society, they're very wise people. They didn't get to where they are at in their life, they didn't achieve the status that they currently have without studying. They were studying our people at the beginning of the time. They were fearful of our people. They were so jealous of us, they wanted us out of the way. So that's why they designed all these little laws and systems and governments and policies, just basically to make themselves be important. To make themselves exclusive, to make themselves be the crème dollar crème of everything, you know. And to achieve that, what they do is surround themselves with status symbols. And the message that they want to push is, you know, life in excess, they want to push mass consumerism. So, you know, don't get me wrong, you know, there's nothing money isn't the root of all evil, there's nothing wrong with being wealthy. It becomes dangerous when you worship the money. Money's supposed to be a tool, just to, you know, help you achieve your higher calling. And then when you're really tacking and dialing with the universe, you don't even need the money, things will just come to you and you will be able to, you know, fulfill your purpose and stay on your path. You'll acquire the resources, you'll just magnetically attract the resources, you need to fulfill your destiny in life, but, you know, the higher SMI, they don't see it like that. But anyway, like I said, they do it to everybody, they vilify everybody, but they do it to our people the most, as they fear our people the most. They've studied our history, you know, they've been studying this for years and they know, without know us, there would be no then. One reason why they fear us so much is because we're so dynamic, we're so impactful, everybody, everybody wants to be like this. You know, wants to follow our examples, you know, what from, you know, fashion to food, to entertainment, to sports, you know, social, we are just the face of all things cool. It's not officially cool until we say it's good, which is so dynamic and impactful, everybody wants to emulate us to some capacity. Borrow from our culture, incorporate our culture into theirs, you know, all music forms, primarily hip hop, that's the number one, you know, genre in the entire world and it could not exist if, you know, we didn't create it. You know, there's ongoing debate about, you know, the creators and the, you know, the time periods and the contributors and the architects, but at the end of the day, we created original people. Anyway, so yeah, that's why they fear so much, they're fearful of our, you know, our just natural, divine state of being, like everybody wants to be like us. And the only way they can be relevant or get people to notice them is just surround themselves with very expensive things. While we are just, you know, dynamic impactful, natural, you know, a few of us, you know, there's a whole lot of us now that are very wealthy and can afford those status symbols. But even without those status symbols, we would still be dynamic and impactful and prideful, like a true original person, you know, unfazed and unbobbered by the world. Knowing their heritage, their rich heritage, what we came from, you know, just naturally carries themselves with the air of dignity and air of humility. And we just command any room that we're in, like, you know, it's cool that we have the European fashion designers, but we don't need it to stand out. They need those things to stand out. They need that mansion to stand out. They need those designer labels to stand out. We don't. We're a natural people by nature. Out of all the beings on the planet, we are the most connected to nature, meaning we don't need, you know, material things to define us. And so that's a big reason why they're so fearful of it. So fearful of us because they're afraid that people will, you know, wake up and say, hey, I don't need to buy this $1,800 shirt just because I have $1,800 in my pocket or my bank account or whatever. I don't need to buy this $300,000 to $500,000 card just because I have, you know, that much money. You see what I'm saying? We will spark a revolution because people are already emulators. And then that would be their downfall. The only way they have power is because they're using these status symbols to define their power and define their importance. And we threaten their very existence. Another reason why they are fearful of us is because, you know, they have a guilty conscience about everything that they've done to us. And their biggest fear is that we would reclaim everything they took from us And do it again, what they've done and are currently doing to us. That's their biggest fear. That's what keeps them up at night. But it's ill-gotten fear because that's not who we are as a people. You know, we're not invincible people. We don't have a history of taking things that don't belong to us. We don't have a history of rape. We don't have a history of causing turmoil and destruction everywhere we exist. The only thing we ever have a track record of is, you know, enlightening humanity. Everywhere we exist, we talk other civilizations how to survive and live off the land. We talk people about spirituality and religion. You know, we created pretty much everything. We don't have a history of taking anything. But, yeah, I just wanted to point out that quick little facts away. Some more misnumbers need to be aware of the narrative podcast, or dive into the content. This is a positive space. I use it to uplift and edify my people. I don't engage in gossip, slander, negative visions. You know, I don't do denigration name-calling. None of that, I don't encourage that on my platform. You know, I feel gossip is destroying us as a people. So, like I said, I'm just here to provide positive frames of reference about our people and our culture and encourage the listening audience to do the same on their platforms. So, yeah, I don't do negative talk here and slander and name-calling or any of that. Now, what I do, however, do is I do tell the truth. This is a place of truth. I don't sugar-call me anything. I don't tell lies. If I do feel that there's people within our