Parallel Mike Podcast

#73- The Black Nobility with J.Philip Jimenez

In episode 73 we are joined by Phillip Jimenez to discuss the banking oligarchs of Renaissance Italy often referred to as the Black Nobility. Our guest explains how these powerful families, some with lineages going back over 2000 years continue wield tremendous power. More power in fact than many of the more commonly cited names such as the Warburg’s or Rothschilds. This in Phillips opinion is part of the illusion. The reality is these 15th and 16th century oligarchies are ruling from the shadows, controlling finance, commerce and geopolitics moreover. As part of our series Saturn’s Bankers we recently discussed the Venetians, and in this episode we extend on that conversation to add further color to the narrative. Enjoy The Show?

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07 Aug 2024
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In episode 73 we are joined by Phillip Jimenez to discuss the banking oligarchs of Renaissance Italy often referred to as the Black Nobility. Our guest explains how these powerful families, some with lineages going back over 2000 years continue wield tremendous power. More power in fact than many of the more commonly cited names such as the Warburg’s or Rothschilds.

This in Phillips opinion is part of the illusion. The reality is these 15th and 16th century oligarchies are ruling from the shadows, controlling finance, commerce and geopolitics moreover. As part of our series Saturn’s Bankers we recently discussed the Venetians, and in this episode we extend on that conversation to add further color to the narrative.

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[Music] What you are basic. [Music] Deep deep down, far far in, is simply the fabric and structure of existence itself. [Music] [Music] The fabric and structure of existence itself. Hi everybody, welcome to The Parallel. My podcast, I'm your host Mike, and thank you so much for joining me for the latest episode. Tonight on the show, we've got a new guest. His name is Philip Jimenez. Philip is a sort of Renaissance man. He's an expert in law. He's an amateur historian. He's also involved in the theatre. And I've got Philip on the show because he has a fantastic insight into the banking oligarchies of Venice, which you will know, was the subject of episode number two of Saturn's bankers. So this is sort of like an add on to the series. It's an expert guest who's going to give us more insight into some of these families. Now, that leads us into a discussion around spirituality, around moving away from some of the hot spots in the world right now. So this is a multi-layered episode. It begins with a historical discussion. But then we start to talk about how we can actually improve our own lot in life during these turbulent times, and how we can stay helpful in spite of all the darkness out there. So of course, that is the antithesis to looking at these histories is actually having a more hopeful take. And in part two, you'll find that it's a very inspiring conversation. So members, please head over to to listen to the full episode. If you're not a member yet, but you enjoy part one, consider joining us over there. Also, before we leave, if you are concerned about what's happening right now in the financial markets, don't forget I'm available for wealth preservation consultations, where I actually help people make sense of what's about to happen in terms of the global financial reset, how to position themselves, protect their portfolios, protect their pensions, bank deposits. And also, of course, just resiliency in general. So looking at locations, maybe you want to move, maybe you're a little bit concerned about the riots that are happening in Great Britain and the Civil War narrative in America. So all of these things are things that I help people with in my consultation. So if you're interested in finding out more, head over to and click on the Wealth Preservation tab, which is under console. In closing, I hope you're all well, healthy, and easily happy. And like always, I'll see you all in the next one. Hi everybody, welcome to the paralomide podcast. Today, we are joined by a new guest, Phillip Hernandez, to discuss high finance in Renaissance, at least. It's going to add on to the series that I've been doing by myself called Saturn's Bankers. Now, Phillip is a professor, he's an activist, and he currently resides in Mongolia. So welcome to the show, Phillip, how things going today? Things are good. I'm visiting my son in Brooklyn, so I'm not in Mongolia right now. I hadn't left the country for two years, so it's kind of eye-opening to be back in the States all of a sudden. I do have to correct a couple of things, and maybe it's important to put in a little more of my back story. I'm not a professor. My story, perhaps it's important to go over the story because I've been trying to think of how to identify myself, and I do think that it's important in terms of contextualizing my message, and what I'm trying to say, what I will be trying to say with all of this information today. I'm not an historian, I would not even say I'm an expert. What am I? I was