Mighty Wind TV Podcast (audio)

The Word is Your Sword

The Word is Your Sword Don't allow the enemy to deceive you.

Date of service August 3rd, 2024

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07 Aug 2024
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The Word is Your Sword Don't allow the enemy to deceive you. Date of service August 3rd, 2024
[MUSIC PLAYING] We go to war, but we are strengthened, and we are clothed with robes of righteousness. If you question the goodness of God, the faithfulness of God, the faithfulness of His Word, it's going to be difficult to stand. The day to be strong is not when you need to be strong, but it's before. To build up your most holy faith so that when that day of trouble comes, though you may feel pain, you're not going to be shaken, you're not moving, you're not going anywhere, except for that you're planning your feet even deeper in this soil of faith. Your Word brings conviction when your Word is the Word. We are soldiers. We are armed with power, suited and dangerous, armed with power. We are soldiers with our heavenly assignments, with our God-given assignments, right? Are we all soldiers? Yes. And so no soldier goes to war on his own, right? We don't go to war on our own, not in our own strength. We go to war, but we are strengthened, and we are clothed with robes of righteousness. We are strengthened, and we are clothed with garments of praise. We are strengthened, and we are clothed because the blood of Jesus has already purchased everything we need to be victorious. Is that not true? Shout, amen, if that is true. Amen. So there is no addiction that can keep you back. When you come, and you received, and you did tonight, and you continue to hear the Word of God, the Word has power to set you free, the Word has power to continue to do the works of God, to let layer after layer after layer come off of you. Do you believe that fully? Yeah, and that's what God is doing, is doing that for all of us, amen? So say, God supplies the armor, and I will use it. Amen. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Yes, hallelujah. See, every time you say it, you guys, I'm telling you, every time you say it, with strength and with power, from your spirit, man, something shifts and something changes in you, in the atmosphere. So both in you, and both in the atmosphere. Yeah? Hallelujah. Yes, Lord! Isaiah 40 and verse 8 says this. The grass withers, the flowers fade. But the Word of God stands forever. The Word of our Lord, the Word of our God stands forever. The grass may wither, and the flowers may fade. In other words, things are temporary, right? But God's Word will stand forever. That should get somebody excited. That's in the Old Testament. But in the New Testament, it's also stated in 1 Peter 125. 1 Peter 125 says, the grass withers and its flowers fall away, but the Word of our Lord endures forever. The Word of our Lord. So when you have the Word of your Lord, when you have the Word of the Lord, you know that it will endure. It will endure. In other words, it will last. In other words, if you hang on to the Word, you will ask, because the Word will last. You will go to the end. You will go to that finish line, because the Word will endure. It doesn't quit. It doesn't fall short. I want you to turn your Bibles to 2 Timothy. That is going to be the main portion of Scripture we are in tonight, 2 Timothy, specifically chapter 3. I want to first start with kind of the middle of this 2 Timothy 3, 16 and 17. Where it talks about all Scripture is given by inspiration of God. Now, if you don't fully believe this, then you will find holes in your armor. You will find holes in your faith walk. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God. Now, I am on 2 Timothy 3, 16. So right now, the specific word, it's 16 and 17. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God. It's all inspired by God. All Scripture is given by the inspiration of our Lord. And it is profitable. It's going to profit you. Say, it's going to profit me. For doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction, in righteousness. That the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. Complete. Now, if you could put up John 15, 18 and 19. All of you that have your Bibles, just keep it open to this 2 Timothy 3, because we're going to come right back here. Or you could put your finger there and jump over to John. John 15, 18 and 19, because the world hates the word of God. It literally, if they're not walking in Christ, especially if they're walking in some kind of diabolical sin, they hate. Can I say that again? They hate with a passion. They hate the word of God, because it hates Jesus. They hate Jesus. So in John 15, 18 and 19, it's as if the world hates you. You know that it hated me before it hated you. Said, I take comfort in that. I do. I take comfort in the fact that it says the world, if the world hates you, you know that it hated me, Jesus speaking, before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own. They would love you. If you were of the world, they would love you. They would agree. They would have no problem with you if you were of the world. But we're not of the world. We're not of the world, are we? We're in the world, right? We're not of this world. We're just walking through. We're not of the world. So of course the world is going to