community. It's time for today's Lucky Land Horoscope with Victoria Cash. Life's gotten mundane, so shake up the daily routine and be adventurous with a trip to Lucky Land. You know what they say. Your chance to win starts with a spin. So, go to to play over a hundred social casino-style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Get lucky today at No purchase necessary. BGW Group void were prohibited by law 18 plus terms of condition supply. We are intentionally misrepresenting our people and our culture. I will cause it. Individuals out. Other than that, this is a positive space. I don't do any gossip and name-calling or slander. As a matter of fact, if I ever bring up a famous person's name, it isn't a clout chase or bashman. It's just basically to frame up a scenario. I do deliver commentary here. I talk about current events, what's going on in the world as it relates to our people, original people. Basically, all the points that I frame up is from this perspective, anything negative. It happens in our community. It can almost 90% of the time be traced back to systemic racism. Psychological programming and conditioning of our people. Almost 90% of the time. Yes, we have things that we need to work on as a people. Yes, we have things in our community we need to work on and get better at. Just like everybody else does. But out of everybody else in the world, we've had the most done to us. We've been the most experimented on. We've been the most targeted, most hunted, most hated people on this planet or physical plane for people that don't believe around Earth. You know, there's literally nobody that's had it worse than we've had it. You can quote me on that and I can back it up with receipts. You bring your receipts and I bring my receipts. You can see who had it worse than our people. But yeah, that's basically if I ever bring up a famous person's name, I'm just framing it up. You know, from that perspective, you know, whatever is happening, that's negative in their life, how to media tries to capture it. Capture it, whatever negative thing is happening in their life, whatever, you know, negative thing is happening to that famous person. It can like almost 90% of the time be traced back to systemic racism and psychological programming and conditioning. We've been psychologically programmed in condition to react to it, react to each other a certain way, treat each other a certain way, view ourselves a certain way. So that's what's at play when something negative is happening in our community, because we've been programmed, we've been brainwashed to, you know, act and live negatively. So not to say that you, you know, control your own destiny and keep a positive mindset. You choose, it is your choice, you know, it is true to the fact it is your choice about, you know, what you choose to, you know, have, you know, what you choose to enter into your subconscious and, you know, how you choose to respond to negativity is your choice. But when we're constantly being bombarded with negativity, every single day, when we're constantly being portrayed in a negative life in movies, on television, in literature, in music, over the radio, in advertisements, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, it kind of does something to you. It kind of does something to us, it kind of does something to people outside of our culture, which is how, you know, the powers that shit we be designed in that way. So that's basically how I try to frame it up, if I ever bring up a famous person's name is just basically the point out they track. The next order of business, the narrative podcast is a time-sensitive platform. I try not to see one hour per broadcast. The reason is because, number one, I'm an audio platform, so I have to keep my listening audience engaged. I can't keep you engaged if I'm boring you to sleep. So I basically just try to keep it short, keep it sweet, keep it nitty-gritty, and then also try to entertain you as well, and just basically create the atmosphere where you're wanting to come back, keep listening to my content. And I can't do that if I'm just, you know, droning on and on and on, talking without any speaking points and, you know, going down long rabbit holes, so I just try to keep it short and sweet. And, you know, that's why I try to time each episode, I try not to exceed one hour per broadcast. And then which brings me to my very last point of the narrative podcast. I know you've been hearing me say it over and over again. I refer to our people as original people, and I do that for two reasons. Number one, the historical accuracy, and then the second reason is the unity. So, for the historical accuracy part of it, you know, we were, in our, the original people of this planet. We were here first, we were here thousands of years before every race, nationality, whatever you want to call it, we were here first. We existed before anything was we were as a people. Not only was we here first, we pretty much invented everything first, especially here in the Americas. Regardless of what the Industrial Revolution that they teach us in American history, you know, pretty much every invention was actually invented by black people, but, you know, it was stolen because, you know, there were all the slave masters stole their ambition, that's why they invented the patent system. We pretty much, you know, everything, every invention can be traced back to us, there was already, there ain't nothing new under the sun. You know, everything modern day, we had an ancient version of it, you know. But anyway, like I said, we were in our, the original people of this planet. It was here first, that's why I refer to our people as original. And then, before I, you know, going to the unity part of it, I just want to, this split, this spell, this false narrative, you know, that they keep on trying to perpetuate in history, they try to keep on trying to make slavery the most important part of our history. Like I said, being original people, does it not stand a reason that we actually had rich driving civilizations before slavery? Does it not also stand a scientific reasoning, if it was here first, did we not exist in