trained as an actor, and I did amateur stage and professional stage in San Francisco. And then I studied in Los Angeles with a really wonderful one of the top teachers, and then I ended up getting into the Harvard ART conservatory program, and then I moved to New York, and I was studying with Wynn Hanwood and the very top class in New York, and I got accepted to the actor studio, and then a lot of things were happening in my life, and it was 9/11, and I suddenly felt like acting was not what I wanted to do, that it just didn't fulfill me. I was just being confronted with so much, especially with 9/11, which is another part of my personal story here that leads into it, a major part because I was in New York on 9/11 and had an interesting personal experience with it, and it feeds directly into this topic. So, my father is an international lawyer and an international law professor, and he is a professor. He has an overseas program that he teaches. He teaches American law students in Tokyo and Seoul, and there have been other universities that Tokyo and Seoul have been sort of the mainstays for during his tenure there, which went on for over 40 years, and I talked to him and he said, "Well, you know, because I didn't know what I wanted to do, I was singing also, I was a classical music, classical Schubert, like Deutsch leader." You sound like you would have probably done well in Renaissance Florence, you sound like you was made for those times, and that's what we're going to be talking about. Very interesting. I hadn't thought of that, and I hope, I really hope, I'm not seeing over-indulgent here, but unless people know exactly where I'm coming from, they're going to be dissatisfied with what I might say or not say. So, I would say definitely you're correct in calling me a bit of an activist. Basically, my father said, "Why didn't you come with me since you don't know what you want to do, come with me to Tokyo this year and help me with the program?" And I did a lot of research for it, and I did a little bit of writing for him, and although I was not trained as a lawyer, I grew up with him. I would say I'm a fan of the law, that's really what I am. I'm a big fan of the law, very comfortable with it. My whole family is lawyers, and I just decided to go in a different direction, but it's something that feels very comfortable to me. So, then, the next event was my godfather, Professor Kim, he was the president of Kung Min University and Seoul, and he was stepping down. He was retiring, so my father called me, he said, "Hey, Professor Kim is stepping down, they're putting together a festerift of writing of his close friends, his associates and colleagues." He said, "I'm too busy to write anything, would you write something for him?" And I said, "Yeah, of course." So, I wrote this very, looking back, it was very naive, but it was well-meaning, and it was about how there was really no international law as such, and that it was a joke, and it was a farce, and how we need to, as a world, come together and create a space where the principles of justice and fairness of truth are going to prevail, going to be at a higher level than politics, and anything else, and why this is important and why the institutions in the West were highly politicized, and too politicized, and we had to start from scratch, because I had done a lot of research into the Nuremberg trials in the Tokyo tribunals. There was a lot of, what would you call, abnormalities, and I saw them as being very flawed, and I saw the process of international law as just serving the interests of the Americans, the Anglo-Americans, the British, and the French. So, I wrote this article, and then it published, my father said, and he said, "Yeah, Professor Kim really liked the article." And I said, "Well, Dad, since you're getting close to retiring, hey, why don't we set up something like an international law center someplace and start, you know, have a little, do conferences and such, and have maybe lectures and a little library or something to start there, and then start to add on and get it, you know, a place where people feel that they can come and say anything, talk about anything, nothing's off limits, and everything is going to be, everyone is going to feel respected, and everybody's position is going to be heard, and evidence is going to be weighed, and there's going to be sort of a resurgence in this real legal principles." And then I said, I said, "But, you know, where would we do this?" Because, you know, Japan is too expensive, and they're under the control of this. Americans and then Africa is too underdeveloped right now, although it's doing amazing things, it has been lately. Europe is too political, Russia is too controversial, so is China, the United States is out of the question, Latin America is not developed enough, political, too hectic, too chaotic, Korea, too under control of Americans. So, nothing came into my mind, but my father then called me a couple of days later. He said, "Yes, who I heard from," and he told me, he just heard from a very old colleague, they used to work in rural California, helping farm workers, migrant legal assistance. And so, he said, he had heard