hate those that are sold out for Jesus. Of course they're going to hate the word, because the word is Jesus. Jesus is the word. The word became flesh and walked amongst us. Jesus is the word, the word. And they hate Jesus. They hate the word. Of course they're going to hate. Of course they're going to hate you. Because you remind them of him. You remind them of this word. Your word brings conviction when your word is the word. Your word brings conviction when you're speaking the truth, which is the Bible. What is truth? God's word is truth. What is truth, right? And so when we just speak truth, you're going to get people a little upset. You're going to get people a little bit offended. You're going to get people to hate you. But it's OK because they hated Jesus first. If you're of the world, the world would love its own. But I'm so glad that we're not of the world. And the world does not love us. Yet because you are not of the world, say, I am not of the world. But I chose you out of the world. Therefore, the world hates you. So we can just settle that point right now. If it hasn't already been settled in your mind, it needs to be settled. Because the word of God is the inspired word of God. It's perfect. It's pure. It's flawless. We trust it. God inspired that word. That word is what causes the division. That word, his word, is what causes the division between you and those that are walking in the world, whether they are strangers or whether they are blood. As somebody hearing me tonight. So that's the word of God will bring that division. That sword. When you testify that its works are evil, it hates you. When you say that's sin, get ready. Because that's when every evil spirit starts to strike. But that doesn't mean we don't say it, but just get ready. John 7-7, it hates me. This is the tail end of John 7-7. It hates me because I testify of it, that its works are evil. Oh, in this world we were told to not say those kinds of things and not to call sin, sin, and not to speak out. And don't be confrontational. Why do you have to be so confrontational? Why do you have to be so sold out like that? And because Jesus was. And we have no-- well, we're born of new. We're born from above. If you're really born anew and really born from above, you're completely sold out. We are in love with the King. We don't sing for over an hour just because we're trying to sing for over an hour. I'd forget the time how long it is, but I know it's more than an hour. We don't just sing, and we're like spontaneous flow, like Holy Spirit, here we go. We don't know when-- we're not sure when to start. We start whenever the Holy Spirit tells us to start. We certainly don't know when we're going to end. When he says, OK, let's move on. Let's do this now. But sold out, you're going to cause some people to misunderstand and not like you. But I'm telling you the reason is because they have disregarded the word because the fear of God is not in them. But if you have the fear of God in you, you're going to walk differently than the world that does not regard. They disregard the word because there is no fear of God. And we need the fear of God in this world. We need that to increase. And you represent truth. And when you speak truth, it's like the conviction starts to just cause every one of those demons to just rise up and where are they going to go, but to try to attack you. But that's OK because we're in good company. And we know that we're not going to shut up. We're not going to sit down. And we're not going to stop doing what God has called us to do, even if there's pain. Right? Amen. So in the last days-- and you can turn back to 2 Timothy now. Because in the last days, you will see an increased desire for the world, for those that are in the world and/or for those that are on the line, I should say. So for those that are kind of teetering, they're not sure. Kind of in, kind of not. Sometimes I call them a casual Christian. Common, kind of commonplace. You're not commonplace. So yeah, we're peculiar people. So in the last days, you will see an increased desire for the world from people that call themselves Christians. OK, I'm not talking about the world. Of course, you're going to see it in the world. I'm talking about the church. Let's be clear, I'm talking about the church. I'm talking about people that are professing to be wise. It became as fools. I'm talking about the church. So it leads them to leanness of soul. And I'm meditating on that. Leanness of soul, which literally becomes a spiritual bankruptcy. Spiritual bankruptcy. Leanness of soul. You guys, we're not talking about leanness of soul. In other words, emptiness. Void of truth. Void of God's purpose and power in your life. Leanness of soul, like spiritual bankruptcy. That's not a good thing. But that is what happens a lot. So I'm going to read 2 Timothy and chapter 3. I'm going to start with verse 1. This is but know this, that in the last days, perilous times will come. In the last days-- and we know that we are in the last days-- perilous times will come. Dangerous, grievous, like savage days will come. For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful and unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure, rather than lovers of God. I'm just going to give you this scripture. Maybe we can put it up. Psalm 106.15, Psalm 106.15 says he gave them their