other places besides Africa? Of course it does. Of course it does. There's several continents, we was on every single last one of them. Long, thousands of years before slavery, especially here in the Americas, said all that to say, we didn't get to all these different places on slave ships. And then the false narrative comes into place, per slave yet, that's where the false narrative comes into place. People weren't sailing around the world in ships, they were sailing around in boats. And the average boat doesn't even hold over 50 people, so why are they showing us these pictures of the lower deck with over 100 slaves? It doesn't even make sense. There was no nautical laws of the transatlantic slave trade, the route they took, no maps, nothing. They just said, for thousands of years it was going back and forth being slaves from Africa. So while some of us did, we were from Africa, some of us were from Africa. The majority of us, we already existed in wherever we were at in the world, especially here in the Americas slave. It just makes sense, does that make sense that they kept on going back and forth to Africa? Getting slaves or does it make more sense that they just enslaved the indigenous people of the lands that they conquered? That makes more sense, don't it? Yeah, I just want to point out that little false narrative. There's all kinds of literature, there's all kinds of books, there's all kinds of professors, white professors at that, since you don't want to never believe black people. Or original people, as I refer to on this platform, that support everything I'm saying. You can do your own due diligence on that. But onto the unity part of it, like I said, there are many different types of us. Hailing from different land masses, speaking different languages, believing in different ideologies, religion, spirituality, etc. But a few things, there's a couple of things that we have in common as a people. You know, number one, first and foremost, we was on here first, original people. You know, we're all original, and then we all have large concentrations of carbon, a.k.a. milling. And we can now trace our limits back to the original point of origin. You slept through your alarm, missed the train, and your breakfast sandwich. Cool. Sounds like you could use some luck. I'm Victoria Cash, and Lucky Land is where people go every day to get lucky. At Lucky Land, you can play over a hundred casino-style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Go to and get lucky today. No purchase necessary, VGW Group, where prohibited by law, 18-plus terms and conditions apply. Civilization. So that's why I refer to our people as original people. I mean, you know, if you're comfortable referring to yourself as black or whatever your nationality is, go right on the head, but on my platform, I refer to our people as original people. So anytime you hear me say original, I'm talking about us. And I feel you should be talking, saying original too, but I don't tell people, you know, what they should do or what they need to do, like, you know, do whatever brochures are. But I think you're all up to speed on the narrative podcast, everything you need to know. I'm over 300 episodes in. If I glazed over anything or, you know, you're still kind of hazy. You know, I'm over 300 episodes in, you know, go to wherever you get your podcast information from. Look for my podcast, narrative podcast hosted by me, Halsey Allen, and download, you know, all the episodes prior to this one. All right. So now that you're up to speed on the narrative podcast, I'm going to go ahead and dive right on into the content. Just before I do, I'll need you to know that I have two formats, a weekday format, and a weekend format. So obviously, today's Wednesday, this is the weekday format. And on the weekday format, the positive frames of reference that I share, because as I stated, you know, in the opening of my synopsis of the narrative podcast, I'm here to share positive frames of reference about our people and our culture. So my positive frames of reference that I share about our people and our culture during the weekday come in the form of positive news articles. And the reason why I feel the need to do positive news articles is because, you know, the powers that shouldn't be using their media devices will have us believing that nothing good ever happens in our community. So during the weekday, I share motivational news content, motivational stories, you know, inspiring stories, stories about us trying to fit in the face of adversity, being leaders in our community, being humanitarian, doing something positive to impact our communities and the world. Just the opposite of what the way, you know, we're portrayed in the media, which is downtrodden, ignorant, violence, et cetera, you know, for the males that want us to embody criminals, they want, you know, to make us the face of gang banging and, you know, gun violence and drugs, drug dealing and drug using alcoholism, you know, not handling your responsibilities as a father, you know, having no purpose and no sense of urgency and navigating through life with no sense of urgency And for our women, they want to portray them as, you know, hard to deal with, hard to manage angry all the time, or a moral, they want to make them, you know, thoughts, horrors Or just overly strong, independent, don't need a man, don't like me in general, but definitely don't want, want, want to hurt brothers And, you know, they want to paint her out as angry all the time, so that's why I do positive news articles just to, you know, play up our strengths, highlight everything that we're doing right And, you know, showcase us at our best instead of our worst So that's the purpose of the positive news articles during the weekday, when I do my weekday editions of the narrative podcast So, without any further ado, first positive news article of the weekday here on the weekday edition of the narrative podcast, the headline reads Black farmers finally received $2 billion payout from USDA after historic discrimination lawsuit So, for 40 years the National Black Farmers Association, who was founded by, a brother by the name of