from him, and I said, "Wow, it's been so long." I said, "Where is?" He said, "He's in Mongolia," and he asked me to come and check it out. So, I said, "Mongolia, yes." And I'm like, "That's just, you know, pure serendipity, right?" And so, he went, and then he came back, and he said, "Yeah, it's really great. I think we could do something there." And he started to meet a few people, and so I said, "Great." And then, six months later, I went, and he put all the lecture at the National Legal Institute. And that was the beginning of this whole journey. And we've done a number of conferences. We did one on freedom of speech. It was kind of a big deal, you know, at a time in the United States, so that was a very touchy subject. I said, "Well, we have a chance to talk about it here." In the United States, they associate it with some kind of far-right political agenda, but I understand it is something that needs to be understood and deeply appreciated and discussed, reaffirmed. And so, we had lawyers come from Japan and Korea and the United States, and I gave a little talk. And then, in the evening, we had a musical event at the concert hall with the Mongolian Philharmonic. They agreed to play for us. And we have some -- we have like a little singer's core within our group, within this kind of -- our little orbit of Japanese professors and jurists. But we all love opera. So, we have some really good opera singers in our circle, so have a really brilliant lawyer who also happens to be an opera singer. So, we did this whole evening, and the Russian Embassy was there and really had a good vibe, you know? And then COVID happened. Well, then, like the next year was really tough, and then COVID happened. We had done those series of little conferences, sometimes more innocuous technical subjects over the period of like three, four years, and then building up to the last one. And I suppose the drama was at some point thinking that, you know, why can't I just set this up very easily? I mean, I had all of these contacts. And as I kept going, they all seemed to just sort of melt away. And I said, I need to get to the bottom of why the world is the way it is, why I seem to be having problems, when it seems like what I'm trying to do would be a slam dunk. Didn't make sense to me. So, I started doing research to figure out how the world really does work. Who is really driving it? What's really going on? And I said, if I wanted to start an international law center, starting from scratch, I need to know, I can't just accept what I'm told. And that was the beginning of an awakening. And I suppose the first act in that was getting to Mongolia and saying to myself, I know there are people who don't believe the official version of 9/11. And I know they're probably crazy and stupid. But, you know, in interest to fairness, I want to find the best five reasons why they do not believe the official story. So, I did a little research and I got a list of five and I started doing, I thought, well, I'll just find, be able to refute this over the weekend. And then I can be settled, but at least I will have given it a hearing, you know. But I found that I came up against some objections to the official story that could not be, that were not, was not, not refuted anywhere I could find and nothing made any sense. So, at that point, I, I threw, like, all of my energy every day was devoted to finding out what really happened. You know, come on, this can't be impossible. There's got to be a way. There's got to be somebody who knows something. You know, the information, there has to be something out there. So, in the course of that, that directed me to the work of Dimitri Holozov, K-H-A-L-O, Z-O-V, K-H-A-L-E, Z-O-V, Holozov, Dimitri, D-I-M-I-T-R-I. I read everything I could, every theory, every, you know, the official stuff. And then all of these, absolutely, everything. And then I found the, the work of this former KGB nuclear explosives specialist who was actually privy to the planning of 9/11, knew the people involved, knew in a, in a very granular expert level. He could pretty much account for every minute of that morning. And he described the mechanism whereby the buildings were demolished. It's a meticulous book, and he goes into a great deal of history, all the way back from the beginning of Islam to, or actually, you know, the beginning of the Abrahamic faiths and how all of understanding this impact, how we understand 9/11, down to the most granular details of this, this emergency underground nuclear demolition scheme that he and his comrades at the KGB, they knew that they were under those towers. They knew the whole time because there was this treaty between the US and the Soviet Union regarding the peaceful use of nuclear explosives. So he came out with this book, and it was 1200 pages, and I read it, and I was like, "This guy, this was my, this was my red pill moment." And it's very interesting that he gets almost no attention in the truther community. Everybody likes to ignore him. And that made me, that was the next step. You know, when something seems too slick or it's out there in front, offered as a kind of alternative, you know, chances are it's a kind of