request. But he sent leanness to their souls. This is the state of many in the church and then in the world, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people, turn away. It says to avoid. Kind of heavy, huh? But it's the truth. Romans 1.22 says, professing to be wise, they became the spools. Why? Because they allowed evil desires to take them where they wanted to go. Where they thought they wanted to go. For of this sort are those who creep into households. They creep in. It's not obvious at first. They're creeping in. So slide into households and make captives of gullible women loaded down with sin led away by various lusts. Always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. But we're called to not be wise in our own eyes, but to fear the Lord. And turn away from evil. Proverbs 3.7. We're called, right? Not to be wise in our own eyes, but we're going to fear the Lord and turn from evil ways and recognize that God is deposited on the inside of you as a warrior, as a soldier, as a believing believer, his spirit, his power, to do right, to do good, and to be steadfast, and to remain faithful to his word. I continually find myself going back to this truth, to preach this truth, that is, to embed this into the hearts and minds of Christians. You guys, did you see what we have and what we could have? I believe it's just this much of what we could have. The display of God's power. I believe that was just this much of what we can actually have. Look at what God has in store for us. Think about what He has in store for the church. The ecclesia, the church, the sold-out bride that does not look away from truth and sell their soul to an idol. But it costs you something. Yes, of course. But what you gain is far greater than anything you would have to lose or give. Anything if you keep your eyes on Jesus. If you keep your eyes on Him, are we following? So we will keep our eyes on Him, right? Look at verse-- let's jump down to verse 10. It says, "But you have carefully followed my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, long suffering, love, and perseverance, persecutions, and afflictions, which happened to me at Antioch and Iconium and Lystra, which what persecutions I endured. And out of them all, the Lord delivered me. Out of them all. Out of them all, you are being delivered. Out of every persecution, out of every trial, out of every situation, God is your great deliverer. And if you question that, you're not going to be able to stand when that day of trial comes. If you question the goodness of God, the faithfulness of God, the faithfulness of His Word, it's going to be difficult to stand. Because your mind will start to play tricks on you. And it's this double-mindedness. You'll think this, and you'll think this, and you'll wonder, and you'll wonder, and that's when the spirit of lies, and that's when the spirit of delusion starts to come in. We cannot have that. The day to be strong is not when you need to be strong, but it's before to build up your most holy faith. So that when that day of trouble comes, though you may feel pain, you're not going to be shaken. You're not moving. You're not going anywhere, except for that you're planning your feet even deeper in this soil of faith. Don't wait to build that holy faith. Don't wait to allow that fear of God to really get embedded. Of course, you should fear God. That's the problem. People don't fear God, and they do all kinds of stuff. They make up all kinds of Scripture, which is not Scripture. And what they're really saying is they don't fear God. They don't know God. They don't really know His word. But you do. So what are we doing with what we know? Because I'm telling you, it says perilous times. And we live in perilous times, and in its time for the church to wake up and realize, though we live in perilous times, we have the greatest power of the Holy Spirit inside of us. And we lack nothing. We fear nothing. But God, we do fear God, and you should fear God. But we don't fear man. We don't fear the end times. We don't fear the devil. Because He has nothing on us. He's actually under our feet. He's actually being trampled upon. And every word of God will trample His actions when you open up your word and you speak it, when you read it, when you pray it, you're trampling on the devil. And verse 12 says, and yes, all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. This should actually comfort your heart. This scripture should not be one that you go, wow, that's so negative. Would you stop if that's so negative and grow up? We need to grow up. What negative? What negativity are you talking about? All who suffer, persecutions. It's like, we're going to suffer. Yes, but when you desire godliness, when you desire Him, when you desire to be with your Lord, when you desire to live for truth, when you desire to be sold out, of course, you're going to suffer persecutions. But God is your great deliverer. He will deliver you out of them all. Every trial, every persecution, everything, every circumstance. Do you believe it? How much? Do you really believe it? Shout amen if you really believe it. Amen. I believe it. He will deliver me out of them all. See, some people don't understand the church. The true church. The radical church. The uncompromising church. They think you're too much and you've gone over the edge and you're not