John Boyd, has fought for black farmers Just carrying a $2.2 billion USDA settlement The verdict was made possible due to the Inflation Reduction Act, I'm not going to tell you what the Inflation Reduction Act entails I'll leave that to your capable hands, you can, you know, you can look that up yourself The monies allocated from this settlement will provide 43,000 farmers up to $500,000 each, averaging out to $82,000 per farmer They've also secured settlements for the Hispanic community, women, and Native American farmers So, let's give it up for the black farmers alliance in their settlement The part to be the name of that organization was the National Black Farmers Association [Applause] All right, moving right along, next article, the headline reads "Three women on newest black-owned jury storefronts in Baton Rouge" And the name of the jury storefront is called "Get Signature" and to find out more about, you know, what their product offers These head on over to, so basically what sets them apart from other juries is this is a tailored jury They'll do any type of design you want to, they got stencils and they craft stones and, you know, they just basically customize your jury for you So it's a jury customization place that size it up for you and, you know, give you the best possible fit for you if we're talking to rings If we're talking about charm bracelets, if we're talking about bezels and watches, you know, they'll customize it for you You know, they'll take care of all your jury needs Now they're located at 1141-145, of course, Boulevard, Sweet O in Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70816, they're open from Tuesday through Friday, 10am to 6pm, and Saturday 10am to 4pm and if you want more specific information about the jury, you can contact them at And the proprietors of this business is a resistor by the name of Pranesha Williams, Jessica Matthews and Brianna Bynog BYNOG So yeah, so if you're ever in Baton Rouge, hit up Get Signured or check them out online at Give it up for our sisters, Aneeshit, Jessica and Biana, Bian, excuse me, of Get Signured [applause] And I'm just kind of breathing so fast, I forgot to tell you, you know, they opened up, their grand opening was in 2023 So they've been around for a year now, so they stamped and certified in the game now, the article that I came across, it was like, you know, it was an old article So they had their grand opening, so I had to do my research, but yeah, they've been around for about a year now [silence] Up next on this weekday edition of the narrative podcast, the headline reads Black woman pioneers, Black woman pioneer, patent designed for eco-friendly paper plates with built-in cup holders And the sister's name is Lisa Ray Bell, she's born and raised in D.C., it didn't really go on to say anything more about the invention Rather than what she called it, it's called Bell Bowles, and yes I did look it up online, so I think she just patented the idea Which is an ingenious idea, I think she took the concept from the cup cozies from, you know, QSR restaurants like, you know, the cup holder Hey, it is Ryan Seacrest, there's something so thrilling about playing Chumba Casino, maybe it's the simple reminder that with a little luck, anything is possible Chumba has hundreds of social casino style games to choose from with new game releases each week Play for free anytime, anywhere, for your chance to redeem some serious prizes Join me in the fun, sign up now at Chumba, sponsored by Chumba Casino, no purchase necessary VGW Group, void where prohibited by law, 18 plus terms and conditions apply You know, the little cardboard cup holder and just like the cozy where you actually put your little burger meal So that's what she did, she combined that concept but made it with biodegradable material So yeah, so to keep you drink nice and cold and to keep your food nice and warm because insulated So yeah, I don't see a website where it's available but you know, she got the patent on it and I think it's coming pretty soon So let's put them together for our brilliant sister Lisa Renee Bed (Applause) Alright, last but not least, this is a story of redemption, so I saved the best for last So the last article, this evening on the narrative podcast The Headline reads "Man who was wrongfully convicted graduates from college after five grueling years on death road" Her death road, I said road The brother's name is Ryan Matthews, he was convicted in 1997 of murder in the first Basically what had happened on a storefront clerk got unaligned and the people who did it Was, you know, had a car identical to the car, he was driving, so it was basically a story of wrong place, wrong time And him and the driver, a brother by the name of Travis Hayes They picked them up, you know, they went off the witness statements Of course the witnesses were people who don't look like us and they were either confused or clearly lying about seeing the guy's faces But long story short, got apprehended, got arrested in 1997, got convicted in '99 Now, for some reason the driver got charged with manslaughter Ryan got put to death So they identified him as the shooter But he found, I guess there's an exoneration program in Louisiana, so I think he applied for that Or some type of exoneration law, I think like, you know, there was one of the big deals when the orange guy was in office That led out a whole lot of wrongfully convicted felons, passed some sort of a little law But longer story short, you know, he got exonerated And he got awarded $133,000 for his ordeal The driver got $252,000 So after, you know, his little stint, when he got released from prison, he enrolled at TWA In Dittin, Texas, and the work was, you know, he earned a degree in applied sciences Or, you know, some places they call it Gen Ed, but it's still good for everything he went through So he says, he gets in on getting something else, he wants to give back, you know, to the world Something, he says, he wants to pursue, like, either something in law So, you know, nobody go through the same word, you know, he went through or, you know, something where he's dealing with the people, you know, some type of