controlled opposition. Chances are it's going to mislead you. And someone like Khawazov is not going to get any play at all. They're going to make sure he doesn't have a platform. They're going to play dirty games with him. He sent this book to the FBI, hoping that it would help them, and they just ignored him. And he was really deeply motivated to write his book when he saw what was happening to the first responders dying of these so-called mystery illnesses. And when he had had enough of that, he finally sat down and wrote his book. I've had some personal contact with him. I wanted to set up an interview televised, not televised but like a channel, Facebook channel kind of thing, didn't quite work out somehow. We got our wires crossed, but he's a real gentleman. He's an extraordinary person. He's incredibly meticulous, enormous intellect. And that really did change my life. If there's any way at some point, I can give any help to him that I can. I mean, he's living in Bangkok. He can't leave the country for a while. He was putting up videos every two weeks or so. And he said, "If for some reason I don't make a video, you guys know what to do." He had dead men switches with some colleagues, some people who were prepared to release certain information that he had. If he did, luckily, you know, say every two weeks, "Oh, he's okay. He's okay." He seems to be doing a little better, but it's just a shame that someone like that gets ignored. So then I'm looking at a similar situation now with a source that I found on the current aristocracy, the royals and nobles, the princes, the dukes, the counts of these families. How is it metastasized? And what are their activities? What are their resources? What are their capabilities? What is the extent of their power? And it's a touchy thing to talk about because people say, "Well, what are your sources? What are your sources?" They send me a book. You know, there's some people you cannot write about, some people that you cannot. It's sort of like our initial exchange. Did you want to mention that when you sent me a message on YouTube? Yes, I did. Yeah, I sent you a message on YouTube because I was struggling to get a hold of you. So I thought I'll just go to your channel. Amazingly, any message that I sent you regarding trying to get an interview, it just vanished. It just disappeared. Which the people like myself who have a YouTube channel is actually not so strange anymore. But it tells you that there is a monitoring that happens and it does try to engineer situations that go against conversations like this. Yeah, that's very scary. I mean, actually, just to add to that, Philip, we did a live stream just the other day. And this is an interesting link up actually to what you just said. You was talking about 9/11. And I don't know if you've become aware of this recently, but there was, of course, you'll know that you'll know from being in America or just being a human being with the TV or any access to media, what happened with Donald Trump. But what you might not know, which is actually quite an interesting link up, is the photographer on the day of the supposed assassination attempt was the same photographer who was with George Bush on the day of 9/11. And he took an infamous photo that day of George Bush being informed about the first plane going into the tower. And then at this event with Donald Trump, he took an even more infamous photo of a bullet supposedly whizzing past Donald Trump's head. So how's that for a link up, my friend? Oh, my God, they have the same cast of characters, they just recycle them. And they have these templates that they recycle, and they have these cast of crisis actors. And the politicians themselves are a form of crisis actors. It's a very interesting way of putting it, actually. I've never had anyone say that, but I would agree. Yes, the politicians are a form of actor of all different types. I mean, Donald Trump is more, I would say, the professional wrestling type. He, well, he stands for, or he stands in for a kind of populism. And it kind of, in terms of, you could call it nationalism, but we've really lost sight of what nationalism is like when John F Kennedy talked about nationalism. He said, call it nationalism, call it what you want, but he was really talking about development and putting priorities in alignment with development as an ultimate principle. But Trump, I'm not sure, I don't hear much intelligent discourse on that side of things, you know, I don't think people really know what made America great. How is, how was it that we offered to the world a new vision of what a society could be that seemed like it could be a viable opposition to the British free trade system. And it looked as though the American system was going to outstrip the British system. This was it, this is after the Civil War, you know, we helped jumpstart, well, Bismarck decided that Germany was going to cut ties with the British free trade system and jump on board with the American system. And we helped them develop steel mills and rail rail lines, and then we did the same thing in Russia, we had very friendly relations with Russia. Russia saved the United States twice 1812 and