normal. Nope, and we never said we were. But we're going to prove them right, aren't we? When I tell you in worship, prove them right. Get up. Be radical in your worship. Be radical in your praise. Get up. Prove them right. That you're crazy for Jesus. Prove them right. That you're a radical bride. Prove them right. That when you pray and you're praying in the Holy Ghost, you're praying in tongues. You know there's a fire that is stirring up on the inside of you. You know that every demon spirit has to bow. You know that you're doing havoc in the kingdom of hell. You're literally destroying his conniving plans. I'm so glad for the Holy Ghost, aren't you? I'm so glad that we have a Holy Ghost and we're not ashamed to call him the Holy Ghost. Would you just say the Holy Spirit? Why do you got to say the Holy Ghost? Why do you got to be like that? Because it's truth. Because it's truth. Why not is the question. Why can't you be? [ Laughter ] Oh, well sometimes when I preach, I just, I do. I laugh, I make myself happy. Then I preach to myself happy. Blowing. It's working. Psalm 3419, it just backs this very same scripture up that all who desire to live godly and Christ will suffer persecution. Psalm 3419 says, "Many," it's okay, Jesus, because we got you. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of him all. Whoo-hoo! Thank you, Lord. Let's go back up to 13. But evil men and imposters. That means seducers. They're imposters. Like charlatans or seducers. Evil men, deceivers, will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. Deceiving and being deceived. So the more that you believe a lie, the more that lie gets embedded, right? The more that they believe a lie, the more that lie gets embedded, right? Now we know that the power of God will come and break through and break, and that's what God does many times. And we pray, and we know that that lying spirit is no match for God. But I'm saying you see the process of the deceiving, those that are deceived, continually believing the lies, and they become more and more deceived, right? We see that deception grows, right? But thank God that our armor will destroy those spirits of deception. So as evil men and imposters will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. But you must continue. Look at verse 14. But you must continue. Say, I must continue. Yeah, but there's deception everywhere, and it's growing around. You must continue in what, in the things you learned? You are to continue in the things that you have learned. What have you learned that God is faithful? What have you learned that God is true, that he's unshakable, that he's unchanging? What have you learned? You learned that he is your forward guard and your rear guard. What have you learned? You have learned that with the blood of Jesus, that you will take authority and destroy every of demonic assignment, every access point. You have learned that you will have joy even in the midst of pain and sorrow. You will be steadfast. You have learned. And this is what the word is telling us here. It says, oh yeah, there's deceivers. Yes, they're becoming more and more deceived. But you must continue. That's everybody's mandate here today. We must continue in the things that we have learned. Don't shrink back. We must continue. And then it says, and been assured of, things that you've learned and you've been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned then. And the Holy Spirit is the greatest teacher. And that from childhood, you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith, which is in Christ Jesus, right? And then we get to that scripture that we started with. And that is 16 and 17. That all scripture. This is really important that we hear this. All scripture is given by inspiration of God. Because what people want to do is disqualify the word by saying it came from man and it was changed and deluded and perverted and all over the years. And so they don't believe the word. They don't read the word and they just want to pray and they love God, but they don't know him and they don't read his word. How can you love someone you don't know? You can't. You love some figment of your imagination, which you think God is, but then God is on your terms and not his own. And that's not truth. Yeah, it's a very scary place to be, yeah, absolutely. So this is important that we realize, you know what God's word is eternal. And this scripture here, all scripture is given by the inspiration of God. Yes, God used men to write the word, but it was given by the inspiration of God. Is God not the spirit? Did he not say let there be light and then there was light? Did he not create everything that we see in six days and then on the seventh he rested? Yes, because he's an all-consuming fire and he can do whatever he wants to do and he doesn't even need us. But he chooses to work through us. So 16, all scripture is given by inspiration of God and it is profitable. That means it's helpful. That means all scripture is helpful. In other words, the word of God is helpful to you. It's advantageous to you. The word of God. The word of God is advantageous to you. It's to your advantage. Do you hear it and heed? So it's profitable for what? And then it lists your four things. It's profitable for doctrine. Doctrine just means teaching, but we want sound teaching, say sound teaching. So it's