vocational training Or, you know, career counselor or something like that, that's what he wants to do in the article Then I read, the story was also made popular on CNN Oh, he says he wants to pursue graduate school It's not really anything else in that article I just took, well, it's a whole lot, but it's more like, you know, his wife did he marry her or do she had, you know, sticking with him throughout the whole process Because he was only 17 when it happened, so they had a family, you know, got married, had a family It did go on to say, you know, he worked 12, and he was going to school while working 12 hour shifts and then still had four times daddy doing picking his children up from school and taking them to school and attending, you know, important milestones in their academic life, like going to school for like parents day and stuff like that, you know, parent teacher conferences and all that type of stuff So, you know, that's a true test of resilience, true test of, you know, wanting something out of life, wanting something better for you life from your life out of your life And then also not letting your present present circumstance, present circumstances not deter your future destinations So, yeah, that's definitely, you know, rising in the face of adversity and achieving something great, and that's what, you know, my platform is all about covering stories Providing those positive frames of reference about our people and our coaches Not only any further ado, give it up for this very resilient brother, you know, got down a lot of times, but he never gave up, Mr. Ryan Matthews (applause) And not to be confused with the football play It's not that Ryan Matthews Alright, so Alright, so I'm officially done with the, there was my last positive news article of the evening, and now we're moving on to my commentary What I do is I commentate on, you know, current events, whether it's globally, nationally, or something with from, you know, something that's going on within our community And the purpose of me doing that is basically to control the narrative, and I already told you why So, you know, on to the current event section, which I refer to as my speaking point I usually have a plethora of speaking points that I want to cover, but I'm just only got one I want to briefly talk about, and I might, you know, tack on some sub points to that point But it's just really just one thing I wanted to speak about briefly this evening I actually got two things, let's start off positive So, my first thing I wanted to talk about is, you know, there has been an update on the Davante Mitchell case that I've been talking about So, Brother Davante Mitchell, if you're unfamiliar with that particular headline, this is a brother that got unalived in Milwaukee at a hotel at the Hyatt Regency in Milwaukee, so what basically allegedly happened was the security at the hotel ejected him from the hotel after reports of him allegedly, him being in the female's restaurant So, they ejected him out of the hotel and then proceeded to, you know, hold him down and, you know, beat him They beat him so bad, you know, they unalived him, that's how bad they beat him So, they pinned him down to the ground and was beating him in his face and in his torso And also, at one point, strangling him so the coroner's report was, you know, what I'm trying to say, I can't say the word It's got strength, it's fixed here, still like, it's fixed here Asphyxia, my bad, I was so tired asphyxia But I'm anywhere, so they strangled the brother to Dav and, you know, it was BOA When the police got there, and so they've been, since that incident, I think, I believe it happened on... Not too long ago, just a few weeks, June 30th So, today, the Milwaukee County District Attorney's Office filed felony murder charges against the four former height regency employees And they are Erickson Turner Williamson and John Johnson Carson Yeah, just says Williamson, he doesn't say his first name Erickson, Erickson, Turner, Williamson and Johnson Carson Anyway, they got the four dirtbags And I guess they're going to file the felony charges or whatever So, Todd Erickson was the on-duty security guard, Brandon Turner was the off-duty security guard Devin Johnson Carson, a front desk clerk, and Herbert Williamson was the billman And I kind of feel sorry for Herbert's and Williamson, because I've seen, you know, his involved me He was holding down the legs, but, you know, he said he felt that he was going to get fired And if you've seen the video, I think it was TMZ, it doesn't seem to, I don't like talking about people, but it doesn't seem like too intelligent Probably had some priors and probably really felt he couldn't get another job, you know But that part where I don't feel sorry for him when, because, you know, report also said that our brother Devontay kept trying to get a And they kept on pinning them down and kept beating him, so they had the video footage of him kept on trying to flee from the assault Because at this point, you're not supposed to be putting your hands on You've already ejected them from the hotel, what are you doing pummeling him? What are you doing, having them pinned down? At this point, you're supposed to call the police As long as he's out of the hotel, I said you're ejected him because he was allegedly in the women's bathroom So, okay, so now he's out of the hotel, he's trying to get up and get away from you Y'all, wouldn't he keep on, you know, attacking him to the floor and trying to beat him for? Like he's gone, he's out of here So, you know, and then also said he had severe, his parents came forward, says he has severe mental health issues I just don't get how come when people in our community have mental health issues The people who have, you know, severe mental health issues because severe mental health issues has been inflicted upon us From everything that we've gone through as a people Like how come we don't get compassion when they see something inherently wrong with one of us Like we're not human or something, like we can't have it off day or just something not be right Something's a little off, we don't get the little off pass Everybody else