in the Civil War, Russia sent warships to New York and San Francisco harbor when it looked as though the British and the French and the French had joined sides of the British at that point and they were going to intervene in the Civil War on the side of the south. And Russia sent these warships in it without the, they said this is going to be a world war and I think Lincoln understood that because what he was challenging was the British imperial system which comes out of the Venetian exactly. The British East India Company, the British Empire, not really British at all, it was taken over gradually over about 200 year period by by the Venetians using different forms of subterfuge and epistemological warfare training British people how they should think about things intervening with Henry the 8th when Henry the 8th wanted to divorce Catherine of Aragon and he couldn't think of how he could do it. The most affirmative response he got and he sent messages all over Europe. The most affirmative response he got was from Francesco Zorzi in Padova University, apparently, who was, I think he was neighbors with the person I would, I think was the Doge at that time, or not the Doge, he was in the Council of Three though, I'm pretty sure I'm a little embarrassed. I'm not an historian or it, at Puntarini. So I just went through up Phillip but even if you was a historian, I'd say this is the most complex history out there to put together like if you try to look back at Italian banking from say 1000 AD to, I don't know, 16, 1700 AD when it started to transfer to Europe. It's so hard to piece together, there's so many families, there's so many names, they all intermarry and disappear and then come back somewhere else. It's like a game of whack-a-mole and I'd say historically you've got who, you've got Webster Tarpley, Lyndon LaRouche and maybe Joseph P. Farrell more recently. They can do the macrocosm but nobody really goes into the microcosm of it all because when you try it's like a labyrinth. I don't know if you've found the same but I've struggled with it. I was thinking that exact thing a couple hours ago. I was thinking, it's like wrestling an eight armed gorilla. You know, this one source that I found that I've been going back and forth on whether to reveal it, whether he's credible. He writes almost in a frenetic, he's obviously sane, he's extremely sane and he's very coach and he's highly reasoned and he's extremely intelligent. But sometimes the writing seems to flip from person to person in an effort to try to somehow make people see, it seems to be frenetic and flitting but it's not. It's just that there's, like you said, it's so complex and at this point you have all the major families, European aristocracy, they're all intermarried. It doesn't make any sense anymore to talk about Venetians versus Romans versus Bavarian versus, you know, the Bittlesbach and then the Hanover house of Hesse or the house of Orange or the house of Windsor or the Bourbons. There's something happening where there's some kind of schism, I think. I'm not sure, but there's the very powerful house of Bourbon to Sicily's, which apparently they come from, they they descend from the dupes of Castro and they actually, Prince Carlo, he is, he oversees or that family oversees Cuba. They're in control of the Fidel Castro comes from a royal and noble family. And he apparently, Prince Carlo Bourbon to Sicily's has authority over Joe Biden and Trudeau because Trudeau is a Castro as you know. So he's being run and controlled by Prince Carlo and I've seen pictures of Prince Carlo with Trump and with Biden and it's obvious from the pictures, the body language who is dominant. He's clearly far more dominant. His family's involved in the sovereign military order of Malta, very high up. They're extremely, extremely powerful people. So the writing style, because as you said, there's so many, and now it's all, every family has interpenetrated all the major families, they're all connected and it goes to Russia too. You know, the Roman offs are very much, very still a very powerful family. They have several branches in the United States and one in, in at least one in California. And they're all over the place and they're intermarried with the Italians and, and, you know, it's just so, it's so complex. So they've been able to amplify their power, I think, because largely because of this intermarriage, they're not fighting each other, at least I can't see evidence that they're fighting each other. I think that's one of the key debates in the world right now amongst people that have access to this history is, is there some conflict within the higher ranks that opens the gateway that maybe there's a better faction. Maybe it's not going to be total safety and a retreat back to what it was like in medieval England where we're just working for some kind of slave tokens. People want to believe that there's actually another faction. There is into warring going on and there's a potential that it will go a different direction and we've been covering that a lot on the podcast so it's interesting that you think that that's probably not the case that there, or would you say like a one wealth system