profitable, it's gonna help you with having sound teaching, right? For reproof, that just means proof or evidence or a conviction. Oh, thank you for the conviction. Thank you, Lord, for conviction that when we are convicted, we turn back to what we need to turn to, right? Thank you for conviction. So doctrine and reproof and correction. Thank you, Lord, because you love us, you do chastise us. Correction, to improve your life. The goal, the end goal, is not just so that just for chastisement. It's for, so your life can be improved. It's so your life, your character will be improved. That's the goal. The heart of God is always good to help you, to help you walk in the way we're supposed to walk, to help you walk fully alive, strong in him. And the last one, it says, the word of God is for our instruction, right? Instruction, so to train, to educate, to nurture. In what? In righteousness, which is the only condition that is acceptable to God. Righteousness, the only condition that is acceptable to God, our righteousness in Christ because of His finished work on the cross. His blood shed for us, so that we could live above reproach, so that we could live literally submitted to Him, knowing that the price has been paid. And He's just looking for our, yes, our agreement, right? So these four words, doctrine, reprove, correction, and instruction. The word of God is profitable in every area. The word of God is inspired, and He has inspired men to write it. It was literally the spirit of God, breathing on men and speaking forth the truth of which we now have, we carry, we read, we highlight, we commit to memory, we pray, we live by. This word, so don't let anybody tell you. Otherwise, and the arguments are strong. Although they try to make those strong, but you know what it's like professing to be wise, they become as fools. You've got to see the depravity of where they're at. You've got to see the emptiness of where they're at. Is this speaking to anybody? Do you know somebody? A lot of people. And if you don't today, God bless you, but hang on and learn this teaching because you will, because perilous times are here. And the enemy does not like what is happening here. He doesn't like what happens in strong, godly churches. And this is one of them. And he doesn't like it, and he tries to do what he can, but he's defeated. It's not gonna win. It just increases our love for Jesus, right? We become more radical, more undignified than this. We become more what the world would call, what? Sometimes a facial expression is all you need. Seriously, it's like, what in the world is that? Oh, it's the love of God flowing out on me, flowing. Yeah, and seriously, it sets you free. It sets you free. So I'm gonna ask you right now just to lift your hands up to the Lord and say, "Lord, I thank you for setting me free. I thank you, Lord, every single person in this place. Father, you have set free. Lord, even online, you have set them free. Lord, for those that you have, those that need to be set free, you can receive Jesus right now. Say, "Jesus, I need you. I need to know what she's talking about. I submit my life to you. Now I repent to ask you to come and be my Lord and my Savior. Oh, Lord, I thank you for saving me. Lord, I thank you for rescuing me. I thank you, Lord, God, that I was once a sinner, but now I am a saint because I've accepted your finished work on the cross. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Lord, teach me your ways. Teach me your word. Teach me the fear of God that we would walk in the high calling of God. We're not shrinking back. We're not of those that shrink back. No, no, no. We're gonna occupy until you come up. We're gonna occupy. We're gonna do what you've called us to do. Yes, Lord, we're gonna occupy. We're gonna do what you've called us to do. We're gonna be faithful with what you have given us. And we're not shrinking back. Thank you, Father, fill 'em. Fill 'em, Lord, Jesus, fill 'em. Let the power of the Holy Ghost continue. Those that need healing, Lord, I thank you that you are the healer. I thank you that Jehovah Rapha is your name. I decree healing over them right now. Lord, eyes being healed. Eyesight being healed right now. In the name of Jesus, Lord, I thank you that every eye healed right now, eyesight being healed right now. Father, I thank you, Lord, God. Everything that they need, Lord, is everything you already have and you've already given. So we receive it right now fully in faith. Receive, so I receive the fullness of God's Holy Spirit. I walk with the Holy Ghost. I'm on a shame to the gospel of Christ. I'm strong in Jesus and I'm gonna continue to march on as God's valiant warrior, soldier, ready, equipped for the battle. I'm equipped, are you equipped? We are equipped for the battle and you will not shrink back in Jesus' name. Somebody shout, "Yes!" If there was any discouragement left on you with all those shouts of hallelujah and yes, is gone. That is how simple it is. It's gone. Do you guys believe what I'm saying? Any little bit of, you just, you get up, you become bigger than life and you just start speaking and shouting that thing and the devil's like, "We're getting out of here, they're crazy." They really are crazy. We're proving him right because we're crazy for Jesus. (congregation cheering) Hallelujah. (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) You