gets the little off pass, oh, something's wrong with that The person left them going about their business, they look like something's wrong with them We're the only people in the world that don't get the mentally off pass But anyway, they bought these dirt bags up on charges and it looks like they're only facing up to like 15 years I've convicted Each, so, you know, if nobody's going to get convicted, the bellhop's getting convicted for sure I didn't mean they're like snicker, but, you know, he's a brother, so we already know how that's going to play out for him The other three are white, so, yeah, fingers crossed And then, yeah, that's all I want to cover on that, they're bringing brought up on charges and it's breaking news and just happened today And then the next thing I want to talk about the elephant in the room Oh boy, the deputy Ah, shot the sheriff The deputy shouldn't get away though So, unless you've been living under a rock So, the deputy Sean Grayson has spoken out, he says He feared his life or being seriously injured by what was on the stove Which wasn't nothing but some boiling water And he told her a couple of times to get away from the stove He said if you don't get away from the stove, I'm going to shoot you in the elephant face Like when he said that, he said don't hurt me And then, uh, he told her what he told her He said, man, she's like I'm on a rebuke unit in the image, Jesus, and then he did what he did But anyway He, you know, he said like any typical Caucasian person Most Caucasian people, I don't like generalization, I ain't saying all white people's like that But most white people are afraid of it So, he's already scared, he's a coward with the gun He's scared of a woman He says if you don't get away from that pot Or get away from the stove, I'm going to shoot you in the elephant face He had an attitude upon entering the house You know, he was belligerent entering the house on the body cam Um, big nothing after he made the mistake You know, so no compassion, no remorse after he did it We're not let, um, his partner, uh, get the, uh, he tried, the partner tried to get the medical, uh, get her a medical attention He refused to get her a medical attention, and um, yeah, so now our system is no longer with this Um, big open debate, a whole bunch of people say he was justified, a whole lot of people say he was not justified Now, of course, I'm saying he wasn't justified Of course, I'm saying, you know, he's a dirtbag for doing that Um, you know, they need to put him underneath the jail But, with the law says Now, the law is kind of like, it's just slippery slope Because the law says, you know, if it's an inch, there's a mile, he already established his defense He said he was in fear for his life And the law in Illinois basically, um, you know, the police have Um, discrepancy, they got their own discrepancy on what they view as, you know, malicious intent Meaning they can like judge the situation if it was, you know, lawful enough for them to use, um, the proper force He said he feared for his life, you know, being scolded by the hot water You know, which is total garbage, but in the thing, in the video When she said I rebuke you in the name of Jesus, she did say I'm sorry, did duck at one point before he shot her But, in that little instance, she made an action Like she was appearing to lunge at him with the hot water And that's going to be a slippery slope moving forward with the law, with the law says Of course, I think he's a dirtbag, of course, everybody in our community think he's a dirtbag And he needs to be in alive But that's, you know, they're going to use that They're going to look at all the angles And, you know, and then also she had mental health issues And she was having like, you know, she was spazzing out a little bit I mean, there was laughing and there was joking, and then it got serious So, it just sad enough fortunately, you know, when whites cry, blacks lose lives It's like, you know, when they feel threatened by us, what was that movie? Oh, what is that movie? The magical Negro, like, we got to sit up here and make white people feel comfortable So they don't feel afraid and intimidated by us Because if they feel afraid or intimidated by us in any way, we go to jail or lose our lives From their fear, because they're afraid We ain't gave them no reason to be afraid of us They don't do everything to us, everything you can imagine, big dentists Bro, they used to eat us They used to eat us in slavery, but they scared us Hey, it's Ryan Seacrest, life comes at you fast Which is why it's important to find some time to relax a little you time Here, Chumba Casino, with no download required, you can jump on any time Anywhere for the chance to redeem some serious prizes So, treat yourself with Chumba Casino and play over 100 online casino-style games All for free, go to to collect your free welcome bonus Sponsored by Chumba Casino, no purchase necessary VGW Group, void where prohibited by law, 18+ terms and conditions apply So, I don't know, it's just a real slippery slope You know, it's a little gray area with that law Basically, you know, it's like the police can use their discretion with they being as, you know, a right to use lethal force Don't argue with me, argue with your mom, and that's what the law seems You know, I want justice for the system You know, they're going to try to unpack that and use that That she lunged forward or made a movement that would appear like she's lunging So, if there's white people on that jury, they're going to see her lunging with the hot water She lunged, she lunged that in with the hot water and it was a, it was a, what do you call it? A reflex, you did it on the reflex That's what they're going to say, the jury, the white jury members, it was a reflex Now the only way she won't, or a homeboy will get convicted is because, you know, they're going to be afraid of possible rights Ben Crump is very good, he's excellent Ben, he got, he got a battle on his hand, he know he got a battle Because Illinois, they, they is a racist state man Super racist So that's when he's up against with that case You know, it's a real gray area with that