that's been devised. That's a really difficult question. What gives me some sense of hope if you go back and you look at beginning in the 13th century this conflict between the Guelphs and the Gibilines and the Guelph faction, they were supporting the Holy Roman Emperor. Most of this fighting was going on in northern Italy, but not just northern Italy, but that was the main, the intense fighting was happening there. And then the Guelphs were supporting the Pope, but it wasn't because they were devout Christians or anything. It had to do more with the prestige associated with being bankers to the Pope. So you had these warring factions go with the Holy Roman Emperor. He is the Holy Roman Empire, stands for certain things, stands for progress, stands for, you know under Charlemagne, there was a tremendous renaissance. And people's lives were ennobled, and they built incredible things. These were the city builders, the house, the Hohenstalpen, and these were the people who came writing down when the papacy was in trouble, but there was this friction that developed. And the Guelphs were the other faction that sided with the Pope, and you see the epistemologically two viewpoints embodied in these two forces. The Holy Roman Empire that was, they were more, the guillelines that was more popular in the countryside and smaller towns where people worked hard for a living and they were much more traditional. The Guelphs had dominated in metropolitan areas, they were very cosmopolitan, very intellectual, the statistics of their time. And they had some connection with banking so these two sides clash it's interesting we see something kind of like this today in American politics or not just American politics all over the world. What's happening with farmers what's happening with people who want to continue to do things in the traditional way, or people who just want to do with their families of honorable things you know, and the Guelphs embodied speculation trickery. The Indonesian Empire was based largely on forging an empire that relied heavily on slavery, looting, spycraft, setting other people up to get into war so that they kill each other off and you emerge unscathed. And you have as well the, the sack of Constantinople, which was really the fourth crusade, where the doge and Rico done below he entice these French knights to go on this adventure. And when it came time to assemble they realized the French didn't have the money so you probably know this story. So Don Delo said yes, we'll float you the money, but hey you know let's on the way there's this town that's been giving us some problems town of Zadara. And then, oh and by the way, before we get to Jerusalem, we really should take out Constantinople because I think they're supporting the Ottomans and it doesn't make sense you know, when you think about it historically that's absolutely like an audacious thing to do right I mean Constantinople was the capital of the Empire, so it's no it's no small feat to say oh and just as an aside, we're going to take out Constantinople. Yeah, it did you could say that I suppose it had been a long time coming because Venice it had to Venice saw itself as it as an extension of the Byzantine Empire did not identify with the Western Roman Empire. It never has its identity spiritual identity is Eastern. But then you know, then it's got to taste the success of securing the trading rights and tax free privileges and I think started to grow and power and prestige and then at some point said you know the why do we have to wait and see what mother Constantinople has to say about what we can do and we can what we can't do you know, they've had enough we've got it we've grown beyond the present boundaries we have to be audacious I suppose so they calculated that they could do it. I think it's very actually instructive for where we are today in history as well because although listeners may not be aware of the full history I am actually going to do an episode before we release this one why I'm going to go through the history in a more structured way so by the time they listen to this conversation it was a good background as to what was going on that that time but as you'll know the Venetians had already set up shop in Constantinople there was a whole Venetian district and yet they never saw themselves as assimilated there were always their own unique faction and I think that's very instructive but understanding how the world might work today that it's not America versus China or Russia versus America it's factions within those nations that almost weaponize the nation against other places but the people who do this don't align themselves with the nation I would say that just controlling that nation for a time and then they might move on to another part of the world. I would say there was one article I read an executive intelligence review and it said something it sort of helped me to conceptualize you look at the map of Europe and you see the lines that are drawn in these countries but in reality it's still the old houses and their spheres of influence lines that are drawn are just lines that they've agreed to put a law there for political reasons but in fact what really goes on is determined still by the royals and nobles so there's kind of a network of mediatized princes and lower level people and then there's heads of families and they have tentacles going off all over the place and the fiction that you see of countries with clear lines drawn this is political theater that they use to manage people with but really it's all governed by spheres of influence wow so that would really explain why we can have something where everyone seemingly together goes into like a lockstep moment because it tells you essentially that the people behind the scenes will all agree on this and then the politicians just do their bidding so that's how you can get every nation to go all at once I mean we did have Sweden that kind of stood out during covid but I always said to people well it's natural that they will have some small counter movement to make it look like there is some legitimacy because if every single ones doing the same thing then people might get a little bit suspicious so you need something to give the people to say oh no look we do have counter evidence that it's not all controlled by the same people but if it really is still elites in terms of these families and the only way to be a part of that is to be a part of a bloodline family that is kind of impenetrable there will be no hopefully that rises up in a sense that power because it's I guess it's like a done deal already I had I told I was doing this research and I was reporting it to my wife she's Mongolian she's she's lawyer we were together on these projects and I would tell her more and more about the things that I found she said you do me make it sound like it's just absolutely hopeless that there's no chance and I said well I feel more comfortable knowing the truth and now I think we kind of feel like yeah there is no there is no hope you cannot these people are just far too crafty and they've been practicing it's in their blood you know to rule and to be in these positions you have this kind of conditioning that is intergenerational you know the top family as far as I know is the Massimo family they're a Roman family but they're so intermarried in with the so-called black nobility that they're just considered the top of the black nobility even though they're a Roman family they've nothing to do with Venice although I'm sure they have people there people in Venice but well oh and that's another thing you know the I heard that perhaps they're called black nobility because many of them came from the black sea region it had nothing to do with they said it was those who took the side of the pope and shut their windows and stayed inside until Vatican was liberated and some people say it's because of their evil deeds they're also isn't a consensus about the I had just assumed that the Venetians were Roman nobles who were trying to stay away from the barbarian invasions and they fled in the fifth century up to the lagoon and then like what should hardly thinks that's too early it was a little bit later than that but then I found some indication that it wasn't just random nobles that perhaps I think perhaps if you look at I wish I could remember I was looking frantically for it to to share with you but it was the was the emperor of the Byzantine there was a dispute with the Venetians and the official word from from the Byzantine emperor was you people you are basically you're like new people are scum you were scum when you were in Rome now you're still scum and you're making really stupid mistakes and we will not put up with it so I thought that's odd and I wrote to the guy he says YouTube channel have to track it down I said it makes it sound like they were kind of a sub or an ethnic group within Rome who decided to go north maybe they were Phoenicians maybe they were Carthaginians I think that's often the suggestion I think that's often the suggestion that people have that maybe didn't start there and it didn't start in Rome that it actually goes back to the very earliest part of known history biblical as well so I think some people trace it back to what we hear about in the Bible of these not Carthaginians the city of Tyre yeah the earliest tribes they were Phoenicians but they were not really just homogenous they were different subsets or groups tribes Canaanites sorry it's coming to me because you said Carthaginians come stop saying that it goes back to the Canaanites and that these Canaanites and I think actually there's a lot of credibility to that and I don't have I wouldn't say something tangible because once you get that far back it becomes very difficult however what I did find out is there is a lineage of occultism that shows up again and again in this period that we're talking about in Italy set and see logic rights and rituals that go all the way back to Rome and definitely we're not Roman to begin with so I think that is the hallmarks of something that goes back much further because we hear in the Bible that they talk about you know child sacrifice to molar and things like this and I've studied the history of the Tarot and there were certain families that were involved in the Italian city states who were involved in this