In fact, he said he feared for his life, that's all it takes You know, that's the benefit of the doubt If a white person said they was scared, or they was in fear of their life You know, that's their little wiggle wound Now, had the situation been reversed, had it been Sonya There would have shot him for being aggressive with her We already know the outcome Like we wouldn't even, you know, there wouldn't have even, she would have already been instantly Instantly, you know, incarcerated and they wouldn't give a damn about her mental health issues It would have been like, okay, she's going to jail, she'll be insightful with her, she's going to jail And they'll keep her locked up until, you know, they'll be up to a, you know, a position to clear her Mentally competent, to stand try But like, it's a slippery slope, I don't believe his apology, I don't believe He was threatened by hot water, I believe, like everybody else, please He went up in that house on some bush, on some bush And he got aggressive, he got hostile, and, you know, he got a horrible record You know, one department that he was at, you know, he was caught lying About something that happened, and just, you know If the other guy hadn't had his body cam on You know how crazy this looks from the inside, like he already had the alibi He already had his alibi, like he got his alibi ready But the ugh, you know, the body cam toed on him But like I was been saying and been saying and been saying, like these white supremacists, they're in, they're everywhere They're in government buildings, they're on the police force They're in the CIA, they're in the FBI They're in the military, all branches of the military They're in homeland security So there ain't no, you know, extent to their rents Said all that to say, the call done went out It's election time We're going to start seeing more Sony and Macy's From here, until, you know, election time It isn't quite possibly a dozen or so more after election time So if he does not get convicted, what's going to happen is, you know, they're not, dang, it's going to spark You know, it's going to be George Floyd all over again And then it's going to be a martial law type situation Because we're not letting that slide And I'm not advocating violence, I'm just telling like it is, we're not letting that slide run Our people are very emotional, sometimes our emotions override our intelligence as a people And this is one of them things designed to manipulate our emotions into doing just that I don't know why they want us to do that But if these found innocent, that is for sure going to happen For sure For sure I can unequivocally attest to that I don't think we want to sit up here and rationalize and Try to use emotional intelligence If they say not guilty, it's going to be The Watts riots all over again, it's going to be George Floyd all over again, it's going to be All of them instances, when we had enough That's going to be the straw that breaks the camel's back Because we're already fed up Because here we are again With two candidates that don't have nothing in it for our people There's no legislation in it for our people Either candidate So if even one of these bozos win, we as a people lose So I'll get why people are online arguing About the orange guy and about the Rachel Kamala, Kamala, Kamala You know, she pulled a Rachel Dole is all honest, man She went to that black boat so bad She went to that white boat But I'm here So we don't got no choices for this election I mean, if you want to vote both of their policies are crappy You know, I mean, I'm going to tell you how it really is It's like America is governed by corporations And whoever the corporation, they already got the winner, they already picked these She knows she's not going to win She just now got to renovate Ain't never produced not near receipt of this $2 million for her campaign She just said it online, they made an up online post and all we believe in But I don't want to make it about then I'm like, I kind of beard off pudding, it's about this dirt bag So he said he was scared of his sister with a boiling water Probably would have skinned them up really bad Had she threw it on them, probably would have had second and third degree burns But he wouldn't have lost his life, he knows that Anybody would comment since it knows that Even if it had it been like she had it, it would have been frying something And it was like fish grease, he still wouldn't have died But yeah, just something to think about something to pontificate like every time White people get scared of our presence We either end up in jail or end up in a lie And then the primary reason why they're so afraid of us Like I said at the beginning of my up breakdown of my synopsis Is because they, the higher Echelon, they run the media And they showed them the imagery of us that they want them to see They programming them like they're programming us And that's why it's all up to all of us to change the narrative So on that note, this episode of the narrative podcast is officially a wrap Be safe out here, y'all, when you leave this, when you leave your residence When you're out and about, make sure your phone is fully charged Make sure you got a phone with a camera that's easy to get to That you can hit it on immediately Keep your phone on you, keep your dash of camera on And all times, even on routine stops Let people know when you leave now, somebody close to you, where you're going It's real, and I'm brought it to our front door It's just so much going on right now, we're at critical mass This country is at critical mass We need to be in the state of preparedness We need to be preparing our minds, bodies and finances For things right around the corner, we don't got much time to do it It's like, it's not a joke out here But I love y'all, be safe You know, join me this weekend for a full episode of the narrative podcast Okay, round two, name something that's not boring Laundry, a book club, computer solitaire Sorry, we were looking for Chumba Casino That's right, Chumba Casino dot com has over 100 casino style games Join today and play for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes Chumba Casino dot com No more testing, we'll work with it by law 80 plus, turn signature into policy, website for details Tune in on a regular basis As I do, weekly uploads, I'll probably be hitting y'all Either tomorrow or Friday for another weekly edition of the 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what it is, it's a 30 page book of poetry And encompassing us as a people It's basically a snapshot of us as a people All encompassing Look at us You know, everything we go through, everything we experience All the nuances of our culture If you're an original man or an original woman, you can definitely relate to it They resonate instantaneously as soon as you read one poem out of here You know, you'll feel like you're home at one poem People outside of our culture, they can definitely They can definitely buy it if they consider themselves open-minded And progressive, and want it to be a part of the solution and not part of their problem You can definitely check it out Read it, buy it, purchase it, "The Black Card" So yeah, really creative poetry, you will love it Good coffee table read, great gift, great chillax book You will enjoy it You definitely get a resume with you So to purchase it, it's only available on one medium currently It's on And after you're unfamiliar with Poitizer, it's basically a platform for novice writers People that aren't quite at the professional level yet And what that is, it's a real cheap way for them to get their feet with writing books So it's basically a writer community Welcome to all genres of writing Specifically poetry, it's in the name, "Poitizer" But it's open to other forms of writing, such as short stories Novel writing, essay writing You can even pen open letters and journal write on there That's one of the platforms where there is no wrong way to do it Whatever you want to write about What they have on is a feature that will allow participants of that community To turn their work into a book And they got their choice, hardback, softback And then for extra nominal fees, eddy and illustrate And, you know, do all that professional type stuff Even marketing for you, press a couple of bucks It's up to you to how much money you want to invest in yourself But yeah, go check my book out On, Poitizer has a virtual online bookstore featuring You know, everybody in that community that has written a book So that's where all the books on Poitizer are on display So go over to On their virtual online bookstore And purchase my book, "The Black Card" Written by me, Halsey Allen Purchase the black card today or get your black card revoked And then the last thing I want to plug before getting out of here you guys Is my personal poetry blog on It's called Halsey's Poetry Corner And the link is And it's basically just a collection of my poetry And the unique thing about it is just all the poetry on there It's spontaneously written in the moment Meaning I didn't contemplate on the subject matter What I was going to title each piece is really just, you know, it just It came to me in the moment, I wrote all those poems off the cuff I didn't think about anything and just posted it But you're so intricate, so detailed, so intentional You would think that I, you know, brainstormed on it Or pre-wrote everything, but, you know, that's just a contrary It's all off the cuff Another good thing about it is it's relatable to everybody From all walks of life I think about it, I got a few Close to a dozen poems On their, specifically for our people, original people But the majority of them, like anybody can relate to It's relatable poetry, if you would love it In a resume which you make your day Matter of fact, my tagline is "Halseys Poetry Corner" Poetry with a fashion Poetry for all occasions, when you read one of my poems You will find out just why You know, definitely relate to them You will see that those poems live up to that tagline Go check them out today I'm And the way you support the poetry blog Is just share either the link to "Halseys Poetry Corner" Or a poem featured on "Halseys Poetry Corner" Across all platforms And then also hit that little heart shake like button And then they got a comment section When you get to the site Leave me a comment on one of my poems Yeah, so that's everything I think I plugged everything I got going on right now You know, keep on listening to me I should be, I probably got one more in the tank for this week For a week day edition of the narrative podcast It might be tomorrow, it might be Friday I don't know yet But just you know, keep your ear out there And podcast land And you know, check me out But definitely come back here for a full episode A weekend edition of the narrative podcast Now the weekend edition is a little slightly different Than the week day I have more sections on it So you got to tune in This weekend to see what the difference is From the week day Episode of the narrative podcast But you know, just keep on tuning in Keep on checking out the narrative podcast And, you know, me, together with your help We're going to change the narrative About how our people is being perceived The way we're being portrayed I'm Halsey Allen And I'm changing the narrative One episode at a time And I'm asking you To help me change the narrative By becoming a narrative And while I'm changing the narrative On my end, one episode at a time As a narrator, you can help me change the narrative On your end One social media post at a time So next time Halsey Allen In the narrative podcast Signing off In the slide [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] You are now Listening to the narrative podcast With Halsey Allen The narrative podcast is changing the narrative One episode at a time [Music] It's time for today's Lucky Land Horoscope with Victoria Cash Life's gotten mundane So shake up the daily routine and be adventurous With a trip to Lucky Land You know what they say Your chance to win starts with a spin So go to to play over a hundred Social Casino style games for free For your chance to redeem some serious prizes Get Lucky today [Music] At No purchase necessary, VGW Group void were prohibited by law 18+ terms of condition supply