occultism when you see it through certain items like the Tarot decks which were originally personal decks they were not something that was ever seen by anyone outside the family and within those decks there was all kinds of occultism including images of babies being roasted and homosexual acts and all kinds of oddness it kind of shows you a lineage of I would say worship of a demi-edge and I think that does go back all the way to Carthage so that might be that might be the key clue here the actual occult practices right and then I've heard that I've heard the course you know I've heard this too and then I saw a show about Carthage and he was saying that there's this one area where these stone these urns and then the bodies of babies inside and this historian said that he wasn't convinced that this was child sacrifice that it might have been because there was a high infant mortality rate and this might have been a ritual that was gone through he wasn't convinced of this in hand I think it's possible that the widespread kind of practice of these these abominations might not be true but these certainly we have the depictions of these things unfortunately we have to face that these things are still going on and there are people who still do them and there seems to be some overlap with the European aristocracy which I'm not definitely don't want to go farther than that just that you know I found the source I'll send you this source that I've been following we don't know who he is exactly he doesn't back up anything except with very sketchy very detailed he nails all of the he's got this he's got the whole structure of the European aristocracy fairly very clearly understood and he details and everything what every prince does for a living and what they're into and what they're working on and who is who's ruling over the politicians that we see for instance I remember his name but I know he's very good friends with his very good friends with Vladimir Putin this and some say that he he's part of a clique or you know Monaco's a very powerful country and that these people even in the house I understand that the prince from the house of Hesse goes meets with Putin occasionally he's a very dark and very dangerous he's purported according to this source to bring a kind of potential for conflict and you start to see the tremendous power these people have not only from banking but they also own all the Mafia's almost all the Mafia's pay tribute up the ladder you know from the Gambino's pay to the Gaitanis and then the Gaitanis and others will pay tribute to the Massimo family and they bring in maybe half a trillion a year probably more than that so the Mexican drug cartels all the drug cartels all the international drug trade is owned at some level by some of these princes and some of the heads of these families according to this source I've had to go back and look at EIR articles and I've also had some friends I've had some contact with people who are in a position as I get to know them I find out very delicately that they know about some of these people are connected to them and I will ask them I will get something from this source that I've just been telling you about and I will ask them does it sound credible to you does it seem based on what you know and they'll stay yeah it's actually worse than that everyone that's it for part number one I hope you enjoyed it a big thank you to Phillip for joining us on the show we'd love to have him back on in the future so members if you've got any questions for Phillip please leave them in the comments section below and I'll try and convince him to join us again in part two we talk about how to deal it's base of location Mongolia and why he thinks it might be a fantastic place to be in the coming chaos we also talk about spirituality and what members might employ to help themselves down that path if they're a little bit worried about the future they see the darkness and they're seeking to bring more light into their life well we're getting to all of that as well so it's a fantastic part two it's a nice long episode as well so lots more still to come but we'll leave it there for part one and closing take care of yourselves hope you're well healthy and happy and I'll see you back in next week what you are basic deep deep down far far in is simply the fabric and structure of existence itself piece for all that are well as for all that are well not merely peace in our time this is an all time honestly for the stress in your life piece for all that are well as for all that are well not merely peace in our time piece in all times the fabric and structure of existence itself piece in all times the fabric and structure of existence itself piece in all times the fabric and structure of existence itself piece in all times the fabric and structure of existence itself piece in all times the fabric and structure of existence itself piece in all times the fabric and structure of existence itself piece in all times the fabric and structure of existence itself honestly the stress in your life piece for all that are well as for all that are well as for all that are well not merely peace in our time you you you [BLANK_AUDIO]